Fedi 1994
Fedi 1994
Fedi 1994
Knowledge of the declination and inclination of the total and induced magne-
tization vectors is normally required for the interpretation and analysis of magnetic
anomalies. A new method of estimating the direction of the total magnetization
vector of magnetized rocks from magnetic anomalies is proposed. The unknown
declination and inclination (0:and I;) can be found by applying a reduction-to-
the-pole operator to the measured anomalies for different couples of total magne-
tization direction parameters (D,and IT)and by observing the variation of the
anomaly minimum as a function of both D, and Z, . Z; and D; are estimated using
the maximum of this function. Comparing our method to previous methods, one
advantage is that our estimates are not zero-level dependent ; furthermore, the
method allows inclinations to be well estimated, with the same accuracy as decli-
nations; finally declinations are not underestimated. Our method is applied to a
real case and meaningful results are obtained; it is shown that the feasibility of the
method is improved by removing the low-frequency components.
It is well known that the shape of magnetic anomalies reflects the direction of the
total magnetization vector by which the sources are uniformly magnetized. In fact,
for a given direction of the induced field, the anomalies assume a characteristic
shape, depending on the total magnetization vector direction. If this direction is
different from that of the induced magnetization vector, the anomaly assumes a
so-called ‘ non-normal ’ shape (Fedi and Rapolla 1990). In some cases ambiguity
arises, because similar anomaly shapes can also be explained by a ‘ source shape ’
effect, due to sources so short in one direction as to generate anisotropy (Grant and
West 1965). However, this ambiguity can be very simply solved, as indicated by
Paper presented at the 53rd EAEG meeting, Florence, May 1991. Received January 1992, revision
accepted November 1993.
Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Universita di Lecce, Via Arnesano, 73100 Lecce, Italy.
Dipartimento di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Universita di Napoli Federico 11, Largo. S. Marcellino 10,
80138 Napoli, Italy.
26 1
262 M . Fed& G. Florio and A . Rapolla
Fedi and Rapolla (1990), since, by upward continuation of the field at a sufficient
altitude, the anomaly shape becomes ' normal ' in the case of a pure ' shape effect ',
while remaining ' non-normal ' otherwise.
From these simple observations, several methods have been developed to deter-
mine the direction of the total magnetization vector (TMV) from the anomalies.
This information can be used to infer the average direction of the remanent magne-
tization, which can then be compared with palaeomagnetic data. Moreover, estima-
tion of the TMV direction is essential in order to analyse, elaborate and interpret
the magnetic field correctly.
However, a complication is that, for data covering large areas, the direction of
the total magnetization vector can vary, so that a single reduction-to-the-pole could
be insufficient to transform the data correctly. Thus some methods, including this
one, treat the simpler problem of single and relatively undisturbed anomalies with
the total magnetization direction along a fixed direction.
A rough method consists of simply observing the anomaly produced by a pseu-
dogravimetric transformation or by a reduction-to-the-pole transformation and
judging for which inclination and declination the best transformation is performed.
This decision is not simple to take because, due to interference and to some insta-
bility of the operator, considerable ambiguity is likely to arise.
Bott, Smith and Stacey (1966) found that by varying the direction of the total
magnetization vector and using a pseudogravimetric transformation, a range of
possible directions can be deduced, the mean value being the actual one. This
range is sometimes too wide to judge the reliability of the estimated TMV, espe-
cially when anomalies are disturbed by interference. Moreover, according to Bott et
al. (1966), other limitations arise from the difficulty of correctly setting the position
of the anomaly causative body and from the presence of a regional gradient.
Zietz and Andreasen (1967) suggested a simpler method, applicable to relatively
undisturbed anomalies. The estimation of the inclination and declination of the
TMV is made using the ratio R of the anomaly maximum to the anomaly minimum
and their relative positions. Schnetzler and Taylor (1984) studied this topic further
and found that the estimation of the TMV inclination is always difficult due to the
zero-level not objective determination. The TMV declination is easier to find, but
can easily be underestimated if the TMV inclination is less than about SO".
If gravity data are also available, the determination of the TMV direction can be
made by either correlation or spectral coherence estimations (Muniruzzaman and
Banks 1989) between gravity and magnetic data. In order to be compared, the
fields must be transformed on the basis of Poisson's theorem, either by using a
pseudogravimetric transformation for the magnetic data or by vertically deriving
gravity data and reducing the magnetic data to the pole. Again, the unknown TMV
inclination and declination are used as parameters in the transformations in order
to determine the maximum of the coherence or of the correlation. However, in
most cases this detection is very complicated, due to the partial or complete inap-
plicability of Poisson's theorem.
