Adventure - Planescape - Harbinger House (LVL 4-7) PDF
Adventure - Planescape - Harbinger House (LVL 4-7) PDF
Adventure - Planescape - Harbinger House (LVL 4-7) PDF
ANINTRODUC~ON .................................................................
Including The Tale of Harbinger Houde, the Background of our story, a S u m m a y o f t h e
Adventure, notes on Preparing for Play, an overview of the Factions involved, and a summa
of the major Nonplayer Characters. i
CHAPTERI: THESTREETS OF SIGIL...............................................
In which our Heroes travel to Ecstasl, in pursuit of the Murderer and then to Cwrst to seek the
mysterious Leader of Those Who Cozdrt the Lady - and discover that bath B a m i e s are tied to a
darker, more sinister Plot. ,
In which our Heroes get to the Heart of the mystery in a place of Barmies and powers-in-the-
making, learning that ultimate Power and ultimate Madness often walk hand-in-hand in thc
shadows of Harbinger House.
C R a D I .E S
lavicsek Editor: Ray Vallese
Knutson Cover Artist: Robh Ruppel
Ned Dameron, Alan Pollack, Robh Ruppel
aretti Typography: Angelika Lokotz
Border Art: Robert Repp Graphic Design: Sarah Feggestad, Dawn Murir
Proofreader: Michele Carter
D c4 1
ken, cut back the evergrowing razorvine, and
1N ( otherwise serve as cryptic workers weaving their
way through the streets of the city. ’Course,
some berks learn there’s more to the dabus when
they threaten Sigil’s high-up, the Lady of Pain.
Then the dabus arrive as the Lady’s agents, swift to punish. Either way,
there’s a degree of comfort i n their ever-present activities.
But what if something bad were to happen
- something so foul and evil that even
A the dabus came to know fear?
bloods should
“It shelters those who are still developing, Facto1 Ambar of the Godsmen
explained to the new custodian as they walked along one of Sigil’s cobbled
streets. The woman beside him was Bereth, chosen from among the best the
faction had to offer f o r the skills and compassion she possessed. “These are
w *HE G e D S I I I E N
the forerunners of the next generation of powers, he continued, “a small
group of individuals who have been mistaken for bamzies by the rest of Sigil.
We, however, know better. ”
Bereth let loose the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding when
the House came into view. I t was always “the House, with a capital “H”
and a tone of wonder. It was huge, more like a mansion than a home, but its
architecture was as mad as the inhabitants sheltered within its tilted walls.
With its haphazard towers, leaning sides, and jumble of doors, windows,
and staircases, it was a structure right out of a Xaositect’s dreams - or a
Guvner’s nightmares. There
didn’t seem to be a single right angle in
sight. Instead, the House was built of obtuse and
acute angles that made some walls lean crazily for-
ward while others pulled in upon themselves. It was,
unnerving, but Bereth could also feel the power emu;
nating from the place.
“It’s as old as the Cage itself, and as enigmatic4 Factol Ambar noted,
standing beside Bereth in the shadow of the House. its dark windows stared
down at them with silent regard, but its many doors^ remained closed. Bereth tried to
follow the course of an exterior staircase with her ejes, but it hurt to look at the House
too long or too hard. “Inside you will see majesty aqd mystery, and as you help the potuers-
to-be recognize themselves and climb to the next stahe of existence, you also will asceqd.”
Bereth remembered the other thing the Godsmela always said about Harbinger House. “Within its
twisted halls and random chambers waits the ultirhate answer to the tests of the mplltiverse,” the
chant went. “Find that answer, and the Final AscenSion will be at hand.”
However, before either factol or custodian could approach the House’s main entrunce, the front
door swung open and a disheveled Godsman stumbled out. “FactolAmbar, the Godsm4n called, “it’s
terrible! Terrible! Two of our charges - they’ve slipped the blinds, given us the laugh!’#
“Who, man? Tell me!” Factol Ambar demanded. Bereth’s blood turned cold.
“Trolan, Factol Ambar,” the Godsman stammefed, “and Sougad. By the Source VA11, Sougad
Lawshredder has escaped!”
Lawshredder - the name Bereth had imagined Fear exploded within her like thiefires of Dis,
plling her with dread instead of heat. She looked to her factol for comfort but found in his face only
terror. Above them, the House seemed to lean closer, like a vulture peering down to see F i t s meal had
stopped twitching. The Final Ascension had never felt as unattainable as it did at that Ibzoment. Or as
distant. . . .
This section gives a Dungeon Master (DM) enough information to grasp what’s really going on in the
adventure. It includes an overview of Harbinger House; what’s already happened to bring the story
to the point at which the adventure begins; the dark of the planarity and the focrux, myisterious items
of great power; and the roles played by the barmies Sougad and Trolan in the unfoldilhg plot.
Harbinger House sits on a quiet, dead-end street in the Lower Ward (though some claim it’s in The
Lady’s Ward), towering above the neighboring buildings. Its multiple levels rise in all directions,
piled haphazardly atop each other like blocks placed by a demented child. Walls tilt at insane angles,
and dark windows reflect the lantern light of the nearby hovels. Staircases climb and dqscend around
the House like latticework adornments. Some reach toward entryways, others lead nowhere. Finally,
and perhaps most important, are the doors. Doors of all sizes and descriptions fill the~wallsof Har-
binger House, inside and out - ornate doors, plain doors, elaborate open arches, simplle sealed por-
tals, doors of wood and stone and brass, and more. Doors are everywhere, and theg’re almost all
locked tight.
Harbinger House is a place of power, a nexus of energy, almost like a smaller version of Sigil it-
self. Its doors, like the portals of the Cage, open into the multiverse - ifa berk has tge proper key.
But the key to the doors of Harbinger House is harder to come by than the keys that qpen the Cage.
And there’s good reason for that. The House shelters some of Sigil’s most prominent blarmies, SO the
caretakers take great pains to protect their secrets.
Who are the caretakers? The Believers of the Source (also called the Godsmen) have taken it
upon themselves to administer to both the House and its inhabitants. They believe that the House
and the barmies they’ve selected to shelter are important to the Final Ascension. Remember, belief
has power in the planes, so the conviction of the faation shouldn’t be taken lightly. As the Godsmen
I ~
see it, the residents of the House are powers-in-the-mak- alistic fashion. Before the dabus or the Harmonium could
ing, cutters and bloods almost ready to take the next step bring him down, the Godsmen captured Sougad and made
up the staircase of existence. The Godsmen have taken it a place for him in Harbinger House. The faction believed
upon themselves to care for them until the proress fin- Sougad’s innate abilities marked him as someone who’d
ishes. Imagine the favors the faction might cbmmand already transcended mere mortality, and that the murders
when one of their charges reaches the full state af power- were part of an elaborate rite to bring him to f u l l power-
hood! hood.
As far as anyone knows, such an event hasn’t hap- Trolan, too, came to Sigil with a definite goal in mind:
pened - yet. But all of the barmies residing in the House to win the love of the Lady of Pain. He was devoted to her,
do have a limited number of spell-like abilities that mark trying in vain to get her attention while others preferred to
them - in the Godsmen’s minds, anyway - as pdwers-in- avoid even her passing shadow. The dabus, enigmatic ser-
the-making. vants of the Lady that they are, brought Trolan to Harbin-
Harbinger House itself is described in detail in Chap- ger House and left him in the care of the Godsmen. Why he
ter III. The House is much larger on the inside than it ap- wasn’t flayed, quartered, or otherwise put in the dead-
pears to be from the outside; see the DM’s screen for a par- book is unknown, but it was the very fact that Trolan had
tial map of the interior. It’s a house of secrets, a place of expressed his adoration of the Lady and remained alive
mysteries hidden behind dark windows, a place as danger- that earned him a place in Harbinger House.
ous as it is alluring. Nari wants to gain possession of the House by chang-
ing the hearts and minds of its inhabitants over to her way
of thinking. She’s heard whispers about towns on the Out-
lands that slid into other planes once the attitudes of the
residents shifted from neutrality to law or chaos, and she
believes she can do the same thing with Harbinger House.
She figures that once the place slides into the Abyss, it
won’t take long for her to unlock its secrets.
(What Nari doesn’t know is that the House won’t slide
WHALE HAS G e l BI out of Sigil. Fact is, none of the Cage can be cast off except
by the power of the Lady of Pain. But the PCs probably
Nan, a cunning succubus from the Abyss, has long sought don’t know that either, so they’ll act to stop Nari’s scheme.
to rise above her lesser station and gain more influence in After all, better safe than sorry.)
tanar’ri society. But as she can’t hope to match thie greater The plan was simple: Trolan would occupy the Lady
tanar’ri in their endless games of war and destruction, while Nari seduced Harbinger House into her corner.
she’s tried to find an edge, something that’ll give her the Sougad, however, offered Neri something more. “No mat-
power to compete with even the true tanar’ri. She believes ter what you may think, Mistress of Chaos,” Sougad told
such an edge - if one exists at all - can be found in Sigil, her from behind the locked door of his prison, “the Gods-
the City of Doors. men are right. There is a way to step up the ladder of exis-
Nari arrived in the Cage some weeks ago. Deciding tence, to ascend from mortal to immortal. I’ve already
her purpose would be better served if her true nature was taken the first steps out of the realm of humanity and into
kept hidden, she took the form of a beautiful human fe- the plane of power. It has nothing to do with the tests the
male and began making the rounds of taverns, inns, and Godsmen go on and on about. It has to do with this place
guild halls, seeking something to aid her ambitions. It did- - with Harbinger House.”
n’t take long for the rumors about Harbinger House to To further his own ends, Sougad told Nari his plan for
reach her. The idea of a nexus of planar energy that’s a becoming a power. He left out some details, but he pro-
miniature version of Sigil was a rumor too good to leave vided enough so she saw the dark of it. “Since I’ve been
unexplored. She used all the skills and talents at her dis- here, I’ve learned that you need two things to vitalize the
posal to hook up with the custodian of the House, a Gods- ritual,” Sougad confided. “The planarity and the focrux
man named Old Favur. control the House, and the House opens the conduits of
After a few dalliances with the Godsman, Nagi learned spiritual energy needed to achieve godhood. That was the
enough of Harbinger House’s secrets to know she wanted mistake I made the first time. I had the ritual, but I didn’t
to possess it. During their times together, Favur gladly pro- have the energy to power it.”
vided her with information about the House and the people Like most planars, Nari knew that powers were barred
it sheltered. The succubus was particularly interested in from entering Sigil - the Lady of Pain somehow prevented
two of the barmies: Sougad Lawshredder and Trolan of EC- it. But what if a power were created in Sigil? Could even
stasy (now called simply Trolan the Mad). the Lady stop such a transformation?
A decade ago, Sougad carved a bloody path through Nari charmed Old Favur, the custodian, into telling
the Cage, murdering members of lawful factions in a ritu- her about the items Sougad had mentioned. “The planarity
The focrux is B bigger version of the planarity
about 15 feet in dia@eter. It stays inside Harbinger House
at all times, as the Qodsmen believe it t D be the spiritual
core of the House,l a conduit for planar energies. All
strange properties 0%the House - such a$ the fact that it’s
candle beside h bigger on the inside, than it appears on the outside - are
powered by the foc$ux. It also causes the exterior of the
changes, and to look at it i House to reflect magic, preventing berks from harming the
verse itself. What does it place or sneaking inpide. As with the pldnarity, the Gods-
course. All the doors o men are certain that the focrux will prove to be critical to
As for the focrux, the Final Ascension.
ger House. “It looks like a larger version of the One property olf the focrux that plqys an important
he said, “but its connection to the energy of the role in the adventurd is its ability to block all of Harbinger
is much more powerful. House from scrying. No one - not even tbe Lady of Pain -
focrux is the floodgate can peer inside whilt the focrux is operatkonal. Fact is, the
open it, when the Final Ascension is at hand.” focrux accounts foir the uneasiness of the Lady (and,
through her, the ddbus), as she can’t pinpoint the berk
THlE PLANARILEY who dares to tamped with portals and powers in the heart
AND +HE F@CRUS( of Sigil.
matic confrontation with Sougad leads mation meant only for the
DM is set off with mber diamonds (+).Furthermore,
special DM NOTESare s attered throughout the adventure
to reveal important inf rmation and pass on role-playing
advice. DMs will als find sections labeled
CHANT and SLIPPING TH BLINDSthat respectively ciariry
plot points and give d rections for dealing with possible
The gatefold scre n that accompanies the adventure
provides both DM and player maps. The outside features
two full-color maps of sections of Sigil for the players to
use as their characters explore the streets and buildings
of the Cage. The insid features the same maps of Sigil,
customized for the DM - these versions contain numbers
that mark the importa t sites likely to be visited by play-
ers. Note that these m ps are close-ups of Sigil and con-
tain some details an street names not shown on the
overall map in In the ge: A Guide to Sigil. (Because the
size of Sigil can chang at the whim of the Lady of Pain,
the maps of the city locks have no scales to indicate
exact distances.) The i side of the screen also contains a
partial map of the gate town of Ecstasy, and a map of the
existence. Though the PCs don’t know it, Sougad still lives, rooms in Harbinger Ho se that the PCs must explore.
and he’s getting ready to make an ascension himself. In Harbinger Hous , the PCs run into several different
types of tanar’ri. Most anar’ri have a gate ability that lets
them summon other fi nds; however, gate abilities aren’t
PREPARING F e R PLAY I listed in the tanar’ri st tistics provided in this adventure.
The only place the PCs’ll run into tanar’ri is in Sigil, and
The Dungeon Master must have copies of the AD€tD’@PZay- the Cage can’t be
er’s Handbook (PH),DUNGEON MASTER@ Guide (DMG:,and the entire ad-
the PLAN ESCAPE^^ Campaign Setting boxed set to propeiy run
P A C II.I @ N S Bleaker could make a healthy case to at least
discredit the Godsmen and gain favor in his
Factions always play some part in a P
ture, as most PCs belong to one philosophical fraternity
or another. Because so much of this adventure rei
volves around Harbinger House, the Believers of The Doomguard are quite int
the Source have a vested interest in the unfold- ~
ing events. Their general reaction to the After all, lawful members of this faction are as
events of the story - along with that likely to be targeted by Sougad as lother lawfuls. If a
of the other factions - is outlined member of the ,PC group belongs to the faction, he or
below. she might be approached by the faction leaders to look
into the ongoing mqrders before a Doomguard cutter ends
T H E A+HAR up in the dead-book.
The Believers of the Source have a natural co stay out of the proceedings.
the events in this adventure. Harbinger House
great importance is occurring in the shad spect of a sort withlout properly earning it. What’s more,
the utter evil of Nati’s scheme should perturb all but the
matters, capture the escaped barmies (quietly most evil of the Fatcd.
fuss, of course), or recover the planarity aft The faction leadership keeps a closq eye on the mur-
from Factol Ambar in Chapter I. However, the ders of the membem of the other factions, but refuses to
their best not to have the faction publicly get involved in matters that don’t directly concern the
bad events plaguing Sigil. The faction Fated. The factol, Duke Rowan Darkwood, won’t order his
Sougad’s threat quickly, without letting too members to act unless a reward of soma sort is involved.
Anything less would be considered charity, and the Fated
him, they’ll do their best to claim he was neve don’t perform acts uf charity for any reason.
care. Other factions - especially those that
Godsmen to be their enemies, like the Bleak C THE FRA+EWNI+Y @ f e R D E R
Dustmen - would love to get their hand
Godsmen messed up. The breakdown of law definitely disturbs the Fraternity of
Order. Flagrant criainal acts, total disregard for the law,
wanton acts of violence - it’s enough to make a Guvner
THE BLEAK CABAL go barmy! Beyond ;the obviously evil acts of Sougad and
The Bleak Cabal is especially interested in the leatherheaded actions of Trolan, the thought of the
mation that paints the Believers of the dabus losing their Qrdered approach to city maintenance I
light. While blame for all of the causes great distress in the hearts and minds of Guvners
around Harbinger House falls everywhere.
