RSW Q4 Activity Sheet Module 1 2

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Context is defined as the social, cultural, political, historical, and other related
circumstances that surround the text and form the terms from which it can be better
understood and evaluated through hypertext and intertext.

Intertextuality defines as comparing the meaning of a text with another text. It deals with
the influences between language, images, characters, themes, or subjects depending on
their similarities in language, genre, or discourse.

Hypertext is simply defined as a nonlinear way of presenting information. It associates

topics on a screen with related information, graphics, videos, and music where information
is not simply connected to the text. This information shows as links and is usually accessed
by clicking. The reader can find more information about a topic, which may have more links.
This opens the reader to a wider horizon of information, to a new direction.

Compose a 100-200-word analysis/critique of any song that you like (in either OPM or
English), pointing out the intertextuality present in its lyrics/music video. This can be written
in your RSW notebook/journal, on a single sheet of paper, or submit it electronically in my
email [email protected] .

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Song The chosen song is The chosen song The chosen song The chosen song
Choice highly engaging is engaging and is somewhat is not engaging
and offers ample provides engaging but or relevant,
material for sufficient may lack depth making it
analysis, material for or complexity, difficult to
demonstrating a analysis, limiting the analyze its
deep showcasing an analysis of its themes or
understanding of understanding of themes and elements
its themes and its themes and elements. effectively.
complexities. nuances.
Analysis of The analysis The analysis The analysis The analysis
intertextual thoroughly effectively partially inadequately
ity explores the discusses the addresses the addresses the
intertextual intertextual intertextual intertextual
elements present elements elements elements
in the song's lyrics present in the present in the present in the
or music video, song's lyrics or song's lyrics or song's lyrics or
providing insightful music video, music video but music video,
connections to drawing may lack depth offering minimal
relevant cultural, connections to or insight in connections to
literary, or relevant cultural, some areas. relevant
philosophical literary, or cultural, literary,
references. philosophical or philosophical
references. references.
Clarity and The critique is The critique is The critique is The critique is
Organizatio exceptionally clear, clear, organized, somewhat clear unclear,
n well-organized, and and generally and organized disorganized, or
easy to follow, with easy to follow, but may lack difficult to
coherent with coherent coherence in follow, with
arguments and arguments and some areas or disjointed
smooth transitions logical exhibit arguments and
between ideas. transitions inconsistencies abrupt
between ideas. in transitions
argumentation. between ideas.
Grammar The critique The critique The critique The critique
and demonstrates exhibits few contains several contains
mechanics impeccable errors in errors in numerous errors
grammar, spelling, grammar, grammar, in grammar,
and punctuation spelling, and spelling, or spelling, or
throughout, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
enhancing clarity maintaining detracting from significantly
and readability. overall clarity clarity and impairing clarity
and readability. readability. and readability.


Critical reading is engaging in analytic activity which involves the reader by asking
questions about the text and the author’s claim. Critical readers are doing the process of
evaluating, analyzing, and interpreting the assertion of the hidden meaning of the whole

While reasoning as defined by Merriam Webster dictionary is an act of giving statements

for justification and explanation. It is the ability of someone to defend something by giving
out reasons.

Therefore, when reading critically, it is necessary to question the different arguments used
by the author, as any problem can weaken the authenticity of the conclusion.

Remember that Critical reading is not meant to criticize but to assess the validity of textual

Steps Used in Critical Reading as Reasoning

by Maxine Rafaella C. Rodriguez and Marella Therese A. Tiongson
1. Identifying assertions
Identify by a common type of assertion such as fact, convention, opinion, and
2. Formulating counterclaim
Counterclaims are made to rebut a previous claim.
3. Determining evidence
Evidence is the details given by the authors to support his/her claims.

Read the passage carefully. Underline the claim, circle the evidence, and box the reasoning
that you can find in the passage. Write your answer in your RSW notebook/journal, on a
single sheet of paper, or submit it electronically in my email [email protected] .

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