Course Outline For Stage5 Science

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Classifying gases

1. Understand that substances

13/05/2024 0097 Stage 5
can be gaseous and know the
common gases at room
primary science
temperature (limited to schemes of work
oxygen, carbon dioxide, water
vapour, nitrogen and Cambridge
To hydrogen). primary science,
The particle model of a gas Learner’s book 5
Page 58-59
2. Use the particle model to
describe solid, liquids
(including solutions) and
17/05/2024 gases.
Properties of water

3. Know the main properties of 0097 Stage 5

water (limited to boiling primary science
point, melting point, expands schemes of work
when it solidifies, and its
ability to dissolve a range of Cambridge
substances) and know that primary science,
water acts differently from Learner’s book 5
many other substances. Page 64-65
Evaporation and condensation Cambridge
20/05/2024 primary science,
1. Describe the processes of Learner’s book 5
evaporation and Page 71-73
condensation, using the
particle model and relating
the processes to changes in
Soluble and insoluble
2. Know that the ability of a solid
to dissolve and the ability of a
24/05/2024 liquid to act as a solvent are
properties of the solid and
liquid Cambridge
primary science,
How much salt can dissolve in
Learner’s book 5
Page 79
3. Investigate and describe the
process of dissolving and
relate it to mixing.
Retrieving a solid from a solution

4. Understand that dissolving is

a reversible process and
investigate how to separate
the solvent and solute after a
solution is formed.

27/05/2024 Earth and Sun model 0097 Stage 5

primary science
to 1. Describe the orbit of the Earth schemes of work
around the Sun (limited to
slight ellipse, anticlockwise
31/05/2024 direction and the duration).
Seasons and climates

2. Describe how the tilt of the

Earth can create different
climates and seasons over the
year in different places.

Satellites and moons

03/06/2024 3. Know that a satellite is an Cambridge

object in space that orbits a primary science,
larger object and a moon is a Learner’s book 5
natural satellite that orbits a Page 110-111
The atmosphere
4. Know that the Earth is
surrounded by a layer of air
07/06/2024 called the atmosphere, which
is a mixture of different gases
(including nitrogen, carbon
dioxide and oxygen).
10/06/2024 Pollution

1. Understand that pollution is 0097 Stage 5

the introduction of primary science
substances by humans that schemes of work
harm the environment and
identify examples of pollution.
Water Cycle model
To primary science,
2. Describe the water cycle Learner’s book 5
(limited to evaporation, page 79
condensation and
15/06/2024 Pure water

3. Understand that most water

on Earth is not pure and has
dissolved substances in it

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