Food Adulteration

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Chuishy io Paily_ lje

Pocd aduteawn is th papCs dusease tho ood
qualtdu u additon q th loe
nealhy paaduclh (03) Auu t
exlhochron th
Ampotart ingredent
Adulteadhon încludlye
.fntentiona cddhon,Substi luhon (a3) cubstouehun (oy subsBance
ehth tho avdl
adveely afleed pusty uality hod.
fncidntal ontamfnatun hods oith deletoous Substanc
Swch as toxins î n secticicles du tgnoance neglyerce (o

acte o pope Steya hasri a

Condaninahon thw eod eth haamul Tnect, nmiso-Osgmism
ike b c feuo, turqus moulds Ge dusng peduchun. st0sage

and handung.
E- additun ol Katia ta milk
Pemora o t hom mrl.
Addultexant ts any maleial ohuch emplogd \oa) auc
tadd be employd
er ths pupose akulteratn.
lypes aduwHeaant
1. Acluteahoo may be Cntentonal (ay un'ntentrvnal.
Tntanhona adufexurts ale sand, rrauble ehips stone, mud
Chalk poruu, Kutn,
ninea gi! and Csaltar des.
These adiBunts Cause
huamud ebhety cw the
Teo . hee honet hody
d chei aiE t oscc
Tnuientad aduteontt
th hamu m30-0sginHm
1Cotairahn o ood iab

may swvive due

Some e ths mitro-Orgeniáms

pAotess e CDrmmarly
Ih pothogune

and usponsble Causing esidus l l sses

2. Mletalli (ontamahn

is touc elemend Contaurahn hood

, Lead a

Cctn cuuse toC Symtcm. Chom

oh lsad
amEvic cecded by
m u s l o a palaks ë
an lad pain insonmua antenua,

compound methot 0a) dnmcthuyl mcuy
The 0ganr mencwg
nwnoloicas cyele
i m o 8 t Texic.detjeck
also be tuxic Can
Cadnunm, aisauC, ant1manu (tebalt
Contu n ucie
covdain tucinoa
Sheek Pn pan
Silven il ud hr
mck laad,Chomum used io
t t u aaa c n fin
n hoil used
ie ansormd
Slves mftd

Seets edauld cause Cantel.

ue hqh în nickel
Indkan chorolctes
is lo0-80omcc
WHO he ncsmal consumptn
Ac o Crit rcaam)

uck eveuydouy

(hovenmtna atlortu lhu orl ae intnsirg Ohoa ck

Salety ancd Standard& Anthority o India" ka pehom (

unchons ass iqnad unda

Thod Safey and std.rg
Food Adttves- ale th non- nubrhoncd Subs lance added
to hood
ood tu mountan
saeky, kheshns as. x*ene 6s) appeaane
h ood.
Focd addthvesA aRe al&ubstances cuddad (inlntionaluy (oa
untoknharedy) ta bas« ood produt Addad duang th
Phckuchun paccesung, becdmint, packaqny. luanupor aud sto
In cenwadood adeitves ase lseol tee dickecse t ust
e Contaurahn by cesfun nitnobrs, mcuntaun 0) mpieve
nutchona quality, enhence
appeaance, inchase Shely ye
Sacluee ast a) contaibui tu (anveniene e .
The aastanees to be used addrhves heuld be cfF
as Jooc
eod de avd mut mect the Joc sately anc standard

Coloul adclihve - Ps any kye piqmtnt (04) subs /ant

CAn dmpa colo

Can kOhan addod o cuppliet! u a
duuq, cosehc| ta e human bdy
Aatica Synthete Colouag

These ase excel in colcung pone1 Colctn

un uy, (elo i , r
casborated beveiags, gelain desat, andis nd bake g

Cne ome fecds that ar Colouted heith Coal tardye

Th wal sgtubl caud dyes aue wed in load

ANon-Peinaitd colors Rhoda munu Ohange 6,Amakanth

Ts eMetanil yelog ,Congo Rd, Malach gan tocd vidat ,
ae (aun
ye Rhoda muae D8an Enil 9 ue VRs
pin A,

