DU - Annotated Syllabus

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Two Year Programme

P.1.2 : Science

Maximum Marks: 100

Course Objective
This course would enable the pupil teachers to understand Science as a discipline through its
philosophical and epistemological perspectives. The insights into the nature of science and how
children construct knowledge science would help in developing a critical understanding about
the curriculum in science and how it unfolds through the transactional processes at the various
levels of school education. Thus, this course aims to lead the pupil teachers from an
understanding about science discipline to a holistic understanding about science-education
situated in learner context and social realities.

Unit I : Nature of Science and Science Education

 The nature of science- science as a process and science as a body of knowledge, as a
social enterprise; Science-Technology-Society-Environment (STSE) Interface.
 A historical perspective: the development of science as a discipline; awareness of the
contributions of Popper and Kuhn.
 A critical understanding of science as a subject at the various levels of school education
and thereby of the purpose of science education at the various levels of school education.
 Development of Scientific Temper, public understanding of science, ethics of science;
science education in the context of a developing country.

Unit II: The learner Context

 Children’s conceptualisation of scientific phenomena- Pre-conceptions in science and
their significance in knowledge constructions (with linkages to learning at the primary
level); Misconceptions and ‘alternative frameworks’ in science.
 Understanding children’s fear of science addressing their inabilities to correlate the
observed phenomena with micro level processes and with their symbolic/mathematical
representations. .
 Construction of knowledge in science: conceptual schemes, concept maps.
 Role and limitation of language: its contribution towards expression, articulation and the
understanding of science.
 Addressing Learner-diversity: gender issues, special need-learners, contextual factors.

Practicum (Unit I-II): Project/assignment based on school experience observations.

Unit III: The science curriculum

 The nature and underlying criteria for a science curriculum and content organization.
 Approaches to curriculum transaction: integrated approach and disciplinary approach;
 A critical review of Science Curriculum at the National Level i.e. NCERT curriculum, at
the State Level i.e. SCERT curriculum, Hoshangabad Science Teaching Programme
(HSTP) ; An awareness about science curricula at international level such as Nuffield
Science, Harvard Science, project 2061 etc .
 Criteria for the analysis of science textbooks (including issues related to gender, the
socio-cultural context, etc.)

Practicum: Critical analysis of existing science syllabi and textbooks.

Unit IV : Enrichment of Content Knowledge

 Devising content analysis and enrichment programme for selective content areas in
physics, chemistry and biology (working through group/workshop/seminar modes).
 Developing representations/creative expressions of the outcomes of content enrichment.
 Taking comprehensive feedback from peers regarding the processes and outcomes of
content enrichment.

Unit V: Professional Development of Science Teacher

 Need for professional development
 Professional development at the individual, organisational and governmental level.
 Teacher as a researcher: Action research by teachers in collaboration with research
institutions, voluntary organizations, etc.

Practicum : Conducting Action Research in any area related to science education.

Suggested Reading List

Aikenhead, W. W. (1998). Cultural aspects of learning science. Part one , pp 39-52. (B. F.
Tobin, Ed.) Netherlands: Kluwer academic Publisher.
Barba, H.R. (1997).Science in Multi-Cultural Classroom: A guide to Teaching and Learning.
USA: Allyn and Bacon.
Bevilacqua F, Giannetto E, & Mathews M.R., (eds.). Science Education and Culture: The
Contribution of History and Philosophy of Science. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic
Cobern, W. W. (1998). Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Science Education. London: kluwer
Academic Publisher.
Deo, M.G. & Pawar, P.V. (2011), General Article: Nurturing Science Talent in Villages, In
Current Science, Vol. 101, No. 12, pp1538-1543.
Hines, S. M. (Ed.). (2005). Multicultural science Education: Theory, Practice, and Promise (Vol.
120). New York, U.S.A: Peter Lang.
Lee, E. & Luft, J. (2008), Experienced Secondary Science Teachers' Representation of
Pedagogical Content Knowledge. International Journal of Science Education 30(10), 1343-
1363(21), August

