Top Five Secrets To Eternal in God's Kingdom
Top Five Secrets To Eternal in God's Kingdom
Top Five Secrets To Eternal in God's Kingdom
Greetings to all of you world over in Jesus Christ mighty name! I would like to welcome
you to this First Edition of the “Top 5 secrets to eternal life in God’s Kingdom” with
aggressive Spiritual prayer guide to resist satanic temptations in Jesus name. Amen! I was
motivated by the power of the Holy Spirit to write these down. Driven by God’ s power to
introduce everyone to the concept of salvation, Repentance, forgiveness, temptation,
prayer and fasting .This is the most aggressive tool that can arrest, bullet and destroy
Satan into ashes in minutes. It’s based on prayers that have worked since the ancient time
of Moses, including some testimonies shared from friends.
In fact this book is NOT merely for encouragement of the low Spirit filled believers, it’s
for the decided, ready and well armed Christian soldiers ready for Physical and Spiritual
battle at hand with support of the Holy Spirit. In fact this book is not for the faint-hearted,
unrepentant, shy, religious and adamant people who just read and listen and takes no heed
to get born again. I encourage you to hold on your faith, make irreversible change of your
attitude, mind, and heart to accept the will of the Holy Spirit, resist temptation, and most
of all pray fervently while knowing that Jesus is in control. This book has three sub
sections; 1. Introduction that talks about resisting temptation, practicing the art of
Forgiveness Part 2 talks about accepting repentance and getting salvation. Part 3 discusses
learning how to pray and fast, knowing the power in prayer packed with Eleven days
prayer and fasting superb guide. This Book needs sincerity in repentance in order to
make it less counter-productive in your life. You should know that the blood of Jesus shed
on the cross is not a license for sin. So don’t sin purposely to be forgiven and cleansed just
by the blood of Jesus Christ shed on Calvary, because God’s grace is abundant and keep
walking and being entangled in powerful Spiritual backfire otherwise you will be
subjected to very big war from the enemy-Satan? You need to prepare, Repent, forgive,
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
meditate, get familiar with God’s words, fast and most of all be faithful; in fact you need
more time to organize yourself before you pray the suggested prayers in bullet form
because after mentioning those prayer bullets which is also known bullets for shooting
Satan, you will feel the impact and the power of the Holy Spirit at work.
This particular piece could have not been possible without a combined effort from
different individual. In fact the Holy Spirit talks the upper hand. Thanks to my Parents for
the continuous love , care and support. To my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
imbobided to the followings; Alyson Grunder from USA for her early guideline to me in
English Grammar and Proficiency. I am really appreciative for such an encouragement,
God bless you. To Titus Longiro, and Lukoya Patrick thanks Bros for the lengthy
discussion and insight you extended to me on the topic “yielding forgiveness and
understanding Temptation”. My friends-Peter Ayeno, Mr Owor, the choir crew of Christ
Church Cathedral of Kotido Parish, of North-Karamoja Diocese, I would to thank you for
your guidance and Bible study program thank empowered me. May the Almighty God
bless you all!. To Doctor Paul Shepherd and the Family from UK, thanks for the Godly
support and prayers we have had together. To my OG Beatrice Achen, Sister Florence
Kotido, God bless all of you for the most powerful team prayers we have ever conducted.
We give God Glory and Honor for his wonderful power he exhibited of which you are the
Eye witnesses of the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit in today’s world. Keep
the Fellowship going. God’s abundant blessings awaits you. To my family members, I
would like to thank you for always being patient and waiting for the best out of me. God
bless you abundantly. To those who started booking copies of this powerful book before
its publication that was very encouraging? You made me speed up my publishing process.
To all those who supported me in one way or the other, God bless you. I love you all in
Jesus Name. Amen.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................iii
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Introducing Temptation................................................................................................1
Forms of Temptation...................................................................................................1
Overcoming Temptation..............................................................................................4
Defeating temptation...............................................................................................5
Practicing Forgiveness...................................................................................................9
Forms of Forgiveness...............................................................................................11
FORGIVENESS IN A MIRRIOR................................................................................13
PROCESS OF FORGIVENESS................................................................................15
RELEVANCE OF FORGIVENESS.........................................................................19
CHAPTER TWO................................................................................................................25
KNOWING REPETANCE...........................................................................................25
Significance of Repentance.......................................................................................27
Understanding Salvation...............................................................................................30
CHAPTER :THREE...........................................................................................................36
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
TYPES OF FASTS....................................................................................................36
CHAPTER FOUR...............................................................................................................41
WINDING UP...............................................................................................................114
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Temptation is like a knife, which may either cut the meat or the throat of a man; it may
be his food or his poison, his exercise or his destruction”. John Owen
Introducing Temptation
The word ‘temptation’ has defeated a specific definition. The literal meaning refers to a
desire to engage in short term urges for enjoyment, that threatens long term goals. It may
also mean an ill intention purposely to destroy a promise hoped for. Temptation thus
involves luring one or one another or someone .What we should know about temptation is
that it’s evil. It’s when you feel like to do something or have something, even though you
know you really should avoid it, you still find yourself getting into it. You can refer to this
feeling as temptation. In fact we can synonymously refer to these as the urge, desire,
impulse, feeling to do something etc.
What you should know about temptation is that it’s mainly caused by a person or things
that tempts. Temptation cannot occur in a vacuum. There must be a cause (the tempter and
the tempted).In fact it’s two way flow. Either you tempt someone/something or
someone/something tempts you. Either of the two instances may interplay. But it will still
zero to temptation.
Forms of Temptation
Personal temptation: This is mainly individualistic. It’s brought about by innate
desire/urge to do or have something for enjoyment or power .It tends to go or act faster
than God’s intended will for us, and we call it ‘’short cut’’. Sometimes it doesn’t talk, it’s
a secret to the executioner-which is you; it tends to be too powerful that you are shameful
to tell other people about. I can liken it to an incantation of sorcerer that brings in
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
unusually strong and huge Spiritual powers that he/she cannot control self. It’s the enemy
from both within and without. It’s full of irreversible regrets hence ending into ‘I wish I
knew’ but it’s now too late.
Material Temptation: This is a form that is possession driven. It’s so common. It’s
experienced by those who have affinity for something i.e. wealth and property ownership
but it’s the most dangerous type that can lead to loss of life, Public avoidance, witch
hunting, and enmity and grudges especially when one intends to have/acquire more for
him/her-self than the other. Let’s look at a middle income man who wants to acquire a
Jeep car. He well knows this will take him more than four years to acquire the same but
then he indulges himself in dubious acts and mischiefs to get quick money in order to own
it. It’s mainly known as ‘’greed.’’
Temptation thus affects us materially, physically, morally and Spiritually. For instance
Mr. Billy argues that;
“Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole. Yielding is opening the door
and inviting him in”. Billy Sunday
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
1. Satan identifies a desire inside of you. It can be a desire to control others, fulfill
intimate desire, acquire a thing, etc. Temptation therefore starts when Satan suggests with
a simple thought in your mind, that you give it to evil desires or that you fulfill the desire
in wrong ways or at a wrong time. Always be aware of short cuts they are
temptations .Satan whispers ‘you deserve it’. ‘Have it’. ‘It will be better’ .Temptation thus
starts in your mind. As Jesus said from the heart comes evil thoughts ,sexual immorality,
murder, adultery , envy, greed, wickedness, deceit, lust, pride, foolishness…..Don’t you
understand? Anything that goes into a person’s mouth goes into his stomach and then out
of his body. But the things that come out of the mouth come from the HEART, and these
are the things that make a person ritually unclean. For from his heart come an evil idea
which leads him to kill, commit adultery and do other immoral things; to lie, rob, and
slander others. (Mathew 15: 17-19)
2. Satan tries to get you to doubt about what God has said about sin. Like it’s really
wrong. The bible warns .Don’t let evil thoughts to make any of you to turn away from the
living God. Avoid negative thought about God’s existence and power to mankind today.
Even when things don’t move the right way, stop and relax, then reflect on the word of
God and try to find out what it takes about your unbearable life situation. This coupled
with fervent pray you will definitely get the best solution to your life problems. Just try it
out it will definitely work for you.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
3. Satan brings deception. He begins with what God has already said in his words. He will
say you will not die. You will be wise like God. Just as he stealthily lured Adam and Eve.
4. Satan finally makes you to disobey God. You give into whatever caught your intention.
Martin Luther said ‘’you cannot keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can
keep them from building a nest over your hair’’.
; Therefore you cannot keep the devil from suggesting thoughts but you can choose not to
dwell or act on them. Satan can at times employ high learnt individuals (Professors,
Doctors, Bishops, Pastors, Leaders of varying authorities, Prophets, etc) who you cannot
believe can be his agent to betray the church of Jesus Christ today. Just like world
government and big companies looking to recruit highly qualified staff to work for the and
so is Satan to God’s Children. Temptation cuts across individuals. Satan can use your God
given knowledge to serve him, this is quite funny, and to some people it can be a kin to
job employment. In most places Satan uses common rudimentary tools to drive you to his
service Such as anger, alcoholism, bearing long grudges, addiction, money, forgiveness,
love, rumor mongering, isolation, lustful desire, bitterness, neglect, lack, fames and he
closely monitor or keep eyeing at you always. So you have to resist the devil and he will
flee. Note that the devil knows very little about you. But waits for what you mentioned or
thought about then he builds on it to fall you. An example is when you prophecy that you
are always unsuccessful at the last moment of your endeavors. The Devil then takes
advantage of that and he ensures you really have to fail in your plan. If I may ask, Do you
know the Devil has a mission to Steal, Kill and Destroy? Stay at a watch out my brother
and Sister in Christ.
In some instances attraction and sexual arousal (lust) should be closely looked at. They are
natural God given response to beauty. While lust is a deliberate act of the will. Attraction
is NOT lust until you begin to dwell in it. The closer you draw to God, the more Satan will
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
try to tempt you. The more you become the child of God. Satan puts a contract on you or
a price tag on your head, just like saying “get him and kill him/her, and I pay you Ten
Million shillings”. It’s plotting for your downfall. Satan tricks you to follow his ways, and
then when you sin, he leaves with Shame before the almighty God. Just as he left Adam
and Eve feel they were all naked. Satan puts you in great shame that you can feel you are
no longer worthy to stand before your God the creator but all this should be ignored
because God is able to forgive you (Sinful you) of whatever sin you have committed when
openly or in secret. Take a look of Samson. See below.
Example 1.
1. Samson was a great warrior in the Old Testament and a sworn Nazirite.
He is well known for his incredible strength. He used this extraordinary
strength to kill a lion with his bare hands and slaughter 1,000 men using
only a jawbone. Samson, however, became arrogant due to his physical
prowess and began drifting away from God’s laws. He slept with a
prostitute, ate honey that came from an animal’s corpse and fell in love
with a woman who he does not appear to have married despite spending
multiple nights with her. The Bible, at least, is rather pointedly silent on
that account. This woman, the infamous Delilah, learned that the secret
, Eve in the bible as seen below in the the Garden of Eden Account.
of Samson’s strength was his long hair. She shaved his head in the
middle of the night, breaking his vows and stealing his strength so the
Philistines could take him prisoner. Samson was blinded and imprisoned,
Example 2but during his captivity, his hair grew back, and he used his renewed
strength to bring the Philistine temple down on all those gathered inside.
Moses also sinned when he broke the ten Commandment tablets etc. God says in (Isaiah
1:18), where he promises to wash your red sin like a piece of cloth stained with blood as
white as snow. This is unbelievable. You have to keep faith in God’s forgiving power.
Satan becomes more active. In fact when I was discussing with a friend of mine on how
the devil attack Gods children, he said, “Satan sends a strong agent to fight you according
to the faith you have”. It’s like sending a big and strong person to fight a strong person. In
common sense, you cannot send a child to fight a big person. So Satan also uses the same
fighting techniques. Therefore you must be strong in your faith and don’t compromise and
give into temptation. Let bad remain bad and good remain good. Mind you God’s children
don’t compromise, they see bad and they rebuke immediately.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Overcoming Temptation
Refuse to be intimidated by evil thoughts. Recognize your pattern of temptation and be
prepared for it. Apostle Peter warns, stay alert. Ask questions like
5. When am I tempted?
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
2 What time?
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Identifying Temptation.
Identify and then prepare to avoid such situations. Request God’s help. For your
information, HEAVEN has a twenty four 24 hour emergency Hotline. God wants
you to ask him for assistance in overcoming temptation. He says “call me in times
of trouble, I will rescue you and you will honor me” (Psalms 50:15).I let Myself be
sought by those who did not ask for me, I let Myself to be found by those who did
not seek me.I said, ‘Here am I, here am I,’ To the nation (Israel) which did not call
on My Name (65:1) Amplified bible. This is microwave prayer help. John Calvin
puts it “No man is excluded from calling upon God, the gate of salvation is set open
unto all men: neither is there any other thing which keepeth us back from entering
in, except only our own unbelief”.
God never get irritated, bored or impatient. When we keep going back to him. The
bible says lets us approach God’s throne with confidence where there is grace. You
have to cry two hundred times or more in a day to defeat a particular temptation. He will
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
still be eager to give mercy and grace. You should remember that every moment you
struggle to resist temptation, you win the victory and you should try your best to give that
to God through the power and authority he has put up on you. So boldly ask God for his
power to do the right thing and expect him to provide it.
Note: when you stumble instead of giving in or giving up, look up to God for help. Not to
Evil thoughts. When confused and worried always relax and reflect on God’s saving
power. Refer to encouraging verses in your Holy bible. Don’t waste times worrying
instead spend more time meditating upon God’s words? As the saying goes “Don’t tell
God how big your problem is but tell your problem how big your God is”.
Do not be surprised, then, dear child of God, if you are tempted at every step of your
earthly journey, and almost beyond endurance; Know that you will not be tempted beyond
what you are able to bear, and with every temptation there will be a way of escape”. He
will not permit any temptation that you could not overcome. The book of James 1:13-18
puts it this way.
James 1:13-18
13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by
evil, nor does he tempt anyone;
14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Refocus your attention on something else. The battle for something is won or lost from
your mind. What ever gets your mind will get you. Temptation begins by capturing your
attention. What ever gets your attention arouse your emotions .Then your emotions
activates your behavior, then your behavior gives back to your mind to execute and the
cycle continues over and over again. This is a kin to sexual immorality. Note: DON’T
LEAD OTHERS INTO TEMPATION …….If anyone should cause one of this little ones
to lose his faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied
round his neck and be thrown into the sea (Mark 9: 42 GNB). We should always pay
attention to our own words we speak to our neighbors, the actions which we portray
because this may be the possible market place for the devil. Always track and analyze
every word that comes from your mouth because it has to bear seeds in your life.
