Procedure For Making Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map and Understanding of The Evaluated Hazard
Procedure For Making Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map and Understanding of The Evaluated Hazard
Procedure For Making Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map and Understanding of The Evaluated Hazard
Past earthquake records have been primarily used for producing probabilistic seismic hazard maps. In the
hazard analyses earthquakes with various magnitudes are assumed to occur randomly in time and space
based on past earthquake records. However, earthquakes with particular magnitudes and recurrence
intervals occur repeatedly on active faults and subduction zones. In the present paper we discuss a
procedure to evaluate seismic hazards based on past earthquake records, active faults and inter-plate
earthquakes. Resultant seismic hazard map is shown for all Japan. Japan Meteorological Agency Seismic
intensity records, which have been observed at various sites in Japan for long periods, are employed for
understanding of the evaluated seismic hazard.
Past earthquake records have been primarily used for producing probabilistic seismic hazard maps (e.g.
Arakawa [1] and Cornell [2]). Those maps have been applied to form regional classification maps in
seismic design codes for various civil infrastructures in Japan so that regional seismicity is incorporated
into seismic design motions. Past earthquake records used for producing seismic hazard maps are based
on instrumental observation and historical descriptions. Though these records date back as long as one
thousand and hundreds years, they are still insufficient to evaluate seismic hazard due to active faults,
because recurrence intervals of active faults are generally longer than thousands of years. Besides,
earthquakes with various magnitudes are assumed to occur randomly in both time and space in the
analysis based on past earthquake records, however earthquakes with particular magnitudes and
recurrence intervals occur repeatedly on active faults and subduction zones. Considering insufficiency of
past earthquake records and the events repeatedly occurring on active faults and subduction zones, active
faults and inter-plate earthquakes should be taken into consideration in seismic hazard analysis separately
from past earthquake records. In the present paper we discuss a procedure to evaluate seismic hazards
based on past earthquake records, active faults and inter-plate earthquakes (Nakao et al.[3]). Resultant
seismic hazard map is shown for all Japan.
Researcher, Earthquake Disaster Prevention Division, Research Center for Disaster Risk Management, National Institute for Land and
Infrastructure Management, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan, Email: [email protected]
Head, Earthquake Disaster Prevention Division, Research Center for Disaster Risk Management, National Institute for Land and
Infrastructure Management, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan, Email: [email protected]
In Japan seismic intensities have been recorded at various sites for long periods by Japan Meteorological
Agency. We employ the seismic intensity records to compute observational seismic hazard. Note that
almost all the seismic intensity records are attributed to the earthquakes that are assumed to occur
randomly in time and space in the present procedure. Therefore, the seismic hazard based on past
earthquake records is compared with the observational hazard in order to understand the evaluated hazard.
Through the comparison, it is recognized that regional differences of the evaluated hazard roughly agree
with those of the observational hazard. In the present procedure characteristics of the earthquakes that
occur repeatedly on active faults and subduction zones are evaluated based on the latest seismological and
geological researches, and they are reflected in hazard evaluation. The seismic hazard based on past
earthquake records is complemented by the hazard based on active faults and inter-plate earthquakes.
Earthquake Catalogs
Earthquake catalogs adopted in the present study are as follows:
-Usami Catalog [4] for 416-1884
-Utsu Catalog [5] for 1885-1925
-Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Catalog [6] for 1/1926- 7/1996
Figs.1(a) and (b) show cumulative numbers of earthquake records against time for events with Mj<6.0 and
Mj≥6.0 (Mj is Japan Meteorological Agency Magnitude), respectively. Since evident accumulation of
earthquake records can be found from 1926 and 1885 for Mj<6.0 and Mj≥6.0, respectively, we
incorporate the following catalogs into analysis:
- JMA Catalog for Mj<6.0
- Utsu and JMA Catalogs for Mj≥6.0
3000 500
C um ulative N um ber of Earthquakes
5.0≦M<5.5 6.0≦M<6.5
2500 5.5≦M<6.0 6.5≦M<7.0
400 7.0≦M<7.5
0 0
1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Tim e(
year) Tim e(year)
Fig.1 (a) Mj<6.0 (b) Mj≥6.0
Fig.1 Cumulative Number of Earthquake Records
Fig.2 shows the epicenters of past earthquakes included in the catalogs used for analysis. Note that we
exclude records of the earthquakes attributed to active faults and the inter-plate earthquakes from the
catalogs so that these earthquakes would not be doubly considered in hazard evaluations based on past
earthquake records. The excluded earthquakes are considered in analysis based on active faults and inter-
plate earthquakes separately from past earthquake records.