Lee, O. (2003). Equity for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students in Science Education.
Teachers College Record , 105 (3), pp 465-489.
Lynch, S. J. (2000). Equity and Science Education Reform. Mahwah, NJ: LawrenceErlbaum
Associates, Inc.
National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education: Towards Preparing Professional and
Humane Teacher (2009-10), NCERT: New Delhi
National Curriculum Framework, (2005), NCERT: New Delhi
Newsome, J. G. & Lederman, N. G. (Eds.) (1999), Examining Pedagogical Content Knowledge:
The Construct and its Implications for Science Education. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The
Parkinson, J. (2002). Chapter-1. Learning to Become an Effective Science Teacher. In Reflective
Teaching of Science 11-18: Continuum Studies in Reflective Practice and Theory. New York:
Continuum. pp. 1-12.
Quigley, C. (2009). Globalization and Science Education: The Implications for Indigenous
knowledge systems. International Educational Studies , 2 (1), pp 76-88.
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (2005), MHRD: New Delhi
Rivet, A.E. & Krajick, J.S. (2008), Contextualizing Instruction: Leveraging Students’ Prior
Knowledge and Experiences to Foster Understanding of Middle School Science, In Journal of
Research in Science Teaching, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp 79-100.
Sears, J. and Sorensen, P. (Eds.). (2000) Issues in Science Teaching. Routledge Falmer, The
Netherlands. This book covers Gender, Multiculturalism, scientific literacy
Tobin, K. (Ed.). (1993). The Practice of Constructivism Science Education . Hillsdale, New
Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Van Driel, J.H.V., Beijaard, D. & Verloop, N. (2001), Professional Development and Reform in
Science Education: The Role of Teachers' Practical Knowledge. Journal of Research in Science
Teaching, 38(2), 137-158, February
Wallace J. and Louden W. (eds.). Dilemmas of Science Teaching: Perspectives on Problems of
Practice. London: Routledge Falmer. pp. 191-204.
Wang, H. A and Schmidt, W. H. (2001). - History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in
Science Education: Results from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. In F.
Bevilacqua, E. Giannetto, and M.R. Mathews, (eds.). Science Education and Culture: The
Contribution of History and Philosophy of Science. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic
Publishers. pp.83-102.

B.Ed. Two Year Programme

P.2.6 : Physics

Maximum Marks: 100

Course Objective
This course is aimed at developing the insights, competencies and skills among the pupil-
teachers to effectively transact the Physics curriculum and evolve as a reflective practitioner,
capable of translating theoretical perspectives into pedagogical practices.
Unit I Pedagogical Underpinning
 Place of physics in school curriculum - Nature of physics as a science discipline and
its linkages with other disciplines.
 The concept of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and its implications for
Physics teaching.
 Aims of teaching physics at the senior secondary level with linkages to upper-
primary and secondary level.
 Objectives of teaching physics with special reference to the development of thinking
and process skills
Unit II Classroom processes
 Pedagogical planning: considerations in relation to content (curriculum and concepts)
and learners (with specific reference to socio-cultural and developmental context of
the learner including special needs).
 A repertoire of teaching-learning processes: Inquiry based approach, inductive and
deductive approach, experimentation, demonstration, discussion, investigatory
projects, individually paced programmes, group work, peer learning, observation-
based survey, problem solving, guided independent study, seminar presentation,
action research
 Developing unit plans, lesson plans and Remedial/Enrichment plans using
combinations of various processes.
 Planning for conduct of activities, experiments and laboratory work in Physics with a
critique of the current practices
1. Planning and discussion of lessons for the school experience programme.
2. Developing remedial or enrichment programmes.
3. Conduct of activities/Experiments.
Unit III Teaching- Learning Resources
 Criteria for selecting/designing Teaching-Learning Resources : content based, learner
based and context based.
 Textbook, reference books, encyclopaedia, newspaper and alike
 Improvisations and Science Kits
 Instructional aides, computer aided instruction, multi-media packages, interactive
software, websites, Open Education Resources(OER) etc.