Remember evil words bear fruits of Evil kind and Holy words bear fruits of blessings and
success. A friend of mine Said “Satan knows nothing about us!”. Until we mention it or
other people mention it then he starts it from there. For example you say “I am unlucky in
business”, Business, Marriage and Satan takes your own words and really makes you
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
unlucky. Satan actually builds on what you say or what has been said about you. So
always say blessings or speak only good things to yourself, workmates, friends, spouses,
neighbors etc.
“When you make a mistake and the devil comes and tells you 'You're no
good,' you don't have to take on the guilt and condemnation he wants to put
on you. No! You can immediately confess your mistake to God, thank Him
for forgiving you and cleansing you with the blood of Jesus, and move
forward in the victory of His grace and forgiveness”.
Joyce Meyer
4. Then Activates your behavior and this gives back to your mind to execute and the cycle
continues over and over again.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
i.Keep your mind occupied with God’s word. Always fill your mind with things that is
Godly and deserves praise.
ii.Always monitor your media intake such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Istagram,
Viber, Youtube, Internet and the like, as it drives your attention from serving God. Even
the songs you hear should always be Holy. You should know that what takes most of you
time which is ungodly. It definitely becomes an idol. As you know, an idol is anything
that takes a place of God. So be careful as you spend your leisure time.
iii.Choose carefully what you think about. It has to be Godly. Meditate always upon
Godly words, wonders, songs and stories. As the saying goes, a lonely mind is a devil’s
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
iv. Reprogram the way you think. Holiness has to be part of your Mind, Soul and Spirit.
It should be able to predicate on the will of the almighty God.Do not allow your mid to be
occupied by other things other than what is God. That which Recognizes Jesus Christ as
your personal Lord and Savior.
v. Reveal your struggle to a Godly friend, support group: revealing your feelings is the
beginning of the best way you can be protected from the claws of the enemy (Satan).This
is where you get the escape route or the ability to overcome hard situations in your life.
Note: Problems grow bigger and bigger in darkness but when exposed to the light of truth,
they shouldn’t confuse your thoughts because whatever you cannot talk about are
already OUT of control in your life (Warning: It may easily kill you!!) now ask
yourself. What is it that is overpowering my life that I cannot tell anyone?.This
perhaps could have taken Five years, Ten years or over. You need to expose this to
your intimate friend, relative or member of your prayer group. Some problems you
cannot solve on your own should be kept as a secret. You need a group, accountability
partner, who will support you, encourage you, pray for you, and love you unconditionally.
of it’.
vi. Resist the devil, James 4:7, Accept Gods Salvation because with the helmet of
salvation, your (our) minds are protected by God. Here I mean you have to confess Christ
personally as your Lord and Saviour. Then you will know what am talking about.
vii. Use the word of God. Satan cannot force you to do something but he can only
suggest .Quote scriptures from memory verses. There is power in God’s word and Satan
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
fears it. Many believe that the word of God is like a double edged sword. Memorized
verses are bullets in fighting Satan. Jesus overcame Satan using the same (Luke 4:1-13)
which marked the beginning of his ministry on earth. Always read your Holy bible and
meditate upon those words.
viii.Realize your vulnerability or weaknesses. This can make you devise the strategy of
ridding yourself of. It can be effective when shared with a trusted friend or companion and
service providers
Don’t just place yourself in tempting situations. ‘Remember it’s easier to stay out of
temptation than to get out of it’. Always avoid what is so strange to you. The so call “Life
Discovery” This is not Godly at all for you as a believer. Seek God first to guide you in
whatever you want to do or feel like doing.
Pray and be prepared for temptation with the hope that God cannot allow anyone be
tempted by Satan beyond some level. Paul’s letter to the Ephesian tells us “put on the
whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For
we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the Spiritual forces of evil in
the heavenly places.” (Ephesian6:11-12).
Practicing Forgiveness.
The word Forgiveness may have varying definitions, but what is common about
Forgiveness is that there is “an offender” and the offended”-victim; literally
‘Forgiveness’ means releasing someone or oneself out of heart and letting it go ,you may
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
ask, letting what go? Here I mean bitterness, hatred, annoyance and very bad hurt –deep
hurts inside of your heart. You just have to let it forcefully go.
sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Note: Christian should avoid paying wrong for wrong, I mean “a tit for a tat”, as the
saying goes ‘’ all would be blind; we would be in typical darkness without Forgiveness. It
actually makes no difference. For instance before Jesus Christ came to Earth, the world
was in total darkness. I mean people were in deep sin and they didn’t know where to turn
to. They didn’t either understand the art of forgiveness. But his coming has taught us the
art of forgiveness.
As Christians we are tempted every day, time and moment which demand for Forgiveness
but most people ignore such demands and thus end up giving into temptation. They will
definitely be entangled in the field of revenge, hatred, isolation, enmity and suspicions
Forms of Forgiveness.
1. Personal-self Forgiveness. This is when an individual perceive what he/she believe is
morally and religiously wrong and consider self to be morally humiliated, convicted and
feel ownership or responsibility for wrong doing and seeks for personal pardon for one’s
self or God they have wronged.
3. Couple Forgiveness. (Married couple Forgiveness). This is quite a special type. It’s
mainly practiced by married couples, and also those in courtship, or co-habitants. It can be
applied in our daily lives verily as directed in the first instance. Given the fact that married
couples are so close to one another. One should note that sincerity and openness coupled
with emphasis is key in couple forgiveness. You have to totally avoid hearsay about your
partner though it is necessary to proof the doubts.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Here is when one partner realizes that he/she has unpleased the other lover by overriding
on a particular decision reached at and shortly notices being on the wrong and quickly
seek for pardon/Forgiveness. This form is crucial as it can create a distance and permanent
isolation between married couples and should be taken with serious concern.
Note: Never ignore that you hurt someone. Rather to accept your mistake and try your
best to revive the relationship in order to mend the broken relationship to avoid regrets
and psychological torture. African saying goes, “ A broken relationship is like a
collapsed bridge which must be quickly linked to connect two distant places” .Besides
never take any word concerning your partner’s feelings as a joke as this can lead to
divorce, suicide, fear, guilt, shame, humiliation and separation in marriage relationship
or courtship. Your partner must be treated with utmost care, loyalty, kindness and
respect. Value one another in a relationship and never and never ignore one’s feelings.
The bible says’’ wives must submit to their husbands’’ this is God’s commandment .But
it shouldn’t be taken as a form of subordination by a wife, or suppression of the couples’
views, priority and desire. It is a command of love, care, humbleness, kindness and
Spiritual leadership the bible tries to inculcate in our families so that the man will have
that God given leadership opportunity to serve God as a family not as a King. You may
bear me a witness that in most families where a woman tries to assume leadership roles,
except in absentia of a deceased husband, there has been instabilities such as mistrust and
subordination by man as he feels his roles and responsibilities have been usurped and
thus imminent divorce. Couples must be careful with “I don’t care attitude”. It’s has
been a viral factor separating couples in love.
4. Friends’ Forgiveness. This occurs when a friend realizes he/she has betrayed his own
friends he always associates with and feels like seeking for Forgiveness so as to belong to
the same and asks for pardon and for Forgiveness. The tricky thing with this form of
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Forgiveness is that it may be accepted or rejected. It’s more like a job application because
the offended victim seeks for guidance from fellow colleagues depending on the
magnitude of the incident .The decision to be reintegrated back to the group is entirely on
group final decision; Therefore this needs ample time because when an offender is
forgiven, he/she is given a serious warning or the consequences may be very painful such,
as a excommunication murder, torture isolation and defamation. It’s common with
criminal gang stars, clubs, musicians and organized groups.
5. Family Forgiveness. This sound alike ‘couple Forgiveness’. But the difference is that it
occurs between or among families. This requires support from enlightened elders, clan
heads and neighbors who leads the other family offended and betrayed into seeking
Forgiveness. These form is also very sensitive as the other party may assume the
meditator (s) is bias and in support of the other. Seeking this type of Forgiveness always
arises due to a mysterious death in the family, land wrangles, barrenness, group fight, love
suspicion, positioning, witchcraft, bad wises, jealousy and curses. If not taken as a serious
concern may result into revenge, mistrust, death, migration and curses. This scenario
requires immediate step for families to address as soon as possible as it may affect even
the third and fourth generation.
Societal Forgiveness: Not all societies are at peace. This can explain why foreign missions
are present in almost every state. This Forgiveness is sometimes called
reconciliation/amnesty. It’s when one state nation /country forgives the other and seeks
peace and cooperation for the crime committed by a foreign citizen, a group or
The people involved in this type of Forgiveness or reconciliation are heads of states,
diplomatic missionaries and journalists. This kind of Forgiveness is mainly caused by
suspicion, human rights violation and espionage, religious discrimination or persecution
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
of Christians. No nation can be at peace without considering the peace of the other nation.
There can be no peace among us if there is no peace within us. This makes
Forgiveness/Reconciliation paramount in promoting world peace and security.
We can experience Forgiveness in our life every moment when we let go painful
resentment, annoyance and bitterness, give up on any claim for future payment
/compensation ,choose to combine unselfish love as a true Forgiveness. When we ignore
bad situations happening in our lives especially those caused by our offenders instead of
Suffice to mention that denying bad/harmful situations that has been inflicted on us by
our offenders doesn’t mean we are allowing others to take advantage of us. As some may
see saying “sorry” as belittling them by the victims (offended). The bible in proverbs
28:13, warns us not to be guilty of willful sin. Let sin be caused in our daily lives by other
extraneous factors not what we intend as this displeases God.
More so we shouldn’t give excuses for more time to continue being in sin. For example a
good friend of mind when I requested her to be born again, she humbly said, “I still want
to enjoy my life as a youth, then when I get born again I will not do it again”. Now as a
friend of Jesus Christ what piece of advice would you give this lady? However you may
also be a victim of cruel mistreatment/hurt/hatred, if I may ask .How will you feel and
what do you expect the offender would do for you? Helpless as you are!. Definitely you
would seek their pardon and Forgiveness. Mathew 6:14-15, says.
“14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will
also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive
your sins.” As Williamson adds;
“Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we
suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without
Marianne Williamson
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
We all need Forgiveness in our lives. No matter what it takes, painful as it’s.
The final lessons we learn from here is that we need to be considerate of one another.
Love your neighbor as you love self, says the by bible in Mark 12: 29-31.., And there is
no any other commandment greater as this!!!, exclaimed Jesus Christ.
We shouldn’t take the law in our own hands. Let’s seek for intimate relationship from
God and ask him to forgive and guide us In order to forgive one another, let the Holy
Spirit guide us in Forgiveness. Then we shall experience permanent joy and peace in our
We should give punishment to God for our offenders. Not take it in our hands as Jesus
demand us to show love to our enemies and those who offend us….. And forgive us our
debts, as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the
evil one. For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father
will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not
forgive your sins.” Matt. 6:12-6:15-
Forgiveness can be intentional and voluntary, when an individual under goes feeling of
remorse and attitude change regarding a particular offense. To some extent it can be a
condition when a group, peer seeks to reconcile the other party though this may not be so
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
1. Acceptance
The first step in Forgiveness is acceptance of the situation that has been caused by
perpetrator(s), and then it’s followed by prayers for God’s guidance by the offender,
victim and the mediator(s) as well as the witness (s).
3. Discussion Stage:
Here the mediator seeks to share the past bitter situation and experience with the offender
and the victim, purposely to take a conclusive step geared toward extracting the truth and
apply appropriate conflict resolution procedures. There is need to avoid bias judgment
during the discussion as it may hamper the actual cause of the conflict. Here the mediator
should avoid hearsay as it may result in wrong judgment. Unless backed by some kind of
4. Taking agreement.
At this particular time, following the previous hot discussion the mediator now identifies
the offender and seeks for his Forgiveness. The offender should take the guilt as belittling
but should appreciate group support for peaceful reconciliation.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
5. Involve third party. When a disagreement has reached its peak, there is ultimate need
to involve the third part for a discussion on identifying areas that needs improvement,
after extracting the truth about a particular matter. Always third parties should be people
of proven integrity who act as guardians to the heart beating individuals. A worse scenario
may be exhibited in this instance, thus calling for impartiality. Most of all, there is need to
deeply analyze and evaluate the root cause of the conflict.
In a Christian perspective there is need to pray together .It doesn’t matter what kind and
magnitude of the conflict it may be but the most important thing is agreeing and coming to
pray together about the matter as Christian sisters and brothers. This is why Jesus Christ
died for the Forgiveness of our sins….Father forgive them for they don’t know what they
are doing. The bible in Galatians 6:2, talks of sharing one another’s burden ( 2help to
carry one another’s burden, and in this way you will obey the law of Christ).
Christians are encouraged to visit one another and identify key challenges their colleague
or societal member (s) may be undergoing and in any case should consult and share the
issue with church leaders, family members, friends or close supervisor. Equally so, one
should use the closes friend in case of a sour relationship in order to seek for pardon.
Because the offended might be exposed to physical or verbal attack and find it not
relevant to face the offender.
Note: One should avoid avoidance, isolation, concealment, rehearsing the bitter past as it
may escalate the level of guilt as Bruce Lee once said, “Mistakes are always forgivable, if
one has the courage to admit them”.
Under normal circumstances one may easily say sorry without having empathy for the
victim. It is usual to say sorry. Let’s have a closer look at Jesus Christ state on the Calvary
on the day he was crucified. He said “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they
are doing”. This was painful right? If I may ask, can you be able to put on the shoes of
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Jesus Christ?. Such a terrible public humiliation? I guess you can’t .Can your share the
excess pain and defamation. No one may know how painful and hurtful the situation
might have been. Remember what happen to Peter. He had to deny Jesus three times
“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to
forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the
best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies”. Martin Luther King,
The victim offended should be able to value the offender in his or her life. This comes
after total Forgiveness. The offended has to speak blessings, pray for the offender,
welcome them in their homes and live at peace with them….. “You have heard that it
was said ‘Love your friends, hate your enemies. But now I tell you: Love your enemies
and pray for those who persecute you. So that you may become the children of your father
in Heaven. For he makes his sun to shine on good and bad people alike and gives rain to
those who do good and to those who do evil.” (Mathew 6:43-45).
