12th floor Benedum
This experiment is designed to be an investigation into the phase equilibrium behavior of a single
component fluid. The goals of this experiment are to construct various parts of the pressure-
volume and pressure-temperature diagrams for carbon dioxide, understand vapor pressure,
liquid-vapor equilibria, the critical point, the compressibility of a liquid or vapor, and the Gibbs
phase rule. Finally, the basic relationships between pressure, volume, and temperature will be
explored. Your experimental task will be to generate at least one isotherm (subcritical, critical or
supercritical) for CO2 and/or to generate the vapor pressure curve of CO2 through the critical
point, extending to critical isochore data at supercritical temperatures,.
Phase diagrams are graphical means of representing equilibrium behavior. There are two main
types of phase diagrams commonly encountered for single component systems, which are
pressure vs. temperature (PT) and pressure vs. volume (PV). Each is a two-dimensional
projection of the three-dimensional PVT diagram.
There are two points on the PT curve that are of particular interest. The first of these is the
critical point, located at the end of the vaporization curve. The liquid and vapor phases become
indistinguishable at this point. Beyond the critical point, there is no phase transition; this is
demonstrated by following path “AB” in Figure 1. The other interesting point is the triple point.
At the triple point, all three phases coexist in equilibrium. At pressures or temperatures lower
than the triple point, it is possible to achieve a phase transition directly from the solid to vapor
phase; such a transition is known as sublimation.
Gibbs phase rule is useful in understanding the degrees of freedom for an equilibrium system. :
Where: N: Number of chemical species
π: Number of phases present
F: Degrees of freedom
R: Restrictions
At the triple point of pure species, F=2-3+1=0, so this relationship holds only at a point, and
pressure, molar volume, and temperature are all fixed when one is constrained to the triple point
of a single component system. When two-phase equilibria is considered, N=1, π=2 and F=1.
Therefore, one must select a temperature to fix the system at its two-phase pressure. Since there
is one degree of freedom, only one variable can be chosen. The result is that the phase
boundaries on the PT diagram are a curve with one independent variable and one dependent
A general understanding phase equilibrium may be obtained by examining the lines of constant
volume, isochors, on the PT diagram. Data for this type of experiment can be conducted in a
closed, fixed volume apparatus subjected to changes in temperature. It should be noted that when
we refer to volume in equilibrium behavior, we are referring to molar volume, an intrinsic
property. At the beginning of the experiment, the cylinder sample volume is filled with a
specified amount of material in the two-phase region. If it is filled in such a way that the average
molar volume is less than the critical value, as the cylinder is heated the meniscus will all form a
vapor and depart the vaporization curve. If it is filled in such a way that the average molar
volume is too high, the CO2 will all form a liquid during heating and depart the vaporization
curve. If it is filled such that the average molar volume equals the critical volume, the CO2 will
follow the vaporization curve all the way to the critical point and then follow the critical isochor,
which is tangent to the vaporization curve. Alternately, one can determine the amount of a fluid
introduced to the cell, and then adjust the volume of the cell as the temperature is increased,
maintaining the liquid-vapor interface near the middle of the cell until the critical temperature is
attained. Thereafter, in the supercritical region, the volume of the cell would not be changed as
temperature is increased to values greater than the critical temperature.
The physical significance of this is demonstrated if one observes a liquid and gas mixture
passing through the critical point. As it is approached, the meniscus grows hazy and disappears,
but the level does not change. The molar volumes of the two phases converge on the same value.
The result is that as the critical point is reached on a PT diagram, the slopes of constant molar
volume lines diverging from the phase boundary line for both liquids and gases converge on the
slope of the boundary line. At the critical point, since there is really only one phase, the slopes of
these two lines must converge on the same value, the slope of the phase boundary line itself.
Figure 2: Smith, J.M., H. C. Van Ness, and M. M. Abbott. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.
McGraw-Hill New York 1996. P.
PV diagrams present phase equilibrium information in a slightly different manner. Data for this
type of experiment is obtained in a closed, variable-volume cell subjected to isothermal
compression and/or expansion. Unlike PT diagrams, a horizontal line represents phase transitions
at a given temperature. Isotherms are important guides for interpreting such graphs.
The critical point is at the maxima of the liquid/vapor region boundary curve. Traveling along
TC, the critical isotherm, in figure 3, it can be seen that no phase transition is observed. More
∂P ∂V
interestingly, it can be observed that at the critical point, |T = 0 , or |T = ∞ . A very small
∂V ∂P
pressure gradient causes a huge change in molar volume; this explains the phenomena of critical
opalescence. Critical opalescence is the phenomena whereby a fluid at the critical point exhibits
color. This is because the localized regions of different density have dimensions that are of the
same size as the wavelength of visible light.
Figure 3: Smith, J.M., H. C. Van Ness, and M. M. Abbott. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.
McGraw-Hill New York 1996. P.
The objectives of this experiment are to use CO2 with the PVT cell to:
1. Construct at least one isotherm, sub-critical (room T), supercritical, or critical on the PV
diagram; or
2. Construct the LV vapor pressure curve through the critical point, and then collect critical
isochor data.
