Form-1-Notes (1) Jokan Notes
Form-1-Notes (1) Jokan Notes
Form-1-Notes (1) Jokan Notes
Magnification =
𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
v. Fur, hair and mammary glands in
mammals. vi. Scales and fins in fish. vii. Example 1
Proglotids and scolex in tapeworms. viii. A form one student examined a
Locomotory structures e.g. limbs in specimen whose length was 43mm,
arthropods and vertebrates. ix. Body then drew the diagram whose length
pigmentation. was 86mm. Calculate the magnification
Significance/ importance of of the drawing.
classification. Solution.
1. It groups together living organisms with Magnification = length of the drawing
similar characteristics but separates length of the object
those with different features. =
2. Helps in placing living organisms into 86 mm
their correct groups for easy reference. 43 mm
3. Helps to arrange the information about = x2.
living organisms in an orderly manner to Example 2
avoid chaos and confusion. If the magnification of a drawing is x5
4. Helps to understand the evolutionary and the drawing length is 10cm. What is
relationships between different the actual length of the object?
Magnification =
𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
Some organisms are small or have tiny
Act𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ =
therefore require the use magnifying
A common magnifying instrument used is
Act𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ =
called a hand lens.
spirogyra and protozoa, e.g. amoeba,
Paramecium and Plasmodium.
BIOLOGICAL DRAWINGS 3. Fungi- This includes moulds, e.g.
The following are important points to moulds, yeasts and mushrooms.
note when making biological diagrams: 4. Plantae- Examples include moss,
1. Use a well sharpened pencil. blacken fern, maize, beans and
2. The drawing should occupy ‰ or of jacaranda.
the space provided. 5. Animalia- This includes housefly, spider,
3. Each drawing should have a title. crab, lizard, elephant, hawk and cow.
4. Enough space should be left all-round
the drawing for labeling. The present system of naming
organisms is called Binomial
5. Avoid using double lines when making
outlines of a drawing.
It was developed by Swedish biologist
6. Label lines should not have arrow heads.
called Carolus Linnaeus in 18th
7. The magnification of a drawing should century.
always be worked out.
It involved giving organisms two latin
8. The drawing should not be shaded.
names because:
9. The label lines should never cross each i. They rarely change/ are static.
ii. They are written in the same language
all over the world. Significance/ importance
These refer to the groups (or taxa) into of giving organisms two names.
which organisms are placed.
i. Enables biologists to arrange organisms
There are seven major taxonomic units in an orderly manner.
as shown below.
ii. It provides names that have the same
i. Kingdom. ii.
meaning worldwide.
This is the scientific system of giving
Division). iii.
organisms two names, generic/ genus name
Class. iv. and specific/ species name. Rules of binomial
v. Family. vi.
1. The first name/ genus name should
begin with capital letter and the second
vii. Species.
name/ specific name should be written
• Moving down the taxonomic units the in small letters.
number of organisms in each group
2. The names should be printed in italics in
decreases but the similarities between
books but underlined separately when
then increases.
• Phylum is used when classifying animals Example
while division is used when classifying The lion is called Panthera leo when
plants. printed and Panthera leo when hand
• The kingdom has the highest number written the leopard is called Panthera
of organisms/members while species pardus when typed and Panthera
has members with more common pardus when hand written.
characteristics. The name Panthera represents genus
• The species is the smallest unit of while leo and pardus represent species.
classification whose members can Lion and leopard belong to the same
naturally and freely interbreed and genus but different species.
produce/give rise to fertile offspring.
1. Monera-This includes the bacteria and
1. Plasma membrane/
Plasmalemma/ Plasma
Plant cell as seen under light microscope. Membrane.
- It consists of three layers under the electron
microscope. The three layers are composed
of one layer of phospholipid found
between two protein layers.
Functions/ roles.
i. Enclose the cell contents.
2 Cytoplasm
. Functions/ roles.
ii. Controls the movement of materials in rapidly respiring cells e.g. muscle cell,
and out of the cell sperm cell, apical meristems, kidney cell
semi-permeable/selectively have numerous mitochondiria. This is
because they require a lot of energy.
Practical activity
5000 m = 5mm X
Cell size = Diameter of field of view x= 4 000
No. of cells 5
Cell size = 5000 = 800 m
m 5
20 cells. = 800 m.
= 250 m. c) Estimate the actual size/length of the
Study question 2 cell. Total magnification= eye lens
magnification x objective lens magnification
A student viewed and drew a plant cell
= 5 x 40
of a diameter 4mm using a light
microscope whose eyepiece lens was = X 200
marked X1 and objective lens marked Total magnification= Size/Length of cell image
X5. How many cells were linearly Actual length/size of cell (X)
arranged along the microscope’s field of 200= 800
view whose diameter was 8mm. (show m x
your work.) x= 800
Solution 200
1mm = 1 000 m. = 4 m.
Total magnification= Cell drawing Study question 5.
diameter Study the photomicrograph below.
Actual cell diameter Calculate the actual
X size/diameter of the nucleus in microns
5= 4 000 ( m).
Cell diameter= Field of view diameter(in micrometers)
No. of cells (Y)
800 m =8000 m
Y =8000 m
800 m
=10 cells;
Study question 3
Measure the diameter of the organelle nucleus e.g. 35 mm
1 mm = 1 000 m
35 mm = 35 000 m.
Total magnification= Diameter of the nucleus photomicrograph.
Actual length/diameter/size
2,200 = 35 000 m
Actual size (Y)
Y=35 000 m 2 200
= 15. 90 m.
This is the structural modification of the cells to perform
specific functions.
a) Specialized plant cells
1. Root hair cell.
2. Guard cell.
3. Palisade cell.
b) Specialized animal cell 1. Nerve cell
2. Sperm cell.
4.Nerve -Has
cell/ dendrites
neurone and axon to
receive and
5.Sperm -Has a tail
cell and
a to swim to
reach and
fertilize the
egg/ ovum.