The offender should look at their persecutors as also important persons in the society.
There is no need to rubbish them from their lives and consider their roles and
responsibility in society as humans null and void.
The victim is not to look at the witness, offender and mediators as a big problem in life
rather a solution and part of it. Besides the victim has to accept one another’s weakness
and two shall move as one. Further as we notice here no one is perfect in life. We all make
mistakes and sin against God and thus continuous Forgiveness is very necessary.
The victim shouldn’t hold the offender in heart .He or she should learn to forgive as the
bible encourages many times Forgiveness. …21 Then peter came to Jesus and asked, Lord,
if my brother keeps on sinning against me ,how many times do I have to forgive him?
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Seven times?” 22
“No seventy times seven…Mathew 18:21-22…,) in addition the victim
should recognize the importance of Forgiveness/reconciliation as the only way to more
blessings, peace, and harmony.
The victim has to be reasonable. When we have a minor cause of complain. We can apply
the bible principle of counseling one another. Meaning we should continue putting up
with on each other we shouldn’t harden our hearts.
6. Act quickly as the saying goes procrastination is a killer of time and so is conflict.
African saying goes “work with clay while it’s still wet”. Meaning work for Forgiveness
as soon as you can, rather than letting your anger fester. Ephesians 4:26-27… 26“
If you
become angry don’t let your anger lead you into sin, don’t stay angry all day. 27
give the devil a chance”. We should know that a little conflict situation can escalate into
major disastrous scenario which calls for immediate intervention.
7. Do not condone a conflict situation. In seeking true Forgiveness one shouldn’t ignore
and keep silent as if nothing bad had happened. Many count hurtful scenarios and wait
until the climax, then burst like a timing Bomb. This is not recommended because the
victim undergoes painful conditions as he or she tries to conceal the heinous acts which
can lead to suicide, murder of the offender, hypertension, extreme stressful situation, Lion
moods, Red eyes and unfriendliness for the wrongs inflicted. Now if you do hurt someone
the same way you are hurt then you become twice worse than the offender. You become a
very bad person in life and you will be filled with bitterness, rage and unfaithfulness. Let’s
learn to love one another by making them new to us and learn to show Good for bad, no
matter how painful it may be, God will bless us. The fallen hero and the famous ‘Freedom
Fighter’, Nelson Madela, Once said, “Hatred is not natural. If man can learn how to
hate then he too can also be taught how to Love”. We shouldn’t hate other people
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
because of who they are or we are told to hate them. Such as minority group, children,
pregnant mother, disable person, mentally impaired since we are all God’s Children etc
Forgiveness may be good or bad to some people but from the biblical point of view, it’s a
precondition for our blessings and salvation from the Almighty God. As Christians. The
bible in Mathew 18:21-22 requires us to forgive one another seventy times meaning it’s a
continuous act that as a true Christian and Non- Christian believers we should make it
part and parcel of our daily life with fellow Christians as we forgive one another we renew
our intimate relationship with God and fellow man/humans through reconciliation.
Besides Forgiveness proves God’s love for neighborhood mark 11:25. Forgiveness is also
looked at as a true sign of salvation because as a born again we bear the fruit of
Forgiveness as a gift of the Holy Spirit. Luke 23:34.
Forgiveness brings true happiness as the victim and the offender reconcile. They enjoy
peace and serenity once again as the gap of despair, rage, pain, bitterness could have been
bridged. Actually it renews our Spirit and nourishes the soul.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
When couples forgive each other they further need support form professionals to
overcome their pain that might be left behind. This needs to be done in a well fashioned
manner with prayer and counseling. I would recommend professional marriage counselors
to quite often pay home visit to the couples and sharing their challenges and also get
involved in family life support services at hand for a beautiful relationship such as
churches, and counseling centers and groups as well as association.
1.Exposure stage: This stage involve exploring the hurts, pain and disgust that an
individual/group has experienced .It may take the form of disclosing the actual problems,
and letting it be known but this should be accompanied by critical look at the root cause
and substantial evidence. There is no need to rush here. Actually proper problem
identification is key to righteous problem solving.
2. Agreement stage: At this level, the victim and the offender takes a serious
discussion/sharing of the issue at hand and draws a conclusion based on who is wrong
hence agreement is sought and commitment is made on a particular stand given the
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
3. Molding stage: This stage shifts the focus to the offender, sometimes it’s referred to as
screening stage in an effort to gain in depth look and understanding because the second
level of agreement may be applied with excess pressure due to individual or group or
witness presence, but as you know, Forgiveness comes from the heart not coercion. It
shouldn’t be an induced condition. Therefore this stage draws the offender to a closer look
so that he/she understands feels and be empathetic on what wrongs he has committed and
owns it. In any case the offender or the victim decides to conceal the act; the procedure
required for Forgiveness shall be invalidated.
4. Application stage: The offended at this level seeks the best way forward and becomes
knowledgeable of group support not independent on committing offense against one
another and thus he as well be given sometimes in life and find value/reason of
Forgiveness .NB an individual mediating should spend much time on to know who is
exactly on the right or wrong to avoid regretting consequences.
5.Renewal Stage: At this stage, the wrong doer or betrayer is able to forgive each other
for the past painful hurts, humiliation and defamation inflicted and can engage in a more
positive behavior such a self-compassion, self-kindness, group power and seeks pardon to
belong to one another or to a particular group. This stage looks more on rebirth and
enjoying a second chance guaranteed .What should be noted here is that the victim
offended should not at any occasion remind the offender of the past mistakes.
6: Forgetfulness: This is the last stage of forgiveness and over centuries has been known
as the most difficult stage and no one can claim to be perfect here.We have all detested the
bitterness of forgiveness and its joy as well.But the inherent human shames and egotism
makes forgiveness a night mare practice.This I can term as human weakeness or genetic
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
inheritance. In life you probably could have come across son individuals or families that
don’t forgive and their actions are characterized by revenge and resistance. This makes
has come to Jesus Christ to lessen the task and difficulties and shame we could have
inflicted on one another or the reverse. See Jesus last remarks during his crucifixion in
Luke 23:34 “ Jesus said, Forgive them, Father!, They don’t know what they are doing”.
This awful right?. Which I think a common man like ‘you’ and ‘I’ couldn’t forgive those
adversaries, but because of Jesus heart of love for us all, he had to forgive to forgive his
foes. So always lets us learn to forgive for heavenly sake. Don’t look at forgiveness from
a human perspective but from a spiritual realm of life. When some wrongs you and you
get annoyed look at it spiritual and Say ‘God for him/her’ don’t react immediately. Be
calm and relax. Be slow to talk or just keep quiet. Pray always for those who wrong you
instead and God will pour his holy spirit on you and you will get the ability to forgive one
another.In regard to the pyramidal exegesis, last stage of forgive should involve total
FORGETFUNESS. Not even to talk about as this may rewind the bitter past to the victim
or a group. We should avoid talking of our previous hurtful acts after the revival of a once
tarnished relationship otherwise wit will create recurrent hateful scenarios. This
Forgiveness should be a sustainable one.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Note: in devising techniques of Forgiveness, you realize that it’s more of a conflict
resolution technique which follows stages. Once a stage is skipped, the actual result will
lack sustainability. The upright pyramid reflects the hottest stage in the process of seeking
Forgiveness. It’s a point where the temper rises higher beyond limit (That is pyramid
number 1, 3, 5 ) and the inverse pyramid indicates a lowering stages of temper (Pyramid
2, 4 and 6) all the process aims at reaching a sustainable Forgiveness.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
1. The habit of feeling remorseful and higher than the victim is another serious factor.
This condition comes as a result of insubordination, for instance a superior offends those
lower than them and tries to hide from the truth, doesn’t want any correction or open
3. Lack of Spiritual maturity for Christians especially those who are not Spiritually filled
and born again, may fail to forgive one another because of satanic influence(s) and
negligence of biblical teaching, which is contrary to Jesus Christ’s teaching. This explains
why many churches are cropping up just because of disagreement and lack of
Forgiveness/repentance, therefore there is need to pray fervently and seek the power of the
Holy Spirit to guide thus one has to find counselor who guides him/her to make
Forgiveness a practical part of their daily living.
Although Forgiveness can be neglected by many, some people or all of us have tested the
consequences which among others leads to death as a result of revenge, blocked blessings
for many people from God and many prayers not yield fruits, suffering, hatred from
relatives, friends and groups, emotional torture, as a result of hurts ,pain ,self-hatred,
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
pity ,shame, guilt ,group avoidance and many others; therefore having detested the
negative aspect of Forgiveness, we need to now embrace Forgiveness to Avoid falling into
such victims. I know there are sometimes scenarios where the Victim becomes guilty
especially when he/she hesitate to give room for the offender or mediators to begin the
process of Forgiveness or reconciliation.
Health wise, rejection of Forgiveness and holding grudges can contribute to diverse health
outcomes by perpetrating anger and holding such hypertension (high blood pressure)
coupled with aggregation of platelets, which may increase vulnerability to heart disease. I
know this may need further scientific prove.
All in all we realize that Forgiveness is a heart desire to reunite with the victims and if not
met can lead to adverse consequences, therefore making it a must and part of our daily life
practice to forgive one another for instance a study conducted In America in 1988, by the
Gallup organization a, large public representative sampling found that 94% of people
recognized that it was important to forgive but 85% said they needed some outside help to
be able to. However not even regular prayer was found to be effective. We should also try
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
our best not to forget information sharing with our mediators/counselors who guides us
through counseling efforts and as Christians God’s guidance needs to be sought first.
Repentance means accepting God’s mercy with shame after a confession of our sinful
acts. It’s owning guilt and feeling sorry about it and involves faith backed by action. It’s
an honest, regretful acknowledgement of sin with commitment to change. It’s also an
irreversible recognition of bad situation and not going back to it once again. It’s not
asking the lord for Forgiveness with the intent to sin again. It requires total humbleness
and feeling sorry for our guilt. In most cases we treat repentance as a mere statement “am
sorry, please forgive me”. This is a kind of sugar coated Forgiveness right? That checks
the shakes the box and hopefully alleviates our guilt. When we reflect a biblical, scenarios
we see that repentance is a turning away from sin and coming to God with humbleness for
Forgiveness and seeking the joy of salvation.
Note; once we miss repentance in the current life, we acquire a place in the darkest part of
the unseen world, and acquiring the same is a precondition for eternity in heaven, a place
prepared for the chosen few. The bible talks about the narrow gate….“Go in through the
narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
there are many who travel it. But the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is
hard, and there are few people who find it”. Mathew 7:13-14.GNB
One should seek God grace: one should seek Forgiveness from God based on the
knowledge of God’s character that- he is a ‘merciful God’ with a permanent
relationship of unfailing love. We come to God because of a covenant he made with
through Jesus Christ.
Avoid defending your wrongs.Seek God rightly, eye for Forgiveness from both God and
man for we commit sins such as sexual sin, murder, idolatry, betrayal of neighbors etc.
Run to Jesus, as sinners we need to recognize our sinful situation and go for cleansing to
Jesus with Jesus’s blood shed on the Calvary for Forgiveness of our sins. Jesus Christ
said… 28“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will
find rest for your souls.30 for my yoke is easier and my burden is light”. Mathew 11:28-30.
The ancient Christians relied on purification from hyssop or sacrifice of animals (sin
offering) for Forgiveness of sins as a sign of repentance. Besides Moses a servant of God
was told by the Almighty God to make bronze snake and have it tied up like a cross and
the Israelites who had sinned against God by worshipping idols as they were being bitten
by poisonous snakes to death. And Moses told them to look at the raised bronze snakes so
that they could be healed and saved from the painful death.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Seek God’s healing power. It’s sometimes painful. It’s is unpleasant to confront just how
unholy we are. God knows all about us deep inside our Blood, Bones and Soul, he heals
us after our true repentance.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit: request always for God not to take the Holy Spirit away
from you. In life we can be personally convicted of our sins and ask “how can God love a
bad person like me? Surely I am not really a good Christian .Take comfort in knowing that
the grief you’re experiencing is a sign that you have the Holy Spirit working in you.
Causing you to hate what God hates. Did you know that the Spirit which is in you is
greater than any other Spirit?
“Till sin become bitter, Christ will not be sweet.’’ Pastor , Thomas
Being happy and seeking the truth. Let God grant you the joy that comes from salvation.
Let God use you as his vessel to spread the Gospel to others and direct them towards
repentance and proclaim God’s love and truth. We should pray that God opens our lips
and our mouth will declare him praises. It’s is pertinent because very often we do the
opposite. We let sin control us and draw us away from serving God because we think we
are unworthy. Sometimes we think we are too busy that we don’t have ample time to
Kneel and Pray. But the joy of Forgiveness should compel us to share the Good news of
God’s Kingdom with friends, families, co-workers, and neighbors and make disciple of
Jesus Christ to all nations.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Promise to obey God’s commands. We follow all the steps to seek true repentance but we
are planning to sin in the same way again and again. It’s more of doggish character. The
Grace isn’t truly taking root in us. What God desires is a mark of true repentance-a heart
that is’’ broken’’ by sin and truly contrite. As Pastor Thomas Watson put’’, “Till sin is
bitter, Christ will not be sweet”. If we come to God with a Heart set on obedience, he will
not despise us, it’s because Christ’s death is already a sacrifice on our behalf.
Practicing true repentance can lead to deep joy as we learn to hate our sins and love Jesus
Christ more and more .Besides it leads to opening up with others. Not seeking to hide our
sins but enlisting others in praying together, therefore building a community of believers
who can fight sin together, hence reflecting true joy of God’s grace and Forgiveness as
well as depending on Jesus Christ each step on our ways.
Significance of Repentance.
In repentance one turns from sin to God. Indicating total move towards building a
permanent relationship with one’s creator. Here the sinner must confess for what he/she
has done towards God and fellow man. It thus calls for sincerity and promise “NOT TO
DO AGAIN”. We shouldn’t be doggish in character. Here I mean we shouldn’t keeping
doing the bad things we used to do in the past as it can annoy God. We MUST get not turn
back from salvation. We must force ourselves to start living and leading a changed life.
Not as be heathens. Don’t be saved from only one bad thing that you used to do. For
instance you were a womanizer, but drunkenness is still part of your life, this becomes
hypocrisy as a form of Salvation. So you still need to be “Born Again”. Allow that
personal conviction to change you whenever you are on the wrong. That is the power of
the Holy Spirit in Action.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Spiritual relationship with God and recognizes the situation of deviance that distances
him/her from entering God’s Kingdom.