While only one member of this faction wind up in
ead-book by the start of the adventure, the ction
As a group, the Free League won’t get involved; ho ever,
any PCs who are members of this faction might ch ose to
throw in with whichever side seems to offer the b st re-
THE S I G N @ f P N E
ble for the murders; Sougad’s actions demand an qppro-
priate response. Once the first victim is discovered, Factol A small but vocal portion of the Sign of One faction be-
Sann mobilizes his Hardheads and assigns his best inves- lieves that the person rlesponsible for imagining the multi-
tigator, Narcovi, to solve the case (especially since cbne of verse is doing it from qomewhere in the depths of Harbin-
the victims was a member of the Harmonium). Sarin be- ger House. PC Signers have at least heard the theory, even
lieves that the murders are the work of a rival falction, if they don’t believe it. Still, events happening around the
probably the Xaositects or the Revolutionary League. As House are worth looki1ng into, just in case there’s some-
the factol’s representative in this matter, Narcovi may en- thing to the chant.
list the PCs’ help to catch the perpetrator - or pursue them
as suspects as the murders continue.
THE S B C I E + Y ~@ f S E N S A L E I e N
Sensates find the evenits surrounding Harbinger House to
their liking. There are {ecrets to be learned in each experi-
The Mercykillers are charged with protecting justice, and ence, and nothing sho$ld be allowed to just pass by. Per-
the events surrounding Harbinger House threaten justice in 40
haps a Sensate wants hear the words of Trolan, letting
all its forms. Factol Nilesia is furious that members of al- his own heart sail toward the enigmatic Lady of Pain. Or
lied factions have been showing up in the dead-book, and maybe he wants to feel the sharp touch of her shadow be-
the Mercykillers descend on the streets of Sigil like rf pen- fore the blades strike. Qf course, death is an experience to
etrating mist. They’ll never find Sougad, but that doesn’t be saved for the very &d, and no Sensate wants that end
mean they can’t cause trouble for the PCs. They can inter- to be in the near futurd.
fere with the PCs’ own investigation, chase after thrm as Factol MontgomeT won’t order anyone from the fac-
suspects, or even go out of their way to ask the PCs for tion to investigate the murders or the actions of the cult.
help. All Sensates are free to explore the fires of their senses, but
only in an unofficial cdpacity.
I De”+ mlND
N@W A N D A G A I N , BU+ I HA+€ The Transcendent Order seeks a harmony of mind and
B E I N G B L A m E D f@R EVERY LI++LE body that makes quick action a virtue. With each new
+ H I N G +HA+ G @ E S W R @ N G problem or obstacle thdown in their path, Ciphers not only
attempt to make fast decisions and quick responses, they
I N +HE C A G E .
also try to make the ridht ones.
Factol Rhys wony+command the Ciphers to become
directly involved in the events surrounding Harbinger
House. She has no intdrest in letting her faction interfere
in the internal politics iof the Lower Ward and The Lady’s
Ward. The right action, in this case, is no action - it’ll keep
her and hers alive. ’Codrse, once the murderer moves on to
Ecstasy, the events start to hit closer to the Ciphe s’ home.
In Chapter 11, the Ciphers could approach the PC for help
in ridding their gate-town of Sougad’s threat.
1 Male human prime, 11th-level fighter
Str 17, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 17, Wis 8, Cha 12
THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg ld3/ld3 (fists);AC -3 (ri ofpro-
tection + 3 ) ; HD 6; hp 32; MV 12, FI 18 (C); S energy
from Harbinger
House, Sougad
+ H @ U G H + my
drain; SD +2 or better weapons to hit; immun to fire,
electricity, and poison; half damage from cold nd gas;
has a few spell-
like abilities that
+ 10 +
life. Unfortunately, it’s a love that could kill him: Trolan
is devoted to the Lady of Pain. As any berk can t 11 you,
no one worships Sigil’s high-up in any manner. TO do so
brings down her wrath and sends the offending so off to
his final reward. Such warnings never deterred rolan,
though. He first heard about the Lady as a young ard in
the gate-town of Ecstasy. What other berks spok of in
careful whispers, Trolan shouted in the light of ay. He
composed songs to the Lady, wrote sonnets, an took ing her, as her goal wjs to push the House - a p
every story he could find and turned them into epic magical planar energy - into the Abyss. ’Course
out the part about hdr becoming a new power,
Trolan traveled to the Cage six years ago and soon that Crimjak didn’t nekd to know everything.
found a tavern to perform in. Much to the owne ’s dis-
may, the young tiefling sang a song of love to the ady of NARCQVI
Pain - going so far as to name her not once, b t nine
times before the song was done. The crowd fled i terror Female dwarf planar, 4th-level fighter, Harmonium
and the tavern owner threw the bard into the stree , fully Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 10
expecting the Lady’s shadow to swallow Trolan hole.
Nothing happened, however, and Trolan walked off into THACO 12; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld8+3 (long sword +3);AC 0
the night.
(field plate +2); hp 54.lMV 6; SZ M (4 feet tall); AL LG; ML
It wasn’t long before no inn or drinking hall w uld let
Trolan within 50 feet of the door, let alone inside o per-
form. The Harmonium wouldn’t let him sing the ady’s
praises in the streets, and the Mercykillers were pr paring
to deal out their own form of punishment when th dabus
surrounded the bard and took him away. What the f ctions
don’t know is that the dabus took him to Harbinger House
and placed him in the Godsmen’g care. Trolan’s got1 a nat-
ural healing ability that mends his body; the dabus hoped
the faction could mend the tiefling’s mind. The Go smen,
of course, saw Trolan as a power-to-be, a barmy wo hy of
study and care.
champion (16); XP 2dOO.
I -g
Harbinger House can begin in any number of - 1
the adventure just as the PCs return to Sigil from a trip
They emerge from a portal to discover that things aren’t
remember them. For this quick start to be effective, the
a portal in the Lower Ward or The Lady’s Ward.
the portal should be nea%Harbinger House, as that’s the area
activities of the dabus are most concentrated. Read:
+ 12+
.- 1
usually unflappable dabus to behave so strangely? And what does such be-
havior bode for the future?
The PCs should also notice that other passersb4 are totally ignoring
dabus, acting as though the Lady’s servants perfordl senseless work
any of the passersby about the dabus, a bariaur co ments, “They’vebeen worki
wall_Frr almost a week now. it’s been bhe, red, g r e q , yellow, and now blue aga
wait to see what color they w e next.” No matter hoq many people the PCs ask,
same answer: There’s nothing unusual going on. Hohever, any PCs who make
check while questioning the crowd
hiding it well, but there’s a tension
their eyes move back and forth. Any PC who
realizes just what the tension is - fear.
If the PCs try to question the dabus, they get ndwhere. The dabus routinely
ignore the presence of others, and at this point in th’ adventure the PCs are no exception. No mat-
ter how hard the PCs try, they can’t get the dabus to notice them. If they stand in the way, the dabus
step around them. If they place themselves in front the wall, the dabus paint over them as though
they were just another part of the scenery. Eventual1 , the PCs should take the hint and move on.
If the PCs are foolish enough to attack the da us, they do get a response: The diabus descend
upon them with the wrath and fury normally rese ed for enemies of Sigil and the Lady of Pain.
Once one of the PCs falls, the dabus cease their attack - if the remaining PCs do likewi$e. Otherwise,
it might be time to roll up new characters, because1 enough dabus can be summoned to put down
en the most powerful PC party. I
THEREM, CHANT:The strange behavior exhibited lby the dabus is a symptom of the illness affect-
ing the Cage. Until Nan’s threat is ended and Trolan $as been returned to Harbinger House, the dabus
continue to reflect the unexplained nervousness oft the Lady of Pain. While the Ladk knows that
something’s wrong in the city, she can’t locate the tqouble due to the blocking effects I f thefocrux.
However, she senses the energy gathering in Sougad’s ritual, Nari’s manipulations, even
Trolan’s exploits - all of these events are the birth of a new power. Poweds are usually
sealed off from Sigil, but what happens if ated in the Cage? The Lady doejn’t know the
specifics, but she is concerned, and, as a are almost frightened.
DM NOTE:After this initial scene, to news of the murders. One of
the follow-up scenes described later in 11” or “Quick $tart 111”)can
be used to draw the PCs deeper into
the dabus’ strange paint job can still
DABUS(4 OR VAR): THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg Id8 or by deapon; AC 7 ; HD 6; hp 26 each; W 12; SD im-
mune to spells that affect the surface beneath themlor the air around them; SZ M (6 feet tall); Int
e,ery (12); AL N; ML steady (12); XP 420. I
RELAXING I N + H E C A G E If the PCs approach the male Athars in a friendly manne
Another possible beginning for this (offering to buy drinks, for example), the bashers open up.
around a relaxing dinner at the PCs' They gladly spill everything they know about the murders
(which isn't much), especially if the PCs treat them like
scene can be placed in an
campaign. The scene f the Lost can share with the PCs:
Someone is murdering lawfully aligned membe
of factions in the Lower Ward and The Lady
Q U I C K M A R + 111:
This opening can be used if the PCs have co
purchase supplies and equipment, or if they’re r
their packs after a tough adventure. Eventually,
by a shop, The Friendly Fiend, with a picture of a
yugoloth (an arcanaloth) over the door. Thi
the best in the Lower Ward, has a reputation for
and quality - despite the fact that the s
greater yugoloth. If the PCs have spent any time
the Lower Ward, they’ve heard stories of this shop.
ver robe
The shopkeeper, A’kin (P1/8 fiend/O/- Halelfar nods and walks back i
aloth with a pleasant personality and friendly move to hide the icon. If the PCs ask
spite his fearsome appearance (he looks 1 about, the yugoloth explains that so
with the head of a war dog), A’kin is one religion dedicated to the Lady of Pain.
“Balaka, my dear, please bring out the long box on he work
table. A moment later, a beautiful, red-haired fe ale with
A B ~ U +&KIN
_- --fl\ aqs pas
RodLl discovered in dn Athar b
nex’the sh,jttered Temple. facts I
+ Victim was a bariaur fern?!- ’
tified as Vienna o f the At
7 h e Followingclues have led me i
with the one committed last night. VI
fied exPression, was killed two C I bu
sharp blade, and a note wi-iti
e’s able to keep his inherently chaotic nature in check just When Sougad +as freed from Harbinger House, he
ugh to follow the steps. Make no mistake, berk - if took with him the stroll that details the ritual; the PCs
essful, the ritual will make Sougad a lesser power. But might discover it latkr (in Chapter 111). The barmy’s also
ere’s the rest of the chant: made a slight alteratidm to the process, The thirteenth mur-
+ The evil ritual can’t bestow powerhood on anyone der must take place in the presence of both the planarity
but Sougad or Trolan, because they already pos- and the focrux, so Sougad plans to return to Harbinger
sess that elusive spark of divinity. It wbuldn’t House to commit the last few murders. Then, he’ll plunge
have worked for Rake - and it won’t wlork for the sword into himself as the powerful energy of the pla-
Nari. As for the other so-called “powersdn-the- nar items washes over him.
making” in Harbinger House, the ritual’s effects DM NOTE: With each partial completion of the ritual
are uncertain. (Hey, sod, the multiverse iq full of (every few victims killed), Sougad receives additional in-
mysteries.) I nate powers, as detailed throughout the adventure.
+ This ritual is evil, like Sougad. Anyone who delib- However, he won’t become a full power
erately follows its steps should have a mptching until he finishes the whole ritual,
alignment - or suffer the consequences o f a sud- and hopefully, the PCs will
stop that from happeaing.
+ 19+
One fact about the first murder that Narcovi’s kept se- proficiency check can identify the material; the spellcraft
cret (but written in her notebook) is the message tbat was proficiency [or a high-level wizard contact) can be used to
left at the scene. The words, written across one wall in identify its possible uses. See the DM NDTEunder “The
Favur’s blood, proclaimed, “Now it begins.” If the P a ques- Hovel on Blood Boil,” above, for more information.
tion the other residents of the area, they learn that’an old The second clue is lodged within the straw: a vrock
woman named Eltiva (P1/? gnome/O/Sign of One/N), who feather, its tip stained with the bariaur’s blood. Sougad
worked as Favur’s housekeeper and lived two doors away, dropped it in the straw and didn’t feel like digging around
was the one who discovered the body. She saw the bloody to find it. If the PCs have a high-level wizard contact, or if
message and can tell the PCs about it. they’re on good terms with A’kin the yugoloth, they can
If the PCs search the murder site and any OF them get the feather and the stain on its tip identified.
make successful Wisdom checks at -2, they discoyer two
small objects jammed halfway into a crack in the hovel’s
wall, about 10 feet from where the body was found! These
objects - a small bronze disc and a small iron rod - lare the The third murder victim - the female tiefling Lini - was
components for a chaos spell. Both have been partially discovered in a Godsmen-frequented drinking hall near the
consumed to power this portion of the ritual, but enough Great Foundry. The Ascension, a high-class establishment
remains for the PCs to identify them. on Gray Steam Path, is noted for
DM NOTE:PCs with the spellcraft its ethereal ale - a drink that lit-
proficiency can make an Intelli- erally evaporates on the tongue,
gence check at -6 to identify the quenches thirst, and produces a
spell from the components (wiz- soothingly intoxicating effect.
ards of 8th level or higher make By talking to assorted cus-
the check at -2). Other high- tomers, serving wenches, and
level wizards, including Kesto the owner, the PCs can
Brighteyes (see “The Parted uncover both facts and
Veil Bookshop” on page 22), rumors at this location.
can identify the spell and also The owner is Julius
determine that the components of the Ninth Test (P1/
were not used in a normal spellcast- 8 githyanki/O/
ing attempt. Believers of the
Source/NE),a Godsman who believes
THI BUNKHeUSE @N PeWERS R e he’s now in his ninth incarnation and getting
increasingly closer to the Final Ascension. Though he’s
Two murders have taken place in the shadow of thr Shat- friendly and answers questions concerning the murder,
tered Temple. The first occurred five nights ago at aq Athar he’s more interested in spreading the doctrine of the Be-
bunkhouse located on Powers Row. The bunkhouse1 serves lievers of the Source. (He can also tell the PCs about Har-
as living quarters for transient members of the factiw and binger House if they specifically question him about the
other Athar bashers who need a place to stay. place, but he won’t reveal anything about it during casual
On the night in question, only three of the 12;rooms conversation.)
were occupied: Vienna the bariaur (the victim), Defiant A search of the premises reveals nothing beyond what
Munrot (P1/ 8 halfling/O/Athar/CG), and Kuarri the An- Narcovi discovered, as the place has been thoroughly
cient (P1/8 tiefling/O/Athar/CN) were using the fatilities. cleaned. If the PCs press Julius for more details, though, he
Neither Munrot nor Kuarri had rooms near Vienna, so remembers picking up three nutshells from beneath the
what they can tell the PCs is limited. Kuarri found tye body smashed table where they found poor Lini. The shells are
and can provide a few facts. Munrot, on the othei hand, components for the confusion spell and were used to
was extremely drunk at the time and barely heard a thing. power this portion of the ritual. See the DM NOTEunder
Every bit of information he provides is false, as he decided “The Hovel on Blood Boil,” above, for ways the PCs can
to make up a complete story rather than admit he heard gain details on the shells.
and saw nothing. When the PCs leave The Ascension, the DM should have
The bariaur’s body was discovered in her straw-filled each make a Wisdom check at -4. Those who succeed notice
sleeping stall. If the PCs conduct their own search [and at that they’re being followed; those who fail see nothing but
least one PC makes a successful Wisdom check at -4), they still feel as though they’re being watched. The follower is a
discover two clues that Narcovi missed. A small pptch of young boy named Urchend (P1/c? human/O/Free League/LN).
black dust stains the otherwise pristine floor beneath the He’s small, thin, and ragged, but his eyes are bright and alert.
straw - the remains of the crushed black pearl Soughd used He lives on Sigil’s streets and was sleeping in the alley across
to power this portion of the ritual. A successful apgraising from The Ascension on the night of the murder.
Urchend is deathly afraid of the Harmonium because
their guards routinely round up street people for no appar-
t reason, so he hid while Narcovi was conducting hef in-
estigation. He wants to let somebody know what he saw,
owever. If the PCs have been friendly toward other street
Urchend approaches them; otherwise, the PCs spot
d can go to his hiding place. In either case, once the
PCs demonstrate that they mean the boy no harm, Urchend
Fassa, the fourth victim to fall to Sougad’s sword, was a dabus all
member of the Fraternity of Order who had the misfortune titled Po
to be working late three nights ago. The male huma
ner was in one of the Court’s libraries, studying a
scrolls pertaining to the laws of commerce betwe
and the merchant lords of the Planar Trade Consortium.
His blood has permanently stained the scrolls.