Based on seismotectonics around Japan after Hagiwara [7], we develop background zones in which
uniform seismicity is assumed individually. The background zones are shown in fig.3. The largest
magnitude of past earthquakes in each background zone is adopted as the maximum magnitude. The
earthquake records used for assuming maximum magnitudes are included in the three catalogs (after
Usami [4], Utsu [5] and JMA [6]). If magnitude of earthquake attributed to active fault or that of inter-
plate earthquake is adopted as maximum magnitude, we adopt the largest one of the other events as
maximum magnitude [8]. Maximum magnitude in each background zone is shown in Table 1. We do not
employ magnitudes of earthquakes which occur repeatedly on active faults and subduction zones as
maximum magnitudes because these earthquakes are considered in analysis based on active faults and
inter-plate earthquakes separately from past earthquake records.
1 08
1 10
10 7 10 4
10 1
10 5
1 12 10 2
1 09
11 1
1 06
1 26 10 3
1 24
1 15
12 1
12 5
1 18 11 4
12 2
1 23 11 9 11 6
131 1 20 11 3
11 7
1 33 12 9
12 7
1 34
1 30
12 8
Based on earthquake records within i-th background zone, ai and bi–values are determined by method of
maximum likelihood as shown in Table 1. Mean earthquake occurrence rate per year and area in i-th
background zone is computed by eq.(2).
Figs.4 (a) and (b) show epicenters with focal depths of 0 to 30 (km) and 30 to 100 (km), respectively.
According to figs.4 it is evident that almost all events in north side of Japan and Japan Sea occur at the
depth of 0 to 30(km). In order to consider the seismicity and ground motion intensity depending on focal
depth we divide background zones into upper and lower layers. Upper layer of background zone is 30km
thick surface part of the zone and lower layer of zone is 70km thick part underneath the upper layer.
Earthquakes are assumed to occur in both layers in analysis. Mean earthquake occurrence rate per year
and area in upper and lower layers are computed by eq. (3) and (4), respectively. Uniform earthquake
occurrence rate per year and area is assumed in each layer.
N iupper
ν iupper = ν i (3)
N iupper + N ilower
N lower
ν lower
i = νi i
N iupper + N lower
N iupper : Number of earthquake records in upper layer of i-th background zone
N ilower : Number of earthquake records in lower layer of i-th background zone
νi: Mean earthquake occurrence rate per year and area in i-th background zone
ν iupper : Mean earthquake occurrence rate per year and area in upper layer of i-th background zone
ν ilower : Mean earthquake occurrence rate per year and area in lower layer of i-th background zone
b i exp[−b i (m − Mi L )]
fi M (m) = (5)
1 − exp[−b i (Mi U − Mi L )]
fiM(m): Probability density function of magnitude
10 8 108
110 110
10 7 1 04 107 104
101 101
10 5 105
112 1 02 11 2 102
10 9 109
111 1 11
106 1 06
12 6 10 3 126 103
1 24 12 4
115 1 15
121 12 1
12 5 125
1 18 11 4 11 8 114
122 12 2
123 119 116 123 11 9 1 16
131 12 0 113 131 120 1 13
117 11 7
132 132
133 129 1 33 1 29
127 127
1 34 13 4
130 1 30
128 128
PGA on the outcropped bedrock whose shear wave velocity is larger than 300 to 600m/sec is estimated by
eq. (6). Although they use the shortest distance to a fault plane as a distance parameter, we substitute
hypocentral distance for the shortest distance. Average depth of focuses in each layer of background zones
is used as focal depth parameter in the attenuation relation. 10km is given to focal depth parameter as
lower limit. For incorporating the scatter of ground motion estimated by attenuation relation into analysis,
±2σ variation around mean value is considered, where σ represents a standard variation of attenuation
equation. Suppose an earthquake with magnitude m occurs at a distance r from the site, probability that
PGA X exceeds a specific level x is expressed as
P x i [X > x | m, r, h ] = fx i (X | m, r, h )dX
fxi(X |m,r,h): Probability density function of PGA generated by an earthquake with magnitude m at a
distance r and focal depth h.