 Planning of extended experiences, science quiz, science fair, science corner/resource
room, science club, excursion and related SUPW activities.
Practicum: Developing Teaching-Learning resources
Unit IV Organization of the Physics Laboratory
 Layout and design of the physics laboratory.
 Storage of apparatus, consumable and non-consumable items/materials
 Maintenance of laboratory records.
 Making arrangements for the conduct of experiments.
Practicum: Laboratory work- management of laboratory, activities and project work.
Unit V Assessment
 Nature of learning and assessment, analysis and critique of the present pattern of
 Design and analysis of
o Formative assessment tasks
o Summative Assessment
 Assessment of laboratory work and project work
 Assessment through creative expression-drawing, posters, drama, poetry, etc as part
of formative assessment for continuous assessment of thinking and process skills
 Developing learner profiles and portfolios; participatory and peer assessment.
Practicum: Preparation of a detailed Assessment Report of learners’ continuous and
comprehensive assessment.

Suggested Reading List

 Bal, V. (2005). Women scientists in India: Nowhere near the glass ceiling. Current
Science: 88(6). pp. 872-878.
 Bevilacqua F, Giannetto E.& Mathews M.R. (Ed.) (2001), Science Education and
Culture The Contribution of History and Philosophy of Science . Netherlands: Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
 Bowling, J. & Martin, B. (1985). Science: a masculine disorder? Science and Public
Policy: 12(6). pp. 308-316
 Cobern W.W.(Ed.) (1998), Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Science Education An
international Dialogue. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
 Cole, Jonathan R. and Harriet Zuckerman. 1987. "Marriage and Motherhood and
Research Performance in Science" Scientific American 256: 119-125.
 Hiroko, H. (2012).Modernity, Technology and Progress of Women in Japan:
Problems and Prospects. In D. Jain & D. Elson(Ed.), Harvesting feminist Knowledge
for Public policy Rebuilding Progress. New Delhi :Sage Publication.

 Kumar, N. (Ed.)(2009). Women and Science in India A Reader. India: Oxford
University Press.
 Oakes, J. 2007 More than misplaced technology : A normative and political response
to Hallinan on tracking in Sociology of Education by Alan R. Sadovnik (Ed.). New
York: Routledge
 Okebukola, O. J. (1991). The Effect of Instruction on Socio-Cultural beliefs
Hindering the Learning of Science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28 (3),
pp 275-285.
 Osborne, J. F. (1996). Beyond Constructivism. Science Education, 80 (1), pp 53-82.
 Sur, A. (2011). Dispersed Radiance: Caste, Gender and Modern Science in India.
Navayana : India
 Taylor, P.C. &Cobern W. W. 1998 Towards a Critical Science Education in Socio-
Cultural Perspectives on Science Education- An international Dialogue By William
W. Cobern (Ed.) Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
 Wallace J.& Louden W (Ed.) (2002)Dilemmas of Science Teaching Perspectives on
Problems of Practice. Routledge: NewYork.

B.Ed. Two Year Programme

P.2.7: Chemistry

Maximum Marks: 100

Course Objective
This course is aimed at developing the insights, competencies and skills among the pupil-
teachers to effectively transact the Chemistry curriculum and evolve as a reflective
practitioner, capable of translating theoretical perspectives into pedagogical practices.
Unit I Pedagogical Underpinning
 Place of Chemistry in school curriculum
 The concept of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and its implications for
Chemistry teaching.
 Aims of teaching Chemistry at the senior secondary level with linkages to upper-
primary and secondary level.
 Objectives of teaching Chemistry with special reference to the development of
thinking and process skills
Unit II Classroom processes
 Pedagogical planning: considerations in relation to content (curriculum and concepts)
and learners (with specific reference to socio-cultural and developmental context of
the learner including special needs).
 A repertoire of teaching-learning processes: Inquiry based approach, inductive and
deductive approach, experimentation, demonstration, discussion, investigatory
projects, individually paced programmes, group work, peer learning, observation-
based survey, problem solving, guided independent study, seminar presentation,
action research
 Developing unit plans, lesson plans and Remedial/Enrichment plans using
combinations of various processes.
 Planning for conduct of activities, experiments and laboratory work in Chemistrywith
a critique of the current practices

