Importance of Yoga in Human Life in Present Days

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International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM)

Volume 4, Issue 3, May.-June, 2024, pp: 757-760

Importance of Yoga in Human Life in Present Days

Dr. Arunabha Ray
Associate Professor in Physical Education,ShriGovindprabhu Arts and Commerce College,
Talodhi (Balapur ), Dist. Chandrapur Pin Code-441221, Maharashtra (India),
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Date of Submission: 11-05-2024 Date of Acceptance: 23-05-2024
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Abstract: describes Yoga as "evenness of temper. According

Yoga is one of the ancient Indian technique which to Swami Digambarji, "Yoga is a union of Atama
helps the development Physical and mental health and Paramatama”Shankracharya Says, "Yoga is
of a person. Yoga is a useful silence for life. Yoga withdrawal of sense organs from the worldly
comes up as a bridge to narrow the gap between the objects and their control through yoga.
mind and body. The modern lifestyle has lost the Present daysyogie practices help in
harmony in mind- body relationship due to the maintaining good health by improving the
caused of several stress-based diseases such as resistance to diseases. without any cost. Regular
hypertension, coronary heart diseases, diabetes and practicesyoasana, Pranayam and meditation for 30
cancer.Present days yoga is gaining popularity due minutes in the morning and on night for integration
to its importance and benefits of human live. of body-mind-soul. Yoga plays a important role for
Regular practice of yoga enhance your mental harmonises and integrates the humans personality
clarity and calmness, increases your bodily at all levels and stages of life. Practice of yoga
awareness and relieves various choronic diseases regularly ensure that blood remainsfree from toxins
and stress which can be leading to a normal and alkaline matter. Yoga also helps in purified
lifestyle. In the present study, the author to discuss blood being carried from organs like the lungs,
and awar about importance of yoga in human live liver, kidneys, digestive and other systems. Since
in Present days. 21 June 2015 the International Yoga Day has been
Keywords: Yoga, Stress, Diseases, Pranayama, observed around the world. The Prime Minister
NarendraModi NarendraModi who proposed to celebrate Yoga
Day at UN General Assembly in 2014. The Indian
I. Introduction: Prime Minister NarendraModialso established the
Yoga is a science which deals with the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy,
health of body and harmony of mind. In human life Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy (AYUSH). Inthe
the main purpose of yoga is to provide sound body situation of COVID-19 Pandemic Yoga has Played
with tension free and sound mind. Present days became a massive and important role to source of
yoga is the best medicine forevery religion, it is a wellbeing of human life. The NarendraModiled
way of life. Today yoga plays a very important government kept promoting yoga and its benefits
rolein human life because which build strength, even during the Pandemic.
flexibility and confidence. Regular practice of yoga Today yoga is becoming more and more
can help lose wight, relieve stress, improve popular in universe, which involves a variety
immunity and maintain healthieror lifestyle. Most oftechniques. Yoga can practice regular basis and
of the people do yoga Purely for Physical reasons purify both of your physical body your mind. Many
like fighting obesity, diabetes blood pressure, People misunderstand the term "yoga" thinking it
arthritis, asthama, kidney and digestive problems, means only Physical exercises Known as "asanas".
there are some who look to gain mental peace But the goal of yoga is inner peace. Good health, a
through it. Yoga is originated from ancient India flexible body and decreased stress level are all side
around five thousand year ago. Yoga a Sanskrit effects of practice of yogavery desirable and
word which means. to join individual's soul with positiveof products. The IndianPrime
soul of Divine. The word yoga has been derived MinisterMarendraModi said " Yoga bringsPeace
from the Saraskrit word "Yug". The founder at for us. The Peace from yoga is not merelyfor
yoga According to Patanjali which meaning individuals. Yoga brings peace to our Society.
stabilize the mind for the union of atama and Yoga brings peace to our nations and the world.
Paramatama. According to the Gita (epie book) And, yoga brings peace to our universe.” Mr. Modi
said "And yoga makes us conscious of everything
| Impact Factor value 7.52 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 757
International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM)
Volume 4, Issue 3, May.-June, 2024, pp: 757-760