m: Japan Meteorological Agency magnitude
r: The shortest distance between site and fault plane [km]
h: Focal depth [km]
(1)Seismogenic faults after Matsuda[10]: Active faults or groups of active faults that may produce
independent large earthquakes
(2)Active faults with length of 10km or longer, which are not categorized as seismogenic faults
(Research group for active faults[11])
The Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion [13] was installed by Prime Minister’s office after
the 1995 Kobe Earthquake. The Headquarters is promoting survey at 98 major active faults. Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology [14] and Geological Survey of Japan[15] also
conduct surveys on active faults. We incorporate newly obtained information by those surveys into
analysis. When the occurrence time of the latest event is known, we assume a time-dependent stochastic
process model for earthquake occurrence, which is given by eq.(13). We use a Brownian passage time
distribution for this model [13]. When the occurrence time of the latest event is unknown, we employ
stationary Poisson process for earthquake occurrence as shown by eq.(14)[13].
Fj (t0j + TD) − Fj(t0j )
Pj[TD] = (13)
1− Fj(t0j)
Pj[TD ] =1− e (14)
TD: Time interval to calculate probability of earthquake occurrence [year]
TRj: Mean recurrence interval [year]
Fj(t): Brownian Passage Time distribution function of recurrence interval
t0j: Elapsed time from the latest event [year]
Pj[TD]: Probability of earthquake occurrence
In the same manner as eq.(7), probability that PGA X exceeds a specific level x due to an earthquake
generated by j-th active fault is written as eq. (15).
P x j [X > x | M j , r,6.5] = fx j (X | M j , r,6.5)dX
Pf [ X > x , TD ] = 1 − ∏ {1 − P
f j[X > x , TD ] } (17)
The Northen Etrofu Earthquake(M8.1)
The Southern Etrofu Earthquake(M8.1)
42 The Hokkaido Toho-oki Earthquake(M7.8)
The Nemuro-oki Earthquake(M7.4)
The Northern Tokachi-oki Earthquake(M8.2)
The Southern Tokachi-oki Earthquake※
(Thin line:The 1856 Southern Tokachi-oki Earthquake (M7.8) ,
Thick line:The 1968 Southern Tokachi-oki Earthquake (M7.9))
The Miyagiken-oki Earthquake(M7.5)
-Earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean off the Coast of Hokkaido and North Tohoku Region areas
The Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion [17] suggests that inter-plate earthquakes in the
Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hokkaido and North Tohoku Region areas occur within a relatively short
period of time, and their source regions do not overlap as shown in fig.7. These earthquakes can be
explained in the following way. Strain accumulates over a period of several decades to 100 years in the
area adjoining the Chishima (Kuril) Trench due to the subducting Pacific Plate. After this strain has
approached its limit, it is released by a series of inter-plate earthquakes. As a result, a series of large-scale
earthquakes occurs along the trench in a short time with no overlapping of focal regions. Past earthquakes
in this region are categorized into different sets of event series by Utsu[18] as shown in fig.8. We employ
time interval of median years in last two sets of event series as a mean recurrence interval in common for
inter-plate earthquakes along the Chishima Trench. The median year of the latest set of event series is
employed as the latest event time in common for all the inter-plate earthquakes. We suppose source
locations and magnitudes of earthquakes in this region based on past events [22]. Note that we suppose
two patterns with same probability to occur as for magnitudes and source locations of the Southern
Tokachi-oki Earthquake as shown in fig.6 and table2.
r en
i shim
Fig.7 Earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean off the Coast of Hokkaido and North Tohoku Region Areas
A B C D E F Time Interval
1763 unclear 1780 Time Interval of a Series
M8 M8 17 years
of Earthquake Occurrences
59 years
1856 1839 1843 Time Interval of a Series
unclear 17 years
M8 M7.5 M8+ of Earthquake Occurrences
37 years
1894 1893 1918 * 1918 Time Interval of a Series
M7.9 M7.75 M7.7 M8.0 25 years of Earthquake Occurrences
34 years Mean Recurrenc e Interval 57(years)
1968 1952 1973 1969 1958 1963 Time Interval of a Series
M7.9 M8.2 M7.4 M7.8 M8.1 M8.1 21 years of Earthquake Occurrences
# Source P lace of the 1896 Sanriku-oki Earthquake o verlapped.
* The 1918 Earthquake may have occurred in F zone.
