Onenightstands Curseofshadowhold

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ISBN 978-1-62283-168-5

Author Layout and Graphic Design
Alexandra Pitchford Charles A. Wright

Developer Front Cover Art

Greg A. Vaughan Rowena Aitken

Producers Interior Art

Bill Webb and Charles A. Wright Chris McFann

Editor Cartography
Dawn Fischer Robert Altbauer


CEO V. P. of Marketing & Sales
Bill Webb Rachel Ventura

Creative Director: Swords & Wizardry Art Director

Matthew J. Finch Charles A. Wright

Creative Director: Pathfinder Occasional Wetwork

Greg A. Vaughan Skeeter Green

©2013 Bill Webb, Frog God Games and Alexandra Pitchford. All rights reserved. All rights re-
served. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. Frog
God Games, Frog God Games. and the Frog God Games logo, One Night Stands: Curse of Shadow-
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Table of Contents
Curse of the Shadowhold......................................................................... p. 4
Chapter 1: Into the Haunted Wood............................................................ p. 7
Chapter 2: The Heart of Darkness............................................................. p.10
Legal Appendix .................................................................................... p.20

Curse of Shadowhold
Curse of Shadowhold is an adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying on one thing: the maddened King sparked a civil war that tore Alathanar
Game, designed for a party of four to six characters of 10th level. It takes apart and scattered its people, casting a dark pall over the entirety of what
the PCs from the familiar streets of the frontier town of Nerimar into the would one day become the Haunted Wood.
depths of the nearby forest to a hidden village of elves and finally into Though many of the Alathi fled the lands that had once been their
the shadow-choked depths of an ancient ruin held in the grip of a terrible kingdom, some lingered within the darkened boughs, clinging to a land
curse that has plagued the surrounding forest for millennia. Yet what they desperately wanted to call their home. It was the descendants of these
seems at the start to be a simple rescue mission is not as it appears, and the remaining Alathi that founded Golden Oak, a small village deep within
PCs will uncover terrible secrets in the depths of the ruins of Shadowhold the Wood, a haven from the fell dangers that stalked the shadows.
that may spell the end of the peaceful haven of Golden Oak or even cost But this safety came with a price. In the forest near Golden Oak lay
them their very souls. the remnant of an ancient keep, a guard post that lay along the edge of
what had once been Alathanar. It was here that the first of Golden Oak’s
Elders discovered a creature, magically bound within the bowels of the
Nerimar and the keep. Though the creature—a thing native to the Plane of Shadow—
surely would have killed him, the ages it had spent trapped beneath

Eastern Frontier
the abandoned structure had weakened it considerably. And so, to the
frightened elf, it offered a deal: not only would it allow him to live and
escape from the keep, it would offer him and his people safe haven in
the dangerous, haunted forest. The only condition being that every year
The adventure begins in the town of Nerimar, a bustling trade hub and
the last stop on the road before passing into the Eastern Frontier, a land of upon the winter solstice, he would bring an offering to the keep so that the
haunted wilderness that few have succeeded in taming, though many have creature could feed upon it and grow stronger. Too frightened to refuse,
tried. Nerimar and its surroundings can be easily dropped into an existing the elf readily agreed and fled, returning to his people.
campaign, or simply run as a stand-alone adventure using the information Golden Oak was founded shortly thereafter, and for generations, the
provided in the following paragraphs. Elders of Golden Oak have held to that promise, taking a sacrifice to the
Miles from civilization, Nerimar grew from a small trapper’s camp into keep they came to call Shadowhold and offering it up to the creature in
a busy frontier town over the course of several generations, its economy return for their own safety. Until recently, none save the Elder and their
fueled by trade in furs and lumber taken from the fringes of the Haunted sacrifice knew of Shadowhold’s location or ventured into its shadowy
Wood several miles to the east. Travelers and adventurers are a common halls. But all of that changed when three weeks ago a hunting party of elves
sight on Nerimar’s dingy streets. Its distance from more civilized lands, from Golden Oak stumbled across an entrance into Shadowhold’s lower
however, has made it a hotbed of crime and violence, as those on the levels and vanished. Afraid for his people’s safety and not yet knowing
fringes of society fled toward the Frontier to seek their fortunes or merely what they had discovered, the current Elder of Golden Oak, Verithrien
to escape the law. Though Nerimar is not without a constabulary, it is a Shadowleaf, sent a cadre of his best rangers into the forest to search for the
token force at best, and only the roughest and most capable sorts make the lost hunting party. For days no word returned from either the hunters or
town their home for very long. the search party, and it wasn’t until a member of the search party stumbled
Half a day’s journey to the east lie the darkened boughs of the Haunted back into the village a week later that the Elder truly became alarmed.
Wood, a forest claimed by the more superstitious among Nerimar’s The ranger was near death and half-crazed, yet from his ramblings the
populace to be a cursed place. History would seem to support their belief, Elder was able to glean two things: that the hunters had inadvertently
as many tales have emerged over the years of hunters and adventurers stumbled across Shadowhold, and that the seals that held the shadow
venturing too deep into the forest to never emerge again; some say they creature in place were somehow weakened when they had ventured into
were taken by the spirits of the wood, while the more cynical merely its domain. Knowing that unleashing such a creature could mean the
write off such disappearances as nothing more than foolhardy folk getting destruction of Golden Oak and reluctant to risk any more of his people,
lost in the twisting maze of trees and dying of starvation or exposure. In Verithrien sent his most able-bodied scout, Sarim Oakheart, to seek aid
either case, this has led to many of Nerimar’s inhabitants never venturing from the only place near enough to lend it...the rough and dangerous
beyond the forest’s edge, where the trees are thinner and the light less human town of Nerimar.
subdued by the thick boughs overhead.

Adventure Background Adventure Summary

The adventure begins with the characters in the town of Nerimar, on
Five thousand years ago, the Haunted Wood was not so dark a place. the edge of what the human lands call the Eastern Frontier. While out on
Part of a forest that stretched for leagues in every direction, it was home the street one night, they hear the sounds of a scuffle, and happen upon
to a vibrant and expansive elven kingdom known as Alathanar. The a group of local trappers and toughs harassing an elven man. Though
Alathi elves, as they were known, were close to the natural world and unarmed and battered, the man seems to be putting up a decent fight, until
worshipped the land in the form of a goddess, Shalraei. Possessed of one of the trappers gets the better of him and knocks him to the ground,
advanced knowledge of the Arcane, the Alathi formed their dwellings drawing a knife with the intent to kill.
from the living rock and trees, melding their cities with their surroundings The toughs prove a small challenge to the PCs once they intervene, and
to create beautiful structures of unrivaled grace. the elven man thanks them profusely, introducing himself and beseeching
But, as many ancient civilizations do, the Alathi fell into decline. their aid in a delicate matter that his people need help with. Once they
Their Queen, a beautiful and wise priestess of Shalraei, passed on to the agree, either readily or after being offered compensation, he leads them to
next world, and her son assumed the throne of the kingdom. At first, the the Haunted Wood, where they face some of the forest’s more notorious
transition was smooth, and life continued on as it always had. Yet, as predators before finally reaching the safe haven of Golden Oak.
the years passed, their new King grew darker of mood, and though few In Golden Oak, Sarim introduces the PCs to the village Elder, who tells
records know the true cause behind his changing demeanor they all agree them of the disappearances of a group of hunters and the men sent to

Curse of the Shadowhold
rescue them. He then provides a map to the last known location of the could serve as an alternative to Sarim’s involvement, if the PCs chose to
vanished elves, a forbidden ruin known as Shadowhold and sends Sarim ignore him.
to guide them. Facing down more dangers of the forest along the way, the
PCs reach Shadowhold and enter its subterranean levels. It is there they
discover the fates of the missing elves, as well as others that have been
claimed by the evil that dwells in the ancient keep’s depths. Beginning the Adventure
Yet not all is as it appears, and their simple search-and-rescue mission
takes a drastic turn when they reach the lowest levels of the keep, a place The PCs should begin in the bustling frontier town of Nerimar, at the
where the veil between worlds is thin and the Plane of Shadow seeps very edge of the Eastern Frontier. While there, they encounter the elven
through into the mortal world, trapping the PCs in a strange demi-plane ranger Sarim, a scout from the hidden village of Golden Oak deep within
between the two worlds. It is here that the darkest truths of Golden Oak the Haunted Wood. The bruised and battered ranger pleads with the PCs
are revealed, and the PCs, while battling denizens of the Plane of Shadow, for help, desiring their aid with a situation that endangers his people.
must contend with the realization that they were sent on a suicide mission.