Repentance can be viewed as a universal demand of the Gospel of Jesus Christ .With
reference to the gospel according to St mark and Mathew , we see Jesus ‘s public
proclamation , putting much empathy with the word “ repent” and thus defines his main
purpose of drawing rebellious humans to himself and God’s kingdom.
If I may ask, have you ever changed your mind about anything? Why not then to change
from your current sinful situation? And begin a new life in Salvation. When we see St.
Luke Gospel 15:11-32…31…. ‘My son’, the father answered, you are always here with me,
and everything I have is yours 32
But we had to celebrate and be happy, because your
brother was dead, but now he is alive; he was lost, but now he has been found….,, GNB,
the story of the prodigal son, Its was a good move towards a renewed relationship with the
father. So we need to surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Repentance is important for anyone desiring to draw near to the Lord and walk with him
every day. Our sin is not the end of the story with our creator-The almighty God. Rather
an opportunity for a renewed relationship. .God loves us so much and doesn’t want a
single human to die in hell. He has a good plan for us that is why he sent his Son Jesus
Christ into this world to save us from our sins. God works through everything that
happens in our lives. We shouldn’t avoid God’s saving power because of our dark sinful
past. God is light, merciful and gracious that all who repent will be forgiven, No matter
what magnitude its God will still forgive you. Because he loves you. Isaiah 1:18.
I believe this is good news for you and me. In seeking repentance you can pray this way.
Prayer for Repentance
Almighty God, I thank you for your forgiveness. I thank you for not
Understanding Salvation
The word Salvation means being set free from the bondage of sin and accepting Jesus
Christ as our ONLY personal Lord and Savior. It can also mean being born again,
removed from the Satanic luggage packed inside of you. It also means the power over sin
has been overcome by Jesus Christ for your own sake by the blood sacrifice God made on
Calvary. It means being put on a new body and letting go the old previous doggish like
character (2Corithians 5:17). It means becoming a sincere person who loves God and
human beings generally.
Salvation is great deliverance from the penalty of sin, which leads to eternal
condemnation and death. Romans 6:23. It’s a gift and cannot be earned Eph2:8, Jesus died
for our sins, he paid, penalty of death for us so that we can have eternal life. Romans 6:1-2
When we have a closer look, in the beginning God created man He was perfect in the eyes
of God. He was made in the likeness of God himself. And was totally free from all sins
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
and evil. He joyfully obeyed God and lived in harmony and fellowship with his creator.
But then the serpent couldn’t let this harmonious relationship continue and after a while
man chose to disobey God .He decided to live his own way rather than God’s way.
He allowed the Serpent to deceive him in the Garden of Eden, through Eve and gave into
temptation of eating the forbidden fruit which God had instructed them not to .As a result
man lost his fellowship with God and began to experience the result of his sin (shame,
humiliation and disgrace). Suffering and death came in place of Happiness, joy and
Health. Moreover, man faced the penalty of eternal separation from the love and presence
of God after he died.
In order for man to be restored to fellowship with God, His sins had to be forgiven and he
himself is to be made righteous in the sight of God .Unless this happen, man would
continue to live both in this life and in the life to come as a SINNER under the wrath of
God. Man’s act made anyone anywhere in the world not to be innocent before the Lord.
All were guilty. If man was ever going to become right with God again, something most
unusual had to take place. Actually a divine miracle had to happen. God himself was
going to step in and rescue man. There was no way that man could save himself. This
dreadful situation made everyone a HOPELESS sinner before the God. Most people don’t
like to admit that. But that is what the bible teaches.
Fortunately God makes himself known to people everywhere through the wonderful
things he has created. However, many of those who see God’s great creation turn away
from him stubbornly. Choosing to worship idol themselves. This unbelief and
disobedience on their part brings down on themselves the wrath of God. You should know
that idols and false gods are a mockery of the true God and terrible insult to him. God
does not excuse men for their false worship, But declares that he will punish them in his
Holy anger.[ Romans 1-18-23]NKJV
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
One way God punishes disobedient people is by letting them continue in their sin. At
times God, simply gives people up to do whatever they wish to do, by letting them sin
against themselves and against one another, He lets sin run its full course in their lives
without stopping it. He lets people be what they have chosen to be. Ultimately, however,
these people will severely be punished for their endless sins when God comes to judge
everyone for everything done upon the earth.[ Romans 1;24-32].We should also know that
in as much as God is very annoyed for our sins He is patient. And this does not mean God
has forgotten our sins. Rather, his patience is intended to lead men to repentance and to
sorrow for their sin.
When God saw how sinful everyone on the face of the earth was and having realized that
Satan was still tormenting and misleading his people, He decided to send his ONLY
begotten son-JESUS CHRIST in the world. That whosoever believes in him shall not die
but will be saved.
This was made possible through Jesus Christ death on the cross and he declared …..Its
Finished. What a Good news for a sinful man!.
One must understand that the message of salvation through Jesus Christ is TRUE and can
be trusted. Whoever rejects him will not inherit the Kingdom of God. For he emphasized
that ……I am the way the truth and the life. No one can come to the father except through
me. [John 14:6].
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Jesus replied…. I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, You can NOT see the
Kingdom of God…..So don’t be surprised when I say, You MUST all be born again.(John
3.3,7 GNB).
When we reflect at John the Baptist who came to the wilderness of Judea, and began
preaching this message.. ‘Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven
is near’. But this was told earlier before that by prophet Isaiah, I hear a voice shouting in
the wilderness, prepare the way for the Lord’s coming! Clear the road for him….I
baptized you with water, those who repent of their sins and turn to God. But
someone is coming soon who is greater than am-so much greater that I am not
worthy even to be his slave and carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy
Spirit and with fire’.( Mathew 3;1-3,11).
That sounds great!. So now you need to be saved. For the son of man (The Lord JESUS
CHRIST) came to seek and to save that which was lost. It’s akin to a shepherd who losses
one of the ten sheep, and concentrate more on to look for one which is lost and when he
finds it he becomes happy and will celebrate, and you should know that you cannot save
yourself. It’s not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His
mercy He saved us. These as you know as it’s said for by grace you are saved through
faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; Not of Works, Let no Man boast
about it. As Jesus has provided for your salvation and deliverance from Hell. It should
however; be noted that salvation is personal, you cannot be born again for someone, you
cannot born again on behalf of someone or somebody for instance your wife, child, uncle,
brother grandfather, no its personal. He adds that he-Lord Jesus and God are one, and He
is the way, the truth and the life. He actually came that we may have life and may have it
abundantly BUT once you are born again, you become a light to your family, friends,
relatives, workmates and to everyone.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
The words of Christ is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that he came into
the world to save sinners from whom he is the chief. You should know that neither by the
blood of goats and calves, but by his own BLOOD that he entered in once into the Holy
place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
Now we all must acknowledge that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
and that he was buried and that he rose again on the third day according to the scriptures.
As believers we should repent and accept by faith Jesus Christ for our salvation and a
prepared home for us in Heaven. For the scripture says in Romans 10; 9,10. “That if
thou shalt confess with your mouth that the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart
that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man
believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth Confession is made unto salvation”.
..Behold, now it’s the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. Wherefore as
the Holy Spirit said, Today if you will hear his voice don’t harden your heart.... For
there is no difference between the Jews and the Greek; for whosoever shall call upon
the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
I encourage you to repent, humbly admit your lost condemned condition as a sinner before
God, and turn to the Lord Jesus by faith and trust in him alone for the payment and
Forgiveness of your sins and gift of eternal life.
……………..“However, those the father has given me will come to me , and I will never
reject them-John 6;37.
For salvation is a single day event in your life that you can chose to confess that you are
ready to stop leading the sinful past lifestyle and willing to begin a new one. It’s like a day
of your baptism witnessed by God fathers and God mothers. The day you make a
permanent change in your life. So for salvation it’s not by Baptism of water immersion as
taught by some religions rather a voluntary acceptance to follow Jesus Christ forever. The
day of your confession can be recorded both on earth and in heaven with a confession
prayer. It’s the most important day in the life of repentant people. It doesn’t matter which
clan, family, tribe religion, country and status in which you come from and you are in
now. Because Jesus said in John 3:5,7 …. 5“I am telling you the truth , replied Jesus
‘No one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born again”…….. 7“Don’t be
surprised because I tell you that you must be born again. I think am clear here. Just
make a confession prayer below and your life will never be the same again. Because
Jesus Christ didn’t come to the entire world to save only Christians but all. I mean you
and me.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Dear Father, I know am a sinner, lost and condemned for hell. BUT
Christ Jesus the Lord died for my sins and rose again. And right now
in Him alone for the forgiveness of my sins and eternal life. Thank you
Lord Jesus for saving me. Thank you for making me your true child;
Write My name in the book of life and delete my name away from the
book of death .Thank you for giving me a home in Heaven. Now help
me to live in Holiness from this day forward. For the Glory of your
Heavenly Kingdom. In the name of God the father, the son and the
After this confession prayer; call yourself a born again NOW in Jesus Name.
Brother or sister, believe me after making this confession prayer, you will feel new and
different and the angels in heaven will be rejoicing, for the one that was lost is now
found………” 17
“Anyone who is joined to Jesus Christ is a new being. The old is gone
the new has come” (2corinthians 5:17). Actually you will come to realize that your
wasted time to serve God in the past life. While following worldly principles.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Fasting can be equated to Spiritual feeding that is when you stop eating solid food for a
while to see Spiritual growth or power or expect something fervently from the God.
Fasting has got different forms as you may know. But all zeros to abstinence from solid
food or any beverage or water or any practice decided by the one fasting.
There are numerous types of fast which every Christian Must know. Here are some;-
1. Private fasts: is an individual initiated fast for a specific time Extended with water
only. This fast is initiated by a single person for self -reason.
2. Occasional fasts: involves denying yourself for something or other pleasure. You must
treat it with the same sincerity as lonely fast. For instance if your fasting from bread my
friend ensure there is no bread in the house. You must get serious even if only for a brief
occasional fast. If you were doing short water fast only don’t assume it was easy. Some
people are shocked when they first abstain from food, your blood sugar level may drop to
2% and your instinct will be rushed for bread/glucose. But then you will remember that
you are supposed to be fasting .Though I know of people who have impulsively eaten
before realizing what they are doing.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
3. Intermittent fasts: This is normally a regular act of Abstinence for example one day a
week from solid food. It’s a way of integrating the Spiritual discipline of fasting in your
life on an ongoing basis.
4. Partial fasts: This involves denying yourself one or more specific food. To achieve a
given goal in your Spiritual life.
5. Longer fast: This can likewise can take the form of abstinence from food or some other
more specific thing in life. Some good options or a non-food fast would be abstaining
from watching TV from Monday to Friday, ready biography of great people, dedicating a
very evening for a week to pray with friends. The fact is other things may need to be
cancelled in order for you to do this. In fact you can drink Water only for three days. If
you are fasting for something other than food, your longer fast might last a use
lent as a time for loner fast.
6. Extended fasts. This is the hard path of fasting-choosing to give something that you
need or value for an extended period of time. One non-food extended fast would be to get
up an hour early each day for a month in order to pray, worship or read scripture or a
Christian book. To do this I advise you should go to bed early.
7. Open ended fasts. This is a free to air fast. It’s has almost no limit, it’s determined by
how long your goal will be met. It should be noted that some extended fast are open
ended. For example where you make commitment not to break your fast until your
spiritual goals have been achieved. Defining your goal is particularly important here.
Again this type of fasting should be considered until you have gained good experience;
therefore I encourage you to be cautious. Because some goals may not be achieved.
8. Occasional group fast: This type of fast can be called by a church or a group or even
to a nation during time for crisis. A good example is that of Jonah, where after breaking a
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
deadly news of the pending destruction of Nineveh city, the king ordered a national
fasting for both the people and the animals of Nineveh.(Jonah 3:5-10)
9. Longer group fasts: This is an extensive fast and is carried out by a church or a group.
Similar to occasional fast it is caused by need for adequate preparation for an important
event such as a convention, wedding, group journeys etc., but much caution should be
considered on health of some individuals especially when it involves water only fast. It’s
always open ended until the goal is achieved. You should always revisit your goal as a
group. But when God makes your goal a successful one give him back the glory.
10. Season Fasts: This fast is practiced by Christians and some other religions such as
Islam. The fast is observed during some seasons of the calendar year. In Christianity is
carried out during “lent period”. This fast is in most cases disregarded by some
denominations in Christianity as being religious. But has been in existence and practice
for centuries. Here individuals or church members abstain from solid foods and eat only at
late evening hours for 40 days or more.
This is to strengthen them spiritually in order to resist temptation from the devil. One
flagrant example is copied from Jesus Christ life time experience in the desert where he
fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterword was able to resist temptation by the
devil; however fasting should not be a taken as a guarantee to get answers from God, it’s
rather a show of Spiritual discipline, maturity, commitment and endurance. It’s an
energizer to boost our faith to fight Satan in prayer and during or times of urgent need for
help from the almighty God. There should be willingness when fasting. It shouldn’t be a
forceful condition.
In fact some people fast because they don’t have food or because their wives are also
fasting. Others fast because it has reached to as season of fasting. We should be prepared
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
spiritually and physically before starting the fast, and do it with maximum discipline and
shouldn’t be a public show or for Spiritual pride.
The bible also indicates different individuals who underwent serious fasting in
ancient records and they yielded remarkable results such as Esther, Daniel, Jesus
Christ and may others, the majority of Christians today have also witnessed Christ
powers in their lives through sincere fasting. All aims at one goal. ’Drawing God’s
attention more faster. One may ask, why should Christians fast? , there reason is
that they need God to respond to their request more urgently. But we should know
that fasting is NOT for Christians per se, other religions as well do.
To prepare for Spiritual war fare with the enemy-Satan. To be filled with the Holy Spirit
more to resist temptation.
To show heartily form of repentance and seek God’s forgive ness. (2chr 20:3)
To show happiness and give thanks to God for whatever physical or Spiritual achievement
has been attained.
To show heartily form of repentance and seek God’s Forgiveness. 2chr 20:3. When we
look at fasting as a way of repentance, the bible in the book of Joel 2:12-15 says “But
even now ‘’ says the Lord, repent sincerely and return to me with fasting and weeping and
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Let your broken heart show your sorrow, tearing your clothes is not enough. So we see
God emphasizing fasting to show serious repentance while urging his people to come back
to him, God because he is God full of kindness and mercy.
