Rachael Mushalala Evangelist

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Source of information

This document is a compilation of Rachael's testimonies, revelations,

and biblical teachings. It is not intended to convince you of its
contents but rather to provide you with information that can be further
explored and understood through personal prayer and Bible study. If
you are a true believer, the Holy Spirit will guide you in discerning
the truth and applying it to your own spiritual journey.

Who is Racheal mushala?

Rachael Mushala Chisulo is a dedicated disciple of Jesus Christ come from

Zambia. Baptized in the Holy Spirit in 2012, she has since been blessed with
profound revelations concerning both Heaven and Hell.

Through her experiences, Rachael has gained valuable insights into the spiritual
realm and the challenges faced by many Christians and non-believers alike. She
has shared these revelations extensively, emphasizing the importance of
understanding these truths to avoid spiritual pitfalls and secure a place in

Source of information ............................................................................................................................. 1
Who is Racheal mushala? ....................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.Breaking free from sin cycles .............................................................................................................. 6
2.Signs of being lukewarm Christian ..................................................................................................... 11
3.modesty in churches .......................................................................................................................... 12
4.Satan doesn’t regard any Christian no matter how prayerful as being out of his reach ................... 15
5.Culture is not excuse .......................................................................................................................... 18
6.satanist are always watching all sons of lord..................................................................................... 19
7. Prayer is a battle ground, we must persevere in prayer................................................................... 21
8. PREPARING FOR THE END TIMES ...................................................................................................... 24
9. Protecting your heavenly reward ..................................................................................................... 27
10. have you prioritized the kingdom of heaven? ................................................................................ 31
12. I found this interesting but they are demons not aliens! ............................................................... 33
13. Christianity’s stance on transgender will be a witness against many Christians for rebellion ....... 41
14. Escape hell, Don’t bow to the god of this world ............................................................................. 44
15. Christ is Our Hiding Place ................................................................................................................ 49
16. We have an appointment with Jesus Christ which we cannot miss. .............................................. 52
17. HE DID NOT HAVE JESUS! ................................................................................................................ 54
18. Some years ago I travelled to a nearby town to go and share my testimony of hell at an inter
denominational prayer meeting. .......................................................................................................... 57
19. do not stop unbelievers who are your relatives ............................................................................. 61
20. Elon Musk says he is okay with going to hell. ................................................................................. 62
21. prepare for the end times ............................................................................................................... 64
22. Jesus paid it all and we can only enter the kingdom of heaven by His sacrifice. ........................... 69
23. Only Jesus is Considered an Enemy ................................................................................................ 70
24.THERE ARE SATANISTS ON FACEBOOK ............................................................................................ 73
25. Anything we do for Jesus must be done out of our free will, not by compulsion. ......................... 78
26. ADDITION TO VIDEO IF YOU MISSED THIS IN PREVIOUS MESSAGES .............................................. 78
27. if you do this you will regret ........................................................................................................... 80
28. God never wastes our pain! ............................................................................................................ 85
29. NOT MY WILL LORD, BUT YOUR WILL BE DONE”:........................................................................... 88
32. SICK MAN DIES, GOES TO HELL BUT BACKSLIDES AGAIN ................................................................ 98
34. Our Lives are too Short to Waste on Modern Addictions............................................................. 101

34. We all have time. .......................................................................................................................... 104
35. Why are majority of Christians on the broad way to hell and how can you avoid being part of
that? .................................................................................................................................................... 108


Breaking Free from Sin's Chains

In this document, we delve into the profound topic of overcoming sin and living
a life of holiness. The Bible clearly states that those who are enslaved by sin
cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This document explores the steps
necessary to break free from the bondage of sin and embrace a life of
We will discuss the importance of rebirth through the Holy Spirit, consistent
prayer, fasting, and choosing obedience. By understanding and implementing
these principles, we can experience the transformative power of God and live a
life that is pleasing to Him.
Additionally, we will examine the signs of a lukewarm Christian and the
importance of modesty in the church. These topics provide valuable insights
into maintaining a strong spiritual walk and avoiding the pitfalls that can hinder
our growth in Christ.
Finally, we will address the spiritual warfare that Christians face and the need
to prepare for the end times. By understanding the strategies of Satan and the
urgency of the times, we can be equipped to stand firm in our faith and
persevere through trials.

1.Breaking free from sin cycles

The bible says you are a slave to whatever has you captive because a slave does
the will of the master, even when they don’t want to.

So many people have sin they cannot stop because they are slaves. They are
enslaved by sin and keep sinning because they must obey their master. But if
you are a slave of sin and stuck in a sin cycle, how can you enter the Kingdom
of heaven? The bible says you have to be born again.

The Spirit of God has to kill that person who loves sin and birth a new person.

It is a supernatural work and flesh and blood cannot achieve it. It only happens
in the presence of God. Jesus Christ is able to set you free from your bondage
and make you a slave of righteousness.

When people hear about living in holiness and obedience they think it’s a
gospel that relies on your might. But it’s actually a supernatural work of the
Holy Spirit to kill the desires of the flesh and He takes away the evil desires so
that you no longer even crave the sinful things.

The first step is to leave your sin even though you still love it. You cannot hold
on to it while crying to Jesus to set you free. You do what you must physically
and stop doing it.

The second step is to start living a life of prayer.

You go to Jesus in prayer for Him to uproot the evil yoke of sin in your heart.
You go to Jesus to uproot the root planted deep in your heart. If you stop
sinning but don’t engage in prayer, it’s just a matter of time before you go
back to your sin and it will become an endless cycle of repenting and going
back to sin. We cannot bear good fruit unless we are connected to the vine, who
is Jesus Christ. Remember that Jesus said when an evil spirit leaves,
if it comes back and finds its former home swept and empty, it goes to get more
demons and that person will be far worse. So you must fill that void with Christ
so that the demonic spirits cannot come back in your heart.

Anyone without a consistent prayer life will always find themselves in an

endless cycle of sin. I am not talking about five minutes’ prayer, but a
meaningful amount of time to spend praying daily if you want to overcome sin.
Otherwise, you could end up a hypocrite because you know the truth and
want to appear righteous before men but deep inside you will be full of secret
sin because you are not abiding in the vine and are fruitless.

The third step is to start living a life of frequent prayer and fasting. I would
recommend that you start with fasting at least once per week. It is really
effective in helping your spirit man be stronger than the flesh. You will see a
difference when you start regular fasting as a lifestyle. In God’s presence is

where the desires of your heart are changed. The fourth step is make all these
your lifestyle; choosing obedience when you have to make a choice and that
way you are training your heart to honor God. Live a lifestyle of consistent
prayer and prayer and fasting and Jesus changes your heart and gives you a new

He puts you on a one-way street where there’s no going back for you because
your desires are changed and it will stay this way for as long as you stay close
to Jesus.

When I first started following Jesus I had to deliberately obey Him but as I
started to spend time in His Presence He changed my heart to hate what I loved
so that obedience was no longer an effort. The more you pray the harder it gets
to sin because it’s repulsive and the more prayer less you become the harder it
gets to live in holiness. Jesus broke the yoke of sin and gave me a new heart so
that I should not desire sin.

God is no respecter of persons and there is nothing He has done for me that He
wouldn’t do for you. I am sharing my testimony so that you know God can
make you hate what you loved and make obedience to Him to be something that
delights you. Don’t listen to false teachers telling you to stay in your sin saying
no one is perfect. God says be perfect (Matthew 5:48). That means doesn’t
tolerate any sin in your life. Whatever sin you realize you have, cut it off and
ask Jesus to help you overcome it so that you can become fruitful for God’s
kingdom. But if you continue sinning, saying no one is perfect, unfortunately
you will perish in your sins.

The bible warned that these false teachers would come teaching a gospel from
hell that is all about covetousness.

They are going to tell people that God’s grace is a license to sin. The bible
already warned us about these things because God didn’t want us to be caught

unaware about the false teachers who have come and tell people that you don’t
need to worry about how you are living, you can continue watching the ungodly
movies full of adultery and blasphemy against God, when you die you will go to
heaven because Jesus paid the price. 2nd Peter 2:1-3 says,

” But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be
false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even
denying the Lord who bought them and bring upon themselves swift
destruction. And many will follow in the destructive ways of these false
teachers, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By
covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words, for a long time, their
judgement has not been idle and their destruction does not slumber.” This is
talking about the prosperity gospel, and it is the gospel that has made the true
gospel of repentance seem strange to many people. 2 Peter 2:19 says,

”while they promise them liberty .

they themselves are slaves of corruption for by whom a person is overcome,

by him also he is brought into bondage.” The bible says the false prophets will
promise liberty.

They will say you are free to live in your sins because Jesus paid the price for
you. But the bible says it is because they themselves are slaves to sin. They
have never experienced the power of Jesus to set men free even from the
stubbornness addictions. Because they are slaves of sin, they cannot see how
possible it is to be set free from your sinful desires, so they will say, “we are all
sinners, just continue living the way you are because Jesus has paid the price for
you.” Jesus Christ is powerful enough to set men free from their sins and also
keep them from falling, keeping them in holiness by His power. Jude
1:24,”Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you
faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,” It is a work of

the Spirit of GOD, not man but we have a part to play. There’s liberty in Christ
and it is freedom from sin so that our obligation is to righteousness instead of
sin. The Spirit of God has nothing to do with people sinning freely in the name
of grace, that is the spirit of Satan. Where the Spirit of God is, there’s freedom
from sin.

2.Signs of being lukewarm Christian

If you are a Christian yet never ever persecuted for your faith it is a sign that
you are lukewarm.

If the world loves, you yet it hated Jesus it’s a really dangerous sign about your
spiritual state because it means they cannot see Jesus in you whom they hate so
they will love you.

Jesus didn’t ever expect for Christians to be loved but He expected them to be
hated because He already experienced the hatred from the world and if He lives
in His disciples it was automatic that the world would hate them too.

The world loves sin and hates Christ because He is holy.

Scripture tells us that,” Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will
suffer persecution.”

2 Timothy 3:12.

John 15:18,”If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.”

To my sisters, the daughters of the heavenly King

3.modesty in churches

As a woman, I understand the struggle many Christian women face with being
the only one who dresses modestly.

I understand the struggle many Christian women face of always being the only
one different from all other women around you, including Christian women.

I understand the struggle of living as a stranger in a strange land not being able
to fit into what this world expects to be normal to you.

I understand the longing for your heavenly home.

We are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses who were given a choice
between their lives and obedience to the Lord (Hebrews 12:1).

One by one they all chose to die, because they could not deny Christ.

And now our turn has come to count the cost of following our Lord.

Because even though we may not have a choice of life and death, the cause of
Christ still goes on.

The King’s ways are still hated by the world.

2 Timothy 3:12 says,” Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will
suffer persecution.”

Many women are shamed and persecuted by the world for choosing to dress

Satan doesn’t care if your outward holiness is for mere hypocrisy but once he
knows it’s real and stems from the inside with a prayerful life, then he will use
people to discourage your obedience.

We have a choice to fit into this present world and deny Christ with our
lifestyle, or to reject this world and choose obedience to Christ.

Let us choose to rebel from the godless fashion of the world that celebrates
women’s nakedness, and choose to obey the commands of our King even if we
have to be the only ones doing so where we live.

Let us not be ashamed to go with Christ outside the camp, bearing His reproach
if we must because Jesus was not ashamed to be humiliated, beaten, stripped
naked and killed in a shameful manner for us (Hebrews 13:13).

Actually the more we spend time with Christ, we begin to enjoy obedience to
Jesus even when we have to do it alone.