Nerimar Nights (CR 11)

They must win through before finally facing the dark creature bound
within Shadowhold’s depths.
Once defeated, the strange convergence trapping them in the bowels of
the keep does not end until the source is destroyed, a strange artifact known
The nights in the town of Nerimar along the edge of the Eastern
as a Datharian Mirror, which holds the lowest levels between planes. Yet
Frontier are never quiet or peaceful, and this night has proven
all is not done, and the PCs are left with a choice to confront the village
itself to be no exception. Trappers returning from the wilds and
Elder with their knowledge of the sacrifices made to the shadow creature
other rough-and-tumble townsfolk drink, laugh, and fight well
or to simply accept his reward for defeating it and depart Golden Oak. In
into the early hours, and the local guard seems more inclined to
either case, without the creature’s influence, some of the pall over that
join in the nightly revelry than to interfere. It is in this early hour
region of the forest lifts as does the magic holding the dangerous predators
that you find yourselves on Nerimar’s streets. From somewhere
in the forest around Golden Oak at bay.
nearby, a cry goes up, drawing your attention to a group of local
toughs surrounding the slender figure of an elf. Though bruised and

Adventure Hooks
battered, the elf seems to have been holding his own against the
toughs—that is, until one of the men knocks him from his feet, a
thin blade appearing in his hand as he towers over the fallen elf.
The following adventure hooks can be used to get the PCs to the town
of Nerimar or, if the PCs chose not to heed Sarim or allowed him to be If the PCs choose to intervene, read the following text as they approach
killed by the local toughs, get them to the forest and into Shadowhold. the thugs unless they are taking particular care to remain stealthy.
1. Rumors abound about the Eastern Frontier, and many attribute the
deaths and disappearances of local trappers and other settlers and traders The knife-wielding thug looks up as you approach, his cruel
to the strange creatures that inhabit the Haunted Wood. Yet still more sneer only seeming to grow as he regards you. “Well, look what
claim that one can find their fortune in the wilds, and the promise of riches we have here, lads. You folks should have taken a different street,”
is often enough to overcome even the wariest man’s hesitation. he growls, glancing back at the elf for a moment and brandishing
2. Disappearances are not uncommon along the edge of the Haunted his knife at him. “Best stay down, long-ears. I’ll be back to finish
Wood, so few in Nerimar seemed to care when a local farmer’s young you off in a bit.”
daughter went missing from their farmstead near the forest’s edge during
the winter months. Distraught and desperate, the farmer blames the elves
that tales say live deep within the forest for his girl’s abduction, though Creatures: All told, 6 local thugs surround the prone elf, having
most write his pleas off as the ramblings of a superstitious fool. backed him against the wall of one of Nerimar’s many ramshackle
3. Though records from that time are sparse, a respected historian has buildings. Though dazed and beaten, the elf is stable, and the PCs have
traveled to Nerimar in the hopes of hiring a band of adventurers to aid him three rounds to engage the thugs as they taunt and kick the elf before
in seeking out the ruins of an ancient elven civilization that supposedly their leader with the knife lands a killing blow. Should the PCs ignore the
once existed within the Haunted Wood. Though aware of the danger, he is assaulted elf, other possibilities may present themselves in Nerimar to
willing to pay good coin to any interested in taking up the challenge. This continue the adventure.


XP 2,400
Nerimar Male human rogue 7
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +7; Perception +10
CN small town AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge)
Corruption +2; Crime +4; Economy +3; Law -7; Lore +1; hp 54 (7d8+12 plus 7)
Society +0 Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +2
Qualities notorious, prosperous
Danger +10 Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 short sword +8 (1d6+2)
Government Secret Syndicate mwk dagger +7 (1d4+1)
Population 1,500 (1,250 humans; 125 dwarves; 50 half- Ranged mwk dagger +7 (1d4+1)
elves; 75 other)
Notable NPCs: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 8
Mayor Ganik Athranos (CN male human expert 7) Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 20
Feats Dodge, Improved InitiativeB, Weapon Focus (Short
Base Value 1,600 gp; Purchase Limit 10,000 gp; Sword), Lightning Reflexes, Quick Draw
Spellcasting 4th Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff +6, Disable Device +11, Escape
Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 1d6; Major Items — Artist +12, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7,
Knowledge (local) +10, Perception +10, Sense Motive +6,

Curse of the Shadowhold
Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth +13 Though hesitant to tell the PCs the exact details of his request, and
Languages Common stressing that they should meet with the Elder of his village, Sarim does
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds; Other tell them that the issue has become more than the small elven village can
Gear +1 studded leather armor, +1 short sword, masterwork contend with. Should the PCs prove hesitant, he offers them 500 gp apiece
dagger, thieves’ tools to meet with the Elder, assuring them that a greater reward could be theirs
if they agree to help his people.
XP 3,200
Male elf ranger (guide) 8 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Advanced Player’s Guide “Guide”)
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
What if the PCs don’t
Init +8; Senses low-light vision; Perception +15 rescue Sarim?
AC 23, touch 15, flat-footed 19 (+8 armor, +1 deflection, +4 If the PCs choose not to go to Sarim’s aid, or fail to save him
Dex) in time, there are other options for getting the party into the quest.
hp 58, 48 nonlethal (8d10 plus 8) Some of the Adventure Hooks could serve as excellent methods
Fort +6; Ref +10; Will +4; +2 vs. enchantment to get the party engaged in the adventure. Expanding on #3, the
Immune sleep magic historian Aldren Voss has traveled to Nerimar seeking to discover
the ruins of the long-lost elven civilization of Alathanar in the
Speed 30 ft. depths of the Haunted Wood. Aldren is an excellent character
Melee unarmed strike +10/+5 (1d3+2/nonlethal) or +1 spear to serve as a guide in Sarim’s place, and in either case the PCs
+11/+6 (1d8+3/x3) or silver dagger +10/+5 (1d4+1/19–20) will find themselves the guests of the elves of Golden Oak before
Ranged mwk longbow +12/+12/+7 (1d8/x3) moving on to the ruins of Shadowhold.
Special Attacks archery combat style, ranger’s focus +4
Spells Prepared (CL 5th):
2nd—barkskin, bear’s endurance
1st—calm animals (DC 13), longstrider Once the PCs accept Sarim’s offer, read the text below.

Str 14, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 12
Base Atk +8; CMB +10; CMD 24 “Thank you, friends,” Sarim says, looking relieved. “We may
Feats EnduranceB, Far ShotB, Improved Initiative, Point Blank leave tomorrow, though it will take half a day’s journey on foot.”
ShotB, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow) He straightens, inclining his head in gratitude to each one of you.
Skills Climb +12, Heal +13, Knowledge (geography) +12, “Meet me at the town’s edge tomorrow morning, once you have time
Knowledge (nature) +12, Perception +15, Stealth +14, to prepare yourselves for the journey. The forest can be dangerous,
Survival +13 (+17 tracking) and it is unlikely we will reach the village before nightfall”
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan
SQ favored terrain (forest +4, planes [Shadow] +2), swift The next morning, the PCs have ample time to get supplies, equipment,
tracker, terrain bond, track, wild empathy +10, woodland and anything else they may feel they need before meeting with Sarim.
stride Though there is little danger between Nerimar and the forest’s edge, once
Combat Gear* potion of align weapon, 5 potions of cure light they pass beneath the boughs of the Haunted Wood the PCs may very well
wounds; Other Gear +2 elven chain, ring of protection +1, find themselves fighting for their lives before ever reaching Golden Oak.
+1 spear, masterwork longbow, 20 arrows, 20 +2 undead-bane For PCs seeking information about the Haunted Wood and its denizens,
arrows, silver dagger the majority of Nerimar’s populace know little about either subject
*All of Sarim’s gear is currently stored in his camp outside of beyond rumor and superstition, though a DC 20 Diplomacy check to
town. gather information will allow the PCs to glean that the forest was once the
home of an expansive elven civilization that vanished ages ago, leaving
Tactics: Should the PCs intervene, the thugs quickly forget the elf and the forest a cursed and haunted place. This check is unnecessary if the
move to intercept the newcomers, itching to prove themselves better in PCs are being guided by the historian Aldren Voss as detailed in the side
a fight. Rowdy and crass, the thugs mock any seemingly weak or non- box above.
human PCs as they attack, particularly females. Still, they are a cowardly
bunch, and if reduced to below half hit points they attempt to flee. If more
than half of them are killed or incapacitated, the rest make a break for it,
unwilling to further risk themselves against the PCs’ superior skills.