Cerd Caes puthologa lesions / Vihal g4ns Jice krdnaj P

Melanl yelod cauwes clegenuchen epeuutve crqans.

siiy habla canCea. Henee hee yes Ce

Spites Cuke chillu podth ase ourd Ho onlan hon-pemulled
Colouss lik Sundan de.
.Pota ssiun dichro nate in cwby powdts Ceod) Can caue

PP paun in te abdomen gieldness

TTh Lue
cyopeuri ltd colotus KCu tound to be mae

dn hand bovud Sugas Contechunejes bakjJauct

h o iooeNq Df SynthaAe od colotu levl hon 200ppm to
100ppm in all hocds Cccep in Canned hoecds a jams y
ha been ucomminolad.
Coal a d y y - Geneally tmed as a bypaocdnc? c

yoocasbon solvent 7The Ceal is luath hydrcab

SolvenB, puduccs Vaiety elou
Thero Ove a ConhouOUS amount o üm can
cause braun damage ( &peed up u porsa
ik al3he'meas

a dihfeunt Chipa Lcorn. poda
Food paauets

olouus dunks candy e ikely t have coa

an dyes în thuis eipes
in twd
Aesiduu in
Anaysis _pes hode -

-especsaliy huits and Vegelabl=

Peshcides Conlamirak many tls
SCheenng fod maiice dhu paeere- detect
For tapid belli cae
zh ologies
peshiudes es iduss Ch3on-cdaapke

column-Chromatcraphic elean-up
Solid- phase cxhachonu.
mehas thun- laye, gas, hqh-paprmance
Supercoika uud Chromatojaphy

Raidue Pnalips
Eq eee Lc/MS
by Lc/
methd r

puih veceeublu


Veqelables Le MS qud hromaBogaphy

its Mags Speetomua
50ml aoetoniilu

Homogeniagahn GC phh Caubay

Naccun Fltuahhb Dehybahano

20ml 2ml aeeonba /Tdun
pto 100 mt
hath ace toni i l Stepi-Condtpnung
toml atoumu
Tduera C3)
Fachun 20ml 20mlacelonitpu
Tele Ca:1)
chlode Step3 luhon.
20m ph%phoric 20m) afetonitri)
aud buypn-4 Touen
Shak baye C3)

FADChvn asefonikis
40m) mehunol.

Sampu tluerd
Food he AeRvcIvL These inc Rudss ood paccessn phactices kshicl
as yeast & s o
eth michc Oneyni3m.

202 4
Inetsep Gc Condsidgu ase pacue ith aphi
[cbon tn planar ne. Thu a e genealuy useal her

amoval PEmenls ba Caop homeg enades.

Food presel vatves t Genealy wseo tn

hu and vegckabe
Pacduet classitd as OGaniCEroganjC prexlvaties.
he Ovganic paesevaHves cue bengpit aud, esbe h y c a y

sutphoboxde Cin the bm oSalphua

'he paes uahves peimiltd to jurj and Yegetable puoduct
Tndia aie sorbit Qud Syupidr
Sodum benesat,Sulphuli bucdnmit Snga
PAeSevet by
arid)lSlphutiy e meta brsulshutey
SulphAdoride Csulphuuous,
Con.jnice om 6 j a Kns
aAe used in molctsc, Con\eckoney hufk utjutes
to Consave the Colou & to poreuerd +ha grousth mo-ago

,Sulphuudsoride ellechve becaue ohee hyck.oqp Tonk teleascl

ol beckeucd spoye e h b i
tnstutun Jt hect geminahn
in tha mlabelis) e
tart CNAD-RApendent step) stps
Lpu cdahidacenase idhuch em
fnhibi tors oI lactat
Salphb» a a e potit achvn.

