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True Christian Salvation Spirit Reborn

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True Christian Salvation Spirit Reborn Letter to Brother Say

Sunday Mass 25th November 2012 Say, Sunday Mass Gospel Reading was from John 18:33-37. John is my favourite Gospel. The key passage from John 18:37 is Yes, I am a king. I was born for this, I came into the world for this: to bear witness to the truth; and all who are on the side of the truth listen to my voice. Since I have written about Gods truth the Ultimate Truth in recent weeks, and I have nothing further to add, I will today discuss how to be reborn in the spirit, which was what Jesus instructed old Nicodemus to do, but he could not understand. Read John 3:1-21 in full. I will quote the first few passages of what Jesus said therein Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, You must be born again. The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit. How do you get to be reborn in the spirit or be awakened to your eternal spirit son of God while you are still in the flesh of your worldly self-ego son of Adam? This was what baffled Nicodemus. Very difficult, almost impossible! But do not lose hope! I shall explain. By the way, son of Adam is often also described as son of man; just as Jesus is called the Son of Man. The man merely refers to the bodily form as a human being. In spirit terms, Jesus would be Son of God or in full the Spirit Son of God and we would be sons of God. First, allow me to guide everyone and get some idea as to what the passage in John 3:5-8 means as to the key elements or players. As to the 1st sentence obviously we cannot see the kingdom of God unless we are reborn or awakened in our eternal spirit son of God. As to the 2nd sentence we cannot enter the kingdom of God unless we are born of water and the Spirit means only man has the spirit of God in him; God being the Spirit, and we being spirit sons of God. So, in brief, you have to be born a man [born of water] i.e. as worldly self-ego son of Adam and also be reborn in your eternal spirit son of God [born of the Spirit]. Obviously you cannot be reborn as a spirit son of God unless you were already or originally born a spirit son of God in the first place. And, since God is eternal the spirit son of God must also be eternal. The 3rd sentence is fairly obvious in Jesus telling us directly, that consequential to the earlier two sentences, that the worldly self-ego son of Adam is the worldly self-ego son of Adam and that the eternal spirit son of God is the eternal spirit son of God. The 4th sentence is just Jesus telling us not to be astounded but take His word that we have to be reborn or awakened to our eternal spirit son of God. The penultimate and last sentences are saying that we cannot perceive our eternal spirit son of God with our worldly conventional mind.

Obviously to be reborn, in a broad sense, you have to be something other than what you are currently now. So we have to perceive something by way of transformation or rebirth or some otherwise marvel that is not what we are now. We have to set aside or put to death in our mind or perception what we are now, our worldly being. We can either hope to find out what we are should we be reborn when we actually die in and as our worldly self-ego son of Adam being or we can pretend to die while we are still alive in our worldly self-ego son of Adam being, and cultivate true spiritual practice to find out what we are when we are reborn, when we are still worldly alive. This technique is what I call the Poise of a Dying Man. It is easier for me as I have died once before and come back. I am spiritually what I am today, with some basic spiritual insight, simply because I have once died before and come back! Just imagine a dying man moments to death. Would he be interested in what to wear, what to eat, worry about his enemies, care about his gold or Porsche or continuing grudges or his golf handicap? I am using the term the Poise of a Dying Man. St Ignatius Loyola used the phrase in the manner of a corpse, when he wrote about self-abnegation, sacrifice and total surrender to Christ. Read his famous Prayer to Generosity. It is easy to misunderstand St Ignatius and his instructions of sacrifice and asceticism. But Jesus clearly said in Matthew 9:13 But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice. Please read mercy as love and compassion. There are a hundred different shades of sacrifice. The Moslems have their Ramadan and the Christians have their Lent. But mercy as in Christian love and compassion is not like that! It is about morality, about being good and virtuous. As Confucius would have put it - as having a mind and heart that follows heaven. To be good and virtuous and having a mind and heart that follows heaven, we must have a body politic in our sense of being that it belongs to heaven. If heaven is to smile on the righteous, we must first be good and virtuous. Knowing what mercy [as in Christian love and compassion], actually means, we should now know what true spiritual sacrifice should mean in this spiritual context. Clearly, it has nothing to do with worldly or conventional sacrifice, whether the slaughter of lambs or goats or of Ramadan and Lent, for that is not what God truly desires. It simply means that you have to be in this world but not of this world. That is the true spiritual sacrifice. This does not mean that you do not live in this world or that you become a monk or conversely you enjoy life narcissistically and self-egoistically. It means you have to make the best in life as you find it, as you are fated or destined, but to live life honestly and assiduously with virtue and righteousness; i.e. with love and compassion as heaven or God desires. You have to live in this world like a heavenly being. Whether you are a heavenly being or not does not depend on whether you are rich or poor, a monk or a secular person or whether you profess to be a Jew, Moslem or Christian, or whether you are black, white, blue or green! Heaven or God has eyes to recognise who the heavenly beings are, so as to smile on them. Why do we have to practise the Poise of a Dying Man? Because Jesus had to do the same [as Son of Man] and He also instructed us to follow Him and how to do so or to do the same as sons of man. And in the following words of Jesus I will add certain words in brackets to facilitate explanation and spiritual understanding. Therefore, My Father loves Me, because I lay down My [worldly transformation Son of Man] life that I may take it up [and be resurrected as the Spirit Son of God] again. [John 10:17]. Jesus reiterated or expanded on this point again later I am the resurrection of life. He who believes in Me, though he may die [as a worldly self-ego son of Adam], he shall [however] live [on as the eternal spirit