Development: With the thugs defeated or driven off, the PCs are able
to aid the elf the men had accosted. Though battered and bruised, the elven
man is still able enough to pick himself up and, after a few moments, he
thanks the PCs for their aid.

“Thank you friends...” the elf says, his voice thickened by a badly
split lip. He grimaces, stoic save for a slight limp. “Those men
would have killed me, had you not intervened.”
He hesitates a moment, glancing between you, as if appraising
each one of you before finally giving a short nod.
“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Sarim Oakleaf, of the village
of Golden Oak. Though I hesitate to take advantage of your good
will, you have proven yourselves capable enough, and my people
are in dire need of aid.”

Curse of the Shadowhold

Chapter One: Into the

Haunted Wood
After half a day’s trek across the rolling hills between Nerimar and the
Haunted Wood, the PCs finally reach the forest’s edge. As in the stories
whispered by many of the townsfolk, the Haunted Wood is a foreboding
Shadows in the Brush (CR 10)
place, and several yards past the tree-line the interior is unnaturally dark,
as if something were blocking out the sunlight from above. Although not After what seems like an eternity wandering through the
completely devoid of light, the interior of the Haunted Wood should be unnaturally dim woodland, you reach the edge of a small clearing.
considered to be no brighter than dim light unless otherwise noted. Yet even without the thick boughs overhead, the sky is blotted out
by a thick pall, a darkness that seems to absorb the sun’s light. The
forest is eerily still, silent...yet, a moment later, something rustles
Ahead of you, just beyond the crest of the next hill, you see in the underbrush nearby, and a bone-chilling howl cuts through
the dark expanse of the Haunted Wood begin to rise up in your the air, followed by another and another, a chorus, rising up into
field of vision. To say the forest was foreboding would be an the darkened boughs.
understatement; the trees themselves look dark, and somehow
wrong, as if partially drained of color. Beyond the forest’s edge,
daylight seems to falter, giving way to dim shadows that choke The PCs have unwittingly stumbled across the hunting grounds of a
the interior, making it difficult to see more than a few feet in any pack of 12 shadow wolves, tainted and twisted by the curse gripping the
direction. forest. The wolves spread out and attack the PCs, hoping for a quick and
easy meal and fighting to the death.
As the party reaches the very edge of the forest, Sarim calls for a halt. SHADOW WOLVES (12) CR 3
Read the text box below. XP 800
The Tome of Horrors Complete 650
“I urge caution once we enter the Wood,” Sarim says, his tone CE Medium undead (incorporeal)
grim as he stops just before the tree-line. “The tales told by your Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +9
townspeople are not entirely inaccurate. Long ago, this wood was
cursed, and many dangers lurk beneath its boughs. I would not AC 14, touch 14, flat–footed 12 (+2 deflection, +2 Dex)
want any of us to join those already claimed by it.” hp 26 (4d8+8)
Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +5
Defensive Abilities incorporeal, shadow blend; Immune
Once the PCs are ready, Sarim leads them into the forest, forgoing a undead traits
source of light to prevent attracting predators. At first, their progress is
uneventful, if slow, their pace cautious as their guide picks his way along Speed 50 ft.
the overgrown paths. If the PCs choose to ignore his advice and produce Melee incorporeal bite +5 (1d4 Str)
light sources, the unnatural shadow that envelops the forest prevents Special Attacks trip (bite)
any nonmagical light from providing illumination greater than dim light
(magical light sources work normally). The dim light and dense foliage Str —, Dex 15, Con —, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 15
prevent seeing anything farther than a few feet away, making the need for Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17 (21 vs. trip)
caution that much more dire. For any sight-based Perception checks, the Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative
PCs (and Sarim) take a –2 to their rolls due to their surroundings. Skills Perception +9, Sense Motive +3, Survival +2 (+6 tracking
Should the PCs be venturing into the forest without Sarim, and unless by scent)
they have another guide familiar with the Haunted Wood such as Aldren
Voss, they’ll be forced to find their way on their own. Have the PCs Strength Damage (Su): The bite of a shadow wolf deals
make a DC 25 Survival check for each hour of travel, with each success 1d4 points of Strength damage to a living foe. A creature
bringing them closer to the elven village deep within the forest. Reaching reduced to Strength 0 dies.
the village of Golden Oak requires five successful Survival checks or Trip (Ex): A shadow wolf can assume a corporeal form as
five hours of travel with their guide. After making three checks (whether a free action and bite (as a standard action) a foe in an
successful or not) or three hours with a guide, the PCs encounter the first attempt to trip the opponent. A shadow wolf that hits with
of the Wood’s cursed wildlife. its bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free
action without making a touch attack or provoking an
attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent
cannot react to trip the shadow wolf. Shadow wolves use
their Dexterity modifier on trip attacks.
The shadow wolf remains corporeal (i.e., it loses its
incorporeal traits) for the entire round in which it attempts to
trip an opponent. It can assume its incorporeal form on its
next turn as a free action.
Shadow Blend (Ex): In any condition of illumination other
than full daylight, a shadow wolf can disappear into the

Curse of the Shadowhold
shadows, giving it total concealment. Artificial illumination,
even a light or continual flame spell, does not negate this
ability. A daylight spell, however, will. Golden Oak
The atmosphere is guarded as the PCs arrive within the village of
To Sanctuary (CR 3) Golden Oak, whether they were guided there by Sarim or not. The elves
are on edge, a fact that should be abundantly clear to all of the PCs without
With the wolves defeated, the PCs are free to continue on their way the need to roll a Perception or Sense Motive check. Once within the
toward the elven village. Should they be accompanied by Sarim, he is village, the PCs are met by a full contingent of sentinels, their bows held
able to lead them onward with few incidents. Without him, the PCs must with arrows nocked, though their strings are not yet drawn as they watch
continue to make DC 25 Survival checks to find their way. If the PCs fail the group warily. Here, Sarim approaches the rangers, speaking to them
these checks too often, or if you want to speed up the process, read the briefly before returning to the party. If the PCs were guided to the village
following text. It does not occur if Sarim is present. by the sentinels encountered in the Haunted Wood, skip the text box below
and instead have them led directly to the village Elder which you will need
to modify accordingly.
After wandering through the shadow-choked trees for some time,
another sound of movement reaches your ears, a humanoid figure
emerging from behind the trunk of a thick oak several yards ahead
of you. Though difficult to make out, the figure approaches slowly,
resolving into a slim elf with a bow held at the ready, arrow nocked Golden Oak
against the string.
“Hail, travelers,” he says, his tone grim as he warily glances at Golden Oak
each of you. “You find yourselves in the territory of my people. CG small town
Turn around at once, and return from whence you came.” Corruption +0; Crime +0; Economy +0; Law +1; Lore +0;
Society +1
Qualities insular, magically attuned
The elf sentinel, a sentry of Golden Oak, watches the party warily, Danger +0
though he makes no move to threaten them. In truth, he is more surprised
than worried, as few outsiders make it so deep into the Haunted Wood Government Autocracy
alive. Impressed by their progress into the wood, and admittedly curious Population 375 (375 elves)
as to the intentions of the PCs, the sentinel will grudgingly agree, if asked, Notable NPCs:
to lead them to the village, whistling sharply to summon a handful of other Elder Verithrien Shadowleaf (NE male elf sorcerer 13)
sentinels to escort the PCs the rest of the way to the village of Golden Oak Chief Ranger Sarim Oakleaf (CG male elf ranger 8)
to speak with their Elder.
Base Value 1,200 gp; Purchase Limit 6,000 gp;
ELF SENTINEL CR 3 Spellcasting 6th
XP 800 Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 1d6; Major Items —
Male or female elf fighter 2/ranger 2
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10
Sarim manages a weary smile as he returns from speaking with
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +3 Dex, +1 shield) the rangers, exhaling and hazarding a glance back at them.
hp 30 (2d10+2 plus 2d10+2 plus 4) “They have agreed to see us the rest of the way to the Elder,
Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +1 (+2 vs. fear); +2 vs. enchantment though I am afraid we all must tread carefully,” he says, turning
Defensive Abilities bravery +1; Immune magic sleep his attention back to you. “Though I was sent to ask for help, not
all in the village agreed that we needed the assistance of outsiders
Speed 30 ft. to solve our...problem.” Sarim shrugs, turning once more and
Melee longsword +6 (1d8+2/19–20) motioning for you to follow. “Please...the Elder is patient and wise,
Ranged mwk longbow +7 (1d8/x3) but I would still prefer not to keep him waiting long.”
Special Attacks archery combat style, favored enemy
(outsider [evil] +2)
The PCs are escorted toward a large structure at the village’s center, a
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8 series of hut-like structures, obviously countless centuries old, intertwined
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19 in the boughs of a massive oak tree that towers over the village, its
Feats Point Blank ShotB, Precise ShotB, Skill Focus (Stealth), bark the color of burnished gold and its branches spreading out like an
Toughness, Weapon Focus (longbow) B aegis over the elven settlement. An opening in the tree’s roots leads to a
Skills Climb +9, Heal +6, Knowledge (geography) +6, staircase carved into the heartwood, spiraling up until they emerge within
Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +10, Stealth +13, Survival the structure half-hidden by a veil of emerald leaves. Once there, the
+10 (+11 tracking) majority of the rangers remain behind, leaving two to guide the PCs into
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan the structure’s central chamber where the Elder awaits.
SQ track, wild empathy +0 A kind of meeting chamber, the room is dominated by a large central
Combat Gear 2 potions of cure light wounds; Other Gear table, a silver-haired elven man clad in robes of pale green standing at its
masterwork leather armor, masterwork light wooden shield, head, his expression grim as he regards the party. The two rangers flank
masterwork longbow, 20 arrows, longsword the door, and Sarim motions for the PCs to remain where they are before
moving to speak quietly with the Elder, his tone hushed and difficult to
hear across the broad chamber. Finally, he turns and waves the PCs over,
something in his short exchange with the Elder clearly having unsettled
the ranger.

