Rubrics 2
Rubrics 2
Rubrics 2
-No errors or very minor - Some errors that have -Many errors that have a -Significant grammatical
errors that do not hinder a minor impact on significant impact on errors impeding
understanding. understanding. understanding. comprehension.
-Diverse and precise use -Mostly diverse lexical -Limited but appropriate -Limited and
of words. choices with some lexical selection. inappropriate
-Clear and correct repetition. -Pronunciation with vocabulary choices.
pronunciation. -Mostly clear apparent difficulties. -Hindered pronunciation
-Logical and well- pronunciation with some -Some structure but with affecting
structured sequence of minor issues. deviations and comprehension.
ideas. -Structured with some misunderstandings. -Lack of clear structure,
clarity issues in hindering
sequence. understanding.
Analytic rubric – essay (11th form)
Criteria 4-3 point 6-5 point 8-7 point 9-10 point
Correspondenc The theme of the The essay's content The essay The essay perfectly
e of the essay essay is poorly generally aligns with generally follows corresponds with the
content to the disclosed, the the theme, but there to the theme, stated theme, offering a
stated theme content deviates might be some presenting key deep analysis and
significantly unclear or ideas and comprehensive
from the stated underdeveloped arguments. understanding of the
theme. aspects. material.
Argumentation Student The author presents Student expresses Student expresses his
of Own expresses his his opinion, but his opinion clearly opinion perfectly, with
Opinion on the opinion there is uncertainty but does not use clarity, arguing using a
Issue unclearly. in the facts and evidence variety of supporting
argumentation. enough to support facts and evidence.
Some arguments are his claims.
Coherence and Lack of a clear There is a structure, Excellent structure Perfect structure,
Structure structure and but it may be with clear and where the introduction,
sequence of unclear or somewhat logical flow of development, and
ideas. convoluted. ideas. conclusion are
interconnected and
Spelling and Frequent and Some spelling errors Rare or no spelling No spelling errors.
observance of significant present, but not errors; those Observance of
grammatical spelling errors. pervasive. present have grammatical rules,
rules Poor observance Observance of minimal impact. demonstrating a high
of basic grammatical rules is Consistent level of language
grammatical inconsistent. observance of proficiency.
rules. grammatical rules.
Justification of Conclusions are Some arguments The justification of Conclusions are not
Conclusion not clearly support the conclusions is only well-justified but
related to the conclusions, but not quite satisfactory. also represent an
presented always logically. outstanding level of
material. critical thinking and
analytical depth.