- is the study of science and art of correctivity. 1. PRESCRIPTIVITY – the guiding nature of ethics.
- The study of what is right and what is wrong, Prescribes and gives commands.
good and evil of human conduct. 2. IMPARTIALITY – there is no bias, it’s for all/
- It is the science of human act. neutral.
3. OVERRIDINGNESS – you can override other
Origin of Ethics when man began to think of what is
norms/ rules.
good for themselves.
Ethics is Science – systematize. – Independent and has our own stand.
5. PUBLICITY – it is open, transparent. The
Ethics is Art – beautifying one’s life. application is shown in public.
Etymology – way of acting 6. PRACTICABILITY – practical, actionable and can
be practiced.
RELIGIOUS POV – the creator who give the rules. 1. ACT OF MAN – instinctive, involuntary and no
guidance of will and intellect.
- Ethics is given by God 2. HUMAN ACT – voluntary, deliberate action with
GREEK METHOLOGY – Zeus who gives people justice to guidance of will and intellect.
his people. - Subject to moral consequence and
ANCIENT GREEK – Ethics Started a. Knowledge – aware, conscious, and
understand your actions.
BABYLON – Given by Hamurabi.
b. Freedom
HAMURABI CODE c. Voluntariness / will
“crime of passion” when man tends to become ORGANIZATIONAL MORAL DILEMMA – when a
irrational. member or members of the organization is in a situation
where there is moral conflict, and the decision will
3. FEAR – disturbance of the mind. Act done with potentially harm either some members of the group or
fear. Still have moral responsibility. the entire organization itself. (members of the
4. VIOLENCE – physical force is exerted to a institution is in conflict)
person by another for the purpose of
compelling or forcing a person to act against his STUCTURAL MORAL DILEMMA – when a person or
will. group of persons who holds high level positions in the
5. HABITS – are frequently repeated acts. society faces a morally conflicting situation where in the
entire social system is affected. (dilemma within a 2. LANGUAGE – also a symbol. Either written, oral
system) and verbal, because of this we have clear
knowledge of the message.
HOMO “SAPIENS” – wisdom knowledge.
3. BELIEFS – superstitions.
Man as the agent of morality – we are rational, 4. VALUES – anything that satisfies human needs.
responsible for creating and upholding moral principles. 5. NORMS – standard, principle.
- Judeo Christian – IMAGO DEI CULTURAL RELATIVISM – explains why one behavior or
- Hinduism – Divine Atman practice is completely acceptable by a particular group
- Buddhism – body/ soul consciousness of people, while it is a taboo in another. Truth is
Man according to Philosophy
FRANZ BOAZ 1887 – German American Anthropologist.
Ancient Philosophers
ALAIN LOCKE 1924 – philosopher and social theorist
Socrates – man is moral being, they know what is wrong who first used the term “cultural relativism.”
and right.
Plato – man is body and soul (separable)
1. Different societies have different moral codes.
Aristotle – body and soul (not separable, rational 2. The moral code of a society determined what is
animals) right and wrong.
Modern Philosophers 3. There are no universal truths.
4. The moral code of a particular society has no
Thomas hobbes – man is selfish and corrupt (negative) special status.
Jean Jacques Rousseau – man is selfish and corrupt. 5. It is arrogant for one culture to judge another
(negative). culture.
1. NEGATIVE TYPE – absence of direct/ physical 1. The home environment – taught to value family
violence (both macro and micro) and give it primary importance.
2. The social environment - depending on one
DIRECT VIOLENCE – war, torture, child and
another to survive.
woman abuse.
3. Culture and language – depict openness to
2. POSITIVE TYPE – presence of conditions of well- foreign elements with no basic consciousness of
being and just relationships: our cultural core.
a. Economic 4. History – the culprit behind our colonial
b. Structural Violence mentality
c. Socio-cultural Violence 5. The educational system – instrumental in
d. Ecological Violence molding the strengths and weaknesses of the
Filipino character.
6 DIMENSIONS AND OPERATIVE VALUES 6. Religion – taught us optimism and resilience.
1. PERSONAL AND FAMILY (SPIRITUAL) – values 7. The economic environment – hard life drove
formation starts in the family. Filipinos to work hard and take risks, such as
2. HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY (JUSTICE) – leaving our families to work abroad.
political respect is the key towards human 8. The political environment – political power is
viability and sustainability in achieving peace mainly in the hands of the elite and the absence
and mitigating conflict in the complex and of a string government presence enhanced the
dynamic society. Filipino’s already extreme family centeredness.
3. POVERTY ERADIVATION (COMPASSION) – 9. Mass media – rads, music ect., were greatly
poverty might be inevitable, however with the based on American pop culture. Superiority of
help of lowering the poverty borderline, peace imported brand.
can somehow be attainable. 10. Leadership and role models – any person with
4. INTERCULTURAL UNDERSTANDING AND authority Is looked up to.
might be wrong for me, what is wrong for me
might be right for you.” Serves as the 1. Pakikipagkapwa-Tao – helpfulness and
foundation for consideration towards respect. generosity.
5. DISARMAMENT AND CESSATION OF 2. Family Orientation – genuine love for family.
HOSTILITIES (ACTICE/ NON-VIOLENCE) – In 3. Joy and Humor – cheerful and fun loving.
promoting the culture of peace, we must share
4. Flexibility, Adaptability and Creativity. – we
can improve and make use of whatever is at
hand to create and produce.
5. Hard work and Industry – willingness to take
risks and work in other countries.
6. Faith and Religiosity – bahala na mindset.
7. Ability to Survive – “matutong mamulukot
habang maikli ang kumot.” We endure, make
do, and get by on so little while looking forward
to the coming of better days.