FatigueRiskManagementinAviation v4
FatigueRiskManagementinAviation v4
FatigueRiskManagementinAviation v4
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Šárka Hulínská on 27 January 2017.
The objective of this article is to introduce the concept of Fatigue Risk Management
supported by ICAO and EASA and an analysis of current issues in this area. The FRM
System has become a closely watched management system mainly due to a fact that lack of
knowledge about fatigue and related dangers has led to several aviation accidents and
incidents. The article addresses main definitions related to issues of fatigue with regard to air
transport, describes the main elements of FRM and describes approaches to risk management
in aviation. Later it is dealt with the matters of non-introduction of the FRM into the
operation, on which basis it might be possible to implement the basis of FRMS into the
operational processes of airlines.
Fatigue, impact, management, model, risk
JEL classification: L930, R410, M140
At first, it is important to explain why fatigue is being discussed. In recent years, fatigue has
become a real concern for most of the air operators. Due to the estimated doubling of air
transport by 2020, a lot of focus is being given to fatigue. Fatigue is a state caused by
performing comprehensive and highly responsible tasks that should be seen as a clear
operational risk, because it reduces both attention and performance. Management of risks
caused by fatigue of flight crews can contribute to increasing the level of aviation safety.
In recent years, management systems have been implemented to areas of safety, but also to
other areas that could negatively affect operations of aviation organizations. Using safety
management systems, risks are being mitigated, however new threats emerge. That applies to
fatigue as well, as it had not been understood well and had been hard to measure until
recently. Employed strategies for fatigue management begin to provide solution for individual
employees and organizations to better deal with this threat and related risks.
Fatigue has been mentioned as a factor for several accidents and serious incidents. For
example, Colgan Air flight in 2009, Air India Express in 2010 or Air Berlin in 2012, when the
crew requested emergency landing in Munich due to extreme fatigue of pilots. In 2007, an
aircraft with 288 passengers on board came off the runway in Iceland when landing. The
investigation showed that fatigue was to blame. All these accidents and incidents set
requirements for a new way of thinking in regard to safety management. One of the main
features of such new approach in aviation is that all organizations involved share
responsibility for minimizing risks and increasing safety. Each organization and each
employee contributes to increasing safety by sharing information about safety events. Wise
stakeholders can then learn not only from their own mistakes, but also from the mistakes of
others. [1]
The danger associated with an aircraft comes out of its own nature: it is dangerous simply
because it is flying. Pilots cannot just stop in mid-air, they are not able to change (not
counting doubled or boosted crews), they are responsible for every single passenger travelling
on board and in case of long-distance flights they are influenced by changes of time zones (jet
lag). Furthermore, the pilots are under great pressure from their employers, which try to
maximize their profits by applying maximum possible workload on their fleets and crews
while keeping the costs down. During the boom of aviation, pilots’ work was highly rated and
respected. [9] Nowadays, the pilot is considered as a simple “mean” for making money for
aviation organisations. Due to all those facts the workload is increasing inadequately thereby
increasing the risk of fatigue. [10]
Apart from mitigating the risks of fatigue the advantages of the FRMS are:
a) Reduction of number of incidents and accidents related to mistakes caused by fatigue,
which might be connected to the financial costs or impact on the operator’s reputation.
b) Reduction of insurance costs, since some insurance companies might lower the
insurance premium in cases where the operator proves the existence of functional
FRMS in their organisation.
c) Reduction of number of crew absences connected to fatigue.
d) Recruiting and keeping crew members through the use of ”fatigue friendly” lists,
providing better working conditions.
The main reason for not implementing FRMS into the operation of aviation organisations is
the insufficient preparedness. Lack of understanding of the fatigue issues relate to that. Of
course it is necessary to evaluate the economic indicators, on which management bases its
decisions. Fatigue is commonly considered to be marginal risk, which is not necessary to be
managed, especially among low cost airlines.
Uncertain safety policy of the aviation organisations is closely related to the above mentioned.
Frequently, the whole concept of safety policy is unknown. An operator does not follow
regulations in because of uncertain safety policy and due to inadequate control, he is not
forced to follow them.
To the lack of feedback relates also the issue of not exploiting ”just culture”. Just culture is a
company policy, which encourages employees to report any situation, which had or possibly
could have had an effect on reduction of level of safety. Nobody is punished for such reports,
unless the reported event is caused by gross negligence, intentional misdeed or destructive
acts. It applies to operators as well.
Operator’s license revocation or imposition of a fine might discourage operators from
reporting any mistakes. Therefore, it is highly important to encourage development of an
environment, where the occurrences are reported. To support such approach, it might be
useful to introduce preventive measures. It is not easy to admit, that we made a mistake,
however if any such experience is shared, it might contribute to increase of safety of aviation.
People should communicate and share their experience, because each experience is unique.
Every single piece of information should be taken seriously and it should be used for the good
of the society. Incorporating such concept is, on the other hand, quite difficult, because
current way of thinking is still based on punishing the person responsible for the mistake. The
concept of ”just culture” is important for overall development of processes and general
understanding, where self-reports and feedback is used for improving the whole system. The
more we know, the safer the organisation is.
The next problem concerning not implementing FRMS in the organisations is imbalanced use
of science. In a scope of an organisation, there is either no research or too much of a research
that does not pursue any concrete goal. Outcomes are then based on too much theory or
insufficient understanding of the issue.
Final reason for not implementing FRMS is the lack of resources. FRMS requires initial
investments in areas such as conducting various studies, application of biomathematical
models or increasing the number of employees. On the other hand, introducing FRMS brings
along a lot of advantages (described in chapter 3). This increases prestige of the organisation
and enables the possibility of lowering the costs of insurance.
In general, it is difficult to assess one’s own level of fatigue. Human being can not very well
evaluate whether the situation, when he is unable to react safely, has already arisen. Human
body works in 24-hour cycle and it is programmed to sleep at night and being awake during
the day. Person who works at night is predetermined not to achieve good quality of sleep
during the day.
The aim of FRMS is to mitigate risks of fatigue at all observed levels. To achieve such goal,
we exploit knowledge about fatigue applied to concrete situations. It is however impossible to
entirely eliminate fatigue. There are a few different tools to eliminate risks of fatigue. The
basic one is sleep, but sleep cannot satisfy all parties concerned, especially the airlines.
Fatigue should be also treated as an operational risk. It is an extremely difficult task, mainly
because it is hard to manage something, what cannot be measured. Risks connected to fatigue
require special tools and methodologies that might determine productivity of the crew.
With the gradual development of science in the matter of fatigue, a new development within
the scope of FRMS and biomathematical models can be expected. Biomathematical models
bring information about the level of risk connected to fatigue. It is up to every single operator,
how they treat the information gained through modelling. The model outcomes might be used
to improve crew planning, to confirm accuracy of already prepared plan, to establish
predictions of individual fatigue, for performance measurement, for training and during
investigation. It also suggests using strategies, which help to manage risks. It is important to
realize, that using biomathematical models introduces certain financial demands. The results
of modelling usually bring information about the insufficient number of employees, who are
usually heavily occupied with workload. On the other hand, proper implementation of FRMS
into organisation might help to find out, how the fatigue affects performance and how to
eliminate fatigue. Such elimination can take form of, for example reduction of number of
accidents, i.e. increase in safety and decrease of additional costs related to accidents.
This paper was supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague,
grant No. SGS15/172/OHK2/2T/16.
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[2] IATA, ICAO, IFALPA, „Fatigue Risk Management System, Implementation Guide
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