son of God]. [John 11:25]. It is in this sense we will understand what Jesus meant in Follow Me [in your eternal spirit son of God], and let the [worldly self-ego sons of Adam who eventually will soon be] dead bury the dead [worldly self-ego sons of Adam]. [Matthew 8:22] and And do not fear those who kill the body [of the worldly self-ego son of Adam] but cannot kill the soul [that is the eternal spirit son of God]. But rather fear Him [God] who is able to destroy both soul [that is the eternal spirit son of God] and body [of the worldly self-ego son of Adam] in hell. [Matthew 10:28]. Note how the sequence of the subjects have been reversed. The last sentence should be interpreted as the lost eternal spirit son of God subsumed in its alter ego, the worldly self-ego son of Adam, going up and down Jacobs Ladder, which is like being in perpetual hell all the continuous or successive sowing and reaping and birth and death, causability and retribution! For good measure let us refer to what Jesus said in Matthew 10:39 He who finds his [sense of being in his worldly self-ego son of Adam] life will lose it and he who loses his [worldly self-ego son of Adam] life for My sake will find it [his eternal spirit son of God]. and again in Matthew 16:24-26 If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself [i.e. his worldly self-ego son of Adam self and being], and take up his cross [take the hard decision to let go of the worldly selfego son of Adam and repent past afflictions of worldly reaping and sowing], and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his [worldly self-ego son of Adam] life will lose it, and whoever loses his [worldly self-ego son of Adam] life for My sake will find it [his eternal spirit son of God]. For what is a man profited if he gains the whole [entire] world [of the worldly self-ego sons of Adam], and loses his own soul [that is the eternal spirit son of God in him]? Or what will a man [knowing of his mortality] give in exchange for [the eternity of] his soul [that is the eternal spirit son of God in him]? To get to the Poise of a Dying Man we must first take up our cross. What is meant by taking up the cross? It means we have to carry the burden of our past lives, our past and present going up and down Jacobs Ladder, the result of long past reaping and sowing, of past causability and retribution. We have to personally bear this cross with us to our Calvary; to our Last Stand, to the point there, where and when we lose or get rid of our worldly self-ego son of Adam. So, in our personal Journey of the Stations of the Cross, in our repentance of our self-ego son of Adam worldly being, of our past and present worldly attachments, clinging and grasping of and to our worldly self-ego, including to or of our loved ones and friends and followers [this is what Jesus meant when He said that we have to live our family behind because there is no marriage in heaven], we have to practise what Jesus had demonstrated as the Way of the Cross. What was Jesus reply when Doubting Thomas asked Him what the way is? Jesus said I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. May I remind you that the kingdom of God is within you. We have discussed this before. The way to the Father is through the Son, and also the son the eternal spirit son of God in you. You cannot come to God as the worldly self-ego son of Adam but as the egoless eternal spirit son of God. The eternal spirit son of God within you is eternal, obviously, and is the Truth and the Life! The Way of the Cross must therefore be a journey within you and not outside you. Let us get back to the Way of the Cross. Jesus Way of the Cross is detailed in His instructions, words and parables. The words that I speak to you are Spirit and they are Life. [John 6:63]. In essence Jesus gave us instructions on how to cultivate the practice of the Way of the Cross, symbolising, how to get rid of the worldly self-ego son of Adam in us through morality or precepts, self-discipline and wisdom.