Curse of the Shadowhold
As you approach, Sarim steps aside, hanging back and allowing
the Elder a small amount of privacy as he speaks.
“Greetings, guests of Golden Oak,” he begins, inclining his
head respectfully. “I am Verithrien Shadowleaf, the Elder of this
humble sanctuary against the darkness.” He smiles, the thin lines at
the corners of his eyes the only signs of his great age. “Sarim has
informed me of the circumstances of your recruitment, and allow
me to extend my gratitude to you for saving his life. Though a great
warrior, he, like many of my people, are not familiar with the ways
of outsiders...I fear I have lost too many of my people over the years
to misunderstandings such as the one that nearly claimed him.”
Verithrien turns, moving toward the other side of the table where
a decanter of a clear, red wine was set, pouring himself a glass
and motioning toward you. “Please...pour yourselves something to
drink and have a seat. We have much to discuss, and precious little
time to discuss it.”
He waits for everyone to take their seats, taking his own customary
position at the head of the table and steepling his fingers, his sharp
emerald eyes peering at each of you in turn before he continues.
“The situation my village finds itself in is most dire...” he says
grimly, his earlier friendly demeanor vanishing. “For generations,
Golden Oak has been a beacon of light amid the darkness that
haunts this forest, and my people have upheld a fragile balance.
But something changed recently, and a number of my hunters have
vanished...taken by the evil that dwells in the forest’s depths.”
Verithrien sighs, leaning back in his chair, the situation clearly
weighing upon the Elder’s shoulders. “Normally, we would resolve
things ourselves and not trouble outsiders. Yet when I sent a party
of our rangers to track them down, they also failed to return, but
not before my own apprentice, who I had sent to accompany them,
contacted me with the location that they had tracked the missing
hunters to.”
From within the voluminous sleeves of his robe, Verithrien draws
a rolled piece of parchment, spreading it out on the table’s surface.
“They tracked the hunters here, to a ruin deep within the forest,
a place taboo to my people due to the dangers that lurk within. I
urge you, have come this far, and I believe that you
can succeed where my own people failed. Something stirs within
the ruin, upsetting the forest’s balance, and though my own people
are likely long dead...please, venture into the ruin and restore the
balance, or Golden Oak itself may finally be swallowed up by the

Here Verithrien allows the PCs to ask any questions of him that they
wish, though he becomes evasive on matters pertaining to the specifics of
the ruin, stating that such information was simply lost over the centuries.
The position of Golden Oak’s people has always been tenuous within the
forest—a balance so delicate that treading foot in the wrong part of the
ancient forest could upset it—thus many places beneath the dark boughs
were declared forbidden for reasons long forgotten. Still, he answers what
he can, relating what can be found in the first three paragraphs of the
“Adventure Background.”
Verithrien advises that his village is fairly cash poor, due the elves’
heavy reliance of barter of goods and skills, but that he does have a
number of magic items collected by the village Elders over the centuries.
In exchange for undertaking this mission, he promises each PC one magic
item from this collection (see the side box in “Concluding the Adventure”).
Once the PCs are satisfied and agree to the journey to the ruin, he
informs them that they will be given a place to rest within the village for
the night and access to any mundane gear or supplies they might need for
the journey, as a show of good faith.
With that, Verithrien withdraws, and the PCs are left in the care of
Sarim who guides them into another part of the sprawling structure set
amongst the boughs of the tree, where rooms have been set aside for them.
The PCs are then allowed to rest and, in the morning, prepare for the
journey to come.

Curse of the Shadowhold

Chapter 2:
The Heart of Darkness
The dawn comes, though the forest’s ever-pervasive gloom makes
the early hour seem like the dead of night. Soon enough, Sarim As you emerge into a small clearing, the darkness around
arrives to wake the PCs, informing them that he has been tasked with you seems to deepen. Though you can still see, the air carries a
accompanying them to the ruin. Should the PCs need, they now have pervasive sense of wrongness that seems to grow stronger the
the time to gather any supplies they feel they might need, or trade for closer you get to the crumbling remains of what must have once
whatever more powerful items the villagers might be willing to spare, been an impressive keep, the plant-choked rubble stretching well
though such items are unfortunately scarce. When the PCs are ready, out of sight into the shadowy trees at the clearing’s far side.
Sarim meets them at the village’s northern edge, pausing only long The portion visible was once a tower, part of the keep’s outer
enough to repeat his warnings about the dangers of the forest’s dark wall, long-since reduced to naught but its foundations. It is within
depths before leading them beyond the protection of the village. If that ring of blackened stone that Sarim stops, crouching down next
Sarim is not with the party, then one of the elf sentinels will perform to a hole set into the tower’s floor that must have once been sealed
this role. off by a trap door, though whether it rotted away or was removed
It isn’t long after leaving the village that the gloom settles in, impairing entirely isn’t readily obvious.
the vision of any PCs without low-light vision or darkvision. Once again, “Here’s the entrance that the search party discovered,” Sarim
the forest prevents nonmagical light sources from providing more than says, seeming reluctant as he starts into the blackness below. “The
dim light, and Sarim (or another guide) suggests that no light sources be gods only know what’s down there...I don’t have much hope of
used to avoid attracting attention. The forest itself is oddly quiet, and even finding any of our people alive after so long, but perhaps we can
Sarim seems unsettled as he guides the party through the forest using the find something of theirs to take back to their families, and put an
Elder’s map as a guide. end to whatever was the cause of their disappearances.”
The journey itself takes seven hours, with the map and guide to show Sarim accompanies the PCS into the forbidden grounds of
the way. Without these, the PCs would soon become hopelessly lost and Shadowhold but will hang back in combat as before and use his
only manage to find their way back to Golden Oak after 2d6+5 hours. bow for fire support.
For each hour spent traveling in the Haunted Woods, there is a 20%
chance of an encounter (double that if the party is using a light source).

If an encounter occurs, roll on the table below. If combat occurs, Sarim
(or other guide) will hang back and snipe at enemies with his bow.
Foes will largely ignore him; he is not the focus of the adventure and
should neither provide too much help for the PCs nor draw too many The hole opens up onto a narrow stairwell, pitted and worn with age,
attacks. You should strive to keep him alive as the guide and a source of that descends into the deep darkness of the ruin’s lower levels. Runes
information for the PCs. of warding daubed onto the crumbling walls nearby indeed indicate the
forbidden nature of the place and, should any PCs take note of them and
ask Sarim of their meaning (DC 15 Perception check to notice the runes),
he informs them that they warn of a great evil contained somewhere below.
The Haunted Woods Within the halls of Shadowhold, even magical light sources will not
provide more illumination than dim light.
Random Encounter Table
d% Encounter
1. Entry Chamber
01–25 2d4 shadow wolves (see Chapter One, “Shadows in The stairwell leads the PCs down into long chamber with delicately
the Brush”) worked columns running its length. As the first PC steps foot onto the
26–50 Tenebrous worm (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game chamber’s floor, torches set in brackets on the columns flare to life with
Bestiary 2 “Tenebrous Worm”) an eerie purple flame, casting the room in strange, dancing shadows and
51–75 Kyton and 1d3+2 augurs (Pathfinder Roleplaying that give off only dim light.
Game Bestiary “Kyton”; Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Bestiary 3 “Kyton, Augur”)
76–00 2 shadow mastiffs (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game This chamber, cast in strange purple light and dancing shadows,
Bestiary 3 “Shadow Mastiff”) smells of stale air and dust. Even here, there is a sense of unease,
as if there truly is something vile sealed away here, its darkness
seeping into the very stones of the place. At the chamber’s far end,
a passage is shrouded in more darkness, the light from the purple-
After what seems at first like aimless wandering along narrow flamed torches failing to penetrate far beyond the chamber.
paths through the thick trees eventually sees the PCs and their guide
emerging in a small clearing before the crumbled remains of what must
have once been a large fortification. As the PCs arrive, read the text Though at first glance there seems to be little sign of the passage of
below. the missing elves, a thorough search of the area (DC 25 Perception)
reveals the presence of several narrow footprints in the dust that cakes
the stone floor, leading into the hall beyond the chamber and deeper into
the ruin. Aside from that, no other signs of their passage can be found

