3rdGradeBOEApproved4 21 2020

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Students in grade 3 will learn how drawing, painting, 3D art and texture and different media techniques and processes can be used to
communicate ideas, feelings, experiences, and stories. Grade 3 art students will describe their personal response to specific works of art using
visual art terminology. Students will identify the different ways visual characteristics are used to convey ideas.

Course Goals Artistic Processes Course Skill Objectives
Students will be able to: Students will:
• Create
● Understand how lines can be expressive ● Use a variety of lines in drawing.
● Differentiate a variety of lines • Present ● Use shading to create volume.
● Develop awareness of scale and • Respond ● Use texture lines in drawing.
proportion ● Apply knowledge of scale and
● Recognize values • Connect proportion.
● Understand the use of applying various ● Mix and apply the primary colors and
colors. Anchor Standards secondary colors.
● Recognize that the application of paint Anchor Standard #1. Generate and ● Use a variety of tools, such as paint
is used to express a mood, a season, or conceptualize artistic ideas and work. brushes, sponges, palette knives,
an original idea. etc…to apply color.
● Recognize various styles of painting Anchor Standard #2. Organize and ● Use a variety of media, such as paint,
that artists use. develop artistic ideas and work. paper, oil pastels…etc. to apply color.
● Recognize how color is applied using Anchor Standard #3. Refine and ● Create works of art that reflect a mood,
various media. a season, or an original idea using a
complete artistic work.
● Understanding a variety of brushstrokes variety of colors.
● Identify the properties of Shapes versus Anchor Standard #4. Select, analyze and ● Create a balanced Form or Sculpture.
Forms. interpret artistic work for presentation. ● Select and apply a variety of materials
● Understand how Forms or Sculptures to Form or Sculpture.
are joined. Anchor Standard #5. Develop and ● Create a two-dimensional work of art
● Understand how Forms or Sculptures refine artistic techniques and work for using a variety of media.
are balanced. presentation. ● Create a three-dimensional work of art
● Identify a variety of Sculptural tools Anchor Standard #6. Convey meaning using a variety of media.
and media. through the presentation of artistic work
● Define Mixed Media.
Grade 3 Art Curriculum BOE APPROVED 4/21/2020 1
● Identify Mixed Media two-dimensional Anchor Standard #7. Perceive and
and three-dimensional works of art. analyze artistic work.
● Identify various media in works of art.
● Understand how various media is Anchor Standard #8. Interpret intent and
applied in two-dimensional and three- meaning in artistic work.
dimensional works of art. Anchor Standard #9. Apply criteria to
evaluate artistic work.
Anchor Standard #10. Synthesize and relate
knowledge and personal experiences to make
Anchor Standard #11. Relate artistic ideas
and works with societal, cultural and
historical context to deepen understanding.
Units Essential Questions Assessments

Unit 1 - Intro to Drawing ● Chinese animals, black ink brush lines

Unit 2 - Color Application ● Contour drawing
Unit 3 - Sculpture ● Scratchboards
Unit 4 - Mixed Media ● Landscape and still life drawings in a
variety of materials
● Aboriginal drawings using a variety of
materials and found objects
● Learn or teach them house to use…
● Markers, crayons, oil pastels, chalk
graphite pencils, colored pencils,
● Gray Scale
● Blanding tools
● Ink and brushes
● Rulers, compasses
● Drawings, Paintings, and/or Collages
● Painting with found objects.
● Painting with tools, such as sponges,
rollers, and/or palette knives.

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● Artist Statement
● Oral Presentation
● Group Critique
● Online Portfolio
● Self-Evaluation
● Rubric Assessment
● Color Application Assessment
● Applying color using recycled
● Color symbolism, in relation to history
and culture.
● Exemplar Artists to consider including
are Kandinsky, Frank Stella, and Mark
● Clay Forms
● Paper Sculpture
● Found Object/Assemblages
● Paper Mache
● Wire Sculpture
● Wood/Foam Sculpture
● Plastercraft Sculpture
● Exemplar Sculptors to consider
including are George Segal, Claes
Oldenburg, Alexander Calder, and
Louise Nevelson.
● American Engineering Structures based
on differing elements of weather.
● Structural elements from various
● Mosaic work of art
● Painted and Solid Paper Collage
● Found Object or Assemblage work of
● Jewelry and/or Fiber Projects

Grade 3 Art Curriculum BOE APPROVED 4/21/2020 3

● Mixed Media elements from various
cultures, such as Native American Art,
African Art, and Asian Art.
● Exemplar Artists to consider including
are Louise Nevelson and Jasper Johns.