When the PCs arrive at the City Court, they
the library in question has been temporarily c
they’re working for the Guvners, the Harmonium, or the start gett
Mercykillers, they’re allowed to examine the area. Other-
wise, they must sneak in, charm their way past
guard, or bribe one of the non-Guvner workers
the Court. However they do it, the PCs should
gain access to the murder site. In the library, t
ness the following:
The fifth murder occurred two nights ago, near t t e City
Barracks. Tenskor, one of Narcovi’s agents, was gaugh-
tered and staked out on Harmonium Street for hll the
adventure in the vic nity of the Shatterkd Temple. The
body of Keluk the G ay was found in The Parted Veil, a
bookshop on Forgotte Lane.
Kesto Brighteye (PI/ 8 gnome/W12lAthar/CN), the
owner of the shop, tq d investigators he apened his store
that morning (the moping that the adventure begins) and
found Keluk’s body. n Athar wizard, Kesto stocks his
shop with books of p ilosophy that promote the belief% of
his faction, and Keluk - a fellow Athar - was in the shop
can be downright dangerous. The Hardheads can’t tvait to at night conducting +search. Kesto claims to know only
pin the blame on someone so the Mercykillers can ’ unish
the guilty and the murdered faction member t a n be
avenged. The PCs could be hit with the blame if they’re not
what he already to1 Narcovi (the details are found in
“Narcovi’sNotebook,” page 18). However, he hides the fact
that he arrived much iarlier than he claimed; fact is, Kesto
One street bubber (P1/8 half-elf/O/Bleak Cal$al/CE)
picked up the remains of the bronze disc used to epergize
walked in just as Sou ad was drawing the red planar en-
ergy fmom the newly illed corpse. Sougad grabbed Kesto,
used his know alignmqnt power to discover that the wizard
this portion of the ritual, and the DM may wish td allow
was not lawful, and wl rned him to keep his bone-box shut
ful PCs with obvious ties to a particular faction, ougad
randomly selects one of them to kill. In this case, ougad
attempts to commit two murders tonight - the marlked PC
powder is talc, the bame kind the PCs might find in
“Warning on Harmoa.ll‘um Street,” a e. If the PCS point
out the footprint, K sto can examine ahd identify the
and the Mercykiller victim from Harlique’s visiqn. See dust. What’s more, Ktsto (or some other PC contact) can
“Harlique the Barmy” (page 26) and “The Next qictim” tell them where to finb enough talc to coat boots so heav-
(page 27) for more information about the potentiial vic- ily. “Three warehouses in the area keep large stores of talc
tim($. on hand f o r use i n specific product manufacturing:
The PCs shouldn’t encounter Sougad at this pbint in Grossiys Paints, Pen6rum’s Parchments and Papers, and
the adventure. If they notice they’re being wdtched, Logu’s Bath Powder.”
Sougad escapes into the maze of alleys before any tombat THEREALCHANT: Grossif‘s Paints owns a large storage
can take place. However, if the PCs have alrea4y met warehouse a few blocks from Bloodgem Park; Sougad uses
Urchend (see “The Ascension Drinking Hall” on p q e 201, the warehouse as a hiding place during the
they recognize Sougad from the youth’s descriptiod. Al- day. See “Talc Warehouses” on page 25
though Sougad escapes, the PCs can find another
clue: The spot where he was standing is marked by
a small pile of white powder that fell from his boot$
and pant legs. The PCs can have the substance iden-
tified by an alchemist or the owner of a shop that splls
fine powders and perfumes. It’s talc, and only a feq
places in Sigil stock enough of it that someone could
pick it up and track it around; see “Talc
Warehouses” on page 25 for more in-
DM NOTE:The Parted Veil what kind of reception Narcovi gives them later). The
magical texts. If the PCs are interested and don’t Hardheads ask questions along the following lines: “ W e r e
their way to antagonize Kesto, he can offer were you last night a ound eighth lantern? What
of spells (at the DM’s discretion). He has do you have here? Ca we take a look at your swo
three 2nd-level, two 3rd-level, and one you know the victim? Why are you so interested in a cou-
available. He charges 500 gold pieces per ple of routine murder ?” The agents give the PCs a tough
With some charm and haggling, a few time, then wander off into the turns and twists of the Cage.
words of encouragement from The Hardheads report to Narcovi as soon as they can,
tion, Kesto can be persuaded to letting her know that a group of rough-looking berks is
per level per spell. nosing around the murder sites. Narcovi gathers her agents
and tries to locate the PCs, finding them at some point be-
fore the first day of the adventure ends.
4- Narcovi’s been running into walls and dead-ends since
this case began, so she’s not going to be too nice to a bunch
of adventurers who may know who the murderer is. Fact is,
as far as Narcovi knows, one of the PCs could be the killer.
If the player characters are working for the Guvners,
I FIND 8u+
IF the Harmonium, or the Mercykillers, Narcovi goes a little
Y@U’RE I N V e L V E D IN KIURDERS, easier on them. Otherwise, she treats them like suspects
I ’ L L mAKE S U R E + H E R E and asks tough questions. Some are the same ones her
agents asked earlier, while others are more to the point:
E N e U G H @f Y @ U L E F + F@R
“Where have you bee4 all day? Yesterday? Did anyone else
+ H E R E D D E A - E H +e P U N I S H .
see you there? What bout six nights ago? Five? Four? Can
you prove it? Why1shouldn’t I call the Mercykillers and
have the bunch of you thrown into a very dark cor-
+ E L L I N G I+ LIKE I+ I S to cooperate, Narcovi has her
agents haul them dowtn to the City Barracks, where she can
conduct a more thorough interview. ’Course, this could
lead to a fight. While the agents are tough, the PCs should
be able to escape if they try. In no case should Narcovi be
killed during any such skirmishes. If a fight does break out,
the PCs automatically become fugitives wanted for ques-
tioning by the Harmlonium. From that point on, they’ll
have to be careful not to get spotted by any of Sigil’s three
spokes of justice - the Guvners, the Hardheads, or the Red
Death - as members of these factions will be on the alert
L e e K I N G P e R CLUES for anyone answering to the PCs’ descriptions.
Unless the PCs are connected to one of the three fac-
As the PCs search the Lower Ward and The Lady’s 4 a r d for tions mentioned above, Narcovi refuses to let them help
clues concerning the murders, they’re likely to run @to the her and won’t share any of the evidence she’s gathered, in-
six encounters in this section. These scenes should be in- cluding the information in her notebook (on page 18). The
terspersed with scenes of the PCs checking out the purder PCs see her jot notes down, though, and they might get the
sites and run in the order that makes the most sense to the idea to swipe the notebook at the next convenient oppor-
way the adventure is progressing. tunity. ’Course, once she notices it’s missing, Narcovi
DM NOTE:The DM may expand this section to include comes looking for the PCs to confront them about it.
other encounters as he sees fit. If the PCs answer all of Narcovi’s questions honestly
and with some modicum of respect, she’ll let them go with
a simple warning. “I $on’t know where you come from, but
N A R C e V I ’ S CHAM+ I in Sigil it’s the Har onium that makes the arrests. Stay
Narcovi’s got a squad of eight Hardhead agents acking
her up, and plenty more nosing around the wards.
In her search for the killer, the Harmonium inve tigator out of this and you’ll stay healthier - and .free.
conducting their own search of the murder sites though
who the PCs are working for, if anyone, may de ermine
hp 25 each; M V 12; SZ M (6 feet tall); Int very (12); ML
steady (12);XP 175.
must fight to the end or convince the Cha
come in peace. The trick here is to discover that the Chaos-
More than one lawful berk thinks that the Xaositects are men, in their own way, are as upset about the murders as
behind the murders. Factol Karan has asked his Chaosmen the lawful factions are. If the PCs learn that the Chaosmen
to keep an eye on the events transpiring in the Lower Ward aren’t behind the killings, they can help keep a faction war
and The Lady’s Ward, sensing that if the law-boys don’t from erupting hv passing the word along to Factol Anlbar
break the case soon, his faction is going to take the heat. or Narcovi.
Something this big could lead to a faction war, and even
Karan isn’t chaotic enough to want that. So, as the PCs CHAOSMEN (1~6+3) (PL/VAR VAR/F~;--ISITECTS,’ ~
carry out their own investigation, they may see a Xaositect THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg ld6 (speaI,, AC 7 (riiL5I i
or two spying from the shadows, sitting inconspicuously each; M V 12; SZ M (6 feet tall); Int average (IO);ML steady
just within earshot, or even boldly approaching to ask (12); XP 35.
them what they learned at a particular location.
If the PCs decide to turn the tables
on the Xaositects and do some
following of their own, they’ll be
led right to the Xaositect hideout in
everywhere, a table and six chairs in one corner, and a and Papers has a large warehouse in The Lady’s Ward, not
small fire providing light. At any given time, four to nine far from the City Court. Most of the paper used by the
(ld6+3) Chaosmen are present. Besides trying to get to the Court comes from Penbrum’s stores. If the PCs check out
bottom of the murders themselves, these Chaosmen are the warehouse, they must get past a complicated series of
preparing to defend themselves against attacks by other locks (-20010 penalty to open lock rolls). However, a thor-
factions. The hideout is full of weapons they’ve gathered, ough search of the exterior of the building reveals another
including: 12 long swords, 16 short swords, eight spears, entrance: A loose board near the base of the back wall
eight flasks of oil, 10 torches, 24 arrows, three short bows, slides sideways to form a small but usable entrance. Only
and nine daggers (none of the weapons are magical). The human-sized or smaller creatures can squeeze through the
PCs may see the weapons as “proof‘ that the Chaosmen opening.
are committing the murders, or as a response to the brutal Inside the warehouse, a pack of cranium rats has
accusations being made. made a nest in the paper stores. There are 40 rats in the
If the PCs enter the hidrout in the company of a pack, which has a collective Intelligence of 8 and two wiz-
Chaosman PC or the shopkeeper (if they peeled him into ard spells (color spray and hypnotism). The pack has noth-
believing they’re faction members, for example), the ing to do with the murders but reacts badly to anything
Xaositects are willing to talk. that threatens the nest. If the PCs enter the warehouse and
However, if the PCs barged in on their own, the start looking around, the rats stalk them and wait for op-
Xaositects are hostile, thinking the group’s come to arrest portunities to strike. If Penbrum is informed about the rat
. or attack them. The Chaosmen fight to the death, though infestation, he offers the PCs a reward of 500 gold pieces
one tries to escape to warn the rest of the faction. The PCs for clearing out his warehouse.
CRANIUM RATS (40): THACO describe Sougad (based on conversations with Kesto
19; #AT 1; Dmg ld4; AC 6; HD hp 7 Brighteyes or Urchend), the shopkeeper (P1/ 8 tieflinglo/
each; MV 15; SA wizard spel color Transcendent OrderlNE) recalls the man. ‘2
spray, hypnotism);SD save as creature, of Hit A perfect gentleman o e moment, an abusiv
Dice equal to group Intelligence; SZ T (6 inches lofig); Int
ar (1 point per every five living rats); AL NE; IbfL un-
He did pay in gold, th ugh. ”
into six nights back. t was the oddest thipg. Bra
ucts to the bath houses frequented by the Ciphers. The balor and too 13 vrock feathersfirom the
business has one warehouse in the vicinity, a medium- arly cleaned e out. As it is, the berk left
sized building in the Lower Ward, not far from the A,rmory. only two. Oh, yeis, th thief also lifted 12 nutsh
Casks and boxes of powder made from talc fill the interior bronze discs, andflue ron rods.”
in orderly rows. If the PCs decide to explore this location, Where did Sougad get the black pearls? From The
they discover that someone’s living in the warehouse. Near Sleepy Dwarf Gem Exchange, of course. “Black pearls?”
the back, far from the normal traffic of the workers, a the dwarf (P1/6 dwarf/O/Fated/LN) behind the counter
small den has been built. Casks and boxes make up the asks. “Why are you interested in black pearls?” The dwarf
walls, while barrels form a crude table and chair. A bed of is suspicious because the last time someone came into his
straw has been laid out in one corner. There are also the shop and asked to see his black pearls, he was robbed dur-
remains of recent meals, four empty wine skins, a few odds ing the night. “Tall, powerfully built, with wild hair and
and ends, and a leather purse with the initials “LC” and the fiery eyes, the dwarf remembers. “I’m sure it was him.
embroidered symbol of the Godsmen. Came in sevefl days ago. He asked specijically to look at
The purse belonged to Lini, the third victim. It was left black pearls worth 1,000 gp each. ‘Very nice,’ he said.
at the murder site by Sougad and later picked up by Baskix ‘Good day,’ he said. Next morning, the lock’s busted and
Three-Fingers (P1/6 gnome/O/Free LeaguejCN), a homeless I’m out four black pearls!”
drunk who’s been secretly living in this warehouse for the
past few weeks. He discovered Lini’s body in The Ascen-
sion while on his way home from a cheaper drinking hall.
H ~ RIL Q uE +H E B A R ~ Y
Since the berk was already dead and there wasn’t anyone Sometime before nightfall on the first day of the PCs’ in-
around, Baskix took her purse and headed back to the vestigation, a barmy from Harbinger House approaches to
warehouse. The PCs should be able to quickly determine warn them about the impending seventh murder. If the PCS
that the drunk is harmless and incapable of ne heed her advice, they may be able to stop the crime; how-
in the method that’s been used thus far. Ho kix ever, if they ignore her, they’ll have to deal with the fact
can provide one additional bit of informat the that everything she told them later comes true.
third murder; he shows the PCs a vrock feather he found at The barmy is Harlique Swifthand (P1/ 9 tiefling/B 11-1
the tavern, its tip stained with dried blood. CN), a young woman who carries herself as a carefree,
fun-loving teenager but is haunted by terrible nightmares
GROSSIF’SPAINTS:This warehouse is located in the Lower that strike even while she’s awake. These nightmares are
Ward near Harbinger House, not far from Bloodgem Park. always prophetic in nature, showing her visions of grue-
If the PCs take a look around inside, they find Sougad’s some events just before they actually take place. Because
lair. Skip to “Sougad and the Lady” on page 30 for the her visions come true, she was taken in by the Godsmen of
conclusion of this chapter of the adventure. Harbinger House, instead of winding up in the Hive. How-
ever, when Nari let Trolan and Sougad free, Harlique used
her thieving abilities to escape.
T H E NE%+ i
Nightfall of the first day of the adventure means that an-
this portion of the ritual. Though
the bake shop, spotting Sougad is
cessful Wisdom check with a -6 p
his hiding place. Otherwise, the
other murder (or two) is about to take place. Sougadls sev- can cause more than 25 points
enth victim will either be ane of the PCs or the poor berk he delivers four blows to Kolz,
that Harlique saw in her nightmare. If one of the PCs was the Mercykiller isl saved. If not,
marked by Sougad during their investigation of the City SOU olz four times and then retreats, though,
Barracks (see “Warning on Harmonium Street” on page if possible, he tries to get in three more hits before fleeing
22), that PC is the first target of Sougad’s murderous noc- (as required by the ritual).
+ 27+
If Sougad successfully slashes Kolz seven group of Indep bashers in human form and spins a sad
times, the PCs witness the transfer of planar energy - a red tale. “The cutters attacked me ’cause I don’t belong to a
glow seems to be sucked out of the corpse, pour into faction,” Nan cries, letting her tears flow freely. “They took
Sougad’s sword, and dissipate throughout the barmy’s my coin pouch and said they’d find me later so they could
whole body. have some more fun.” This really makes the bashers mad;
SLIPPING THE BLINDS: If the PCs don’t discover Sougad’s to them, it’s just another sign of the indignities that all In-
hideout in the talc warehouse (Grossif s Paints) by the sec- deps must suffer. The Indeps decide to teach the PCs a les-
ond night of the adventure, the DM must determine an- son - which is exactly how Nari hoped they’d respond.
other target from the possible factions listed in the “Intro- Ten Indep bashers soon find the PCs and get right to
duction” for an eighth victim (or a ninth, if a PC was also the point. Read:
killed). If the PCs still haven’t found Sougad’s hideout by
the third night of the adventure, the DM should steer the You suddenly3nd yourselves surrounded by ten of the ’
group toward the conclusion of the chapter - allow an meanest bashers you’ve ever seen. They wear the symbol of
I NPC to provide hints, bring forward a witness the Free League, which means anyone could have hired
who’s spotted someone living in the them to come after you. “You berks need to learn some
warehouse, and so on. manners,” one of the bashers sneers as he hefts his
weapon. ‘Xnd while we’re teaching you, maybe you’d like
to return the lady’s pouch and save yourselves a second
The bashers don’t want to kill the PCs, but they will
match force for force. If more than half of the bashers fall,
the rest try to escape. If the PCs manage to capture an
Indep for questioning, he tells them all about what Nari
said. However, he can’t name her, he doesn’t know how to
As the PCs travel through the Lower Ward and The Lady’s find her, and the description fits any number of young
Ward in search of the murderer, the DM should use these women in the Cage.
incidental encounters to add flavor to Sigil, demonstrate
the odd behavior of the dabus, and provide hints concern-
ing events that’ll take place in Chapter I1 and Chapter 111.
