Humblewood- Shock in Stormcrag
Humblewood- Shock in Stormcrag
Humblewood- Shock in Stormcrag
Concepts: Ricardo Evangelho, Jordan Richer, Interior Illustrators: Josiah Cameron, Emory Kjelsberg,
Verity Lane Brendan Lancaster, Marzena Piwowar, Alyse Stewart
Writers & Game Designers: Jordan Richer, Verity Lane Art Director: Brian Scott Walters
Editors: Jordan Richer, Sebastian Yūe Graphic Designer: Madison Pflance
Cover Illustrator: Brendan Lancaster Project Manager: Verity Lane
Cartographer: Ricardo Evangelho Producer: Ricardo Evangelho
June 2024
Humblewood: Shock in Stormcrag is Copyright © 2024 Hit Point Press Inc., 2487 Kaladar Ave., Unit 213, Ottawa, ON, K1V 8B9,
Canada. All rights reserved. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Hit Point Press Inc. in Canada, US, and other
countries. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express permis-
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This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards ofthe Coast LLC and available at The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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Shock in Stormcrag 1
Part 1: The Stolen Sorcerer
Flashcrest Mountain built from rough-hewn blocks of the local
gray stone. The outer part forms Arlo’s parlor,
& Haver’s Cliff where he cooks and entertains guests. The
The western peninsula of the Stormcrag
inner chamber is Arlo’s bedroom. The walls
region of the continent of Wesden is
inside the house are painted with cheerful
renowned for the many thunderstorms that
murals depicting the mountains, wildflowers,
cluster around Flashcrest Mountain’s peak.
and the people of Haver’s Cliff. Outside is a
The storms’ power magically filters down
small garden where Arlo grows local vegeta-
through the stone and causes strange crystals
bles and herbs for brewing healing potions.
to grow in the caves below.
Signs of Struggle. When the party
The village of Haver’s Cliff lies on the
arrives, the wooden door to the house stands
coast at the foot of Flashcrest Mountain. The
open, knocked off one of its hinges. A
people here have used the glowing lightning
successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation)
crystals to light their homes for generations,
or Wisdom (Survival) check reveals translu-
but they know little about them. Haver’s
cent scales caught on the door’s edge. With
Cliff is a humble settlement. Homes are
a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception or
made from mountain stone; some are carved
Survival) check, a creature can spot scrapes in
directly into the cliffside. Most people make
the soft mud near the house as if something
a living fishing on the Spellsea or trading
large dragged away someone with hooves.
medicinal mountain herbs with the prosper-
Following these tracks leads the party to the
ous town of Cleave to the west.
entrance of the Flashcrest Caves.
The people of Haver’s Cliff are friendly,
Inside the House. There are more signs
though visitors are rare here, so the party’s
of Arlo’s kidnapping inside. The house is
arrival attracts attention. Any NPC in
divided into two rooms by a wooden door
Haver’s Cliff can point the party toward Arlo
that now lies splintered on the floor. There
Greenwool’s home, which sits at the village’s
are smears of mud on the soft woolen rug in
northern edge. If asked about Arlo, the
the parlor, and a wooden table with a vase of
villagers share that Arlo is a sorcerer, empha-
flowers has been knocked over. A clay water
sizing that he is their friend regardless of his
dish with the name ‘Bromeliad’ carved into
magical peculiarities. If asked to describe
it has spilled its contents on the floor. A
him, they note that he is the only person
successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation)
around with purple horns. The villagers are
check reveals two potions of healing (greater)
proud that Haver’s Cliff has its very own
inside a wooden cabinet.
sorcerer, which the much larger settlement
Scared Pet. In the bedroom, Arlo’s pet
of Cleave that is further down the coast
beetle, Bromeliad (noncombatant), hides
doesn’t have. The people of Haver’s Cliff
among the blankets that have fallen from the
have a deep-seated rivalry with Cleave, which
bed. Bromeliad is scared, shaking its shiny
they feel looks down on them. Sadly for the
orange wing casings. If the party uses the
village’s pride, most people in Cleave don’t
speak with animals spell or similar methods,
even know where Haver’s Cliff is.