Salvation is not of the worldly self-ego son of Adam. That is why Jesus referred to the prophesy of Isaiah in Matthew 13:15 Hearing you will hear and shall not understand. And seeing you will see and not perceive. For the heart of the people has grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing. And their eyes they have closed. Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears. Lest they should understand with their heart and turn. Later in Matthew 13:19 Jesus said When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. Read also Matthew 15:8-9 These people draw near to me with their mouth. And honour me with their lips. But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me. Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. And Matthew 15:11 Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man. And Matthew 15:16-20 Are you also still without understanding? Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceeds evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witnesses, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man. I have underlined heart because we should be reading it as mind. It is all in the mind, our mind! Go back and read the just mentioned passages again but substituting mind for heart. What Jesus is saying that we have to get back to and attack the afflictions or defiling ways of the worldly self-ego sons of Adam. These have to be corrected through the practice of the Way of the Cross through morality or precepts, self-discipline and wisdom. Obey and practise the Commandments! The first three Commandments are about not having a self-ego before God the Father, together they are summed up as the 1st Great Commandment Love God with all your mind, body and soul. As a principle it can be called Egolessness. All the remaining Commandments can be summed up as Worldly Filial Piety. That is why it is clearly stated in the 4th Commandment Honour thy father and mother! All the rest [i.e. the 4th to the 10th Commandments (inclusive)] are normally summed up in the 2nd Great Commandment as the Love Your Neighbour principle. But you can only love a neighbour or a stranger if you first love your parents. I prefer to call it Worldly Filial Piety as a principle. When we practise with our bodies, we can abstain from killing, stealing and sexual misconduct; we should foremost be filial and neighbourly. With regard to the mouth or speech, we can abstain from lying, flattery, double-talk, negative talk and meaningless talk. With regard to understanding or mind or wisdom, we can abstain from greed, hate, anger and delusion of pride and arrogance and haughtiness of self-ego. Let us concentrate on wisdom, rather than morality and self-discipline. This is because the culprit that we have to self-discipline to control our body, speech and mind is our worldly self-ego son of Adam mind itself, although Jesus or the Bible have used the word heart. Wisdom is a quality of the mind. You have to control and steer the mind! When the oxcart is not moving, what do you beat, the cart or the ox? The cart represents the body and mouth; the ox represents the mind. Control the ox to control the cart! Control the mind to control the body and mouth! What is spiritual wisdom? Obviously if we refer to Jesus words it means spiritual understanding; and more particularly understanding of His instructions, most of which were by way of parables. In short, we need a wisdom mind, a spiritual mind, the immanent pure mind of the eternal spirit son of God to control the afflicted self-ego son of Adam worldly mind; to control its worldly senses, to remove the

attachments and clinging and grasping and tribulations of the worldly self-ego son of Adam. It is not going to be easy removing the devil of a worldly self-ego son of Adam. As Jesus said in his last night in the Garden of Gethsemane in Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit [son of God] is willing but the flesh [and temptation of the worldly self-ego son of Adam] is weak. We need spiritual wisdom or understanding because Jesus said so. Refer Matthew 13:34 I will open my mouth in parables. I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. In the night of and after the Last Supper Jesus said These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Tribulation means affliction. This last sentence is very important and very profound. Jesus has said He has overcome the world of affliction or suffering. The Way of the Cross is how we also overcome the world of suffering, just like He did. Why did Jesus speak in parables? He did this because it was prophesised to be so. But let us listen to the explanation He gave to Nicodemus in John 3:12-13 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. Like Jesus who as the Spirit Son of God came down as worldly Son of Man, in our eternal spirit son of God we are here as the worldly self-ego son of man, son of Adam. Like Jesus who, as Christ, resurrected and ascended to heaven; we will also be reborn, be resurrected, as eternal spirit sons of God, to ascend to heaven, once we get off Jacobs Ladder. Therefore from worldly self-ego son of Adam dust to worldly self-ego son of Adam dust but from egoless eternal spirit son of God [who came down from heaven but is lost or subsumed in its alter ego of the worldly self-ego son of Adam] to egoless eternal spirit son of God found; and like the Prodigal Son returning home, will ascend into heaven. What is flesh is flesh and what is spirit is spirit. Spiritual or intuitive or insight wisdom of the eternal spirit son of God is in the opposite direction to worldly or conventional knowledge or wisdom of the afflicted worldly self-ego son of Adam. Instead of seeing or hearing or feeling or knowing what is worldly external to yourself you have travel backwards in time to a time long forgotten in the windmills of your mind. You have to shut off your eyes and other senses so that you close off your mind to the outside world and travel within you. With your eyes closed and your ears shut to the outside world, you are left in solicitude with the darkness and vacuity of your mind. The idea is to seek your soul, in other words your eternal spirit son of God, the kingdom of God within you [see Luke 17:21]. This has always been the problem with the Jewish synagogue and the Christian Church; focusing on looking externally, and to manner and form, rather than to substance and the spirit within. Note what Jesus said in Matthew 23:13 But woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites. For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow are entering to go in. Note: God is within us! We have to go into ourselves! We have to go into our mind! But with a conventional mind and a spiritual mind combined we have to see God in everything and everything in God. To see and hear in the open vastness of stillness and dark vacuity of your mind [this is assuming that you have reached the stage of practice where with self-discipline, through meditation or Jesuit prayer

