3rdGradeBOEApproved4 21 2020
3rdGradeBOEApproved4 21 2020
3rdGradeBOEApproved4 21 2020
Students in grade 3 will learn how drawing, painting, 3D art and texture and different media techniques and processes can be used to
communicate ideas, feelings, experiences, and stories. Grade 3 art students will describe their personal response to specific works of art using
visual art terminology. Students will identify the different ways visual characteristics are used to convey ideas.
Course Goals Artistic Processes Course Skill Objectives
Students will be able to: Students will:
• Create
● Understand how lines can be expressive ● Use a variety of lines in drawing.
● Differentiate a variety of lines • Present ● Use shading to create volume.
● Develop awareness of scale and • Respond ● Use texture lines in drawing.
proportion ● Apply knowledge of scale and
● Recognize values • Connect proportion.
● Understand the use of applying various ● Mix and apply the primary colors and
colors. Anchor Standards secondary colors.
● Recognize that the application of paint Anchor Standard #1. Generate and ● Use a variety of tools, such as paint
is used to express a mood, a season, or conceptualize artistic ideas and work. brushes, sponges, palette knives,
an original idea. etc…to apply color.
● Recognize various styles of painting Anchor Standard #2. Organize and ● Use a variety of media, such as paint,
that artists use. develop artistic ideas and work. paper, oil pastels…etc. to apply color.
● Recognize how color is applied using Anchor Standard #3. Refine and ● Create works of art that reflect a mood,
various media. a season, or an original idea using a
complete artistic work.
● Understanding a variety of brushstrokes variety of colors.
● Identify the properties of Shapes versus Anchor Standard #4. Select, analyze and ● Create a balanced Form or Sculpture.
Forms. interpret artistic work for presentation. ● Select and apply a variety of materials
● Understand how Forms or Sculptures to Form or Sculpture.
are joined. Anchor Standard #5. Develop and ● Create a two-dimensional work of art
● Understand how Forms or Sculptures refine artistic techniques and work for using a variety of media.
are balanced. presentation. ● Create a three-dimensional work of art
● Identify a variety of Sculptural tools Anchor Standard #6. Convey meaning using a variety of media.
and media. through the presentation of artistic work
● Define Mixed Media.
Grade 3 Art Curriculum BOE APPROVED 4/21/2020 1
● Identify Mixed Media two-dimensional Anchor Standard #7. Perceive and
and three-dimensional works of art. analyze artistic work.
● Identify various media in works of art.
● Understand how various media is Anchor Standard #8. Interpret intent and
applied in two-dimensional and three- meaning in artistic work.
dimensional works of art. Anchor Standard #9. Apply criteria to
evaluate artistic work.
Anchor Standard #10. Synthesize and relate
knowledge and personal experiences to make
Anchor Standard #11. Relate artistic ideas
and works with societal, cultural and
historical context to deepen understanding.
Units Essential Questions Assessments
How does knowing the contexts Process Components Develop a work of art based on
histories, and traditions of art Analyze, Select, Share observations of surroundings
forms help us create works of art
and design? Why do artists follow Identify and explain how
or break from established and where different
traditions? How do artists cultured record and
determine what resources and illustrate stories and
criteria are needed to formulate history of life through art.
artistic investigations?
Elaborate on an
imaginative idea.
Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments Sample Performance Assessments
● Chinese animals, black ● Learn or teach them house ● Pre historic art exhibits
ink brush lines to use… symbolic representations
● Contour drawing ● Markers, crayons, oil such as mark making in
● Scratchboards pastels, chalk graphite caves
● Landscape and still life pencils, colored pencils, ● African Art
drawings in a variety of charcoal ● Tribal art
materials ● Gray Scale ● Japanese art
● Aboriginal drawings using ● Blending tools
a variety of materials and ● Ink and brushes
found objects ● Rulers, compasses
● Understand the use of applying various colors. ● Mix and apply the primary colors and secondary colors.
● Recognize that the application of paint is used to express a ● Use a variety of tools, such as paint brushes, sponges, palette knives,
mood, a season, or an original idea. etc…to apply color.
● Recognize various styles of painting that artists use. ● Use a variety of media, such as paint, paper, oil pastels…etc. to
● Recognize how color is applied using various media. apply color.
● Understanding a variety of brushstrokes ● Create works of art that reflect a mood, a season, or an original idea
using a variety of colors.
Process Components
Create personally satisfying
artwork using a variety of artistic
processes and materials.
Demonstrate an understanding of
the safe and proficient use of
materials, tools, and equipment
for a variety of artistic processes.
Individually or collaboratively
construct representations,
diagrams, or maps of places that
are part of everyday life.
● Identify the properties of shapes versus forms. ● Create a balanced form or sculpture.
● Understand how forms or sculptures are joined. ● Select and apply a variety of materials to form or sculpture.
● Understand how forms or sculptures are balanced.
● Identify a variety of sculptural tools and media.
● Define Mixed Media. ● Create a two-dimensional work of art using a variety of media.
● Identify Mixed Media two-dimensional and three- ● Create a three-dimensional work of art using a variety of media.
dimensional works of art.
● Identify various media in works of art.
● Understand how various media is applied in two-
dimensional and three-dimensional works of art.
Process Components
Create personally satisfying
artwork using a variety of artistic
processes and materials.
Demonstrate an understanding of
the safe and proficient use of
materials, tools, and equipment
for a variety of artistic processes.
Individually or collaboratively
construct representations,
diagrams, or maps of places that
are part of everyday life.