6.Red -Has
cell biconcave
nucleus and
oxygen and
carbon (IV)
7.White -Has large
blood nucleus and
cell show
to protect
the body
8.Muscl -Has
e contractile
cell fibrils which
contract and
relax to
bring about
9. Egg -Has large
cell cytoplasm
store food
A tissue is a group/ collection of cells that are specialized to perform similar functions Animal tissues.
1. Epithelial tissue- it consists of epithelial cells that form layers. They are found on the outside
of the body or around internal organs.
i. It protect the internal and external surfaces.
2. Connective tissue- consists of strong fibres that connect other tissues and organs holding
them together in position.
3. Skeletal tissue- it consists of elongated cells with fibres that contracts and relax to bring
about movement.
The contents of the visking tubing turned
Observation. blue-black and the contents in the beaker
The purple colour of the potassium remained brown. Explanation.
manganate (VII) which is purple in colour The wall of the visking tubing is semi-
spreads throughout the water and permeable hence allowed small iodine
eventually all the water turned purple. molecules to pass through it from the
Explanation. beaker into the beaker where they
In the crystals, the particles of potassium reacted with starch to form blue black
manganate (VII) are highly concentrated colour.
Potassium manganete (VII) particles break Starch molecules are too large to move
away from the crystals, dissolve in water out of the tubing into the beaker.
and then diffuse through the water until FACTORS AFFECTING THE RATE OF DIFFUSION.
they are evenly distributed. 1. Temperature- an increase in temperature
PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 2 increases the energy content of
Aim- To demonstrate diffusion using a molecules (particles) which make them to
visking tubing. move faster therefore increasing the rate of
Requirements. diffusion while decrease in temperatures
1. Visking tubing 8cm long.
water loss/ transpiration and evaporation two solutions the higher the rate of
are reduced. osmosis and vice versa.
If the water supply from the soil is 2. pH- Extreme pH e.g. strong acids
inadequate, the plants do not recover from destroy the structure of the cell
wilting and are said to have undergone membrane thus hindering osmosis.
permanent wilting. 3. Temperature- low temperature slows
Importance/ significance of wilting. down the rate of osmosis. Increase in
Wilting results to drooping of leaves. This in temperature increases the energy
turn reduces the total surface area of the content of water/ solvent molecules
leaf exposed to the environment hence increasing the rate of osmosis.
reducing water loss. 4. Extremely high temperature destroys
WATER RELATIONS IN ANIMALS the structure of the cell membrane
The cell membrane of animal cell e.g. red thus hindering osmosis.
blood cells is semi- ROLE OF OSMOSIS IN PLANTS.
permeable and the cytoplasm contains 1. Helps in absorption of water from the
dissolved salts and sugars in solution form. soil (through root hair).
If the animal cells are placed in a 2. Helps in support in herbaceous plants/
hypertonic/ concentrated solution e.g. non-woody plants through turgidity.
1.2% sodium chloride, they will lose This is because plant cells take in
water (from the cytoplasm) by osmosis water through osmosis, become turgid
across the semi-permeable membrane, hence become firm/ rigid providing
shrink and the cell membrane becomes support.
wrinkled. This is known as laking or 3. Helps in movement of water from cell
crenation. to cell.
If the animal cell (e.g. red blood cell) is 4. Enables opening and closing of
placed in a hypotonic solution/ distilled stomata to facilitate gaseous
water, it will take in/gain water by osmosis, exchange.
swell and burst because it lacks cell wall. 5. It helps in feeding in insectivorous
This is called haemolysis. plants. The plants have special
If human red blood cells are placed in a structures that change turgor pressure
0.9% sodium chloride solution, they will when touched. The change in turgor
neither shrink nor swell. This is because pressure causes those structures to
the solution is isotonic to human cells. close trapping insects.
6. Folding of leaves. This reduces the
surface area exposed to the
environment reducing water loss.
7. Support in leaves/flowers/seedlings
through turgidity. ROLE OF OSMOSIS
1. Enables re-absorption of water in the
kidney nephron (osmoregulation). This
helps the animal to regulate its
osmotic pressure.
2. Helps in movement of water from cell
to cell.
3. Helps in absorption of water from the
alimentary canal/ gut (colon) into
1. Concentration of solutions and DIFFUSION.
concentration gradient- the greater
the concentration gradient between Diffusion Osmosis
d) It has stomata for gaseous exchange. 6. Vascular bundle- consists of xylem and
e) There are guard cells to control opening phloem tissues.
and closing of stomata. The xylem transport water and
f) It is covered with thick, waxy and has mineral salts from the roots to the leaf
waterproof cuticle to prevent excessive cells.
water loss and protect the inner parts of The phloem transports/translocates
the leaf. manufactured food from the leaf cells
3. Guard cells- they are specialized to the rest of the plant.
epidermal cells used to control opening Study question
and closing of stomata. Name three cells in a leaf which contain
Unlike the epidermal cells, the guard cells chloroplasts.
are beanshaped while other epidermal i. Palisade.
cells are blocky shaped. They also ii. Spongy mesophyll.
contain chloroplasts/ are able to carry iii. Guard cells.
out photosynthesis ADAPTATIONS OF THE LEAF TO
Structural adaptations of guard cells. PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
a) They have thicker inner less elastic 1. It is green in colour/ contain
walls which curve to open the stomata chlorophyll which traps sunlight
and straighten to close the stoma. energy needed for photosynthesis.
b) They have outer thinner and less elastic 2. Has broad and flat lamina which
walls which bulge outwards. provides a large surface area for the
c) They contain chloroplasts for absorption of carbon (IV) oxide
photosynthesis/ manufacture glucose trapping sunlight.
which is osmotically active. 3. It has thin lamina to allow light and
4. Palisade layer/ cells- This is a layer of carbon (IV) oxide to pass through a
cells located beneath/below the upper short distance to reach the
epidermis. It consists of cylindrical photosynthetic cells.
shaped cells closely packed together 4. It has stomata to ensure efficient
and with the long axis perpendicular to diffusion of respiratory gases in and
the surface. out of the leaf.