Total magnetization direction 263
We can therefore conclude that there are considerable restrictions on using the
above methods which depend on parameters which are often unstable and uncer-
tain, such as R, or on a frequently unreliable correlation between gravity and mag-
netic data.
A new method is proposed here, which does not have such limitations and that
produces reliable results for both inclination and declination.
where p = (az + pz)l’z, h,, h,, h, are the direction cosines of the induced magne-
tization vector and t,, t,, t, are the direction cosines of the total magnetization
As shown by (2), the reduction-to-the-pole frequency operator is a phase and
amplitude distortion filter since the operator is a complex function. However, if the
264 M. Fedi, G. Florio and A . Rapolla
TMV inclination and declination are inaccurate, the transformed anomaly is not
really a 'reduced-to-the-pole ' anomaly, but simply a ' distorted ' anomaly. Thus, in
the following, we refer to these anomalies as ' distorted anomalies '.
Let us now illustrate how a magnetic anomaly distorts, using the reduction-to-
the-pole operator and varying the TMV direction. We study the anomaly due to
the source used by Zietz and Andreasen (1967), i.e. a N-S striking prism of dimen-
sions 6 x 4 x 1 km with the depth to the top being 1 km. Figure 1 shows the
synthetic magnetic anomaly of such a model computed for IT = IH = 60", DT = 60",
D H = 0". When far from the correct TMV direction and at lower TMV inclinations
(Fig. 2a), the maximum area extends clearly along the direction of the TMV decli-
nation and splits the minimum area into two parts. This can be understood if we
look at the reduction-to-the-pole operator written in polar coordinates (p, O),
* 1
'(p, e, = [sin + j cos lHcos (D" - sin zT + j cos I , cos ( D-~011 * (3)
Equation (3) indicates that, when the inclination is low, both the imaginary and
real parts of the filter are high for 0 = D, 90", i.e. the amplitude distortion is
strongly enhanced in this direction. Since the directions relative to the space and
the frequency domains differ by go", this means that, in the space domain, the
distorted anomaly would present a trend in the D, direction. As observed by Silva
(1986), this trend is exaggeratedly magnified for IT, I H < 15", because the trans-
"12.0 -
5 8.0-
0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0
Easting (km)
Contour range
Int. from to
10.0 -60.0 190.0 nT
Figure 1. Magnetic anomaly due to a source of dimensions 4 x 6 x 1 km, depth to the top
is 1 km. In this and in the following synthetic cases the direction of the inducing field is:
D , = 0" and ZH = 60". In this case D: = 6Ooy12 = 60".
Total magnetization direction 265
5 8.0
0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0
Easting (km)
Contour range
Int. from to
10.0 -70.0 310.0 nl
5 8.0
Contour range
Int. from to
10.0 -40.0 230.0 nl
Total magnetization direction 267
Q (c)
'12.0 -
5 8.0-
4.0 -
Contour range
Int. from to
10.0 -20.0 1 9 0 . 0 n1
'12.0 -
- C
f 8.0-
0 1 I I I I
0 1.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0
Easting (km)
Contour range
Int. from to
10.0 -35.0 190.0 nT
Figure 2. Transformation of the anomaly in Fig. 1 . The reduction-to-the-pole operator is
used for D, = D$ = 60" and the following values of IT:(a) IT = 20"; (b) IT= 40"; (c) IT =
I$ = 60"; (d) I , = 80".Note the elongation of the maximum area in the direction of DT for
low values of IT.
268 M . Fed& G . Florio and A . Rapolla
L 10
$ 0
U -10
- 20
- 30
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Ccoltour range
Int. fran to
3.0 -80.0 -20.0 nT
Figure 3. Map of the results of the distortion analysis for the synthetic anomaly due to the
same prismatic source as in Fig. 1, but with 0;= O", Z,*= 60". Note the sharp maximum at
the correct values of TMV declination and inclination.
I I I I 1 1 -
20 30 40 so 60 70 ao
Contour range
Int. fran to
3.0 -90.0 -20.0 nT
Figure 4. Map of the results of the distortion analysis for the synthetic anomaly due to the
same prismatic source as in Fig. 1, but with 0;= 60", Z? = 60".Note the sharp maximum at
the correct values of TMV declination and inclination.