Bromeliad conveys that it was sleeping on
Arlo’s Home Arlo’s feet when huge monsters burst into
Arlo Greenwool’s house stands just within the bedroom and snatched Arlo up in their
sight of the rest of the village of Haver’s Cliff. slimy, dripping jaws. It does not know that
It is partially cut into the rock of the cliff that the monsters are called orephidians but does
gives the village its name and partially know they dragged Arlo away to the nearby
Flashcrest Caves.
2 Shock in Stormcrag
Part 2: Flashcrest Caves
The caves where the orephidians make their
Alyse Stewart
Arlo Greenwool,
Sorcerer of Haver’s Cliff
Shock in Stormcrag 3
Ricardo Evangelho
The following areas correspond to This small grotto is where Arlo often came
the Flashcrest Caves Map. to commune with the orephidians and the
1. Entrance caves. He carved the figures in the forms of his
friends in Haver’s Cliff as an offering to the
The entrance to the cave is a crack magic of the cave, wishing for the well-be-
in the gray stone wall of the cliff that ing of his community. A successful DC 15
rises steeply above you. The prickly Intelligence (Arcana) check to examine the
scent of ozone fills the damp air inside crystals reveals that they once held elemental
like the promise of a thunderstorm. A energy but have been drained recently.
scrap of blue woolen cloth is caught on Arlo also painted the images of the
a jagged rock at the entrance, moving orephidians on the cave wall. If the party saw
in a breeze as if being blown in and out the murals inside Arlo’s house, they recognize
by the breath of an enormous beast. that these paintings are by the same artist. A
successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation)
check reveals that the paint is old and flaking,
The cave mouth is a 15-foot-wide opening and the images were clearly painted years ago.
in the mountainside. The blue cloth was torn
from Arlo’s tunic as the orephidians dragged 3. Snaking Tunnel
This 100-foot-long tunnel is the hunting
him into the caves. The air movement is a
ground of fizzar slimes. The slimes can be
natural phenomenon.
detected with a successful DC 14 Wisdom
2. Grotto (Perception) check, which reveals something
slimy shifting in dark crevices in the walls. A
In a small alcove lay dozens of carved
creature that fails to notice the fizzar slimes is
crystals; tiny crystal caprans, jerbeens,
surprised in the first round of combat.
and birdfolk. All the crystal figures are
Combat. As the party passes through
a dull, smokey gray. There are long,
middle of the tunnel, three fizzar slimes*
sinuous creatures painted in white on the
seep out of the walls. One emerges in front of
cave wall behind the pile of figures.
the party, and one emerges behind them. The
third sticks to the ceiling above the middle
4 Shock in Stormcrag
of the group. The slimes attack, aiming to Fighting the Orephidians. If the party
prevent their prey from escaping. attacks or causes the creatures to become
Treasure. If the slimes are defeated, a hostile, the orephidians work as a team in
lost piece of Fizzar technology can be found combat. If one of the orephidians is killed,
inside the remains of one of them. This is a the other attempts to flee toward area 3. It
single boot of levitation. The other boot can won’t flee toward area 5 as it is more scared
be found in area 8. of the corrupted orephidian that lairs beyond
A glob of telepathic goo* can be harvested than it is of the party.
from each of the dead fizzar slimes, which Befriending the Orephidians. The
characters can realize with a successful orephidians won’t attack the party unless the
DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana or Nature) or party attacks them first. They are scared but
Wisdom (Survival) check. not hostile. If the party attempts to commu-
4. Orephidian Chamber nicate with the orephidians with magic, tele-
pathic goo*, or other methods, the orephidians
A pair of long, lizard-like creatures convey the following information:
with bodies ridged with purple fronds l A strange device has transformed their
are coiled in a tangle at the edge of brother into a ravenous monster.
a dark pool of water. You can see the l They are hungry. The lightning crys-
steady pulse of their internal organs tals they usually eat have become
through their translucent skin. As the dull and foul.
two creatures sense your presence, they l The pair brought Arlo here to aid them,
rear up and hiss, turning their eyeless but the corrupted orephidian captured
faces toward you. The slightly larger him before he could help.
one places itself between you and the l They will guide the party to the
smaller one defensively. corrupted orephidian’s lair, but they won’t
fight their brother.