Unit 1 – Intro to Drawing

Unit Objectives Skill Objectives
Students will be able to: Students will:

● Understand how lines can be expressive ● Use a variety of lines in drawing.

● Differentiate a variety of lines ● Use shading to create volume.
● Develop awareness of scale and proportion ● Use texture lines in drawing.
● Recognize values ● Apply knowledge of scale and proportion.

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Creating Presenting Responding Connecting
Anchor Standard 1: Anchor Standard 5: Anchor Standard 7: Anchor Standard 10:
Generate and conceptualize Develop and refine artistic Perceive and analyze artistic Synthesize and relate knowledge
artistic ideas and work. techniques and work for work. and personal experiences to make
presentation. art.

Enduring Understandings Enduring Understandings Enduring Understandings Enduring Understandings

Creativity and innovative Artists, curators, and others Visual imagery influences Through art making, people make
thinking are essential life skills consider a variety of factors and understanding of and responses to meaning by investigating and
that can be developed methods including evolving the world. developing awareness of
technologies when preparing and perceptions, knowledge, and
Artists and designers shape refining artwork for display and Essential Questions experiences.
artistic investigations, following or when deciding if and how to What is an image?
or breaking with traditions in preserve and protect it. Where and how do we encounter Essential Questions
pursuit of creative art-making images in our world? How does engaging in creating
goals Essential Questions How do images influence our art enrich people’s lives?
What methods and processes are views of the world? How does making art attune
Essential Questions considered when preparing people to their surroundings?
What conditions, attitudes, and artwork for presentation or Process Components How do people contribute to
behaviors support creativity and preservation? Perceive, Analyze and Interpret awareness and understanding of
innovative thinking? What factors How does refining artwork affect their lives and the lives of their
prevent or encourage people to its meaning to the viewer? Determine messages communities through art making?
take creative risks? How does What criteria are considered when communicated by an image
collaboration expand the creative selecting work for presentation, a Process Components
process? portfolio, or a collection? Synthesize, Relate

How does knowing the contexts Process Components Develop a work of art based on
histories, and traditions of art Analyze, Select, Share observations of surroundings
forms help us create works of art
and design? Why do artists follow Identify and explain how
or break from established and where different
traditions? How do artists cultured record and
determine what resources and illustrate stories and
criteria are needed to formulate history of life through art.
artistic investigations?

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Process Components

Elaborate on an
imaginative idea.

Apply knowledge of available

resources, tools, and technologies,
to investigate personal ideas
through the art making process.

Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments

● Chinese animals, black ● Learn or teach them house ● Pre historic art exhibits
ink brush lines to use… symbolic representations
● Contour drawing ● Markers, crayons, oil such as mark making in
● Scratchboards pastels, chalk graphite caves
● Landscape and still life pencils, colored pencils, ● African Art
drawings in a variety of charcoal ● Tribal art
materials ● Gray Scale ● Japanese art
● Aboriginal drawings using ● Blending tools
a variety of materials and ● Ink and brushes
found objects ● Rulers, compasses

Grade 3 Art Curriculum BOE APPROVED 4/21/2020 6

Unit 2 – Color Application
Unit Objectives Skill Objectives
Students will be able to: Students will:

● Understand the use of applying various colors. ● Mix and apply the primary colors and secondary colors.
● Recognize that the application of paint is used to express a ● Use a variety of tools, such as paint brushes, sponges, palette knives,
mood, a season, or an original idea. etc…to apply color.
● Recognize various styles of painting that artists use. ● Use a variety of media, such as paint, paper, oil pastels…etc. to
● Recognize how color is applied using various media. apply color.
● Understanding a variety of brushstrokes ● Create works of art that reflect a mood, a season, or an original idea
using a variety of colors.

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Creating Presenting Responding Connecting
Anchor Standard 2: Anchor Standard 4: Anchor Standard 9: Anchor Standard 10:
Organize and develop artistic Select, analyze, and interpret Apply criteria to evaluate artistic Synthesize and relate knowledge
ideas and work. artistic work for presentation. work. and personal experiences to make

Enduring Understandings Enduring Understandings Enduring Understandings Enduring Understandings