Fig.8 Past Earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean off the Coast of Hokkaido and North Tohoku
Region Areas
-The Miyagi-oki Earthquake, the Tonankai Earthquake and the Nankai Earthquake
We suppose source locations, magnitudes, mean recurrence intervals, and the latest event time according
to The Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion [13].
For evaluating event rates of the inter-plate earthquake Brownian Passage Time distribution function for
recurrence interval is employed [13].
Z region
Y region
X region
Fig.9 Source Regions for The Nankai Earthquake, The Tonankai Earthquake, and The Tokai
Table 4 Source Regions
Event Time Earthquake X Region Y Region Z Region
9/20/1498 The Meio Tokai Earthquake ∗∗ ∗
2/3/1605 The Keicho Earthquake ∗∗ ∗
10/28/1707 The Hoei Earthquake ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗~∗∗
12/23/1854 The Ansei Tokai Earthquake ∗∗ ∗∗
12/24/1854 The Ansei Nankai Earthquake ∗∗
12/7/1944 The Showa Tonankai Earthquake ∗∗
12/21/1946 The Showa Nankai Earthquake ∗∗
(∗∗: Source zone overlaps almost all the region, ∗: Source zone overlaps part of the region)
P x i [X > x | M i , r ] = fx i (X | M i , r, h )dX
Pp [ X > x, TD ] = 1 − ∏ (1 − P
p i [X > x, TD ]) (20)
Pi [TD , n ] : Probability that i-th inter-plate earthquake occurs once more following to n-1 times
occurrences of it during TD years
Pp i [ X > x , TD ] : Probability that PGA X exceeds x during TD years due to i-th inter-plate earthquake
P xi[X > x | M i , r, h ] : Probability that PGA X exceeds a specific level x due to an event of magnitude Mi
Pp [X > x, TD ] : Probability that PGA X exceeds x during TD years due to all inter-plate earthquakes
Seismic Hazard Based on Past Earthquake Records, Active Faults and Inter-plate Earthquakes
We calculate comprehensive seismic hazard due to past earthquakes, active faults and inter-plate
earthquakes by eq.(21) on the assumption that these three earthquake sources are independent each other.
P[ X > x , TD ] = 1 − (1 − Ph [ X > x | TD ])(1 − Pf [ X > x , TD ])(1 − Pp [ X > x , TD ]) (21)
Ph[X>x, TD]: Probability that ground motion X from background zones exceeds x during TD years
Pf[X>x, TD]: Probability that ground motion X from active faults exceeds x during TD years
Pp[X>x, TD]: Probability that ground motion X from inter-plate earthquakes exceeds x during TD years.
Figs.10(a) and (b) present seismic hazard maps in which past earthquakes, active faults and inter-plate
earthquakes are incorporated. PGA with 63% and 5% probability of exceedance during 100 years from the
year 2003 are shown in figs.10(a) and (b), respectively.
According to the numerical results in figs.10, the active faults with high event rates and inter-plate
earthquakes affect seismic hazards nearby. Strong ground motions are estimated widely around areas with
high dense distributions of active faults.
(c m /s 2 )
According to the present procedure seismic hazards are evaluated at the sites, where Japan Meteorological
Agency (JMA) has announced the JMA seismic intensities for longer than 50 years. The evaluated seismic
hazards are compared with observational seismic hazards that are computed from the announced seismic
intensity records. The seismic intensity, which provides a measure of the strength of seismic motion, is
divided into 10 scales. The relationship between seismic intensity on JMA scale and Modified Mercalli
intensity is shown in fig.11 for reference.
