Unuuabletbo: Cattlespsnding Signfean
Unuuabletbo: Cattlespsnding Signfean
Unuuabletbo: Cattlespsnding Signfean
suci gia
Tanapl>gtm Cuapostohon
9kCephon log
waen So
en dCcans
usunduO ageno
-Lo undwalen giern
Tho. uas e and e dnd Bodteg F Plars and
oUana. habtJai
e MuSt be wotene_d
Censidonad t Hines i n tho. uerud, CompnusUs
anks o nepal
antie)Ed Mutacet
T h uslen buhals
diaio Fozcst
325 stoly owaitrod (kpra. 7,koJ
Sundakang F CouLL
BingapoA0. ,thg lard
Pamaus o ik Jicn
maun ecasyslem -
roputaion eplagion.
igh Biouth Pote- 3.omo, o-
JULpaN2ibLe om ugh Rizt ote, n
Ordio. ouiage S
C eoTl MeOUUape. e is to dio
iheatr. 3 63 ferkor o m
coutahon qLaLOth
tenc k c - 8 n t h CRndaoe. deuite3 - The Bith COtnol
deuice ae o
SUHeifnt % nOt 8iuon n tLe Uat tmelauy
aken Fon tt
lelile înkaeun
Aor Shans, nedles,sng hoetion
BA uS HIV Pnuuntion mdieinus
The Enuiaonnendt otscHion Ac, 986. authori
ne. Conta
ime L enuinpnmeno quaiH, Cantmea
Leduee ation Puom ol
Bownces Pohid) t Dn
esto he JeH8 epero-ha ot ay ndusti o
faeili On
enunenentoQ. n d s . TH Ac-
mos enacked m 196 wim t e obyecHu
to Contol he genoohon,
Tho obiechw
t/ooment impont,Stouae
handig o* Hozatdous lups
Sec-e buc2
B i Cmanlcation
o oft8Nag
piuonsi y maans hQutng
hng' ange o diLgort hings
nen me
eund by onetnoue 9n
rettuuons n d alsO %ome othan
Con aHeck
gn dustNal a
9ndustaial &mag typlealtuy onisk o whan
Ohoe fadtodes buin f0xtl fucts
&uch a aac P ,
cocelesmake nd ow cdibnude h
nis dh
toSe. o th
und .
e fuctonc 10ponsble fo i pollulion
3 Gunoing oe lo2sil fuols Mnt O he, atsi
ao ploco. duo. +o t
inns o
nns fss i huly Buoh 0 aa0. ol
to rnecucc. enULSy fon
elech1teiy on ans poautation.
The olea»
ObU monomide n an Leuoe
indicates hao muoh ossil Fuao is bwned. TR
Lbo emik
haing ati induco-d
Poluvas due
ost l ue
+6 Jsn>
Qaii to ump enaugn
aun On +o duPfen
0sp iub
osp iLbayy ilnas.
9dutal eniesm ndustlal aNHudHes Cu
0uOTa. Potlutans iq
tho alN
aeM-ek he. Ql quaOihy motha uo Lan
tOgin aHCuloule. maH-en
2 and lo iPLO gn
otaL ohuw dioude nal
taem MonOuae..
ohidFioo Cimohe, Change. te no
iolHe, but olg6 iKin8
Ouln polution unoing ubplE nd oum aesi duo
IS ao mao aAtbu to
indluiduol oktot to minirniee a'A pautian.
U Pubh e -taOnspOJl(Opoo.
Oheck you inaB tijo2
&No to losti
Compo3+ toun uot wos He 3 o w a
PLantto 9 Soue tTu03