3. In either experiment above, or in a separate experiment, estimate the critical temperature
by observing the CO2 meniscus disappear in the PT experiment, and watch for critical
The first task is to create the isotherm lines on the PV diagram by holding the temperature
constant for each run. This is a variable-volume (independent), fixed temperature, variable
pressure (dependent) experiment. The two temperatures to be chosen are either: one below the
critical temperature (room temperature is adequate), one at the critical temperature, and one
above the critical temperature (not greater than 125°F). A combined graph of the two isotherms
will be constructed for the recorded data. Denote the vapor pressure for the subcritical isotherm
and the critical point (evidenced by the inflection point of the isotherm and critical opalescence,
for the critical isotherm. The second task is to collect LV data along the liquid-vapor phase
boundary all the way to the critical point. Single-phase supercritical fluid, isochoric data must
then be collected at temperatures to at least 125°F. The data should be linear and tangent to the
vapor pressure curve at the critical point. This task is performed by generating the vapor pressure
curve to the critical point (adjustments of the cell volume are acceptable to maintain the LV
interface in the middle of the cell). You will have two indications that you are at the critical
point. (1) The LV meniscus will disappear suddenly, and (2) you may observe critical
opalescence. In the supercritical region, keep the volume constant (isochoric conditions) and
increasing the pressure by increasing the temperature.
Equipment Schematic
Description of Equipment
The overall system consists of: a vessel, the pump, the compressor, the temperature bath unit,
and the camera monitor. The pc runs the software designed to operate the unit. The software
package includes a log in which data is recorded by the program at selected time intervals in a
text file. The vessel is a cylinder with a moveable piston. The movement of the piston directly
controls the volume, which in turn varies the pressure as long as the vessel is not in a two-phase
region. The magnetic stirrer is at the end of the piston. A camera, which displays an inverted
picture, is attached to the opposite end. A heating jacket surrounds the vessel and is controlled by
the heating unit. The pump is used to introduce a specific amount of CO2 into the vessel, and the
compressor used to change the inlet pressure of the CO2, or change its state from a gas to a
Experimental Procedure
PT Experiment
For the PT diagram, you will construct a part of the vaporization curve and the critical
1. Refer to steps 1-12 above. Also make sure to record vessel pressure – temperature –
volume and density data. Determine how much CO2 is in the vessel. Do not vent or add CO2
during your experiment.
2. Now expand the vessel volume until the interface is in the middle of the vessel (note: the
density reading on the PC will not be correct for 2-phase conditions because density is
calculated with an equation of state for single phase systems). The density value is accurate
for single-phase, liquid, vapor or supercritical conditions though.
3. Increase T and read the 2-phase P (vapor pressure). Adjust the vessel volume in an
attempt to keep the interface in the middle.
4. When you reach the critical point, the interface will suddenly disappear and colors may
5. Increase T and record P thereafter to obtain critical isochor data. Use the Span equation
of state (the PC in the corner of room 1270) to determine the “actual” density of CO2 for your
highest pressure data point.
6. Vent the system when you are finished by opening the vent valve of the vessel (which
vents to the lab air) and the valve between the pump and the vessel.
Data Analysis
You will need to import your data into excel using the fixed width import option. The column
labels the software uses are misaligned and you will need to re-label them appropriately.
For the PV diagram, plot all isotherms on the same diagram. Do not forget to plot pressure as a
function of molar volume (mL/mol) rather than density (g/mL), which the program supplies.
If the Vessel Volume is not an option on the Data Recording selections, record at least 6
liquid phase data points, 6 phase change data points, and 6 vapor phase data points “by
hand” during the run. Record vessel volume, vessel T, vessel P and vessel density.
You should use the vessel T as the T in your plots of the data.
You should use the vessel P as the P in your plots of the data.
There are 2 ways to estimate specific volume for your plots.
1. You should realize that the vessel density values are based on the Peng-Robinson equation of
state; they are not actual measurements of density! Therefore specific volumes based on the
inverse of the vessel density are based on the Peng-Robinson equation of state, T and P.
2. You should use the vessel V as the volume for determining specific volume (vessel volume/gr
of CO2 in the apparatus as determined from the Span equation of state in Step 11). The use of
these values is a more accurate representation of your data!
Label each isotherm with the average temperature value for the run, since the temperature in the
cell does fluctuate a little bit. There is one important glitch in the method that should be obvious
from the subcritical isotherm. The slope of P vs V starts off very steep as one decreases P from
very high liquid-phase values (P drops quickly as V increases slightly), then the data jumps up in
molar volume, then it decays slowly. The density in the program is not the “experimental”
density, but one based on the Peng-Robinson equation of state. Soon after the phase change
begins, the program begins calculating molar volumes that reflect the gaseous phase; these
volumes do not reflect the average value and are not correct until the phase change has ended
and the cell id filled with vapor and a tiny drop of liquid (saturated vapor conditions).
If you do a critical isotherm, identify the critical pressure and volume and calculate your relative
error. You may wish to do this either graphically or by realizing a study on the inflection point.
For the PT diagram, plot pressure as a function of temperature. The critical temperature should
have been observed in the experiment. At supercritical temperatures, the critical isochor should
be linear and tangent to the vapor pressure curve at the critical point. Use a vapor pressure
correlation for CO2 to calculate your relative error for vapor pressure. Use Aspen Plus to
generate a vapor pressure and/or critical isochor, but be careful in your selection of the
thermodynamic model. You may select the Peng-Robinson equation of state.
(The PR EOS gives accurate vapor pressures and vapor volumes/density and is available in
Aspen, but does not give highly accurate liquid volumes. The Span EOS (which is not is Aspen)
is an equation of state valid only for pure CO2 and gives very accurate liquid and vapor
Lyde, David R. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1993.
Thar Designs Inc. PEA-30 ml Phase Equilibrium Analyzer Operation Manual. MN-03, 1999.
Span, R. and Wagner, W.; A New Equation of State for CO2 Covering the Fluid Region from
the Triple Point Temperature to 1100 K at Pressures up to 800 MPa; J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data;
25 (6) 1996; 1509 – 1596.