Essay 1 Instructor Feedback

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Experiment has merit but use of genre conventions in the essay are not executed to the benefit of the

experiment / findings. The introduction needs to explicitly cite research, the methods section needs clearer
organization and use of past tense, the results section needs to analyze and not simply report results, and the
discussion needs greatly expanded to interpret the results and incorporate more research as support. References
need corrected. Review the IMRaD handout and the peer-reviewed papers that you used to discern better how
to write each section of the paper. 
Genre Competence  
Style, Grammar, MLA,
Controlling Idea/Purpose   Evidence   Audience Awareness    (Experimental Research G
and the Writing Process  
Style is somewhat
appropriate for the
assigned genre and
14   audience. Text appears
  to have not been
Text seems confused about proofread and edited.
the purpose of the research Paragraphs and/or
14   paper genre, though the sections are not well
Text mainly presents a  
  purpose is moderately structured; topic
thesis statement that Text presents evidence
Text presents accomplished. Text reveals sentences are weak;
reveals a claim that stems from the experiment but
from the findings of the not sufficiently from  language somewhat  inappropriate to the results of the student’s evidence from the
experiment. Text presents outside sources (4 are the designated audience. Text offers experiment and one source, experiment and sources
somewhat inappropriate amount although the essay has too is weak, and paragraphs
ideas, but the ideas do not needed) for the thesis
of summary and details given the much detail of the experiment loosely connect to the
consistently further the statement, to the extent
audience and purpose. Author uses and not enough support from stated thesis statement.
author’s purpose. Thesis that not all the selected “I” to report his/her experiment and the other three sources. MLA format is incorrect
statement mostly reveals evidence furthers the overly uses “you.”  Evidence of a in many places, and the
information gained author’s purpose. 
misunderstanding of the title of the essay does
through an experiment. 
needs of the audience and not clearly overview the
how the genre works for the topic of the essay.
author’s purpose.   Author does not present
an appropriate amount
of quotations,
paraphrases, and
summaries for the length
of the assigned essay. 

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