Adaptation to function 5. It contains guard cells which control
a) They have numerous chloroplasts opening and closing of stomata; and
containing chlorophyll which is contain chloroplasts/ chlorophyll to
necessary for photosynthesis. Their trap light energy/ carry out
position and arrangement enables them photosynthesis.
to receive maximum sunlight. 6. It has transparent cuticle and
5. Spongy mesophyll layer- this is a epidermis to allow penetration of light
layer of cells between the palisade and to the palisade cells.
the lower epidermis. The cells are 7. The palisade cells and mesophyll cells
irregularly shaped and loosely arranged contain large numbers of chloroplasts
creating large air spaces in between located next to the upper epidermis
them. enables them to receive maximum
The air spaces provide communication sunlight.
pathways through which gases diffuse 8. The mid-rib and veins contain xylem
in between the cells. which transports water and mineral
Unlike the palisade cells, spongy salts to photosynthetic cells and
mesophyll cells contain fewer phloem; which transports
chloroplasts. manufactured/ photosynthetic
This explains why the lower surface of materials from photosynthetic cells
the leaf is lighter 9. Spongy mesophyll cells have large air
in colour than the upper surface. spaces which allow circulation of air to
facilitate gaseous exchange.
- They are more on the lower surface and Red and blue wavelengths/ quality of light
fewer on the upper increases the rate of photosynthesis.
surface of terrestrial plants to reduce the Note.
rate of transpiration. Plants growing in the shade receive low
7. Explain the formation of starch in quantities and poor qualities of light which
green plants. slows the process of photosynthesis.
Green plants manufacture food
through the process of photosynthesis;
the leaves contain chloroplasts which
contain chlorophyll where
photosynthesis take place;
Light stage occurs in the granum;
where chlorophyll traps light energy;
which splits water into hydrogen ions
and oxygen atoms/ photolysis; and
ATP/ energy used in dark stage;
Dark stage occurs in the stroma;
where carbon (IV) oxide from the
atmosphere; combines with hydrogen
atoms to form simple sugars/ glucose
molecules; which are converted into
starch for storage; 2. CARBON (IV) OXIDE CONCENTRATION.
8. Other than photosynthesis, explain - An increase in the amount/ concentration of
how carnivorous/ insectivorous plants carbon (IV) oxide leads to an increase in the
obtain nutrients. rate of photosynthesis up to a certain level
They grow in nitrogen deficient soil when it slows down and remains steady.
and obtain nitrogen from insects.
Insects are attracted by colour/ scent/
sugary baits and are trapped by plant
(nastic responses) and digested by
proteases secreted by insects.
Water is a raw material for
Lack of water may slow down/ reduce the
rate of photosynthesis e.g. plants whose PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 1.
leaves are withering due to lack of water Aim: To investigate the gas produced during
may photosynthesize at a lower rate. photosynthesis.
Water also affects photosynthesis
indirectly by interfering with 1. Water plant, e.g. Elodea spp., Spirogyra or
opening and closing of stomata. Nymphea (water lily)
3. Beaker.
Chlorophyll is the pigment that traps light
4. Small wooden blocks.
energy during photosynthesis.
5. Test tube.
The higher the chlorophyll concentration
the higher the rate of photosynthesis and 6. Wooden splint.
vice versa. 7. Sodium hydrogen carbonate.
A variegated leaf is one that has some Procedure
patches that lack chlorophyll. These 1. Set-up the experiment as shown below.
patches have other colours e.g. yellow. 2. Place the set-up in the sunlight to allow
These parts lack chlorophyll hence do not photosynthesis to take place.
photosynthesize and therefore gives 3. Leave the set-up in the sun until sufficient
negative results with starch test. gas has collected in the test-tube.
The variegated leaf has less starch than a 4. Test the gas collected with a glowing splint.
normal leaf because it
has less chlorophyll hence manufactures
less food.
Study question
Variegated plants accumulate less food
than non-variegated plants under similar
conditions. explain
Variegated leaves have less chlorophyll
compared to non-
variegated leaves. They absorb less light
hence facilitate less photosynthesis.
1. What gas is produced during
6. Why was the leaf dipped in water? To To allow the plant to photosynthesize and
soften it. hence manufacture starch.
7. Explain why a leaf cannot be tested for 3. What was the role of the lightproof
starch by adding iodine solution directly. paper?
The leaf must be dipped in water to To reflect light so that none is absorbed by
kill it then boiled in methylated spirit the leaves.
to decolorise it to make color change PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 5.
in iodine to be seen clearly. Aim: To investigate whether carbon (IV) oxide
PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 3. is necessary for photosynthesis.
Aim: To investigate whether light is necessary Requirements:
for photosynthesis. 1. Conical flasks/polythene bags.
Requirements: 2. Potted plant.
1. Methylated spirit. 3. Sodium hydroxide pellets.
2. Iodine solution. 4. Cork or plasticine or clay.
3. Water.
5. Cork borers.
4. White tile.
6. Scalpel.
5. Droppers.
7. Petroleum jelly.
6. Beaker.
8. Iodine solution.
7. Source of heat.
9. Methylated spirit.
8. Boiling tube.
10. Water.
9. Light proof material (e.g. Aluminium foil).
11. Beakers.
10. Potted plant. 12. Droppers.
11. Clips.
13. White tiles.
14. Boiling tubes.
1. Cover one leaf of a potted plant with a 15. Source of heat.
light-proof material as shown below. 16. Wooden support.
2. Place the plant in a dark place for 48 hours Procedure
to destarch it/ ensure that all starch has
1. Keep the potted plant in a dark place for
been used up.
48 hours.
3. Transfer the potted plant to light for 2-3
2. Place a few pellets of sodium hydroxide in
the flask.
4. Detach and uncover the leaves and
3. Bore a hole in the cork of the same size as
immediately carry out the test for starch.
the petiole of the leaf being used.
