Survey II Question Bank - 030410033622 - 1
Survey II Question Bank - 030410033622 - 1
Survey II Question Bank - 030410033622 - 1
Q.1 What is the principal of tacheometry? Described the method to determine
the constants of a tacheometer from field measurement. (05)
Q.2. Explain the object and theory of the analytic lens. (06)
Q.3. Differentiate between fixed hair method and movable hair method of
tacheometery. (03)
Q.4. Derive the distance and elevation formulae for staff normal, when the line
of collimation is inclined downwards. (04)
Q.5. The following observations were taken using a tacheometer fitted with
an analytic lens, the staff being held vertically.
Taking the multiplying and additive constant of the instrument P as 100 and
0.06m respectively and the multiplying and additive constant of the instrument
Q as 90 and 0.06m respectively, work out the reading at X1, X2 and X3.
Section B
Unit I :
Q.1 Excplain the principales on which various of determining distance with the help of
telescope are based and state how each one differs from the other.
Q.2 To determine the elevation of the first station A of a tacheometric survey, the
following observations were made, the staff being held vertically. The instrument
was fitted with an anallitic lens and the value of the constant was 100.
Inst. Station Ht. of inst. Staff station Vertic Staff reading Remark
O 1.440 B.M. -5 40’ 1.332, 1.896, 2.460 R.L.of
O 1.440 C.P. +8 20’ .780,1.263,1.746
A 1.380 C.P. -6 24’ 1.158,1.617,2.076
Unit II :
Q.1What are the elements of simple curve.
Q.2 What are the methods of curve ranging.
Q. 3 What are the obstracles in setting out the curve.
Q.4 What are the elements of compound curve.
Q.5 How the compound curve is setting out.
Q.6 What are the elements of reverse curve.
Q.7 how the reverse curve is set out.
Q.8 What are the elements of reverse curve.
Q.9 what is tangent correction.
Q.10How the highest or lowest point be located on the vertical curve.
Unit III:
Q.1 What are the elements of transition curve.
Q.2 What is superelevation.Write an expression for superelevation on roads and
Q.3 How the length of transition curve is determined.
Q.4 Give an expression for ideal transition curve.
Q.5 What are the characteristics of transition curve.
Q.6 How the transition curve is set out.
Section B
Unit IV:
Geodetic surveying and triangulation adjustment.
Q.1 Write the classification of triangulation survey in detail.
Q.2 The triangulation station A and B, 50 km apart, have elevation 243m and 258m
respectively. The intervening ground may be assumed to have a uniform elevation
of 216m. find the minimum height of the signal required at B, so that the line of
sight may not pass nearer the ground than 2.4m.
Q.3 How the adjustment of geodetic instrument are done. Explain the method of
Repetation in detail.
Q.4 What are the corrections to the field measurements of a base line in order to obtain
the true length.
Q.5 State the the laws of weights.
Unit V:
Q.1 What is the principal of method of Tettestrial photogramety.
Q.2 In a photo theodolite survey, two stations A and B were chosen such that AB was
running from west to east and measured 250 m long. Photographs were taken
orienting the photo theodolite in the direction of the third station C. Work out the
co-ordinates and R.L. of point D which appeared in both the photographs from the
following observations. Angle BAC=50 and angle ABC=46
In the photograph from A,D was 12mm to the left of the vertical line and 6mm above
the horizontal line while in the photograph from B it was 15mm to the left of the
vertical line.
Focal length of the camera lens is 150mm.
R.L. of the camera axis at A is 51.20m.
Q.3 Calculate the aeroplane flying height to obtain the average scale of the photo graph
equal 1/7200. Ground surface elevation varies from 160 to 430m. Focal length of
the camera lens is 153 mm.
Q.4 A photographic survey was carried out at a flying height of 4500m. Focal length of th
camera was 150 mm and photographic plate size was 23cmx23cm and the
longitudinal overlap was 60 %. What will be the error in height measurement is
Q.5 Explain phototheodolite and stereoscope.
Unit VI:
Q.1 Define the terms :
Celestial sphere, Zenith, Nadir, Celestial horizon, Terrestrial equator.
Q.2 Describe the correction for Dip.
Q.3 The meridian altitude of a star was observed to be 74 26’ 20” on a certain day, the
lying between the zenith and the equator.
The declination of the star was 45 56’17”.56N. Find the latitude of the place.
Q.4 Explain briefly the following
1.> Correction for refraction, 2>correction for semi diameter.
Q.5 Give correction for parallax.
Q.6 define : !> Sidereal Time, 2> Apparent solar time
3> Mean solar time. 4> standard time.