Ten Tone Groups O'connor
Ten Tone Groups O'connor
Ten Tone Groups O'connor
(with no head) Detached, (with no head) Detached, (with no head) (In tags (with no head) (with no head) Calm,
Cool, Dispassionate, Flat, Unsympathetic, Even used as independent Unemotional, Calm, Unsurprised, Reserved,
The Low Drop Reserved, Dull, Possibly Grim hostile. comments) Uninterested, Controlled, Cold Self-Possessed
or Surly. (with a high head) Hostile. (with a high head) Very (with a high head) Very
(with a high head) Categoric, Searching, Serious, (with a high head) serious, Very strong Strong
Weighty, Judicial, Considered. Intense, Urgent. Serious, Urgent
Conveying a sense of Brisk, Businesslike, Willing to discuss but not Suggesting a course of Mildly surprised, Not so
involvement, Light, Airy Considerate, Not urgently, Sometimes action and not worrying reserved or
Unfriendly, Lively, Sceptical about being obeyed. Self-possessed as with
The High Drop Interested (In Q tags used as the Low Drop
independent comments)
Mildly surprised by
acceptance of the
listener’s premises.
Encouraging further (with the nuclear tone on Disapproving, Sceptical, (beginning with Don’t) Sometimes reserving
conversation, Guarded, the interrogative word) Doubting. Appealing to the listener judgement, Sometimes
Reserving judgement, Wondering, Mildly puzzled to change his mind calm, Casual
The Take - Off Appealing to the listener to otherwise Very calm but (in a few short acknowledgement.
change his mind, Deprecatory, very disapproving and commands) Calming
(in contradictions) Resentful resentful. warning, Exhortative
(in non final word groups)
Deprecatory, Disapprovement
Calm, Soothing, Reassuring, (with the nuclear tone on Genuinely interested Soothing, Encouraging, Airy, Casual yet
Hint of great self-confidence the interrogative word) Calmly patronising encouraging, Often
and self-reliance, Puzzled, Confuse friendly, Brighter than
The Low Bounce (in echoes) questioning with a (in echoes) Disapproving, when said withThe
tone of surprise and disbelief. otherwise Sympathetically Take-Off
(in non final word groups) interested.
Creating expectancy about
what is to follow.
Grudgingly admitting, (In echoes) Greatly astonished, otherwise, Interested Urgently warning with a Scornful
Reluctantly or Defensively and concerned as well as surprised note of reproach or
The Switchback dissenting, Concerned, concern
Reproachful, Hurt, Reserved,
Tentatively suggesting
(in echoes) Greatly astonished
Protesting as if suffering Protesting, somewhat Willing to discuss but Recommending a course Protesting, Surprised
The Long Jump under a sense of injustice unpleasantly surprised protesting the need for of action but with a note
settling a crucial point of critical surprise
Questioning, Trying to elicit a (with the nuclear tone) Either echoing the Querying all parts of the listener’s command or
repetition but lacking any Calling for a repetition of listener’s question or (in interjection, but with no critical intention.
suggestion of disapproval or the information already straightforward, non-echo Repetition of the speaker without critical intention.
puzzlement given questions) Light, Casual
(in non final word groups) (with the nuclear tone
The High Bounce Casual, Tentative following the interrogative
word) Either echoing the
listener’s question before
going on to answer it
(in straightforward,
non-echo questions)
Tentative, Casual
Appealing to the listener’s to Very emotive, Expressing plaintiveness, Despair, Pleading, Persuading Intensely encouraging,
The High Dive continue with the topic of Gushing warmth Protesting
conversation, Expressing
gladness, Regret, Surprise
The Terrace Statements and Interjections → (in final word groups) Calling out to someone as from a distance
(in non final word groups) Marking non-finality without conveying any impression of expectancy