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Unuuabletbo: Cattlespsnding Signfean

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Anguuan-1 The. cuaten

qupbae. cycle Cansists e the
bcean3 uaten 1n *ha atnos pherLa and
in t
landscape. Te
cycle Ja cleaed by he Hu nes
behucon h e usiJs. Pl haugn ha omaunty o uate
in tha
attmespherte and su ue ch.annols a D1elaHuoly Sma@,
the uato as a
unuuabletBo wUCQ. to a
lobol 8caia,
TR maudional
Cempenont g sun aunaP Shauon.
be obaut 30-1. 6f
the Cattlespsnding QctmaspncHie
and snoanic maridi
enas Huues. Aui Pici
uaten ithdranals
al Btortone and
o u oHe) haue
ampact an duuer ounaPf and hOrca o the
Lebae waten cHele .

suci gia
Tanapl>gtm Cuapostohon

9kCephon log

waen So
en dCcans

usunduO ageno
-Lo undwalen giern

A eCosystom foournes d bi olocaa

and abioti¢ on non--Oiung
Thc. iuing cemmunity CensisS ot
awn plants taued
eduens (autotnoph3) Cansums (hct
enotheps aand
T non-0iwng nuinonmont
o HLa
tcosyaHn is
Cempised O osic ganic
de Pnysica anuinenman hooueanic Compennts
C uno Oyns,
nitmesen ete) T eds
*ak Suskm o GuueB
Beuoen He bioti e Comnund H ans
and a
s oetnan
h Bioti c
Commuuni y nd th abiotic eninonmen
en onmen
honce naL twue ae
enLU JEnMent
intedeedent. t e abiotic
plans hes plands
then synthesi2e
Foued bu the Paces Of Photosyn thesi s . The
Psoduced by elans PAodicorns) is censunaa
a uc n lrdineetty by all ktnds oimmal
and O Fe na
guen plonts

Tho. uas e and e dnd Bodteg F Plars and

Oumals /Prcduecs B Canimeu) dacompojed


eme ngangn ino Stple ot ooc

tnosugQni c Bubstance,
Ars3 Accouding o CanLerLoio ntenoHonal
ougan must oMIl e allauOin HLO

elitei a toquilieY as o hotsppE,

hhauc. aReos IOO Speci e3

agcudou plank 1.e l+ Sheuodd huO

dcgu oF endumum.

oUana. habtJai
e MuSt be wotene_d

ThOte majo Fous BodiuMGItY hodspsk L dia.

1 the Himalay os
9ndo Buumme Juqi n
3 The u Hn uhass


Censidonad t Hines i n tho. uerud, CompnusUs

Nosih- éash 3ndi ov BhuOni e o t a . and astenn

anks o nepal

Ondo Bumu AQ\

n dhe ost 12 Jeasn3 6 uge mammoe P ecies

haue been digcugred i n h e J0gorn he, laoig

antie)Ed Mutacet
T h uslen buhals

diaio Fozcst
325 stoly owaitrod (kpra. 7,koJ
Sundakang F CouLL
BingapoA0. ,thg lard
Pamaus o ik Jicn
maun ecasyslem -

hsLLe -4 hot . th c o s JU2pang1ble Pum

roputaion eplagion.
igh Biouth Pote- 3.omo, o-
JULpaN2ibLe om ugh Rizt ote, n

Ordio. ouiage S
C eoTl MeOUUape. e is to dio

oun 40- b the foPulations in

bebw h. fouunkd line ord t o
Cauidon Chiden 0 the ay r ye0Jtn

Lwy y dung o s ing aes wages-+

heps in he apid Pepudatin aoOth
ileh1ace 29-4- Pemcont of omeN 1S

iheatr. 3 63 ferkor o m

lh teuue combined with Poun y

n e a n e e, Leperu31iions t e leople de not

oF Cartaa ? h u e s hlp in Ho, sapid

coutahon qLaLOth
tenc k c - 8 n t h CRndaoe. deuite3 - The Bith COtnol
deuice ae o
SUHeifnt % nOt 8iuon n tLe Uat tmelauy

o decQ inc. deott Not

Hateaad 9 CKilo eagth geruuee o, NOLS

aken Fon tt

obes and UOUuprnen

hal. b a Mod

Tae has aa duer d

sECTLON-8 usthon
HV Stands on lua imruunodoieden
y wus,
994 Lweakens a penian's amnun
sher By
distaayinginPoard Col that Fant dlsca
hfecion . Theres
Cu o elfecius. Cu Fom HIv.
Burwith Mopen medieae cars , HIV Ean be
Somcnoups o People a u o s a liged to ge
hTV +an
Becau otL mary Facos6 ndudig

V qutnalu tAansmt+d th6ugn nal 1

acinac bex on Shoin-s rudies, 3yninges o
O n duug. inecnion equipment.