1. Planning and discussion of lessons for the school experience programme.
2. Developing remedial or enrichment programmes.
3. Conduct of activities/Experiments.

Unit III Teaching- Learning Resources

 Criteria for selecting/designing Teaching-Learning Resources : content based, learner
based and context based.
 Textbook, reference books, encyclopaedia, newspaper and alike
 Improvisations and Science Kits
 Instructional aides, computer aided instruction, multi-media packages, interactive
software, websites, Open Education Resources (OER) etc.
 Planning of extended experiences, science quiz, science fair, science corner/resource
room, science club, excursion and related SUPW activities.
Practicum: Developing Teaching-Learning resources
Unit IV Organization of the Chemistry Laboratory
 Layout and design of the Chemistry laboratory.
 Storage of apparatus, consumable and non-consumable items/materials
 Maintenance of laboratory records.
 Making arrangements for the conduct of experiments.
Practicum: Laboratory work- management of laboratory, activities and project work.
Unit V Assessment
 Nature of learning and assessment, analysis and critique of the present pattern of
 Design and analysis of
o Formative assessment tasks
o Summative Assessment
 Assessment of laboratory work and project work
 Assessment through creative expression-drawing, posters, drama, poetry, etc as part
of formative assessment for continuous assessment of thinking and process skills
 Developing learner profiles and portfolios; participatory and peer assessment.
Practicum: Preparation of a detailed Assessment Report of learners’ continuous and
comprehensive assessment.
B.Ed. Two Year Programme

P.2.8: Biology

Maximum Marks: 100

Course Objective
This course is aimed at developing the insights, competencies and skills among the pupil-
teachers to effectively transact the Biology curriculum and evolve as a reflective practitioner,
capable of translating theoretical perspectives into pedagogical practices.

Unit I Pedagogical Underpinning

 Place of Biology in school curriculum and its changing character
 The concept of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and its implications for
Biology teaching.
 Aims of teaching Biology at the senior secondary level with linkages to upper-
primary and secondary level.
 Objectives of teaching Biology with special reference to the development of thinking
and process skills

Unit II Classroom processes

 Pedagogical planning: considerations in relation to content (curriculum and concepts)
and learners (with specific reference to socio-cultural and developmental context of
the learner including special needs).
 A repertoire of teaching-learning processes: Inquiry based approach, inductive and
deductive approach, experimentation, demonstration, discussion, investigatory
projects, individually paced programmes, group work, peer learning, observation-
based survey, problem solving, guided independent study, seminar presentation,
action research
 Developing unit plans, lesson plans and Remedial/Enrichment plans using
combinations of various processes.
 Planning for conduct of activities, experiments and laboratory work in Biology with a
critique of the current practices

1. Planning and discussion of lessons for the school experience programme.
2. Developing remedial or enrichment programmes.
3. Conduct of activities/Experiments.

Unit III Teaching- Learning Resources

 Criteria for selecting/designing Teaching-Learning Resources: content based, learner
based and context based.
 Textbook, reference books, encyclopaedia, newspaper and alike
 Improvisations and Science Kits
 Instructional aides, computer aided instruction, multi-media packages, interactive
software, websites, Open Education Resources(OER) etc.
 Planning of extended experiences, science quiz, science fair, science corner/resource
room, science club, excursion and related SUPW activities.