4. Using the scalpel, cut the cork lengthwise.
5. Remove the plant from the dark and
immediately fit the petiole of a leaf A in
the groove and cork the flask as shown
6. Seal the mouth of the conical flask with
petroleum jelly to make it airtight.
7. Keep the set up in the light for two to
three hours.
8. Detach and test for the presence of starch
in both leaves A and B.
1. Why was the plant kept in the dark for
48 hours?
To destarch it / to ensure that all starch in
it is used up.
2. Why was it necessary to transfer the
plant to light?
6. Boiling tubes.
7. Beaker.
8. Dropper.
9. Source of heat
1. Detach a variegated leaf from the plant
that has been exposed to light for at least 3
2. Draw a large labeled diagram of the leaf to
show the distribution of the chlorophyll
pigment in the leaf as shown.
Questions 3. Test for the presence of starch. Observation
1. What is the function of the sodium and explanation.
hydroxide pellets? To absorb carbon
(IV) oxide.
2. Why was the leaf outside the flask also
tested for starch? It was the control
3. Giving a reason explain the expected
result after testing for starch on the
part labeled C.
Starch absent. This is because of the
absence of light and carbon (IV) oxide.
4. Explain the result obtained after The green parts/ patches give blue-black
testing for the presence of starch in color with iodine. This is because they
leaves A and B. contain chlorophyll hence carry out
Starch was present in leaf B. This is photosynthesis forming starch.
because it was exposed to sunlight The white parts/ patches retained brown
hence carried out photosynthesis color with iodine. This is because they lack
forming starch. chlorophyll hence did not carry out
Starch was absent in leaf A. This is photosynthesis forming starch.
because sodium hydroxide pellets Starch was found on green patches but not
absorbed carbon (IV) oxide which is a on white patches.
raw material for photosynthesis. CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS WHICH CONSTITUTE
5. What is the expected result for starch LIVING
in leaf A if sodium hydrogen ORGANISMS/ CHEMICALS OF LIFE
carbonate is used instead of sodium These are compounds found in cells, tissues
hydroxide? and organs.
Starch was present in leaf A. This is The study chemical compounds found in
because sodium hydrogen carbonate living organisms and reactions in which
breaks down to give carbon (IV) oxide they take place is called biochemistry.
which is a raw material for
Some of the chemical compounds are
organic e.g. carbohydrates, proteins, lipids,
nucleic acids and vitamins.
Aim: To investigate whether chlorophyll is
Other chemical compounds are inorganic
necessary for photosynthesis. Requirements.
compounds e.g. mineral salts, water, acids
1. Variegated leaves.
and bases.
2. Iodine solution.
3. Methylated spirit.
They are compounds that contain carbon,
4. White tile.
hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of 1
5. Water. carbon: 2 hydrogen: 1 oxygen.
ii) Heating with the acid e.g. Hydrochloric 1. Into a clean test tube, add 2ml of food
acid (in the laboratory) substance.
Hydrolysis 2. Add 3 drops of iodine solution to the
Disaccharide + water food substance and shake.
Monosaccharide + Monosaccharide. Observation.
Examples The colour turns/ changes (from brown)
i. Maltose+ Water Glucose to blueblack/ dark blue/ black.
+ Glucose. ii. Lactose + Water Conclusion.
Glucose + Galactose. Starch present.
iii. Sucrose + Water Glucose Note: If brown colour (of iodine) persists / is
+Fructose. C. POLYSACCHARIDES. retained then starch is absent
They are made up of many monosaccharides. PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 2.
Examples include: Aim: To test for the presence of reducing
a) Starch- stored in plant tissues. Plants with sugar.
a lot of starch include maize, wheat, Reducing sugars include glucose,
potato and rice. fructose, galactose, maltose and
b) Glycogen- stored in animal tissues. It is lactose.
synthesized from excess glucose. Requirements:
c) Cellulose- found at cell walls of plant cells 1. Food substance in solution form.
giving them definite shape. 2. Benedict’s solution (reagent).
d) Chitin- it is found on exoskeleton of 3. Test tube.
arthropods and cell wall of fungal hyphae. 4. Means of heating/ hot water bath.
e) Lignin- it is found in xylem vessels and 5. Test tube holder.
tracheids and provide mechanical support. 6. 10 ml measuring cylinder.
Characteristics / properties of polysaccharides. 7. Dropper.
i. Are insoluble in Procedure:
water. ii. They do not 1. Put 2 ml/cm3 of reducing sugar in a
have a sweet taste. iii. test tube.
They are non- 2. Add equal amount of Benedict’s
reducing sugars. solution.
iv. They are hydrolyzed into monosaccharides 3. Heat to boil.
(by heating with acids or by enzymes) Observations
Study question The colour changes from blue to green
1. Name the carbohydrate: to yellow and finally orange/ brown.
a) Present in abundance in Conclusion.
germinating seed- Maltose. Reducing sugar present. N/B.
b) Stored in plant cells- Starch. If the colour changes to:
c) Found on plant cell walls- i. Green with no further change-
Cellulose. very little amount of reducing sugar is
d) Found in animal tissues/muscles- present.
Glycogen. ii. Yellow –average amount of reducing
e) Found in blood- Glucose. sugar present.
PRACTICAL 1. iii. Orange/ brown- high amount of
Aim: Testing for starch. reducing sugar present.
Requirements: If the blue color (of Benedict’s
1. Food substance in solution form. solution) is retained, then reducing sugar
2. Test tubes. is absent.
3. 10 ml measuring cylinder 4. Dropper Reducing sugar changes copper sulphate
5. Iodine solution (Reagent) in Benedict’s solution to copper oxide
Procedure. (which is orange).
Aim: Testing for the presence of non- - A protein consists of several amino acids
reducing sugar (e.g. sucrose). joined together by a bond called peptide
Requirements: bond.
1. Food substance. - Two amino acids combine to form
2. Benedict’s solution. dipeptide molecule in the process of
3. Dilute hydrochloric acid. condensation.
4. Sodium hydrogen carbonate. - When 2 amino acids combine they form a
5. Means of heating/ bunsen dipeptide joined by a peptide bond.
burner. - A molecule consisting of few amino acids
6. Dropper. are called peptides.
7. 10 ml measuring cylinder. - When peptides combine they form a
Procedure. polypeptide which makes up a protein.