The DM should also feel free to add other encounters to
this mix as he sees fit.
Sometime during the PCs’ investigation of the murders,
Nari the succubus learns of their involvement. While she
isn’t particularly concerned about cutters like them, she
I doesn’t want to take any chances. So she approaches a
+ 28 +
CULCE tBF +HE LADY ever spoken about the Lady of Pain in such flowery lan-
guage. Indeed, the PCs can’t remember when anyone really
Throughout the murder investigation, members of Those talked about her much at all. Read:
Who Court the Lady continue to arrive in Sigil. Use these
three separate encounters to show the PCs that this cult “The Lady loves you, and you should show her your
may play a larger role as the story unfolds. Statistics for a love in return, the preacher proclaims. “As Trolan the
typical cultist - and for the bullies in “Discri Beloved has said, the Lady is love, and her presence shines
appear at the end of the three encounters. f o r all to see. Come to Bloodgem Park and join us, for to
win the Lady’s love is better than anything else the multi-
Because worship of the Lady of Pain is verse has to offer.”
If the PCs just walk by, the cultist dies from the beat-
ng he receives. If the PCs go to his aid, the toughs call
hem barmy “for helping a berk who’s already in the dead-
Dook” and attack. The five bashers fight until two of their warehouse. A bed, a map of the wards, clothes, a jqg of
wine, and a jar of Abyssal leeches ark this as someone’s
help, but adds, “TheLady would’ve protected me. ” P
number fall, then flee. The cultist thanks the PCs f r their
ARRNAL: Somewhere in the Lower Ward, a portal glows and Sougad climbed up to a wooden beam near the ceiling
opens while the PCs walk by. Six men in amber and silver as soon as he saw the PCs approach. When they begin to
robes step through, wearing wide smiles and looking search the area, the barmy makes his presence known:
around in bewilderment. “Can you direct us to Blbodgm
Park?” one of the cultists asks. If the PCs question them, Dust sprinkles down from above. There, standing on a
the cdtists explain, “We’ve heard the words of Trolan and support beam next to an open window, is the wild-haired
have fallen in love with the Lady. Now we’ve come to show man. His grin looks conftdent and evil, and he appears to
crackle with power up in the shadows.
ultists grow in
1 He looks down at you and laughs. “Fools!” he shouts,
as he leaps through the window onto the roo$
number to almost 20. While many of them seek out items
in the neighboring shops that can be used in their cere- Sougad’s decided to play a game with the PCs, hoping
mony, a few move out into the streets to beg for donations to lead them on a merry chase. No matter how long it takes
and preach the words of Trolan the Prophet. The shop- them to reach the window and climb onto the roof of the
keepers who agree to sell to the cultists can tell he PCS
that they bought the strangest things. “Soaps, ndies,
powers, beads - it’s like they’re courting young adies,”
me shopkeeper (PI/8 bariaur/O/Doomguard/CN)says. Fact
s, that’s exactly what the cultists are doing - they’re
warehouse, the barmy’s waiting two roofs away in plain
sight. “Over here, you mite on a bebilith’s rear,” he calls
cheerfully. “You can’t stop me from way over there!v
waves, hops to a flat roof, and starts running.
The DM should play the chase with as much excite-
sourtine: the Lady of Pain. ment as the best chase scene from a favorite movie. Have
the PCs make Dexterity checks to leap from roof to roof. A
The devotees of the Lady who go begging and preach-
failed check indicates that a PC didn’t quite make it; these
racters then have to make a second check to catch onto can kill the barmy, he drc1ut.s LO
side of a roof. Making the second check meanq that in escape through the portal and seek a few victims elsewhere
e next round all that character can do is pull himself up on the Outlands. When the time is right, Sougad leaps in
to the roof. If the second check fails, the PC falls to the front of the arch, yelling to the PCs, “ ~ next~we meet,
street below. The DM should roll ld4 to determibe how w down before me! I will be Sougad Lawshred-
many stories the building has and calculate the damage of murder and chaos!”The DM should let the
from the fall (ld6 points for every story). PCs make an initiative roll; any who roll 3 or less can take
Sougad starts this scene two roofs ahead of the PCs. one action fore Sougad leaps through
To determine how close the PCs might be able to get to while the P should be made to feel as
him, the DM should roll initiative each round. A Character chance to stop the murderer, under
can move from o
roof to another i
one round. If a
character wants to
run at top speed, he can
try to advance
two roofs instead
of one. This,
however, can be
dangerous. Because
the PC isn’t being
cautious, the leap to the
first roof is made with a -3 penalty
to the Dexterity check, and the leap to
the second roof is made with a -6 penalty.
As the chase progresses, Sougad uses his cause fear
power as the opportunity presents itself. He also uses shock-
ing grasp if any PCs get close enough. However, he used di-
mension door earlier in the day and can’t use that power to
escape now. If he’s on a higher roof than the PCs, he knocks
over loose chimneys or drops other debris on them.
Eventually, Sougad leads the PCs to a specific four-
story building across from Bloodgem Park. A number of
free-standing arches are built all around the robftop’s
edge. The barmy knows that one arch is actually a portal
to the gate-town of Ecstasy (on the Outlands), and he’s
got a gate key in his pocket. It’s he
his sword and turns to face the PCs
he can escape through the portal if
appear to be lawful (wearing symbol Once Sougad escapes, the PCs can check on the
powers), he attacks them first. the slashed corpses, they recognize Halel-
Meanwhile, in Bloodgem Par elf from The Friendly Fiend. The elf is
members of Those Who Court the Lady have gathered to drenched with his own blood, but he isn’t quite dead yet.
show their devotion to Sigil’s high-up, The PCs nojice the Read:
crowd peripherally, though the majorip of their attention
is probably focused on Sougad. As the PCs move to yngage
Sougad in battle, the crowd begins to thant. Read:
In Ecstasy,
the PCs dis-
cover that
Sougad’s mu
der spree contin-
U ues. Lawful sods visit-
ing the gate-town are being
put in the dead-book just like those killed in Sigil. Once the PCs track
Sougad down, they engage him in another battle that ends with the barmy’s
apparent death. While in Ecstasy, they also learn more about Trolan and his
followers. The PCs find that Trolan is leading a massive pilgrimage across
the Outlands on its way to the Cage. A friendly cleric (actually Pastor
Browen, Nari’s servant) tells the PCs that if they hurry, they can catch up
vith Trolan in the gate-town of Curst.
In Curst, Trolan and his followers have become trapped within the ra-
,orvine-covered walls. The same thing happens to the PCs once they enter
he burg, so they must find a way to escape the town. But first they have to
deal with Pastor Browen, the Wall Watch, and members of
BLAZING BAA+EZU, the Revolutionary League. Time is against them, though; the
majority of Trolan’s followers bypassed Curst and are al-
WAS P A I N F U L . .
A *
ready on their way to Sigil. If the PCs don’t escape in time,
the cultists face the same fate as the group in Bloodgem Park.
As these major plots play out, the PCs discover
more and more evidence linking all of these events to
A PASSGRBY L @ @ K I N G @VIER a place called Harbinger House. There’s something
+ H I CARNAGG going on in the House, and the solution to all’the
I N B L @ t e D G @ m PARK trouble might lie therein.
he bodies of the 20 cultists lie cut and bleeding in dloodgem Park. The
ectacular tragedy has drawn the usual crowd of curiosity-seekers, as well
dabus and Dustmen intent on cleaning up the mess. Narcovi and her Har-
onium agents arrive fairly quickly, trying to restore order and sort things
ut before the dabus clear away the evidence. If it wasn’t obvious that the
eaths were the work of the Lady of Pain, Narcovi might try to pin them on
e PCs, as they happen to be in the thick of things once again. Instead, she
sks the PCs about Sougad and the events in the park, then moves on to er
mine the bodies.
+ 32 +
table, but the actual removal of the bodies is
left to the Dustmen. The Dead wait until Narcovi ha:
examined the site before preparing the bodies for
transport to the M (though what they want the
victim’s bodies f o o inventive DMs and 0th
After a brief amount of time passes, Factol Ambar Bpproaches the PCs with guards in
tow. He arrived on the scene right after Narcovi, once he was certain the area was
secure. If the PCs have never met him, Ambar introduces himself and gets right to
the dark of his visit. Read:
“Terrible trugedy, the factol comments, “but the Cage’s high-up has her rules.
Let’s all learn the lesson of breaking them. After some small talk, the factol drops his
voice to a conspiratory whisper. “May I speak with you for a moment?” He directs you to a
quieter corner of the park. “TheBelievers of the Source have a f e w . . . problems, the factol
admits with obvious reluctance. “Weface much embarrassment and loss of position qthese troubles
aren’t settled quickly.
The factol glances around nervously, then pulls you deeper into the shadows. “The law-killer
Sougad is our responsibility, and I fear these violent deaths are as well. You see, we provide care for
poor sods who appear to be barmy but are actually powers-in-the-making. Sougad escaped from our
care, and so did one other, one who loves the Lady of Pain with all his heart. I fear he’s passed his
o are easily swayed.
ins tnat the Godsmen maintain a shelter for these powers-to-be. He asks the
ing barmies before any more lives are lost, offering both jink and the grati-
tude of his faction. If the PCs agree, Ambar hands them the files on Trolan and Sougad (see “Factol
Ambar’s Files” on page 34, which should be photocopied and given to the players). He notes that all
if the dead cultists came from Ecstasy, a gate-town on the Outlands - the best place to begin a
,earch for Trolan. Ambar also asks about the portal Sougad used to escape. If the PCs point it out,
4mbar sends one of his guards (a wizard) to check it out with a warp sense spell. A few moments
ter, the guard returns with the relevant information: The gate leads to Ecstasy, it requires a leaf
om a star petal flower to activate, and it was indeed used in the recent past.
If the PCs refuse Ambar’s offer, there are other ways to get them to Ecstasy. Narcovi could ask
them to go on behalf of the Harmonium, as Sougad remains a threat that must be stopped. Kariana
(see below) could convince them to rescue her brother from the cult’s influence. Finally, if nothing
else presents itself and the PCs refuse to leave Sigil, they could be tricked into heading to Ecstasy.
Factol Ambar and Narcovi both have the means for planting a gate key on one of the PCs. In this
at some point the PCs will step through an archway or door that’s a portal to the gate-town and
ansported to the location of Sougad’s latest activities.
’Course, if the PCs don’t accept Ambar’s offer, they’re not going to get his files on Trolan and
gad (unless the DM wishes to allow them another means of obtaining the files).
+ 33
curiosity in the events that transpired in Bloodgem Park: safety of the curious crowd, eager to see how much may-
Kariana of Ecstasy (Pr/ Q human/O/Fraternity of Order/LG), hem the events she’s set in motion have caused. When she
whose two brothers were inspired by Trolan’s haunting learns that Sougad has been chased off, her anger flares. It
words about the Lady and joined his cult. The older doesn’t take her too long to find the cutters responsible for
brother, Benjim, was among ose who died when the La- ruining this part of her plan.
dy’s shadow passed over the rk. The younger boy, Kedd, Nari spends the rest of this scene observing the PCs
barely 16, is still at Trolan’s side. and learning all she can about them. She doesn’t interact
Kariana wears a simple blue robe with its hood pulled with them at this time, but she does begin planning how to
up over her satin-black hair. She watches the clean-up gain her revenge. The DM should assume that Nari can
from the edges of the crowd, listening to comments that hear everything the PCs discuss in Bloodgem Park. This al-
ripple from one end of the park to the other. It doesn’t take lows her to send Pastor Browen, a barmy from Harbinger
long for word to get around that the law-killer was chased House, to stop the PCs on the Outlands.
out of Sigil and that the cutters responsible are the ones During the time that Nari observes them, the DM
speaking to Factol Ambar. should give each PC one chance to spot her by making a
Kariana waits until the PCs have finished talking to Wisdom check at -4 (though not all at the same time). Any
the facto1 before she approaches them. It doesn’t matter time a PC fails a check, he still sees something interesting:
what the outcome of their meeting with Ambar is; the PCs a strange or intriguing person in the crowd, Factol Ambar
may still agree to help Kariana. Read: talking to Narcovi, Narcovi finding some possible clue in
the blood-splattered grass, Kariana watching them, and SO
A f i g u r e i n a blue, hooded robe walks toward you. on. If any PC makes the check, he spots Nari - the most
While thefigure’s features are hidden, the shape beneath beautiful young woman the PC has ever seen. As soon as
the robe is obviously female. She stops only a foot or two she notices that she’s been spotted, Nari disappears into
away from you, and you can see her large, dark eyes, pale the crowd; the PCs can’t catch her at this time.
skin, and wisps of black hair straying from the safety of DM NOTE:If a PC spots Nari in the crowd, she tries to
her hood. use her charm ability on that PC (by winking or smiling).
“The chant’s loud about you, cutters, ‘’ she says in a Secretly make the character’s saving throw; failure indi-
sorrow-filled voice. “Did you really chase off the law- cates that the PC is charmed. However, charmed PCS
killer?” should not be told that they’re under Nari’s spell. Fact is,
they won’t feel any differently at all at this point in the ad-
If the PCs answer truthfully, Kariana points toward venture.
the body of a dark-haired man, his handsome face slashed Even if she succeeds in charming one or more PCs,
open as if by a sharp razor. As a pair of Dustmen drape a Nari’s not planning on “using” them for anything just yet.
sheet over the dead sod and prepare to lift him onto the She simply wants to have as many people on her side as
waiting wagon, thr wnman chokes back tears. Read: possible, in case she needs the help later.
Petitioners in Ecstasy spend days upon days contem- 3ougad at the Temple of the
plating the multiverse while sitting atop the many tall Beloved One (Area 5). So, by the time the PCs arrive in Ec-
plinths that dot the landscape. It’s a pastoral community, stasy, all other murders have already been committed.
where no one is in any particular hurry to do anything ex- Three possible victims and the locations where they were
cept focus on his or her own personal growth. It’s a place discovered are listed below. The DM should use only as
of peace and plenty, of gardens and orchards, of sprawling many as is necessary, based on how many sods were killnA
manors and buildings gathered at crossroads through the in Chapter I.
While the petitioners tend to stay out of a body’s way, I:This lawful good dwarf
the rest of the residents can be extremely impulsive. If W d S KIIKU 111 1115 IUUIII d L The Impulsive Dabus inn
you’ve got something they want, they’re likely to take it. To (Area 4). He received the appropriate number of
these berks, the first impulse is the best impulse. Act before slashes from Sougad’s long sword, had the parch-
thought, or so the chant here goes - no wonder Ciphers ment note pinned to his shirt, and had an expres-
and halflings make up a large chunk of the population. sion of genuine terror etched across his face. If the
There are three high-ups in Ecstasy - the Sun Master PCs check his room, they find the remains of three
(currently, Regialia Tonn), the Dark Hunter (currently, Karo nutshells next to the end table, less than 10 feet
Jantar), and the Philosopher King (currently, Kagorius). from where the body was found.
The first rules the day, the second rules the night, and the t: This human fe-
third rules the debates that rage in the Philosopher’s Court. IIMIC UUVIICI V V ~ > V I ~ I L I I LLaLdsy
I ~ to attend the
There’re also lots of temples to powers that might help a Philosopher’s Court. After the last session, she was
body out of a jam. on her way back to her room at The Impulsive
Visitors just need to remember that “evil” is consid- Dabus when Sougad struck. Her body was found
ered to be anything that blocks a body’s personal growth. in the tall grass beside the road to Moondark
So, buy a cool drink and find a Comfortable pillar to perch Tower. In addition to the parchment note written
on.. . . in her own blood, the remains of a small iron rod
were discovered partially buried in the soil be-
neath her body.
