Biomechanics (Kinetics and Kinematics)

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Biomechanics: kinetics

and kinematics
Presenter: Sana Rai (MPT 1st Year)

Guide: Dr. Suvarna Ganvir (PhD)

Department of Neurophysiotherapy

D.V.V.P.F’s College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar

•Introduction to biomechanics


• -Types of forces

- Inertial forces

-Work, energy and power



-Rotational and translational motion

-Osteokinemetics and Arthrokinematics

Basic Biomechanics

…the body as a living machine for locomotion…


Statics Dynamics

Kinetics kinematics

Osteokinematics Arthrokinematics
What is biomechanics?

Bio Mechanic

- The term biomechanics combines the prefix bio, meaning “life,”

the field of mechanics, which is the study of the actions of forces.
-In biomechanics we analyze the mechanical aspects of living
- It is the study of the mechanics as it relates to the
functional and anatomical analysis of the human body.
- Statics: involves all forces acting on the body being in
balance, resulting in the body being in equilibrium.
-Dynamics: involves the study of systems in motion
while unbalanced due to unequal forces acting on the
v Mechanics :
- Dynamics-moving systems
1. Kinetics-
- Examines the forces acting on the body
during movement and the motion with respect
to time and forces
2. Kinematics-
- A branch of biomechanics that describes the
motion of a body without regard to the forces
that produce the motion
What is kinetics?

§ Kinetics is the study of motion under the action

of forces.

§ Forces that cause, arrest, or modify motion in a


• Gravity

• Muscles

• Friction

• External resistance
vThe effect of forces on the body
Ø Force
- Any action or influence that moves a body or influences the movement of a
- Forces “control” movement of the body

Muscle contraction Gravity

Tension from ligaments An external load

Muscle lengthening A therapist applying resistance or a free-

weight for resistance training
- A force is describe as a push or pull exerted by one object or
substance on another.

- Whether a body or body segments is in motion or at rest depends

on the forces exerted on that body.

- Any two objects make contact, they will either push on each other
or pull on each other with some magnitude of forces.

- Force = (mass)(acceleration)

- The unit of force in the SI unit is the newton (N) the unit in the US
system is the pounds(Ib)
- Excessive tissue deformation due to mechanical
loading may result from
• Tension (stretching or strain)
• Compression and distraction
• Shear
• Bending
• Torsion (twisting)
- Tension stress (or tensile stress) occurs when two forces pull on
an object in opposite directions so as to stretch it and make it
longer and thinner.

-The primary load a muscle experiences is a tension load.

-When the muscle contracts it pulls on the tendons at both ends,
which stretch a little. So the tendons are under tensile stress.
Compression force
- Compression pushes or presses an object so as to make it
shorter and thicker.

-Tension and compression stress are both sometimes

referred to as axial stress because the forces act along a
structure's longitudinal axis.
Distraction force
- A net force that moves a bony segment away form its
adjacent bony segment is known as distraction force.

- A distraction force tends to cause a separation between

the bones that make up a joint.
Shear force
-Shear force is two forces acting parallel to each other but in
opposite directions so that one part of the object is moved or
displaced relative to another part.

- Shear causes two objects to slide over one another this results, in

- If one vertebra is being caused to slide relative to another then

there is a shear stress between them.
Bending and Torsion
-Bending is a loading mode results in the generation of
maximum tensile forces on the convex surface of the bent
member and maximum compressive forces on the
concave side.

- Torsion is when forces acting on a structure cause a

twist about its longitudinal axis.
- The strength of rotation produced by a
force couple is known as torque.
- The internal and external forces acting at
a joint
- The rotational equivalent of force
-Torque(τ ) = (MA) x (F)
Mechanics :
- Amount of matter that a body contains.
- Property of matter that causes it to resist any change of
its motion in either speed or direction.
Inertial Forces
- Kinematics and kinetics are bound by Newton’s second
law, which states that the external force (f) on an object is
proportional to the product of that object’s mass (m) and
linear acceleration (a): f = ma

-Mass is a measure of inertia.

-Resistance to a change in motion.

Work, Energy, and Power
- Work is defined as the force required to move an object a
certain distance (work = force x distance)
- The standard unit of work in the metric system is a joule(J;
newton x meter).
- Power is defined as the rate of work is being done
(power = work/time).
- The standard unit of power is a watt (W; watt=newton
- The energy of a system refers to its capacity to perform
- Energy has the same unit as work (J) and can be
divided into potential and kinetic energy.
- While potential energy refers to stored energy, kinetic
energy is the energy of motion.
-A force that is developed by two surfaces.

