DR Azma Article 2
DR Azma Article 2
DR Azma Article 2
, 9(SPL2), 83-87
Received on: 02.10.2018 Flight baggage handlers are highly exposed to risk factors associated with
Revised on: 14.12.2018 musculoskeletal disorders. It is a grave issue that needs to be highlighted
Accepted on: 17.12.2018 since the aviation industry in Malaysia is continuously growing to support
ongoing demand. Hence it is imperative to have an efficient working practice
Keywords: to smooth the entire airline operation. This study aimed to i) identify an as-
sociation between heavy lifting with musculoskeletal disorders among flight
baggage handlers; and ii) determine the association between age with lower
The flight baggage han-
back pain prevalence among flight baggage handlers. The data were collected
using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ), daily observation
Musculoskeletal disor-
and informal interviews. Findings of this study demonstrated that the major-
ity of bag handlers in the study area suffer from musculoskeletal disorder
Nordic Musculoskeletal
(MSD) problem caused by their daily routine work. The most affected body
parts of these workers are lower back, upper arm and shoulder whereby
Occupational health
more than 60% of the workers have reported suffering from MSD symptoms
in these body parts. It is evident from this study that the prevalence of MSDs
among airport baggage handlers is high. Thus an effective MSD prevention is
highly essential. Prevention of MSD in the workplace requires a strong com-
mitment between the employer and employees within an organisation. The
employer is fully responsible in providing a safe workplace, a sound ergo-
nomic principle and proper training on health and safety for all employees.
ther temporarily or permanently, among the bag- ramp employees work on shifts of about eight
gage handlers (Saudi et al., 2017). It is vital for the hours per shift. Baggage handlers, however, are of-
aviation industry to commence a sound strategy to ten required to work overtime, particularly during
overcome these problems. peak seasons.
Aviation industry plays an important role in devel- The questionnaire survey was carried out on the
oping the Malaysian economy and helps to boost following scheduled dates to get as many respond-
the growth of other economic sectors such as tour- ents as possible to participate in this survey:
ism, hospitality, education, and global trade. The
25/5/2017 (Thursday): 1st shift, 2nd shift and 3rd
dynamicity of the Malaysian aviation industry
showed rapid growth in the passenger traffic for
both domestic and international travelling. In con- 26/5/2017 (Friday): 4th shift, 5th shift and 6th shift
sequence, Malaysia is currently the 18th largest
27/5/2017 (Saturday): 2nd shift, 4th shift and 6th
civil aviation market in the world in terms of air
passenger traffic; in 2014, Malaysia contributed to
Structured Questionnaire
1.5% of the world’s passenger traffic. During the
last decade (2005 to 2015), the volume of passen- The questionnaire was divided into three sections
ger traffic at all Malaysian airports grew from 7.2% as follows:
and exceeded 83 million passenger flow by the end
• Section A: General questions
of 2015 (CAPA, 2017). The increment in passenger
• Section B: Locations and tasks that are most
volume is due to the growing popularity of Malay-
likely to cause injury
sia as an Asian travel hub and the rising of Kuala
Lumpur as one of the international financial cen- • Section C: Musculoskeletal discomfort based
tres (De Beck and Herman, 2000). on Nordic Musculoskeletal questionnaire to
assess musculoskeletal symptoms.
In the aviation industry, aircraft ground handling is
a must-have service required by all aircraft follow- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ing their arrival at the terminal gate. One of the ser- Heavy lifting is associated with musculoskele-
vices offered through ground handling is baggage tal disorders among baggage handlers
handling operation. A baggage handler is responsi-
26% of respondents failed to perform any stretch-
ble for loading and unloading passenger baggage,
ing exercises prior to working as the activity was
parcels, as well as commercial postal freight mate-
not made compulsory by their supervisors (Table
rials for both inbound and outbound flights (Daw-
3). When further questioned about the state of
son et al., 2009).
their health, 76% of respondents have experienced
The nature of baggage handling activity exposes any kind of health problems resulting from their
workers to various health and safety hazards, po- daily task as a baggage handler and 66% respond-
tentially leading to work-related MSDs. Further- ents reported having injuries that reduced their
more, baggage handlers are also subjected to vari- ability to handle baggage. The most common injury
ous job hazards, including difficult weather condi- area was the shoulder (74%), followed by the back
tions, as they are required to cover all working (66%), upper arms (54%), neck (40%), and the hip
ground in the airport as well as inside the aircraft. (26%). These findings confirm that heavy lifting is
A summary of the manual handling activities in the associated with musculoskeletal disorder con-
airport is listed in Table 1. sistent with previous studies (Dell, 1997; Dell
Due to the gravity of this problem, the study was 1998; Gangopadhyay and Dev, 2014; Gasibat et al.,
aimed to i) identify if heavy lifting is associated 2017).
with MSD among baggage handlers; and ii) deter- Manual work location and tasks likely to cause
mine whether age is a factor for the prevalence of injuries
lower back pain among baggage handlers.
In Section B of the questionnaire, respondents
MATERIALS AND METHODS were asked to rank locations and nature of their
tasks according to the safety, from the highest to
Data Collection
the lowest risk. The four locations identified (Table
50 respondents out of 138 ramp employees who 4) were: i) tarmac area outside the aircraft; ii) bag-
are baggage handlers at one of the aviation compa- gage room; iii) inside the compartment of narrow-
nies in Malaysia were recruited in this study. The bodied aircraft, and iv) inside wide-body aircraft
baggage handlers were predominantly male, with bulk hold.
a ratio of 90:10 (male=124: female=14) and were
directly involved in the handling of passenger bag- 46% of respondents experienced an injury while
gage and cargo items at the tarmac area. These working inside the compartment of the narrow-
bodied aircraft while 34% of respondents experi- In addition, respondents were also requested to
enced an injury while working in the tarmac area. rank in order the nature of manual baggage han-
Another 18% experienced an injury while lifting in dling tasks from least likely to most likely to cause
the baggage area while the least injury location injury onto baggage handlers. The four main tasks
was inside the wide-body aircraft bulk hold (2%). identified were: i) lifting baggage handling off from
conveyor belts into baggage trucks; ii) lifting bag-
gage from baggage trucks directly into aircraft; iii)
© Pharmascope Publications | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 85
Ahmad Shakir Mohd Saudi et al., Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 9(SPL2), 83-87
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