THB CURRBNLE C H A N + DERIXTHE BLUE:This human male Mercykille
The PCs quickly learn some of the local chant as they ex- heard the PCs telling Narcovi how Sougad slipped
plore the City of Plinths. The DM is encouraged to aild de- the blinds back in Sigil. For the glory of his fac-
tails and create local NPCs as needed to pass along this in- tion and to bring punishment down upon Sougad,
formation in a role-playing setting. Derix came to Ecstasy to find the elusive killer. He
The annual plinth-climbing contest kicks off in a fe found Sougad, all right, but the barmy made short
days, and everyone is placing bets on the favorite and cu work of him. His body was discovered behind
rent champion, Jeliva the Relaxed. The PCs see man Miressa’s townhouse (Area 3 ) .
If the PCs want to learn more about Trolan, they’ve come I N ECScEASY
to the right place. There are more than a few people who This section details five major locations in the gate-towr
remember the tiefling. “He did something very f e w of us and the encounters the PCs might have at each place, lead-
a_= would ever do,” one local might comment. “He got up off ing up to another battle with Sougad in Area 5 (the Temple
his plinth and went looking for his dream. Of course, his
” dedicated to Trolan). The DM should embellish the encoun-
dream almost got him killed, and still might, but that’s ters below as necessary for the unfolding story.
crowds that gathered all about his love of the Lady and The greeter is Artemor Far (PI/d’ halfling/O/Society of
what she told him. He claimed she was ready to accept Sensation/NG), a transplant from Sheela Peryroyl’s realm
open devotion, and that he was her beloved but she still who found Ecstasy to be more to his liking. “Why farm,”
had room in her heart f o r all who adored her. He spoke Artemor has been known to ask, “when I can spend time
from the top of an iron pillar, and his voice was like the growing something even more to my liking - me?”
music of the planes. He preached for a whole day, and then He’s become samething of a “welcome wagon” for
he charged those who felt as he did to go to Sigil and show this part of Ecstasy, greeting whoever arrives through the
the Lady their love. Almost a dozen berks left Ecstasy at garden portal. Artemor enjoys good conversation, hearing
his side the next day, along with another dozen who’d fol- news from other realms, and sharing whatever food and
lowed him here. It didn’t end after he was gone, though. beverage his visitors have brought with them. Fact is, he’s
Others who’d heard his words decided that Trolan was much friendlier and helpful to those who share something
more than just a prophet. They Bgured the cutter was a to eat and drink with him than to those who arrive empty-
power. So they took one of the abandoned temples and handed.
dedicated it to Trolan. Hey, that’s their right, if it helps The halfling takes his time to get to the point, as he’s
their personal growth. ’’ in no particular hurry. If his visitors are impatient, he
slows down even more, stretch
long, convoluted conversation.
IF THE PCS ASKABOUT s iressa (PI/ 0 human/O/-/NG), daughter of Kagorius, the
Ecstasy through the same gate as Sougad, Artemor met the Philosopher King, spends most of her time in the King’s
barmy murderer a few hours back. He remembers the wild townhouse. The King set up this refuge as a place to get
hair, the fiery eyes, and the menacing long sword. He also away from the rigors of the Philosopher’s Court, but he
remembers that Sougad wasn’t particularly friendly; in rarely makes use of it himself.
fact, he was downright rude. As with Chereng’s sample dialogue, the DM should
If the PCs used a different gate, Artemor never saw parcel out the following information in normal conversa-
Sougad. However, he admits that a poor sod who was just tion - not just read it from beginning to end
passing through got put into the dead-book a few hours
heard that a cleric of Moradin was found all cut up “Yes,I knew him. We were friends, then lovers. How
r at The Impulsive Dabus,” Artemor says. “Such a ter- loved that young man! He had a voice like a summer’s
e thing to happen, even i f i t was a stuffi old dwarf.” breeze and a smile that was brighter than the sun. Even my
+ IF THE PCs ASKABOUT TROLAN: Artemor hasn’t been father liked him, for his bardic talents made him one of the
tasy for more than a few years, so he knows little best speakers at my father’s debates. Not that Trolan spoke
the bard who grew up among the plinths. He does out ofien - at least, not before he heard about the Lady.
know about Those Who Court the Lady, as they recruited “A cleric visited the city that year, on his way f r o m
some of the locals a few days back. If the PCs are patient Sigil to Elysium. He told stories about the City of Doors,
enough to wait, Artemor eventually directs them to the and Trolan became fascinated with the images and chant of
new temple dedicated to Trolan, beloved of the Lady of the place. When the cleric told him about the Lady of Pain,
Pain. ‘‘I haven’t been there myself, you understand, but Trolan’s eyes lit up with afire that I could never ignite. He
! what started as just another expression of personal growth fell in love with Sigil’s icon, composing songs and ballads
has become rather. . . restricting, ifyou catch my meaning. to her while he was with me. Before the year ended, I knew
I’d stay away from that place i f I were you. ” that I had lost him. He said he was sorry. He said good-
bye. Then he was gone, and my heart went with him. I tried
to see him when he returned a f e w days ago, but he was
2. C H E R B N G ’ S S.EABLE
still singing the Lady’s praises. By the currents of Oceanus,
This finely appointed stable is the home of Chereng, (P1/6 how I hate her!”
bariaur/O/Free League/CG), Trolan’s childhood friend.
Many of the older bodies in Ecstasy can direct the PCs If the PCs ask Miressa where Troian went, she doesn’t
here. The bariaur’s sample dialogue follows; however, the know, but suggests they check at the temple recently built
DM shouldn’t simply read the entire dialogue aloud. In- in his name (Area 5 ) . She also mentions The Impulsive
stead, break it up according to how the PCs approach and Dabus (Area 4), a tavern where Trolan used to spend much
question Cheren of his time.
le and wine on those nights, and eoen the Dark Hunter 6 human/P3/Believ rs of the S
)as known to come by now and then to hear Trolan per- truth in Trolan’s wor . Jakoly be
form. Trolan was going to make me rich, and I was going than a prophet - he t inks the tiefling is a power. With the
to let him. Then that stupid cleric showed up and ruined help of other b w o h e a d Trolan spe4k, Jakoly reno-
“You never tell an impressionable young sod like the City of Plinths.
d emple and set up a new
religion in
shredder explodes from the shadows, shouting as he swings However, as soon as Sougad finishes hishciim (thus
his sword at the worshipers gathered there. “You will bow completing this step in the ritual), he gains another innate
down to chaos and murder!” he screams. “You will worship ability: the use of a teleport without error power, once per
day. When he delivers the last slash to his victim, Saugad
draws in energy: A glowing, red aura emerges from the
The hall is 150 feet wide, and the PCs start at the op- victim, slides up Sougiad’ssword, a
posite side from where Sougad appears. Thus, the barmy P t s can see this occur.) With t
gets one round to act before the PCs can retaliate. Sougad Sougad disappears from the temple just as the balcony
selects his target - a lawful berk with 37 hp and AC 10 - falls around him. The DM should describe the scene in
before leaping out of the shadows, and he hits the sod such a manner as to make the group think Sougad’s been
g the round for 18 total points of damage. killed.
M should then roll initiative for the second Any PCs who were fighting Sougad at the time must
d of combat. Sougad plans to continue slashing his make successful Dextierity checks at -2 to leap out of the
target until the berk dies and 10 cuts have been delivered. way. Those who fail take 3612 points of damage and are
As the target is a defenseless, robed cultist, Sougad
shouldn’t miss often, but the DM should still roll to see if
the barmy hits (in case the target ducks, struggles, etc.).
trapped beneath the urning rubble. Each round they re-
main trapped, the cha acters take an additional ld6 points
of heat and fire damage.
Once the victim has been killed, Sougad can deliver all re- THEREAL CHANT: when Sougad teleported away from
aining slashes needed for the ritual in a single round. the temple, he appealed near the garden gate that leads
As the second round progresses, the crowd of wor- back to Sigil (Artemol Far, sleeping off some particularly
shipers and curiosity-seekers begins to run in panic. On potent ale, missed tue barmy). While the PCs deal with
initiative 5, any PCs who haven’t acted yet notice that Trolan and Pastor Bq‘owen in Curst, Sougad is heading
flames are raging around the second-floor balcony of the back to Harbinger Hduse, where he plans to commit the
temple (Sougad set the fire a few minutes before he ap- final three murders reQuired to make him a power.
peared). The PCs must decide whether to fight the fire, help SLIPPING THE BLINDS:Since Sougad’s target is an easy
the crowd escape safely, battle Sougad, or perform some mark, the barmy shduld be able to slay him before the
combination of these actions. Read: building collapses. Hopever, if the dice show that the tem-
ple’s taken 60 points df fire damage and Sougad still hasn’t
Fire! Flames dance along the secondpoor killed his tenth victi&, the DM should keep the structure
ple, $aintiazg the entire balcony in crimson standing until the vidtim’s dead. ’Course, it’s possible to
smohe. Members of the crowd notice 1 around the PCs - possibly
I o kill his victim - or simply
creak, groan, and threaten to
collapse at any moment.
heir way from Ecstasy to Curst by finding a
Sougad’s placed the spell components for this murder portal or path that quickly gets them to the new gate-
next to a pillar, so he refuses to move too far from it. He town. Unlike the situation in Ecstasy, the PCs don’t have to
must kill his victim within the prescribed range of 10 feet. explore and talk to a lot of NPCs in order to get to the crux
If the PCs manage to save the first target, a similar berk of the scene. Instead, they find Trolan and his followers in
foolishly rushes close enough for Sougad to attack. If that short order. The trick then becomes finding a way back out
victim is saved, too, Sougad targets a lawful PC as his of the Walled City while dealing with the tmnhle stirred up
prey. by Pastor Browen.
Each round that the battle rages, the fire gets an ini-
tiative roll as well. On its initiative, the flames spread, A Q U I C K L@@K
causing ld12 points of damage to the upper floor of the
temple. After 30 points of damage, the fire spreads to the Curst sits on the philosophical shores of the plane of
lower floor, as flaming beams and other debris begin to Carceri. For more information on the gate-town, refer to
fall. After 60 points of damage (or in the round after the PLANESCAPE Campaign Setting boxed set or A Player’s
Sougad kills his victim), the temple becomes an inferno Primer to the Outlands.
Dusty streets and bleak architecture reveal the nature
of this burg. Most of the inhabitants of Curst are exiles
from somewhere else, and bitter revenge is the driving
force that keeps everything here going. Everyone dreams
of vengeance - against those who wronged them, peeled
them, or betrayed their love or confidence. They plan great
schemes and even raise armies, but few can escape the
binds that hold Curst’s residents in.
Nearly circular in shape and surrounded by a high, ra-
zorvine-covered wall, Curst is built around a ,gate to
Carceri. Five ring roads ripple out from the c e n t q of the
city, forming six distinct districts. Bashers called the Wall
Watch patrol the perimeter of the city. They let alqost any Any PC who tries to examine the body must make a
berk into Curst, but very few are allowed to lea3e. Out- successful Dexterity check with a -2 penalty to avoid the
siders believe that the residents are prisoners in their own thorns. A failed check indicates that the PC takes 2d3
burg, but the residents see it as a way to keep the rest of points of damage from the razorvine. If any PC manages to
the multiverse out. It’s all a matter of perspective - one get close to the body, he finds all that remains of worth is
that changes mighty quickly once a body steps t h r h g h the a belt pouch and its contents: five gold pieces, two plat-
gate into the Walled City. inum pieces, and a small wooden triangle inscribed with
The wall and the razorvine keep folks in, of course, the icon of a metal cage (a gate key to Sigil).
but the guards of the Wall Watch do their share, toio. They THEREAL CHANT: Why did the body animate for the
require proof that a body has somewhere to go and a way PCs? Berk, things happen in the multiverse that nobody
to get there before they’ll open the gate. Beyond these can explain. The corpse’s chant is important, how-
physical restrictions, two other factors -
bitterness and fear - form the chains of
ever, It warns the PCs about Curst and gives them
art of the solution to foiling the trap.
this prison. Release your bitter- I
ness and overcome your fear ,
and maybe -just maybe -
the razorvine will let you 40
The dusty approach the Walled City is notably empty.
The stillness is broken by the sounds of the PCs’ footfalls
and the occasional cry of an unseen bird. An unadorned
wall circles the town, its exterior lacking even a hint of the
razorvine that covers the interior. The road leads to a large
gate that opens as the PCs get close. Read:
+8 CURS+
The gate swings open, revealing two bashers with
Whatever mode of travel he PCs
decide to use (or the DM pr vides),
they wind up on a dark and dusky road
large pikes waiting to greet you. “Welcome to Curst, one
IF TRfBLAN S U R V I V E S She said she loved me, but I had to prove m y love to her. To
do this, she said Z had to tell others how Zf e l t and send
At some point, the PCs stand face-to-face with Trolan the them to Sigil to share m y love with the Lady. I can still
Beloved. When this occurs, read: hear her beautijkl voice in my head. ”
The man before you stands THEREALCHANT: As far as anyone knows, the Lady of
just a bit over3ve feet tall, with Pain has never spoken. It was Nan, disguised as the Lady,
a thin form and obvious who appeared before Trolan at Harbinger House. However,
grace. His face if the PCs try to convince Trolan that the being that spoke
L shines with the to him - whatever it was - was not the real Lady, the tief-
1d glow of the plane- ling simply smiles, shakes his head, and states that soon
touched. Tapered ears, the PCs, too, will believe.
eyes of pure blue with a red- DM NOTE:In two days’ time, Kedd and the cultists -
rimmed radiance, and the with or without Trol+n - will arrive at Bloodgem Park in
slightest growth of horns on his Sigil and conduct thqir ceremony to the Lady of Pain. The
high forehead mark him for what PCs have that long to get out of Curst, return to the Cage,
ild of the planes. Long reddish-blond and find out what’s happening in Harbinger House. Other-
air frames his handsome face, and his beautiful smile wise, the cultists wiil die, slashed by the shadow of the
raws both men and women to his side. He wears the same Lady. While such a Catastrophe won’t stop the P t s from
amber and silver robes as his followers. When he looks at defeating Nan and S@ugadand restoring Harbinger House
you, you feel as though you would do almost anything he to the Godsmen, it dbes deny them experience points for
asked. saving the cultists.
“Have you come to hear my songs, good friends?” he
asks. “Shall I tell you about the Lady, or have you come to
join us on our pilgrimage to the heart of the Cage?”
too. That’s what the Lady told me. Ifonly the Wall Watch back after lunch and maybe we’ll open il en. ”
would let us leave!” If the PCs don’t have a key for a gaLc oack to Sigil, or
If a PC asks why Trolan has involved so many people if they don’t even know where to find such a gate, none of
in his infatuation with the Lady of Pain, the tieflihg pro- this matters. The Wall Watch won’t let them out unless
vides an answer: they have somewhere else to be and a way to get there.
Even if they can prove that Curst can’t hold them, the PCs
“After years of hoping and wishing, the have to deal with the corrupt sergeant and his loyal bash-
came to me, Trolan enplains. “She appeared
ers. Battle is the obvious solution, but other methods for
binger House, and she spoke the words I foiling this part of the trap include:
+ 44 +
. Getting Yurel Zarnthaskar (Pr/ 6 human/F 101 PCs as he can. The tide for subtlety is past. His mission is
Fated/LN), the commander of the Wall Wqtch, to to delay the adventurkrs in Curst as long as possible, and
assist them. The PCs can accomplish th’is in a he figures that forever1 would be a good length of time.
number of ways. Threats that Trolan’s cogtinued As he attacks, the1 barmy - in his rage - inadvertently
presence’ll bring a visit from the Lady df Pain reveals more about hi$ mission than he’d planned. Fact is,
scare Zarnthaskar into letting the groyp out.
Promises to lend future aid to Zarnthaskar - behind the attack: ~
his rantings are clues the PCs that something darker i s
+ +
With Trolan the Beloved (or Mad, depending
on a body’s perspective) in hand, the PCs
return to Sigil and search out
the mysterious place called
Harbinger House. They have a limited amount of time
before the cultists led by
Kedd arrive, so they have
behind orthewhatever
played on poor Trolan.
- A BERK G E + + I N G HIS F I R S +
G L I I l I P S E ef
THEREALCHANT: Harbinger House won’t actually slide
over; Sigil is immune to such manipulations. Nor can Nari
become a power by copying Sougad’s ritual; only true pow-
H A R B I N G E R HCBUSE ers-to-be like Sougad and Trolan can be transformed. How-
r, Nari doesn’t know either of these things and plans on
seeing each goal through to the end.
The PCs should believe that Sougad died in
Chapter 11; however, the barmy made it back to Sigil
and went directly to Harbinger House. By the time the
PCs reach the House, Sougad’s already killed two more lawful sods
within. Clues scattered throughout may alert the PCs to Sougad’s pres-
ence, but they won’t run into him until the final scene.