Curse of the Shadowhold

Curse of the Shadowhold
within this chamber. More glyphs of warning are scrawled upon the walls Weaknesses sunlight powerlessness
to either side of the hall leading from the chamber, these larger and more
obvious than those upon the ruined walls above ground (no Perception Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect)
check required). The purple flames of the torches are otherwise mundane, Melee 2 claws +11 touch (1d6 plus 1d6 cold), bite +11 touch
though they never burn out and never give off more than a dim light. (1d8 plus 1d6 cold)
As the PCs approach the hallway, the air seems to grow colder, every Special Attacks pounce, sprint, shadow blend
breath misting in front of them. With the sudden chill the darkness thickens, Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th):
the torches seeming to dim further, before flaring to light again moments At will—deeper darkness, fear (DC 18), greater teleport (self
later. After that more torches along the hallway flicker and sputter to life only), telekinesis (DC 19)
lighting their way, if poorly. 3/day—shadow conjuration (DC 18), shadow evocation
(DC 19)
1/day—magic jar (DC 19), summon (level 3, 1 shadow
2. Storage Room demon 50%)

What was once a storage chamber now lies empty, its numerous Str —, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 19
shelves caked in the dust of ages. A ruined staircase sits in the Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 25
northeast corner, only rising halfway to a rubble-choked opening Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative,
above, sealed off by several slabs of fallen stone. Whatever had Lightning Reflexes
been kept within this room has long since been removed, and it Skills Acrobatics +14, Bluff +14, Fly +22, Knowledge (local)
seems no one has entered this chamber for many, many centuries. +12, Knowledge (planes) +12, Perception +20, Sense Motive
+12, Stealth +14
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elven, Sylvan; telepathy 100 ft.
This chamber was picked clean ages ago, and what was left has rotten
away into dust. Though the PCs may search thoroughly, their attempts Sprint (Ex) Once per minute, a shadow demon increase its
only come up with a few torn shreds of paper that crumble at a touch and fly speed to 240 feet for 1 round.
signs that someone may have taken refuge in the chamber in ages past, Shadow Blend (Su) During any conditions other than bright
a ring of broken masonry marking out an ancient fire pit. No sign of the light, a shadow demon can disappear into the shadows as
missing elves can be found in here; it seems that they passed this chamber a move-equivalent action, effectively becoming invisible.
by after entering the ruin. Artificial illumination or light spells of 2nd level or lower do
not negate this ability.
3. Summoning Chamber (CR 10) Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex) A shadow demon is utterly
powerless in bright light or natural sunlight and flees from it. A
shadow demon caught in such light cannot attack and can
This large chamber is a hemisphere of smooth stone, polished take only a single move or attack action. A shadow demon
to an almost mirror-like finish. The floor and much of the walls that is possessing a creature using magic jar is not harmed
are carved with strange glyphs that seem to hum with power, and by sunlight, but if it is struck by a sunbeam or sunray spell
at the room’s center a magic circle is picked out in silver and while possessing a creature, the shadow demon is driven out
gems. Even more telling of the room’s purpose, however, are dark of its host automatically.
stains that mar the floor in several places, the skeletal remains
of several humanoid figures strewn here and there through the ADVANCED SHADOWS (6) CR 4
chamber. Strange whispers, half-heard and seeming to come from XP 1,200
everywhere at once, fill the room, sibilant and seductive, beckoning Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary “Shadow”
you closer to the chamber’s heart. CE Medium undead (incorporeal)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
Creatures: This chamber, a summoning circle utilized by
Shadowhold’s mages before the elven empire’s fall, was once the prison AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 14 (+4 deflection, +4 Dex, +1
of a powerful shadow demon, its indistinct form captured within the dodge)
chamber’s circle. Unfortunately, a group of interloping adventurers hp 25 (3d8+12)
disturbed the circle over a century ago, freeing the demon, which Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +6
promptly slew the intruders and attempted to escape. Yet the ancient Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, incorporeal;
elves had put contingencies in place, and the demon found itself sealed Immune undead traits
within the chamber itself, unable to pass beyond the entryway. In the
time since, it has lurked in the shadows of the summoning chamber, Speed fly 40 ft. (good)
attacking any that dare enter its demesne. Likewise, the dark magic of Melee incorporeal touch +6 (1d6 Strength damage)
Shadowhold has caused the spirits of the demon’s victims to rise as 6 Special Attacks create spawn
advanced shadows, feeding off of those that the demon lures into the
chamber with its dark whispers. Str —, Dex 18, Con —, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 19
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 21
SHADOW DEMON CR 7 Feats Dodge, Skill Focus (Perception)
XP 3,200 Skills Fly +14, Intimidate +10, Perception +12, Stealth +10 (+14
The Tome of Horrors Complete 172 in dim light, +6 in bright light)
CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar, Languages Common (cannot speak)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +20 Treasure: With the demon and shadows defeated, the PCs are free to
search the chamber. Though most of the gear of the would-be adventurers
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +4 deflection) has rotted away, a DC 15 Perception check lets the PCs find 2 potions
hp 59 (7d10+21) of cure serious wounds, a scroll of restoration, and an amulet of natural
Fort +5; Ref +11; Will +7 armor +2 among the bodies.
Defensive Abilities incorporeal; DR 10/cold iron or good;
Immune cold, electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, fire 10; SR 18

Curse of the Shadowhold

4. Shadow’s Heart (CR 10) 5. Crypt

This chamber sits below the heart of what was once the keep This narrow chamber is lined by small alcoves, each containing
above, its ceiling arching up and disappearing into darkness. Its a slender sarcophagus, the lid carved with runes resembling the
center is dominated by a massive crystalline formation, purple and modern elvish script, though different enough to be indecipherable
shining like the strange flames that burn on the torches that line the at first glance. Some show deep gouges along the edges of the lid,
walls. A strange music fills the room, like a thousand discordant as if someone in ages past had attempted to pry them open, though
chimes, the crystal itself vibrating at a frequency that makes it no other signs of intrusion can be seen.
almost hard to think.
These two ancient burial chambers, once used by the elves that lived in
Near to the strange crystalline construction, several bodies lie Shadowhold to inter their honored dead, now lie quiet and unused. Though
sprawled on the stone. Fresher by far than the skeletal remains found there are signs of someone attempting to break into the sarcophagi,
in the summoning chamber, these remains are elven, three in all, and the remains within are relatively undisturbed. Each body within is
Sarim quickly recognizes them as members of the first party of missing immaculately preserved by a gentle repose, as if the occupant was merely
hunters. Though not the entire group, these few were clearly struck down sleeping. However, should any object within the sarcophagus be removed,
by something. Upon closer inspection their flesh is pallid and withered, it quickly decays and crumbles to dust, the preservative magic sustaining
something having drained the life from them until they were naught but it dissipating.