These are two of the lightning orephid-
ians* that live in this cave system. Since
the corrupted orephidian began voraciously
absorbing energy from the cave’s light-
ning crystals, the other orephidians
have begun to starve. The color of
their purple frills is dulled and they
are lethargic. This pair kidnapped
Arlo Greenwool, hoping he could
help free their brother from the
Fizzar technology. A character that
succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence
(Nature) check knows that orephid-
Emory Kjelsberg
Lightning Orephidian
Shock in Stormcrag 5
5. Flooded Chamber 6. Blocked Passage
This tunnel has been blocked by a rockfall
At the rear of the cave, the floor and is entirely underwater. There is a tiny gap
slopes away dramatically as a pool between the tumble of rocks. Purple light
of dark water fills the space under shines through from area 9, which is generated
the low, jagged stalactites. There is a by the corrupted orephidian there. Peering
faint glimmer of blue light within the through the gap with a successful DC 16
watery depths. Wisdom (Perception) check, which is made at
disadvantage, a character can see into area 9.
Orephidian Guides. The orephidians from
Areas 5, 6, 7, and 8 are flooded with cold water.
area 4 can pass through a tiny gap. They indi-
Orephidian Guides. If the party
cate the hole to the party, not understanding
befriends the orephidians, the creatures lead
that it is too small for them to pass through.
them to the pool and indicate that they want
Moving Through. If the party wishes
the party to follow them into the water.
to pass through this tunnel, they must find
Thanks to their amphibious nature and
a way to dislodge the rocks and make a
the fact they don’t rely on vision, orephid-
hole large enough for them. This can be
ians can easily navigate the watery areas of
accomplished with magic or physical means.
their home.
Moving the rocks requires a successful DC
Onward. Once the party enters the
20 Strength (Athletics) check. A creature
flooded chamber, they have a choice
without a swimming speed makes this check
between three paths. To the east is a wide
with disadvantage.
dark tunnel (area 6). In the center, there is
Alerting the Corrupted Orephidian. If the
a tunnel that has a bright blue light steadily
party disturbs the rubble to make a way through
glowing further inside (area 7). To the west,
to area 9, the vibrations alert the corrupted
there is a narrow dark tunnel (area 8). If the
orephidian* there. It becomes aware that they
orephidians are guiding the party, they swim
are approaching and can’t be surprised.
toward area 6.
7. Laser Tunnel
Cave Swimming
Navigating the flooded portions of the As you enter this tunnel, the source
caves is difficult for most characters. of the mysterious blue glow comes into
Movement. The water-filled tunnels sight. A beam of dazzlingly bright light is
are difficult terrain due to the irreg- being bounced and split down the length
ular spikes of rock and crystal that a of the tunnel as it hits shining purple
creature must navigate around. Each crystals, forming a net. The beam’s source
foot of movement costs 2 extra feet for lies somewhere out of sight around a
creatures without a swimming speed sharp bend. It hurts to look at the light,
or 1 extra foot for those with a swim- and the water here is far warmer than the
ming speed. biting chill in the other tunnels.
Vision. The water is filled with murky
silt, causing the entire waterlogged area This tunnel is 10 feet wide. It extends for
of the cave to be lightly obscured unless 20 feet before narrowing to 5 feet wide as it
otherwise noted. turns back on itself and extends another 20
Magic. A creature that is holding its feet. From there, it widens to 10 feet again
breath can only cast one spell with a verbal for another 15 feet. Unlike the other tunnels,
Alyse Stewar
component before it starts to suffocate. this one is made from worked stone, though
it is overgrown with large crystals.
6 Shock in Stormcrag
Josiah Cameron
Laser Trap. The beam of light is also be damaged and destroyed. It has AC
produced by an ancient Fizzar mining laser 18, 75 hp, immunity to poison and psychic
activated by the recent magical activity in the damage, and resistance to fire damage. If a
caves. In the past, it was directed at the solid creature within 5 feet of the laser hits it with
rock wall to expose the valuable elemental a melee attack, the creature must succeed on
crystals. In the centuries since, the device a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check to aim
has slipped and shifted so that now its beam the attack carefully and avoid setting off a
is refracting through the crystals, forming a magical discharge of energy. A creature that
dense and dangerous obstacle. fails its check takes 3 (1d6) radiant damage
Touching the Beams. When a crea- and drops all items it is holding. When the
ture touches a laser beam, it takes 5 (1d10) laser is reduced to 0 hit points, it explodes,
radiant damage. An object that touches a releasing a shockwave that deals 7 (2d6)
beam automatically takes full damage unless thunder damage to all creatures in area 7 and
it is made of crystalline or reflective material, pushes them 10 feet away from it.