contemplation, you can control your mind from wandering or jumping about like a monkey or thinking thoughts of external worldly matters] you have to place yourself in a position where you are in this world but not of this world. Take careful note of what Jesus said in John 8-23-24 You are from beneath; I am from above. You [the self-ego sons of Adam] are of this world; I [Spirit Son of God and all spirits sons of God] am [and are] not of this world. Therefore I said to you that you [as the worldly selfego sons of Adam] will die in your sins [i.e. continually going up and down Jacobs Ladder, one mortal existence after another]; for if you do not believe that I am He [i.e.I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.], you will die in your sins [i.e. continually going up and down Jacobs Ladder, one mortal existence after another]. Note! Your worldly self-ego son of Adam afflicted mind that you worldly use is not your mind! It is a mortal mind that will cease to exist when there is no I, no ego or self. It is an illusion. It is not permanent! It will die when we die! It is just a thief and a charlatan. Your true mind can never die. Your true mind is pure and eternal because it is a heavenly mind! We need to get to our pure heavenly mind that has been clouded or shrouded by our false afflicted mind of the worldly self-ego son of Adam. Persevere in faith and travel deep into the inner recesses of this darkness of the afflicted mind of the worldly self-ego son of Adam, into its deepest part, away from the worldly senses, proceed via spiritual intuition, and eventually, at a point where and when you have totally no thought of self-ego, you will find a narrow crack, like a narrow gate, where a light will shine through. You have found your true mind, your pure mind, the eternal egoless light, the eternal spirit son of God, pure spirit consciousness. This is what Jesus meant when He said in John 3:19-21 And this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practising evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God. And in John 8:12 I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. Remember when Jesus speak spiritually, His light and darkness are referring to spiritual light and darkness. When you get to this stage you know you are very close to being reborn in the spirit. Do not hesitate but seize the moment. Let go of everything else! Remember what I said earlier about where and when you have totally no thought of self-ego. This is very important because if you still have a self-ego and is not completely egoless you will see images of salvation by way of Anti-Christs. Lucifer is very devious. When you still have a self-ego or self-consciousness, you will still be within his grasp and web of deceit. Or, you will suffer the same temptation of the 1st Adam. This egolessness should be just pure awareness but without self, without ego. The best way I can describe it is like the reflectivity of a mirror. Even the mirror has an ego! But its reflectivity, away from sight and view, has no ego. It is in this form of pure and equanimous reflectivity of an awareness or immanent pure spirit consciousness that as an eternal spirit son of God, you surrender or submit to God. In total surrender or submission you are subsumed in God. You are no longer separated from God. You are one with God and God with you - Father and Son and sons in the Spirit. When your mind is afflicted you are worldly self-ego son of Adam. When your mind is not afflicted you are the eternal spirit son of God. We must cast off our afflicted worldly self-ego son of Adam before we

