Eng 10 - Study Guide
Eng 10 - Study Guide
Eng 10 - Study Guide
Evaluating messages At the end of the course, the students will
and/or images (e.g. be able to:
pictures, illustrations) of
different types of texts
reflecting different • Evaluate multimodal texts critically to
cultures (regional, Asian enhance receptive (listening, reading,
viewing) skills
Western, etc)
1. What is the message? • Convey ideas through oral audio-
2. What is the purpose of the visual, and/or web-based
Week 7 to presentations for different target
message? audiences in local and global settings
Week 8 3. How is the message using appropriate registers Adopt
conveyed by the text awareness of audience and context in
and/or image? presenting ideas
4. Who is the target
audience of the
5. What other ways of
presenting the message
are there?
Communication Aids and At the end of the course, the students will
Strategies Using Tools of be able to:
• Convey ideas through oral, audio-
visual, and/or web-based
Communication for various presentations for different target
Week purposes: audiences in local and global settings
10 to 1. to obtain, provide, and using appropriate registers
disseminate information
Week 12
2. to persuade and argue
• Adopt awareness of audience and
context in presenting ideas
• Create clear, coherent, and effective
communication materials
• Present ideas persuasively using
appropriate language registers, tone,
facial expressions, and gestures
Communication for Work At the end of the course, the students
Purposes will be able to:
(e.g healthcare, education,
business and trade, law, media, • Create clear, coherent and effective
science and technology) communication materials
Week 13 to • Present ideas persuasively using
Week 15 appropriate language registers,
tone, facial expressions and
• Adopt awareness of audience and
context in presenting ideas in
communicating ideas
Communication for Academic At the end of the course, the students
Purposes will be able to:
(e.g. research-based journal or
Week 16 to magazine article, etc.) • Write and present academic papers
Week 18 using appropriate tone, style,
conventions and reference styles
• Adopt awareness of audience and
context in presenting ideas