in which case the beam passes through it or 8. Deadly Dead End
reflects off it harmlessly. This area is filled with water. The 75-foot-
Bypassing the Beams. A creature can long tunnel narrows considerably, and
safely swim through the net of laser beams Medium creatures must squeeze at points
by succeeding on three DC 16 Dexterity 8a and 8b to continue forward. The tunnel
(Acrobatics) checks. Each time a creature fails eventually opens out into area 8c, which is a
one of these checks, it touches a beam and dead end. Here, the roof of the waterlogged
takes 5 (1d10) radiant damage. The beams tunnel raises slightly, creating a tiny pocket
can also be safely reflected with a mirror or of air above a 3-foot-wide ledge of rock just
similar item. large enough for one Medium creature to lie
Deactivating the Laser. A creature prone on while squeezing. The air lasts for 1
attempting to switch off the laser must minute before a Medium or smaller creature
first come within reach of it. The laser is a begins to suffocate, and if two creatures are
5-foot-wide device that shoots a concentrated here, the air only lasts for 30 seconds. There
beam of radiance. The laser is located at 7a is no way forward from here.
on the map. A successful DC 16 Intelligence Treasure. On the ledge of rock is the
check allows a creature to find the right matching boot of levitation to the one found
switch to deactivate the laser. The laser can in area 3.
Shock in Stormcrag 7
Part 3: Lair of the Orephidian
9. Fizzar Mine Chamber Unlike its siblings, the corrupted
orephidian is highly aggressive. It attacks
You break the surface of the water any creature it senses, particularly focus-
and emerge into air crackling with ing on ones that wield magic items or that
electricity. This large cavern is partially have their own magical powers. It also tries
made of worked stone, but the east to prevent anyone from freeing Arlo or
wall has crumbled into a pile of rocks. disrupting the connection between them,
The space is illuminated by the lines of which takes the form of a crackling line of
crackling power that writhe through purple energy.
the air, drawing energy from glowing Stuck Sorcerer. Arlo is restrained by the
purple crystals to a creature similar magical line of power connecting him to the
to the ones you encountered before orephidian and has two levels of exhaustion.
in the center of the chamber. You can The connection also allows the corrupted
see a disc of light glowing in its throat orephidian to use its Galvanizing Aura trait
through its translucent skin. The crea- against Arlo from a range of up to 25 feet.
ture raises its head and roars at you, Freeing Arlo ends the connection between
sending out a spray of acidic spittle, him and the corrupted orephidian and this
which fizzes on the stone by your feet. effect. A creature can free Arlo from the line of
Behind the monster, an elderly capran power by using its action to make a successful
slumped against a stalagmite is held DC 16 Athletics (Strength) check to wrench
in place by one of the bright lines of him free or by casting dispel magic on him.
magical energy that seems to be pulling Removing the Cadence Channeler
power from him to the creature. If freed, Arlo tells the party that the
orephidian is being affected by something
lodged in its throat. The corrupted orephid-
This chamber was once a major mining
ian* won’t willingly allow the cadence chan-
site for the Fizzars. Unlike the other areas,
the floor here is even and smooth, except for neler* to be removed from it. The party can
attempt to reach into the creature’s throat
large stalagmites that have grown up over
to grab the magic item, but it requires at
centuries due to the water dripping from
least two people to succeed on the following
the ceiling. One wall collapsed long ago,
blocking off access to the deeper areas of the checks in the same round. The first must
succeed on a DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
mine. Add another tunnel here if you want
check to pry open the corrupted orephidian’s
to continue your adventures in the caves
beyond that are not described in this booklet. jaws, and the second must succeed on a DC
16 Strength (Athletics) check to reach in and
Overpowered Orephidian. The
corrupted orephidian* is powered up by the rip the cadence channeler* out. Each time a
cadence channeler* it ate. As long as the cadence creature attempts either of these actions, it
channeler* is lodged in its throat, the orephid- takes 5 (2d4) acid damage from the orephid-
ian is driven to consume immense amounts of ian’s secretions. If the orephidian is incapac-
power, directly absorbing it into the device. It itated, restrained, or grappled, both checks
has already drained most of the lightning crys- are made with advantage, and if it is uncon-
scious, the checks automatically succeed.
tals in other areas of the cave of their power.