DM NOTE: The map of Harbinger House, printed on the DM’s side of the
gatefold screen, depicts only a small portion of this immense mansion. The
true scope of a place that’s larger on the inside than it is on the outside can’t
be adequately detailed in the course of this adventure. However, the DM
should feel free to add more rooms as desired to expand the PCs’ exploration
of the House.
+e S I G I L ,
Whoever the PCs agreed to help at the start of Chap-
ter I1 comes looking for them the moment they step
through the portal back to Sigil. If they decided to
after Trolan on their own (or followed Sougad to the
Outlands and then got involved with the cult), Narcovi
tracks them down. She still has questions, and as long as the dabus continue to
act strangely, she’ll keep digging. It’s her belief that the dabus’ behavior is somehow
connected to the murders, so in her mind the case won’t be solved until the dabus return
to normal.
Other possibilities: Kariana wants to know if they’ve found her brother Kedd; Fac-
to1 Ambar wants to know if they’ve found Trolan apd Sougad; and other fac-
tion leaders want to know what’s been happening on the Outlands and
when they can expect more cultists to arrive.
If the PCs can’t locate Harbinger House on their own, they can ask
Factol Ambar for directions; he’ll be at the Great Foundry, the headquarters
of the Godsmen. Ambar thanks the PCs for returninrg Trolan and asks them to take the
barmy back to the House. “Custodian Bereth will b happy to see Trolan, Ambar admits
casually. “She’ll be very helpjid when you get therel Afterward, return here and we’ll lee
to your reward. ” 1 1 I
Ambar also seems disturbed that he still hasn’t recovered the missing pZanarity (stolen for Nari
in Chapter I). If the PCs question him about it, the facto1 divulges a bit more about the item than he
had in the past, confessing that the planarity opens portals and records images of surrounding events
for later historical study. He asks the PCs to keep dn eye out for it when they return Trolan to the
s: If Trolan was killed in Curst, Factol Ambar simply hires the PCs to locate the
missing planarity, suggesting that its magical energies are so closely tied to ‘HarbingerHouse that the
House is the best place to begin the search. (No factol in the history of the Godsmen hrs ever lost the
planarity. To prevent the theft from being made public and weakening his position as factol, Ambar
must employ “outside” cutters - the PCs - to do the leg work.)
If the PCs seem reluctant to visit Harbinger House at all, the DM can have several dabus - act-
ing more strangely than ever - follow them around the streets of the Cage. The dabus communicate
their tension and fear by forming picture-symbols of the area around the House, which should en-
courage even the most hesitant PCs to check the location out.
A nearby dabus lowers his paintbrush and turns in your direction. He stares at you, his mouth
open as though he were about to speak, but no sound emerges. A single symbol appears above his
head, however, hovering where you can easily see it: the infinity symbol, pierced by a downward
arrow. A moment later the symbol fades and the dabus goes back to what he was doing, once again
ignoring you and your companions.
The symbol is the icon of the Abyss. The dabus, and perhaps through him the Lady of Pain, is
providing a warning to the PCs as to the nature of the true enemy. In a way, this is also a call for
help, as the dabus haven’t been able to trace their nkrvousness to its source (due to the scrying shield
generated by the focrux).
When the PCs reach the dead-end street where Har- WHAcE ABQUcE TReLAN?
binger House resides, they immediately notice something
odd: There are no dabus working on the street. In fact, Trolan travels with the PCs as they explore the House, ac-
there’s almost no one around. The nearby hovels appear companying them either because he followed them from
tightly locked or deserted. No street beggars or merchants Curst or because the PCs brought him there at Facto1 Am-
are evident. Compared to the hustle and bustle on the sur- bar’s request. However, unless the danger is extremely
rounding streets, the deathly silence and stillness of this grave, Trolan won’t raise his sword against the House’s
street should be particularly jarring to the PCs. Read: residents. With the exception of Sougad, he considers them
all to be his friends.
The street you were directed to is set offfrom the rest Trolan can, of course, give the PCs information about
of Sigil by a spiky wall of stone and razorvine. Once you some of the residents. He knows nothing about Galkin,
pass through the gate formed by the arching walls, you no- Kaydi, or Teela, but if the PCs need help with any of the
tice an immediate difference f r o m the other streets you other barmies, Trolan can pass along a hint or two. How-
walked down. There aren’t any people here, or dabus, or ever, he doesn’t know where the doors lead, as he was
shouting merchants, or arguing faction members. It’s quiet, never allowed to wander on his own.
deserted, and terribly dark. Shadows f i l l every corner. The By the time the group enters the House, Trolan’s nat-
walls and the leaning hovels block much of Sigil’s dim ural healing ability has restored him to his maximum hit
light. It’s hard to imagine that a huge mansion sits among points. He can also heal some of the PCs’ wounds by tak-
these decrepit structures. Then you see it, and everything ing them into Area 4A, where the focrux used to be kept
you imagined is swept away. (see page 50 for details).
Harbinger House3lls the end of the street, climbing
above the high walls that surround three sides of its mas-
THE BLI s: If Trolan was killed in Curst, the
PCs must navigate their way through the House without
sive structure. It’s a place of insanity, for no clear-headed the tiefling’s advice or healing touch.
architect designed this jumble of towers, levels, and wings.
Its oddly tilted walls, weirdly slanted roofs, and uneven
windows make it almost painful to look at. There are
doors, arches, and staircases everywhere, covering surfaces
that should instead be covered by shingles or tiles or paint.
A s your eyes roam across its door-covered walls or try she spBtted them in
to follow a staircase that winds to nowhere, you notice a tually track her t t doesn’t take
remarkable thing. The House was built without using a long for word to F
single right angle. Instead, e v e y corner forms an acute or
obtuse angle, making walls j u t toward you or tilt away Between the
from you at va y i n g degrees. barmiles and the e believes the
All is quiet. Even the windows are dark, but you sense
that someone (or something) is staring down at you. Then comes a plower
the door at the top of the porch swings open, beckoning
you inside.
the PCs not to get too close to the windows, as they proba- no one tu g
bly don’t have keys for returning. If the PCs insist an using chair. A rockie
the windows, the DM can do as he pleases - let them ex-
plore, drive them back to the House before the portal closes,
or even send them on a completely different adventure.
THERESIDENTS: The more prominent barmies of the If the PCs approach the
House have names and full statistics, as detailed through- rocker, they can see who’s sitting (I
out this chapter. Nari’s given some of them magical items there. Read:
so they have a better chance to delay and perhaps even kill
the PCs.
However, the House also contains various other be-
ings, including Godsman caretakers who’ve been aharmed
or imprisoned by Nan, less powerful barmies, and dretches
brought from the Abyss to guard Nari and her plans. If the
PCs battle any of these other residents, the DM may use the “Chaos dance and
following statistics or invent specific details for qach, as
This is one of the Godsmen (P1/6 human/O/Believers
of the SourcelLN)whD helped care for Harbinger House, as
THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg ld3 (fists) or by weapon; AC 10; the badge he wears OD his tunic indicates (though it’s cur-
hp 9; MV 12; SZ M ( 5 feet tall); Int very (12); ML average rently hidden by the blanket). Nan has broken the faction
(IO); XP 3‘ members, turning them into even bigger barmies than the
addle-coves they used to administer to. Those whose
GODSMAN (PL/VAR VAR/O/BELIEVERS OF THE SOURCE/VAR)l: minds collapsed have been given easy chants to sing until
THACO 20; #AT 1; ltmg ld3 (fists) or by weapon; AC 10; the House slides over to the Abyss. If they can’t actually
hp 7; MV 12; SZ M (6 feet tall); Int high (14); ML steady join Nari, at least thay’ll pay lip service to the doctrine of
(12); XP 3 her home plane.
yond the door as her living quarters. Windows in the office Trolan gains the power to deliver a healing touch to
provide a view of the street outside Harbinger House.
The office contains a large desk, a couch, a number of in the adventure receive the equivalent of cure seriou
from the meditation chamber. They may still find the se-
These Godsmen have been driven to insanity by Nari’s I I I ~ ,d i d thinking, and eve11 gaining ine best of their tal-
ductive urgings. She’s made them chaotic evil through ents through magical absorption. Since t h e change
r subtle manipulations, which becomes evident if the wrought by Nari, Aztral’s personality becomes a chaotic
PCs linger in the kitchen. Read: evil version of the character he emulates. To the PC, it’:
like looking into a twisted mirror and seeing his or her
The man wears a loincloth and an apron as he moves own dark reflection.
from steaming pot to boiling kettle, tossing ingredients into The targets of Aztral’s absorption get a saving throw
each pot from a basket he carries. There doesn’t seem to be vs. petrification. A successful throw indicates that Aztral
a pattern to his recipe, and his ingredients don’t look very was unable to absorb the target’s abilities; a failed throw
appetizing - a handful of worms, a pinch of insect shells, means that the barmy%ucceeded.
a dash of sharp glass. “For the celebration,” he whispers Once Aztral absorbs a PC’s personality and talents, he
when he sees you. “We’re moving today and Nari wants to gains
- that character’s natural -Drop--
have a party!” erties - hit points, physical at-
The woman wears a sack that’s tributes, combat skills. and
been altered to serve as a long tunic, pecial abilities (such
gathered at her waist with a length of as memorized spells)
razorvine. Her knee-high leather boots Whatever weapon
are spattered with dark, wet stains, rm G ~ I N G+ e B E Y ~ U , Aztral fights with
and she wears a necklace with the
A N D +HERE’S - currently, a
Godsmen’s icon as a bandanna large, wooden
around her head. She dances from N€D+HING spoon - behaves just
Y@U C A N De AB$U+ I+.
pot to pot, snifflng the aromas.
“Haveyou come for din-
ner?” she asks. “Or
-AZ+RAI, e~ +HE
e absorbed character’s
weapon, including damage
amounts and enchantment
maybe you are din- bonuses. Aztral can hold on
ner. I think you’re to a character’s talents for
just what we need for ld6 rounds. At the end of
this dish. With that, she pulls a
” that period, he must absorb some
long dagger from behind her back else’s talents or revert to his o
and smiles wickedly. statistics.
When the PCs enter
These barmies aren’t responsible for their this room, Aztral picks the
actions. They were both respectable Godsmen befoke Nari most powerful-looking one to
began working her charms on them. The PCs’ best bet is to absorb first. Read:
leave the room. The barmies won’t follow the PCs, as they
must stay with their chaotic stews. If the PCs linger in the A lonefigure sits in a large, comforraaoie-looking chair
kitchen, both Godsmen attempt to add them to the stews, in this dining hall. He’s a human male with short-cropped
black hair, silver eyes, and a plain white tunic over black
7. GODSMEN’S DININGHALL pants. He waves a long wooden spoon and smiles at you.
This large chamber is the Godsmen’s dining hall. All of the “Welcome to the domain of Aztral, he exclaims, leaping
Godsmen working in Harbinger House take theiir daily from his chair. “These chairs, those tables, the fireplaces!
meals here. Two massive fireplaces cover most of tihe side Everything you see is mine!”
walls, and four large round tables are set in the center of He steps toward you, and f o r a moment his whole
the room. A number of comfortable chairs sit fackng the body turns silvery, like the surface of a mirror. You see
fireplace on the left side of the hall. your own reflection in his silvery form, and then the effect
Aztral of the Many Faces has been given this noom to is gone. “Well,”Aztral says gleefully, “now that I’m you,
defend by Nan, the‘new mistress of the House. Originally, there can only be one of me!” W i t h that, he swings his
he had a neutral outlook on the multiverse; thanks to Nari, wooden spoon at you, its glowing head suddenly looking
that’s now shifted to chaotic evil. very dangerous.
Aztral is schizophrenic, and like all of the bamies in
Harbinger House, he has a few unique abilities that mark During the encounter, Aztral keeps asking the PCs if
him as a power-in-the-making. Among these abihities is any of them have a lawful outlook on life. “Are YOU law-
the power to change personalities and alignments as often ful? You look like a 1 wful sod. You should head right up
as a Xaositect changes his mind. This talent revolves ,”
to the party. There’s place at Nari’s table for lawfil
around his affliction. Aztral mimics the personalities of like you. He doesn’t provide any further informat
those around him, shifting to their way of speaking, walk- about the party or Nari.
out upon the sandy wastes of Athas, a third displays the
majestic towers of a castle in Karameikos, and so on.
Some show portions of Krynn, Greyhawk, an island chain
where dragons rule over elves and dwarves, and other
places so strange that the PCs barely recognize what
they’re seeing.
OF THE I”YFACES These windows aren’t portals; the PCs can’t step
through one and wind up, for example, in Waterdeep.
They’re just reflections of what the barmy who resides in
this tower sees all the time. Galkin Farseer sees all of the
varied worlds of the multiverse at once, and the views
tr 11, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 11. have driven him mad. He sees these images wherever he
looks, even when he closes his eyes. Sleep doesn’t provide
a respite, as the images follow him into his dreams. The
This long, narrow hall contains many doors. While there’s windows, however, help separate the images and focus his
only one door on the wall the PCs enter through, the other thoughts. He’s learned to transfer a single image to a sin-
walls are covered with them. There are a total of eight gle window, thus clearing away some of the jumble that’s
doors at ground level; the walls extend 50 feet to the ceil- always with him.
ing, and every 10 feet up is another row of doors. If the When the PCs arrive, they don’t notice Galkin at first.
PCs have some way of reaching the higher doors, they find He’s sitting on the stairs, about halfway up, staring at the
that all of them are locked. Only the eight doors at ground images of Waterdeep scrolling behind one of the windows.
level can be opened. Galkin hates to be disturbed, and the constant barrage of
Each ground-level door has a letter assigned to it on landscapes and societies that assault his senses give him a
the map on the gatefold screen. These doors lead to the very bad temper. He also has a few powers available to
corresponding letter shown elsewhere on the map. For ex- make his temper dangerous. Galkin is what the Godsmen
ample, if the PCs open the door marked “D,” they find call “spell-touched.’’He embodies the living essence of one
themselves looking out onto the Ethereal Plane. particular spell: lightning bolt. This doesn’t give him the
If any of the PCs make a successful Wisdom check at ability to cast a bolt from his fingertips; he actually be-
-2, they notice a small creature wriggling on the floor be- comes the bolt of lightning, cascading around the room
tween doors “E” and “F” - a n Abyssal leech. Sougad and causing damage to whoever he touches.
dropped it from the pouch on his belt as he was heading Galkin can become a lightning bolt at will, but he
toward Nan’s chamber. must make a successful Constitution check to actually
transform. His energy form lasts for one action in a partic-
ular round and gives him all the attributes of a lightning
l h e door marked ”H”leads to a spiral staircase that de- bolt spell. In other words, he has a range of 100 yards, he
scends and ascends as far as the PCs can see. If they climb causes 6d6 damage to all in line of the bolt (victims can
in either direction, the stairs just keep going. The PCs can save vs. spell for half damage), and he can travel from one
wander forever on these stairs, and that’s just what Nari point to another instantaneously. If he tries to transform
hopes will happen. The door can’t be seen from the inside, and fails, he can’t try again for ld4 rounds. In the rounds
as it blends into the wall and becomes a secret portal. To when he can’t transform, Galkin uses his short sword of
find it again, the PCs have to search for it. This takes time quickness to automatically attack first.
(10 minutes for every 10-foot section of stairs) and re- Before they can speak with him, the PCs must calm
quires a successful roll for finding secret doors. The DM Galkin down by helping him regain the concentration they
must decide how far from the door the PCs wander before disturbed by entering the room. Focusing his attention on
they try to exit back into the hall. one of the windows helps, as do soothing discussion and
kind words. Shattering the windows makes Galkin go
ER OF w crazy, as the images he transferred to it come rushing back.
The door marked “I” opens into a tower room. A free- This makes him more angry, and he redoubles his efforts to
standing spiral staircase in the middle of the room climbs make the PCs leave.
to a height of 30 feet and stops just beneath the ceiling. It If the PCs do calm Galkin down, he tells them what
doesn’t lead to another level; it just stands alone in the little he knows about Nari. “She’s not what she appears to
center of the room. be,” Galkin explains. 1“She wants to take the House into the
Windows of varying widths cover the walls, stretch- Abyss - to use its secrets in the Blood War. ”
ing from the floor to the ceiling. Each window looks into DM NOTE:If the PCs open any of the windows in this
a different prime-material world in the multiverse. One room, they simply find themselves looking out of one of
shows the crowded streets of Waterdeep, another looks the House’s towers, high above Sigil’s streets.