He is a God of patience and always keeps his promise. In fact he is a God who is always
ready to forgive and not punish. God actually needs a repentant heart.
The key point to know about fasting is that it’s spiritually driven. It shouldn’t be
Imitational. My friend is fasting so I have to fast. Fasting can be either persona or as group
or a team or seasonal as it’s taught by some religion.
But all try to handle Spiritual urgency and sought of Forgiveness and giving thanks to the
almighty God, Mark 2:18-20……But the day will come when the bride groom will be
taken away from them and then they will fast.
Some people may ask, why our prayers take long to be answered by God?, but let me
assure you, this involve a Spiritual battle that we cannot see with our normal eyes and the
victory belong to Jesus. The time and day we should expect our answers from the
almighty God is not certain. It’s like child birth. We don’t know, it happens at God’s own
will. ….But the angel assured Daniel in chapter 10..verses.. 12“Daniel don’t be afraid,
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
God has heard your prayers ever since the first day you decided to humble yourself in
order to gain understanding. I have come in answer to your prayer”. We should be able
to trust in God’s timing when praying. Relax; God is always in control of whatever
situation you are undergoing right now. Though certain things needs to be put in
consideration i) Our hearts must be clean, we must have forgiven one another, ii) our
intentions should be Good. iii) We should believe and have faith in God’s power and
appreciate his will. These key aspects can affect our prayer feedback from God. This
should be therefore coupled with prayer, fasting, patience and perseverance
When we look at the Spiritual war fare in the book of Daniel chapter 10, we realize that as
much as Daniel prayer was instantly answered, his results came days after. So we should
know that we can pray now and our prayers can be answered by God immediately or
afterwards, but that doesn’t mean God has forgotten or his hears are far away from us .I
know you won’t hesitate to ask me why?; because the Spiritual/ heavenly battle is handled
by God and God alone. We see Daniel’s humble prayer, that was immediately responded
to by God without his prior notice, as the angel said……Then he said, ‘’Daniel don’t be
afraid God has heard your prayer ever since the first day you decided to humble yourself
in order to gain understanding, I have come IN answer to your prayer. It continues, the
angel prince of the Kingdom of Persia opposed me for twenty days. Then Michael, one of
the chief angels; came to help me’’ because I have been left there alone in Persia .I have
come to make you understand what will happen to your people in future. This is a vision
about the future (Daniel 10:12-14).We thus see God’s response taking longer than
expected by Daniel but that teaches us of patience in prayer and letting his will be done.
We don’t use our physical might but Holy Spirit to fight this Spiritual battle coupled with
fervent prayer while keeping in mind that God is in full control.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
When we further look at the distinct relationship of the Old Testament, instructions given
to Moses to make the bronze snake, and hang it up so that whenever one Israelite is bitten
by a snakes and looks at it, he/she would get healed from the snake bite. And so is Jesus
Christ death on Calvary,-- that we also as sinners, if we take all our problems to Jesus
Christ, he will give relief from trouble/burdens, for Jesus Christ was sent to deliver us
from the enemy Satan, now we can approach Jesus Christ, with repentant hearts as our
friend and as our savior. In fact some people regard him as the eldest brother in the family.
The way we pray should be controllable and disciplined not frenzy and delirious
somewhat. We need to first focus at the power of God by first interpreting, who God is,
and how powerful and omnipresent he is. Why? , because you should know that when you
always have problems with fellow humans, you don’t go to someone less powerful to seek
for help. For instance when you are in financial troubles you don’t go to less powerful
person /a poor man to give you a million shillings, No you won’t be helped And so is our
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
God. You should first appreciate his power of providence, sovereignty and then you can
expect great out of him. As Soren Kierkegaard, says “Prayer does not change God,
but it changes him who prays.”
Besides, you first repent and seek for his Forgiveness, for you and those you have
wronged. In fact I always equate this to a servant whose master has hidden and locked all
this precious items in a house and has denied him the key to open. Often in our Christian
lives, lack of Forgiveness block all our blessings kept in heavenly store for us. This needs
powerful prayer to unleash the blessings and treasures God has kept in stock for us.
Unless you forgive someone, you cannot get access to that house with precious gifts the
almighty God has kept in stock for you.
Another aspect of an effective prayer is based on our intentions. Why do I need what I
need now? Is my intention right with the almighty God? Does my intention seek to glorify
God? For instance if I pray that God gives me a Hundred Million Shillings, the next
question will be all this monies for what?. Is it Godly or personal? We should actually
understand that our God first understands our intentions, and then he answers us
accordingly. No matter how abundant his grace is. We should for pray for what we need
and work for what we want. Let me give a scenario where your earthly father has in mind
a rough idea, of your school fees, and other basic requirements, but as his beloved son ,
you don’t tell him your additional requirements. Now since he knows your financial needs
but doesn’t know exactly what you need. He may require you to be specific. We need
more than we deserve, but if we don’t ask specifically we may not get specifically what
Would any of you who are fathers give your son a stone when he ask for bread? OR
WOULD YOU GIVE him a snake when he ask for fish,? Bad as you are , you know how to
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
give good things to your children. How much more then will your father in heaven give
good things to those who ask him. (Mathew6:9-11).
The way we pray also determine our relationship with God. As believers in Christ we
should learn to seek God’s face in humble Spirit, NOT with worries, NOT with haste,
NOT with Doubts. We should be disciplined when we pray so that we don’t ashame
ourselves. We should not be uncontrollable (Scream with queer sound) when praying. We
should behave with self-control. Even Jesus Christ emphasized discipline during prayers. I
know some of you who are used to other ways may not agree with me. Let’s have a look
at this…………………When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites, they love to stand up
and pray in houses of worship and on street corners, so that everyone will see them. I
assure you they have already been paid in full. But when you pray, go to your room, close
the door and pray to your father who is unseen. And your father who sees what you do in
private, will reward you. When you pray don’t use a lot of meaningless words, as the
pagans do, who think that their God will hear them because their prayers are long? Don’t
be like them, your father already knows that you need before you ask him (Mathew 6:5-9
GNB ).
There are many ways of praying. Others teach prayers at specific hours of the night or day
(Mid Night /Midday, 3:00AM in the Night/Day) though I have no much prove of it,
otherwise, you can try it out. But what I know is that prayers can be in any place and at
any time. Yet we can’t disregard positioning of our selves. In some instances, Christians
often supplement their prayer with fasting, lamentation, meditation, isolation, anointing
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
oil, Holy water, etc. But self-discipline must be emphasized. Let’s follow Jesus Christ
example of prayers and back it up with his teachings.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
I greet you all as a servant of the almighty God in Jesus mighty name, AMEN
… where you are about to go deeper with more aggressive TAKE BACK prayers.
This will help you transfer a piece of heaven into your life. So that all years, you’ll fly like
an eagle and shine like the stars in every area of life, as a true son / daughter of God.
…But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength
renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and NOT get
weary; they will walk and not grow weak (Isaiah 40:31)
After this aggressive prayer, anything you come in contact with; will IMMEDIATELY be
filled with heavenly light.
You will suddenly find yourself being SOUGHT AFTER to share divine knowledge and
wisdom in matters no one would have considered you before. NOTE THIS: Something
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
devastating (shocking) is about to happen to the stubborn problems that confronted you in
the past/and present as the finger of the Almighty God begins to write their obituaries.
This sounds like an intrigue to the faint hearted. But it is going to happen.
After this prayer stage you will find yourself helping others to manifest as the sons and
daughters of light.
All of creation waits with eager longing for God to reveal his children. For creation was
condemned to lose its purpose, not of his own will, but because God willed it to be so. Yet
there was the hope that creation itself will one day be set free from its slavery to decay
and would share the glories freedom of the children.
By the grace of God, whilst following this Holy prayer guide we are destined to make
contact with the breath and light-source of Heaven (JESUS) in a way that is different from
any other prayer guide. The aggressive prayer guide is the model Blessed and inspired by
the Holy Spirit that will help to move you from wherever you are now into your Promised
Land, according to God’s time-table. To give you an idea where this came from…
It took the children of Israel 40 years to go from Egypt to the Promised Land.
How is it possible for an 11-day journey to end up taking 40 years? It is possible in our
daily Spiritual life journey we take a long time being whirl wind by the troubles and
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
temptations of this world. We fail to reach a short journey because we voluntarily allow
Satan to divert our thinking and make us is play toys. He makes us fail to have time for
Spiritual reflection. He makes us fear the future. He makes us fail to plan. He makes us his
play ground. He makes us timid and feel weak, defeated, sorrowful, unlucky, He makes us
dog like in behaviors, He makes you buy more time to do what should be done now until
tomorrow. He makes you miserable, a liar, false prophet, adulterous, homosexual, lesbian,
stubborn, un attentive to Gods words, lazy, mercy less, rude, unforgiving with sulphuric
contempt, careless, gossiper, un married, divorce, childless, sorcerer, poisoner, hater of
people. Selfish, illuminati, false pastor who gets his powers from the big waters for
performing miracles, corrupt, greedy, and the sorts but you will find that Satan is just a
liar. First take a snapshot at this.
Now, before we jump right in, I'd like to alert you to what could turn out to be a very
crucial piece of information.
To get any results from this aggressive prayer guide, you will need to follow the
instructions carefully. Just like an examination you are about to start.
Over the years I have noticed that some people REFUSE to take Spiritual instructions
seriously... and of course their problems also refuse to go away. It’s more of “a Tit for A
Tat” in this instance.
That's a pity.
Unprepared persons Spiritually who receive these prayer guide might be opening
themselves to counter-attacks in the Spirit … and they may not know how to fight back.
So seek more Spiritual guide from your prayer partner or pastor, Reverend etc.
In fact one paramedic once said, ‘’ if the symptom persist, DOUBLE THE DOSE” Now I
would like to advice you that if your problems refuse to go, double your efforts in prayer
my friend. As many people say PUSH (Pray and Till some thing Happens. Or try it with a
“When you can’t put your prayer into words, God hears
your heart”.
There are deep Spiritual reasons behind this ... and I HOPE NO ONE will choose to
disregard the above Note.
Do you want the LORD to really manifest in your situation during your prayer time... and
I hope you are not one of those to take Spiritual instructions lightly.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
We’ll kick off this first stage with thunderous prayer. Please find a quiet place where;
you can enjoy some privacy for a moment. Then bow down your head and take these 8
prayers like a volcanic eruption:
At this level I would like to plead with you. Please take every single prayer in this GUIDE
very seriously. Each of them comes with many breakthroughs attached.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
For instance, take prayer number 7 we just prayed. IT wasn’t made up. It is an ancient
prayer that the Holy Spirit descended onto some man of God.
Moses, the man of God, was praying this same prayer thousands of years ago when he
“And Moses said, Hereby you shall know that the LORD has sent me to do all
these works; for I have not done them of my own mind. If these men Perish the
common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the
LORD has not sent me. But if the LORD make a new thing, and
appertain (belong) to them, and they go down quick into the pit; then you shall
understand that these men have provoked the LORD.
And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the
ground split asunder that was under them: And the earth opened her mouth, and
swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained (belonged) to
Korah, and all their goods.
They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth
closed on them: and they perished from among the congregation. And all Israel that
were round about them fled at the cry of them: for they said, lest the earth swallow us
up also,”– Numbers 16: 28-34 you can see the devastating effect that prayer had even
then. When you now take what the Holy Spirit is going to share with me in this short
message, and mix it with this kind of prayers at the midnight hour, together with a
peculiar method of fasting…
… then know for certain that anyone or anything that rises up to fight your destiny
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
from now on will find themselves in a place they never could have imagined.
We take our first Scripture from the book of Jeremiah chapter 22.
Prosper in his days: for no man of his seed shall prosper, sitting upon the
– Jer. 22:29-30
The earth is being commanded to record something frightful/terrible against, not just an
individual, but his entire generations, including those yet unborn.
Every time this individual makes contact with the ground, this ancient record will be
activated to work against him and his off springs.
1. The record says this man must remain childless (if he has children already, he
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
4. His off springs shall not sit on the throne or rule anymore (rather they will go into
captivity and become slaves).
What did this person do … what crime did he commit … to provoke such extreme,
unfavorable consequences?
Then they shall answer, because they have forsaken the covenant of the
LORD their God, and worshipped other gods, and served them
- Jer 22 v 9
Foundational idolatry (includes worshipping anything else in place of the true God,
occultism, witchcraft, etc.) creates generational problems with very long legs.
In fact it has the singular ability of perpetuating itself from one generation to another,
even up to the 10th generation according to Scripture.
It has proven to be one of just a handful of stubborn, prayer-resistant problems that have
kept many modern believers from reaching their true potentials in Christ. Today believe
me, most people both born again and non-born again have resorted to directly and
indirectly worshipping other gods, in fact they lure innocent followers to their Spiritual
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
graves, without their notice, Ohooo!! This is so horrible; in fact you can’t accept this.
Most wise people of God have made covenants with other gods and they have entangled
them Spiritually to a point, where their gods require a blood sacrifice of their children,
wives or them themselves. But the good news is that You still have the escape route out,
that is by detaching yourself from such bad practice and denomination and getting born
again through accepting and confess Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
Whereas the Lord Jesus nullified the vise-like grip of this kind of pronouncements
(no matter who made them) when His sinless blood made contact with the earth and He
officially declared:
… unfortunately, a lot of Christians do not know how to apply this declaration as a sword
in the heat of battle to help them break free from the iron grip of destiny swallowing
commands locked up AGAINST THEM in the unseen archives of the earth.
believers today.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Let’s go to the Scripture again. This time we’ll briefly have a look at the children of Israel
as they were just coming out of their Egyptian experience.
Marvelous things did he in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of
Zoan. He divided the sea, and caused them to pass through;
and he made the waters to stand as an heap. In the daytime also he led them with a
cloud, and all the night with a light of fire. He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and
gave them drink as out of the great depths. He brought streams also out of the rock, and
caused waters to run down like rivers. And they sinned yet more against him by provoking
the most High in the wilderness. And they tempted God in their heart by asking meat for
their lust.
Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?
Even though they had been physically delivered from slavery, the children of
Israel still remained in bondage “at heart” to the powers of Egypt. This bondage was
deeply rooted in their mind, soul and even in their bodies .Four hundred 400 years in
captivity had exposed them to all sorts of idol worship while in Egypt.