1. Put 2ml of the food substance into a - Therefore a protein is made up of one
clean test tube. polypeptide or many polypeptides.
2. Add 4 drops of dilute hydrochloric acid - Joining of amino acids to form peptides is
and shake. called condensation.
3. Boil the mixture. - Break down of peptides to form amino
4. Cool the mixture in cold water. acids is called hydrolysis.
5. Add sodium hydrogen carbonate drop - There are 20 naturally occurring amino
wise until fizzing stops. acids which can be synthesized by plants.
6. Add equal amount of Benedict’s - Human beings can only synthesize 11
solution to the mixture. amino acids in their bodies while 9 are
7. Heat the mixture to boil/ boil the supplied from diet.
mixture. - The amino acids that can be synthesized
Observations in the human bodies are called non-
essential amino acids.
8. The colour changes from blue to green
to yellow and finally orange/ brown. - Those amino acids that cannot be
Conclusion. synthesized but are supplied from diet are
called essential amino acids.
9. Non- reducing sugar present. Points
to note. - Proteins that contain all the essential
amino acids are called 1st class proteins
- Dilute hydrochloric acid is used/ added to
e.g. animal proteins.
hydrolyze nonreducing sugar to reducing
sugar. - Proteins that lack one or more of the
essential amino acids are called 2nd class
- Sodium hydrogen carbonate is used/
proteins e.g. plant proteins.
added to neutralize the acid.
They contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
and nitrogen (hence they are called
nitrogenous compounds).
Proteins may also contain other
compounds e.g. phosphorus, sulphur and
They are made up of amino acids as
building blocks i.e. amino acids form
Structure of amino acid.
It consists of Properties of proteins.
i. Amino group (NH3) - consisting of 1. They dissolve in water forming colloidal
hydrogen and nitrogen. suspensions.
ii. Carboxyl group (COOH) - consisting of 2. They are denatured by high
carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius
and extreme pH values. Denaturing Note: Sodium hydroxide is used to break the
changes the structure of protein molecules peptide bond.
hence changing physical and chemical If blue color is retained/ persists then protein
properties of protein. is absent.
3. Have acidic and basic properties hence 3. LIPIDS (fats and oils).
described as amphoteric. Fats are found in animals while oils are
They therefore react with acids and bases found in plants.
enabling them to form conjugated proteins Fats are solid at room temperature
(i.e. proteins containing non-protein while oils are liquid at room
components). temperature.
Examples of conjugated proteins include: They are like carbohydrates only that
i) Mucus which contains a carbohydrate. they have fewer number of oxygen
ii) Haemoglobin which contains iron. molecules than carbohydrates.
Functions of proteins. The building blocks of lipids are fatty
1. They are components of structures in acids and glycerol joined by ester
living organisms (e.g. plasma/ cell bond in the process called
membranes, connective tissue, hair, condensation.
hooves, nails, muscle fibre, skeletal The lipids can be broken down to form
materials). glycerol and fatty acids through
2. They are used for making, repair and hydrolysis.
replacement of worn out tissues in plants Fatty acids are of different types
and animals. because they contain different fatty
3. They act as metabolic regulators (e.g. acids e.g. Oils are different in different
enzymes which speed up metabolic plants because they have different
reactions, hormones which regulate body fatty acids.
processes like growth, reproduction,
antibodies that provide immunity
against diseases.
4. They are broken down to give energy
during starvation. PRACTICAL ACTIVITY.
Aim: To test for proteins (biuret test). Hydrolysis
1. Food substance in solution form
2. 1% Copper (II) sulphate solution.
3. 10% sodium hydroxide solution
4. Test tube
5. Droppers
6. 10 ml measuring cylinder.
1. Put 2ml of food substance into a test Properties of lipids/ fats and oils.
tube. 1. Fats readily/ easily change into liquid
2. Add equal amount of 10% sodium when heated and oils solidify when
hydroxide and shake. subjected to low temperature.
3. Into the mixture, add 1% copper (II) 2. They are insoluble n water.
sulphate dropwise and shake after 3. They dissolve in organic solvents
every addition. forming emulsions and suspensions.
4. They are inert (hence can be stored in
Colour changes to purple. tissues of organisms).
Conclusion: Functions of lipids/ fats and oils.
Proteins present. 1. They are broken down/ oxidized to
release/ give energy.
Reduction Reductase
Properties of enzymes.
1. They are affected by changes in
temperature and pH (because they are
protein in nature).
2. They are substrate specific i.e. they
act on specific substrate.
3. They are very efficient hence required
in small quantities.
4. They are not affected by reactions
they catalyze hence they are available
for reuse.
5. Most reactions catalyzed by enzymes
are reversible. Importance of
They control and regulate biochemical
reactions in the body so that they
proceed at a pace suitable for
sustaining life. 2. pH- This is acidity or alkalinity of an
This is because the biochemical substance.
reactions in body cells are too fast and Most enzymes work best at optimum
others too slow. This ensures order in pH of 7 but others work best in acidic
living systems. conditions others in basic conditions.
Change of pH from optimum
The speed of enzyme-catalyzed decreases the rate of enzyme activity.
reaction is called enzymes turnover.
Extreme changes of pH range from the
optimum denatures the enzymes
hence the rate of enzyme activity
1. TEMPERATURE- enzymes work best stops.
within narrow range of temperature
(between 35oC- 40oC).
Increase in temperature increases the
rate of enzyme activity up to optimum
point. Optimum temperature gives
maximum enzyme activity.
Above the optimum temperature the
rate of enzyme activity decreases
sharply because higher temperature
denatures / destroys the enzymes
making them non effective.
When the temperature decrease, the
rate of enzyme activity decreases
because enzymes are inactivated.
