Thought Conditioner Verses
Thought Conditioner Verses
Thought Conditioner Verses
Enjoy this selection of verses from the writer of "The Power of Positive Thinking" . The !os"el of #alvation in $hrist %es&s consists in more than j&st being able to think "ositively ' (ea) also the book that is recommen)e) to the right on this "age. Thought Conditioner No. 1 The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Luke 18:27 Thought Conditioner No. 2 eace ! lea"e with #ou$ %# peace ! gi"e unto #ou: not as the world gi"eth$ gi"e ! unto #ou. Let not #our heart be troubled$ neither let it be a&raid. 'ohn 1(:27 Thought Conditioner No. ) *enew a right spirit within me. salm +1:1, Thought Conditioner No. ( Come unto %e$ all #e that labor and are hea"# laden$ and ! will gi"e #ou rest. %atthew 11:28 Thought Conditioner No. + -hat things soe"er #e desire$ when #e pra#$ belie"e that #e recei"e them$ and #e shall ha"e them. %ark 11:2( Thought Conditioner No. . Trust in the Lord with all thine heart/ and lean not unto thine own understanding. ro"erbs ):+ Thought Conditioner No. 7 ! am come that the# might ha"e li&e$ and that the# might ha"e it more abundantl#. 'ohn 1,:1, Thought Conditioner No. 8 Con&ess #our &aults$ one &or another$ and pra# one &or another$ that #e ma# be healed. The e&&ectual &er"ent pra#er o& a righteous man a"aileth much. 'ames +:1. Thought Conditioner No. 0 !& God be &or us$ who can be against us1 *omans 8:)1 Thought Conditioner No. 1, The kingdom o& God is within #ou. Luke 17:21 Thought Conditioner No. 11 2or God hath not gi"en us the spirit o& &ear/ but o& power$ and o& lo"e$ and o& a sound mind. 11 Timoth# 1:7 Thought Conditioner No. 12 Thou shalt guide me with Th# counsel$ and a&terward recei"e me to glor#. salm 7):2( Thought Conditioner No. 1) -here&ore take unto #ou the whole armor o& God$ that #e ma# be able to withstand in the e"il da#$ and ha"ing done all$ to stand. 3phesians .:1) Thought Conditioner No. 1( God is our re&uge and strength$ a "er# present help in trouble. salm (.:1 Thought Conditioner No. 1+ 4e that handleth a matter wisel# shall &ind good: and whoso trusteth in the Lord$ happ# is he. ro"erbs 1.:2, Thought Conditioner No. 1. !ncline #our ear$ and come unto %e: hear$ and #our soul shall li"e. !saiah ++:)
Thought Conditioner No. 17 Now unto him that is able to do e5ceeding abundantl# abo"e all that we ask or think$ according to the power that worketh in us. 3phesians ):2, Thought Conditioner No. 18 6sk$ and it shall be gi"en #ou/ seek$ and #e shall &ind/ knock$ and it shall be opened unto #ou. %atthew 7:7 Thought Conditioner No. 10 ! ha"e learned$ in whatsoe"er state ! am$ therewith to be content. hilippians (:11 Thought Conditioner No. 2, %# soul$ wait thou onl# upon God/ &or m# e5pectation is &rom 4im. salm .2:+ Thought Conditioner No. 21 7e strong and o& a good courage/ be not a&raid$ neither be thou disma#ed: &or the Lord th# God is with thee whithersoe"er thou goest. 'oshua 1:0 Thought Conditioner No. 22 7e #e trans&ormed b# the renewing o& #our mind. *omans 12:2 Thought Conditioner No. 2) 7ut as man# as recei"ed 4im$ to them ga"e 4e power. 'ohn 1:12 Thought Conditioner No. 2( The thing which ! greatl# &eared is come upon me$ and that which ! was a&raid o& is come unto me. 'ob ):2+ Thought Conditioner No. 2+ This one thing ! do$ &orgetting those things which are behind$ and reaching &orth unto those things which are be&ore$ ! press toward the mark &or the pri8e o& the high calling o& God in Christ 'esus. hilippians ):1)91( Thought Conditioner No. 2. !n all these things we are more than con:uerors through 4im that lo"ed us. 2or ! am persuaded$ that neither death$ nor li&e$ nor angels$ nor principalities$ nor powers$ nor things present$ nor things to come$ nor height$ nor depth$ nor an# other creature$ *omans 8:)79)0 Thought Conditioner No. 27 !& an# man thirst$ let him come unto %e$ and drink. 'ohn 7:)7 Thought Conditioner No. 28 Lo"e #our enemies$ bless them that curse #ou$ do good to them that hate #ou$ and pra# &or them which despite&ull# use #ou$ and persecute #ou. %atthew +:(( Thought Conditioner No. 20 ! can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. hilippians (:1) Thought Conditioner No. ), !n 4im we li"e$ and mo"e$ and ha"e our being. 6cts 17:28 Thought Conditioner No. )1 !& an# man be in Christ$ he is a new creature: old things are passed awa#/ behold all things are become new. !! Corinthians +:17 Thought Conditioner No. )2 -hosoe"er shall sa# unto this mountain$ be thou remo"ed$ and be thou cast into the sea/ and shall not doubt in his heart$ but shall belie"e that those things which he saith shall come to pass/ he shall ha"e whatsoe"er he saith. %ark 11:2) Thought Conditioner No. )) The# that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength/ the# shall mount up with wings as eagles/ the# shall run$ and not be wear#/ and the# shall walk and not &aint. !saiah (,:)1 Thought Conditioner No. )( 3#e hath not seen$ nor ear heard$ neither ha"e entered into the heart o& man$ the things which God hath prepared &or them that lo"e 4im. ! Corinthians 2:0 Thought Conditioner No. )+
Cast th# burden upon the Lord$ and 4e shall sustain thee: 4e shall ne"er su&&er the righteous to be mo"ed. salm ++:22 Thought Conditioner No. ). Thou wilt keep him in per&ect peace$ whose mind is sta#ed on Thee. !saiah 2.:) Thought Conditioner No. )7 This is the re&reshing. !saiah 28:12 Thought Conditioner No. )8 ! sought the Lord$ and 4e heard me$ and deli"ered me &rom all m# &ears. salm )(:( Thought Conditioner No. )0 -hen #e stand pra#ing$ &orgi"e$ i& #e ha"e aught against an#. %ark 11:2+ Thought Conditioner No. (, The# shall hunger no more$ neither thirst an# more/ neither shall the sun light on them$ nor an# heat. 2or the lamb which is in the midst o& the throne shall &eed them$ and shall lead them unto li"ing &ountains o& waters: and God shall wipe awa# all tears &rom their e#es. *e"elation 7:1.917 Norman Vincent Peale: 40 Thought Conditioner Verses Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project