Artists and designers experiment Artists and other presenters People evaluate art based on Through art-making, people make
with forms, structures, materials, consider various techniques, various criteria. meaning by investigating and
concepts, media, and art making methods, venues, and criteria developing awareness of
approaches. when analyzing, selecting, and Essential Questions perceptions, knowledge, and
curating objects artifacts and How does one determine criteria experiences.
Artists and designers balance artworks for preservation and to evaluate a work of art?
experimentation with safety, presentation. How and why might criteria Essential Questions
freedom and responsibility, while vary? How does engaging in creating
developing and creating artworks. Essential Questions How is a personal preference art enrich people’s lives?
How are artworks cared for and different from an evaluation? How does making art attune
People create and interact with by whom? people to their surroundings?
objects, places, and design that What criteria, methods, and Process Components How do people contribute to
define, shape, enhance, and processes are used to select work Perceive, Analyze and Interpret awareness and understanding of
empower their lives. for preservation or presentation? their lives and the lives of their
Why do people value objects, VA:Re9.1.3a communities through art-making?
Essential Questions artifacts, and artworks and select Evaluate an artwork based on
How do artists work? them for presentation? given criteria. Process Components
How do artists and designers Synthesize, Relate
determine whether a particular Process Components
direction in their work is Analyze, Select, Share VA:Cn10.1.3a
effective? Develop a work of art based on
How do artists and designers VA:Pr4.1.3a observations of surroundings.
learn from trial and error? Investigate and discuss
How do artists and designers care possibilities and limitations of
for and maintain materials, tools, spaces, including electronic for
and equipment? exhibiting artwork.
Why is it important for safety and
health to understand and follow

Grade 3 Art Curriculum BOE APPROVED 4/21/2020 8

correct procedures in handling
materials, tools, and equipment?
What responsibilities come with
the freedom to create?
How do objects, places, and
design shape lives and
How do artists and designers
determine goals for designing or
redesigning objects, places, or
How do artists and designers
create works of art or design that
effectively communicate?

Process Components

Create personally satisfying
artwork using a variety of artistic
processes and materials.

Demonstrate an understanding of
the safe and proficient use of
materials, tools, and equipment
for a variety of artistic processes.

Individually or collaboratively
construct representations,
diagrams, or maps of places that
are part of everyday life.

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Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments

● Drawings, Paintings, ● Artist Statement ● Self-Evaluation ● Applying color using

and/or Collages ● Oral Presentation ● Rubric Assessment recycled materials.
● Painting with found ● Group Critique ● Color Application ● Color symbolism, in
objects. ● Online Portfolio Assessment relation to history and
● Painting with tools, such culture.
as sponges, rollers, and/or ● Exemplar Artists to
palette knives. consider including are
Kandinsky, Frank Stella,
and Mark Rothko.

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Unit 3 – Sculpture
Unit Objectives Skill Objectives
Students will be able to: Students will:

● Identify the properties of shapes versus forms. ● Create a balanced form or sculpture.
● Understand how forms or sculptures are joined. ● Select and apply a variety of materials to form or sculpture.
● Understand how forms or sculptures are balanced.
● Identify a variety of sculptural tools and media.

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Creating Presenting Responding Connecting
Anchor Standard 3: Anchor Standard 6: Anchor Standard 9: Anchor Standard 11:
Refine and complete artistic Convey meaning through the Apply criteria to evaluate artistic Relate artistic ideas and work
work. presentation of artistic work. work. with societal, culture, and history
through their interactions with
and analysis of art.

Enduring Understandings Enduring Understandings Enduring Understandings Enduring Understandings

Artist and designers develop Objects, artifacts, and artworks People evaluate art based on People develop ideas and
excellence through practice collected, preserved or presented various criteria. understandings of society,
through constructive critique, either by artists, museums, or culture, and history through their
reflecting on revising and refining other venues communicate Essential Questions interactions with and analysis of
work over time. meaning and a record of social, How does one determine criteria art.
cultural, and political experiences to evaluate a work of art?
Essential Questions resulting in the cultivating of How and why might criteria Essential Questions
What role does persistence play appreciation and understanding. vary? How does art help us understand
in revising, refining, and How is a personal preference the lives of people of different
developing work? Essential Questions different from an evaluation? times, places, and cultures?
How do artists grow and become What is an Art Museum? How is art used to impact the
accomplished in art forms? How does the presenting and Process Components views of a society?
How does collaboratively sharing of objects, artifacts, and Perceive, Analyze and Interpret How does art preserve aspects of
reflecting on work help us artworks influence and shape life?
experience it more completely? ideas, beliefs, and experiences? VA:Re9.1.3a
How do objects, artifacts, and Evaluate an artwork based on Process Components
Process Components artworks collected, preserved or given criteria. Synthesize, Relate
Investigate/Plan/Make presented, cultivate appreciation
and understanding? VA:Cn11.1.3a
VA:Cr3.1.3a Recognize that responses to art
Elaborate visual information by Process Components change depending on knowledge
adding details in an artwork to Analyze, Select, Share of the time and place in which it
enhance emerging meaning. was made.
Identify and explain how and
where different cultures record
and illustrate stories and history
of life through art.