If the cadence channeler* is removed from
Now, it is consuming the last of the energy
the corrupted orephidian while it is still alive,
from the crystals here and the arcane lifeforce
the orephidian can’t use its Wild Energy action,
of Arlo Greenwool*, the capran sorcerer.
and it fights until the end of its next turn.
8 Shock in Stormcrag
Then, it collapses and immediately suffers four
levels of exhaustion from the loss of energy The creature collapses, and the
concentrated in the magic item. lightning surrounding it fades. The
glowing light within its throat inten-
sifies and flashes red. A moment later,
The creature’s sparking frills flop
you are blasted with a searing energy
and go dull. As if in slow motion, the
pulse as whatever was inside the crea-
entire length of its body slumps to the
ture destroys itself.
floor, coil by coil. It is still breathing,
drawing in ragged gasps of air.
Treasure. If the cadence channeler’s*
autodestruct is activated, the party can still
Arlo’s Plea. Arlo wants to help the
salvage the item. However, it won’t function
corrupted orephidian overcome the injuries
as a magic item until it has been repaired by
it received in the fight and from the cadence
someone with sufficient understanding of
channeler*. If the party kills the orephidian
Fizzar technology.
despite Arlo’s pleas, he begins to weep, and
Arlo’s Tears. If the party kills the
once they return to Haver’s Cliff, he won’t
orephidian in combat, Arlo weeps as he
speak with the party.
cradles its head in his lap. He thanks the
Treasure. If the party retrieves the
party for rescuing him but wishes that
cadence channeler* from the orephidian while
the orephidian had survived. If the party
it is still alive, they can keep the magic item.
retrieves the cadence channeler* from the
Arlo asks that they take it far from here but
orephidian’s corpse, Arlo asks that the party
requests that they be cautious about using it
take it far from here.
after seeing what it did to the orephidian.
Killing the Orephidian
Autodestruct. If the orephidian is killed in
combat while the cadence channeler* is still
lodged in its throat, the item’s autodestruct
activates. Fizzars were often highly
protective over their work and didn’t
want their devices falling into the claws
of rivals, so many of their technologies
explode if the attuned user dies. At the
moment of the corrupted orephidian’s
death, the cadence channeler* begins to
glow white hot, burning out through
the creature’s skin. As a concussive wave
of energy pulses outward, each creature
within 20 feet of the corrupted
orephidian must make a DC 19
Constitution saving throw,
Marzena Piwowar
Corrupted Orephidian
Shock in Stormcrag 9
If the party defeated the corrupted Where to Next?
orephidian without killing it and rescued Arlo mentions that he has an old arma hedge
Arlo, the journey out of the cave is guided friend named Monzon [they/them] in the
by the other orephidians, who help pull Arlo city of Halara in the Tanglewilds who studies
through the flooded sections. Arlo joins the ancient technology. He asks that the party
party when they leave, noting that he needs take the cadence channeler* to them and send
herbs from the village to nurse the corrupted word back to him with any information they
orephidian back to health. learn about what can be done to prevent any
A crowd of villagers has gathered outside similar devices that might be deeper in the
the cave, and they erupt with joy at seeing mines from affecting the orephidians. He
Arlo. His good friend Tuli Sandslip rushes to gives the party a letter explaining the situation
embrace him. Arlo thanks the party for their to take to Monzon. If the cadence channeler*
aid. Although the town has little to offer the was damaged, Arlo mentions that they might
party as a monetary reward, they throw a be able to repair it. If Arlo can’t deliver this
party to celebrate the return of their friend. information, it can instead be provided by
Over the next few days, Arlo is able to Wess Ironwing, Haver’s Cliff’s stonemason.
help the corrupted orephidian regain its
strength, though it has been forever changed Onward to Humblewood 2
by its encounter with Fizzar technology. If this is your first time playing in Everden,
Without their energy being drained by the check out the Humblewood Campaign
corrupted orephidian, the crystals regain Setting and Humblewood Tales. These two
their purple glow as the storms recharge their books have everything you need to start
elemental power. The orephidians can again your journey.