It would take more than physical deliverance to get the unwanted items out of their minds,
their emotions and psyche/inner self. As a matter of fact, it would take a fasting-prayer
journey to dissolve and melt away all that junk out of their system.
So the LORD in His infinite wisdom decided to put them on a forced fast. Let’s see this
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
………And he humbled you, and suffered you to hunger, and fed you with manna, which
you knew not, neither did your fathers know; that he might make you know that
man does not live by bread only, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth
(Deutronomy 8:3)
If you do a careful Bible study of their journeys, you’ll realize that the LORD did not
immediately provide them with something to eat.
The original plan was for them to fast and pray for a few days as they took their journey,
so that both their physical and Spiritual temples could be thoroughly purged of the Satanic
deposits and plantations of Egypt. Which had filled them to the top of their heads.
Also, they began to murmur and complain. And because they refused to do it God’s
way, and instead began to lust after the fleshpots of Egypt, they were condemned to do it
the hard way… like most of us are doing today.
That’s how they converted a journey that was supposed to take 11 days to one that lasted
for 40 years.
By failing to fast for a few days to deal with the enemy within, an enemy which was
positioned to rob them of all courage and replace it with fear, an enemy which they had
acquired in Egypt (manifesting at various times as fleshly lusts, idolatrous worship,
slavish mentality), they were compelled to wander round; and round;and round; and a
round ;and a round for 40 years!!!! You see this? The lesson we learn here is having a
strong faith with prayers and determination in what we hope to achieve in our Spiritual
lives for the Glory of God’s Kingdom. It shouldn’t take us ten years to accomplish what
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
God should do for us in one day. Lets cleanse our inner selves and be God prayer
This powerful enemy was hidden from common view, mind you. But it did manifest from
time to time with disastrous consequences.
You will recall that at the first opportunity, when Moses went up to the mountain to meet
with the LORD, they wasted no time at all.
They quickly rallied around and created a golden calf, an exact replica/copy of what they
used to worship in Egypt, and began to pollute themselves.
There are so many dark powers operating unseen in the lives of born-
again Christians today, supposedly Spirit-filled believers that you would
faint if the LORD should open your eyes to see the satanic luggage in the
lives of people “lifting up holy hands” and shouting praise the LORD at
every turn.
From my sleep and told God I was so fed up of this thing that
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
sleep and saw a playback of what had happened and all that I
me and it was a very tiny light old and wrinkled man with
vanished I woke up from the deep sleep and felt something had
left me.
I started praising God and felt this instant ease, like a burden
I then realized that where the thing had emerged from where
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
God for a spouse and in just the next month I met this guy whom I am madly in love
When you open the doors of your life to satanic traffic, don’t be surprised to find wicked
creatures having free access to your life, including your sex organs, anytime they wish.
They also replace your organs with spoilt ones!!
He that digs a pit shall fall into it; and whoever breaks an hedge, a serpent shall
By opening the doors of your life to evil forces, no matter what excuses you may have,
you would have inadvertently given them a license to fire their arrows, plant incurable
diseases, exchange the organs in your body, steal and divert your blessings, and
generally have a field day unchallenged.
Such people dream ceaselessly of serpents, dragons, cows, and other dangerous animals
pursuing them regularly. Strangely enough, these stubborn pursuers sometimes come in
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
disguise, wearing the faces of loved ones, or the faces of dead relatives, or even their own
In fact I still have more testimonies I would like to share with you,
I am always sad to hear that maybe as much as 70% of modern believers still secretly
consult with diviners, fortune tellers, astrologers, sorcerers, psychics/soothsayers,
-even so-called prophets who draw their powers from the waters to perform fake miracles.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
HE has already set a watch over such people who are trying to drag His Holy Name in the
mud, believe it or not. So you should not be wondering why wicked arrows are still
prospering in the lives of such “believers”. Today some servants of God make illegal visit
to satanic shrines to obtain power for leadership and deceiving the children of God. BUT
remember God is watching you……Jesus revealed to Apostle John in Revelation that…..
“Whoever is evil must go on doing evil, and whoever is filthy must go on being filthy;
whoever is good must go on doing good, and whoever Holy must go on being Holy.
“Listen”, Says Jesus.“I am coming soon! I will bring my rewards with me, to give
each one according to what he has done. 13 I am the first and the last, the beginning and
the end”. Revelation 22:11-13.
NOW there is something infinitely more sinister/evil and wicked. And it is this:
If there is an evil record of foundational idolatry against you in the earth’s archives, it will
continue to haunt your bloodline, creating all sorts of problems for you today…
… unless and until you learn to terminate/dismiss its assignment completely and
To drive home this point, I’ll take your mind back to the heartbreaking story Here it is
“I am really weeping as I write you this letter. I just noticed that there is probably a
Spiritual barricade over my life that is causing the following:-
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
1. Unanswered Prayers
Please take this seriously and help me out. Things must change for good because I cannot
have Jesus and still be experiencing all these.
Thankfully, that was not the end of the story. After things turn to her began like this:
Feed back
“I truly empathize with you in this situation but crying never solves any problems.
It is taking diligent Spiritual action and making sure you are living a Holy and blameless
life before the LORD that brings victory.
Accumulated for generations and the effort you have made so far,
though commendable, has not gotten to the level of breaking hard bondages.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
If you do this, you will experience a powerful breakthrough within the month. Please
prayerfully consider what I have said. The LORD will give you victory in Jesus name.”
Hear her:
The outcome …
Dear Brother x;
I bless the name of the Lord for his faithfulness that is new every
I don’t know if you can remember the letter below that I sent to you about tithe, offering,
seed not bringing fruits and unanswered prayers etc.
Well, at exactly a month after I did as you advised my husband got a promotion in his
office, passed his professional exam in a miraculous
way that gave birth to another promotion for him again a week after.
God has delivered me and my family and I pray that your ministry will
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Because of the seriousness of idolatry, we realize that the LORD had to pull Abraham out
of his foundation of idolatry before HE could bless him.
And Joshua said to all the people, “Thus says the LORD God of Israel: 'Your fathers,
including Terah, the father of Abraham and the father of Nahor, dwelt on the other
side of the River in old times; and they served other gods. Then I took your father
Abraham from the other side of the River, led him throughout all the land of Canaan,
and multiplied his descendants and gave him Isaac.” Joshua 24:2-3
So it is clear from this scripture that the LORD could not bless this man until he separated
himself from the idolatry of his father's house. Now you know why it was crucial for
Abraham to leave.
Oh, that is ancient record it has nothing to do with us. Surely this does not happen to New
Testament believers?
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Well, this sister thought so weak, until she dipped her toe into the waters of targeted and
aggressive midnight prayers.
to the Lord for saving me. By His Spirit the Lord led me into
your aggressive prayer guide at a time when I was under very heavy Spiritual attack.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
that I had been given over to him in 1918! Please pray for
For Sister B, her troubles started in 1918 when she was not even in the womb yet.
And she is passing through serious storms in her life, one hundred years later, even
though she is born again and has been told all she needs is faith!
NOW I don’t want you only thinking about ancient idolatry as you read this. There are
also modern day idols such as wealth, sex, power, fame, sports, entertainment, etc.
An idol is anything that takes the place of God in your life. That takes too much of
your mind and time.
Check how many believers even go to church anytime there is a major sporting event for
instance ARSENAL VS CHELSEA In their finals, on … and you’ll have a clue about
what is taking first place in the lives of modern believers. Other examples of idols incude
smart phones, loved ones, Social Media, lovely games, music, or any thing that you like
and forget about serving God.
Please learn to use your eyes. Look around the church on Sunday mornings when Any
major game (e.g Arsenal Vs Manchester United football club) is in progress.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
You will know WHO takes the worship in the lives of many believers. For some it is their
job. For others, it could even be their family, Business etc. Please ask the Holy Spirit to
show you the idols in your life. Now my friend what you now hear is that YOU must
separate yourself totally from sin or from what USED to or is making you sin. Learn to
move yourself to another Spiritual level like how God moved Abraham in the above
example.For his comfort zone to a new place.
“True repentance leads a person to say, "I have sinned" and proves it with a
180-degree change of their direction and it requires true Heart brokenness
Psalm 78 : 56-64 that we read before really reveals the clear consequences of idolatry
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
• Do you see once-glorious ministries or churches that have now been reduced to a desert
more or less? Re-read the Scripture above and you’ll see why.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
If you know that where you are presently is NOT anywhere near where the LORD wants
you to be in this time and season, I’d like to encourage you to bind your Spiritual sides
and come with me on an 11-day fasting-prayer trip.
Because what we’re about to do now, prayer alone cannot handle it.
It would take a peculiar combination of prayer and fasting, coupled with specific
prophetic actions, to get the work done. Pray while point up with your index finger and
Say “ I penetrate all evil powers in space
As our Lord Jesus Himself declared: blocking my prayers from reaching God’s throne
now by fire in Jesus Name!.
And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting
- Mark 9:29
Trans-Generational Problems
"If there is found among you, within any of your gates which the LORD your God gives
you, a man or a woman who has been wicked in the sight of the LORD your God, in
transgressing His covenant, who has gone and served other gods and worshipped them,
either the sun or moon or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded, and it
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
is told you, and you hear of it, then you shall inquire diligently. And if it is indeed true
and certain that such an abomination has been committed in Israel, then you shall bring
out to your gates that man or woman who has committed that wicked thing, and shall
stone to death that man or woman with stones.
Whoever is deserving of death shall be put to death on the testimony of two or three
witnesses; he shall not be put to death on the testimony of one witness. The hands of the
witnesses shall be the first against him to put him to death, and afterwards the hands of
all the people. So you shall put away the evil from among you.
What does this all mean for you, a New Testament believer?
In the Spiritual realm, if any trace of ancient idolatry (i.e. the worship of false gods) can
be detected in your bloodline, a powerful gate, sometimes going back many generations,
would have been set up against every single member of that family.
At this gate, accusations are flying back and forth. There are documents, objects and
artifacts to support these accusations (archived deep underneath the earth).
And there are Satanic elders sitting there to make decrees (all this is invisible to the naked
eye, mind you).
Now suppose a member of such a family has forsaken the idolatrous practices of their
ancestors and has instead turned to Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Accusations against this person in the Spirit. Two or three witnesses from the bloodline
will be all that’s required to testify against this person in the Spirit.
Then an evil verdict will be passed, unleashing powerful evil forces on assignment to
“stone” the person to death outside the gate (using invisible stones in the Spirit).
Let's further suppose that the victim moves to another city or country to settle. These
Spirits will pursue the person there. Day and night, they will continue to rain down
hailstones of affliction, tribulation and trouble on the victim, without his or her
Because they have been given a Satanic mandate to carry out. And they will stop at
nothing to enforce the punishment of death as decreed by the wicked elders at the gate!
As a believer in Jesus Christ, you need Spiritual knowledge of how to apply what actually
transpired at Calvary in order to counter this evil assignment effectively.
2. You nullify the evil records held against you in the earth’s archives
First, as a blood-washed saint, you have every legal right to take the matter to the Supreme
Court of Heaven, where the Judge of the whole universe sits in court – provided you are
NOT continuing in the sins of your fathers and mothers.
This is the final court and you have to go there with powerful evidence that cannot be
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
How do you do that? Because this court is not here on your earth its Invisible.
Let's see the first one in the New Testament book of Hebrews:
“The high priest carries the blood of animals into the Most Holy Place as a
sin offering, but the body parts are burned outside the camp. And so Jesus also suffered
outside the city gate to make the people Holy through his own blood. Let us, then, go to
him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore.” Hebrews 13:11-13
You are going to the Supreme Court of Heaven, to appear before the Judge of the whole
universe with the shed blood of Jesus Christ. This is the very first thing to keep in mind.
The case you have to make is that Jesus Christ suffered and Perish outside the gate in your
place, therefore nullifying all evil records, claims and accusations against your life
You then present the blood of Jesus as evidence that this is so.
With the blood of Jesus you demand that evil accusations against you should be silenced
With the blood of Jesus, you passionately demand that every decree of the Satanic elders
be cancelled and be nullified.
You demand that the punishment written in Deuteronomy 17 be meted out to every
stubborn Spirit, being, power, personality that dares to act presumptuously/shamelessly in
refusing to obey the judgment of Heaven concerning your life.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
“For there are three that be are witness in heaven, the Father, the Word,
and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one.” 1 John 5:7- 8
You will call forth these three witnesses as you present your case.
You see how the odds are stacked in your favor? You even have the permission to call the
presiding judge as your witness!
Your enemies do not stand a chance at all. Even the One who shed the blood for you is
also your witness? What more could you wish for?
Please note that what I'm describing here is real. There is a real court in Heaven where
cases are heard, just like the courtrooms on earth. Don’t ask me whether I have been to
Heaven this is a Spiritual guide for you through God’s Revelation to man… 1 “God
presides in the heavenly council; in the assembly of the gods he give his decision .”-
Psalms 82:1.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
The devil does his best to haul accusations against the people of God day and night.
That's why the Bible says he is the accuser of the brethren. It is your responsibility as a
Christian to RISE UP and counter these evil accusations in the Spirit.
In this guide, there will be a sharp difference from all other stages. This truly is the realm
of the prayer warriors.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
(NOTE: Only those who have reached a level of maturity in fasting should attempt this;
others please check with your doctor or do as you are led by the Spirit of God. Please
don’t ask me – I do not dispense medical advice.
Actions Explained
On the 3rd day of the Esther Fast, you will specifically confess all witchcraft /occult
entanglements (yours and those of your ancestors) and ask for Forgiveness and cleansing
from the LORD.I encourage to use your mother tongue (language)
You should NOT be in a hurry here. If you ask the Holy Spirit to shake your memory
many things, especially in your childhood, will come flooding back.
For instance, many people were carried as innocent babies to strange places under one
guise or the other. Still more are being misled by so-called ‘prophets’ to go to destiny
different places in search for solution to their problems… instead of looking to the LORD
directly for help.
Ask the LORD to open your eyes to recognize where you made a wrong turn in life.
Keep doing the above until you have a release in your Spirit to move on.
Then you will activate the Scripture of 1 John 5:7-8…there are three witnesses: the
Spirit, the water, the blood: and all three give the same testimony.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Proceed to invite the 3 witnesses- the Spirit, the water, the blood and ask them to bear
record as you make the prophetic pronouncements of Day 3.