Trap: This room bears a trap that is activated if anyone approaches 6. The Descent
within 5 feet of the crystalline heart. If that occurs, arcs of purple energy
shoot forth from the crystal, one for each living creature in the room. The This chamber is the largest by far, like the heart of a great
trap resets itself after one hour. cathedral, its arched ceiling high above shrouded in darkness. As
you enter, great braziers lining the walls flare to life with that eerie
ENERGY DRAIN TRAP CR 10 purple flame, and a chill wind whistles and flutters the tattered
Type magical; Perception DC 34; Disable Device DC 34 banners hanging from the dark stone walls. At the chamber’s far
end, a great statue carved of something resembling obsidian towers
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic above a long stairwell that descends further into the ruin, the
Effect spell effect (energy drain, Atk +10 ranged touch, 2d4 shadows writhing around the statue’s base.
temporary negative levels, DC 23 Fortitude negates after 24
hours); multiple targets (all targets in room)
Almost some sort of fane or chapel in appearance, this chamber’s walls
and columns are carved with strange reliefs depicting elves and other
humanoid creatures amid dark, writhing tendrils. The 20-foot statue is of

Curse of the Shadowhold
an elven woman, her slender frame draped in flowing cloth that frays at If he manages to get past them he begins sniping them with his composite
the edges, carved to appear to whip around her body as if alive. longbow until he runs out of arrows and then returns to melee with his
Even more unsettling, however, are the remains that lay in several dagger.
places throughout the chamber. Though clad as the dead hunters found in
Area 4, their bodies are desiccated, as if all the life had been drained from VALDIS, MAD RANGER CR 11
them before their bodies were discarded. As in the summoning chamber, XP 12,800
as the PCs move nearer to the statue and the stairs, strange, dark whispers Male elf ranger 12
fill the room, the torches spluttering and dimming abruptly as the chill N Medium humanoid (elf)
wind kicks up again. Yet nothing attacks from the thrashing shadows, the Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +18
whispers beckoning the PCs deeper, to travel down the steps and into the
embrace of the darkness that envelops the level below. AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +5 Dex)
Should the PCs begin to descend, the light cast from the torches above hp 98 (12d10+12 plus 12)
stops abruptly halfway down, as if a palpable sheet of darkness was hung Fort +9; Ref +13; Will +5; +2 vs. enchantment
across the stairwell. Though not solid, nothing can be seen beyond, the Defensive Abilities evasion; Immune magic sleep
surface of it rippling like a pool of ink.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk dagger +15/+10/+5 (1d4+2)
7. The Cryptorium Ranged +2 composite longbow +19/+14/+9 (1d8+4/x3)
Special Attacks archery combat style, favored enemy
As you pass through the rippling veil of darkness, it solidifies (outsider [evil] +6, undead +2, magical beast +2), quarry
behind you, the surface becoming a flat plane like pitch-black Spells Prepared (CL 9th):
glass that resists any attempt to pass through or force it open. None currently prepared
Below, the stairwell opens up into a large chamber, its walls lined
with numerous alcoves, within which lay the rotting remains of Str 14, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 8
a multitude of elven bodies. The air itself here seems to ripple Base Atk +12; CMB +14; CMD 29
and quiver, all color washed out and dull, and shadows clinging Feats Deadly Aim, EnduranceB, Improved Precise ShotB,
to every surface in ropy strands that seem to defy the light of the Many Shot, Pinpoint TargetingB, Point Blank Shot, Precise
guttering purple torches. ShotB, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus (Survival), Vital Strike
Skills Climb +10, Craft (traps) +10, Handle Animal +14, Heal
+5, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge
With their passage into the lower level of the ruin, the PCs pass within a (nature) +5, Perception +18, Ride +12, Stealth +25, Survival
strange convergence between the Material Plane and the Plane of Shadow. +22 (+28 tracking), Swim +15
Though weakening due to the intrusion of the hunters and the search party Languages Common, Elven, Goblin
sent to find them, the magic is still strong enough to prevent the PCs SQ camouflage, favored terrain (forest +4, underground
from escaping the lower level once they pass through the veil. Though +2), hunter’s bond (companions), swift tracker, track, wild
the convergence once only covered a single chamber—the prison of the empathy +11, woodland stride
creature trapped within the ruin—in the time since the disappearances its Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds (CL 1: 33 charges),
demesne has grown, encompassing the entirety of the ruin’s lowest level. wand of speak with animals (CL 1: 41 charges), 2 tanglefoot
Within any part of the ruin’s lower levels, as long as the convergence is in bags; Other Gear +1 chain shirt, +2 composite longbow (+2
effect, any spell with the light descriptor has a 50% chance of failure, its
power extinguished by the shadows that permeate everything.

Treasure: The alcoves lining the walls contain mostly dust or little
more than scraps of cloth and desiccated bone, though a few of the more
well-preserved bodies still bear some of their burial adornments. Any PC
searching the bodies can find 1,500 gp worth of ornate jewelry with a DC
18 Perception check, but exposure to the negative energies of the Plane of
Shadow has caused much of the rest to dull and tarnish.

8. Collapsed Chamber (CR 11)

When the PCs first approach this chamber, the door is sealed tightly
shut, barricaded from the other side. A DC 25 Strength check is required
to force the door open, pushing aside the rubble and debris used to block it
shut. Once the PCs force their way inside, read the text below.

This nondescript chamber might once have been any number of

things, but its interior is now choked with rubble and earth. Yet the
rubble shows signs of being recently moved, and the bodies of over
half-a-dozen elves litter the floor here, not drained like the bodies
found before, but brutally slain, their throats torn open, eyes wide
and staring. The air is still thick with the sharp tang of blood.

Creature: The culprit of the brutal killings quickly makes himself

known, a haggard-looking mad elf and former chief ranger of Golden
Oak, crouched in the far corner near the collapsed end of the room cackling
and muttering to himself, his hands drenched in blood and clutching a
wicked-looking knife. When he sees the PCs, he lets out a wild scream,
lurching to his feet and lunging at them, swiping madly with his dagger.

Curse of the Shadowhold

Curse of the Shadowhold
Str) with 13 arrows, masterwork dagger, belt of incredible pit. Doing so, however, exposes the PCs who come into contact with the
dexterity +2, cloak of elvenkind years of rot and filth to the diseases infesting the very air at the bottom
of the pit. All PCs who climb to the bottom of the pit must make a DC
Development: Should the PCs manage to subdue Valdis without 16 Fortitude save or contract cackle fever (see the “Diseases” section in
killing him, he seems to snap out of whatever madness had him in its grip, the Appendices of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game) from breathing the
calming enough to become aware of the horrific scene in the chamber diseased air.
and his part in it. He becomes violently ill, though that subsides quickly
enough and, should the PCs question him, he reveals that he was part of
the rescue party that was sent into the ruin to find the missing hunters. In 11. The Red Room (CR 11)
their search, they came under attack by strange, shadow-tainted undead
and had barricaded themselves within this chamber. There Valdis’ memory Closed off by a massive metal door etched with skulls, this room
is jumbled. He remembers hearing whispering, and then...blood, violence, is a scene of utter horror. The blackened stone walls are awash in
and screaming, and little else before the PCs managed to subdue him. splashes of blood, the floor littered with bits and pieces of what
Should the PCs suggest he come with them, he flatly refuses, too might have been humanoids of some sort but are now bloody
shaken and weak to wish to face the monstrosities he knows to be further chunks beyond recognition. Whatever the purpose this room once
in the ruin. Instead he chooses to remain behind and see that his dead had, it has been turned into little more than a slaughterhouse,
comrades receive a proper burial. He does not resist being made prisoner the blood standing out vibrantly despite the washed-out color of
for his crimes but will violently resist if forced to continue deeper into the everything else on this level of the ruin.
Once the chamber where the sacrifices were ritually prepared before
9. The Great Library being taken into the creature’s prison below, with the intrusion of the
elven hunters and the expansion of the creature’s sphere of influence, this
room became the site of a mass slaughter. When the search party reached
Massive stone shelves fill this chamber, rising nearly to the ceiling this chamber, they discovered the fate of their missing comrades when
and filled with row upon row of thick, leather-bound tomes. The they were beset upon by the slavering, hungry undead that their former
entire chamber smells of dust and old paper, though even here the kin had been transformed into by the creature.
shadows hang thick, clinging to every surface and nearly dousing
the weak light emanating from the torches set into the sconces Creatures: As the PCs enter the chamber, a DC 17 Perception check
along the walls. reveals the presence of humanoid shapes lurking in the shadowy corners
of the room. Whether they notice or not, the shadow-tainted undead lurch
Once a repository of the knowledge of the ancient elves who lived forward to attack, 6 shadow wight elves wreathed in clinging shadows.
within the keep, this library is home to texts either forbidden or deemed
extremely valuable. The books themselves are written in an ancient SHADOW WIGHTS (6) CR 6
dialect of elven that not even Sarim can decipher, and require magic or a XP 2,400
DC 30 Linguistics check to begin the long, arduous process of translating Male advanced entropic frost wight elf (Pathfinder
them. Still, despite the failures of the preservative magic throughout the Roleplaying Game Bestiary “Wight”; Pathfinder Roleplaying
ruin, many of the tomes are in good enough condition that, if transported Game Bestiary 2 “Entropic Creature”)
carefully, could fetch a high price to the right collectors. With a DC 25 LE Medium undead (cold)
Perception check the PCs can find six volumes, each worth 1,500 gp, that Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13
can survive being removed from the chamber’s protective magic.
A more thorough search (DC 30 Perception check) uncovers several AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +6 natural)
volumes written far more recently and in a dialect of elven Sarim can hp 34 (4d8+16)
decipher. They detail the fall of Alathanar, conveying much of the Fort +5; Ref +4; Will +7
ancient empire’s history. They also include information on the history of Defensive Abilities shadow concealment; Immune cold,
Shadowhold itself, mentioning a dark creature from the Plane of Shadow undead traits; Resist acid 5, fire 5; SR 10
summoned and imprisoned beneath the keep by the ancient Alathi as Weaknesses resurrection vulnerability, vulnerability to fire
part of a plan that the ancient empire was never able to enact. Even more
alarming, the later entries mention the village of Golden Oak itself, and Speed 30 ft.
allude to a pact made between the Elders of the village and whatever was Melee slam +6(1d4+3 plus 1d6 cold energy drain)
sealed beneath the keep, though it does not specify the nature of the deal. Special Attacks cold, create spawn, energy drain (1 level,
DC 16), smite law 1/day (+4 Atk/+4 Dmg)
10. The Charnel Pit Str 16, Dex 16, Con —, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 19
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 19
The reek of decay hits you like a wave even before entering this Feats Blind-Fight, Skill Focus (Perception)
circular chamber. The stone floor drops away five feet beyond the Skills Climb +10, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (religion) +9,
entry, leaving a narrow ledge surrounding a great pit that dominates Perception +13, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +18
the center of the room. Closer to the pit, the smell of death is almost Languages Elven
overpowering, and upon closer inspection the source is obvious:
the pit below is filled with piles of desiccated, rotting corpses in Cold (Ex) Any creature touching a shadow wight with
various stages of decay, some reduced to nothing but bone and natural weapons or unarmed strikes takes 1d6 cold
tatters, and others seeming all too recent. damage.
Shadow Concealment (Su) The shadows clinging to the
wight provide it concealment as the blur spell.
Yet more evidence of the dark pact between the Elders of Golden Oak
and the dark creature within the keep, this room is where the bodies of those With the undead defeated, the eerie chill in the room seems to lessen,
sacrificed to the creature were disposed of, dumped unceremoniously into though the darkness remains as strong as ever. Even here, the strange,
the room’s central pit. The pit itself is 40 feet deep, the bottom entirely sibilant whispers seem to beckon the PCs forward, deeper into the ruin.
obscured by the reeking bodies left there to rot. The pit’s walls are rough, Beyond the scene of carnage, another short hall leads away from the
and a DC 20 Climb check can see the PCs down to the bottom of the chamber, the whispers seeming to emanate from that direction.