die or we will be continually and endlessly sowing, and going up and down the different realms of the rungs of Jacobs Ladder in successive different lives. Note that it is all in the mind! All sins and wrongdoings do not have an ultimate reality or existence beyond Jacobs Dream! The sins and wrongdoings come from the afflicted mind the illusory mind of the temporal mortal self-ego worldly son of Adam, going up and down Jacobs Ladder in causality and retribution. If the afflicted self-ego mind is extinguished; you have killed the devil or demon of the selfego worldly son of Adam, which was the bane of the 1st Adam. All sins and wrongdoings are naturally and immediately redeemed or extinguished. For without the afflicted mind, the causality and retribution, the Jacobs Ladder, the Jacobs Dream all vanishes [for they only exist within the afflicted mind!]; and only the eternal spirit son of God, the pure spirit consciousness, remains in eternity. The kingdom of God is within us and not in this physical or phenomenal world or universe of Jacobs Ladder and of Jacobs Dream. Remember egolessness is like being a little child, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. A little child has no inherent fear. That was how we were in Batu Road days, when we were playing in fathers workshop. Remember when you were accidentally run over? We were not into the duality of birth and death. A little child could or would unknowingly and unconsciously tear up the bible or play with the ancestral altar offerings. He has no notion of what is holy or evil. Similarly, there is no duality or relativity in spirit heaven, in the kingdom of God. In Batu Road jargon there is no eating or shitting in heaven! God does not judge. A Father takes His children as they are, warts and all! That is why we say that God loves us despite our sins. In egolessness we love God like a child loves his father. A child loves his father intuitively, not purposely or out of fear or ceremony or custom or ritual. This is where the scribes and Pharisees were on the wrong track. In understanding this salient point you will understand Jesus gripes about the scribes and Pharisees. Otherwise loving the Heavenly Father is like idol worshipping. Otherwise it becomes a religion of fear or blind faith and religious obsession. It should simply be about spiritual filial piety. For Christian faith, in essence, is not a religion, but the faith of a little spirit child in his Spirit Father and the love and compassion and longing of a Spirit Father for His lost spirit children. That is why Jesus said in Matthew 6:25 Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? and in Matthew 6:8 For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. This is the faith of little children in their parents. When we were little children did we worry about what we had to eat or drink or what clothes to wear? Did not our parents intuitively know of our needs before we asked them? Jesus is asking us to have the faith of little children for theirs is the kingdom of God. Jesus is not talking to us as worldly self-ego sons of Adam but to us as the lost eternal spirit sons of God. The Master Shepherd is looking for His lost sheep! That is why Jesus said in Matthew 5:48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. Remember what Jesus said to the rich man who asked Him how to attain eternal life in Mark 10:18? Jesus said No

one is good but God alone. Perfect means good in spiritual terms. We should be good children because we have a good father. Is not that the basic foundation of filial piety? When you look at the Ten Commandments intuitively in terms of filial piety; you will find that the first three is about being faithful to God and the latter seven about being good. The 4th Commandment in the being good category tells us to be filial to our worldly parents. But the Ten Commandments taken as a whole tell us to be filial to our Heavenly Father. So conventionally or spiritually, the Ten Commandments come down to filial piety. Be a good filial son to your worldly parents. Be a good filial son to your Spirit Father. That is how to attain eternal life. That is also what the Two Great Commandments are all about. Do not be depressed. We can and we will all be saved. So, be joyful that we have a Spirit Father. Do not fear or despair. Salvation is just seconds away in eternal time. It is just a mind-thought away. I reiterate, afflictions, wrongdoings and retribution accompanying them are only very real to and experienced by the worldly self-ego sons of Adam. They are matters relating to the worldly realm of a self-ego son of Adam and his going up and down the different rungs or realm of Jacobs Ladder. I reiterate, afflictions, wrongdoings and retribution accompanying them are not matters that are relevant or will impact on an eternal spirit son of God. For it has no afflictions but is merely lost [through its alter-ego, the worldly self-ego son of Adam] in Jacobs Dream. If the Father is perfect, the Son and sons are perfect. In the egolessness of a pure mind, of pure luminous awareness and eternal bliss, there is nothing to want, desire, grasp, cling or attach to, good or evil. In heaven, there is no game called Snakes and Ladders. This ultimate reality is just the pure spirit consciousness of pure bliss. From the perspective of an eternal spirit son of God, what is happening to his alter-ego the worldly self-ego son of Adam, is just a temporal delusion of an illusion. It is just Jacobs Dream. Whatever kaleidoscopic reaping and sowing, up and down Jacobs Ladder, may be experienced [and please note, this is all very real in a worldly conventional sense, like night coming after day, like suffering from constipation after a very hot curry] by the worldly self-ego son of Adam in his Jacobs Dream, to the permanent unmoving reflectivity that is the eternal spirit son of God, and the pure Ultimate Reality of Eternity, it is all just constantly changing reflections on the mirror of ego. Just like a mirage or an illusion! What we are and where we are at is a reflection of our past reaping and sowing! Just let go of all our worldly self-ego son of Adams worldly attachments, clinging and grasping of the false self-ego!

Dear Siblings and Spiritual Siblings, I have not been well since my last birthday but I am almost recovered. This may be my last missive until I return from HK where I will be between 10/12/12 to 1/2/13. Please do not worry. In fact, in many ways I should be grateful, as I have never found greater spiritual happiness in my life, till now, when I am with

God constantly. I am happy that God was and is in me 24/7 of late, and I have seen His Light and Presence. Now for me, reading through the Bible is like reading a nursery rhyme! Everything is as clear as daylight! Let go of the worldly self-ego son of Adam! Do not sow anything worldly so that we do not have to reap! Have no further tribulations or afflictions. We have to get off Jacobs Ladder! Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness! The Kingdom of God is within us and His Righteousness is the egoless eternal spirit son of God in us. Till the next discourse, God Bless! Chuan 25/11/12

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