C basis i b aod pedeinak.

u n d i s s c c i a k d Sulphwious

Yalues (24 S) He
H + l o O PH

tw raoth o asls_ Mouldl hef agunsl

nhfbik - bacluwga b t
Valuus (+ i« efecfve dgairst
A+ qh
50 a po
Jont oxped
tnteuke CAD))o
The accepBabe
Daily t/any
adduhesis C.7 mg|tq koct
dn Food

C42 mg day|6o tg
Sdum berzea is Used k in paele«nce ta benza asa
berause selub' kty in atu. At pH 2.3-2,4 on
O02 0-o3 pi terd oS6dum henzat is hcquuree ta poevent
DIdh Comn emantuhun ovcganisms a t ph 3:5 i 4-0o
Whh is tu o.1). Soel1um
mst arge hut juiej o-06 a
btmee i Naquned
Scdum npai iy ued in tonvala keddhups Sauues jams. jelley
pr&hes 8 ut juucs.
Th e s 9
knzou ad peiniltd to interpalad an u futt
hecuct aetnq ta tku pmenhn Foc
Actult vehn At, x
n 120e 7so ppm dperdrg ov u
abiaad Sasbt unsatmald Jay aucd (c=c)
aid and b salts ase
ltsese0 adduhve
cunu eask Qvd maudu bt ale le«
efjecthve aqnst bacliua
Thiy povd orbrnjt robrtd achigdy npBo
pH 6.S ard ase qoocd
Prtivcahves es ood1 eith a agh .at _cenlant ph
cloo fft spreds OCessed cheee. Some kaked tods.
Hrtiaa SeeeleneDaily intae 25mqlkq kedy o. Cpastues

A Sugs 8ubshut ood eddi hve that paovicky a

0ee tote uk thed o Sugpu ilh
containung Sqncay
ecd Cng4 ao Suga-bascol eetetneu, matng a 0 -
ecd cn
Calore Cnon ntu hve ) (O) loo- calone sioeotor.

Arhud SAeetnas ra be alived oneh manula.otuunq

plad ertraats 01) procesd by hanuital &thes

Svgas betaucdc
anunoaccds. Pephelui'. pretunu aYasous heteaocpke
COmpard CAe use ns Ckenual Fhedsle SveeA.
Fotame I is mal combining too
amunD aids: -
spantit aid ond phendalarina and addn
methl aleohet to len
o meth este.
pasame i s a ohila
, ddovles cskallin poclo at har
asuu-0ik aste and 40eetras potoncy 180-
200 times thot a
Sucaore nithoud any bi tte a/fetosta
Siree i cannot be wused by tho
body te acaloic value a
T4 is wed in Sal dun,Cheong Jum & sntant
coee & tea ,

Hs paatame Cpherce enhances ulte lavsca

a choin TH is Scdium ortho rgne Salphoranuidle (On T

calium Salt is 300 bm 8peetm than
is stabe tn a nIide vaavedy eL produbi undo cctreme
Poe snq Codhvns.
I + gives bitts ahfelste a y he concerhaahon
Sacchakn, a nan- nubiHve Sectne
e 4 nO being s d te

Seeten auecanu (Supan s pan masala.

'Hcct to pneventon of food adulterahun Act (1954) not md

han lo0 ppm qSacchwin may be uscd

SuGdosc T+ is a 1ohit CAustallnn gelid paoduca by he
selschve addi tn e Chlonne atoms t &uchose
H i 600 cs &weet a n suqau eith no btty affütase.
T Vsy much Sotubl n Oua cabe ct hgh lempealus
Can be used in bkd goocls,

dudin: I4 als0 troan a Sucael 09 Valz This KO0L
Used h loo alokie på hu Sugai dusivatve axap!5
Ds orce LOnSiderd
tdt lbo calbie paopexhu
K2so tmes DDrexc 4han he qula Suqea.

Flav@7s:-J is w sersosy
umphes (an aoocd 0) ehu
Subslance. and dutuaund mainly by Uu ckennial senses ol ase
Ond Smel. The
Kavo1 o th 4od. a[ uch can be alied voith
nalina' (ay
ashhua }layoulat, ehch atted these senk
Flavos om tod
producta CBe usuallly Aesult e a combittvn
naln tlavos. kshth has bas1c
dmellrokle e « ldd produd.
VanilunThu Wosld's mast Lod
Havosng cgent odard