Curse of the Shadowhold
True to its word, the shadowy creature is quite content to hold off on its
12. The Spiral Stair attack, certain that the PCs have no means of striking it yet. Imprisoned
beneath the keep for generations, the creature displays a love of toying
Beyond the room of carnage is a spiral stair of black stone cut with its “food” and will answer any question pertaining to the “Adventure
from the living rock. Half-obscured by darkness, the shadows seem Background” truthfully, feeling no need to lie to the beings it intends to
almost tangible as they writhe and lash out. The air here is thick, devour shortly. If the PCs have no questions, Sarim steps forward and
charged, and a great sense of unease permeates everything, as if the asks the shadow creature about the pact made between it and the Elders of
stair descended into the bowels of the Hells themselves. Golden Oak. Whether the PCs or Sarim asks, read the text below.

“The Pact?” The creature laughs again, the sound muffled by the
These stairs descend into Area 13, the stink of blood and carnage
chamber’s curtained walls. “Ah, yes...I long ago. One of
lessening as the PCs make their way down into the ruin’s final chambers
your kind stumbled upon my prison. I would have devoured him,
to confront the source of the dark power that lurks within the keep’s heart.
had he not, in his panic, offered me a sweeter deal.”
The crimson eyes flare to life in the shadows near the mirror
13. The Black Hall again, the same dark mass looming forward.
“ he became known to exchange for his
life, and for a sanctuary for his people, offered to bring every ten
At the base of the spiral stair is a large room reminiscent of an years a sacrifice. And every decade, you have provided...such
audience chamber, its numerous columns carved into the shape of delicious things. Yet for centuries I have been fed scraps, and
regal elves clad in robes or armor, all of them wrapped in thick always have I hungered for more. When your kin ventured too deep
tendrils of shadow that grasp and squeeze the stone. At the hall’s into this ruin and breached my prison, they weakened the wards
far end stand a pair of doors, twenty feet tall and crafted of black holding me here, and so I devoured I will devour you and,
metal, their surfaces depicting a great, indistinct shape looming soon, every living thing in this wretched woodland.”
over armies that cower before it. Tattered banners line the walls, The dark shape seems to grow more solid, until a vague figure,
their colors leeched away. Whatever emblems that may have once huge in size with great, bat-like wings, resolves itself from the
been worked into their fabric having faded long ago. gloom, stretching open a maw lined with black, dagger-like teeth.
“And now I tire of this...prepare yourselves for death.”
The room is eerily silent as the PCs arrive in it, their footfalls echoing
off of the chamber’s tall ceiling 30 feet above. The doors themselves,
Creature: With that, The Shadow Beast lunges forward, hoping to
though appearing heavy, swing open at the merest touch to reveal a long
use its impressive size and power to overwhelm the PCs. Although nearly
hall beyond, its walls covered in frescoes of the same looming, shadowy
twenty feet tall, the creature’s massive wings are too large to open in the
creature. At the end, a set of smaller doors are set into the wall, crafted of
chamber, and the ceiling too low to allow him to fly, forcing him to fight
the same dark metal but plain in appearance save for a sigil of warning,
on the ground. If any PC thinks to somehow obscure the obsidian mirror
much like the ones on the ruins above, carved into their surface. These,
such as with a curtain torn from the wall or a PCs cloak (it is immune to
too, easily swing open to allow the PCs into the ruin’s final chamber.
physical damage), they find that the shrouding cloth is drawn tight against
the mirror’s face as if being drawn against it by some great suction. It
14. The Dark Shrine (CR 14) is not drawn into the mirror but will require a full minute of tearing and
pulling to free the mirror from its cloaking presence. While the mirror is
so cloaked, the magical connection to the Shadow Plane is temporarily
This room, the ruin’s deepest chamber, resembles some sort of obscured. During this time, light sources will work normally (potentially
wicked shrine. Eerie, twisted statues stand in place of columns exposing The Shadow Beast to the effects of its light aversion) and The
here, their features like those of elves but somehow warped into Shadow Beast’s desecrating aura is cancelled, weakening it considerably.
something abhorrent. Behind them black curtains, tattered with dry The Beast howls in rage if it appears somebody is attempting to do this
rot, hang against the walls from floor to ceiling. At the chamber’s and attacks with a fury against such an individual.
far end, a mirror stands in a frame of pure obsidian, its smooth face
emanating a dull purple glow that flares brighter as you enter, the THE SHADOW BEAST CR 14
shadows around you writhing in answer. XP 38,400
hp 195 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2
Once all the PCs enter the chamber, the doors behind them swing shut “Nightshade, Nightwing”)
with a muted clang, the ever-present purple-flamed torches flaring up
brighter than ever before, causing the rooms shadows to dance erratically, Development: With the destruction of the Shadow Beast, the darkness
though the lighting remains dim. At the room’s far end, the mirror itself seems to lessen, the air quivering for a moment before the mirror at the
begins to pulse and vibrate, the same dark whispers permeating the air. chamber’s far side cracks and then shatters completely. With a sudden
After a few moments, though, the whispers stop, and a voice booms out rush of wind, color returns to the world, the strange convergence that had
from all around the PCs in an eerie whisper. trapped the PCs in the lowest levels of the ruin finally ending and the
lighting both in the keep and in the surrounding forest returning to normal.
“Ah...more food...the Elders are generous this year...” A sibilant See “Return to Golden Oak” below.
voice hisses from all around you. The shadows closest to the mirror
seem to rise up, forming a shapeless mass in which two pinpricks Treasure: Should the PCs search the chamber, they find numerous
of crimson light, like burning coals, flare into being. “And quite ancient writings and ornamented ritual tools worth 12,000 gp in total if
powerful food as well...oh, my...what ever did I do to deserve such sold to the right collector.
The voice now slithers forth from that mass, which quickly
dissipates, the sound of cruel laughter echoing around the chamber.
“Do you have any last requests, delectable morsels, before I eat
you as I did your friends? Or would you rather skip straight to the
main course?”