eat the crystals and no longer come into the There is much more to explore in
village to gnaw on houses. Stormcrag, the Tanglewilds, and other
If the party killed the orephidian and parts of Wesden. You can continue your
rescued Arlo, Arlo’s friends quickly sense his adventures in the world of Everden in
somber mood when they meet him outside Humblewood 2: Beyond the Canopy,
the cave. The villagers offer the party a place coming soon! To get a headstart,
to stay for the night and any promised join the playest on our Patreon at
rewards, but they make no effort to encour-
age them to stay any longer than they need.
If Arlo did not survive, the villagers
are distraught at the loss of their friend.
They thank the party for trying to save him,
but the mood in Haver’s Cliff is bleak. The
party is sent on their way with any promised
rewards, but they do not earn the admiration
of the villagers.
Alyse Stewar
10 Shock in Stormcrag
Stat Blocks
Arlo Greenwool is an elderly capran sorcerer. The leftover creations of an order of ancient
He was born in the village of Haver’s Cliff. artificers called Fizzars, these slimes possess
Arlo’s powers manifested around the time his limited telepathic ability and can transmit
horns began to grow. His horns are made of the thoughts they detect to those who come
purple crystal, similar to the lightning crys- into contact with them. This ability was
tals that grow in the caves near his home. amplified by Fizzars of old to transmit their
Arlo has always been content to use his thoughts to one another over great distances.
powers to help his community rather than
to seek glory or adventure. He is well liked Fizzar Slime
and respected by the people of Haver’s Cliff. Medium ooze, unaligned
Arlo is a gentle and thoughtful person, if Armor Class 8
very absentminded. He often seems to be Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft.
listening to music no one else can hear and
nodding along contentedly to the beat of the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
world itself.
15 (+2) 6 (–2) 15 (+2) 5 (–3) 6 (–2) 16 (+3)
Arlo Greenwool
Damage Resistances acid, bludgeoning, psychic
Damage Immunities lightning, slashing
Medium humanoid
( ), capran neutral good Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
exhaustion, frightened, prone
Armor Class 10 (16 with barkskin) Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28) passive Perception 8
Speed 30 ft. Languages —
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Amorphous. The slime can move through a space as
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Spider Climb. The slime can climb difficult surfaces,
Saving ThrowsCon +4, Cha +5 including upside down on ceilings, without needing to
make an ability check.
SkillsInsight +5
Limited Telepathy. The slime can detect the thoughts of
Sensespassive Perception 13 creatures within 60 feet of it, though it can’t communicate
LanguagesBirdfolk, Capran, Eluran, Terran with them. The slime can relay any thoughts it detects to
Challenge3 (700 XP) a creature touching it for as long as that creature remains
in contact with the slime. If the slime has split, the slimes
Helping Hoof (2/Day). When Arlo uses the Help action that arise from it maintain a psychic link and transmit the
and the check or attack he is helping with fails, the thoughts they detect between themselves as long as they
creature making the check can reroll if Arlo is within 5 feet. are on the same plane of existence.
The creature must use the new result. Resonance. When a slime is subjected to psychic or
Power Absorption (2/Day). When Arlo takes damage from bludgeoning damage, each creature within 5 feet of the
a spell or magical effect, he can halve the damage he takes. slime must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or
take 4 (1d8) psychic damage.
Power Distribution (2/Day). When Arlo hits with a spell
attack, he can deal an extra 3 (1d6) lightning or force damage. Actions
Spellcasting. Arlo is a 6th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 4
attacks). He knows the following spells: (1d8) psychic damage.
Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, light, mending,
message, shocking grasp Reactions
1st level (4 slots): create or destroy water, detect Split. When a slime that is Medium or larger is subjected
magic, entangle, thunderwave to lightning or slashing damage, it splits into two new
2nd level (3 slots): barkskin, enhance ability, gust of slimes if it has at least 10 hit points. Each new slime has
wind, ray of enfeeblement hit points equal to half the original slime’s, rounded down.
New slimes are one size smaller than the original slime.
