1.14 Unit 1 Final Product

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Me llamo ___________________________________ Soy de _____________________________ Me gusta ____________________________

Unit 1 Test: Writing

Directions: Write a story about Frida, los ñus OR your own original characters IN SPANISH. You must use the words in the word bank at least once.
You don’t have to include a dialogue, but you must include a drawing.

le dice = __________________ se llama(n) = ________________ hay = _________________ este/esta es = ____________________

Dibujo/Diálogo: Dibujo/Diálogo: Dibujo/Diálogo:

Descripción: Descripción: Descripción:

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Translation: Translation: Translation:

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
Using key vocabulary structures, write an alternative ending to either the Frida or
Ñus story. Your story must be at least 5 sentences and correctly utilize the
vocabulary from Unit 0 and Unit 1.

4.0 Exceeding







3.5 Partially Exceeding 3.0 Meeting 2.5 Partially 2.0 Progressing 1.5 Partially
Meeting Progressing

__ Meets ‘Proficient’ __ Introduces characters __ Introduces characters ___ Missing one key vocab ___ Missing two key vocab
requirements using “there is/are”, “this using “there is/are”, “are structure: structure:
__ Includes super frases, is”, “are called” called” or “this is”. ___ there is/are ___ there is/are
vocab flex words and past __ Uses correct greetings __ Uses correct ___ this is ___ this is
vocabulary (Unit 0/1) __ Includes dialogue with greetings ___ he/she/they say(s) ___ he/she/they
“he/she/they say(s)” __ Includes dialogue with ___ is/are called say(s)
__ Variety of vocab “he/she/they say(s)” ___ is/are called
___ Lack of other
appropriate for context. __ Some variety of vocab, ____ Used some unit
vocabulary, not always
not always appropriate vocabulary, but need help
appropriate for context.
for context. getting started, some use
of the word wall is

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