Low temperature does not destroy the
enzymes because when temperature 3. SUBSTRATE CONCENTRATION AND
is increased again the enzymes ENZYME
become active. CONCENTRATION- when the substrate
concentration is increased, the rate of
enzymatic reaction also increases up to
a certain/ maximum level.
Types of heterotrophs.
They include:
i. Herbivores- they feed on plant
materials e.g. cows, goats, sheep,
ii. Carnivores- they feed on
Explain giving reasons, the rate of flesh/meat/other animals e.g. lions,
enzyme action : 1. dogs, hyenas, eagles.
i. Between Q and R. iii. Omnivores- they feed on both plants
The rate of enzyme activity increases with and animals/flesh
increase in
e.g. man and pigs.
temperature, because enzymes are
iv. Saprophytes- they feed on dead
decaying matter leading to
ii. At S. decomposition e.g. fungi and bacteria.
At S there is maximum rate of enzyme
v. Parasites- they live on or in other
reaction because it
organisms called hosts and depend on
is the optimum temperature.
them for nutrients.
iii. Between T and U. Types/modes of
There is drastic drop in the rate of
reaction of enzymes because very high heterotrophism A.
temperature denatures /destroys the Holozoic nutrition.
enzymes. B. Saprophytic nutrition.
2. Other the factor being investigated C. Phagocytosis.
above, state three other factors that D. Parasitic nutrition/parasitism.
affect the rate of enzyme activity. E. Symbiosis.
pH a) Holozoic nutrition- this is a type of
Substrate concentration. nutrition where organisms/ animals
Enzyme concentration. Enzyme co- ingest/take in, digest and assimilate
complex food materials. It is common
factors. Enzyme co-enzymes Enzyme in mammals and birds.
inhibitors. b) Saprophytism- this is a type of
Product concentration. nutrition where organisms obtain
Enzyme specificity nutrients from dead decaying matter
3. State the collective name of the enzymes causing decomposition.
that work on: They release enzymes that break down
a) Carbohydrates- carbohydrases. decaying matter into simpler soluble
b) Proteins- proteases substances that are absorbed directly
c) Lipids- lipases into the body. It is common in bacteria
and fungi.
NUTRITION IN ANIMALS. c) Parasitism- this is a mode of nutrition
Nutrition in animals is called where one organism (parasite) feeds
heterotrophism. on or obtains nutrients from the
Heterotrophism/ heterotrophic mode of tissues of another living organism (the
nutrition. host) e.g. ticks and roundworms.
d) Symbiosis- this is an association
where two organisms live together
and mutually benefit from each other
Herbivores are animals which feed on
vegetation e.g. cow, goat, sheep, donkey,
zebra e.t.c.
The mode of nutrition is called Study question.
0 0 3 3
The diagram below represents the lower
3 1 2 3
jaw of a mammal
dental formula is i c pm m = 30
The a) Name the mode of nutrition of the
mammal whose jaw is shown. (1mk)
Adaptations of herbivore dentition. Herbivorous.
1. They lack upper incisors and canines
instead they have a rough horny pad
b) Give a reason for your answer in a) 2. The canines are small and pointed for
tearing of food.
above. (1mk) It has diastema.
3. Premolars and molars have cusps on the
c) Name and give the function of the
upper surface of the crown to increase the
toothless gap labeled K. (2mks)
surface area for grinding and crushing of
Diastema- to provide room for
manipulation of food to
There are two sets of teeth in humans:
separate ground and unground food.
i. Milk teeth- they are first set of teeth
d) State one structural and one functional
and are 20 in number. They are lost
difference between the teeth labelled J
between the age of 6-12 years.
and L. (2mks)
ii. Permanent teeth- they replace the
milk teeth are 28 in number. iii.
- Tooth J is narrow / sharp / chisel like while
Wisdom teeth- they are back
tooth L is broad / ridged.
molars that appear last at the age of
- J has one root while L has 3roots. 17-25 years. They are 4 in number
- Tooth J is used for cutting food while tooth L Carnivores are animals which feed on
is used for crushing food; flesh e.g. lion, dog, cheetah, cat e.t.c.
e) Name the substance that is responsible The mode of nutrition is called
for hardening of teeth. (1mk) carnivorous
cis pm m = 42.
- Calcium phosphate/ calcium carbonate. 3 1 4 2
3 1 4 3
The dental formula
Omnivores are animals which feed on both
vegetation and flesh
e.g. man.
The mode of nutrition is called
cis pm m = 32
2 1 2 3
2 1 2 3
The dental formula
1. The crown- the part that projects above i. It has blood vessels/capillaries to
the gum. It is covered by a hard and white supply nutrients and oxygen to the
non-living layer called enamel. cells of the tooth and remove waste
The enamel is hardened by calcium products (nitrogenous wastes and
phosphate and calcium carbonate. carbon (IV) oxide).
Role/ functions of enamel. ii. Has sensory nerves/ nerve cells that
a) It protects internal structures from detect heat, cold and pain.
mechanical/ physical injury. 4. Cement- It holds the tooth firmly into the
b) It provides a hard surface for biting and jaw bone.
grinding of food. 5. Periodontal membrane- It is found
2. The neck- it is a parts between the crown between the cement and jaw bone.
and root. It is covered by gum. Functions/ role of periodontal membrane.
3. The root- it is part of the tooth that is i. Contains living cells that secrete the
firmly fixed into the jaw by cement. cement.
ii. They act as shock absorbers i.e. allow
some slight movement during chewing
to avoid breakage.
1. Enamel- is hardened by calcium phosphate
and calcium carbonate.
Role/ functions of enamel.
i. It protects internal structures from
mechanical/ physical injury.
ii. It provides a hard surface for biting and
grinding of food.
2. Dentine- it is located below the enamel
and extends to the root.
Functions/ role of dentine. DENTAL DISEASES
i. It is made up of living cells that give rise to Dental diseases include:
the enamel. A. Dental carriers/ tooth decay.
3. Pulp cavity- it is located within the B. Periodontal disease.
dentine. Functions/ role of pulp cavity. A. Dental carriers.