THACO 11; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+2 (short sword of quickness A beautiful bathtub with running water occupies much of
+2); AC 8 (Dex bonus); hp 64; MV 12; SA Strength bonus €his room. A fluffy rug, fluffy towels, and a variety of soft
(+1 to damage rolls), innate ability (becomes a lightning bolt sponges and fragrant bath soaps complete the decor. Pot-
at will on a successful Constitution check; causes 6d6 points ted plants hang from the ceiling, giving the place a feeling
of damage per attack and moves at the speed of light); M R of life and vitality.
loo/,; SZ M (5 feet tall); ML fanatic (18);XP 5,000. When the PCs enter this room, Vorina is soaking in
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 12. her tub and appears quite surprised to have visitors
I expecting you?” she asks, rising slightly from the soapy
11 - 18. THETWINS water. Vorina has bright blond hair, blue eyes,
The twins Vorina and Teela and tanned, healthy skin. If
reside in this wing of the
House. These barmies see
FIGURES - AS S @ @ N I the PCs have been injured,
A S Y @ u +RY +e +AKE A B A + ~ ,
all things as they truly are, I+’S @ N E I N + E R R U P + I @ N
ers to help them. She won’t
but in significantly differ-
ent ways. Vorina sees
everything as vital and - VeRINA,
AF’ E * ’ @
leave her part of the wing,
E * ’ won’t oppose her sister (though she
will warn the PCs to avoid
alive, observing the the other end of the
growth of new flesh as it
AS A GReUP w BASHERS wing), and only
replaces old, the flowering of hair BARGES I N discusses Nan in
as it grows longer, and the energy of life that the most general
radiates from all living things. Consequently, way. She’s afraid
she’s happy and upbeat. Teela, on the other that if she makes too much of a
hand, sees everything as dying and decaying. deal of opposing the succubus, she’ll
She can see the life force ebbing with each heartbeat, have to face Nan’s wrath.
the body wearing out with each passing moment. This
makes Teela very moody and dark.
The twins have other powers that go along with these
perceptions. Vorina can heal and nurture the life forces
around her; Teela can quicken the pace of death’s eternal THACO 16; #AT 1; Dnpg ld3 (fists); AC 8 (Dex bonus); hp
march. Vorina will help the PCs if they need it, for she 38; MV 12; SA cleric spells (4 1st-level, 4 2nd-level, 3 3rd-
doesn’t share Nari’s point of view. Her sister Teela, how- level, 2 4th-level, 1 5th-level), innate abilities (createfood
ever, has embraced Nari’s ideals, giving herself over com- and water [three times per day], heal [two times per day],
pletely to chaotic evil. plant growth [three times per day], p u r i j f o o d and drink
[three times per day]); M R 30%; SZ M (6 feet tall); ML
11. V U K l l Y A 3 U C I \ steady ( 1 2); XP 3,000.
This room contains a comfortable stuffed chair, a book- Str 9,-Dex 16, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 17.
shelf full of cheerful books, a large potted plant that
thrives in the comer, and a window looking out upon the
restful plane of Elysium.
Here, I
Vorina’s soft, co fortable bed is piled high with blan-
kets and silky sheets. Ruffles and veils hang from the bed
12. VORINA’S K l T C E N i
This small kitchen has a cooking fire, a fine collection of
posts, giving the bed a very feminine appearance. Dressers,
a closet, a fireplace, and a shaggy rug make up the rest of
pots and pans, a table and chair with a beautiful place set- the furnishings in this cozy chamber. The window looks out
ting, and a larder full of good food. Vorina cooks and eats upon the stacked layers of Bytopia.
her meals here most of the time. She used to venture out to
the main dining hall twice a week or so to visit with the
other residents, but she has given up this practice since
Nari took over the House. Plane. The skeleton of a dire wolf is mounted to a base on
The mirror hanging here reflects the best view of the floor, and a bare wooden chair sits facing the window.
those who gaze into it. It amplifies the viewer’s life force, A bookshelf contains books of a depressing nature, includ-
making him appear more vibrant and alive than he may ing tomes on necromancy and burial techniques.
actually feel at the time. Fact is, if a viewer stares into the
mirror for a full 10 minutes, he feels refreshed; the experi- 16. TEELA’S KITCHEN I I
ence restores ld4 lost hit points (up to the viewer’s normal Like a nightmare version of Vorina’s kitchen, this area is a
maximum). dark reflection of the worst sights and smells of cooking.
Rancid, rotting meat is spread across the black tabletop. y,,vIvIy ,L,:
IIIvLu AC 9; MV 0; SA freezing (drains hehL
Stained and crusted utensils are everywhere. A pqt of foul equal to 4d8 points of damage per round from victims
stew bubbles over a cheerless fire, its top caked with a within 5 feet); SD absorbs heat (a torch makes it double in
brown, unidentifiable crust. size, flaming oil makes it quadruple, fireball-like spells
A mirror in this room reflects images the &ay that make it grow eightfold); SZ S (2-foot-wide patch); Int non
Teela sees them. Bodies look pale and sickly or evtn skele- (0);AL N; XP 15.
tal and rotting, depending on how old or close ta death a
particular viewer is. Just gazing at one’s reflectiou in this
mirror requires a save vs. death magic. Failure ibdicates lnis place IOOKS more like a mortuary than a bedchamber.
that the viewer can’t turn away for ld4 rounds and has be- A fireplace stands in the corner. Six skulls hang from the
come grimly fascinated with his own mortality. At the end mantle, reflecting the firelight from their bone-white sur-
of that time, the character must make another s a w to pull faces. Instead of a soft bed, a large stone slab occupies a
away or be caught by the view for another ld41rounds. portion of the room. Cobwebs hang like curtains through-
Each round that a character is forced to look into ,the mir- out the area, and the smell of freshly turned dirt permeates
ror, the dark glass draws his life energy; the charaqter loses the stale air. The window in this chamber looks out upon a
ld4 hit points every round as his life force slips a-gYay. cemetery on the Gray Waste, where the PCs can see ghouls
Teela’s in t h e kitchen when the PCs arrivk. She’s and other low-level undead wandering about. ,
preparing a special dish for Nari to celebrate the &de into
the Abyss. If she realizes that the PCs have comd to stop
Nari, Teela uses her powers to try to destroy t*m. Her This wide hall features odd statues of monstrous beasts.
fascination with death is a mania, and,she has a/ morbid One’s a weird version of a medusa, complete with three
curiosity about what those who are dying are feel ng. She
asks many questions as she slowly drains the li out of
the PCs.
snake-covered heads and a lizard’s tail. Another has the
body of an owl bear and the head of a mind flayer. One is
a beholder with the body of a stone giant, while another is
Teela won’t say much about Nari, except to remark a winged wolf with six legs instead of four. Windows on
that opposing her is fruitless. “Every new power needs wor- each end of the hall look out upon the caves of Pan-
--en ” P e l a says. L ‘ D - - ~down before Nari or die. demonium, and the constant wind rattles the
other choic panes of glass.
20. SI T
This large chamber features a well-tended
---IC0 18; #AT 1; Ding ld4+1 miniature forest, complete with trees, bushes, and a
(staff of withering); AC 6 (bracers carpet of grass. The ceiling, about 20 feet off the floor,
of AC 6); hp 21; M V 12; SA wizard P
has skylights built into it that let in the light of
spells (4 1st-level, 3 2nd-level, 3 3rd-level, Arborea’s sun. Several statues stand among the trees,
2 4th-level, 1 5th-level); innate abilities though none have bases and all look amazingly lifelike.
(cause light wounds [three times per day], energy This is the domain of the barmy named Gorg Redeyes, a
drain [two times per day], h a m [reverse of heal, once per bariaur with the ability to turn living creatures to stone.
day], vampiric touch [three times per day]); MR 30%; SZ M Gorg considers himself an artist, waiting until a sub-
(6 feet tall); ML champion (16); XP 9,000. ject strikes just the right pose before using his gaze ability
Str 11, Dex 12, Con 8, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 9. to turn the subject to stone. However, the bariaur is also
troubled by the guilt such an act creates within him. He
H agonizes over what he’s done for days in a state of manic
A sunken tub fills much of the tile-covered floor in this depression before sliding over into extreme happiness at
chamber. The entire place looks like a swamp, as molds what he’s created.
and slimes grow across the tiles, over the walls and ceiling, When the PCs arrive, Gorg approaches them in manic
and atop the foul, stagnant water. If the PCs poke around glee and tries to turn as many of them as he can into stone.
in here, they encounter Teela’s pets - a gray ooze and a After two of the PCs have been transformed, his mood
brown mold. swings in the other direction and he becomes severely de-
pressed. He screams at the PCs, shouting one minute for
GRAYO( :THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2d8; AC 8; HD 3+3; them to leave and the next to be punished for what he’s
hp 19; M V 1; SA corrodes metal (chain mail in one round, done. Convinced that Nan’s already a power, Gorg speaks
plate mail in two, magical armor in one round per each of her with great reverence and devotion.
us to AC); SD immune to spells (except lightning bolt) DM NOTE:Area 27 contains two stone to flesh scrolls,
d fire- and cold-based attacks; SZ L (10 feet); Int animal which can be used to restore any PCs who succumb to
); AL N; ML average (10);XP 270. Galkin’s gaze attack.
GORGREDEYES(PL/8 BARIAUR/B3/FREE .EAGUE/CN): to c h a m and illusion spells; MR 25%; SZ M (6 feet tall);
THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg ld4 (dagger) AC 6; hp 13; W 15; ML fanatic (18); XP 31000.
SA wizard spells (2 1st-level), inn: e ability (gaze turns Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12.
flesh creatures to stone [three times per day]); MR 35%; SZ
L (7 feet tall); ML champion (15); XP 975. FIGMENT, SMALL: THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4+ 1; AC 8; HD
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16. 2+1; hp 9; M V 6; SD +1 weapons or better to hit; SZ S (3
feet tall); Int animal ( I ) ; AL N; ML champion (16); XP 120.
Pathways of colorful stone wind FIGMENT, MEDIUM: THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg ld6+2; AC
through this garden room. Flowers 4; HD 5+2; hp 26; MV 9; SD +1 weapons or better
of all descriptions grow in to hit; SZ M (6 feet tall); Int semi (3);AL N; ML
neat little rows among d fanatic (17); XP 420.
the paths, and skylights
in the ceiling provide sun- D A R E +RY
Y ~ U FIGMENT, LARGE: THACO 13; #AT 3; Dmg ld8+3; AC
light from the Arcadian sky. +@ CBPPd3SE rnE? 0; HD 8+3; hp 43; M V 12; SD +2 weap-
This is the chamber of I W A R N wu, ons lor better to hit; SZ L (9 feet tall); Int
Tomin, a tall, wiry, and ($); AL N; ML fearless (19);XP 1,400.
cme2 barmy with long,
I’m m @ R E + H A N ]us+ low
PRE-I-4-y F A C E .
greasy hair. He wears
what appears to be a
black cloak but is actu-
SUCCUBUS tal6 that leads to this corridor of doors,
ally a cloak of they see Nan in the form of a beautiful,
jigrnents. Figments are young, human female. She stands near the
tiny, humanoid shadow locked door farthest fdom their entry point. Read:
creatures - literally, figments of
Tomin’s imagination made real by
the powers of his addle-coved mind. They hang together
from Tomin’s back and arms, forming a cloaklike cape of
moving, chattering beings.
Tomin commands his figments, often sending them
scurrying away from his body to take any shape he can
imagine. If a PC fails to make a successful save vs. rod
when attacked by a figment, the PC believes it to be real,
and the figment can then cause real damage. Each PC must
make his own saving throw; if even one PC fails the roll, 1
the figment becomes real for all. If attacked by several fig-
ments, the PCs must save against each one separately. Nari tries to use her cham? ability on one of the male
Tomin’s figments come in three types: small, medium, PCs. If she succeeds, that character thinks about her for the
and large. Small figments appear as pixies with shark rest of the adventure and turns against his companion
heads, or goblins with tentacles for arms. Medium-sized the final battle. Whether or not Nari succeeds in charming
figments take the form of wolf-headed humans, winged the PC, read:
beetles The size of elves with tooth-filled maws all along
their abdomens, or centaurs with the heads and torsos of “You’ile been tryirzg to ruirz my plaiisfor quire sonzc
tieflings attached to the bodies of red dragons. Large fig- tinzc iiow,” the youizg wowalz says i n a voice thut m&
ments look like cyclopses with tentacles instead of legs, or your pulre race. “You’ll regrer your actions, I prornke you
huge snakcmen with scimitar arms and dagger teeth. that. Soou this House will he niiiie, and rherz I ’ l l f i n d you ull
If Trolan is present, Tomin laughs hysterically. “The pcrmanerlt ploces z r l i r h i ? i ir. With r h t r t , huge b a t ruirlgs
Lady can’t see you here,” he cackles. “She can’r see any of ernerge.froIn her back aild she whispers a word you can’t
us! That’s why Nari’s going to win! I love her!” hear. The f l o a r i i i g globe flushes and the door beside her I
swirzgs O ~ C J Iwirliout a touch. She steps through, aiid the
TOMIN (PL/ c? HUMAN/F7/BELIEVERS OF THE SOURCE/CE): door slams shut before you curl reach ir.
THACO 14; #AT 3/2; Dmg 2d4+1 (broad sword +-I); AC 7
(magical cloak, Dex bonus); hp 49; MV 12; SA Strength The door Nari stepped through locks behind her. Only
bonus ( + I to attack and damage rolls), innate ability (cre- the planariry can open the door. No
areflginenrs calls forth four small figments, two medium physical forcc nor magic - can unlock ir. The PCs must
figments, or one large figment every round); SD immune choose one of the other doors to exit this corridor.
+ 55 +
Beyond the door on the opposite wall, a staircase Searching the boundaries of the room reveals nc
leads up to a landing just outside Area 23. The staircase openings, but the wqlls don’t feel completely s
continues up to another landing, ending at a closed door It’s like touching flest.1 more than
( m a r k l “P” nn the map). can’t be cut o r shadtered, and
PPIN ‘HE BLINDS: If any PCs were charmed by Nari bounce harmlessly away. If a PC
when she watched them in Bloodgem Park (at the start of probably fails - only a remove paralysis spell can awaken
Chapter 111, those characters now feel friendly toward the her. Even then, it on$ brings her around for a few seconds,
succubus and protective of her. While they won’t y
tack their companions, they may take action to pr wake Kay&,
Nari from being harmed - tripping a PC who rushes to
attack Nari, shoving a crossbow aside just as a PC ess shimmers and
fires, and so on.
among plush pillows
d blankets. Any Pqs who fell into a stuIpor also
Kaydi apologizes foriany harm she may pave cau
tells the PCs to hurry Cnd leave before she Fils aslee
23.1 DTRAP
The door to this room opens
However, 2 rounds la er, she goes back to bleep, the
ness returns, and any newly awakened PCsl collapse again.
The group must,escape while Kaydi’ls still awake, as
that’s the only time lwhen the door is vibible. Three PCs
into darkness. If the PCs provide a moving on their own or one PC carrying /another can exit
light source, they see a large, featureless chamber. An om. Sleeping Characters must
older woman lies face down on the floor right inside the stupor effect before t h
door, while a teenaged girl lies curled up asleep in the ten- regain lost Consititution
ter of the room. After all of the PCs have entered the room, of one point per round). If the PCs
the door closes and disappears. They’ve entered the do- hem, the stupor fieEd continues
main of Kaydi, a teenaged human female who’s been in a to affect them.
catatonic state almost constantly since her eighth birthday. If the PCs rescule Bereth, sh
Her claim to the state of power-in-the-making is that her
catatonia extends to the physical world around her, affect-
ing those within its area of influence.