within us and builds a sense of awareness.” India’s time to sleep and physical activity. Due to lack of
first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was Physical fitness, faulty good habits and sleeping
regularly practiced Yoga and he had demonstrated habits, individualsare affected in Psychosomatic
sirsasana and Pranayama infront of Public and disorders.The uncountable problems are created by
recognize yoga's potential in improving Physical presentday’s lifestyle when wereach in 40.Present
and mental wellbeing.ParditNehrum was the first days maximum youths are leaded unhealthy
political leader of independent India who ensured lifestyle like Poordiet, physical inactivity, smoking
that yoga exercise were included in the 'National and drinking, which put at risk for developing heart
Plans of PhysicalEducation and Recreation. disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer. In factthese
The modern yoga is more concerned about are the main problem which are the root cause of
Physical fitness and relieving stress and strain of variousSevierdiseases, and death of humanlife .
hectic way of life. The yoga asanaPanayam and Presently near about two-thirds of all heart disease
meditation can develops the Physical fitness, deaths worldwide can be attributed to unhealthy
relieving stress and strain with diseases. Swami lifestyle.
Vivekananda believed that yoga and meditation
were the two most important activities for gaining Importance of Yoga:
spiritual enlightenment and self-realization. Today Yoga in itself is a science of
the weight problems during pregnancy is the most healthmanagement rather than methods of
vital issues of on universe. According to treatment. Is played animportant role to release the
MallicaBhanotGupta, who runs yoga classes for accumulated body problems like stiffness of joints
women atFortis Memorial Research Institute in and spams of muscles. It helps in developing
Gurgaon most working women today lead a Physical fitness, goodfor relaxation, good for
sedentary lifestyle and don't have the required rehabilitation after in jury, help to control anxiety,
flexibility to deal with weight problems during improve& concentration, improves immunity,
pregnancy? She says "Doing yoga during regulates diet etc. Today, the whole world has
pregnancy helps them manage their weight" realized that it is Possible to get rid of even the in
curable diseases through yogasana. We can only
Aims of Yoga: say that if we adopt yogasana as a part of our life,
Yoga is thewayof life, the main aim ofYoga is to no disease can even touch us. The gymnasiums
prepare one for fruitful life and everlasting only make our bodies well-built from outside
happiness. It's develops our physical health, mental whether importance of yogasana not only makes
health, social health, spiritual health and self- our body stout they also provide sheen to our inner
realizations. The path of yoga is healthy mind in a strength. Some of the importance and benefits of
healthy body.It's helps us to overcome difficulties yoga are as follows:
in life through self-confidence andself-
determination. Development of Fitness:
The regular practices of yoga develop high level of
Objectives of yoga : Physicalfitness endurance and flexibility. It's also
The main objectives of yoga are to bring balance strengthens various weak joints and muscles.
and harmony of life. It’s promote well-being and Control Stress andAnxiety:
relaxation, one of the fundamental objectives of Every human life wants a balanced form of stress
yoga is to attain inner peace with holistic approach. and anxiety is required. Yogasana is the only way
tocontrolling stress and anxiety. Pranayams are
Human Life in PresentDays : very helpful in controlling an stressand anxiety of
The present day's human beingis fully the individual. Inyogasana and pranayama the
depends on mechanism. Present days we find that breathing controlled mechanism can helps you to
many people arejust after money& luxurious life- overcome stress andanxiety.
styles. Theydo not haveany time to think about PreventDiseases:
theirhealth and fitness. Present day’s fast food is The regular perform of selected. Yogasana and
the major food in modern food habits. We eat is Pranayama can help in prevent the diseasses and
also totally different from what we were eating in bodily disorders namely like Constipation, Acidity,
Past. We want modernization everywhere right Aold, Cough, Allergy, Insomnia, Asthama,
from the kitchen to the office. In the present days Arthritis, Anemia BladdenComplains, Diabetes,
most of the people are working of the various Diarrhoea, Exhaustion, Hemorrhoids, Headaches,
companies in shift basis, so they don't have enough Heart Troubles, Hernia, High Blood Pressure, Low
| Impact Factor value 7.52 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 758
International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM)
Volume 4, Issue 3, May.-June, 2024, pp: 757-760

Blood Pressure, Impotency, Indigetion, Kedney that has an equal number of physical and spiritual
Complaints, Liven Ailments Obesity, Paralysis, benefits such as Sirsasana, Surya nomaskarand
Serous Troubles, TuberculosisUlcer, Piles, chitshakti meditation.
Leprosy, Depression, Fatigue andNervousness.
Postural Deformities : II. Conclusion:
Many asanas can prevent and cure Posture Yoga is the one of the most important and
deformities. The deformation of spine leads to valuablesheritages of India. The main importance
many Postural diseases which can prevented of yoga to unite physical , mental and spiritual
through regular practice of asanas. health there is a key of life. The regular practice of
Control Weight orObesity: yoga postulates keeping body healthy a key and the
Obesity develops only when there is Substantial mind clam and peaceful. Yoga is away of life. In
imbalance between the amount of Calories the present days stress is a buzzword of the modern
consumed and the amount used up in pay Physical world in every human life, which is surely not at all
activity and basal metabolism of the body. The good for our Physical and mental health. Yoga is
strategy to control or lose weight has therefore to the only way to decreased stress and develops
be targeted to reduction of Calorie intake as well as inner peace of mind. Lastly we concluded that
increase of Physical activity like yoga and regular practice of yoga can enable you to
phanayama. Yogi exercise is an integral part of any Strengthen andPurify both your physicalbody and
weight-reducing Programmes. Generally asanas your mind.
themselves do not burn large amounts of calories,
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International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM)
Volume 4, Issue 3, May.-June, 2024, pp: 757-760

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