Curse of the Shadowhold

Return to Golden Oak Sarim Returns to Golden Oak

As the PCs make their way back through the ruin toward the surface,
Ahead of the PCs
they note the complete disappearance of the strange, living shadows that
If the PCs have let Sarim return on his own, they reach Golden Oak to
had clung to everything, and even the eerie purple flames on the torches
find the village in chaos. The villagers cluster around the base of Verithrien’s
have returned to normal, their taint quickly fading with The Beast’s
golden-barked oak tree, the more militant calling for blood, while many
demise. Once on the surface, the PCs are greeted not by the Haunted
simply look on in utter disbelief. If the PCs do nothing to intervene, Sarim
Wood’s eternal gloom, but by the dim rays of dawn filtering down through
soon appears on a vine-covered balcony with the Elder in tow, nudging the
the canopy. Though most of the Wood’s vast expanse remains cloaked in
older elf forward to the jeering of many of the villagers. If Sarim was killed
eternal night, it seems that this section of the forest, along its furthest edge,
but Valdis lives, then he fills this role. Read the following:
was held in the grip of that strange beast and has now been freed from
its foul influence. Now, the edge of the forest feels the sun and provides “Now you know this man, our Elder, has betrayed us. As they
haven for normal animal life, though the trees remain dull and gray from all have betrayed us!” Sarim shouts, his voice carrying over the
long years spent in shadow. voices of the villagers clustered around the base of the massive
Despite The Shadow Beast’s defeat Sarim (if he survived) is troubled, oak. “For generations they have sacrificed our people—they say for
urging the PCs to return with him to Golden Oak with haste. He does not our safety, but the truth is that they only did so out of cowardice.
wish even to allow the party to rest and regain spells. The revelation of The Beast that held this part of our land in its grip is dead, and
the Elders’ actions in feeding the evil force beneath the ruin has shaken with it goes its foul curse! We are free, and Verithrien will face the
the ranger’s trust in his own people, and even without the PCs (unless judgment of all those he fed to the darkness!”
physically restrained) he will quickly make his way back through the ruin With that, Sarim drives his spear through the Elder’s back, the
and—alongside Valdis, should he have survived—returns to Golden Oak tip erupting from Verithrien’s chest in a spray of blood before the
to confront Verithrien. If neither Sarim nor Valdis survived, then it will be older elf is tipped over the balcony’s edge to fall with a crash to the
up to the PCs as to how they wish to deal with the sins of the Elder. ground below.
Depending on what transpires and who survives the discovery of
Golden Oak’s dark secret, the following options are provided below based
A riot ensues in which both Sarim (and Valdis, if still alive) each have a
on the different approaches that the PCs may take.
50% chance of being slain. The PCs are not harmed by the elves as long as
they don’t participate, though if they do, they must face 3d6 elf sentinels
before winning free of the mob in order to flee. Continued resistance will
only result in them facing off against the entire village.


XP 800
hp 30 (see Chapter One, “To Sanctuary”)

Curse of the Shadowhold

The PCs Return to

Verithrien’s Magic
Golden Oak With Sarim
Verithrien has a large store of magic items from which he will
Sarim (or Valdis if Sarim is dead) heads rapidly back towards Golden allow each PC to choose a single items of up to 9,000 gp value
Oak. He is quite vocal in his intent to slay Elder Verithrien for his and his as a reward for completing the mission. The following items are
predecessors’ crimes against entire generations of elves. Though Sarim’s available, but feel free to add any additional ones you would like
trek through the newly bright forest had whipped him into anger, he is to introduce to your campaign. These items are not considered to
easy enough to reason with and calm down, and with a DC 20 Diplomacy be a part of those available for sale in Golden Oak. Items with
check he relents and agrees that Verithrien will be held accountable for charges are all assumed to be fully charged.
what he and the Elders before him have done, but in a proper way, rather
than murdering him in a fit of anger. If the Diplomacy check fails (each +2 breastplate
attempt incurs a –2 penalty, and no further attempts can be made if the DC +2 frost arrows (15)
reaches 30 and is failed), then events unfold as described under “Sarim +2 greatsword
Returns to Golden Oak Ahead of the PCs” unless the party actively stops +2 shadow studded leather armor
the elven ranger. +3 heavy steel shield
If the PCs manage to sway Sarim from his murderous intent, award XP adamantine battle axe
as if they defeated a CR 9 encounter. In this case Sarim publicly makes his bag of holding type II
case against the Elder and reveals what was discovered in Shadowhold. If boots of striding and springing
neither Sarim nor Valdis survived, and the PCs make the same accusations, bracers of armor +3
the outcome is still the same. cloak of resistance +2
When they confront Verithrien, the Elder is defensive, angrily denying figurine of wondrous power, silver raven
the creature’s words at first, before demanding that the PCs and Sarim greater slaying arrow, monstrous humanoids
understand the price of his people’s continued existence within the cursed helm of comprehend languages and read magic
forest. Finally, though, he gives in, his own guilt causing him to back down horseshoes of zephyr
and turn himself over to village sentinels for justice without a fight. The immovable rod
elven leader is deposed, stripped of all his possessions, and exiled forever ioun stone, clear spindle
from the Haunted Wood. With the pact broken, the elves of Golden Oak ioun stone, pink rhomboid
need no longer live in fear of the darkness lurking within the forest, or at javelins of lightning (5)
least along the forest’s edge. lens of detection
necklace of fireballs type V
pearl of power, 2nd level
The PCs Do Not Return to periapt of health
robe of useful items
Golden Oak rope of climbing
ring of force shield
If the PCs fail to return to Golden Oak after the defeat of The Shadow ring of protection +2
Beast, a number of things can happen. Largely, they miss out on the vest of escape
extra boons that the elves would have granted them, but also the events wand of cure moderate wounds
following the Beast’s defeat play out a bit differently. wand of scorching ray
If Sarim was with them when they confronted The Shadow Beast, he wand of warp wood
still returns to his village, and without the intervention of the PCs he slays
the Elder and quickly becomes the village’s new guiding voice. Though
he is quick enough to give the PCs credit in slaying the beast, Sarim’s it is likely that only the elves of the Haunted Wood will ever truly see their
revelation of their Elder’s treachery and his method of dealing with accomplishment as more than a boastful tall tale.
Verithrien cement him as the sole hero of Golden Oak in the minds of his If the PCs don’t return to Golden Oak, then the rush of frontiersmen
kin. See “Concluding the Adventure.” eager to reap the benefits of the curse being lifted still occurs, of course,
but it isn’t long before the humans and elves clash beneath the boughs of
the Haunted Wood, and relations become even tenser between the peoples

Concluding the Adventure of Golden Oak and Nerimar.

If Sarim wasn’t present when the Elder’s actions were revealed, and
the PCs never return to Golden Oak, Verithrien remains in power in the
If the PCs did not participate in a riot, then with the Beast dead, the village. He travels to the ruin sometime after the curse is lifted, only to
Elder deposed, and the forest’s edge freed from The Shadow Beast’s discover it barren, its magic gone and The Beast dead. With the creature
curse, the elves of Golden Oak treat the PCs as heroes, where once they gone the sacrifices stop. The elves of Golden Oak live on much as they
treated them with mistrust and disdain. From this point on, the PCs are did before, protecting their sanctuary from outside incursions but largely
always welcome in Golden Oak, and receive a +5 bonus to any Diplomacy remaining insular. Though clashes with humans inevitably occur, they’re
check made in dealings with other elves in the Haunted Wood and its few and far between, Verithrien’s magic making Golden Oak difficult for
surrounding regions. Also, in their gratitude, the villagers of Golden Oak the humans to discover...while those that do are never seen again.
open up the Elder’s stores of magical items to the PCs, allowing them each
to choose a single item of up to 9,000 gp in value (see side box) in thanks
for freeing their people and discovering the fate of their missing kin.
The lifting of the curse on the forest’s edge has other benefits, as well,
and in the weeks that follow the PCs’ victory over The Shadow Beast,
word spreads to Nerimar of the strange gloom lifting from part of the
forest. What follows is a great boom for the town as loggers, hunters, and
trappers are able to delve deeper into the forest than ever before, bringing
back thousands of gold pieces in new trade goods to bolster the town’s
economy. Yet here the PC’s involvement goes largely unappreciated, and

legal appendix
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