1. If you have ever shed blood (abortion, Masturbation, Killing some one illegally
included), you really need to cry mightily unto the LORD here in order to silence
the voice of that blood once (if you’ve never done so properly before).
2. If you have engaged in homosexual/adulterous relationships, you really need to cry
out to the LORD (note that this is one of the 3 pillars of ancient idolatry
disguised and repackaged to appeal to this clueless generation).
Even if this takes you hours, it will be well worth your effort to go through it
Prophetic Action 2
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
“Take ye from among you an offering unto the LORD: whosoever is of a willing heart, let
him bring it, an offering of the LORD; gold, and silver, and brass…”
- Exodus 35:5
“And Moses gave commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the
camp, saying, let neither man nor woman makes any more work for the offering of the
sanctuary. So the people were restrained from bringing. For the stuff they had was
sufficient for all the work to make it, and too much.”Exodus 36:6-7
You will prepare what is referred to here as a Freewill Offering and give to the Church
you belong to for Gods glory. It shouldn’t be a condition.
Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.
Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows
bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in
everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.
We are going to renounce, revoke and bind the following, among others:
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
It is a day to MEDITATE on what you are about to do. You do this by also
identifying, studying and reflecting on the lives of a few individuals in Scripture who at
one point or the other in their lives had to set aside quality time to seek the face of the
LORD. You can List them below here
David clearly comes to mind. And Daniel,of course. Then Hannah. and many others.
Reflect on what they did. And how God answered them.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Decide on which of the first five books of the Scriptures to study during this Stage of the
journey. You are free to choose any one from Genesis to Deuteronomy.
So now we have an idea why even the Lord Jesus Himself had to be tested after
1. I eject every unprofitable tenant from my life by fire in the name of Jesus.
2. You Spirit of slavery, loose your hold over my life and Perish in the name of Jesus.
3. You goliath of my father’s house, your time is up, Perish in the name of Jesus.
4. You goliath of my mother’s house, your time is up, Perish in the name of Jesus.
5. O God of new beginnings, begin a new thing in my life from today on wards in Jesus
6. I break the yokes of territorial bondage over my life in the name of Jesus.
7. You power of resurrection, fall afresh upon me now in the mighty name of Jesus.
8. Designers of grave clothes, carry your evil load and Perish in the name of Jesus.
9. Every locust Spirit anointed to eat my harvest, be roasted by fire in the name of
10. Powers from my place of birth, your weapons shall not prosper in Jesus name.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
11. Anyone drawing power from the heaven lies against me, Perish in your iniquity in
Jesus name.
12. Every attraction and divination against my head, fall down and perish in the name of
14. I refuse to be a wandering star; you star of my destiny arise and shine in Jesus
We will begin this prayer the same way we start all our prayer -- through intensive
Spiritual sanitation.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Plus, urgent repentance is needed if these things are still manifesting in your life:
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Please note that if you continue to engage in these things, you will be leaving
the door of your life wide open for a counter-attack in the Spirit realm. This is
one reason why this book is only recommended available to those who have Spiritually
groomed up coupled with thorough Spiritual counseling.
I do not want anyone getting into trouble for misusing or mis-applying this marvelous
prayer guide. You should stay warned. YOU NEED SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE AND
TURNING BACK in order to use this book. This which I have written here is true and
extremely powerful for immature Christians.
Come to me, all of you who are weary and heavy burdens, I will give you rest.
Mathew 11:28 NLT
No turning backx2,
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
There are so many rebellious Christians around you and me. For instance when their
pastors preach some truth that hits home hard, they prefer to run to other places of
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
As I speak some are still living with, and having sex, with people they are NOT married
to, contrary to God’s word, and they expect God to hear their Prayers. Sorry for judging
But the bible says for the heathens have already been judged. Meaning you know that
what you are doing is bad but Satan tells you do it. I know God’s grace is abundant but
watch out for that silent inner man that you are accustomed to.
In fact there people who have made, doing certain ugly things as part of them and they
become slaves to. I mean you can say ‘let me steal, and I will still pray and God will
forgive me or back biting one another is part of my life. I know sinning can be motived by
the focus of our minds, behavioral motives that activates our emotions and it’s finally
released to our minds and the cycle starts over and over again. So we need to conquer our
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
minds. I mean we need to control and monitor what we think about day and night if it has
some Spiritual connections.(Our Spiritual gates)
It will be a major catastrophe for such people to pray this kind of prayers…
this is ONE key reason why this advanced prayer book may be mistaken as
intriguing, annoying, Irritating, flabbergasting, judgmental, poorly authored, unauthentic,
un researched, unHoly, half baked, and all those jargons I can’t mention you may give the
I want to make sure you are sufficiently grounded in Biblical teachings before you begin
to wage war against your enemies.
When you go out as an army against your enemies, you shall keep yourself from every
evil thing. – Deut 23:9
God is ever ready to help you break the yoke from off your neck, so HE can
bless you and confirm His promises in your life but the issue of sin must be dealt with
FIRST. No other way around it.
A sin-hardened believer living with or having sex with someone they are NOT married to
should immediately repent and get out of that ungodly relationship.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
NOT for them. Is this clear my brothers and sisters in Christ. This is the reason why
I would like you to sincerely repent and make your prayers not mine answerable.
Those rebelling against the authority God has placed over them should stop
and consider this: For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity
and idolatry… 1 Sam 15:23a
I know some believers who claim they have nothing to do with idolatry. But re-read the
Scripture above and you will see that as far as the Bible is concerned, they are idolaters to
the core. And something else besides.
... that this prayer guide will NOT benefit anyone who insists on living in sin after
reading this little warning.
In fact, it may even be counter-productive. Because it could attract heavy counter attack
from the camp of the enemy.
The LORD may not be willing to defend you because of the sin in your life.
Behold the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither
His ear heavy that it cannot hear.
But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and
your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
So please give this all you’ve got and you will reap a reward of peace, joy and blessings
Just before the stroke of midnight, please begin to pray like this:
"Lift up your head, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of
glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD
mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors;
and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of
1) Let the doors and gates of the new year (-------)(please indicate the year e.g 2019)
open unto me now in the mighty name of Jesus (at least some few minutes please
this is just the suggested time ).
2) (With your hand pointed to the heavens declare) you my heavens, be open by fire in
the name of Jesus
3) Let the womb of this new month open and release my divine benefits now in the
name of Jesus
4) Let my divine helpers be released to locate me now in the name of Jesus
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
5) All my assigned helpers, both human and angelic, hear the word of the Lord: arise
and locate me now in the name of Jesus.
6) This second half of the year I appoint all my Spiritual enemies to the sword, to
captivity, to famine, and death in the name of Jesus.
7) In new year,……. the heavens shall declare the glory of God over
my life in the name of Jesus.
8) In new year,…… the sun, moon and stars shall cooperate with my
9) O God of signs and wonders, overshadow my life with signs and wonders as I go
forward in the name of Jesus.
11. Holy Spirit, activate my Spiritual womb for divine conception in Jesus name
12. Holy Spirit, activate my Spiritual wings to fly like an angel in Jesus name
14. Holy Spirit, activate my feet to enter and possess my promised land in the name of
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
17. Holy Spirit, activate my heart to receive wisdom and understanding in Jesus’ name.
18. Holy Spirit, activate my soul to receive divine knowledge in Jesus’ name.
19. Holy Spirit, activate my mouth to prophesy with fire in Jesus name.
20. Holy Spirit, activate my body for divine healing in Jesus’ name.
21. Holy Spirit, activate my hands to war and my fingers to fight Satan in Jesus’ name.
22. Holy Spirit, activate my body, soul and Spirit for revival in Jesus’ name.
23. My prayer altar, be activated with power for signs and wonders in Jesus’ name.
24. You my life be activated by the fire of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name.
25. I drink the blood of Jesus by faith; I appropriate all the benefits of the shed Blood of
Jesus now.
26. I rededicate myself to the Lord for this year and years to come in Jesus name.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Take a moment to praise and worship the LORD… even if things are not going well
with you right now.
Start by singing praises to the Lord and worshiping Him for a long time…
1. From today, whatever I do in word or deed, I do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
2. I join the heavenly hosts to say: "We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One
who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.
(Rev 11:17)
3. I give thanks always for all things to God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ (Eph 5:20)
4. I add my voice whenever the living beings give glory and honor and thanks to the one
sitting on the throne, the one who lives forever and ever (Rev 4:9).
5. In everything I give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning me (1
Thes 5:18).
6. I give thanks to the Father, who has qualified me to share in the inheritance of the saints
in Light. (Col 1:12)
7. I give thanks to the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endures forever. –Ps 107:1
8. I give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness; the whole world must hear what
he has done. – Ps 105:1
9. I give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever. – Ps 136:26
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
10. Save us, O God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may
give thanks to your Holy name,that we may glory in your praise." – 1 Chr 16:35
11. I arise to give thanks to you because of your righteous judgments. – Ps 119:62
12. I enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, blessed be your Holy
name. – Ps 100:4
13. You are my God, and I give thanks to you; my God, I honor you highly. – Ps 118:2
14. In the day of my deliverance, I will say: “Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his
name, make known his deeds among the peoples, and proclaim that his name is exalted. –
15. Open to me the gates of righteousness; I shall enter through them, I shall give thanks
to the LORD. – Ps 118:19
16. I thank you for answering my prayer and giving me victory! – Ps 118:21
17. But we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will give thanks to you forever; from
generation to generation we will recount your praise. – Ps 79:13
18. With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the LORD; And in the midst of many
I will praise Him – Ps 109:30
19. "I will praise you, O LORD. Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned
away and you have comforted me. –Isa 12:1
20. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are
Your works, And my soul knows it very well. –Ps 139:14
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
21. To you, O God of my fathers, I give thanks and praise, for you have given me wisdom
and might, and have now made known to me what we asked of you, for you have made
known to us the king’s matter.” – Dan 2:23
22. I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me
faithful, appointing me to his service. – 1 Tim 1:12
23. The LORD lives! Thanks be to my rock! May God, the rock of my salvation, be
glorified – 2 Sam 22:47
24. I give thanks always for all things to God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. –
Eph 5:20
25. God, the God of Israel, is awe-inspiring in his Holy place. He gives strength and
power to his people. Thanks be to God! – Ps 68:35
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Stage 1
Begin with praise and worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with
Stage 2
Galatians 3:13, 14: Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse
for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we
might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Luke 10:19: Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over
all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Revelation 12:11: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of
their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Stage 3
With Holy aggression and Spiritual violence, begin to pray like this:
I stand as a son / daughter of the Most High, in the presence of the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit, and before the presence of the 3 Witnesses, and I make these pronouncements:
1. I present the blood of Jesus, the blood that was shed outside the gate as evidence that all
the debt owed by me have been paid in full.
2. Therefore every power, Spirit, personality, entity, and their evil witnesses, in
Whatever shape or form that dares to make any illegal claim against me from this day
forward must receive the divine judgment of death in the name of Jesus
3. By the power in the shed blood at Calvary, I revoke, cancel and nullify every evil claim
and accusation against my life in Jesus Christ's name.
4. I decree that from today, any power, Spirit or human agent that dares to bring an
accusation against me, the blood of Jesus will judge them.
5. I renounce and cut off every Spirit of witchcraft in the name of Jesus.
6. I renounce and cut off every Spirit of the anti-Christ in the name of Jesus.
7. I renounce and cut off every Spirit of death in the name of Jesus.
8. I renounce my membership in any occult group (name them, if any) in the mighty name
of Jesus.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
9. I renounce any obligations, oaths, curses and penalties and I break them by the power in
the blood of Jesus.
10. I renounce their death wish in the name of Jesus Christ, the Author of life.
11. I renounce the 3 assassins of religion, property and the law and I terminate their
assignment over my life in the name of Jesus.
12. I appropriate the blood of Jesus to cleanse me and purge me of all evil
13. I renounce every satanic priesthood running in my bloodline. I declare that I’m now a
priest of the Most High God.
14. I renounce the hoodwink and blindfold of the occult and I command them to be set
ablaze in the name of Jesus.
15. I renounce and bind every Spirit behind Spiritual blindness in the name of Jesus.
16. I renounce and bind every Spirit behind darkness of the soul in the name of Jesus.
17. I renounce and bind every Spirit behind false imagination in the name of Jesus.
18. Strange enemies fighting against my salvation receive angelic slap and be eaten by
worms of fire in Jesus name.
20. Serpents and scorpions released against the affairs of my life, Perish in Jesus name.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Stage -FOUR
• O Earth, O Earth, O Earth, as from today refuse to obey any Satanic command against
me and my family in the name of Jesus.
• I call forth God the Father, God the Son AND God the Holy Spirit and I declare that as
from today…
The LORD will cause my enemies that rise up against me to be taken before my face.
They will come out against me one way and flee before me seven ways in the mighty
name of Jesus.
The LORD will command the blessing upon me in my storehouses and in all that I
undertake, and HE will bless me in this land.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
All the people of this earth will see that I am called by the name of the LORD, and they
will stand in awe of me.
The LORD will give me abundance in every area of my life in the name of Jesus.
The LORD will open to me His good treasure, the heavens to give the rain of my land in
its season and to bless the works of my hands.
I shall no longer borrow; rather I shall be a lender to many nations in the mighty name of
The LORD has made me the head, and I shall be above only in the name of Jesus Christ.
I seal this declaration with the Blood of Jesus and the seal of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Stage 1
Begin with praise and worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with
Stage 2
Galatians 3:13- 14: Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a
curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we
Luke 10:19: Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over
all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Revelation 12:11: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of
their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Step 3
With Holy aggression and Spiritual violence, begin to pray like this:
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
1. I renounce and bind the Spirits behind evil marriage covenants; I break their
powers and I set their wedding rings on fire in the name of Jesus.
2. I renounce every secret password working against me in the occult in the name of
3. I renounce the worship of false deities; I declare that they are no gods in the name
of Jesus.
4. I renounce and bind the Spirit of pride and arrogance in the name of Jesus.
5. Every witchcraft curse on my chest and heart,be broken now in the name of Jesus.
6. Let the healing virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ flow into my:
a. Heart
b. Emotions
c. Lungs
7. I renounce ancient pagan symbols affecting my life and I break their powers by the
blood of Jesus.
