2024 UCE Course Outline
2024 UCE Course Outline
2024 UCE Course Outline
philosophical ideologies inform education practice through curriculum design,
education policy and pedagogy. It also equips students with analytical tools for
examining education theory and practice and how, as an individual educator,
one may develop an own philosophy that is responsive to one’s context.
b) Branches of Philosophy and Their Impact on Education
(i) Metaphysics and Education
(ii) Epistemology and Education
(iii) Ethics and Education
(iv) Aesthetics and Education
viii. Critical Pedagogy
ix. Ubuntu
17. Assessment
Assessment in this module will comprise both Continuous Assessment (CA)
and End of Semester Examination (EOS). The weighting for each will be as
Noddings, N. (2013). Education and Democracy in the 21st Century. New York:
Teachers College Columbia University.
Ornestein, A.C., & Levine, D.U. (2008). Foundations of education, (10th ed).
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Ornestein, A.C., & Levine, D.U. (2008). Foundations of Education (10th ed).
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Papastephanou, M.; Zembylas, M.; Bostad, I.; Oral, S.B.; Drousioti, K.;
Kouppanou, A.; Strand, T.; Wain, K.; Peters, M.A. (Open Reviewer) &
Tesar, M. (2022) Philosophy of education in a new key: Education for
justice now, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 54:8, 1083-1098.
Tesar, M.; Hytten, K.; Hoskins, T. K.; Rosiek, J; Jackson, A.Y.; Hand, M.;
Roberts, P.; Opiniano, G.A.; Matapo, J.; St. Pierre, Elizabeth Adams;
Azada-Palacios, Rowena; Kuby, C. R.; Jones, A.; Mazzei, L. A.;
Maruyama, Y.; O’Donnell, A.; Dixon-Román, E.; Chengbing, W.;
Huang, Z.; Chen, L.; Peters, M. A. & Liz Jackson (2022) Philosophy of
education in a new key: Future of philosophy of education, Educational
Philosophy and Theory, 54:8, 1234-1255.
Winch, C., & Gingell, J. (2004). Philosophy and educational policy: a critical
introduction. London: Taylor & Francis Group.
Wringe, C. (2006). Moral education is beyond the teaching of right and wrong.
Dordrecht: The Netherlands, Springer.