Mixed Media UOL

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Junior Cycle Visual Art - Unit of Learning – Strand: Art

Discipline: Painting
Title of Unit: “Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán fhéin” –
exploring Irish domestic life through mixed media
Student Name: Rebecca Moughty
Year Group: 5th Year

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design 1

Subject matter/theme

Still life compositions Irish products Domestic Irish life objects

Relevant links:
• Describe the subject matter/theme
There are various food, household, décor, & clothing items that are now a part of Irish omfortable-comfort-the-paintings-
culture. These items can have good and bad connotations - depending on who is and-sculptures-of-nicole-dyer.html
In this project, students will explore these items that are now so integral to Irish
culture, through the creation of a mixed media still life. Students will reflect on the
(tutorial of mixed media still life)
meaning of these items to them, and explore this through various mediums.

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design
Week 2-3: Students explore painting techniques and creating
Visual Timeline texture using paint. Students complete thumbnail sketches of
their compositional photographs. Students choose their
reference image, and begin experimenting with other
mediums to find the medium they are most confident in. A4
compositional sketch in sketchbook of chosen reference
image. Stick second media onto A3 sheet, and begin under
sketch & background painting of still life

Week 1: Students recall

stereotypically Irish items
hing/colours). Students are
introduced to mixed media and
Nicole Dyer, a contemporary still life
Week 4: Students complete mixed media
artist who works with the theme of
still life, using paint & one other medium
over-consumption in her art. Begin to
of the students choice, demonstrating
explore composition, and
ability in using texture, tone, & colour
photographing different compositions
using various different lightings &

Work that will be created and assessed:

- Photographs of still life compositions (5-6 different compositions)
- Thumbnail sketches of photographs in sketchbook
- Exploration of various mediums (at least 4 different mediums)
- A4 compositional sketch of chosen photograph
- A3 finished still life, including evidence of mixed media (use of paint & 1 other media/ medium
incorporated into finished piece)

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design 3

Strand(s): Year Group: 5th year
Art No. of Pupils: 23
No. of weeks: 4
From: November 7th –
December 9th

JC Visual Art Learning Outcomes (LO) How do you know that they know? (Assessment)

• 1.1: analyse their work, or that of another, using • 1.1: using self review worksheets, students will
appropriate vocabulary and knowledge assess their work using appropriate critical and
• 1.5: interpret the world and communicate ideas visual language
through visual means • 1.5: in their sketchbooks, students will use
• 1.12: apply their understanding of the art observational drawing, photography and mixed
elements and design principles to make an media to work through their ideas
artwork • 1.12: create an A3 mixed media still life artwork,
• 1.14: use media to create their own artwork demonstrating ability in texture, tone, colour, &
• 1.14: using similar aesthetic qualities & painting
techniques as contemporary still life artist,
Nicole Dyer; use of mixed media throughout
finished piece and in sketchbook explorations

Materials and resources:

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design
Research and Investigation

Photographing different compositions

Stereotypical Irish items Nicole Dyer

Learning Intentions: The Five Elements of Visual Art

• Explore stereotypical domestic Irish items (1,3,5) 1. Critical and Visual language
2. Drawing
• Experiment with mixed media through object drawings (2,4,5)
3. Visual Culture and Appreciation
• Examine the work of Nicole Dyer, a contemporary still life artist, 4. Art Elements and Design Principles
focusing on her aesthetic qualities and use of composition (1,3,5) 5. Media
• Photograph various compositions, experimenting with angles and
lighting (3,4,5)

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design 5

Research and Investigation
The Five Elements of Visual Art Sketchbook work:
1. Critical and Visual language - Spider chart of stereotypical Irish items
2. Drawing
3. Visual Culture and Appreciation
- Mixed media object drawing
4. Art Elements and Design Principles - Photographs of compositions stuck into
5. Media sketchbook

Research - Initial Ideas

Outline teaching and learning activities:

- Pair work: students create spider charts in their sketchbooks,
identifying stereotypical Irish items, relating to both our domestic
life, and our culture
- Mixed media object drawing in sketchbooks, following a youtube Digital resources:
video demonstration https://youtu.be/RmtXdVPvRCY
- Introduce the work of Nicole Dyer, focusing on her over the top (tutorial of mixed media still life)
compositions, and aesthetic qualities.
- Begin experimenting with different compositions, photographing the
process, focusing on using different angles and lighting

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design 6

Exploration and Concept Development

Painting techniques Compositional sketches Experimenting with mediums

Learning Intentions:
• Practice painting techniques & creating texture using paint (4,5)
• Create thumbnail sketches of compositions in preparation for finished The Five Elements of Visual Art
piece (2,4) 1. Critical and Visual language
2. Drawing
• Experiment with various mediums throughout sketchbook work,
3. Visual Culture and Appreciation
focusing on the ability to create line, tone, & texture (1,2,4)
4. Art Elements and Design Principles
• Create A4 compositional sketch of chosen composition, identifying
5. Media
areas for mixed media (2,4,5)

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design 7

Exploration and Concept Development
The Five Elements of Visual Art
1. Critical and Visual language Sketchbook work:
2. Drawing
3. Visual Culture and Appreciation
- Thumbnail sketches in various
4. Art Elements and Design Principles mediums
5. Media
- Experimenting with creating texture
with paint
- Contact sheet, identifying their
Initial Ideas - Process of Development
chosen photographic reference
Outline teaching and learning activities: - A4 compositional sketch
- Thumbnail sketches: thumbnail sketches in sketchbook drawn in
different mediums, for students to explore which medium they are
most comfortable in.
- Practicing adding texture using paint in sketchbook; exploring
techniques and the use of mixed media to add texture
- Contact sheet: students review their photography, identifying good
examples of composition, lighting, angle, shape, tone, & line
- A4 compositional sketch of chosen photo reference, identifying the
areas of mixed media included in finished piece

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design 8

Creating a final work

Colour palettes Finished artwork


Learning Intentions: The Five Elements of Visual Art

• Create colour palettes in sketchbook, identifying the colours used 1. Critical and Visual language
throughout finished piece (4,5) 2. Drawing
• Complete under-sketch for finished piece on A3 sheet (2,3,4) 3. Visual Culture and Appreciation
4. Art Elements and Design Principles
• Create a mixed media still life artwork, using paint and 1 other
5. Media
medium of students’ choice, focusing on texture, tone, & colour

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design 9

Creating a final work
The Five Elements of Visual Art
1. Critical and Visual language
2. Drawing Sketchbook work:
3. Visual Culture and Appreciation - Colour Palettes
4. Art Elements and Design
5. Media

Process of development – Realised work

Outline teaching and learning activities:

- Students add colour palettes for still life piece into sketchbook
(adding colours used in piece)
- Students complete an under-sketch of their composition on an A3
sheet: a simple line drawing to help students when they begin the
painting process
- Students add scraps of coloured card onto A3 sheet, to identify
where they will be using a second medium
- Students complete painting aspect of piece, followed by their
second medium

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design 10

Reviewing and Presenting

Peer review Self reflection

Learning Intentions: The Five Elements of Visual Art

• Complete peer review worksheets in pairs, looking at the use of 1. Critical and Visual language
painting techniques, art elements, and design principles evident in 2. Drawing
students work (1,4,5) 3. Visual Culture and Appreciation
• Complete a self reflection worksheet on the artistic process (1,4) 4. Art Elements and Design Principles
5. Media

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design 11

Reviewing and Presenting
The Five Elements of Visual Art
1. Critical and Visual language
2. Drawing
3. Visual Culture and Appreciation
4. Art Elements and Design
5. Media

Realised work - Reflection - Presentation

Outline teaching and learning activities:

- Once paintings are finished, work will be displayed on display board
within school (if permitted - if not, collect all work on tables of art
room and complete review there) – class discussion on things that
went well and things we would do differently
- Peer review worksheet in pairs, identifying the use of painting
techniques, art elements, and design principles
- Self reflection sheet, handed up along with finished painting,
reflecting on the process of creating the painting

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design 12

Statements of Learning
Identify the statements of learning from the Junior Cycle Framework to which this scheme of work relates to.