The Holy Spirit makes obedience a joy, and that is why the saints could die

Because Jesus puts us on a one way path and there’s no turning back for us no
matter what. Christ lives within us and we cannot deny Him by embracing what
the world sees as normal.

Our Beloved is more beautiful than any love this world could offer us.

Let us choose Him over this world.

It is not normal to dress half naked.

It is not normal to Christ, and it is not normal to us.

Many people like to say,” why do you always talk about dressing,

it is not important.”

It is actually very important because if there’s a way the modern church has
backslidden it mainly has to do with their dressing, before all else.

It is the most noticeable thing and yes it is displeasing to Jesus.

“Charm is deceitful and beauty fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to
be praised.” Proverbs 31:30 “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the
royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile
himself this way.” Daniel 1:8“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in
view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and
pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”Romans 12:1

4.Satan doesn’t regard any Christian no matter how prayerful
as being out of his reach.
But no matter how uprightly someone walks or how prayerful they are, Satan
will not give up but keep trying to make them fall.

He will still tempt them.

I had this dream where God was telling me about this that Satan doesn’t fear
anyone and even if you go on a prayer marathon and pray one thousand prayers,
just after the one thousandth prayer, he will still come and try to tempt you.

So Satan only gives up on you when you die, as long as you are alive he will
keep looking for any chance and try his best to make you fall and turn your back
on God.

What prayer does is that it gives us power to stand in the day of temptation.

So by staying prayerful we have enough strength to keep overcoming Satan no

matter what ways he might use to tempt us.

But we must never think we are above temptation and become careless coming
close to sin and thinking we cannot fall.

But God calls us to stay away from the appearance of evil.

He calls us to stay as far away from sin as possible so that we will give no place
to Satan.

By coming close to sin and entertaining evil thinking they cannot fall,many
Christians have been brought down by the enemy.

A few years ago God gave me a dream about the rapture where He showed me
this Christian woman who despite her being married, she was entertaining
another man whom she knew wanted an adulterous relationship with her.

She excused her actions of entertaining him saying,”we will just be friends,” yet
she knew what he wanted.

She thought she would just stay close to sin without actually committing the
actual sin but to God it was as though she committed the sin because she failed
to flee the appearance of evil but rather entertained it.

So God showed me this woman had her (spiritual) light turned off because of
this and by the time she decided to cut off the ungodly familiarity with the man
who wanted an adulterous relationship, it was already too late because in that
dream Jesus had already come.

I saw Jesus in the clouds and He had so much sadness on His face for this

After she fled from that man,she then turned on her light and realized Jesus was
already gone.

Jesus said to her,”I came but your light was turned off so you were not visible to

Jesus shows us how much we should detest sin when He gives the example of
lust and says even when you look at a woman lustfully you have already
committed adultery with her.

So by entertaining sin,thinking we will be okay as long as we don’t commit the

actual sin,to the Lord it is as though we have because we are tolerating Satan.

God is a jealous God.

I remember sometime back I came across this video of an American pastor

saying to his congregation,”Today,we are going to get as close to sinning as
possible without actually sinning,” then his church proceeded to have ungodly
dances in the pulpit.

So this is deception from Satan.

You cannot get as close as possible to sinning without actually sinning because
once you start to get close to the sin,to the Lord you have already done it.

Sin is conceived in the heart and then manifests outside.

And that is why God wants our hearts to be changed so that we will not even
want to get close to sin but rather detested it.

God doesn’t just want us to stay away from sin but it is also His desire for us to
detested it and that is only done by the Spirit of God.

If you still love your sin but are staying away from it because of obedience to
God, you are not sinning in God’s eyes.

But God is also offering you something better, that He may help you to not only
stay away from sin but to also hate it.

When you spend more time in His Presence He will do it.

It is Jesus Christ who is able to change our hearts.

When we come to Him in repentance and ask Him to give us a new heart,

He is faithful to do it.

1 Corinthians 10:12, Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he

5.Culture is not excuse

Culture is never an excuse for sin because when you get saved, you change your
culture. You may have been born into a culture that embraces what God calls
abominable but that is why you have to be BORN AGAIN into the kingdom of
God. You now belong to a new kingdom that has people from every nation,
people, tribe, land, and that Kingdom has commandments given by God which
supersede any human culture.

6.satanist are always watching all sons of lord

In 2017 I had this attack one day and when I saw the people Satan had sent to
attack me I was shocked because even queen Elizabeth was there! I was
shocked and said,” how can she know me from over here? how can she know I
even exist?” Then Jesus told me that,” do you see how in the world they have
all these famous people they call celebrities that the whole world knows? But in
reality all My children are known by the agents of Satan worldwide. Yes, even
these famous and powerful people on earth know my children because the eyes
of Satan are on My children on the earth. BUT MY EYES ARE ALSO ON MY
CHILDREN.” When you are a child of God, spiritually alive with an active
prayer life,there is an intense spiritual battle to bring you down. You may not
know of it but it is there. That’s why Jesus says we must be watchful. The truth
is that Satan and his demons know the children of God are because in the Spirit
you are marked,God has put His signature on you and you cannot be hidden.
That is why even people in the occult are able to identify you as soon as they
see you and sometimes they will show anger for no physical reason. It is
because God’s signature is on you and it’s so evident in the spirit. I used to
think that,” how can Satan be sending so many demons to fight against us all the
time?How many demons are there for him to ‘afford’ to send so many against
us all the time?” Because Jesus would show me how legions of demons come
against us whenever we would pray. But then God showed me that Satan has
marked God’s children so that he can fight strategically. He sends his legions
against one child of God because he is strategic and doesn’t target all human
beings but God’s children. He may attack others here and there but his focus are
the children of God. Many people say,”now that am a Christian I have endless
battles,” Satan doesn’t waste his time on those he already has but focuses all his
best weapons on God’s children on earth. So we must never slumber and give
room to Satan because he wants to come in and take over your whole life to
destroy you. Why Satan has his eyes on you is to destroy you and persuade you
to turn back to the world and lose your soul. The Bible says Satan only wants to
steal,kill and destroy. So we must always be sober and vigilant. We must watch
and pray like Jesus said,our enemy is always roaming seeking whom to devour.
Don’t open doors to Satan even in “small” ways because he will quickly come
in and take over. But submit to God by staying prayerful,resist Satan and resist
sin and Jesus will grant you victory.

7. Prayer is a battle ground, we must persevere in prayer

Greetings to you all brothers and sisters and May the peace of Jesus Christ our
Savior be with you!

A few months ago, I had this experience I want to share with you.

I had been praying for some time and gotten past the early stages of prayer
when the flesh fights you to stop and finally broken through to a place where I
was able to enjoy prayer and able to commune with God heart to heart.

As I delved deeper in prayer, suddenly I felt assaulted by Satan’s accusations on

why God could not answer my prayer.

I did not realize this was spiritual warfare and now my mind was distracted to
start thinking on whether or not these accusations were true.

I was praying but now it wasn’t with all my heart and I was distracted.

When I felt like ending my prayer, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit saying,
“no, keep praying.”

As I prayed, the Lord started to show me a vision.

I found myself in a building and I saw a man dressed in a checked suit looking
like a business man.

When I saw him the Spirit of God let me know this was actually Lucifer, Satan.

He walked up to a glass door and it slid open and another “man “walked in.

Satan walked up to this man who walked into the room with a smile on his face,
when I looked closer I realized Satan had a third eye on the forehead.

He shook the man’s hand and said, “congratulations!”

The Holy Spirit then told me, ”look,this is the demon that was sent to distract
your prayer.”

There are demons that look like humans, others look like animals and others
look like strange creatures never seen before.

So I realized Satan was now congratulating it for accomplishing its goal!

Prayer isn’t all the same.

When you start to pray, sometimes you could still be in the flesh, with your
mind wandering on earthly cares and duties but once you go past that stage and
start to pray in the spirit, the spiritual warfare is intensified because your prayers
are now more powerful.

Because God is Spirit and now you are praying in the spirit, which means you
can be in a place of direct communion with God.

We must know there are demonic spirits that will still be fighting to get us out
of this place and back to the first stage where our spirit isn’t in perfectly
alignment and communion with God because we are still in the flesh.

They use all sorts of weapons like making you sleepy or distracted just to stop
you from praying.

Like one time when I was praying with my sister and I started to feel
overwhelmed with sleep and God opened my eyes and I saw in the spirit
demons coming with a mat and pillows for us, casting a demonic spirit to make
us drowsy.

Sometimes they could accuse you of sin even when you haven’t sinned or
they could remind you of past sin.

Sometimes they could remind you of your problems.

There are many things happening in the spirit that we do not see and don’t
understand why prayer becomes difficult.

But there’s warfare.

The demons will come and whisper,”why hasn’t God given you a child?” Or if
you are praying for a marriage partner they will come and say,”when are you
getting married?” Or What are you going to do about this problem you have at
your work?”or “How could this person talk to you like this? You need to teach
them a lesson.”

They will distract your mind just so that you start thinking about all these things
while your mouth keeps praying because they want to destroy the power of your

Prayer that is powerful is prayed with all your heart not just your lips.

About two years ago there was a day when I was praying at night and I had
stayed up to do spiritual warfare about a situation I needed God’s intervention

As I got overwhelmed by sleep,God allowed me to see what was happening in

the spirit.

I found myself in a battlefield and there were these people dressed in what
looked like ancient metalic armor and their leader was saying to them,”you can
retreat the battle has been won!You can retreat the battle has been won!”

Then I realized it was actually a demonic army I was fighting against and that
they said it had been won because I had failed to pray and just slept.

When I saw that I became determined not to be defeated and rose up to pray so
that I didn’t doze and asked Jesus for help.

Then as I prayed Jesus showed me a vision of my prayer answered.

And shortly after this,the answer manifested physically and I received what I
was praying for.

I knew that the answer was granted on that night when Satan had wanted to
defeat me and block me from receiving it by stopping me from praying.

We have to persevere in prayer and not just go with how we feel.

We have to know that prayer is a battle ground and Satan doesn’t want us there
because he knows we are assured of victory and that he only has victory if he
can kick us out of the battle before we win it.

Ephesians 6:12,”For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”


1 Peter 4:7,” But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and
watchful in your prayers.”

God gave my husband this dream about how we should prepare for the end

It happened on one of the nights when I stayed up to pray.

I was up praying in the living room,my husband was sleeping in the bedroom
and had a dream.

In the dream,it was nighttime and he went outside our house and when he
looked up there was a blood moon.

But instead of it being like a normal lunar eclipse,he said it looked as though the
moon was literally covered in blood and it was a very scary sight because the
moment he saw it, he immediately knew that it was a sign of the end times and
that something terrible was coming upon the earth.

In real life I was praying and it was as though the dream was mixed with real
life because in the dream he could hear me praying and when he saw the moon
as the sign of what was coming,he was thinking to himself,”she is doing the
right thing,this is the only way to be safe.”

So he somehow knew that I would somehow be spared or protected from what

was coming because I was praying.

So God just used me as an example but it wasn’t about me, the message he was
giving my husband was that we need to prepare for the end times by staying
close to Jesus,seeking Him now while there’s still time.

We need to know that we are living in the end times.

It is not the time to be busy with sin but it is time to seek God whole heartedly.

That is how we prepare for the end times.

This was a supernatural dream,not an ordinary dream because on this night as I

prayed the Holy Spirit put it on my heart to ask God to give my husband a
supernatural dream.

I don’t normally think of praying for this but that night, while my husband was
already asleep I said, “lord, please give my husband a supernatural dream

And I didn’t tell my husband anything so you can imagine my shock the next
morning when he told me his dream.

So the Holy Spirit wanted me to ask God for this because it was already what
He wanted to do.