Practicum: Developing Teaching-Learning resources

Unit IV Organization of the Biology Laboratory
 Layout and design of the Biology laboratory.
 Storage of apparatus, consumable and non-consumable items/materials
 Maintenance of laboratory records.
 Making arrangements for the conduct of experiments.

Practicum: Laboratory work- management of laboratory, activities and project work.

Unit V Assessment
 Nature of learning and assessment, analysis and critique of the present pattern of
 Design and analysis of
o Formative assessment tasks
o Summative Assessment
 Assessment of laboratory work and project work
 Assessment through creative expression-drawing, posters, drama, poetry, etc as part
of formative assessment for continuous assessment of thinking and process skills
 Developing learner profiles and portfolios; participatory and peer assessment.

Practicum: Preparation of a detailed Assessment Report of learners’ continuous and

comprehensive assessment.

Reading List
Chiappetta, L. Eugene and Koballa, R. Thomas (2010) Science Instruction in the Middle and
Secondary Schools, Seventh Edition, Allyn& Bacon.
Coll, R. K. (2007). Opportunities for Gifted Science Provision in the Context of a Learner-
centered National Curriculum, In K. S. Taber (Ed.), Science Education for Gifted Learners
(pp. 59-70). London: Routledge
Collette, Alfred T. and Eugene L. Chappetta, (1994) Science Education in the Middle and
Secondary Schools; MacMillan : N. Y.
Driver, R., Squires, A., Rushworth, P. and Wood- Robinson, V. (2006) Making Sense of
Secondary Science: Research into Children’s Ideas, London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Eklavya, BalVigyan – Class 6, 7, 8. (1978) Madhya Pradesh PathyaPustak Nigam; Bhopal,
(English & Hindi Versions both).
Friedrichsen, P.M. & Dana, T. M. (2005). Substantive-Level Theory of Highly Regarded
Secondary Biology Teachers’ Science Teaching Orientations. Journal of research in science
teaching vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 218–244
Kuhn, T. S. (1970, 2nd Ed )The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: the University
of Chicago
Lovelock, James (2000) [1979]. Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth (3rd ed.). Oxford
University Press
Martin R., Sexton, C. Wagner, K. Gerlorich, J. (1998) Science for all Children: Allyn and
Bacon: USA. Contains Science for Diversity, Child with disability, etc.
Minkoff, E. C. & Baker, P. T. (2004) Biology Today – An Issues Approach (III Ed.), Garland

Muralidhar, K., ‘What Organisms Do?’ in Rangaswamy, N. S. (Ed.) Life and Organism, Vol.
XII (Part 6) in Chattopadhyaya, D. P. (Gen. Ed.). History of Science, Philosophy and
Culture in Indian Civilization. MunshiramManoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Pollard, A (2005) Reflective Teaching, London: Continuum.
Reiss, M. (Ed.). (1999) Teaching Secondary Biology. Association for Science Education.
Siddiqi and Siddiqi. (2002) Teaching of Science Today and Tomorrow, Doaba House, New
Siddiqi and Siddiqi. Teaching of Biology, Doaba House, New Delhi.
Sundarajan, S. (1995) Teaching Science in Middle School : A Resource Book. Orient
Longman: Hyderabad.
Turner, T. & Dimatea, W. (1998) Learning to Teach Science in Secondary School,
Routledge Publication, USA.
UNESCO (1966) Source Book for Science Teaching: UNESCO: Paris.
Vaidya N. (1999) Science Teaching for the 21st Century, Deep and Deep Publishers.
Wallace, J and Louden, W. (Eds.)(2001) Dilemmas of Science Teaching: Perspectives on
Problems of Practice. Routledge, London.
Wellington, J. (2004) Teaching and Learning Secondary Science – Contemporary Issues and
Practical Approaches, London: Routledge.
Wilson, E. O. (1999). Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, Vintage Books. New York.

1. School Science, NCERT, New Delhi
The American Biology Teacher
2. National Association of Biology Teachers

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