Total magnetization direction 269
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Contour range
Int. f m to
3.0 -89.0 -21.0 nT
Figure 5. Map of the results of the distortion analysis for the synthetic anomaly due to the
same prismatic source as in Fig. 1, but rotated through 45" in the horizontal plane. The total
magnetization direction is 0;= O", Zf = 60".Again, a maximum occurs at the correct values
of TMV declination and inclination; however the resolution is slightly reduced with respect
to the cases shown in Figs 3 and 4.
For the inclination, Zietz and Andreasen (1967) suggested using the ratio R of
the anomaly maximum to the anomaly minimum as an estimator. In many cases
this is a difficult task, due to the well-known problem of zero-level uncertainty. But
also when the zero level is known exactly, as in the synthetic case, R can be found
as a rough estimator. For example, in our case (R = 3.6), we could erroneously
argue from Fig. 6 of Schnetzler and Taylor's (1984) paper that the TMV inclina-
tion is about 90".
Conversely, the distortion analysis estimation does not depend on the zero-level
estimation and so both declination and inclination are equally well evaluated. The
noticeable improvement in our estimate of the TMV direction is evident even
when the other methods, e.g. that of Zietz and Andreasen (1967), work best (as in
the case analysed) i.e. at high magnetic latitudes (Schnetzler and Taylor 1984).
Figure 6. Total aeromagnetic field of the area west of Ischia Island (Tyrrhenian Sea,
- 40
z - 60
- 80
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Contour range
Int. fran to
5.0 2927.0 3047.0 nT
Figure 7. Map of the results of the distortion analysis for the magnetic anomaly west of the
Island of Ischia (see Fig. 6). Note that the maximum area is very large so that inclination
cannot be resolved.
Total magnetization direction 271
In order to interpret magnetic anomalies, it is necessary to know the directions of
both the total and induced magnetization vectors of the source. While the direction
of the latter can probably be recovered by some appropriate IGRF model, the
declination and the inclination of the total magnetization vector are more difficult
to determine, depending on the local direction of the remanent magnetization
vector, which in many cases is not in the same direction. Estimates based on the
relative position of the anomaly maximum and anomaly minimum can be used to
calculate the TMV declination but are in some cases underestimated. Inclinations
estimated using the maximum-to-minimum ratio, R, are ambiguous when an
uncertainty exists related to the zero-level setting. Other methods also require
gravity data and imply that Poisson's theorem should be verified.
The method proposed here appears to represent a considerable improvement
since it allows the declination and inclination to be estimated accurately and in an
objective way. In fact the estimates arise from the analysis of the value of the
anomaly minimum and no other assumptions (e.g. concerning the zero level) are
272 M . Fedi, G. Florio and A . Rapolla
0 9.0 18.0 27.0 36.0 45.0 km
Contour range
Int. from to
10.0 3050.0 3190.0
0 9.0 18.0 27.0 36.0 45.0 km
East ing
Contour range
Int. from to
25.0 -175.0 300.0
Figure 8. (a) Aeromagnetic field in the area west of Ischia Island, low-pass filtered for
1 > 45 km. (b) Residual aeromagnetic field obtained by subtracting the regional trend of
Fig. 8a from the total field of Fig. 6.
Total magnetization direction 273
- 70
- 40
U -30
- 20
30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Contour range
Int. fran to
5.0 -215.0 -110.0 nT
Figure 9. Map of the results of the distortion analysis for the residual magnetic anomaly
west of the Island of Ischia in Fig. 8b. The maximum area is strongly reduced compared to
Fig. 7 and it is possible to estimate that D, = 45" & 5" and Z+ = 45" 10".
Several tests on synthetic cases have shown that this method always gives good
results for both TMV declination and inclination. In real cases, complications can
arise from interference effects by nearby anomalies and from the presence of
superimposed low-frequency trends. Obviously, 'the feasibility of the method is
improved by all the usual techniques of magnetic data analysis (i.e. band-pass fil-
tering, upward continuation, etc.).
This work was partially supported by the Italian University and Scientific
Research Ministry, grant M.U.R.S.T. 40%, 1990.
Bott M.H.P., Smith R.A. and Stacey R.A. 1966. Estimation of the direction of magne-
tization of a body causing a magnetic anomaly using a pseudo-gravity transformation.
Geophysics 31,803-81 1.
Fedi M. and Rapolla A. 1990. Aeromagnetic anomaly shape analysis in the Southern Italian
Region for the evaluation of crustal block rotations. Journal of Geodynamics 12, 149-161.
Grant F.S. and West G.F. 1965. Interpretation Theory in Applied Geophysics. McGraw-Hill
Book Co.
274 M . Fedi, G . Florio and A . Rapolla