Human Resources Management, 13, pp.117-151.

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Introduction to internal organizational factor :

Commended Reading

Pearce, J.L., Tsui, A.S., Porter, L.W. and Hite, J.P., 1995. Choice of employee-organization
relationship: Influence of external and internal organizational factors. Research in personnel and
human resources management, 13, pp.117-151.

Arena, M. and Azzone, G., 2009. Identifying organizational drivers of internal audit
effectiveness. International Journal of Auditing, 13(1), pp.43-60.

Pearce, J.L., Tsui, A.S., Porter, L.W. and Hite, J.P., 1995. Choice of employee-organization
relationship: Influence of external and internal organizational factors. Research in personnel and
human resources management, 13, pp.117-151..

Factors Reference

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