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Dear Sir/Madam,

I Divya Dandwani, PhD Scholar, is surveying “A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF JOB

AND PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS IN CHHATTISGARH” to be submitted as a part of my
PhD thesis. It will take 10 minutes for you to fill out the form, which will benefit my study.
Kindly extend your help. The information you give will be kept confidential and will be used
only for the study purpose.

Thanking You.


Divya Dandwani
Research scholar
MATS School of Management Studies and Research
MATS University

1. Name (Optional): ...................................................................................
2. Email ID: ..............................................................................................
3. Type of bank:
a. Public Sector Bank
b. Private Sector Bank
4. Name of the bank :
a. SBI
b. PNB
c. BOB
d. HDFC Ltd.
f. Axis
5. Name of the branch (Address and contact number): ……………………………………..

6. Age (in years):

a. 21-30
b. 31-40
c. 41-50
d. Above 50

7. Gender :
a. Male
b. Female
c. Others

8. Marital status:
a. Married
b. Unmarried

9. Number of dependents :
a. Below 4
b. 4-6
c. 7-9
d. Above 9

10. Place of residence:

a. Rural
b. Urban
c. Semi-Urban

11. Distance from the workplace:

a. Up to 10 km
b. 11-20km
c. 21-30 km
d. More than 30km
12. Dwelling status:
a. Owned
b. Rented

13. Educational qualification:

a. Under Graduate/Non-graduate
b. Graduate
c. Post Graduate
d. Above post-graduation

14. Present position:

a. Officer/ Authoriser
b. Clerk/Teller
c. Others

15. Experience in years:

a. Below 5
b. 5-10
c. 10-15
d. 15-20
e. Above 20

16. Monthly income:

a. Upto 35,000
b. 35,001-65,000
c. Above 65,000

17. Status of the spouse:

a. Employed
b. Unemployed
c. Not Applicable

18. Type of branch:

a. Rural
b. Urban

19. Are you a member of any trade union:

a. Yes
b. No
Please highlight your

preferences on a scale of 1 to Strongly Strongly
5 Agree Disagree

(Strongly Agree – 5, Agree -

4, Neutral – 3, Disagree - 2,
Strongly Disagree – 1)
Job Satisfaction 5 4 3 2 1

1. I feel I am being paid a fair amount for the

work I do in bank.
2. Raises are high in my bank.
3. I feel appreciated by the organization when
I think about what they pay me in bank.
4. I feel satisfied with my chances for salary
increases in my bank.
5. There is really good chance for promotion in
my bank.
6. Those who do well in bank stand a fair
chance of being promoted.
7. People get ahead as fast here as they do in
other places.
8. I am satisfied with my chances for
promotion in bank.
9. My supervisor is quite competent in doing
his/her job in bank.
10. My supervisor is fair to me in bank.
11. My supervisor shows high interest in the
feelings of subordinates in bank.
12. I like my supervisor in bank.
13. I am satisfied with the benefits I receive in
14. The benefits we receive in bank are as good
as most other banks offer.
15. The benefit package we have is equitable in
16. There are benefits we have which we should
have in banks.
17. When I do a good job in bank, I receive the
recognition for it that I should receive in
18. I feel that the work I do is appreciated in
19. There are high rewards for those who work
here in bank.
20. I feel my efforts are rewarded the way they
should be in bank.
21. Many of our rules and procedures make
doing a good job enjoyable in banks.
22. My efforts to do a good job are seldom
blocked by red tape in bank.
23. I have not too much work to do in bank.
24. I have not too much paperwork in bank.
25. I like the people I work with in bank.
26. I think I enjoy my work in bank because of
the competence of people I work with.
27. I enjoy my co-workers in bank.
28. There is not too much bickering and fighting
in bank.
29. I feel my job is valuable in bank.
30. I like doing the things I do in bank.
31. I feel a sense of pride in doing my job in bank.
32. My job is enjoyable in bank.
33. Communications seem good in bank.
34. The goals of the bank are clear to me.
35. I often feel that I know what is going on in
36. Work assignments are fully explained in
Employee Retention 5 4 3 2 1
37. I am proud to work for bank.
38. I like the type of work I do in bank.
39. The mission of the bank makes me feel my
job is important.
40. I feel valued in this bank.
41. I am satisfied with my job in bank.
42. In the last one month I have received
recognition for my work in bank.
43. I am recognized for exceeding expectations
in bank.
44. Someone at work cares about me as a
person in bank.
45. My fellow employees know about each
other and care about one another in bank.
46. I believe I am making a difference in
the life of customers.
47. I have confidence in the leadership of
the bank.
48. I have had opportunity at work to learn and
grow in bank.
49. I have the opportunity to do what I do best
every day in bank.
50. My fellow employees are committed
towards doing quality work in bank.
51. Customers feel satisfied with the service
receive in bank.
52. I believe we provide best service to our
53. I have supportive colleagues and
management in bank.
54. I tell others great things about working in
55. I will recommend the organization to a
seeking employment in bank.

56. The organization inspires me to do my best

work every day in bank.

20. Any suggestion you would like to offer to enhance job satisfaction and employee retention
in the banking sectors:.....................................................................

Thank you

Divya Dandwani

Research Scholar

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