5 Upper 6 Upper
5 Lower 6 Lower
JMA Seismic Intensity 0 1 2 3 4 7
JMA Measured 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
Seismic Intensity <0.5 0.5-1.5 1.5-2.5 2.5-3.5 3.5-4.5 -5.0 -5.5 -6.0 -6.5 6.5<
Modified Mercalli 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Seismic Intensity
Fig.11 JMA Seismic Intensity and MM Intensity [23]
Note that we evaluate seismic hazards based on only past earthquake records for the comparison with the
observational ones because almost all the observed seismic intensity records are from the earthquakes that
are assumed to occur randomly in time and space in the present procedure. In the hazard evaluation
probability that JMA seismic intensity x is larger than or equal to intensity 4 during a year is computed.
In hazard analysis Seismic intensities are estimated by attenuation relation after Shabestari, K. et al.[24],
which is given by eq.(22). As shown in fig.11 seismic intensity is divided into 10 scales based on
measured seismic intensity, which is continuous value measured by seismic intensity meters. The
measured seismic intensity is estimated by eq.(22) and fig.11 yields seismic intensity based on the
estimation. We determine station coefficient in eq.(22) so that the sum of squares of the residual that is
defined as differences between estimated seismic intensities and observed ones at each site is minimized.
For incorporating the scatter of measured seismic intensity estimated by attenuation relation into analysis,
±2σ variation around mean value is considered, where σ represents a standard variation of attenuation
I = −0.087 + 1.053M − 0.00256r − 1.89 log r + 0.00496h + c (22)
I : Measured seismic intensity
M: Japan Meteorological Agency magnitude
r: The closest distance to fault rupture
h: Source depth
c: Station coefficient
All the seismic intensity records due to active faults and inter-plate earthquakes, which are considered
separately from background zones in the present procedure, are excluded for observational computation of
seismic hazard. As shown in fig.12 the sites for the hazard computation are chosen so that they cover
almost all Japan. At the sites seismic intensity has been announced for no shorter than 50 years. Based on
the long-term seismic intensity records we compute probability that JMA seismic intensity x is larger than
or equal to intensity 4 during a year.
W akkanai City
Sapporo City
Urakawa Town
Sendai City
Iwaki City
Yonago City Matsumoto City
Matsue City Tokyo
Okayama City
Shimonoseki City
Kushimoto Town
Kagoshima City
Note that JMA Seismic intensity has been measured automatically with seismic intensity meters since
1996, while former JMA seismic intensity had been determined from human response or observation of
damage. However, it is shown that former seismic intensity agrees well with instrumentally measured one
[25]. Therefore, we employ seismic intensity records before 1996 in addition to instrumentally measured
records for the computation of observational seismic hazard.
Seismic hazards evaluated at various sites are compared with the observational ones in figs.11. Because
maximum magnitudes assumed for background zones in the hazard analysis are larger than the
magnitudes of earthquakes that occurred actually in limited periods of time, probabilities of exceedance
tend to be evaluated conservatively. According to figs.11, regional differences of exceedance probabilities
obtained from the hazard analysis based on past earthquake records agree roughly with the observationally
computed ones.
In the present procedure recurrence intervals, source locations, and magnitudes of the earthquakes that
occur repeatedly on active faults and subduction zones are evaluated based on the latest researches on
active faults and inter-plate earthquakes, and those characteristics of earthquakes are reflected in hazard
evaluation. The seismic hazard based on past earthquake records, whose regional differences agree with
the observations, is complemented by the hazard based on active faults and inter-plate earthquakes.
O bservationalS eism ic H azard
Evaluated S eism ic H azard
0.60 0.4
Wakkanai City Iwaki City
0.50 Matsumoto City
0.40 Sapporo City
Kagoshima City
0.30 0.2
Okayama City
0.20 Omaezaki
0.10 0.1 Matsue City
Kushimoto Town
0.00 Shimonoseki City
Yonago City
ue i
i ty
sh City
aw City
i ty
or y
a g ty
i ty
m ty
Ur nda y
ya wn
pp Cit
Se Ci
su i C
Yo o C
on o C
O oT
S a to
Ku ats
In order to develop the procedure for making seismic hazard map, “Technical Committee on Methodology
for Formulating Level 2 Seismic Design Motions (Chairman: Prof. Tatsuo Ohmachi, Tokyo Institute of
Technology)” had been established at the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management. The
authors would like to express their cordial thanks to all members of the committee.
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