6. Regular dental checkup. DIGESTIVE When digestion occurs inside the cells
SYSTEM IN MAN. it is called intracellular digestion
It is used for digestion and absorption e.g. in amoeba and white blood cells.
and consists of: A. Alimentary canal/ gut/ When digestion occurs outside the
digestive tract. cells where enzymes are secreted
B. Associated organs onto food is called extracellular
The alimentary canal/ gut/ digestive tract digestion e.g. in man.
i. Mouth. ii. The ingested food is chewed by teeth
into simpler particles. Chewing and
Oesophagus/gullet. iii.
grinding of food is called
Stomach. iv. Small mastication.
intestines (duodenum and ileum). Chewing increases the surface area for
v. Large intestines/colon. action of enzymes on food. The tongue
vi. Rectum. rolls and mixes food with saliva.
vii. Along its length there are associated There are three pairs of salivary
organs e.g. liver, gall bladder, pancreas, glands, namely:
digestive glands. 1. Sub-mandibular glands- located
near the back of the lower jaw which
produce enzyme Amylase.
2. Sublingual glands – located below
the tongue which produce mucus.
3. 2 parotid glands- located on each
side of the mouth and below the ear/
on the cheeks which produce enzyme
Saliva contains the following:
1. Mucus/mucin- which lubricates food.
2. Water- which softens food, acts as a
solvent/ dissolves food and moistens
3. Enzyme amylase/ptyalin- which
converts starch into maltose/digests
Saliva is slightly alkaline to provide
optimum action of salivary amylase.
Therefore the following are the
functions of saliva:
1. Lubricates food.
DIGESTION 2. Digestion of starch.
Digestion refers to mechanical/ 3. Moistens food/mouth.
physical and chemical breakdown of 4. Softens food.
complex food material into simpler 5. Provides alkaline medium for action of
forms that can easily be absorbed into enzyme (salivary amylase).
the body. 6. Dissolves food.
Physical/ mechanical digestion is done • The tongue mixes food with saliva and
by teeth in the mouth and by bile rolls food into boluses pushes them to
salts in the duodenum. the back of the mouth/ pharynx for
Chemical digestion is done by the swallowing into the stomach.
enzymes. • During swallowing the soft palate is
raised to open the gullet and close nasal
avoid digesting / auto digestion of the 5. It has pyloric sphincter to retain food
stomach walls/lining (when no food is in the stomach for digestion.
present in the stomach). C. DIGESTIOIN IN THE DUODENUM.
Pepsinogen is converted into pepsin Food/chyme enters the duodenum from
by hydrochloric acid present in the the stomach
stomach. through the pyloric sphincter.
Study question. In the duodenum, food is mixed with bile
How is the stomach adapted to: and pancreatic juice.
i. Churning- The stomach walls have The presence of food in the duodenum
thick muscles which contract and stimulates the
relax. duodenal walls to secrete:
ii. Protein digestion- The stomach a) Secretin into blood stream which
walls contain gastric glands which stimulates the liver to secrete bile which
secrete gastric juice containing Pepsin is stored in the gall bladder.
and Rennin. b) Cholescystokinin into blood which:
2. Rennin enzyme- It is secreted in i. Stimulates the gall bladder to release the
inactive form called prorennin by bile and
gastric glands in young mammals. ii. Stimulates the pancreas to secrete
Rennin which is abundant in young pancreatic juice. Note; The pancreas
children converts soluble milk protein secrete hormones and secretes digestive
(caseinogen) into insoluble form enzymes (hence it has endocrine and
(casein)/ curdles milk. digestive roles).
Curdling of milk provides enough time Bile contains salts (sodium hydrogen
for digestion. carbonate, sodium
3. Mucus- secreted by goblet cells to glycocholate and sodium taurocholate)
protect the stomach walls against which:
corrosion by hydrochloric acid and i. Neutralize the acidic chyme from the
auto digestion by enzymes. stomach.
4. Dilute hydrochloric acid- It is ii. Provide suitable alkaline medium for
produced by cells of the stomach pancreatic enzymes.
walls. iii. Emulsify fats (break down fats into tiny
i. It provides acidic medium suitable for fat droplets) to increase the surface area
action of pepsin and rennin enzymes. for digestion by lipases. This is called
ii. It kills any bacteria which may be emulsification.
present in food. Note: Emulsification is not chemical but
iii. It converts inactive forms of rennin physical/mechanical because fats are not
and pepsin into active forms. broken down to fatty acids and glycerol.
Adaptation of stomach
1. It has muscular wall which contract
and relax to facilitate churning of food
into chyme.
2. The stomach lining has goblet cells
that secrete mucus to protect them
against auto digestion by enzymes.
3. The inner lining has gastric glands that
secrete gastric juice containing pepsin
and rennin for digestion of proteins,
hydrochloric acid to provide acidic
medium for action of enzymes and kill
4. It has cardiac sphincter to allow food
into the stomach.
Pancreatic juice contains: 1. Pour 2 cm3 of cooking oil into the test
1. Pancreatic lipase (enzyme)-which tubes labelled A and B.
converts lipids to fatty acids and 2. Add 2 cm3 of sodium hydrogen
glycerol. carbonate solution into test tube A.
2. Pancreatic amylase (enzyme)--which Rinse the measuring cylinder.
catalyzes the digestion/ conversion of 3. Add 2 cm3 of water into test tube B.
remaining/ undigested starch into 4. Shake the contents in both test tubes.
maltose. 5. Write down your observations.
3. Sodium hydrogen carbonate (salt) – Observation.
which emulsifies fats, neutralizes the Formation of white emulsion.
acidic chyme and provides alkaline D) DIGESTION IN THE ILEUM.
medium suitable for action of pancreatic
In the ileum, food is mixed with mucus
and intestinal enzymes.
and intestinal juice/ succus entericus.
4. Trypsin (enzyme)--which digests Functions of the ileum
proteins into peptides/peptones.
i. To complete chemical breakdown of
Trypsin is secreted in inactive form food.
called trypsinogen to prevent the ii. It provide a site for absorption of
digestion of duodenal walls. digested food into the blood.