God is seriously warning us to wake up because we are in the end times, the
signs of the end are already here.

Wars, conflicts, false prophets, and prophecy must be fulfilled but we must be
spiritually prepared.

Jesus said, learn from the fig tree, because by looking at its leaves you can tell
when summer is near.

Brothers and sisters, by looking at what is happening we know the end is near.

May we all be found in Jesus our hiding place!

Ephesians 5:16,” Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”

9. Protecting your heavenly reward

Just sharing something the Lord had put on my heart these past days.

The best things we can ever do for the Lord are what is done in secret.

They are the things with the greatest reward in heaven.

A few years ago I read of this pastor from Asia who was really wealthy and had
done a lot of charitable things for people.

He got sick and actually died and when he was shown his heavenly reward he
was really shocked because he only had like two things he was rewarded for and
they were really minor things he had done to help some people and because they
were really minor he never thought of mentioning them to anyone.

But they were recorded in heaven and he had a heavenly reward.

But he was disappointed to find that he had no other reward despite giving so
much money to the poor and helping many people.

And Jesus told him that he had already received a reward for those things while
on earth and there was no need for a heavenly reward.

He told him that because he had broadcasted all his charitable deeds,people had
praised him as a good person and that was all the reward he would get.

Thankfully for him he woke up in hospital and had another chance at life to
make things right.

I believe he’s finally dead now.

Many people are losing their heavenly rewards just like this pastor when they
do things for God then seek people’s praise.

When we announce our charitable deeds to get the praise of men, we lose God’s

When we go out in service for the Lord but really want the praise of men and
not God and we take pictures to upload with the intention of showing everyone
that we are evangelizing so that they may say to us,” wow! well done! You are a
great evangelist, ”we could lose our the heavenly reward and only get empty
praise of men for a reward.

When give and do charitable things and really want people to know and we
announce it and people say,” wow, you are really good, God will reward you,”
we actually lose our reward.

It is the intent of our heart that matters because God can see the real intent,He
can see further than what we may claim to be the intent and see the actual intent
deep in our hearts.

Social media has made it really easy for us to lose our heavenly reward.

So we could find ourselves serving Jesus in many ways yet end up without a
heavenly reward because our hearts weren’t right.

In 2015 the Lord had told me,” do you know that many of these people whom
the world refers to as , ”God’s generals,” are not really the ones regarded as
such in heaven?”

I was shocked because I had never considered it.

But the Lord told me,” yes, MANY of the people who are actually regarded as
God’s generals by heaven were never even noticed by the world but they went
to great lengths to serve Me faithfully and sacrificed and did exploits for My

The world did not notice them but heaven did.”

We must remember that God doesn’t see things as man does, He sees in secret.

Man would have thought that that wealthy Asian pastor had the most rewards
after all his charitable deeds but because God’s judgement is different, he had
very little because very little was done in secret where there no chance of
human praise. In secret where no one will see you praying, that is where your
real relationship with Jesus is.

It isn’t what is seen in church gatherings when you can want to appear to be
very prayerful or prove a point.

But in your closet where there’s no chance for human praise, where no one is
seeing you, that is where your actual relationship with Jesus exists.

So there are people whom the world would expect to get great rewards in
heaven but they won’t because they lost them in preference for human praise,
and then there are people who never cared for the world’s praise or it’s reward
and only looked for God’s reward.

May we all strive to be among them and seek only His praise without seeking
for the world’s applause.

May we prefer the heavenly reward.

May we strive to live for Jesus for real and not human applause.

10. have you prioritized the kingdom of heaven?

Greetings to you all my beloved brothers and sisters. Often times we may get
too busy to cultivate and maintain a close relationship with Jesus due to things
like our work, business, family relations, school and sometimes even
hobbies and social media. In Luke 14:7-27 and Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus tells us
that many people will miss the Kingdom of heaven because of their business,
work, marriage and things like that. Those who were invited to the King’s
banquet said they were busy with their farm, business, or spouses and the King
said they were not worthy to taste of the banquet because they made light of it
by not prioritizing it. This is a serious warning because these people were
rejected and therefore cast out of God’s kingdom. Jesus was showing us that no
matter what important things we may have in our lives, He should still be first
in our hearts and a priority because we may spend our hours, days and months
on anything else but the moment we die it will all become useless to us but all
we can carry with us is our real relationship with Christ. Earthly life is temporal.
Even Presidents are easily replaced if they die. We will lose everything else but
only Christ cannot be lost. Will we be found poor and wretched or we will be
found to have prioritized the kingdom of heaven? Are we taking light the
King’s call like these people who eventually missed the banquet?


Matthew 24:12-13,” And because of the prevalent disregard of God's law the
love of the great majority will grow cold;

but those who stand firm to the End shall be saved.” (Weymouth New
Testament translation)

Matthew 24:12-13, Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will
grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (NIV)

Matthew 24:12-13, And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will
grow cold.

But he who endures to the end shall be saved.

12. I found this interesting but they are demons not aliens!

Daniel 2:43,”As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with
the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not
mix with clay.”

They have tried to mingle with humans but God has preserved the seed of

On 17th September 2012 I together with my family (parents and some siblings)
as well as some people from church were engaged in prayer at the Lord’s

Jesus had told us to pray because He wanted to show us some things.

He asked that we ask some people from church to join us so that they will be

We started praying in the morning and by night time we were still praying.

We had been waiting on the Lord to fulfill what He promised.

At exactly midnight as we prayed,a bright light appeared in the room and

descended to where my sister and I were kneeling next to each other.

Everyone in the room was able to see the light.

When this happened, the Spirit of the Lord came upon my sister and I and Jesus
started to show my sister and I so many things and to give us prophetic
messages to share with the people who were praying with us and also with the

This went on for that whole night and for the whole day the next day and for
two days straight Jesus kept showing us spiritual mysteries, giving us prophetic

This was the first time Jesus told us that there are demons living on earth
disguised as humans.

It was very strange to us because we had never imagined this but the Lord told
us,” be careful when you make friends because demons are here on earth
disguised as humans. They are actually born and you can trace their families.”

From then on the Lord gave my sister Zipporah and I the ability to know the
demon incarnates.

I rented a house owned by a demon incarnate.

So when I moved in I had no idea.

She had a poster on her door written,” Jesus is Lord.”

When she knew my dad is a pastor she said,,”Oh it’s good you are a pastor’s
daughter, I didn’t want people who would be partying in the house because we
usually have church here.”

Her house where she lived was just a few meters from mine.

But once I moved in and started praying Jesus told me the woman was a demon
incarnate(demon in human desguise).

When I would pray I started to see her astral projecting into my house like a

When my sister came over to my house,Jesus showed her too.

So my sister and I started to engage in intense prayer, then every time after
prayer we would find blood mysteriously appeared on the bathroom floor
despite praying with the door to the house locked!

This happened several times, till I decided to talk to the “land lady” about it and
she said,” may be there’s a rat that enters your house and was bleeding!”

I told her it had been happening for days and she wanted me to brush it off.

But Jesus gave me victory over her.

I left home one weekend and when I came back blood was spilled all over three
plastic garden chairs that were in the house and also on the walls!

It was a lot of blood!

Jesus told a pastor (who doesn’t know about demon incarnates) that my land
lady and the other agents of Satan were using the blood as a warning sign that
they are coming for us and that they wanted to kill my sister first.

That very day my sister was involved in an accident and couldn’t walk for
weeks till after prayer.

In the night we went outside with anointing oil and prayed for the entire yard
and anointed all her plants and prayed.

When we woke up the next day her plants had dried up!

They weren’t ordinary plants because this woman was a demon incarnate just
here to work for Satan.

She asked someone to dig them all up.

When I lived there Jesus showed me a vision that there was light in my house
but I saw the woman outside my house and she was trying to pull out the light!

So Jesus showed me that why she said she likes Christians is so that she can
extinguish their fire.

Jesus would show me that this woman was so scared of us because of prayer.

Often she would say, “you are really a child of God.”

Jesus told me it’s because the demon incarnates know the truth on salvation and

They actually know what leads to hell and encourage it.

Opposite my house, there was another small house which she rented out.

Once I had moved into my house, the people in that house moved out and Jesus
told me that Satan had reserved that house which was opposite mine for the
demon incarnates because he wanted them really close to me.

A woman moved there and she used to seem nice but Jesus showed me that I
needed to be careful because she was a demon in human disguise.

One day I had a dream that I was telling someone that, Jesus showed me that
this lady who lives here is a demon in disguise!”

Just as I said it the lady herself came and she overheard me.

She said, ”I heard what you said about me.”

And I answered, “yes it’s true! You are not human but a demon from hell!”

When she saw that I wasn’t ashamed to confront her she said, “Yes am a
demon! So what?!I am a demon, so what?!”

Then I said to her, “well you will burn in the lake of fire!”

And she said, “I don’t care! In fact, I curse God!”

Then her whole body turned black and I heard the voice of God in the dream
and He said, “now that her mission is exposed she will move out.”

When I woke up, minutes later I heard a knock at my door and it was the same

She said,” I am asking for the keys to the gate (her keys were lost).I have found
another apartment and I will be moving out!”

I was so shocked because it’s exactly what Jesus showed me!

Jesus showed me many of the people who were my favorite actors in American
movies, Korean movies, Bollywood movies, Nigerian movies and they were
demon incarnates.

Jesus started to show me many musicians whom I had loved to listen to, He also
showed me many ordinary people.

I went to a rural area where people don’t even have electricity and right there
Jesus showed me demon incarnates!

When I was shocked,one of them said to me(spiritually),”we don’t care where

we have to live,as long as there are human souls there we will live there because
all we want are souls to take to hell.”

Jesus showed my sister and I that the demon incarnates are among all ages,all
classes of people and in all parts of the world.

All they want are human souls.

Jesus said we must be prayerful.

Even when you have no ability to know them just be prayerful and Jesus still
protects you.

Don’t be careless because the demon incarnates are on a mission.

They are among children so that they target human children and teach them to
do abominable things.

They teach them sexual immorality, foul language and disobedience at a very
young age.

Not all children who do this are necessarily demon incarnates but demon
incarnates disguised as children have this mission.

You will not know what games your children are playing or what they are being
taught by the demons disguised as children.

They are not children but are even much older than you.

Pray for your children and be spiritually sensitive whom they befriend.

Be careful whom your children befriend.

Watch and pray.

The demon incarnates are very real and over the years Jesus has shown them to

At one house where my husband and I lived there was a family which lived next
door whom Jesus showed me were demon incarnates including a four year old

We fought many spiritual battles against them.

Jesus said not to take the battle to the physical but fight spiritually instead.

So we would just act normal but pray against them.

There was one girl from that family who was about 17 and also a demon

Jesus showed me that Satan had given her an assignment to attack me with


She never succeeded, praise God!

But during this period, we had this pastor visiting one day and as we were
walking him to the station we met this girl coming from school with her friends.

They by passed us and didn’t say anything.

The pastor didn’t know that we know this girl or that she was our neighbour.

This pastor has a prophetic gift.

But when we by passed each other he said,” These girls who passed here really
hate you. They seemed to mind their business and were quiet but I heard them
in the spirit they were saying,” we really hate her, we are going to make her
mad (mental illness)!”

So I was shocked because Jesus had shown me the same and the pastor didn’t
know the girl was our neighbour.

Jesus has shown us that they are real.

They astral project like witches and someone with a prophetic gift who doesn’t
know about demon incarnates could actually mistake them for a witch.

But they are not human and they have no soul.

They know their doom is sealed and are in human disguise to lead a rebellion
against God because humans follow the majority.

So they are here to set sinful trends and normalize sin.