The blankness of her own mind projects to the very
edges of the room. The furniture that actually fills the
room exists in another space, while the emptiness of Kay- her to use in the cere$ony he’s planned for the final scene.
di’s mind has become the reality here. The older woman is SLIPPING THE BLIN~S: If the PCs decide that the
Bereth, the House’s custodian. Nari had Bereth placed here
to keep the custodian from disturbing her evil plans. 1
to this trap is to kill aydi, they have to
sequences of such a action. Of all th
Harbinger House, Ka di is the closest to
Just being near Kaydi puts all of the PCs into a re-
laxed, sleepy state. Every round within the area of Kaydi’s h
sion. If the PCs kill er, they release her life force to be-
influence (a 15-foot radius), the PCs must make saves vs. come a power befork it’s fully ready. This results in a
paralyzation to fight off stupor. On successful saves, char- weaker power, but a power nonetheless 1 - and a power
acters lose only one point of Constitution. Failed rolls indi- very hurt and angry ith the PCs.
cate more substantial losses; how many points are lost de- Kaydi becomes a demipower of sleep pith the foollow-
pends on how close to Kaydi the PCs are. Within a five- ing spell-like abilitiet: deep sleep (functiqhs as a normal
foot circle directly around the girl, a PC who fails a save
loses ld8 points of Constitution. Five to 10 feet distant, the
PC loses ld6 points. At the farthest range of her influence,
ut affects 4d4 Hit Dice of crealyms) and dream
ts ld8+ points of damage Cnd target must
save v5. paralyzation lor fall unconscious for ld4 rounds).
10 to 15 feet, the loss is only ld4 points. When a PC’s Con-
stitution score is reduced to 0, that character collapses into
a deep, sleeplike, catatonic state. Before the stupor claims 1
Before she departs bot Harbinger House arpd Sig
her dream s t m abili to knack unconscigus as
as possible. When the affected PCs awake, ,they’retroubled
all of the PCs, those still awake must figure out how to de-
feat this mind trap. If they all fall asleep, they wake up
bound and gagged in Nari’s ritual chamber (Area 3 3 ) , The bad dreams
by unusual nightma es for the next l d 6 months - the
nightmares experienc d by a power created before its time.
cause^ them to feel frigh
where they’re to be killed as part of her bid for powerhood 1Je DM m y allow t
(the DM should turn to page 60 and proceed with the con- Kaydi and perform sobe service for her in order to end the
clusion of the adventure). nightmares and ease their troubled minds.)
If EXL If Kaydi does beculrlr d puvver, the
focrux protects her from the Lady of Pain’s notice. A prop- bowl of food has beqn contaminated with a mild acid. If
erty of Sigil itself, however, affects powers who somehow PC is splattered with a bowl of a
ld4 points of dama .
wind up in the city. They feel pain that starts as a dull ache
but builds to intolerable levels within ld4 hours, at which 4
ust leave the rade to escape the pain. 27. Y r L IU,LL,2N
This kitchen is used by the Godsmen caretakers to pre
meals for the barmies under their care. Currently,
20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; AC 10; hp 6; M v 12; Godsman (P1/8 half-elf/O/Believers of the Sour
ate ability (stuporfield);MR 15%; SZ M ( 5 feet tall); charmed by Nari - and three dretches work to
average (9); XP 65. food fight supplied with ammunition. Stopping the
Str 7, Dex 8, Con 8, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 13. duction of more meals will severely hamper the effo
Y 2 I. HI
s long room with its basin of running water is where
Godsmen caretakers wash the clothes and bedding this room. He’s a chaotic fellow by nature - paranoi
used by the barmies residing in the House. Colored dyes neurotic, plagued by indecision and fear - and he can‘
have been added to the water, and sheets and clothing make any decisions without consulting the dice he alwa
hanging from lines around the room have been washed in
the rainbow water. Now they look like chaotic f l a s , much i o m is
keeping with Nari’s world view. factols of the Believers of the Source; the opposite
The other significant feature of this room is the dead lined with mirrors. The mirrors distort whatever is r
y floating in the water - a female Godsman, Sougad’s in them, paralleling the way Chance sees the world a
twelfth victim. Her face has the now-familiar cast of fear, him. One mirror reduces images, another makes i
and she was killed by 12 slashes of a large blade. In addi- taller. One shows images as wider and thicker than
tion to the usual parchment note, he used her blood to truly are, while anothcr shows them thin and insubstantia
scrawl a message across one of the rainbow-stained sheets. The mirror in the far corner is actually a secret door
It reads: “Chaos is the only power, purified in the blood of leads to Chance’s bedchamber. To use it, a character
law.” simply step into the mirror.
Chance carries a pair of four-sided dice, and he
1 them whenever he needs to make a decision that will
The addle-coves who reside in the House (and aren’t nor- only himself (for example, “Should I take a bath?”). An
mally confined to their rooms) take their meals here. Cur- odd roll makes him act to his own benefit, and an even ro
rently, a dozen barmies are engaged in a winner-fake-all makes him act against his better interests.
food fight, spurred on by a pair of pathetic dretcbes. The However, if Chance needs to make a decision
PCs can try to break up the chaotic conflict or simply might affect someone else, he asks that person to
move on. If they enter the room, they become targets for “odds or evens” before he rolls the dice. For exam
whatever culinary delight is at hand. Most of the fbod Chance wants to kill the PCs to help Nan shift
doesn’t cause any damage when it hits a target, House into the Abyss - a course of action
though some heavy bowls could inflict as h-
definitely affect others (namely, the PCs).
much as ld2 the PCs amve, he picks one as his fir
target, asks that PC to
choose be&ee
odds or even
and rolls the dice. If the @NE Q u f S f I @ N , BERK - 3pens a hollow divination stick and
number comes up in the ‘ D e I f € € L LUCKY?’ pulls out a rolled-up scroll that was
PC’s favor, he leaves that
cutter alone (for the mo-
ment) and movcs on to an-
hidden inside. “I won thisfrom
him playing cards. He wasn’t
R@LL H I S D I C E too happy about it - he’s
other. If the dice fall in his favor, a real sore loser - but I
Chance does his best to put the los- 1 won it, yes 1 did. It’s mine
ing PC in the dead-book. H O W . The scroll details the steps of the
Chancc has a few innate pow- ritual that Sougad and Nari hope will turn
cis that help him. First, he’s extremely lucky. them into powers. Chance won’t surrender the
All game-related die rolls made for Chance receive a +4 scroll, but the PCs can try to win it from him in a
7: bonus, and all die rolls made against him suffer a -4 game of dice or give him a “lucky” item in exchange. By
penalty. Second, he projects a field of bad luck that affects reading the scroll, the PCs can learn the steps of the ritual
those within it (except himself). Every character within 15 as presented in “The Dabk of the Murders” (see page 17 in
feet of Chance must make a save vs. wand before r I).
every round. A failed save indicates that wherever the PCs ask Chahce about Nari, he admits that her
thing can possibly go wrong, it does. A PC slips an can’t work. “Na , the House
face-first to the floor, loses his grip on a weapon, pulls the Abyss,” he sneers. “Th Lady won’t 1
wrong spell components from a pouch, etc. - somefhing don’t know it’s happe ing, what ca
always happens to spoil the PC’s action for that rounb. thing about the focrux. t hides the
If the battle goes badly for Chance, he dives thdough If asked about the f o c T x , Chance says, “Id’s a big globe
the mirror to hide in his secret room. If the PCs follow; they that changes shape and lhas stars inside it. Skugad says its
find him rolling his dice over and over, trying to dkcide energy can make him a bower. ”
If the PCs get Chance to trust and talk to the (he’s 32. NARI’S BEDCHAMBER
very receptive to things that improve his odds, incl ding
gifts of lucky coins and such), he reveals that Souga vis-
ited recently and took a few handfuls of leeches w i d him.
Nari has decorated chamber to her liking, filling it
with plush pillows, willowy silks, and candles of all de-
scriptions. She’s here w p n the PCs enter Arqa 33, donning
However, he can’t recall if it was an hour ago, a ago, her most fiendishly re$al garb in preparation for the up-
or a week ago. If the PCs press him about ance coming ceremony.
+ 59 +
the Abyss.
bols glow with a faint, evil light. In the center of the room, enough manes from the Abyss to grab the group’s atten-
a large globefloats about 10 feet above thefloor. The globe, tion. As soon as the fiends and the PCs start fighting, the
almost 15 f e e t across, appears to be made of deep-blue commotion brings Nari, wearing her true form, out of her
stone, perfectly round and smooth. Thirteen sods, bound chamber. She hurries toward the focrux, a long sword in
and gagged, are tied to stakes in a circle around the globe. one hand and the planarity in the other. The planarity re-
Each sod has a dvferent number of slashing wounds, and acts to the larger globe and vice versa. Read:
all appear to be alive - barely.
As the succubus approaches the floating globe, a
The symbols are all marks of chaos and evil, with storm of energy rises to the surface of the globe and begins
quite a few representations of the icon of the Abyss (the to dance within it. Spiky protrusions emerge from the sur-
infinity symbol pierced by a downward arrow). The globe face, j u t as f a r as two feet from the globe, then plunge back
is the focrux, a larger version of the planarity that Nari, into the stormy depths. The smaller globe floating j u s t
Sougad, and the Godsmen believe is the heart of the above the succubus’s hand reacts in the same manner, mir-
House. It projects an aura that blocks the probing presence roring the actions of the larger globe.
of the Lady of Pain and her agents; as long as it remains
intact and operating, the Lady can’t sense what Nari is try- Nari begins to sing a chaotic chant, and all the
ing to do. barmies throughout the House that she’s charmed or other-
60 +
and, posing a s the Lady, commands Trola
to stop. ‘‘Iam here, she says. “Now, in
Having seen Trolan attempt to destroy the focrux, the PCs Trolan’s not going to &rest the glowing sword from any-
might try to do it themselves. However, the focrux can only one’s grip and plunge it into himself, However, PCs who re-
be destroyed by magical weapons. To strike it, a PC must alize what’s going on might choose to do so (or try to con-
hit an Armor Class of 4. No damage rolls are necessary; in- vince Trolan that it’s necessary to prevent Sougad’s ascen-
stead, the globe makes saving throws to see if it’s shattered sion). In any case, if Trolan is killed with the law slayer, he
by the blow. The base saving throw is 4, modified by the becomes a lesser power of peace and love. (The details of
weapon’s enchantment. For example, if a +2 weapon hits the event are the same as in “The Sword Slays Sougad,”
the focrux, the saving throw is modified by 2, increasing above - his body dies, the focrux explodes, and the Lady
from 4 to 6. With each successful hit, the DM must roll the arrives to kill the cross-traders and cast the new power out.)
focrux’s saving throw number or higher for the globe to re- Before he leaves the Cage, Trolan uses his newfound
main intact. A failed roll indicates that the focrux shatters. abilities to smother the negative emotions and end the
If the globe is destroyed, Harbinger House is no longer fighting; Crimjak and any surviving manes return peace-
protected from scrying, and the Lady of Pain instantly be- fully to the Abyss. Trolan thanks the PCs for their aid and,
comes aware of the situation. Read: with a sorrowful expression, departs Sigil. He knows the
Lady won’t tolerate his presence in her city, and he won’t
The large globe shatters i n an explosion of sharp
push the issue. Instead, he’ll go in search of a plane where
shards, bright colors, and cascading energy. A pillar of
he can establish a realm and pine for the Lady in peace.
light fountains up from the spot and crashes through the
DM NOTE: Trolan’s last act before leaving Sigil is to
roof, revealing the overcast sky of Sigil. A shadow moves
dissuade the cultists gathering in Bloodgem Park; see
across the opening, its corners sharp and cutting. It’s the
“Stopping the Cultists”
shadow of the Lady of Pain.
Everyone in the chamber takes 4d10 points of damage
from the explosion and the flying shards (save vs. breath
weapon for half damage). The slashing gaze of the Lady of If Nan manages to get the glowing sword and use it on her-
Pain kills Nari and Sougad - those who dared grasp at self, all it does is kill her; she doesn’t possess the required
powerhood - but never falls upon the PCs, Trolan, Crim- spark of divinity common to the spell-touched barmies of
jak, or the manes. Harbinger House. The same thing happens if an ambitious
Once the deadly shadow passes, Crimjaks too scared PC plunges the sword into himself (or Crimjak, one of the
to do anything but return to the safety of the Abyss. If the bound sods, or even a manes). The energy stays locked
PCs let him, he flees through the appropriate set of double within the blade, waiting for a power-to-be to release it.
doors; if the PCs continue to attack, Crimjak fights with However, Sougad tries to get the sword back so he can use it
manic fury until he can escape through the doors. The DM on himself; if he’s successful, events proceed as in
can have the mindless manes either follow the cambion or Sword Slays Sougad,” above.
remain in the chamber to fight until slain. I
SLIPPING THE BLINDS:If either Sougad or Trolan be-
comes a power before the focrux is destroyed, the new
power is not killed. Instead, when the Lady arrives, she If the PCs defeat Sougad without destroying the focrux,
casts the offending being out of Sigil, as powers are not al- they still must deal with Nan (if she’s still alive), Crimjak,
lowed to walk the streets of the Cage. Nothing can be done and the manes. Nari isn’t really a major threat, especially
to prevent this; in Sigil, the Lady’s will is absolute. once her plans are revealed to be futile. She can’t become
a power or get the House to slide into the Abyss. She tries
to flee back to her home plane through the double doors,
fighting to the death if necessary.
The PCs can prevent Sougad from completing his ritual by Crimjak, on the other hand, can be extremely danger-
attacking the barmy or otherwise keeping him occupied. ous, and he fights wickedly at Nari’s side. However, if
However, if Sougad is left alone for even one round, he Nan’s dead, he has no reason to stay and fight; if she flees,
plunges the glowing sword into himself, opening a spiritual he likewise sees no point in sticking around. Without Nan,
conduit. Sougad’s mortal body dies, and the focrux ex- the cambion tries to return to the Abyss through the
double doors. The DM can have the manes decide to follow understanding if everything else turned out well (and imme-
Crimjak back to their home or stay and fight the PCs to the diately begin work on a new globe). However, if Sougad be-
bitter end. comes a power, no Godsman will sleep well ever again.
Ambar also demands the return of the planarity. If the
PCs try to keep it, eventually the dabus themselves sur-
S+@PPING +HE CUL+IS+S round the party and “ask” for its return (using symbol-
pictures). After the trouble caused by Nari, the dabus don’t
While the PCs are trying to bring events to a satisfactory want such a powerful item in the hands of anyone but its
conclusion in Harbinger House, Kedd and the other mem- rightful owner.
bers of Those Who Court the Lady are preparing to conduct As for Narcovi, she’s satisfied with any solution that
another public ceremony in Bloodgem Park. brings Sougad to justice. She’s shocked if told about Nari’s
After the final battle, if Trolan is still alive, he agrees secret plans and grateful to the PCs for their role in stop-
to go with the PCs to the park, where he can dissuade the ping the succubus. Narcovi thinks that any talk of barmies
cultists. Remember, Trolan saw Nari change into the Lady becoming powers is a lot of swamp gas, but she’s ex-
of Pain and realizes he was tricked into starting the cult. tremely nervous if told that Sougad completed his ritual.
Although he still loves the Lady with all his heart, he DM NOTE:If Sougad’s sword wasn’t used to make any-
doesn’t want anyone to die for his love. The cult is dis- one a power, it should be taken as far from the focrux as
banded before anyone else is killed. possible. The Godsmen want to see if it will transform
If Trolan was transformed into a power during the Trolan or some other power-to-be, but Narcovi wants the
battle, his task is even easier. Before he leaves Sigil, he uses thing destroyed or thrown into a very deep hole. Its fate is
his abilities to turn the cultists’ hearts away from the Lady. up to the PCs; they can abide by the dictates of Amhnr,
However, if Trolan died in the final battle or was killed Narcovi, or their own consciences.
back in Curst, the PCs must try to stop Kedd and the cultists
on their own. In addition to making persuasive arguments
(judged by the DM or by successful Charisma checks at -101, S+@RY AWARDS
the PCs can use the planarity to prove Nari’s role in the
scheme. The small globe records and stores images. By hold- For successfully saving Trolan, defeating Sougad, and
ing the planarity in his palm and concentrating, any PC with stopping Nan’s plans, the PCs receive the gratitude of the
a Wisdom of 14 or greater can cause the item $0 “replay” Believers of the Source, the Harmonium, and the dabus. In
some of those images - including that of Nan shapechang- future adventures, they can count on one or two small fa-
ing into the Lady of Pain. vors (healing, information, gate keys, etc.) from each of
SLIPPING THE BLINDS:If the PCs are un- these groups.
able to use the planarity or don’t even The PCs also receive experience points based on the
think of trying it, the DM can have outcome of the adventure in addition to regular XP
Factol Ambar accompany them to the awards. The DM should grant story awards as follows:
park and cause the item to replay
the desired images. SAVING ONE OF SOUGAD’S 13 VICTIMS:
The PCs split 3,000 XP for each victim saved.
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