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Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments

● Clay Forms ● Artist Statement ● Self-Evaluation ● Exemplar Sculptors to

● Paper Sculpture ● Oral Presentation ● Rubric Assessment consider including are
● Found ● Group Critique ● Color Application George Segal, Claes
Object/Assemblages ● Online Portfolio Assessment Oldenburg, Alexander
● Paper Mache Calder, and Louise
● Wire Sculpture Nevelson.
● Wood/Foam Sculpture ● American Engineering
● Plastercraft Sculpture Structures based on
differing elements of
● Structural elements from
various cultures.

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Unit 4 – Mixed Media
Unit Objectives Skill Objectives
Students will be able to: Students will:

● Define Mixed Media. ● Create a two-dimensional work of art using a variety of media.
● Identify Mixed Media two-dimensional and three- ● Create a three-dimensional work of art using a variety of media.
dimensional works of art.
● Identify various media in works of art.
● Understand how various media is applied in two-
dimensional and three-dimensional works of art.

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Creating Presenting Responding Connecting
Anchor Standard 1: Anchor Standard 6: Anchor Standard 8: Anchor Standard 11:
Generate and conceptualize Convey meaning through the Interpret intent and meaning in Relate artistic ideas and work
artistic ideas and work. presentation of artistic work. artistic work. with societal, culture, and history
through their interactions with
and analysis of art.

Enduring Understandings Enduring Understandings Enduring Understandings Enduring Understandings

Artists and designers experiment Objects, artifacts, and artworks People gain insights into People develop ideas and
with forms, structures, materials, collected, preserved or presented meanings of artwork by engaging understandings of society,
concepts, media, and art making either by artists, museums, or in the process of art criticism. culture, and history through their
approaches. other venues communicate interactions with and analysis of
meaning and a record of social, Essential Questions art.
Artists and designers balance cultural, and political experiences What is the value of engaging in
experimentation with safety, resulting in the cultivating of the process of art criticism? Essential Questions
freedom and responsibility, while appreciation and understanding. How can the viewer “read” a How does art help us understand
developing and creating artworks. work of art as text? the lives of people of different
Essential Questions How does knowing and using times, places, and cultures?
People create and interact with What is an Art Museum? visual art vocabularies help us How is art used to impact the
objects, places, and design that How does the presenting and understand and interpret works of views of a society?
define, shape, enhance, and sharing of objects, artifacts, and art? How does art preserve aspects of
empower their lives. artworks influence and shape life?
ideas, beliefs, and experiences? Process Components
Essential Questions How do objects, artifacts, and Perceive, Analyze and Interpret Process Components
How do artists work? artworks collected, preserved or Synthesize, Relate
How do artists and designers presented, cultivate appreciation VA:Re8.1.3a
determine whether a particular and understanding? Interpret art by analyzing use of VA:Cn11.1.3a
direction in their work is media to create subject matter, Recognize that responses to art
effective? Process Components characteristics of form, and mood. change depending on knowledge
How do artists and designers Analyze, Select, Share of the time and place in which it
learn from trial and error? was made.
How do artists and designers care VA:Pr6.1.3a
for and maintain materials, tools, Identify and explain how and
and equipment? where different cultures record
Why is it important for safety and and illustrate stories and history
health to understand and follow of life through art.

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correct procedures in handling
materials, tools, and equipment?
What responsibilities come with
the freedom to create?
How do objects, places, and
design shape lives and
How do artists and designers
determine goals for designing or
redesigning objects, places, or
How do artists and designers
create works of art or design that
effectively communicate?

Process Components

Create personally satisfying
artwork using a variety of artistic
processes and materials.

Demonstrate an understanding of
the safe and proficient use of
materials, tools, and equipment
for a variety of artistic processes.

Individually or collaboratively
construct representations,
diagrams, or maps of places that
are part of everyday life.

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Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments

● Mosaic work of art ● Artist Statement ● Self-Evaluation ● Mixed Media elements

● Painted and Solid Paper ● Oral Presentation ● Rubric Assessment from various cultures,
Collage ● Group Critique ● Mixed Media/ Texture such as Native American
● Found Object or ● Online Portfolio Assessment Art, African Art, and
Assemblage work of art Asian Art.
● Jewelry and/or Fiber ● Exemplar Artists to
Projects consider including are
Louise Nevelson and
Jasper Johns.

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