Many humans just blindly follow and help set these trends as well.

Some are sent in the church to pose as preachers.

Some may even speak about holiness but they will ensure they find a way to
harvest souls still.

Jesus said they want to be in any group where humans are.

So we must be watchful and not blindly follow people.

It’s so real!

In Genesis 6 angels came in human form married women and begot giants who
normalized sin and iniquity increased till God destroyed the earth.

But the Bible says the Nephilim were there even after the flood.

They do marry humans and produce demon babies.

Human babies are only from two humans.

Just like on Daniel 2:43 their seed and the seed of humans cannot mix to
produce something in between.

But they just produce fellow nephilim even when they marry humans.

One Nephilim demon incarnate wanted to marry me years ago and Jesus
showed me who he was.

They target children of God so that they can be close enough to destroy

So always pray when choosing whom to marry.

Don’t just walk in the flesh.

13. Christianity’s stance on transgender will be a witness

against many Christians for rebellion

Imagine if you were a florist and you collect flowers of different kinds and

You arrange them in your garden to your pleasing.

But you wake up the next day, all flowers have changed into different species of

Not only that, but they all transformed their colours, ruining your design; the
yellow flowers changed themselves to purple because they thought it was better,
the red turned to green, the pink turned black all because they thought it’s

As a result, your whole design is ruined, your garden no longer looks like what
you wanted.

What will you do?

You will pluck out those flowers because they are no use to you!

They are rebellious and therefore of no use to you because for you to pick them
you knew what was pleasing to you.

God thought about us all when creating us and after creating everything He said,
“it was good.”

Jesus said to me that many Christians condemn being transgender yet they do
not realize that this transgender movement was birthed through a long process
that even Christians have embraced.

Satan couldn’t just wake up and say,” you are born in a wrong body, change to a
woman,” or vice versa.

He had to come very slowly, very subtly, slowly creeping in through different
generations before finally coming in the open with the transgender.

Satan first said to people, “this hair colour is wrong, change it that’s when
you will look good, change your nails to fake, change your hair, change
your eye lashes, change your eyebrows, change your lip colour, etc and
many Christians fully embraced this.

Then finally Satan says, “actually you are completely born in a wrong body, just
change from being a man into a woman!”

And now Christians will come up and say,” oh no! This is a big sin!”

And if you ask Christians why this is sin they will say, If God made you a man
you cannot change to a woman.”

But do you see that if God gave you curly hair you shouldn’t change it to
straight and vice versa.

So many Christians will say,” I can change my hair and body to however I
want,” but they will say,” if God made you male it’s sin to change yourself to

Satan is very cunning; do you see it’s the same agenda of Satan slowly testing
the waters to see how deep he could go?

So it is very serious, it is vanity because when God created us He specifically

thought about what skin colour, eye colour, hair type and colour to give us.

You can just take care of your body without transforming it into something else.

It’s different if someone had to undergo some surgery for health reasons but it’s
vanity and unacceptable to God to just change our bodies for vanity.

So I felt really foolish that I had ignored Jesus’ warning to me and that I would
end up here.

That feeling of joy I had had back in 2013 when my hair reverted had been the
Holy Spirit letting me know He was happy when my hair reverted to how God
created it.

I was crying to Jesus to forgive me and I felt so foolish because I felt like
nothing had been worth going to hell for.

Satan has his own image which he wants everyone to transform to.

He hates God and created a counterfeit image where everything is fake and only
when you bow to it,that’s when he will say to you,”now you are beautiful or

Satan is the god of this world and has made the world to bow down to his fake
image in vanity.

But the wages of sin is death.

If we can see something wrong with someone created as a woman transforming

themselves into a man then surely our hearts can bear witness that there’s isn’t
much difference with someone whom God created with brown hair changing it
to red, something God didn’t create them to be.

Christian’s stance on transgender will be a witness against many when standing

before God because there’s no difference.

The god of this world has blinded many but God is opening our eyes to the
reality of this.

Yes, it seems trivial but matters to Jesus because it reveals a rebellious heart.

So it’s important to Jesus but must be accompanied with a pure heart, obedience
in other areas and a real prayer life.

14. Escape hell, Don’t bow to the god of this world

I had woken up to pray and after my midnight prayer I went back to bed.

I laid my head on the pillow but as soon as I did that, I heard loud noise that
seemed to come from a distance.

It sounded like screams of a crowd.

I started to wonder what that was and for a moment thought there was a soccer
match nearby.

As I was still wondering what that noise was, I found myself falling into a very
deep place.

I was falling in a horizontal position and my body kept turning over and over as
I descended.

Despite falling at such high speed I still didn’t reach my destination quickly,
and that’s what made me know this place must be extremely deep.

The noise got louder and louder and when I looked down, I couldn’t believe
what I saw!

It seemed like an endless sea or ocean filled with people!

I realized I was falling into hell and at this point I remember thinking to
myself,” I wish people on earth could see this, then they wouldn’t toy with sin
and love the world.”

I looked to my right, to my left and in all directions this place I was falling into
seemed to just go on forever.

There was no end!

It was like an endless sea but instead of water, it was filled with people and it
was so large that it seemed to extend for an eternity.

On the left, on the right and in all directions that I looked I couldn’t see an end
and there were so many people and it just seemed to go on forever.

As I looked at these people I realized they were human just like me.

At this time I believed that my earthly life was over and that this was to be my
final destination.

I did not know that Jesus wanted to just show me this place as a warning to me
and others.

As I knew I would be in hell forever I felt so foolish for choosing to come here
because I chose loving the world.

Jesus had told me to stop straightening my hair because He didn’t create me

with straight hair.

He hates the falsehood.

I used to straighten my hair with a blow dryer and sometimes I used a flat iron.

I remember in 2013 I had just freshly straightened my hair and I applied a hair
moisturizer but because of the high water content in the product it reverted my
hair from straight to its natural state.

I was supposed to feel bad but strangely when my hair reverted to its natural
state I felt a joy deep inside my heart.

I couldn’t understand it.

Then years later, just weeks before this vision or experience of hell, I had had a
vision once and in that vision Jesus was telling me, ”wash your hair to revert it
to natural.”(If hair isn’t chemically straightened but just straightened with flat
irons or a blower, it reverts just by soaking it with water)

I was troubled by that vision but then because from childhood I grew up
straightening my hair, I thought, ”but what else will I do to my hair. I think
Jesus will understand.”

Then now I was finally falling into the eternal fires of hell and I knew in this
moment I was going to hell because I was making my hair fake.

It’s vanity and Jesus hates it.

You can use products that just help you take care of your hair like moisturizers,
conditioners, hair oils that just keep your hair moisturized and well taken care

But when you start to use things like hair dyes, changing to fake hair colour, or
like I was doing, changing my hair to straight, or if you use bleaching cream on
your skin, or products that will transform your body then that is a sin of
rebellion against God.

I did not know how serious it was till Jesus explained it to me.

Here’s what He told me.


Jesus said to me that many Christians condemn being transgender yet they do
not realize that this transgender movement was birthed through a long process
that even Christians have embraced.

Satan couldn’t just wake up and say, “you are born in a wrong body, change to a
woman,” or vice versa.

He had to come very slowly, very subtly, slowly creeping in through different
generations before finally coming in the open with the transgender.

Satan first said to people, “this hair colour is wrong, change it that’s when you
will look good, change your nails to fake, change your hair, change your eye
lashes, change your eyebrows, change your lip color,etc and many Christians
fully embraced this.

Then finally Satan says,”actually you are completely born in a wrong body,just
change from being a man into a woman!”

And now Christians will come up and say,”oh no!This is a big sin!”

And if you ask Christian’s why this is sin they will say,”If God made you a man
you cannot change to a woman,it is a sin.”

But do you see that if God gave you curly hair you shouldn’t change it to
straight and vice versa.

So many Christians will say,” I can change my hair and body to however I
want,” but they will say,”if God made you male it’s sin to change yourself to

Satan is very cunning,do you see it’s the same agenda of Satan slowly testing
the waters to see how deep he could go?

So it is very serious,it is vanity because when God created us He specifically

thought about what skin color,eye color,hair type and color to give us.

You can just take care of your body without transforming it into something else.

It’s different if someone had to undergo some surgery for health reasons but it’s
vanity and unacceptable to God to just change our bodies for vanity.

So I felt really foolish that I had ignored Jesus’ warning to me and that I would
end up here.

That feeling of joy I had had back in 2013 when my hair reverted had been the
Holy Spirit letting me know He was happy when my hair reverted to how God
created it.

I was crying to Jesus to forgive me and I felt so foolish because I felt like
nothing had been worth going to hell for.

Satan has his own image because which he wants everyone to transform to.

He hates God and created a counterfeit image where everything is fake and only
when you bow to it,that’s when he will say to you,”now you are beautiful or

Satan is the god of this world and has made the world to bow down to his fake
image in vanity.

But the wages of sin is death.

If we can see something wrong with someone created as a woman transforming

themselves into a man then surely our hearts can bear witness that there’s isn’t
much difference with someone whom God created with with brown hair
changing it to red,something God didn’t create them to be.

Christian’s stance on transgender will be a witness against many when standing

before God because there’s no difference.

The god of this world has blinded many but God is opening our eyes to the
reality of this.

Yes, it seems trivial but matters to Jesus because it reveals a rebellious heart.

So it’s important to Jesus but must be accompanied with a pure heart, obedience
in other areas and a real prayer life.

15. Christ is Our Hiding Place

I had been wagging spiritual warfare against witchcraft, then I had this dream
that many witches, warlocks, and Satanists had come to my house.

They were making so much noise like a protest at the entrance to our yard.

They said they were” looking for the paper where Jesus had written the names
of my family saying we are His and signed it.”

It was like they knew that Jesus had written the names of my family, claiming
us as His by His signature and because of that they couldn’t do what they
wanted with us!

So these people were angry and said,” where’s the paper where Jesus wrote
your names, we want to tear it!”

For some reason they couldn’t enter through the gate to our yard and were only
at the gate.

They were frantically searching for this paper that they thought existed because
they believed if they could just tear it then they could have access to us.

But as they kept looking for this “paper, ”Jesus showed me that He hadn’t
written our names on a piece of paper like these people thought.

signed it to show that we are His and so no one could tear this or change it but
we were safely hidden!

God’s children are all safely hidden in Him and protected from the evil one.

Isiah 49:16,”See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls
are continually before Me.

Romans 8:38,”For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor
principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,

nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us
from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

16. We have an appointment with Jesus Christ which we
cannot miss.

Our appointment comes without prior warning. We can never be too busy for
that appointment. We cannot ask for a postponement. Spending time in prayer is
a privilege to commune with our Judge before that appointment with Him. By
His Spirit He searches our hearts,rebukes,teaches and corrects us. He gives us
strength to overcome sin so that we may be found washed by His blood and
ready to inherit eternal life. Recognizing our need for a Savior to save us from
our sins makes us humble ourselves before Him in prayer and He lifts us up
above all temptations of the enemy. When we think we can make it without
Jesus(pride and self sufficiency),we become negligent of our need to spend time
in prayer with Him and it always results in falling back into sin. But when we
continually humble ourselves before Him because we recognize our need for
Him in order for us to overcome this world,Jesus lifts us up and we are
victorious. The time to seek God is now. There will never be a more conducive


This is the sad reality for many who have died this very day!

It is estimated that about 150,000 people die daily.

Out of these, we know from Jesus’ words in Luke 13:24 that many end up in
hell because they lived only for this present world, and die unprepared for the
righteous judgment of God.

