Salt 3

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Aluminium Sulphate – Al2(SO4)3

Aim: To analyse the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it.
Materials required: Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks,
filter papers, reagents
Preliminary Tests

Experiment Observation Inference

i. Colour: Colour of the salt is noted Colourless Absence of Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+, Co2+,
Ni2+ &Mn2+
ii. Smell: No characteristic
Add a drop of water to a pinch of the salt smell Absence of CH3COO-, NH4+ &
and rub it between the fingers. S2-
White residue May be Ca2+ Mg2+ or Al3+
iii. Dry Heating Test: which glows on
Heat a small quantity of the salt in a dry test heating

iv. Flame Test: Prepare a paste of the No characteristic Absence of Ca2+, Ba2+,Sr2+ & Cu2+
mixture with conc.HCl, in a clean watch coloured flame
glass. Introduce a small amount of the paste
into the flame, using a platinum wire loop.

v. Ash Test: To the salt solution, add cobalt Blue tinted ash is Al3+ ion may be present
nitrate solution. Dip a filter paper into it obtained 2Co(NO3)2→ 2CoO + 4NO2 + O2
and burn the paper to ashes. Al2O3 + CoO→ Al2O3 . CoO
(blue ash)

Analysis of Anion
i. Dilute Sulphuric Acid Test
Experiment Observation Inference
Take a small quantity of the salt in a test Absence of CO32-, SO32-
tube and add 1-2 ml of dilute sulphuric No characteristic change S2-, NO2-

ii. Concentrated Sulphuric Acid Test

Experiment Observation Inference
#To a small quantity of salt in a test
tube, add 1-2 ml of conc. sulphuric No characteristic change Absence of Cl-, NO3-,
acid. CH3COO-, C2O42-

iii. Independent Group Test

Experiment Observation Inference
1) Test for Sulphate: A white precipitate is The white precipitate is BaSO4.
To a small amount of the salt formed, which is insoluble SO42- + BaCl2 🡪 BaSO4 + 2Cl-
solution add a few drops of in conc.HCl
BaCl2 solution. Presence of SO42-
Conc.HCl is added to it

Confirmatory Tests for Sulphate ion (SO42-)
Experiment Observation Inference
Lead acetate test: A white The white precipitate is lead sulphate (PbSO4) .
To the salt solution, add lead precipitate is
acetate solution. formed SO42- + (CH3COO)2Pb → PbSO4 + 2CH3COO-
Add excess of hot ammonium (white ppt)
acetate to the precipitate. Presence of SO4 is confirmed.
Analysis of Cation
Preparation of Original Salt Solution:
Take a small quantity of the given salt in a test tube. Add water to it and mix it well to get a clear
solution. This solution is called the Original Solution (O.S).
Experiment Observation Inference
1 Original solution + NaOH solution. No characteristic Absence of zero Group cation - (NH4+)
Heat the contents. change

2 Original solution + Dilute HCl No characteristic Absence of group 1 cations (Pb2+).

Original solution + Dilute HCl + No characteristic Absence of group 2 cations
3 H2S gas precipitate. (Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+ & As2+).

Original solution + NH4Cl(s) + White gelatinous Presence of group 3 cation (Al3+).

4 NH4OH in excess precipitate Al3+ + NH4OH → Al(OH)3 (s)

Original solution + NH4Cl(s) + No characteristic Absence of group 4 cations (Zn2, Mn2+ Co2+
5 NH4OH in excess + H2S gas precipitate. & Ni2+).

Original solution + NH4Cl(s) + No characteristic Absence of group 5 cations (Ca2+, Sr2+ &
6 NH4OH in excess + (NH4)2CO3(aq) precipitate. Ba2+).

7 Original solution + NH4Cl(s) + No characteristic Absence of group 6 cation (Mg2+)

NH4OH in excess + Di-sodium precipitate.
Hydrogen Phosphate solution
Confirmatory Tests for Aluminium ion (Al3+)
Experiment Observation Inference
Lake test:
Original solution + NH4Cl(s) + NH4OH Blue precipitate The blue precipitate formed is
in excess. Dissolve the white ppt. using floats in colourless aluminium hydroxide.
dil HCl. Add two drops of blue litmus solution. Al(OH)3(s) + 3HCl → AlCl3 + 3H2O
solution and then add NH4OH dropwise (white gela nous precipitate)
till the blue colour develops. AlCl3 + 3NH4OH → Al(OH)3(s)+ 3NH4Cl
Presence of Al3 ion is confirmed.

NaOH(aq) Test: White precipitate Al3+(aq) + NaOH–(aq) 🡪 Al(OH)3(s)

To the original solution, NaOH(aq) soluble in excess of Al(OH)3(s) + NaOH–(aq)🡪[Al(OH)4]–(aq)
is added in drops and then in excess. Sodium hydroxide. Excess
Presence of Al3 ion is confirmed.

The given simple salt contains the following radicals.
● Acid Radical (Anion) : Sulphate : SO42-

Basic Radical (Cation) : Aluminium : Al3+
The given salt is Aluminium Sulphate : Al2(SO4)3

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