SD Leaflet

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Didactic Situation

Being on a remote teaching, your 9th grades have been assigned to carry out a project. Their task is to design a leaflet to advertise
a place of interest from Moldova. What criteria will you include in your assessment rubric? Bring some arguments.

N Steps Criteria Content

1. Defining the Give Analyzing the proposed situation I have defined some problems:
problem found in argumentation 1.Some students have poor digital competences
the proposed on the timeliness 2. Choosing correctly a digital tool and selecting the template for writing a leaflet
situation of the issue 3. They encounter difficulties in the process of storing , collecting and processing
addressed in the information for writing a leaflet
context of the
2. Explanation of Demonstrates The integration of digital products into the curriculum has been occasioned by the
the notion knowledge and changes produced at the European and national level. My target is to encourage students
derived from the application of to present learning responses in digital format. Leaflet- a piece of paper, or several pieces
proposed educational of paper folded together, that gives information or advertises something.
background. policy
documents in the
context of the
identified in the
3. Justification of Refers to The relevance of the identified problem consists in the fact that The evaluation of a digital product
the identified relevant will follow the same criteria as the evaluation of a traditional product. A digital paper created by the
student can be graded on the basis of an assessment grid(rubrics) according to the specific competences
problem bibliographic
sources / linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic and (pluri- / inter-) cultural competence and the corresponding
demonstrates competence units. The teacher will carry out the evaluation of the categories relevant to oral production
and / or written communication, such as:
knowledge of the
mastery of the phonological system, mastery of vocabulary, breadth of vocabulary, grammatical
literature and accuracy, fluency, coherence, or thematic development.
substantiation in
the context of the
4. Contextualization Identifies and National Curriculum for Foreign Languages, grades V-IX presents:
of the problem at presents its own SC 4. (Pluri- / inter-) cultural Competence: Integration of the specific cultural features of the allophone
country in contexts of intercultural communication, expressing empathy / tolerance and acceptance of
curriculum level model for
cultural diversity
(competență, solving the CU 4.1. Determination of factual information and main ideas in literary/non-literary texts of the
unitate de problem, in the allophone cultural heritage.(9 form)
competență, context of the CU 4.3. Evaluation of the contribution of other cultures to the development of the culture of origin and
unitate de proposed vice versa.
conținut și clasa), situation. CU 4.6. Application of explicit criteria to compare cultural aspects specific to the allophone country and
the country of origin.
după caz și altor
The issue is directly met in- Educational Policy Documents:
documente de 1. Teacher’s guide
politici 2. National curriculum reference framework
educaționale 3. Evaluation Reference of specific Competences to pupils
(instrucțiuni, Use of Language
ghid, programe, To provide and request information
• To structure ideas in a logical sequence
• To express interest
metodologice, To express emotions, feelings, and attitudes
metodologii etc.) To recommend
în care se reflectă • To compare
problema To express pleasure, and surprise
respectivă. Activities
 Development of digital photo / video collages.
 Presentation of a public discourse on cultural issues, using photo and digital resources.
 Production of messages / letters / commercials, using multimedia resources
 Clear and reasoned presentation of personal opinions during thematic discussions.

Concrete outcomes (school products):

• Individual and group projects.
• Presentations in traditional and digital format.
• Leaflets
• Commercials / digital ads.
• Cultural and linguistic portfolios in traditional and digital format.

5. Listing 2-3 Demonstrates, in  National curriculum reference framework

bibliographic the context of  Evaluation Reference of specific Competences to pupils
sources or arguments, the  Council of Europe. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning,
Teaching, Assessment. Companion volume with new descriptors (2018). Sursa:
authors that application of
address the given student-centered  Beacco J-C., Byram M., Cavalli, M., Coste, D., Cuenat M. E., , Goullier F., Panthier J., Guide for
problem principles. the Development and Implementation of Curricula for Plurilingual and Intercultural Education,
ISBN 978-92-871-8234-02016 (2016).

6. Presentation of Demonstrates To solve this problem I recommend the following assessment rubric:
the own model of knowledge of the
solving the notions and
problem: 2-3 contents specific
relevant methods to the discipline.
that ensure the
solution of the
problem and a
for colleagues
This assessment rubric will help me to evaluate my students’ digital product-the
7. Argumentation Demonstrates The proposed model is relevant and correlates with the principles focused on student. The
that the proposed consistency in main purpose is to develop the student's personality. Applying the proposed problem-
model is relevant the succession of solving model, the teacher implements the basic principles of student-centered learning:
and correlates ideas, - grants the right to choose the means and resources to provide arguments when
with the correctness in expressing his opinion;
principles of expression, - gives the possibility to study for self-realization through project activities (example:
student centered logical, ____________________________________)
approach convincing, - teaches students to think and express their opinions on their own, based on arguments
reasoned. (which will help to avoid manipulating the student by someone)
Essay (expressing opinion based on arguments)

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