8. I cut off the Spirits of emotional hardness from my life in the name of Jesus.
9. I cut off the Spirits of apathy and indifference from my life in the name of Jesus.
10. You power of unbelief, I break your power over my life in the name of Jesus.
11. Spirit of anger and rage, loose your hold upon my life in the name of Jesus.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
12. I renounce and break every curse on my stomach / womb by the power in the blood of
16. You ____________ (select from the under listed), I RENOUNCE and BREAK your
power over my life in the name of Jesus (NOTE: you need to do this with a loud
aggressive voice repeat 7 times just the wall of Jericho Collapsed so is your situations in
Jesus Name.).
a. Coffin Spirits- I RENOUNCE and BREAK your power over my life in the name of
b. Spirit of false martyrdom- I RENOUNCE and BREAK your power over my life in the
name of Jesus
c. Spirit of assault- I RENOUNCE and BREAK your power over my life in the name of
d. Spirit of rape- I RENOUNCE and BREAK your power over my life in the name of
e. Spirit of gang attack- I RENOUNCE and BREAK your power over my life in the name
of Jesus
f. Spirit of kidnappers- I RENOUNCE and BREAK your power over my life in the name
of Jesus
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
g. Spirit of helplessness- I RENOUNCE and BREAK your power over my life in the
name of Jesus
h. Evil monitoring eye- I RENOUNCE and BREAK your power over my life in the name
of Jesus
i. Spirit of depression and heaviness- I RENOUNCE and BREAK your power over my
life in the name of Jesus
j. Spirit of Adultery- I RENOUNCE and BREAK your power over my life in the name of
k. Spirit of falsehood- I RENOUNCE and BREAK your power over my life in the name
of Jesus
17. I renounce and reject every Spirit of confusion in my life in the name of Jesus.
18. We break down every altar of witchcraft raised against our prayer team in
Jesus name.
19. International demons gathered against this prayer group, we release Psalm against you
in the mighty name of Jesus.
20. Every expectation of the wicked concerning our prayer team shall scatter in
Jesus name.
Stage 1:
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Begin with praise and worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with
Step 2
Galatians 3:13,14: Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse
for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we
might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Luke 10:19: Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over
all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Revelation 12:11: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of
their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Step 3
With Holy aggression and Spiritual violence, begin to pray like this:
1. I renounce, revoke and bind all occult signs and symbols working against my life in the
name of Jesus.
2. I renounce and reject all witchcraft jewelry in the mighty name of Jesus
3. I renounce and break the curse of permanent deafness in the name of Jesus.
4. I renounce and break every curse issued against my …. (pick from the under listed)
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
a. Tongue
b. Breast
c. Vital organs
d. Head
e. Brain
f. Hands
5. I cut off all curses and their effect on my family in the mighty name of Jesus.
6. I renounce all curses issued against my eyes and I break their powers in the name of
7. I renounce all curses of captivity and I break their powers in the name of Jesus
8. I renounce all curses on my body and I break their powers in the name of Jesus.
9. Every curse issued against my house, be broken and be reversed now in the name of
10. Every curse on my thumb, I renounce and break your power now in the name of Jesus.
11. Any vow taken on a human skull against me, backfire now in the name of Jesus.
12. I renounce and break the power of all vows made on a crossed sword against me and
my family in the mighty name of Jesus.
13. You witchcraft Spirits of the occult, I release the fire of God to pursue you
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
14. Let the occult Spirits and their agents be devoured by the beasts of the field in the
name of Jesus.
15. Let them be given to the vultures as food in the name of Jesus.
17. Let them incur the wrath of the Almighty God, creator of the heavens and earth in the
name of Jesus.
18. You star of our prayer team, hear the word of the Lord; arise and shine,
19. Every Satanic reinforcement against our prayer team scatter in the name of
20. Let the mercy, favour and the glory of God overshadow our prayer team all
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Day -SIX
Stage 1
Begin with praise and worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with
Step 2
Galatians 3:13,14: Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse
for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we
Luke 10:19: Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and overall
the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Revelation 12:11: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of
their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Step 3
With Holy aggression and Spiritual violence, begin to pray like this:
1. I renounce and reject every occult influence of illuminati, Sodomist and abortion in the
mighty name of Jesus.
2. I renounce and reject their oaths, curses and penalties by the power in the blood of
3. I renounce and break the curses of their occult councils and I set their secret
4. Let their evil witnesses be stoned to death and their bodies Perish left above the ground
to rot in the name of Jesus.
5. You Satanic adventure of the shameless serpent, be swallowed by the lake of fires of
the LORD in the name of Jesus.
6. Every Satanic prince against my soul, receive the condemnation of God and the spite of
the entire universe in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
7. You army commanders of darkness, receive the severest wrath of the Almighty God in
the name of Jesus.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
8. O lightning from heaven, strike and execute evil princes, knights and commanders
assigned against my life in the name of Jesus.
name of Jesus.
10. I renounce all ancestral powers linked to the gods and goddesses of Egypt in Jesus’
11. You keepers of evil shrine against my destiny, receive Gods punishments and be
consumed by of fire in the name of Jesus.
12. Every weapon of darkness, hear the Word of the Lord, you shall NOT prosper in the
name of Jesus.
13. Every oath and ritual of the occult against my life, I renounce and break your power in
the name of Jesus.
14. You curses of the first to the last degree of the occult, be broken by the power in the
blood of Jesus.
16. All occult Ceremonial objects, aprons, books, rings, pens, handership jewellery, I
renounce and break you power over my life and family in Jesus’ name.
17. I renounce every Spirit attached to these objects; I command them to be bound and to
depart from me now in Jesus’ name.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Stage 1
Begin with praise and worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with
Step 2
Galatians 3:13,14: Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse
for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we
Luke 10:19: Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over
all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Revelation 12:11: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of
their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Step 3
With Holy aggression and Spiritual violence, begin to pray like this:
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
2. All occult Ceremonial objects, aprons, books, rings, pens, handkership, jewelry, I
renounce and break your power over my life and family in Jesus’ name.
3. I renounce every Spirit attached to these objects; I command them to be bound and to
depart from me now in Jesus’ name.
6. a. O LORD, deliver me from every Spirit of sickness associated with the occult in the
name of Jesus.
b.O LORD, deliver me from every Spirit of weakness associated with the occult in the
name of Jesus.
c .O LORD, deliver me from every curse associated with the occult in the name of Jesus.
d. O LORD, deliver me from every Disorder associated with the occult in the name of
e. O LORD, deliver me from every Addiction associated with the occult in the name of
f. O LORD, deliver me from every Disease associated with the occult in the name of
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
g. O LORD, deliver me from every Allergy associated with the occult in the name of
i.O LORD, deliver me from every Sins associated with the occult in the name of Jesus.
7. Every area of my life, I surrender to God’s Holy Spirit and to no other Spirit in Jesus’
I remove the ________ and cast it into the fire of Almighty God’s judgment (select from
list below)
a. Witchcraft blindfold
f. Satanic apron
g. and armour
9. I renounce every false marriage covenant and I set their property on fire in the name of
10. We break down every altar of witchcraft raised against our prayer team in
Jesus name.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Stage 1
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Begin with praise and worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with
Stage 2
Galatians 3:13,14: Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse
for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we
Luke 10:19: Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over
all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Revelation 12:11: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of
their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Step 3
With Holy aggression and Spiritual violence, begin to pray like this:
1. Blood of Jesus, cleanse my system of any food I have eaten at the table of the devil in
the name of Jesus.
2. Blood of Jesus, cleanse my system of any drink I have taken at the table of the devil in
the name of Jesus.
3. Every evil consumption in my body, come out by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
4. I repent and seek Forgiveness for having walked on unHoly ground in Jesus’ name.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
6. I proclaim that Satan and his demons no longer have any legal rights to manipulate my
life in Jesus’ name.
8. LORD, I humbly ask for the blood of Jesus to cleanse my _______ (pick from
a. Spirit
b. Soul
c. Mind
9. You the cells in my body, come into divine order now in the name of Jesus.
10. Be healed and be made whole as originally designed by God in Jesus’ name.
11. I speak to all chemical imbalances in my body: receive divine correction in Jesus
12. Neurological dysfunctions in my body, receive divine healing now in the name of
13. You heavenly star of our prayer team, hear the word of the Lord; arise and shine,
never go down in the name of Jesus.
14. Every Satanic reinforcement against our prayer team scatter in the name of
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
15. Let the mercy, favour and the glory of God over shadow our prayer team all through
this year in Jesus name.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Stage 1
Begin with praise and worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with
Stage 2
Galatians 3:13,14: Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse
for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we
Luke 10:19: Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over
all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Revelation 12:11: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of
their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Stage 3.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
1. I command any cancer / evil growth in my body to Perish in the name of Jesus
4. Let the earth open up now and swallow every Satanic council sitting against my destiny
in the name of Jesus.
5. I put on the whole armour of God and I make no provision for the flesh in Jesus’ name.
8. I send back evil arrows fired into my body from the Kingdom of darkness in the name
of Jesus.
10. I speak to my body, soul and Spirit; reject evil arrows in the name of Jesus.
11. You pursuing altars of my father’s house, collapse and Perish in the name of Jesus.
12. You pursuing altars of my mother’s house, collapse and Perish in the name of Jesus.
13. You pursuing altars in my place of birth, become desolate in the name of Jesus.
14. Every Astrologers calendar altar manipulated against my destiny, catch fire and burn
to ashes in the mighty name of Jesus.
15. Seasonal altars of sickness hear the word of the LORD; catch fire now, burn to ashes
in the name of Jesus.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
16. Ancestral evil gatekeepers in my life, I chain you and cast you into the place of
torment in Jesus’ name.
17. Satanic seductive fruit enticing me day and night catch fire and burn to ashes in the
name of Jesus.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Day -TEN
Stage 1
Begin with praise and worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with
Step 2
Galatians 3:13,14: Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse
for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we
might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Luke 10:19: Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over
all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Revelation 12:11: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of
their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death
Here we see that a critical blow to Satan came when LAMB -Jesus Christ shed his blood
for our sins. This victory was won with sacrifice-Christ Death in our place to pay the
penalty for our sins. And the Sacrifices we make because of our Faith in him. As we face
the battle with Satan we should not fear it or try to escape from it, but we should loyally
serve Jesus Christ, who alone brings victory.
2. Any ancestral evil river of rebellion flowing into my life, be cut off in the name of
3. You pursuing altars in my land of residence, I speak destruction upon you in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ.
4. Every ancestral evil altar hiding in my life, come out now and burn to ashes in the
5. Ancestral evil plantation in my life, be uprooted, be cast out by fire in the name of
Jesus Christ
6. Any ancestral evil cloth in my life, catch fire and burn to ashes in Jesus’ name.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
7. Every agent of darkness sacrificing to ancestral demons against my life, receive the
judgment of God in Jesus’ name.
8. Anything manipulating my dream life against me, receive the wrath of the
10. Every serviced evil sacrifice in my ancestral lineage crying against my salvation,
blood of Jesus silence them.
11. Demons from my place of birth energized against my life, turn back and destroy your
prophets in the name of Jesus.
12. Blood of Jesus, destroy every neglected altar in my ancestral lineage crying against
my salvation in Jesus’ name.
13. You evil twin in the Spirit, representing me and diverting my blessings, receive the
condemnation of God and the bad feeling of the entire universe in the mighty name of
Jesus Christ.
14. Any Satanic priest manipulating ancestral idols against my dream life, receive the
severest wrath of the Almighty God in the name of Jesus.
15. O Light of my salvation, shine forth for all to see in Jesus’ name.
16. I jump out from every dark tunnel into the light of my salvation in Jesus’ name.
17. O Light of the world, light up the pathways of my life in Jesus’ name.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
1. Ministering angels of the Lord Jesus Christ, bring back the blessings the enemy has
diverted from my life in Jesus’ name.
3. My soul receive deliverance; come out of ancestral evil cage in the name of Jesus.
4. O LORD, reinforce my guardian angel with your angels of war in Jesus’ name.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
5. Anything in my life repelling the fullness of God, be cut off and Perish in Jesus’ name.
6. You little foxes in my bloodline resisting the presence of God in my life, Perish now in
Jesus’ name.
7. All my blessings detained in the wilderness, be released to me by fire now in the name
of Jesus.
8. All my blessings detained in the graveyard, be released to me by fire now in the name
of Jesus.
9. All my blessings detained in the waters, be released to me by fire now in the name of
10. Every enemy of our prayer team, receive angelic slap and be eaten by
11. Powers of local and international witchcraft gathered against our prayer team, be
scattered by the whirlwind of the LORD in the name of Jesus.
12. Let all evil monitoring eyes fashioned against our prayer team receive
13. We cancel all charm, curses, spells, plagues issued against our prayer team and its
members in Jesus name.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
17. O LORD cause me to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth in Jesus
19. O LORD bless me indeed and release upon me the power of procreation,
20. Father LORD bless the prayer group as a family and encompass us with your songs of
21. O LORD, open your Book of Remembrance for everyone that is participating in this
prayer days in Jesus’ name.
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
In sum, therefore these top five secrets can be achieved through fervent prayer,
Forgiveness, Repentance, God’s love for one another. Having a strong faith backed by
actions. No God’s child should tell anyone in need ‘Good night’ if he/she cannot
practically give him a ‘Bed Sheet’. Being a practical Christian is too tempting for many
half-baked “Born-Again” and “Non born again” Christians today. We talk, we dance, we
node our heads, praise, smile and laugh for Jesus Christ but our hearts are dark like hair
dye, I think women can bare me a witness here they know better how this color is . We are
not Godly, We are not Lovely, we Christians are hot-tempered, and our temper could even
boil raw sweet potatoes recently unearthed, so doing a show off for Christ is not good at
all for our heavenly journey. We thus need to resist temptation, get salvation, learn to pray
and fast coupled with endurance, repentance, Forgiveness, sharing what we have, love,
and fellowshipping coupled with empathy, we shouldn’t be red eyed Christians who can
sometimes put Jesus Christ down, and fight a fellow brother or sister, and then later puts
on Jesus Christ, Let me tell you, “Jesus Christ” is not just your cold weather jacket or
Top 5 secrets for Eternal life in God’s kingdom
Arsenal jersey, that you can pick, put on and throw any time, I mean you can’t just put
him on and off. He is a real “Savior”. We should thus make attempt to acquiring eternal
life in God’s kingdom be our daily focus on heavenly things while on Earth. Those who
are of Heavenly Kingdom things of things above and those from Earth think of Earthly
things all the time.
Golden Journey Express (May 2015 Edition)