3rd level (3 slots): meld into stone, protection from
energy, vampiric touch, water breathing
Crystal Horns. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus
3 (1d6) lightning damage, and, if the target is a creature,
it must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.
Shock in Stormcrag 11
Lightning Orephidian
a a
L ,
arge monstrosity unaligned
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 45 (7d10 + 7)
Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
a a
12 (+1) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 3 (–4) 14 (+2) 6 (–2) Large monstrosity, unaligned
Challenge 3 (200 XP)
14 (+2) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 3 (–4) 14 (+2) 6 (–2)
Amphibious. The orephidian can breathe air and water.
Slender Form. The orephidian can move through any Skills Acrobatics +8
opening a Tiny creature can fit through. Damage Resistances acid, lightning
Actions Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 12
Multiattack. The orephidian makes two bite attacks.
Languages —
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 5 (1d10) Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
acid damage.
Electric Zap (Recharge 5–6). The orephidian discharges Amphibious. The orephidian can breathe air and water.
crackling electricity in a 30-foot-radius sphere. Galvanizing Aura. Any creature that starts its turn
Underwater, this radius increases to 60 feet. Each creature within 5 feet of the orephidian takes 4 (1d8) lightning
in this area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, damage, and the orephidian regains hit points equal
taking 13 (3d8) lightning damage on a failed save or half as to the damage taken.
much damage on a successful one. Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If the orephidian fails a
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Slender Form. The orephidian can move through any
LIGHTNING opening a Tiny creature could fit through.
OREPHIDIAN Multiattack. The orephidian makes two bite attacks and
Orephidans are slender reptilian creatures uses its Wild Energy..
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
with translucent skin. They live their whole Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) acid damage.
Wild Energy. The orephidian uses one of the following
lives in darkness, so they have no eyes actions at random:
but rely on other senses to navigate their 1. Binding Bolt. The orephidian forces one creature within
60 feet of it to make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw.
subterranean world. Thanks to their acidic On a failure, it takes 9 (2d8) lightning damage and is
saliva, they can consume magical crystals and restrained until the end of the orephidian’s next turn.
2. Lightning Blast. The orephidian casts lightning bolt
ores, which infuse their bodies with different (DC 16 Dexterity saving throw).
3. Overloaded Zap. The orephidian discharges crackling
types of elemental energy. The orephidians electricity in a 30-foot-radius sphere. Underwater, this
that live in the Flashcrest Caves eat lightning radius increases to 60 feet. Each creature in this area
must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking
crystals and thus are infused with lightning. 18 (4d8) lightning damage on a failed save or half as
much damage on a successful one.
12 Shock in Stormcrag
Magic Items
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon
This glowing metallic disc is designed to This dull green glob from a fizzar slime can
be worn on the chest. The Fizzars created grant a creature limited telepathic abilities.
it to allow anyone to become a sorcerer by When you split the glob in half, you and
absorbing the natural magic of the world. another creature can communicate tele-
Spells. When you first attune to the pathically with each other over any distance
cadence channeler* choose three 1st-level while you hold half the glob and remain
spells, two 2nd-level spells, and one 3rd-level on the same plane of existence. You do not
spell from the sorcerer’s spell list. While have to share a language to understand
wearing the cadence channeler*, you cast each each other, but some creatures may only be
of these spells once per day without material able to communicate in simple images and
components. You use your choice of either emotions. Once the goo has been split for
your Constitution or Charisma as your spell- 12 hours or if it is split again, it dries and
casting ability for these spells. You must have crumbles into dust.
been attuned to the cadence channeler* for at
least 24 hours to cast these spells.
Cadence Channeler
Sorcerers. If you are a sorcerer, you
gain an additional benefit. While wearing
the cadence channeler*, you can regain 1d4
sorcery points when you take a short rest.
Once you have used this feature, you
can’t use it again until you finish a
long rest.
Magic Draining. The cadence
channeler* constantly drains
magic from its surroundings. If
you are attuned to other magic
items, whenever you finish a
long rest while attuned to the
cadence channeler*, you must
roll a d100. On a result of 5
or lower, one of your other
Brendan Lancaster
Shock in Stormcrag 13
Enter the World of
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Humblewood: Shock in Stormcrag Copyright © 2024
3 04369 86732 9 Hit Point Press Inc. Printed in USA.