In Luke 13:27, Jesus makes it clear that the reason many will fail to enter
through the narrow gate is because they wanted to serve God while continuing
to live in sin.

They said to Jesus, ”we ate and drink in your presence and you taught in our

This shows us that these were Christians, they were people who had even
feasted in the Lord’s presence and listened to His teachings but continued their
lives of sin and perished in it.

The people who have died without Jesus today can no longer return to make
things right.

They cannot return in order to get their lives right with God,so their
friends,family,acquaintances all continue living similar lives of sin not knowing
the end of it all is death.

We who are alive have a chance to enter through the narrow way and be saved.

Let us prioritize living our lives for Jesus.

Everything else we may treasure so much is meaningless because it will become
irrelevant once we die.

Once you die all that matters is whether you had believed in Jesus as your Lord
and Savior with your life testifying of this.

A tree that does not bear good fruit will be burnt in fire, so by our fruit Jesus
will know us as His or reject us.

To be saved, you have to repent of sin, believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior
and start to live in obedience to Him.

If you have Jesus, you have everything.

If you have everything else but don’t have Jesus, you have nothing and will find
yourself poor and wretched when you die, already condemned because of your
rejection of Jesus who is the Way, Truth and Life.

18. Some years ago I travelled to a nearby town to go and
share my testimony of hell at an inter denominational prayer
I ended up taking so much time because there was so much to share on what
Jesus had told me to warn people on the traps of sin leading many to hell.

Deliberately, I didn’t talk about the sins that are in the modern church in regards
to dressing like the world by dressing half naked.

Simply because this is a topic that is extremely offensive to many in the church.

All throughout the way going home, my heart wasn’t at peace.

I knew I had betrayed Jesus in preference for human acceptance.

People kept telling me they were so blessed and that I did great to share but I
knew in my heart that wasn’t true because I had withheld some things that Jesus
had told me to talk about just because I feared how the people would react.

Two weeks later I received a message from a South African woman, whom I
had previously never spoken to.

Her message was, I had a vision about you two weeks ago where Satan was
choking you on the throat so that you cannot say all the things our Lord Jesus
tells you to say. I did take out that blockage in the mighty name of Jesus!”

Honestly, I got really scared when I read that because I knew exactly what the
Lord was talking about.

I had not posted anything online or anywhere regarding that prayer meeting
where I went to share.

So there was no way this woman could know anything except the Lord had
shown her.

I knew I couldn’t live my life being unfaithful to Jesus.

I had to repent.

I told the Pastor who was the leader of that inter denominational group.

I later went back there and shared with the people there that Jesus had asked me
to warn Christians about becoming like the world in how they dress.

Jesus told me to warn Christian women who are using makeup, fake hair, fake
nails and other things in that category.

Another thing Jesus had wanted me to talk about which I had initially omitted
was cross dressing; women wearing pants.

It’s pleasing to Jesus when women can dress like women in feminine clothes.

These things may seem trivial to some but they were important enough for Jesus
to rebuke me through a stranger when I omitted them.

Women wearing pants was normalized when feminists were trying to blur the
line between men and women.

It’s Satan’s agenda and daughters of God should have nothing to do with
it.(explained in more detail later)

After the meeting there was a sick woman I had to pray for but then she started
manifesting demons.

Jesus told me the demons wouldn’t leave till we removed the sew in wig she
had in her hair.

Jesus wanted to prove to these people at the prayer meeting what I was telling

Before I could say what the Lord had instructed me on how to cast out these
demons,the demons in the woman were screaming,”we will go but we have to
carry our property.This is our hair and we have to carry it.”

The woman under the influence of the evil spirits was trying to yank off the
fake hair that was sewn to her hair!

I told the Ministers who were there that Jesus said the demons will not go until
we remove the fake hair.

And when they cut off the last piece of the hair, the demons left the woman and
she was back to normal!

Here’s the thing; God created man in His image and because of that Satan
influenced man into rebellion against God to change into Satan’s image.

Satan created his own image where everything is fake and convinced man that
in God’s image you are ugly and only beautiful or handsome in Satan’s image
when you change your hair to fake, change your eye lashes, eyebrows,

nails and everything into fake.

Almost everything on the human body can now be changed into something

And it is the same agenda of Satan where he now convinced people that they are
completely born in a wrong body and should change even their gender!

The same things go with cross dressing.

First Satan convinced people to normalize cross dressing and it had been
normalized now and even hardly seen as cross dressing.

But Satan was just playing on people’s minds trying to blur the gender lines.

He convinced people to cross dress, women wearing men’s clothes as he was

slowly mentally preparing people to accept even complete changing of one’s

That’s because he hates God and God created man and woman.

When there’s clear distinction of the two genders it’s honouring and pleasing to
God but Satan has normalized women wearing pants(trousers) as an attempt to
blur the gender distinction.

It’s pleasing to Jesus when women dress like women and their hearts are also
pure and holy.

Am only talking about women on this because am yet to see men wearing
dresses so cross dressing is mostly done by women.

I wear skirts and dresses only to honour Jesus as a woman and am able to still
wear only modest skirts and dresses in different situations.

Our bodies matter to Jesus too, not just our hearts but both are important.

Please check the video at the bottom where I explain Satan ‘agenda ok cross
dressing in detail.

Holiness isn’t complete without it including the outside too.

It is both transformation of our hearts and yielding of our bodies too,as a living
sacrifice holy and acceptable to Him.(Romans 12:1)

This shows us that as Christians it’s not just our hearts that matter to God but
even our bodies must be presented in a way that is both HOLY and

19. do not stop unbelievers who are your relatives

One of the most painful things we can experience is to preach to others but see
people who are really close to us on the path to perdition.

Not because we have neglected to share with them but just because they have
rejected Jesus and not interested in following Him.

I have family members whom I love so dearly yet reject the Lord.

Many people expect that family members of a preacher will automatically be

faithful Christians but it’s rarely so, firstly because even Jesus said a prophet
cannot be respected in their own town and especially in their own family
because those people are too familiar with the prophet and can hardly benefit
from their calling, and secondly because Satan targets the families of preachers
so that he may use that to bring shame to God’s name and silence the preachers.

But there’s hope because Jesus wants us to intercede.

Even Jesus’ brothers later repented because God made a way!

There’s nothing much we can do in human strength but to just pray and ask the
Lord to touch their hearts while there’s still time.

Intercessory prayer is really powerful.

My brother was on the path of perdition but because of the numerous prayers
we had been presenting to the Lord throughout the years, God finally heard us
and granted him a repentant heart just days before he died.

Not everyone could have the same fate but we would have tried our best to help

We cannot force people to follow Jesus, but we can keep praying for them
because only God touches hearts.

Jesus had showed me a vision of one of my family members dying and going to
hell and in that vision I was thinking, ”let me pray for this person’s salvation,”
but then I remembered that I couldn’t pray for them anymore because they were
already dead and it was too late to pray!

I started thinking, ”I wish I spent more time praying for their salvation when
they were still alive.

I wish I took those prayers more seriously.”

Because now I felt stuck that nothing could be done.

Then I realized that even though our loved ones may reject the Lord,as long as
they are still alive,it is such a privilege because we can still pray for them and
ask Jesus for mercy.

20. Elon Musk says he is okay with going to hell.

Many people blindly follow such attitudes portrayed by famous people

towards eternity but the satanic symbolism says it all and shows where their
allegiance is. Their influence and power is to work against the kingdom of Jesus
Christ and advance the kingdom of Satan, harvesting souls for him.

Satan’s biggest concern for his servants is,” how many souls can you bring to

So Elon wants to make hell seem light.

He wants to make being eternally doomed seem like a light thing so that people

Just a year ago Elon proudly wore a “devil’s champion “ costume for
Halloween with all the satanic symbolism of the baphomet and upside down
cross which is an occultic mockery of the death of Jesus.

He was showing the world who he really is but people thought was joking when
in fact that is who he really is.

The sooner people stop looking up to celebrities and famous people and look to
Jesus,the better for their souls.

21. prepare for the end times.
A friend and sister of mine had a supernatural dream of the implementation of
the mark of the beast and she saw on the news they announced saying, ”for
three months we are giving the mark voluntarily but after three months it will be
It will be a really tough time for Christians because people will have to watch
their children starve to death all because of Christ.

It will be a time of betrayal where families will be divided with some choosing
to get the mark and betraying family members who don’t have it.

Endurance will be very difficult as Christians who refuse to pledge allegiance to

the antiChrist will be made destitute, homeless and killed.

The spirit of the anti Christ is already at work in this world causing people to
call evil good and to shun what is good and godly.

With the same deception many will be deceived and lured to receive the mark of
the beast once the anti Christ arises.

You cannot buy food and other necessities without the mark.

You cannot pay for your water or electricity without the mark.

You cannot access medicine without the mark.

You cannot buy fuel or use public transport without the mark.

You cannot access internet or even make phone calls without the mark because
you cannot pay for it.

Whatever supplies you have with you,once they are used up,you cannot buy
anything else.

Celebrities will be all over social media flaunting the mark and musicians and
actors will promote it in music and movies.

The same way they have influenced people to embrace nakedness ,foul speech,
and sexual immorality, people will again follow them to get the mark and sell
their souls to Satan.

There’s no second chance, no repentance after getting the mark.

Many Christians will have to give their lives for Christ.

The Covid pandemic gave us a glimpse into what this world is headed for,
though it will be much worse than what we saw during Covid.

I believe the Covid pandemic was more like a test run.

But the implementation of the mark of the beast will lead to the death of many
and many more will give up on their faith and choose this world.

The anti-Christ will come with deception and the working of miracles and
deceive many into giving allegiance to Satan.

We see the spirit of the anti-Christ at work even now through lying signs and
wonders and many have been deceived into disobedience to Jesus because they
only look at miracles and disregard the words of Jesus.

Many todays are deceived by blasphemous false prophets just because of

miracles and they throw away the words of Jesus.

But the anti-Christ will be much more deceptive, a crowd puller and so
convincing in his words.

Many will bow down before Satan just to have food on their table and a warm
bed to rest in.

Jesus says do not fear those who can only kill your body and cannot do anything
to you after that! Matthew 10:28

This statement should make us bold knowing that there’s really no one to fear
except God.

Man can only kill our bodies but the real person is the soul.

The anti Christ will be able to kill the saints because they will be delivered to
him for a season.

But he cannot kill their souls.

And that is the victory of the saints who will go through the tribulation.

Revelation 20:4,” And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was
committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for
their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast
or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands.
And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”

Matthew 24:15-22,” Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’

spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let
him understand),

“then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house.

And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.

But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those

And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.

For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning
of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.

And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the
[c]elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”

22. Jesus paid it all and we can only enter the kingdom of
heaven by His sacrifice.

His sacrifice wasn’t in order for us to confess Him as Lord and run off into sin
but we are saved for good works.

Our good works cannot earn us a place in heaven but our good works bear
testimony that we are saved and are Christ’s!

Our lack of good fruit will also bear testimony that we were never saved.

So while we are NOT SAVED by good works, we ARE SAVED FOR good
works so that the world may know Christ through our lives that testify of His

While our good works cannot save us,our bad works will cause us to be
condemned as it will be testimony of our unbelief.

Ephesians 2:10,”For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good
works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

2 Corinthians 5:10,”For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,
that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has
done, whether good or bad.”

Revelation 20:11-15,”Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it,
from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no
place for them.

And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were
opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead
were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the

23. Only Jesus is Considered an Enemy

No one cusses using the name of Mohammed or Buddha, but the name of
JESUS is used as a cuss word when people accidentally hit their head or when
they want to express shock!

That’s because Satan knows only the name of JESUS is powerful to save and
that’s the only name he wants mankind to despise!