beveiac I+ is tto Yanilla extact allsnahive that povics

a imila smelU and taste o Vanilla txhact. TH ie both alualy
Ccusq& Synrehically pscduted
Vani lun is an
organc compound Tt a
phenetc alduhyda
H unchora' raps nc ude aldhde, huydaaxyt &ethuv
T is th aincay COmponen th txtuct el tw Vanalia bean.
S4nthcht Vanilln is noKo used nne ot than natwed Van.a

etnd aM a Havonr acu OdbevóhaGEA U.phasmuceutirals

akp ess (ku ka vor«)
estex 18
esponsibl t many o he pluagart smellk 0 hu
Estors Ce Situ turally deveo
hom cosloauht aids by 9aplaung
th 0tidic
hydapn by an alky b) a up
ethttace jat dsel colcusless Caqud c
ntthh earf
2uch c herye aeetal hexenyt acefalo ase
As ideaed as ko doants intuenting lavor qualvty
eaghui) Chungeb in aioma - ulaleo vtakles kave been uparid

Octyl atehat
is a hurdomunta componert tn
osance lavor
.iscamyt aceta a Landamenla Componerd o baana lav

MonaSodium qlutamau MS6) cnaon C Sodum

u n i c aoud
t u s0dium sat
ome hoodske dmado
dOmutoe eCheesue
I tound naluall in

usd in cookng as a a v 0 u enchances t h a n

I+ is also
Saroy llavo of hoacd
Umomi taste thad antensite He maaty
as nalaully scuing qlutetuak dos in fods as mec &eupt.

&other processed goo

repes. canned vegeb.a Soups,
The Ravo enhanang eff«ds MS6, ae due o is umami asta
huch indutc Szlivasa eCRety. CHlovors make you r h au

Stch can 'ampvove ta taste ood).

mpertance o oocd Pres ex vcthvy
-Eliminahurn micpbey
2. Ircaecsin y
Maknq easanal e eto
hauitsavailatble to Ther thoorqhad the yeca.
Addonq vasiety to tho died.
s.Savg i tp ehugy.
6.Trnpnonng nuubihorad valus el hooks
4Contot Loy paicCs
3 I} detsae the kia stac tcoct
Advantaces ,PAeseved ond
oevens te jotd ho behng Spbilud b/ endymey. iczo-ogan
2/Tncaeghe tha sae/stoodcy pevad
2 inAcaes cvgilabikyo sod Qcutol/hoqd
Disodyantag ood prge vahives
Can Cause toss o Some nubints pcohrulcaly Jhiamn
Sulphua diondu issomehmes addad to daved
tuits o
ud an viHomun c. bu Sosme indwiduals ase Sersthve to thee
Blarhirg o Vegdoble poioe tb berzg cawe lass el Somce-

Grsoup Vitarmna Vi tamn C.

4 Pheseahve con hae allugc Cansqaney.Th pod additwey

HA BHT have intochusnely been nkd to cance
and CacencA nit achvity
SSome modan Synthehc parsovafhves huve been Shoon to
CCLehespioatog or dhu hucalth probkm.

BHABdfalkd hydbexyanisalu , sunthehc antroudaris uscd in

BHT BuBytaid hebory totusuN
Jpiebevatives in lipstrcti

A. '4
Dehne hood acdelitv .10hy ane thu caddud to fpod2
oqan.i. Depne ood addultsant Give heo exarmpu
3 Bae aboud ype of adutdeants.
d d i k e s aC4aktaaue4pied
A e t he

4. h n e adultaatn

few exampes ps
Coloul addinve

Colo as an add hwe pooduot 2

ane used
6 Ho
Ccal lay dye
loockad epervded)
Peshucla 2esidus Gnalys by
Menhun h
Ohat ae tpe preevahves preuaT+on.
9. Discuss io Ampsartance e food

l0 Explaun abeud tw llo g potservcctors.

1- Sulphitu
2. Sa braud
3 Sclumberaoat

Wlhad ame auhjiaal S Reetnes .Sacchasin Ey

is the ee .
2. hat soeetrnes.

a an athud

a l k
es flavora
lus flavors
lun e r , &
abiut Vani presekvatues.
13 Discuss
dhiacantags ef

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