- Frictional forces can prevent the motion of an object

when it is at rest and resist the movement of an object
when it is in motion.

- The values for the coefficient of friction depend on

several parameters, such as the composition and
roughness of the two surfaces in contact.
What is kinematics
- kinematics is defined as the study of motion without
regard to the forces that cause that motion.

-Involves the time, space, and mass aspects of a moving


- The description of motion :

• Osteokinematics: the manner in which bones move

• Arthrokinematics: movements occurring between joint

Kinematics - Types of Motion
Ø Translatory – Movement of a body in which all of its
parts move in the same direction and distance and at the
same speed
1. Rectilinear motion = straight line motions (sliding
2. Curvilinear motion = curved line of motion (the motion
of a ball when tossed)
ØRotatory motion
- The arc of motion around a fixed axis of rotation or a
“pivot point” .
- Joints have “pivot points” which are used as reference
points from which to measure the range of motion
(ROM) of that joint.
-To define joint and segment motions and to record the
location in space of specific points on the body, a reference
point is require.
-The three dimensional rectangular coordinate system is used
to describe anatomic relationship of the body.
-The origin of the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis of the coordinate
system is traditionally located at the center of mass (CoM) of
the body.
- The option for movements of a segment are also
referred to as degrees of freedom.
- Three imaginary planes are arranged perpendicular to
each other through the body, with their axes intersecting
at the center of gravity of the body.
- These planes are called the cardinal planes of the body.
Motion of bones through a range of motion relative to
the 3 cardinal planes of the body and around the axis in
that joint
• Frontal or Coronal
• Sagittal or Median
• Horizontal or Transverse
Osteokinematics: Fundamental Motions
- Manner in which adjoining joint surfaces
move in relation to each other or how they fit
- helps to improve the movement of the joint
Ø Parts may move in:
•The same direction
•The opposite direction
Fundamental Movements: Joint
- Roll
Multiple points maintain contact
throughout the motion
- Slide
A single point on one surface contacts
multiple points throughout the motion
- Spin
A single point on one surface rotates on a
single point on the other surface
Roll & Slide Mechanics
Ø Convex on Concave
- When a convex joint surface moves on a concave joint
- The roll and slide occur in opposite directions
ØConcave on Convex
- When a concave joint surface moves about a stationary
convex joint surface
- the roll and slide occur in the same direction

Jonathan D. Chappell

Background: Altered motor control strategies in landing and

jumping maneuvers are a potential mechanism of noncontact
anterior cruciate ligament injury. There are biomechanical
differences between male and female athletes in the landing phase
of stop jump tasks. Fatigue is a risk factor in musculoskeletal
Hypothesis: Lower extremity muscle fatigue alters the knee
kinetics and kinematics during the landing phase of 3 stop-jump
tasks and increases an athlete’s risk of anterior cruciate ligament
Study Design: Controlled laboratory study.
Methods: Three-dimensional videography and force plate data
were collected for 20 recreational athletes (10 male and 10
female athletes) performing 3 stop-jump tasks before and after
completing a fatigue exercise. Knee joint angles and resultant
forces and moments were calculated.
Results: Both male and female subjects had significantly increased peak
proximal tibial anterior shear forces (P = .01), increased valgus moments
(P = .03), and decreased knee flexion angles (P = .03) during landings of
all 3 stop-jump tasks when fatigued. Fatigue did not significantly affect
the peak knee extension moment for male or female athletes.
Conclusion: Fatigued recreational athletes demonstrate altered motor
control strategies, which may increase anterior tibial shear force, strain on
the anterior cruciate ligament, and risk of injury for both female and male
Clinic Relevance: Fatigued athletes may have an increased risk of
noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injury.
1. KINESOLOGY The mechanics and pathomechanics of human movement

2nd edition By- Carlo A.Oatis.

2. BRUNNSTROM’S clinical kinesiology 5th edition by- Laura K. Smith,

Elizabeth L. Weiss, L. Don Lehmkuhl

3. JOINT STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION A Comprehensive analysis

5th edition By- Pamela K. Levangie , Cynthia C. Norkin.

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