Satan doesn’t care about disrupting Muslims or Hindus from their faith.

That’s why no one will care if a Muslim woman wears her Muslim clothing.

It’s because Satan knows it’s still taking her nowhere.

But once a Christian woman wants to dress modestly to honor Jesus because she
realizes her body is God’s temple, she WILL meet so much opposition from
people telling her, “it’s a religious spirit, or you look like an old woman.”

They will do anything to discourage her while no one will even bat an eye to a
Muslim woman who does the same.

It’s because what the Christian who is doing it for Jesus is doing has spiritual
impact, unlike the Muslim woman who can do the same with no impact and no
threat to Satan’s kingdom.

It’s because the Christian is rebelling against Satan’s rule on the earth and his
enslavement of the human race to do his bidding.

Only Jesus is Satan’s enemy. If you do it for any other reason no one cares,
unless it’s for Jesus.

It’s really strange that a Christian woman who only wears modest skirts and
dresses (which are clearly women’s clothing) will find herself very often having

to explain to people why she does that but a woman who wears pants (which are
clearly NOT women’s clothing) or wearing short dresses and skirts (which is
clearly immoral) will never have anyone wondering why she does that!

It clearly shows that this world is under the prince of darkness, Satan.

He has perverted mankind to see sin as normal and to see what is right as

Some years ago someone had told me they were ashamed of people seeing them
change how they dress to become modest and wear skirts and dresses only and
since she’s of Jewish descent she said she would use that as an excuse and say”I
am just trying to reconnect with my Jewish background.”(Orthodox Jews don’t
believe in women wearing pants or dressing immodestly)

And when she did that she didn’t face the opposition you could face as a
Christian because you see, no one cares what you do unless you are doing it for

Only Jesus is offensive to the world because only Jesus is considered an enemy
by the prince of this world.

If you do it because of any other reason no one cares, but if you do it for Jesus
you will meet many people try to dissuade you.

I see so many preachers speak evil of the teaching of outward holiness being as
important as inner holiness and their churches are full of immodestly dressed
women whom they don’t want to offend and truly it scares me because
sometimes you are better off keeping quiet than speaking of things you do not
know just because you want to defend your wife who dresses immodestly, or to
defend the ungodliness that is in your church.

This is why the Bible warns that Teachers will receive the strictest judgment.

But God’s law is truly written on our hearts.

Even as humans if we know Jesus we can judge for ourselves which is pleasing
to God, a woman dressed half naked exposing her cleavage, thighs and body
while worshiping or a woman who has yielded both her heart and body to

I will tell you the truth that the Spirit of God finds it very pleasing when a
person who is worshiping God is also dressed modestly.

It is like a sweet offering to God when you give both your heart and body.

While it’s possible to dress modest and be unclean inside, it’s not possible to be
clean inside and yet dress half naked.

What’s inside shows up outside for whatever you do is first conceived in your

There are two false paths that eventually lead to hell;

The first is thinking we can serve God with our heart only while keeping our
bodies for ourselves to do whatever we want.

The second path is thinking we can give God our bodies only by dressing
modestly without yielding our hearts and having a real relationship with Him by
being filed with His Spirit and personal prayer life.

It leads to a dead religion.

But the narrow way is always the straight path,neither to the left nor right.

Neither the first path nor the second.

And many Christians choose either the first or the second path and end up in

God wants you to give Him everything,both your heart and body in true
surrender to honor Him and be led by the Holy Spirit.

Romans 12:1,”I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that
you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is
your reasonable service.”

The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the
dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his
works. Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second

And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.”


Someone had sent me a friend request on Facebook but I felt something off in
my spirit.

When I checked their profile they only posted scripture and things about God
and had even shared a few of my posts.

This person had contacted me about a year ago though I didn’t see their
message and sent another one more recently, which I saw.

But I didn’t accept their friend request because my friend list is already full and
I am only able to add a few more people if some people unfriend me.

So I have many pending requests which I can’t accept yet and I encourage
people to just click “follow” in order to see my posts.

Although I felt something strange about them, I didn’t give it much thought as I
couldn’t even add them anyway and just forgot about it.

But that very night when I went to pray.

I had been praying for a while when Jesus showed me this vision.

I saw that I was holding my phone in my hand and was about to open a message
from this person but instead my phone acted up and went to this Facebook

On their profile this person only posted Bible verses.

As I scrolled through I saw they only posted scripture but then suddenly they
started posting nude videos to their Facebook story!

But on their profile they posted godly things and also had posted a cartoon
about Jesus but then God gave me the understanding that they were actually
mocking Jesus by posting that not that they wanted to promote Him.

In the vision I was shocked that this was actually a Satanist who hated Jesus and
was mocking Him.

The vision ended.

So I was shocked that God was showing me about this person who was on the
list of people who sent friend requests!

The Lord was showing me everything so real I actually thought it was

happening till the vision ended and I realized I was still in the living room

So after I had this vision, I continued to pray for a while and then went to sleep.

When I slept I had a dream of entering this huge hall in a place that I could not

But when I got there I saw a large group of people there.

I am not sure if there were men but it seemed like a ladies gathering because I
saw many young women in that hall.

They wore cream white satin robe like dresses with a belt made of matching
fabric tied to their waists.

But when I saw them I immediately knew it was a meeting of Satanists!

I knew they were all Satanists and this was one of their meetings.

They were doing something that looked like a dance by going round in circles
and at the centre there was a table with satanic communion there!

There were wine glasses with some red liquid in it and trays filled with what
looked like the Eucharist bread Catholics use in communion.

They then lined up to start taking their communion.

But then I recognized some of them to be the ones who had been on this
person’s profile commenting.

It was more like it was a group of Satanists putting up an act on Facebook and
some of them were in that satanic meeting!

So Jesus wanted me to see how serious this was that these people were Satanists
posing with fake profiles on Facebook.

They were posting scripture and many of them like to send requests to
Christians just to have access to them and eventually some of them start to post
nude pictures or just to closely monitor people’s lives so that they can tell when
you are spiritually strong and when you are weakening.

We have to be spiritually alert even when using social media.

The truth is that Satan cannot stay off social media,he has a lot of his workers
there because that is where people are!

If people are online, he will come online!

People spend a lot of time on social media so Satan knows that if he wants to
capture people he has to come to social media where people are!

Some are Satanists and put fake profiles to get close to children of God but they
are there to work, Satan has sent them against God’s children!

Some Satanists are sent to seduce people online, some are sent to corrupt people
with nude pictures and videos and some just want to have access to the people
they want to attack and cast demonic spells and arrows against them.

There are many Satanists sent to social media.

I remember sometime back I watched a testimony of a woman who was a

daughter of a satanic high priest and she said, “growing up we just looked like
an ordinary American family and no one knew my dad was a satanic high

And that is the reality of how Satanists work!

Satanists like to disguise themselves like ordinary people because that is the
only way they will be really effective to fight people spiritually.

These are real devil worshipers whose allegiance is to Satan.

They are real devil worshippers who do demonic rituals of killing humans and
eating human flesh!

Physically they may look harmless but they are just on social media to cast
demonic arrows and spells on people.

Like the person who had sent me that request Jesus also showed me this person
was supposed to cause an accident for my family.

We have to be spiritually alert because Satan is roaming about like a lion

seeking whom to devour and be careful with people we accept as friends.

Some want to destroy your spiritual life.

25. Anything we do for Jesus must be done out of our free
will, not by compulsion.

That is the only way it is acceptable to the Lord. Anything done by force is a
waste of time. Jesus does not force but He delights in us freely choosing to
serve Him. You could stop dressing immodestly, stop pornography, stop
drinking and stop any other sin you can imagine and start religiously attending
church all under compulsion by someone forcing you to do all those things but
still end up in hell. Because even though you stopped your sin,

you are not repentant. You still love it and it is not by your choice that you have
decided to leave it and follow Jesus. But your acts of “obedience “ are just
because someone is forcing you to do all those things and even your good works
are not acceptable before Jesus. Jesus only accepts what is done out of our own
choice because we want to serve Him,

to be faithful to Him and to obey Him. If we are compelled, Jesus can still see
beyond our acts and He can see our heart. True repentance includes a change of
heart. We have to willingly give Jesus our hearts. We have to willingly obey
Him. We have to willingly seek Him. Jesus only accepts what we willingly give
Him, not what we give to Him begrudgingly or under compulsion. Whatever we
do for Jesus must be done willingly. That is the only way He can accept it.



When you repent of sin and put your faith in Jesus, you can ask for the Holy
Spirit and God will give Him to you.

As you start to spend significant time in prayer the Spirit of God will start
teaching and guiding you.

He will tell you what to do and not to do.

Walking closely with Jesus is all about being led by His Spirit.

Not everyone will see Jesus while still on earth but all God’s children have been
promised the Holy Spirit to lead them on the path to eternal life.

So when you start to invest more into your spiritual life, you will be connected
to God’s heart and His Spirit and you will walk with Him by His Spirit teaching
and leading you!

Even without seeing Jesus He reveals hidden sin in your life if you just come
close to Him!

Whenever I talk about walking with God I like to emphasize that it doesn’t refer
to SEEING HIM as not everyone will have that,but it refers to becoming so
connected to His Spirit so that you are led by Him.

I forgot to add this in my video but I hope this helps.

The video just reveals His character,to show you the real picture of who He
is,so that you know He loves you and also desires to walk closely with us!

27. if you do this you will regret

If you are a Christian living in sin,Jesus will say to you on that day,”Why did
you call Me,’Lord,Lord!’ yet you did not do what I say?” and you will be cast
out into the outer darkness where there will be gnashing of teeth.

It’s not enough to say we believe in Jesus without our lives changing in
obedience to Christ.

Many Christians will be closed out of heaven’s gates because they were
hypocrites,professing Christ yet bearing fruit of ungodliness.

Jesus says a tree is known by its fruit and He wants to see fruit in our lives that
witnesses that we are His.(Luke 6:43-45)

Even if we go to church religiously,volunteer in church,sing,worship and cry

but after that we are living in sin,bearing fruit of ungodliness;engaging in
drunkenness,foul speech,sexual immorality,dressing half naked,entertaining
ourselves by watching and listening to movies and music filled with things God

pornography,idolatry and other sins,Jesus will chop us down and throw us in the
everlasting fire of hell as judgement.

Matthew 7:19,”Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown
into the fire.”

Jesus will say to such Christians,”I never knew you,depart from me you workers
of iniquity,”Matthew 7:21-23.

To inherit the Kingdom of heaven we must not only profess Christ with our lips
but our Speech,character conduct,dressing,things we watch and listen to must
all testify that Christ lives in us and we have fear for God.

1 John 3:8,”He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the
beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might
destroy the works of the devil.”

Our lives must testify that we are not our own and we do not live life at our
terms but at His terms.

1 Corinthians 6:19,”Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the
Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your

We can go to church,preach,sing,worship but unless we are holy we can

never see Jesus.(Hebrews 12:14)

We have to repent of our sins and start living in obedience to Jesus Christ.

We have to be consecrated, set apart for Christ and have no part in any works of

When we repent Jesus will wash away our sins but we have to go and sin no

We have to put measures in place to completely stop that sin.

Go in prayer and fasting if necessary and also put physical measures that are
necessary to stop doing that sin.

Otherwise,that sin will cost us our soul in hell.

James 1:2,”But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving

Luke 13:3,”I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”

John 8:11,”She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I
condemn you; go and sin no more.”

Romans 6:16,”Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to
obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death,
or of obedience leading to righteousness?”