It is converted into trypsin by an enzyme The inner walls of ileum has goblet cells
called which secrete
enterokinase. mucus which;
i. Protects the wall of the intestines from
(Enterokinase enzyme) being digested by protein digesting
Trypsinogen Trypsin enzymes. ii. Lubricates food/ allows
smooth movement of food along the
The ileum walls also contain secretory/
epithelial cells (Cryts of liberkuhn)
which secrete intestinal juice / succus
Adaptation of duodenum. entericus.
1. It has Brunner’s gland on its walls to Intestinal juice contains the following
secrete mucus for lubrication of food enzymes:
2. It has crypts of Liberkuhn whose cells a) Maltase- which catalyzes breakdown
secrete digestive enzymes for of maltose into glucose.
digestion of food. b) Sucrase/ invertase- which catalyzes
3. It is connected to the pancreas and breakdown of sucrose into glucose and
the liver to supply pancreatic juice and fructose.
bile respectively bile emulsifies fats/ c) Peptidase- which catalyzes
lipids and neutralizes the acid from breakdown of peptides into amino
the stomach pancreatic juice contains acids.
enzymes for digestion of food.
d) Polypeptidase- Which catalyzes the
breakdown of polypeptides to amino
Aim: To demonstrate emulsification of acids.
fats. Requirements:
e) Lipase- which catalyzes breakdown of
1. Sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. lipids (fats and oils) into fatty acids
2. Cooking oil. and glycerol
3. Water. f) Lactase- which catalyzes breakdown
4. Test tubes. of lactase into glucose and galactose.
5. Ruler. Note; Digestion of food is completed
6. Measuring cylinder. at ileum forming chyle. Chyle is food
Procedure: ready for absorption.
vessels and finally into the blood It adds bulk to food enabling it to have a
circulatory system. grip/hold to the walls of the gut facilitating
This distributes the fatty acids and peristalsis allowing smooth movement of
glycerol to all parts of the body. food in the alimentary canal.
The lacteals form the lymphatic system. Lack of roughage in diet leads to
ASSIMILATION OF FOOD. constipation characterized by egestion of
Assimilation is the incorporation of hard faeces.
absorbed food substances into cell This is because food stays long in the gut
metabolism. and a lot of water
Glucose is oxidized to release energy is reabsorbed.
during respiration and the excess is EGESTION
stored in the body as fats under the skin This is the removal of undigested and
or in form of glycogen in the liver or indigestible food
muscles. substances from the body (through the
Fatty acids and glycerol are oxidized to anus).
release energy, form new cell membranes ROLE OF WATER IN DIET.
and converted into fats and stored under 1. Acts as a solvent in which substances
the skin to insulate the body against heat dissolve.
loss and protect delicate internal organs. 2. It acts as a medium for transportation of
Amino acids- are used to synthesize substances.
proteins for body growth, repair of worn 3. It acts as a medium in which metabolic
out tissues and also oxidized to provide reactions occur.
energy during starvation (in the absence 4. It facilitates hydrolysis of food substances.
of glucose and fats). 5. It facilitates osmoregulation and bring
Excess amino acids are excreted in the about cooling effect in the body.
process called STUDY QUESTIONS
deamination. 1. Describe digestion of fats and
FUNCTIONS OF THE COLON. oils/lipids in humans
i. Absorption of water and mineral salts. In the duodenum, food is mixed with bile
ii. Contain symbiotic bacteria which and pancreatic juice.
manufacture/ synthesize vitamin K, B 1, Bile salts emulsify fats hence providing a
B2, and B12 and amino acids (which are large surface area for action of lipase
absorbed into the blood stream). enzymes and neutralizes the acidic chyme
Adaptation of colon. and provides alkaline medium for action
1. Its walls consists of smooth muscles which of lipase enzyme.
contract and relax to facilitate peristalsis. Pancreatic juice contains lipase which
2. Inner lining has goblet cells which secrete converts lipids into fatty acids and
mucus for lubrication. glycerol.
3. Inner membrane is highly folded to In the ileum, food is mixed with intestinal
increase surface area for absorption of juice secreted by intestinal wall. Intestinal
water, mineral salts and attachment of juice contains lipase which converts/
micro-organisms. breaks down the remaining lipids into
ROLES/ FUNCTIONS OF CAECUM AND fatty acids and glycerol.
APPENDIX. 2. Describe digestion of proteins in
The caecum and appendix in man have no humans.
functions but in herbivores they contain In the mouth, food is broken down
numerous symbiotic bacteria which mechanically by the teeth to increases
secrete enzyme cellulase which digest the surface area action of enzymes.
cellulose into glucose. The tongue rolls food into boluses and
ROLE OF ROUGHAGE IN DIGESTION. swallowed into the stomach.
It is composed of cellulose and plant
DCPIP is decolorized i.e. it becomes
Aim- Testing for vitamin C/ Ascorbic acid. Vitamin C/ Ascorbic acid present.
Requirements. Note- If the blue color of DCPIP is retained
a) Food substance in solution form. then vitamin C/ ascorbic acid is absent.
b) 0.1% Dichlorophenol indophenol
c) Test tube.
d) Dropper.
e) 10 ml measuring cylinder.
1. Into a clean test tube put 1ml of DCPIP.
2. Add the food substance drop wise into
the DCPIP in the test tube and shake
well after each drop.
(a) What was the aim of the experiment?
To investigate the effect of boiled
saliva on starch OR to show the
effect boiled/denatured enzyme
amylase has on starch.
b) What results were expected in test-
tube A and B.?
A-brown colour/colour of iodine
persists/ no change in colour.
Account for the observation made in test B- Blue black colour seen/ colour
tubes A and C. 1. changed to blue
Test tube A- enzyme catalase present in black.
tissue cells breaks down hydrogen c) Account of the results you have given
peroxide into water and oxygen hence in (b) above in test tube A and B.