lelile înkaeun
Aor Shans, nedles,sng hoetion
BA uS HIV Pnuuntion mdieinus
The Enuiaonnendt otscHion Ac, 986. authori
ne. Conta
ime L enuinpnmeno quaiH, Cantmea
Leduee ation Puom ol
Bownces Pohid) t Dn
esto he JeH8 epero-ha ot ay ndusti o
faeili On
enunenentoQ. n d s . TH Ac-
mos enacked m 196 wim t e obyecHu

of o u i eig Fan th AoteCHon inpnoueo

R CnuunonmeN 9tenpowreNs e

CenaL bauenme skabltsh uHaill

wim ho Mandote a f
CLtenmena Pelton in

nd to dackle, &penite 0nuunOnn.ental oblems

that on pe culi n do diteren antt d
Cunsy. P
Thig ac au doLen paaaeduns For Settin
randods ot emsnien 0dlachonac. e
CnLnavena foluts.

to Contol he genoohon,
Tho obiechw
t/ooment impont,Stouae
handig o* Hozatdous lups
Sec-e buc2
B i Cmanlcation

9+ uhgaR to he Condition wheno t e

cenec7arior 1 n o712nitm encccds t m
CenCentation a i Coed dhen he rnon p c i e
e o c u s mom de
Ongar die T
emteed ute
bionagnticotton ig d dt duyale
oc ci t e s and 3Is }o e
cuau ia
errico Canne0tatii otth
tocrasns orimae. + P\C . fon anophobe
raeo deHined to Sute-c t e
Ckndiron kene. ihe chonrcal. honneduarc
roima. ecads ik die 3 enuanmotan
r c o s tsuougn
Succefue +ropíc leulls
ounie muas oulated to tAai k P a s fao lanont

o oft8Nag
piuonsi y maans hQutng
hng' ange o diLgort hings

benHe diunsiy 5chens +o the zange. of- aifheror

in hei ted AOi ol4hin a specf o. 9n OSfeies
O h hign Senot diuorei, hese o s d be

ony indiiduald oith a oide GpeHY o

6LdLop do Okon-gi8 enuinanments. ifo

hgnt Soleeed and low aues tpuarn tike

HsPoPulatnons gCn on equacOkuun
inteduced înto t e uotld (opuohors
Oil toedu ee Lo. opaloHOn19 abi y o
Qcion -1
TA Smog Ss 1
palluth on tha 3wduc ttsivs,
T teum Smao
1qa0s +o deseibe. He, mi
3moM. Fog
TL SmOke useua l j Came From Rotn (Ral
Man in Industiol VOs t»nt
malns a amiltans

Pnoio ehmi Cal Smag

Pholahmical. Smag ig bnaonth-
1e hae caujd by h
c h On ot elaoj
ulTaislet Qdi ti on

otssphoneFoluttd oith hudnocaslbors 3

o d o utlogen + Contatns
i Voll anK manly anthoopogen
nitie aerd, and
on LorPOundy Oeh o w tap ped

nen me
eund by onetnoue 9n
rettuuons n d alsO %ome othan
Con aHeck

gn dustNal a
9ndustaial &mag typlealtuy onisk o whan
Ohoe fadtodes buin f0xtl fucts
&uch a aac P ,

cocelesmake nd ow cdibnude h
nis dh
toSe. o th
und .
e fuctonc 10ponsble fo i pollulion
3 Gunoing oe lo2sil fuols Mnt O he, atsi
ao ploco. duo. +o t
inns o
nns fss i huly Buoh 0 aa0. ol
to rnecucc. enULSy fon
elech1teiy on ans poautation.
The olea»
ObU monomide n an Leuoe
indicates hao muoh ossil Fuao is bwned. TR
Lbo emik

haing ati induco-d
Poluvas due
ost l ue
+6 Jsn>
Qaii to ump enaugn
aun On +o duPfen
0sp iub
osp iLbayy ilnas.
9dutal eniesm ndustlal aNHudHes Cu
0uOTa. Potlutans iq
tho alN
aeM-ek he. Ql quaOihy motha uo Lan
tOgin aHCuloule. maH-en
2 and lo iPLO gn
otaL ohuw dioude nal
taem MonOuae..
ohidFioo Cimohe, Change. te no
iolHe, but olg6 iKin8
Ouln polution unoing ubplE nd oum aesi duo
IS ao mao aAtbu to
indluiduol oktot to minirniee a'A pautian.

U Pubh e -taOnspOJl(Opoo.
Oheck you inaB tijo2

Twtn off engina dutinQ iong ldin

PowJn dowh 3 o t

&No to losti
Compo3+ toun uot wos He 3 o w a
PLantto 9 Soue tTu03

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