Galatians 5:19,-21”Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery,
fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,

idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish

ambitions, dissensions, heresies,

envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you
beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such
things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

28. God never wastes our pain!
Any sorrow He allows our way when we are living in obedience to Him is
always for a purpose.

It works to mature our faith and eventually God teaches us to love Him

If God spares us from any type of pain and suffering,

our love and faith could never be mature.

Because it is easy to love and to trust when everything is blissful.

However because our faith is immature, it could never be strong enough to

stand in the evil day.

But it takes mature faith and unconditional love to still love and trust Him
through intense pain and suffering.

If you can love and trust Him through that, then your love and your faith can be
mature enough to love and trust Him through anything that may come your way.

Without God letting you endure trial, you will be like seed that fell on stony
ground, as soon as hardship comes, you will turn back from following God
whole heartedly. Matthew 13:20-21.

But God uses pain to train our faith and love for Him to maturity.

To follow Him no matter what happens because we have our eyes on eternity
not on this temporal life.

For our love to not rely on what He does for us but to love Him the same
through the good and the bad.

Personally, there are things that in the past caused me so many tears yet now I
see they were working to teach me to love Jesus unconditionally.

At the beginning of my walk with God, there were times I felt tempted to “teach
God a lesson and stop praying if He will not free me from this pain,” but by the
Holy Spirit’s help I held on to Him because there’s no where else for me to go.

I knew that even if I let go of Him, where else would I go? Who else could
deliver me?

Who else could love me as He does?

He taught me to hold on to Him as my only hope no matter what happens.

And when bigger things came in the future,I realized the past pain was
preparing me to endure what lay ahead.

To learn to love and trust Jesus no matter what happens.

To learn to worship Him though He slays me!

We are assured that on earth we will have tribulations and sorrow but our
comfort is that Jesus has overcome the world and is always with us to help us
till the end.

Psalm 56:8,”You number my wanderings; Put my tears into Your bottle; Are
they not in Your book?”

John 16:33,”These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome
the world.”

I love this song because it really speaks this truth.

Though You slay me

Yet I will praise You

Though You take from me

I will bless Your name

Though You ruin me

Still I will worship

Sing a song to the one who's all I need

My heart and flesh may fail

The earth below give way

But with my eyes, with my eyes I'll see the Lord

Lifted high on that day

Behold, the Lamb that was slain

And I'll know every tear was worth it all

Learning to Completely Trust God in Bad Times

Mostly when people say, “let God’s will be done,” immediately this is
accompanied by mental pictures of DELAY, UNANSWERED PRAYER,
SUFFERING, etc as though letting God’s will to be done leads to bad things!

Often, ”let God’s will be done,” is said as a last resort, after we have tried
everything and failed.

It’s not usually something we rush for.

We do not first ask for God’s will to be done but we leave it for last when there
is no other option.

Because of this, we often say it reluctantly because we have no other choice!

Often letting God’s will be done is accompanied by some type of inner fear of
what may come out of His will being done and this is evidence of our lack of

One night as I prayed,the Lord Jesus started to teach me the importance of trust
when we walk with Him.

When Jesus prayed before the crucifixion asking for the cup that lay before Him
to be passed from Him, He still prayed for the Father’s will to be done saying,

“father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not My will
but Yours be done,” Luke 22:42.

When Jesus prayed this prayer, He was not forced, neither did He say it with a
reluctant heart.

Rather, this statement came from complete trust in God and from knowledge of
how much the Father loved Him.

Jesus knew how much the Father loved and cared for Him and because of this,
He knew that He was better off letting God’s will be done,

even when it might seem like what was happening was something bad.

Jesus understood that the Father could never allow anything to happen to Him
that was not for His good and because of this He completely trusted God.

Because of this He could willingly and wholeheartedly say, “father, not My will
but Yours be done.”

When we understand God’s love for us, we can completely trust that He can
never harm us.

Therefore, we can with our whole hearts ask for His will instead of ours.

We can always first ask for His will to be done and not leave it for the last
option when we have no other choice!

We can trust His decisions for us much more than our decisions.

We can completely trust God in both the good and the bad and know we are the
arms of the one who loves us most!

David understood this and that is why in 1 Chronicles 21:7-17, when asked to
choose a punishment, He preferred to be punished by God than men saying,
”Let me fall into the hand of the Living God but may I never fall into the hands
of men.”

David knew how much God loved him.

He knew God and understood His kindness and mercy and that is why he knew
that even when it comes to punishment he was better off in the hands of a good
God than to fall in the hands of men.

When we really know God, we will understand that we are safer in His will than

When we don’t understand God’s love for us and when we do not know who
God is, His nature of mercy, love, faithfulness, kindness we will trust ourselves
more than we trust Him.

It will be hard for us to let go and ask for His will in our lives.

Sometimes when people think of allowing God’s will when they are requesting
for things,it immediately gives a mental picture of delay.

People associate letting God’s will to be done with delay,

unanswered prayer, or just bad situations remaining bad or getting worse!

Many people fear to let God’s will be done because they think God’s will be
being done means things will be bad.

But that’s only because we do not know Him.

We do not understand the depth of His love and care for us.

If we know He loves and cares for us more than anyone can ever love us, we
can wholeheartedly say, “not my will Lord, but Yours be done.”

We will know that whatever the situation we are always better off asking for
His will, not ours.

Because His plans for us are good and not evil.

He is never taken by surprise and does not wait for situations in order to react to

Rather, before the beginning of time He knew us and knew everything that
would happen to us.

He appointed specific times at which everything should happen.

He knows our future and never allows anything that isn’t for our good to happen
to us!

We can let go of the wheel and let Him lead while we safely rest in His
embrace, safe from all cares and fears that consume the minds of people.

We can completely trust God!

I remember when I was a child, I wouldn’t worry about where I was even when
it started to get dark as long as I was with my dad!

That’s exactly how it is with God.

It doesn’t matter what is happening to us as long as we are with Him.

We can trust Him and put our hope and faith in Him!

He loves us and can be trusted completely!

That is why Jesus said all these things concerning the cares of this life consume
the minds of the people of the world, but as for you(believers) set your hearts on
seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else
will be added to you!

Jesus wants to lift off the heavy burdens of our hearts that we carry by us
learning to completely trust Him.

He says, “cast your cares on Me.” 1 Peter 5:7

We can present our requests of what we want to God,but because we trust Him
so much more than we trust ourselves we can ultimately ask for His will and
rest in Him.

We can ask for His will to be done without any fear and without having mental
pictures that this means delay or unanswered prayer.

But we can ask for His will with a joyful heart knowing that we are letting
ourselves go and trusting the One who loves us!

We can ask for His will instead of ours without any fear because we know He
loves us deeply,He cares for us and His thoughts towards us are always good
and never evil.

He never wants to harm us!

We can have that complete trust in the One who truly loves us!

Jeremiah 29:11,”For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the
LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Romans 8:28,”And we know that all things work together for good to those who
love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

Matthew 6:31,”Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What

shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’

For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that
you need all these things.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things
shall be added to you.

30. Jesus died for you - VISION

Some weeks ago as I prayed in the early hours of the morning,I had this vision.

I was engaged in deep prayer and the vision started like I was praying.

I then started to hear some sercular music playing from nearby.

Then I realized that someone was listening to this sercular music on their

This person listening to this music was a Christian but they were listening to
sercular (unchristian) music in the vision.

It was a love song and the person was singing the words,”I will die for you!”

Jesus made my heart broken to see a Christian still caught up in ungodly

music,my heart was so broken for this person and I approached them and asked
them why they were listening to such music and said,”give your life to Jesus,He
already died for you!”

Even though this person was a Christian the Spirit of God in this vision still led
me to tell them to give their life to Jesus.

That is because they were still caught up in the web of sin through the ungodly

Ungodly entertainment leads us further away from God and deeper into sin.

Music is a powerful tool of meditation.

That is why the entertainment industry deliberately fills lyrics to be focused on

sexual immorality,drunkenness and foul language.

They know that people will meditate on these things and they will be
normalized in their lives.

When you listen to music you will automatically begin to meditate on the things
being sang of.

When you listen to music that glorifies God He will be magnified in your Spirit
and even your faith can grow and you can be able to pray in a more powerful
way and see God move.

Through music played by David for God’s glory ,the evil spirit that tormented
King Saul would leave.

Can you imagine what usually happens to your spirit man when you listen to
music sang by devil worshippers or even none devil worshipers but meant to
glorify sexual immorality and other sin?

Demons enter your life!

David’s example shows how powerful music is for the soul.

It can either draw us to God or draw us to Satan.

Ungodly music defiles us.

The Holy Spirit is always with you and He never leaves you.

That means that when you are listening to music He’s there with you listening
with you!

When we listen to ungodly music we grieve the Spirit of God because He is


We have to be holy because the Holy God dwells in us!

Jesus died for you and I and by His sacrifice He has shown us the ultimate love.

It should make us give up everything we need to and follow Him because by
His sacrifice He has proved Himself worthy of our trust.

Jesus is the precious pearl worth losing all the sinful pleasures for just in order
to have Him.

In case you don’t understand the topic of sercular music and other sercular
entertainment here’s



My dad has been a minister of the gospel from 1994.

From a young age,my parents taught us the importance of prayer.

I remember doing 6 AM to 6PM prayer and fasting with my family as far back
as when I was 8 years old.

I remember joining my family to pray at night when I was about 8.

From a young age, I was taught the power of prayer and fasting because I saw
my parents fast and receive answers.

My parents had established bible study and prayer every evening and every
morning when we wake up we had to all pray together first.

This is something that started when I was very young,maybe 7 or 8 but to this
day,it’s still their habit.

Even now when I go home we still pray together every morning and night!

It was the normal lifestyle and we didn’t feel forced.

I remember in more recent years a pastor who was visiting my family later
when I went to his church he was telling his church members that he was
shocked because it seemed like my family was always praying because we
prayed together in the morning,evening and midnight.

And then he proceeded to tell his congregation that when he was at my parents
house he saw an angel of God patrolling while everyone slept after our midnight

He said he had heard us waking up for midnight prayer and when we went to
bed,he said he sat up on his bed but then was able to see through the wall into
the passage where the entry to all the bedrooms were and an angel was
patrolling there,looking like he was on a serious mission!

He had never told us that and I heard it for the first time at his church.

We had no idea that that habit had been a testimony to him encouraged him of
the power of prayer and now he encouraged his congregation!

Many of the things my parents taught us to do at a young age like prayer and
fasting,persistent prayer ,still benefit me today.

In 2012 I sought God whole heartedly and He baptized me with His Spirit.

On that very day He said to me and my sister,”honor your mom and dad
because they brought you up in the way of the Lord.”

Before this period of seeking Jesus,I was living a life of lukewarm

Christianity,only concerned to appear good before other church member yet
living in sin.

Going to church but without concern to truly live in holiness.

Yet Jesus was commending my parents for teaching us in His way.

That’s because whatever we later chose to become had nothing to do with my

In His eyes,they did their work and now we were individually accountable to
God for our own lives!

Of course the Lord has taught us so much in recent years but the truth they
knew back then, they did their best to teach us.

Even when I set my heart to seek God and give Him my life, it was easy for me
and my siblings to embark on fasting because it wasn’t something new to us,
but we had grown up doing it every once in a while.

So even if when we grew up we didn’t really care about God and backslide into
worldliness, to God my parents had done a good job, they had done their part.

Now we were individually accountable and God didn’t hold it on their account.

They didn’t lose their reward and when my sister and I had an encounter with
Jesus He commended them and told us to honor them.

That shows that if parents do their job, even if their children later backslide,
cannot lose their reward from God.

It shows that to Jesus, what we did later on did not take away my parents’
heavenly reward.