Statements of Learning Examples of relevant learning

• SOL 3: The student creates, appreciates and • SOL 3: exploring common stereotypical Irish
critically interprets a wide range of texts. items, and the work of Nicole Dyer, focusing on
• SOL 4: The student creates and presents artistic her aesthetic qualities
works and appreciates the process and skills • SOL 4: complete various exploratory studies
involved. using different mediums; introduction to mixed
• SOL 8: values local, national and international media & trials in sketchbook
heritage, understands the importance of the • SOL 8: looking at common domestic Irish objects
relationship between past and current events • SOL 20: using phone cameras to take photos of
and the forces that drive change still life compositions
• SOL 20: The student uses appropriate • SOL 21: using the art elements & design
technologies in meeting a design challenge. principles to create a still life painting
• SOL 21: The student applies practical skills as • SOL 23: taking a still life composition from
she/he develops models and products using a primary photographs, to compositional
variety of materials and technologies. sketches, to a finished painting
• SOL 23: The student brings an idea from
conception to realisation.

Professional Master of Education Art and Design with Digital Media 13

Key Skills
Identify the key skills from the Junior Cycle Framework to which this scheme of work relates to.

Key Skills Examples of relevant learning

• Being Creative 1. Creating still life compositions, students photographing

process - zooming in on aspects of composition, playing
• Communicating around with primary sources
• Managing Information and Thinking 2. Communicating with others in the classroom to create
suitable composition for final painting. Participating in
• Managing Myself class discussions on artists references
• Working with Others 3. Recording thoughts during process of creating painting
• Staying Well in sketchbook, making links from initial ideas to finished
piece; using digital means to document work & drawing
to experiments with compositions and shapes
4. TBD
5. Participating in class discussions during research and
investigation stages, peer review of work, being open to
others opinions and being open to giving opinions where
necessary/ appropriate
6. Creating a safe environment for all students to express
their views and present their work, without fear of
scrutiny/ backlash

Inclusive Education
Identify the strategies that will be implemented across the scheme to support students with special
educational needs (this includes high achieving students).
Differentiation Strategies Literacy and Numeracy Strategies
Content: • Class Discussions: students review their own
• Having varied resources for delivering content and their peers work
(powerpoint, youtube videos, visual aids, worksheets,
handouts) • Using a grid to help students achieve their
• Tiered instruction: assigning different tasks during composition accurately
lessons, informed by students’ readiness, interest, and
skill level • Examining the use of the Rule of Thirds in
• By referencing contemporary still life artists, it affords photography when creating still life composition
students the option to take a more ‘cartoonish’ • While curating still life composition, examining
approach to their painting, as opposed to realism
the scale and proportion of the primary sources
gathered, to achieve a composition pleasing to
• Using overhead projector to complete demonstrations
(experimental studies, painting techniques) the eye
• Using tiered questioning to allow all students to
demonstrate their learning at their own level (Blooms

Summative Assessment
5 Elements of Visual Art: 1) Critical and Visual Language; 2) Drawing; 3) Visual Culture and Appreciation; 4) AEDP; 5) Realised Work
Research Initial Ideas Process of Development
Success criteria: Success Criteria: Success Criteria: Success Criteria:
• Spider Chart: documenting • Thumbnail sketches: • Experimenting with various • Students create a mixed
students understanding of the students create thumbnail mediums: students media still life piece of
subject matter of their still sketches of their demonstrate stereotypical irish
life. Students recall common/ composition photographs in experimentation with at objects.
stereotypical Irish items to be their sketchbooks least 4 medium in their • Students demonstrate
included in their • Composition photographs: sketchbook, through A4 understanding of the use
compositions students experiment with compositional sketches of of paint & one other
• Introduction to Mixed Media: different compositions, their chosen reference medium of the students
demonstration of documenting their process image choosing
understanding of mixed through photography
media. Students use 3
differing media (sketchbook,
newspaper, coloured card)
and 3 differing media from
classroom supply, to complete
an object drawing

Bachelor of Education in Art & Design 16

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