Barium Chloride
Barium Chloride
Barium Chloride
Preliminary Test
1. Colour: The colour of salt is White May be due to
noted absence of Cu2+, Fe2+,
Ni2+, Co2+
2. Smell: Take a pinch of salt No characteristic Absence of NH4+, ion
between your fingers and rub it smell or CH3COO- ion.
with drop of water
3. Action of Heat : Take a small Colourless May be presence of
amount of salt in dry test tube pungent smelling Cl - ion
and strongly heat gas evolves.
4. Flame Test: Take a small Apple green May be Ba2+ ion.
amount of salt in watch glass flame is observed
and add conc. HCl to make a
paste that is exposed through a
glass rod in non luminous
5. ASH Test: Take a salt in test No characteristic Absence of Zn2+ ,
tube add one or two drops of Ash is observed Mg2+, Al3+ ions.
HNO3 and then Cobalt nitrate
solution. Filter paper dipped in it
and burnt.