It had nothing to do with them and we were individually accountable.

To Him they did a good job.



A few months ago my mom was telling me the story of a church member in the
early 90s who was terribly ill and and as he was in hospital he died but my dad
along with some other ministers from church prayed for him before he was
taken to the morgue and he started breathing again and came back to life!

The man recovered and was discharged and shared of how in those few hours he
died,he walked on this lonely path till he met demons that took him to hell as
his final abode.

He vividly described the horror of what had awaited him for all eternity and that
God had saved him from it.

He then he recovered,this man completely turned his life around and his life
became all about Jesus.

He left his sinful lifestyle and became serious with God.

A few years passed and soon enough his experience of the horror of hell began
to seem like a distant dream and the pleasure of life became more real.

He backslid into sexual immorality and other sins.

Shortly after that this man died in his sin.

Sometimes people think if only they can see hell, it can make them to truly

But the human heart is so stubborn because earth makes the supernatural seem

If you were to talk to many people in hell today, they would tell you that God
went to great lengths to show them His love and call them but they rejected

Even those who blaspheme Him in agony know they have only themselves to
blame for being there.

They all realize that they were given a choice to be with God but rejected that.

When you focus on the world it begins to seem important.

Even what a person experienced can begin to seem unreal if that person’s focus
is on the things of the world.

Whatever you focus on begins to seem more important.

Therefore, it is important to meditate and focus on things eternal than the

temporal things if the world which could end in a minute.

If we keep feeding our inner man the lusts of the world, like this man did, that’s
what will seem important.

And death will catch us unaware.

Luke 16:27-31, “Then he said, ‘I beg you therefore, father, that you would send
him to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them,
lest they also come to this place of torment.’

Abraham said to him, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.’

And he said, ‘No, father Abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead, they
will repent.’

But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will
they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’

33. Many people thought since Jesus is the Messiah, following

Him will bring peace and unity in their families.
but Jesus had to correct that and said He hasn’t come to bring peace, but a
sword in families and a man’s enemies will be those of his household.

It is the closest people whom you are going to have to disappoint in order to
follow Jesus.

That is because God must test our hearts to see if we love our family more than

Sometimes we have to choose between pleasing Jesus and pleasing the people
we love.

Matthew 10:34-36,”Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not
come to bring peace but a sword.

For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother,
and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’;

and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.”

34. Our Lives are too Short to Waste on Modern Addictions

Jesus Christ wants us to get rid of all forms of addiction so that He can truly be
the first One in our hearts.

Today, many of us find ourselves worshiping the idols of internet and phone
addiction that have enslaved the world through endless scrolling.

Our time for God is non-existent or very limited while countless hours are given
to these idols.

Sometimes we comfort ourselves that it’s things about God we are doing online
but God wants us to really give Him the time,

sufficient enough for us to get intimate or close to Him.

We could limit our time online and even then stick to godly things that feed the
spirit man instead of entertainment that just drains our spiritual desire for God.

Then the rest of the time we had been wasting can be wholeheartedly given to

We can ask Him to change our desires during this time,to purify our hearts and
give us hearts that are more like Him.

Internet addiction is meant to steal our time that belongs to God so that our lives
are wasted on vain things and that day we enter eternity catches us unawares.

It’s meant to take our focus from Jesus to perishing things.

It’s meant to make us less like Jesus and more like the world because we do not
have time to pray and cannot overcome.

And if we don’t really have time for meaningful prayer and studying God’s
word the truth is that we could wear beautifully modest,we could talk about
God,we could condemn worldliness but the sins of our hearts will remain.

Inside we will be struggling with lust, hypocrisy, bitterness, envy, hatred,

unforgiveness all while pretending to be holy.

Only Jesus can truly make us holy and we cannot truly bear fruit without close
fellowship with Him.

Outside we could look holy but inside we will be full of sin because we are so
spiritually dry.

It is fellowship with God that changes our desires to make us really hate sin so
that we are not hypocrites.

Without fellowship with God there can only be hypocrisy.

We need Jesus to overcome and we need to give Him our time.

Don’t give your time and devotion to the idols of the modern world but let your
time be God’s.

There’s no addiction Jesus cannot break if we ask of Him.

Our earthly life is too short to waste on addiction, we need to turn from idols
and back to God.

Psalm 103:15-16 ,”As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field,
so he flourishes. For the wind passes over it, and it is gone, And its place
remembers it no more.”

Psalm 90:12,” So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of

34. We all have time.
We just decide how to spend it.
We prioritize to spend time on what is important to us and leave no time for less
important things!

Every relationship requires giving time in order for it to flourish, and our
relationship with God is no different.

Make spending time in prayer a priority because you need it to have strength to

Trying to live in holiness without a consistent habit of spending time in your

prayer closet alone with God only results in hypocrisy of appearing holy outside
in order to fit into religious groups or organizations.

But inside you will be full of sin.

You will have no real desire to be holy but will just be careful to fulfil the
minimum principles that will make you acceptable to your organization or

But Christianity is about having a relationship with God because the veil has
been torn.

God is Spirit and it is impossible to just serve Him in the flesh, by us just trying
by our own will and power to obey a list without us bothering to have a real
connection to God by the Spirit.

But we have to be connected to Him in Spirit and have fellowship with Him.

When you have a relationship with God, God Himself will start to teach you
and correct you of even the most hidden sins that no one knows about so that
you may truly be holy.

It will no longer be about appearing to be holy before man but it will be about
truly being holy before a holy God who prunes you to make you more fruitful
by His Spirit.

A branch cannot bear fruit without being connected to Jesus the True Vine.

John 4:24,”God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and

1 John 1:3,” that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also
may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and
with His Son Jesus Christ.”

John 15:2,” Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and
every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”

John 15:4,” Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

35. Why are majority of Christians on the broad way to hell
and how can you avoid being part of that?

It’s because they try to love both God and the world.

Majority of Christians watch the entertainment the world watches, dress

revealing clothing like the world does, cuss and swear like the world, are in
relationships of fornication and lust like the world, they lie and slander
freely,iparty,drink club, like the world, listen to the ungodly music the world
listens to, they have no fear of God and the only difference between them and
the world is that they mention Jesus regularly and pray when necessary.

If you ask what makes them a Christian they will say it’s because they regularly
attend church, or said a prayer yet are still full of fruit of ungodliness.

God is a jealous God and wants you for Himself only.

If you try to have it both ways God will utterly reject you!

He will spit you out!

You have to choose whom you will serve, whether God or this world.

If God, He demands to be served in holiness and separation from the world.

Jesus showed me how many Christians are perishing in hell and He said it is
because the church has become like the world, embracing sin yet professing
Christ with their lips.

The Lord does not wish for anyone to perish, heart was so broken and He said
to me,”look! People are falling right from the church pews into the pits of hell!”

If you are serious about escaping God’s wrath on sin,which is eternal
destruction in hell then you must not only profess Christ with your lips but your
life must show it.

Jesus demands that we bear good fruit.

Following Jesus requires turning away from sinful ways and starting to live in
obedience to Him.

We cannot follow Him at our terms, if we do we will still be lost.

2 Corinthians 6:17,”Therefore “Come out from among them And be separate,

says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.”

Revelation 3:16,”So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I
will vomit you out of My mouth.”

36. My Testimony of Meeting Jesus

(This testimony is shared to give understanding on Jesus’ nature)

For a period in of time the Lord Jesus Christ led me to seek Him in all night

It was unplanned and God just blessed me with hunger for Him that I looked
forward to staying up the night to pray and He helped me to do it.

After a few nights of staying up to pray, I had this really powerful encounter
with Jesus one night while I prayed.

What overwhelmed me was Jesus’ nature of goodness.

As so o as Jesus stood before me,

I was so overwhelmed by His goodness.

His goodness was so real and tangible like I could touch it!

It wasn’t that Jesus had goodness in Him but that He Himself was made of
goodness, He Himself was goodness (best way I can try to explain what God
made me experience).

Many times in my life I have questioned if a promise of God would come to

pass but at this moment when the Lord came to me, I was no longer relying on
my human mind to really understand who Jesus is but God Himself was
revealing Jesus to me.

There was 100% no question of His faithfulness and I wondered why I often
had doubt and fear during trial.

At this time, I knew I could leave myself at His mercy and I would be safe!

His faithfulness couldn’t be questioned!

There was no question of His love for me.He loved me more than I could ever

I realized so many tears I had cried in my life were unnecessary.I could have
just trusted Him instead because He was so good and true!

Everything about His true nature was so real and I realized

doubt,fear,uncertainty were all so unnecessary and I couldn’t understand why I
had even allowed them in my life when Jesus was this good and so powerful!

Jesus was unmatched in

love,mercy,beauty,power,wisdom,strength,kindness,forgiveness,and much

Why had I often doubted Him?

Why had I often chosen to give my time and attention to earthly things when
nothing and no one could compete with Him?

Why was it easier to believe a promise by a human being instead of Jesus’

promise when He is so unmatched in faithfulness,without any possibility of Him
breaking a promise?

Jesus was so good,so holy!

I knew I just had to follow Him and trust Him.

Why did I often fail to trust Him?

At this time I couldn’t understand why I often failed to trust someone this

Someone who loved me this deeply,so faithful,so true,so just!

In God’s presence the lies of Satan couldn’t stand and I could see Jesus for who
He really is.

I remembered Psalm 97:1,”The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad; let the
distant shores rejoice,” and God made me understand that why the earth and all
creation rejoices at God’s reign is because of His nature of
goodness,faithfulness,righteousness,justice,and unfailing love.

God gave me the understanding that just as I could peacefully leave myself at
His mercy when I understood His nature,creation rejoices at His reign because it
knows it’s safe with Him!

I felt frustrated at my failure to just completely give myself up and just trust
Him and let Him be in charge of my life.

My sins and failures were laid bare before my Lord.

It was as though everything was just unearthed,even sin I didn’t know was in
my life.

Nothing could hide in His holy presence and when He unearthed it I couldn’t
argue,I knew Jesus was right!

He unearthed my sin to cleanse me in His love.

He was just so holy and His presence unearthed every sin and failure.

The Lord is so holy that when He just stands before you it’s as though every sin
is searched out and laid bare!

It is why it is important to come in Hos presence (in prayer even without you
seeing the Lord) because He exposes every hidden sin to cleanse you from it.

And at this time the Lord started to show me how revered the Lord Jesus is in
heaven because of His sacrifice for man.

I had to depend on His blood to make me spotless.

Not that I could continue any sin but I had to depend on His blood that makes
me spotless,

while living in obedience to Him.

When Jesus took my attention back to His sacrifice, it lifted off the heavy
burden of my sin and failures that I had felt because of His holy presence.

I was so grateful to Jesus for His sacrifice.

I wished I could love Jesus as much as He loved me but it seemed I didn’t have
the ability to match His love.

My heart easily turned aside to everything else that ended up stealing my

attention away from my God.

It seemed as though there were so many obstacles to getting as deep as I wanted

in my relationship with Jesus.

Because now I could see that Jesus was unmatched by anything on earth and
was worthy of so much more of my time,attention and my whole being.

He was worthy to always be the One I choose to please all the time!

I wished I could just trust Him all the time and to not care about being in charge
of my life but to just trust Him.

I wished I could love Him as much as He did.

I felt so frustrated by my stubborn heart.

I said to the Lord Jesus,”Lord, please help me.My heart is so stubborn.”

The Lord answered me and said, “I will conquer and subdue the kings of the
earth with My power, I can not fail to conquer and overcome your heart.”

I was comforted by the Lord’s promise to help me.

He told me,” keep the idols away!”

Idols are anything that take the time and attention away from God.


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