Ce1254 Surveying Ii
Ce1254 Surveying Ii
Ce1254 Surveying Ii
UNIT - 1
1. Define Tacheometry:
3.Define Analytic lens:
4.Define Substance bar:
5.What are the merits and demerits of movable hair method?
6.Fixed hair method:
7.Staff intercept:
8.Stadia intercept:
9.Sub tense method:
10.The tangential method:
11.What are the systems of tacheometry measurements?
12.What are the types of stadia system?
13.What is the principle of stadia method?
1. The following readings were taken on a vertical staff with a tacheometer fitted
with an anallatic lens and having a constant of 100.
Staff station Bearing Staff readings
A 47o 10’ 0.940 1.500 2.060 8o0’
B 227o 10’ 0.847 2.000 3.153 -5o0’
Calculate the relative level of the ground at A and B and the gradient between A and B.
2. How do you calculate the horizontal and vertical distances between a instrument
station and a staff station when the line of collimation is inclined to the horizontal
and the staff is held vertically.
3. Explain the procedure of estimating the horizontal and vertical distances where
the line of collimation is inclined to the horizontal and the staff is held normal
to the line of collimation
4. The following notes refer to a line leveled tacheometrically with an anallatic
tacheometer, the multiplying constant being 100:
Inst. Height of Staff Vertical
Hair readings Remarks
Station axis Stations Angle
P 1.5 B.M -6o 12’ 0.963,1.515,2.067 R.L of B.M.
P 1.5 Q +7o 5’ 0.819,1.341,1.863 = 460.65 m
staff held
Q 1.6 R +12o 27’ 1.860,2.445,3.030
Compute the reduced levels of P.Q and R and the horizontal distances PQ and QR.
5. A tacheometer is setup at an intermediate point at on a traverse course PQ. The
following observations are made on the vertically held staff.
The Instrument is fitted with an anallactic lens and the constant is too- compute
the length of PQ and R-C of Q that of P being 321.5 m.
6. Calculate the horizontal and vertical distances using tangential tacheometry when
both the observed angles are angle of elevation and angle of depression.
7. Tacheometer was setup at a Station A and readings are taken on vertically held
staff at B were 2.255, 2.605 and 2.955. The line of sight being at an inclination 80
241. Another set of observation on the vertically held staff at B.M gave the
readings 1.640, 1.920 and 2.200 respectively. The inclination of the line of sight
being 20 151. Calculate the horizontal distance between A + B and the elevation of
B if the R.C of B.M is 418.685 M. The constants of the instruments were 100 &
1. What are the different corrections to be applied while measuring baseline in
geodetic surveying?
2. A steel tape 30m long, standardized at 10 o c with a pull of 100N was used for
measuring a baseline. Find the correction per tape length, if the temperature at the
time of measurement was 20oc and pull applied was 150 N. Density of steel =
3000 kg/m3. Weight of tape=5.88N.
3. What is meant by a “satellite station”?
4. In a trignometrical measurement of the difference in level of two stations P and Q,
10480 m apart, the following data were obtained.
Instrument at P, angle of elevation of Q = 0’15”
Instrument at Q, angle of depression of P = 3’ 33”
Height of instrument at P = 1.42 m.
Height of instrument at Q = 1.45 m.
Height of signal at P = 3.95 m.
Height of signal at Q = 3.92 m.
Find the difference in level between P and Q and the curvature and refraction
Take R sin 1” = 30.38m.
5. From an eccentric Station S, 12.25 metres to the west of the main station B, the
following angles were measured BSC = 760251; CSA = 540321 2011.
The stations S and C are to the opposite sides of the line AB. Calculate the
correct angle ABC if the lengths AB and BC are 5286.5 and 4932.2m
6. What are the methods of measurement of the base line and explain any two with
neat sketch.
7. A steel tape is 30 m long at a temp of 15ºc when lying horizontal on the ground.
Its c/s area is 0.08 cm2 and weight of 18.kg (18N) and. Co-eff of expansion is 117
x10-7/ºc. The tape is stretched over 3 supports which are at the same level and at
equal intervals. Calculate the actual length between the end graduations under
the following conditions. Temp = 25ºc, Pull -180 kgt, E = 2.1 x 105 N/cm 2.
UNIT – III ( 2marks)
1. Error
2. Mistakes (or) Gauss Errors:
3. Systematic Errors:
4. Accidental Errors:
5. Classification of Observer Quantity:
6. Independent Quantity:
7. Conditioned Quantity:
8. Conditioned Equation:
9. Observation:
10. Direct Observation:
11. Indirect Observation:
1. What do you mean by station adjustment? Explain.
2. The following are the three angles and observed at a station P closing the
horizon, along with their probable errors of measurement. Determine their
corrected values
= 78o 12’ 12” ± 2”
= 136o 48’ 30” ± 4”
= 144o 59’ 08” ± 5”
3. What do you mean by figure adjustment? Explain
4. Find the most probable values of the angles A, B and C from the following
observations at a station P using method of differences.
A = 38o 25’ 20” wt.1
B = 32o 36’ 12” wt.1
A +B = 71o 01’ 29” wt .2
A + B+ C = 119 o 10’ 43” wt.1
B + C = 80o 45’ 28 wt.2
12. Latitude ( ):
13. The co-latitude :
14. The longitude ( ):
15. The altitude ( ):
16. The co-altitude or zenith distance (z):
16 Marks
1. Write short notes on
a) Sidereal time c) Mean solar time
b) Solar Apparent time d) Standard time
2. Find the Local mean time at a place in longitude 90o 40’ E. When the standard
time is 10 hr, 32min, 34 sec and the standard meridian 82o 30’ E.
3. List the astronomical corrections and explain them?
4. Determine the azimuth and altitude of a star from the following data
Latitude of the observer ( ) = 46o N
Hour angle of star (H) = 45o 45’
Declination of star (S) = + 22o (N)
16 Marks
1. Write short notes on
a) Sidereal time c) Mean solar
time b) Solar Apparent time d) Standard time
2. Find the Local mean time at a place in longitude 90o 40’ E. When the
time is 10 hr, 32min, 34 sec and the standard meridian 82o 30’ E.
3. List the astronomical corrections and explain them?
4. Determine the azimuth and altitude of a star from the following data
Latitude of the observer ( ) = 46o N
Hour angle of star (H) = 45o
Declination of star (S) = + 22o (N)
1. Hydrographic Survey:
2. Sounding :
3. Tides:
4. Equilibrium Theory :
5. Mean sea level :
6. Fathometer :
7. Photographic Survey :
8. Photo theodolite:
9. Stereoscopic pairs:
10. Parallax:
11. Angle of Parallax: