Shiftings Shadow of Supernatural Power

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with Mahesh Chavda and Bill Johnson
© Copyright 2006 – Julia Loren

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style capitalizes certain pronouns in Scripture that refer to the Father, Son, and
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satan and related names are not capitalized. We choose not to acknowledge him,
even to the point of violating grammatical rules.


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To those who contributed to this manuscript by writing excerpts specifi-

cally for use in this book or by granting interviews…Thank you for giving
your time. To everyone I quoted, thank you for mentoring us through your
ministries and nudging us into greater levels of faith and understanding.
To my dear friends who survived the writing of this book—Steve and
Michele Saunders…Thank you for housing me for weeks on end when I
needed a place to write, praying for me while I wrote, having just the right
books on your shelves, and extending so much grace and love to me in the
course of our friendship over the last 15 years.
To Graham, Bill, and Mahesh…Thank you for being so openhearted and
openhanded. You are true examples of ones who not only persevere in min-
istry at great personal sacrifice, but ones who burn ever brighter—continuing
to illuminate our path and chase the shifting shadows of darkness from our
lives and from many cultures.
To Abba…Thank you for standing over my shoulder as I wrote and offer-
ing suggestions.

I have known Julia Loren for 20 plus years as pastor, friend, and fellow
pilgrim. I’ve watched her grow in wisdom, understanding, and that most
useful of spiritual gifts—discernment. What she writes is always worth
reading. She will frustrate some because she asks too many questions and
provides too few answers. I guess that’s the journalist in her. But she will
make you think. She is one of those Jesus-followers who is not in lockstep
with the latest fad, but who is willing to listen for the voice of the Master
and help tune others’ ears to hear Him.
Ed Cook, Senior Pastor
Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Seattle
Seattle, Washington

In today’s spiritual climate, vast shades of gray seem to overpower the

well defined boundaries previously called black and white. The need of the
hour is for discernment. True discernment restores boundaries, dispels fear,
and creates a safe environment where authentic spiritual experiences can
flourish. Julia Loren comes to our aid in her must-read book Shifting
Shadows of Spiritual Power by re-establishing proper guidelines for those in
spiritual quest.
James W. Goll
Cofounder of Encounters Network
Author of The Seer, Dream Language and The Lost Art of Intercession
Table of Contents

Preface ......................................................................................15


Chapter 1 The House of Shifting Shadows ..............................................19

Chapter 2 Shifting Shadows of Power ......................................................27
Chapter 3 Revelatory Power of Psychics and Mediums ............................47
Chapter 4 Revelatory Power of True and False Prophets ........................63
Chapter 5 Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers ..................85


Chapter 6 Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the Church............115

Chapter 7 Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the World..............135
Chapter 8 The Sound of Abundant Rain ................................................155
Chapter 9 You Can Access Supernatural Power ....................................175
Chapter 10 Preparing for an Increase of Power
BY BILL JOHNSON ....................................................................185

Chapter 11 Preparing for an Increase in Authority

BY MAHESH CHAVDA ..............................................................197

Bibliography ..........................................................................205
About the Author ..................................................................209
Author Contact Information ..............................................211
Coming Soon..........................................................................213

Real prophets are challenged by mediocrity. They have an inner compul-

sion to fight darkness. They become light. Mediocrity is the shadow land of
faith to them. In the original showdown between God and the prophets of
Baal, Elijah was not just fighting with occult powers. He was challenging the
space between dark and light; the grey areas; the shifting shadows of loyalty
which people can inhabit when they do not reside in the light, close to the
beacon of faithfulness.
Prophets live in the light, walk in the light, and bask in the light of all that
God is to His people. They live with upturned faces to a God who perpetually
lifts up the light of His countenance over His people. God smiles, and we look
to Him, and our faces are radiant.
We have a cell in our DNA that loves to worship, we exist to magnify. If
not God, it will be something or someone else, an idol of some sort.
Real prophets adore intimacy with God. They love His presence. It is their
place of refuge, a fortress, a secret place of worship and communion. They ac-
cess a place of blinding, coruscating light. From that place they embark on
their mission to magnify the Lord in the world of men. The chief role of a
prophet is to make God radiant to everyone they meet, be it friend or foe;
Christian or pre-Christian; the good and the wicked.
Prophets live in the center of light, not on the edge of darkness. Their
influence and anointing stretches out to touch the blackness and invade it,
but they themselves have their heart safely locked away in the inviolate
place of God’s affection. Everyone must come to the light and abide there.
Too many Christians live in the shadows of intimacy and are therefore not
overwhelmed by God. They are in control of their passion instead of being
abandoned to it.
Intimacy provokes confidence which releases faith to stand in God’s pres-
ence and see Him as big as he is. Prophets declare the hugeness of God in all
His attributes. God is looking for a people who will make Him bigger.
Our intimacy with God intimidates the enemy. It will also offend Chris-
tians living in a controlled, passionless relationship with the Lord. Funda-
mentalists are usually no fun and mainly mental in their approach to God.
The Father smiles, He laughs, He has a huge sense of humor. He laughs at
His enemies.
Boldness comes from the heart of God. A confidence so rich it makes any-
thing else seem like a poverty spirit. Elijah had fun on Mount Carmel.
Prophets relish the battle. Elijah ridiculed the enemy.
The Church at large has too much respect for the devil and not enough
admiration for the Lord. When we live in the radiance of God our hearts are
captivated by His brilliance. Our focus is sharp, our perceptions in high defi-
nition. We are captured by the immensity of the Father. We live in shock and
awe at what He can do, He really is far above all principalities and powers.
Shadow-land Christians seldom turn up for the fight. If they do, they look
for a lead from someone else. Confidence takes the initiative. In shadow-land
language, confidence is deemed to be triumphalism. If misery loves company,
then mediocrity fellowships with doubt. “I believe, help my unbelief” is the
cry of a man stumbling toward the light not away from it.
Elijah was not just attacking the darkness he was challenging the grey
areas in the people round about him. We must see God’s people walking in
fullness, not measure. The enemy has come to steal, to kill, and destroy. A
church living in less than what the Father has decreed is being robbed, their
initiative killed, and their capacity to overcome destroyed. Mediocrity is what
we are left with, if we do not live in the full light of His presence.
Prophets give a wake up call to the Body of Christ. Any sportsman will
tell us that it is not possible to win if we are afraid to lose. Ironically it is
Christians who live in the shadows who are most afraid of the dark.
If the power of the Cross condemns us to victory then we must produce
believers who have a passionate desire to win. The showdown on Mount
Carmel declared to God’s people, “This is who God is! Who is He for you?”
New Testament prophets do not stand between God and man, only Jesus
can do that. Rather they stand before God in the presence of man. They are
not idealists. They are realists because they live in the presence of God in such
a way that their reality is shaped by their intimacy.
The showdown was over before it began. Elijah was not fighting to get
victory. He was contending from the place of overcoming: the presence of
God. What God’s people were witnessing was the power of God being ex-
pressed through the heart of a man who knew that His anointing came from
his intimate relationship with the Lord.
Elijah couldn’t lose—that’s the significance of Mount Carmel.

Graham Cooke
Founder of Future Training Institute
Author and Church Consultant

The shifting shadows blurring the lines between light and darkness, good
and evil, are creating a twilight zone of spiritual awareness, especially in
North America. It results in confusion and apathy on one hand, or an inordi-
nate desire for power at the other extreme. These shadows lead many to call
evil “good” and good “evil” not only in society but within the walls of many
churches. We must chase the shadows of confusion out of our minds.
Unless we purpose to dwell in the realms of God’s glory—His love and
light—we will easily be led astray into shifting shadows of loyalty and fail to
reflect His magnificent radiance. He is the light that overcomes the darkness.
In Him there is no shifting shadow, no shadow of turning. The intent of this
book is to reveal the realms of God’s glory and power increasing on the earth
today. It is an increase that heralds the end of darkness, the end of the dark
lord’s power, and the beginning of the brilliant, majestic beauty of the second
coming of Christ.
This book contains interviews and excerpts from many well-known
prophetic voices who call people to step out of the shifting shadows of loyal-
ties and into a passionate pursuit of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, His
glory, and the power inherent in His Kingdom. It is a call to take your place
in the plan unfolding…a plan that heralds the close of this age.
By the end of the book, you will discover a measure of discernment about
the origins of revelatory and supernatural spiritual power and the shadows of
deception in the world and in the Church, to equip you to receive and express
the fullness of the Kingdom of God. It is an unabashed attempt to move you
into a greater measure of faith and power so you will stand in the fullness of
awe, captivated by God’s passionate love. Then, as bearers of light, the shad-
ows will flee before you and the showdown of the clash of powers to come at
the end of the age will give way to the eternal joys of His Kingdom come.
Chapter 1
The House of Shifting Shadows

Four children moved with their parents into a small house in a wealthy
community near the sea. It seemed, at that stage in their lives, that the parents
were mostly absent, either working or socializing, leaving the children to ex-
plore life on their own. There was nothing remarkable about the children.
They were good looking, of average intelligence, fought one another as sib-
lings do, played well with others, received good marks in citizenship in
school, and they were active in sports. Prior to moving into their new home,
they were two boys and two girls growing up together in a happy household.
Once they moved into their new home, however, the happiness shifted and
the fissures in the family cracked wide open. Too quickly, the resident shad-
ows carried them, one by one, into great darkness.
Anyone who watches old horror movies knows that darkness often
resides in the attic. Such hiding spaces attract children; so it was no surprise
when Ann, the 13-year-old eldest daughter, crawled up into the small attic
space above the hallway to see if the previous occupants had left anything
behind. She saw only one object, a box heavy of old papers. She dragged the
box to the edge of the attic steps and enlisted the help of Rick, her younger


brother, to steady the ladder so she could bring the box down into the light
for inspection. They opened it to find dozens of pamphlets and since the boy
had no interest in reading he scampered off to surf with his friends as she sat
down to read. Not knowing the meaning of many of the words, she pondered
the term “Theosophical Society,” then read a few pages about mysticism and
spiritism and grew bored. She stuffed the box in her closet alongside her
tennis racket.
Within a year great changes took place in every member of the household.
The parents’ stress doubled as they labored under a recessive economy result-
ing in job changes and financial duress beyond their ability to cope. So they
did what many couples in Southern California do under stress—drink and
ignore the growing cracks in their marriage. Karl, the eldest and natural born
leader, grew very popular in his high school and was elected class president.
He looked good, acted good, attracted girls, and could manipulate adults to
obtain anything he wanted or wanted to do. In secret he experimented with a
variety of drugs and gravitated toward an older group who engaged in read-
ing secret books and performing secret rituals. Little brother Rick eventually
followed his big brother’s example.
Meanwhile, Ann pulled the Theosophical Society booklets out of the
closet. Although she didn’t understand them, she read them all and devel-
oped an appetite to experience something more transcendental than drugs
could offer. She had little contact with her brothers who were gone most of
the time and had scant interest in her sister, Tami, who was five years
Although the house was small, none of the siblings had any idea what
each other was into. The parents thought the children were happily busy in
school, surfing, playing tennis, and other sports; and they approved of Karl’s
budding interest in the opposite sex and high grade point average. The chil-
dren eventually realized that they all had discovered the world of marijuana
in the same year and began to encourage each another to try mind-expanding
drugs beyond weed.
The boys attended secret parties. Their personalities changed rapidly.
Karl grew especially serious, withdrawn. Rumors at school about a satanist

The House of Shifting Shadows

group led Ann to believe her brother was one of the key members. The dark
rituals, orgies, the satanic bible, and talk about Anton LaVey, intrigued her
but she decided she wasn’t interested in that degree of evil. In the meanwhile,
a Jesus People movement had arrived on campus and Ann gravitated toward
a lighter brand of spirituality—to a God who offered love and healing. She
could see that the dark side was clearly overtaking her brothers.
One day she came home from school to find Karl sound asleep on the
couch speaking fluent German. Another time, she heard him talking to
someone she couldn’t see in the room with him, It was an entity that only he
could see and later he told her was his “special friend.” The rumors at school
about a secret society and satanic sacrifices increased. Abruptly and unexpect-
edly, Karl graduated early and moved to Northern California. He drifted
into an even darker morass of occultism associated with Anton LaVey.
Karl became entangled in a relationship with a woman who ardently
practiced witchcraft, a woman Ann described as “radiating the presence of
evil.” Throughout the years she heard bits and pieces about her brother’s
lifestyle—rumors too evil to include in this book—things she hoped were
not true. From time to time her brother brought strange friends home and
what little he said about his life seemed to substantiate the rumors. When
confronted, though, he became defensive and denied any involvement with
the occult.
Karl’s life continued to decline until he could barely carry on a conversation
and often lapsed into brief flights of disconnected sentences, staring into space as
if watching the sentences hang in the air like butterflies. He seemed completely
possessed or completely mentally ill. In hindsight, his family came to see the
signs of mental illness had, in fact, crept into Karl throughout his school years.
Perhaps this predisposition to mental illness evolved because of the occult and
drugs. Or, perhaps, the demonic preyed upon the young boy’s mind and led him
to be overtaken by the occult. Ann never could tell the difference.
Rick flowed in the occult for awhile, eventually deciding to make a living.
He married and settled down to raise four children of his own. They live life
as best they can.


Ann decided to give up reading Theosophy and her attraction to “white”

magic and “prophets” like Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus. She stopped
gardening for the local medium and shunned tarot card readings and
invitations to spiritualist meetings. She gravitated instead toward the
Christians and listened longingly to their talk about Jesus.
Not long after she graduated from high school, Ann left home to travel
around the world. She eventually settled in Israel where she spent the better
part of a year studying Hebrew and working on a kibbutz (a collective farm-
ing community) at the base of Mount Carmel near Haifa. One day, she
walked through the community orchards at the base of the mountain with a
fellow language student, a young Jewish woman, who pointed up the hillside
and said, “Up there is where Elijah slew the prophets of Baal.” Ann didn’t
know who Elijah was or who the prophets of Baal were, so the Jewish
woman lent her a Bible to read. She told her it provided a history of the coun-
try and she showed her in which chapter she would find the story of Elijah.
The story about the prophets of Baal caught her attention. They cut
themselves and danced madly because they were taunted by a prophet from
God who challenged them to follow Him—the most powerful God. She no-
ticed that there was a spiritual power that led to destruction and another
spiritual power that led to the true God. As she read she considered her own
experiences with spiritual power that were not of God and, though she
would not understand it for many years, she sensed that Elijah’s story was
somehow entwined with her own. Over the next few weeks further Bible
reading impacted her so much that one day she knelt on the floor of her
room and asked Jesus to come into her heart and change her life.
Ann encountered Jesus in a remarkable way at Bethel Hostel in Haifa, a
Christian mission that houses Charismatic church meetings. One Friday
night, she received the baptism in the Holy Spirit—the presence of God filled
her with the unconditional, overwhelming sense of love and joy that she had
not even been aware of searching for.
During the weeks following her experience of the Holy Spirit, she real-
ized that Heaven’s revelatory realm had opened, enabling her to occasionally
see angels and demons, receive words of knowledge about others’ lives and

The House of Shifting Shadows

coming events, and dream prophetic dreams. After each encounter or experi-
ence she would return to her room, open her Bible and ask God, “Where’s
that in Your book?” She soon discovered that the Bible was rich in stories
about spiritual encounters and power in both the Old and New Testaments.
The supernatural power she had once sought in herself or in the occult was
dark and oppressive. This power from God is something supernaturally-nat-
ural, full of joy, light, and peace. Now she knew the difference between dark
power and God’s power.
Eventually, her letters home led her sister to accept Jesus. Her brothers
would also accept Christ, but they didn’t shift out of the darkness and into the
light as she had. Perhaps it had something to do with the depths of their involve-
ment with satanism and the entrapment of their wills. She may never know.
When she returned home to California, however, the richness of her en-
counter with God in Israel faded and she struggled greatly in her faith. The
emotional and spiritual battle raging within her caused her great distress and
she asked two elders in her church to set aside time to pray for her.
Not knowing the hold of darkness on her life and ignorant of the fact that
even those who believe in Jesus may need deliverance, they launched into
what they thought would be a short prayer session. As soon as they started
praying, Ann curled up into herself, her arms circling around her knees. She
started bouncing like a ball up against the shuttered doors of the choir robe
closet. They knew instantly that they were dealing with something demonic
and sent for the pastor. As they continued praying, she stopped bouncing and
seemed to fall into a trance.
Later, she described what she saw: A series of demonic images like scenes cut
from horror movies flashed before her eyes as if she were watching a movie
screen. Subtitles scrolled across the bottom of the screen. The words she read
were her own self-deprecating thoughts, temptations, traumatic events that im-
pacted her, guilt and shame, and accusations against her—words she heard in
her head for years…words that originated with the father of lies, satan.
As they prayed, the images slowed down. The subtitles slowed as well.
Then, as each lie scrolled across the bottom of the screen projecting in her


mind, a Scripture flew out from the opposite direction and annihilated the
lie. The Scriptures increased. The prayers increased. Finally, Ann felt what
she described as a spirit, which had encased her entire being, lifting off of her.
She sat quietly resting with her back against a wall, and then eventually
sighed. It was over. What she thought must have been a 20 minute prayer ses-
sion at most had lasted over two hours. She thought she had perhaps rested
for a minute or two after the deliverance before opening her eyes. She had, in
fact, rested in that place of peace for almost half an hour completely oblivious
to others in the room.
In the following days, the light radiating from her face amazed everyone.
There was no question about it. She was free. The undercurrent of mental
chatter and temptation had been demolished and her mind was clear. In the
weeks that followed she felt incredible joy.
Her sister Tami followed suit. She accepted Christ and attained a great
measure of healing through both inner healing and counseling. Her early ex-
periences developing her Christian faith and walk are now a distant memory.
She is married, emotionally and financially stable, well-educated, and the
mother of two beautiful children.
Two brothers and two sisters: Two chose the God who is light and love.
Two bound themselves to the dark lord on his dark throne. Karl and Rick have
not found total release from the oppressive spirits of the occult. Although they
have backed away from overt evil, evil still controls their lives. They are shells
of the men they could have become. Their minds, souls, and spirits are whis-
pers of what they had once been. Now well into their 40s, their prognosis for
recovery, even with extensive deliverance and psychotherapy, is not good. They
have gone too far. Yet they may, one day, turn toward the Father of Light and
receive a measure of joy and peace and love that they have never known and
the quality of their lives will increase dramatically and eternally.
The shifting shadows of their childhood house by the sea brought all four
of them into contact with great evil power and devious spiritual experiences.
Had they only known that a little dabbling in the occult—reading about
spiritualism, taking mind-expanding drugs, contacting mediums and tarot
cards, flirting with the devil, playing with white magic and casting spells,

The House of Shifting Shadows

attempting astral travel, and willingly praying for spirit guides to come in
and take them on spiritual adventures—would lead to oppression in every
area of their lives, I doubt they would have chosen that path.
Of the two girls who walked out of the dark lord’s shadow lands, Tami
stopped at the edge of intimacy with Jesus. She received a measure of the
Lord’s healing embrace but shied away from the radiance of His ongoing
presence of love and light. She built her house in a grey place, the realm that
Graham Cooke calls in the Foreword to this book, “the shifting shadows of
loyalty which people can inhabit when they do not reside in the light, close to
the beacon of faithfulness.” Ann, however, chose to live in the center of light
captivated by the radiance of God’s smile—her reality shaped by intimacy
with Christ, her life a testimony of the power of the Holy Spirit.
This story illustrates what is happening in families worldwide—light and
darkness impact us all. What we choose to attend to ultimately defines our
spiritual life and our emotional health. Yet it also illustrates the story of any
local church, a family whose individual members attend on any given day to
shadows of half-hearted devotion to the God of love, falling into the shifting
shadows of loyalty that bind them either to themselves or lead them to col-
lude with the dark lord.
There is a difference between psychic and soulish power, Christian and
demonic power, counterfeits and authentic expressions of the Spirit of God
moving through an individual. Throughout the ages, light and dark powers
have existed, warring against each other for control of individuals, communi-
ties, and nations. As a result, personalities fragment under the pressure,
neighborhoods deteriorate, and nations crumble. This book attempts to re-
veal the differences in the sources of supernatural power, the impact of ex-
pressions of revelatory and healing in the lives of others, and how you can
reach out and minister in authentic supernatural power—the power of the
Lord Jesus Christ.

Chapter 2
Shifting Shadows of Power

The world is rich in spiritual power. Where does it come from? Is it psychic
or latent soulish power at work? Is it God or is it satan? How can you tell the
difference? As individuals become increasingly stressed by life events and eco-
nomics, many feel powerless and out of control. As a result, some pursue
power, gravitating toward it either from a desire to be entertained or out of des-
perate need for control. For others, power meets their needs—these individuals
seem divinely appointed to wield power for the good or the ill of others.
As more people access supernatural power—both occult power and au-
thentic power—discernment will be vital in the years to come. Power flows
through an individual’s personality and character. An individual’s soul di-
rects the flow of power no matter what the source. There are Christians who
begin using the gifts of the spirit and move in authentic power only to end up
in deception. Just as there are occult practitioners who end up surrendering
their lives to Jesus then suddenly discover God’s authentic power.
In the coming days and years, how can you tell who’s got the real power?
Satan or Jesus? Psychics or prophets? Sorcerers or healing evangelists? And
how can you tell if a Christian is operating in authentic power or soulish


power? The marks of power that come from God and from demonic decep-
tion are as different as night and day. It is the soul of the person expressing
the power that creates the shifting shadows of confusion.

New Creation Power Brokers

Gifts of healing, miracles, visions, and seeing into the supernatural realm
seem to have been more commonplace among practitioners of the occult and the
New Age movement in past decades. Christians who talked about being over-
come by the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, receiving visions, dreams and super-
natural healing, were often criticized, regarded as being deceived, and eyed
with suspicion—even within the Church. As a result, many believers shut
down, learning that it was best to keep their spiritual experiences a secret.
In the 1980s, however, the Charismatic Christian prophetic movement in
North America quickly normalized individuals’ spiritual experiences and re-
leased greater understanding of the richness of biblical accounts of the revela-
tory nature of God and the supernatural reality of the Kingdom of God. It is
for many a Kingdom that is not far off in Heaven, but a Kingdom rapidly
breaking into earth by releasing dreams, visions, healings, visitations from
angels, miracles, and supernatural experiences to many Christians. It is as if
the supernatural is now super-Natural.
Accessing the power of God is no longer just for the power brokers—solo
men and women with healing ministries like Aimee Simple McPherson,
Kathryn Kuhlman, and Benny Hinn—or televangelists or prophets. A new
creation reality is becoming mainstream in the Charismatic churches and many
ministers are teaching individuals how to access the power and gifts of the
Holy Spirit in new ways, using new language. Expressions of Charismatic
gifts are no longer about one person mounting a platform to release his or her
spiritual gift. The Charismatic gifts are now becoming integrated into every
believer’s life and being powerfully expressed to others in the workplace, the
mission field, and the Church.
According to Canadian evangelist and prophetic minister Patricia King,
“As a new creation in Christ we are all able to access healing, visions, and
spiritual experiences. They are the new creation realities mentioned in

Shifting Shadows of Power

Second Corinthians 5:17. God wants our spiritual sensitivity awakened. In

North America, we are so academic the Lord is trying to break into that
orientation and surface the hunger.” 1
King, among other prophetic voices, believes the Church is transitioning
into a super-Naturally spiritual time. “Spirituality is one of the greatest com-
modities in this time as people look for a power that is greater than them-
selves. Yet, much of the established Western church—both Charismatic and
Evangelical—seems afraid of spiritual encounters, organizing their church
programs and liturgy to maintain an intellectual approach to faith, an ap-
proach that seemingly disregards many of the spiritual experiences contained
within the Bible,” she says.
The upcoming generation, however, having been wounded by broken
families and steeped in popular culture and media promoting the occult, is
hungry for authentic power. According to King, “People are now being
stirred for a fresh touch of God, especially the unsaved. They are not hungry
for institutionalized religion, they are hungry for encounters with God. As a
result, much of the activity of the Holy Spirit will be found outside the walls
of the church today.”
We are seeing a younger generation of Christians encountering God and
purposing to take His presence and power outside the confines of the church
and into the streets. They are embracing the true Kingdom power and re-
ceiving training in a proliferation of ministry schools held in churches and
conference settings across the nation. As a result they are fast becoming the
first generation to be equipped to release the fullness of the gifts of the Holy
Spirit wherever they go—rather than being confined to an expression of an
occasional gift of the Spirit. 2
Leaders such as John Arnott in Toronto, Canada; Mike Bickle in Kansas
City, Missouri; Mahesh Chavda in Charlotte, North Carolina; Randy Clark
in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; David Crone in Vacaville, California; Jim Goll
in Franklin, Tennessee; Rick Joyner in Charlotte, North Carolina; and Bill
Johnson, and Kris Vallotton in Redding, California host ministry schools,
conferences and mission trips that are inciting youth to rebel against secular
society and enter into new creation realities and authentic power. They are


also inflaming the godly jealousy of their elders who have longed to experi-
ence the ever-present, supernatural realm of the Kingdom of God through
visions, spiritual encounters, and power to heal that comes so readily to
youths. Many of these elders have participated in past Charismatic move-
ments and settled into the routines of life, losing vision in the process. They,
too, are being stirred to access the presence and power of God alongside the
youths, forming a renewed, intergenerational move of God. They are tapping
into the new creation realities and running with both the Word of God and
the Spirit of God, taking risks and acting on their faith.

Demonic Power Brokers

Psychics, sorcerers, and mediums have a lot in common with many Chris-
tians exhibiting revelatory power and the gifts of healing. They offer words
of encouragement, insight into the future, reflections of the past or present,
and they reveal secrets and predict future events. When it comes down to
promoting popular, politically-correct culture, the one with the most enter-
tainment value and who is the least offensive wins.
With demonic power, a man touches the foreheads of several people stand-
ing in line and watches briefly, as they crumble to the ground. A woman stares
over the shoulder of the one she is addressing and sees spirits of the dead talking
to her, imparting knowledge only they know. A young man stands atop a statue
in New York City for days, supernaturally unflinching, descending only to con-
tinue wowing people on the street with magic tricks never before seen.
Some people channel spirits that assume control of their bodies and speak
through their mouths in an altered voice bringing comfort, encouragement,
easing their listener’s minds from grief, or releasing direction to them. They
are all demonic power brokers—imitating the power of the Holy Spirit but
denying the deity, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As a result of the
shifting shadows flitting across the demonic power brokers’ stage, many
viewers become entranced and fooled by the demonstrations of power un-
folding before them.
However, despite the rise in popularity of demonic power brokers, we are
seeing a growing number of Christians and non-Christians who see through

Shifting Shadows of Power

the darkness and recognize that not all power is authentic power—only the
power that is released through the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ is real.
We are also seeing people renounce their loyalty to the dark lord on his dark
throne, step out of the shadows of confusion, and become incredible new cre-
ation power brokers shortly after conversion.

From Sorcerer to Prophet

Ian Clayton, a New Zealand prophet and father of four, is a man who
found himself seemingly chosen by the demonic realm to become a great oc-
cult leader. Yet God had other plans, shifting the shadows of power aside to
reveal Himself and lead Ian into an entirely different realm of grace. His
story illustrates the powers of the occult as well as the ability of light to over-
come the darkness in an individual’s life, shifting them out of the shadows
until they enter into authentic power and supernatural experiences initiated
by the Holy Spirit. 3
Psychics claim that the ability to see and move in the supernatural is often
inherited and can trace the lineage of relatives who moved in psychic power
for generations past. In Ian’s case, the generational lines seemed to offer two
distinct destinies for Ian’s spiritual gifts. On his mother’s side of the family is
a line of Jewish and Christian believers. One great grandfather was counted
among the original Quakers in Africa. During the mid-1800s, another great
grandfather experienced the Welch revival.
His father’s side of the family was exactly the opposite. His father was the
head of the spiritualist church in Africa. His family lineage included free ma-
sons, Rosicrucian’s, and those with claims to other occult involvement.
It wasn’t long before the two warring destinies manifested in Ian’s life as
power reached out and touched him at an early age. As a child, Ian would see
visions of Jesus and angels. Eventually, his father took him to the spiritualist
church and things began to change. The dark side aggressively pursued Ian,
shifted him into the shadows, and lured him into the occult.
At age 12, his growing awareness of God led him to the Bible and he
started reading it from the beginning. Halfway through Deuteronomy he
decided that it was full of rules and regulations and didn’t want anything to


do with it. Just as he shut the Bible he heard a voice say, “Put your hand on
top of table and pick table up.” Ian put his hand flat on the table top and it
rose, sideways off the floor.
“It was an amazing power rush,” Ian explained. “Suddenly, I walked in
Spirits started materializing at night and taught Ian how to do things such
as astral travel and psychic healing, pendulum diagnosis, use of herbs in healing
and in gaining power, and the power of demons in the spirit world. As the les-
sons continued, people grew frightened of Ian’s power. Many would talk about
the headaches they got after being around him—headaches Ian attributes to
the demonic resonance of the spirit force around his life. Meanwhile, signs and
wonders manifested in Ian’s life much to his surprise and others’ shock.
“I would put my hand out and it would go into the wall—not up against
it,” he said. By age 17, Ian was frightened of his own power and turned into
an introvert attempting to shelter himself from others because of the phe-
nomena that would occur.
The power then transitioned him into deeper realms of a supernatural
world. “A generational sentinel appeared as a jaguar then became a man who
taught me for a year about issues of sorcery and how to make and destroy
things,” Ian said. “I thought I would use this power for the good of others
without realizing the source was evil and would actually release demons into
their lives. I didn’t know this until I was born again.”
According to Ian, the spirits taught him to become a psychic healer and he
would lay hands on a body and take out the bits that were diseased. He could
heal and he could kill with the same power that resided within him. “The
moment I touched their flesh they submitted to the demon in my life. When
I got angry at somebody I would release spirits and the people either were
killed or became sick. At one point, my father got sick and my mother ended
up in hospital because of my cursing them.”
Eventually, Ian met a woman who would become his wife, and she
gradually grew accustomed to the strange nocturnal visitations Ian received
from spirits, believing that Ian’s spiritual giftedness was destined to help many

Shifting Shadows of Power

people. However, one of her college instructors challenged her beliefs during
an after-class discussion when he opened the Bible and read a Scripture about
consulting with demons being an abomination to God. Near the end of the
discussion, he invited them over to his house for a barbecue.
She brought the Bible home to Ian and everything inside of him reacted.
One night the sentinel appeared to him and tried to dissuade him from at-
tending the dinner. But something else, some other part of his family lineage,
drew him closer to the source of authentic power and his ultimate destiny.
They attended the dinner and adjourned to another room for worship
and Bible study. “Suddenly, this thing came through the roof and descended
into the room. It was so beyond what I had ever seen. As this cloud came
down into the room I wanted to get away and ended up on the floor. I looked
at this girl’s face of abandoned love worshiping this thing that came into the
room and realized that what I wanted all my life was to be loved, not used. As
soon as she stopped worshiping the cloud left.”
His girlfriend accepted the Lord and began weeping as she felt God heal-
ing her body and her emotions. Ian then asked Jesus into his life. The small
group of believers went to Ian’s house to pray over the rooms and cleanse it
from the demonic. They also encouraged him to throw away all his occult ob-
jects. “They said to me, ‘You’ve confessed Jesus as Savior; now you need to
confess Him as your Lord.’ The moment I did that it felt like a sword went
right into my heart and I began to see the death, destruction, chaos, and all
that what was using me; and I sat on the floor and wept.
“For me to get free I had to own what I had done. Satan knew that if I
came into my destiny as a son of God, I would become his worst nightmare.”
It took time for Ian to disentangle from demonic influences and power. His
salvation initiated a two-year process of healing and deliverance in his life. The
last thing to go was the sentinel—smaller demons were easily cast out. “I real-
ized that the sentinel was an imitation of the Holy Spirit, a trespasser who had
no right to come in and teach me and shut my life down,” Ian said.
“When I got delivered, the inside of my heart tore as I felt it claw its way
out. Afterward, for the first time since age 12, the grass was green. I heard the


birds singing and the sky was blue. The deliverance began a hatred of any-
thing to do with the demonic.”
Over the years, Ian grew in his faith and in the ability to discern the
shifting shadows of power that infiltrate society. His openness to the spiritual
realm enabled him to readily recognize the authentic power of the Holy
Spirit—power characterized by life rather than destruction—and experience
the supernatural Kingdom of God.
Rather than initiating astral travel as he learned to do through the help of
spirit guides, he walks with the Father of Light and His Son, Jesus Christ,
discovering new realms of Heaven and insights into the supernatural. Rather
than wallowing in depression and anger, he is a joyful person, full of light and
exuberant with life. Rather than being a servant of the demonic, he is a ser-
vant of the Lord with a growing international reputation as a prophet who
not only understands the spirit realm but teaches others how to access the
power of God and enter the revelatory realms of God’s Kingdom—rather
than access the revelation of the occult.
Ian Clayton is a man who has experienced not only the counterfeit powers
of satan, but authentic power of God. Everything he had done through occult
power he has also experienced through authentic power…and more. He
believes that when Jesus Christ told His disciples that they will accomplish
greater works and miracles than He, it should be taken literally. Christians
operating in the authentic power of the Holy Spirit, can heal the sick, raise the
dead, walk on water, dematerialize and walk through a crowd (or walls for
that matter), see into both the realm of Heaven and satan’s dominion, and take
authority over all of the enemy’s work. Having walked on both sides of the
fence, Ian believes that God’s authentic power is greater. He is a New Creation
Power Broker experiencing things most Christians cannot imagine—fourth
dimension miracles that transcend our current knowledge of the laws of

The Coming Showdown—A Clash of Supernatural Powers

As New Creation Power Brokers increase within the Church, so do the
demonic counterfeits.

Shifting Shadows of Power

Since the fall of Adam and the ousting of lucifer from Heaven, lucifer has
been organizing his forces, trying to regain his seat of power and becoming the
ultimate enemy of the people of God. He set all in motion against the people of
God, trying to sway them over to his side, luring them in, seducing them with
the smooth lies of promise of a future filled with all the longings of their hearts.
The adversary made repeated attempts to destroy God’s people—the Is-
raelites—coming against her priests and prophets, stirring up deceiving spirits
trying to sway the elect into crossing over to his side. And when they continued
to worship God, his anger lashed out and a bloodbath ensued.
Then came Jesus Christ who triumphed over lucifer by becoming the ulti-
mate sacrifice for the people of God, expanding the Kingdom rule and reign
of God and inviting all who believe in Jesus as their Savior to become the chil-
dren of God. The enemy was further enraged and set into motion a counter-
attack. He continues to summon all of his might against both the Israelites,
Christians, and those who respond to the love of Christ, trying to cut them off
and keep them from knowing the fullness of Christ, His power, and the vast
resources of His Kingdom.
Hordes of demonic spirits have been let loose in every culture. They
counterfeit the power of God in hopes of luring unsuspecting people into a
head nest of lies and deception. They are the gods of this age and come in the
guise of occult power. Children’s games, videos, and computer programs are
rife with occult images. Adult television, movies, and Internet preoccupa-
tions also reveal a technological twist on an ancient game, as the adversary
seeks to lure our culture into deeper encounters with the archetypal gods of
Baal and Asthoreh—gods that lead to varying degrees of occult practices
and sexual deviation.
Throughout history, God has always revealed His power during soci-
ety’s darkest hours. There have been repeated showdowns against the gods
of the ages, the prophets of the Baals, the enemies of the Church and the en-
emies of Israel. As a result of revelations of the authentic power of God,
many people given over to occult practices either walk away from their
practices, die, or seek to purchase the power of God so that they can use it
for their own prosperity.


The Bible contains several stories about people in the occult suddenly
recognizing that their power pales in comparison to the power of God.
Some decided to stop competing or imitating the authentic power of God
and walked away, realizing that they could go no further. Others were over-
come by fear when they realized that they went beyond the limits of their
own power and God showed up (much to their surprise). Still others sought
to obtain the pure undefiled power resident in God’s prophets and believers
and purchase it, if they could, in hopes of making a profit on that power.
These prophets, mediums, and sorcerers released demonic signs and won-
ders that looked so much like what God could do that many people opted to
follow them rather than God.

Historic Showdowns
Moses tossed his staff a few feet away from his feet, watching as it twisted
in mid air, became fluid, and fell to the floor no longer a rigid length of wood
but a writhing snake. Alchemy. A mere magician’s trick—changing one
form of matter into another. Several sorcerers stood by confident that they too
possessed the power to throw down their staffs and create a nest of snakes.
One by one they tossed their staffs to the ground until the floor was awash in
snakes. Suddenly, one snake drew back into a coil, raised its head high and
struck at the snake closest by, devouring it quickly before winding its way to
the next snake. By the end of the hour, Moses’ snake had consumed the sor-
cerers’ snakes. Its belly full, it stretched out full length on the floor and
shapeshifted back into the form of a staff. 4
The sorcerers imitated almost every trick Moses had up his sleeve. Moses
launched a plague and the sorcerers, attempting to one up Moses, ironically
added their power to the purpose of God and extended the plague, duplicat-
ing it in other regions of Egypt. In the end, however, they admitted that they
could go no further. They had come to the end of their ability to imitate God’s
power and turned and walked away.
Saul, devastated in heart and spirit, longed for a word from the prophet
Samuel who had anointed him king in the first place. The problem: Samuel
was dead. God didn’t seem to be speaking with Saul in his hour of need. No

Shifting Shadows of Power

other prophets nearby held any words of comfort for Saul. He felt alone,
abandoned, afraid of the days to come. In the absence of any other prophets in
the area, he sought out a medium, hoping she would channel the spirit of
Samuel. She dwelt in a cave, hiding her profession because Saul had con-
demned mediums and spiritists to death. So, she was dubious at first to grant
Saul an audience; but she went ahead because she did not recognize that it
was Saul who stood before her.
She sat back, closed her eyes, spoke a few unintelligible words of incanta-
tion, calling out to the spirit of Samuel, hoping that his familiar spirit would
show up, a spirit that could, at best, imitate Samuel’s voice and knew intimate
details of Samuel’s life. Suddenly, she felt the presence of another in the cave.
Out of the darkness, a figure emerged. She gasped and cried out in shock. It
wasn’t the familiar spirit of Samuel. It was Samuel himself, raised from the
dead. Then she realized Saul was her client and she became very afraid. 5
Elijah felt like the time was right. The land and the people had suffered
enough from drought and famine. It was time to release the sound of the
coming of rain. But first, he had to recapture the hearts of the people of God
and make them realize that God was alive and powerful, more powerful than
the false prophets who bowed the knee to the Baals. The Baals had already
failed to provide rain, failed to prosper the land and make it fertile. No mat-
ter how much they sacrificed, danced, prayed, and gave themselves over to
increasing debauchery, the Baals failed to come through for the people. It was
time to reveal the power of God. Perhaps the people would listen now that
they were getting desperate. 6
Elijah called for a showdown on Mount Carmel. One prophet of God
against hundreds of prophets of Baal. The showdown would prove who’s got
the power—God or the false gods.
He prepared an altar and poured water over the sticks until they were sat-
urated. There would be no lighter fluid, nothing to jump-start the fire or
even light it by using natural means. Who would light the fire—God or
Baal? The prophets of Baal did everything they could to get the fire going.
They danced, called out to their gods, and slashed themselves until their
blood splattered the dust. For hours on end they wailed and waited for Baal


to come through and show his power. Elijah patiently waited. Every once in
awhile he taunted them just as they had taunted him in the past, mocking the
true prophets of God. Slowly, the people warmed to Elijah, their hearts turn-
ing toward all that he stood for. Elijah seemed so confident that the people’s
faith increased as their fears that God had abandoned them abated.
“If God is God, then follow Him!” Elijah pleaded with the people—not
the people given over to the world system of Baal in that day, but his own
people, the children of God, God’s chosen, the church of that day. “But if Baal
be god then follow him. Choose you this day whom you will serve.”
Elijah lifted his eyes to Heaven and the prophets of Baal dropped to the
ground exhausted from their efforts to entreat their gods. The fire of God
crackled from Heaven to earth, consuming not only the sacrifice that lay on
the altar but burning so hot that it consumed the altar itself—a nuclear blast
from Heaven. And the people grew very afraid. They realized that God is
alive and present, that God is the God of authentic power. Great anger rose
up in them as they also realized how deceived and frightened they had be-
come during the years of Jezebel’s reign of terror, under the misguidance of
prophets who offered only self-abuse and destruction, false hopes, and unre-
ality. And in that anger, boldness arose. They sided with Elijah, rose up as a
people, and destroyed the false prophets.
One of the most interesting encounters between a prophet/apostle and a
sorcerer happened in the New Testament Book of Acts. A sorcerer drew the
attention of the people with his magic tricks, his predictions, the way he
touched people, and their shrieks of delight when they realized that they
were healed. The people loved him. But then another came their way, an
apostle who had been with Jesus. He too touched the people and they were
healed. And yet he offered the people something more, some power that
caused them to speak in other languages, and become overwhelmed as they
felt the love and power of God moving in their lives. Even the sorcerer tasted
of that power and knew it was good; so good that it intoxicated him. And he
wanted more. He wanted it so badly that he went up to the apostle and asked
how much it would cost him to purchase that anointing of power. He knew
that his own power of sorcery was nothing in comparison. 7

Shifting Shadows of Power

The apostle set him straight. God’s power was not for sale. It was (and still
is) a gift from God to those who inherited salvation and a Kingdom that was
not of this world. God, it seemed, was no longer in the Old Testament mode
of slaying the prophets of Baal, sorcerers, mediums, spiritists, alchemists, and
diviners. Instead, God wanted to release His authentic power to seek and
save all of the lost—including those who had become entranced by occult
power and lured into the kingdom of darkness. Whereas the showdowns of
the Old Testament often turned into bloodbaths, the showdowns of the New
are revelations of the power of God’s love.
We may be entering a time in history when another showdown with the
prophets of Baal is imminent. What will this encounter look like? Will the
showdown occur inside the Church or out in the world, on the streets com-
plete with miraculous displays of power? Today’s prophets have much to say
on the topic. And they all seem to agree on one thing—the showdown is al-
ready happening in our midst and it’s going to get weirder than anything
we’ve seen or read. But first of all, a showdown must occur within ourselves
as we step out of the shifting shadows of confusion regarding the source of
supernatural power operating in individual lives and step into our callings as
Christians to release the presence and power of God wherever we go.

Discerning the Source of Supernatural Power

Discerning the source, or origin, of supernatural displays of power is not
difficult. Anyone moving in revelatory, supernatural power will become like
the one they behold. The more surrendered a person becomes to the source of
the power, the more purely it reveals itself. Testimonies included later in this
book reveal that one given over to the demonic will receive and express in-
creasingly destructive power resulting in personalities that fragment under
the weight of oppression. One given over to the Holy Spirit will receive and
express increasingly authentic power resulting in a personality and life charac-
terized by love, peace, and joy. Soulish power is merely a mixture of shadows
originating in a person’s mind.
There are specific marks that characterize the origins or source of super-
natural power expressed through individuals. Richard Foster details seven


marks of God’s authentic power in his book The Challenge of the Disciplined
Life. They include: love, humility, restraint, joy, vulnerability, submission,
and freedom from control. 8
If that is to be our guide for discerning the source of God’s power, then the
marks of power that proceed from the occult and demonic realm would in-
volve the exact opposite characteristics. They would include: hate, pride, un-
bridled displays of power, depression, jealousy, inability to relate to others or
allow others to speak into their lives, and a desire to control others.
Soulish power—that which originates from a person’s state of mind and
heart—expresses itself with a variety of mixed markers. Unhealed, unaffirmed
people tend to exercise their soulish power to manipulate people and events to
compensate for an overwhelming sense of their own powerlessness. Because
they have no strong sense of identity or core self rooted in relationship with
Jesus Christ, they attempt to acquire an external derivation of significance. As a
result, when they express the spiritual gifts, the recipients may feel tainted by
the residue of soulish imprints. One receiving a prophetic word originating in
another’s soul power may feel more like the word is mere manipulation or
flattery, a put down or a power trip. The laying on of hands for healing may
also feel like a power trip drawing attention not to the healing power and
presence of Jesus Christ and His atonement, but to the presence of the one
For some, expressing soulish power is part of the process of normal spiritual
growth and personal healing. A healthy process leads them to become secure in
setting boundaries with others rather than attempting to control others and
involves repeated encounters with the healing presence of Jesus Christ. An
unhealthy process drives them into the occult realm and their minds become
playgrounds for the antics of the demonic.
Attempts to harness and express power that originate in the soul are but
one extreme. The other extreme involves those who seek power based on nar-
cissistic desire. To obtain spiritual power for the glorification of self is to align
oneself with the demonic. Lucifer is the ultimate narcissist.

Shifting Shadows of Power

The marks of power that come from God are the marks of a healthy
personality as well as a mature Christian who is secure in God’s love. When
authentic power works deeply in the lives of individuals releasing healing
into their wounds, they can release it more purely to others through words of
knowledge, prophesies, miracles, and healings that relate the heart of a loving
God. Since most of us need progressive healing and sanctification and are not
free from expressions of hate, pride, jealousy, and depression how can we
determine the origins of power that flow through mere humans?
First, we need to recognize that soul power is not entirely bad. Our life ex-
periences (good and bad), personalities, and giftedness are given to us for a
reason—to co-labor with God as we enter into our destinies. God gives us a
vision but we have a role to play in working that out. Soul power rooted in
God’s love and understanding of the particular destiny and vision given to
each individual tempers our human nature on any given bad day. Soul power,
working under submission to God’s power, also gets the work done. We re-
lease the power of God through our soul, or mindful action, and the marks of
power will correspondingly bear the marks of our personality. God, having
given you a unique personality, loves the way you express Him.
Second, no matter what our state of heart and mind, our level of maturity
or brokenness, the imprint of soulish origins fades when overshadowed by
the anointing of the Holy Spirit. God’s loving presence can move through the
youngest child or most immature and unhealed adult to accomplish His will.
His power is made perfect in our weakness.

Releasing God’s Authentic Power

Our challenge and responsibility is not to move in power but to move in the
presence of God…to walk in intimate relationship with the one who releases
His anointing through us. We become like the one we behold and worship. By
seeking to draw closer to the God of power we become increasingly more like
Him. The marks of power that come from God are also reflections of His na-
ture. The more we seek the God of authentic power, the purer His anointing
will flow through us. The more we seek the god of self and occult power, the
more fragmented our personalities and lives are destined to become.


Those who desire to move in God’s authentic anointing, releasing the

power of God to seek and save the lost, demonstrate that the Kingdom of
God is near. They invite others to glimpse a testimony of Jesus—who is the
same yesterday, today and forever—and they exhibit certain characteristics.
Those characteristics mark the power broker as one who walks intimately
with Jesus, beholding His presence, accepting His nature. The marks of au-
thentic power, according to Richard Foster, are best defined as:

Love uses power for the good of others rather than to advance one’s own reputa-
tion. It calls attention to the lover of our souls, the God of love, and gives Christ all the
praise and glory.

Humility recognizes that God’s power is a gift to be used under control, submit-
ted to the will of God rather than the will of self, and submitted to others who can
teach us how to wield the power of God appropriately.

Restraint refuses to use power to validate one’s reputation, conform to the desires of
others, dispel unbelief, or release others into their gifts and callings before God’s or-
dained time. Jesus moved in power, healing and delivering everyone in some settings.
Yet He restrained Himself from healing, raising the dead, or speaking prophetically
during other times.

Joy gives evidence to the nearness of God’s presence for in His presence is
fullness of joy—despite the surrounding darkness. The one who releases power
from a joyful heart is truly aware that Christ’s blood triumphs over every work
of the enemy.

Vulnerability realizes that power does not give one the right to dominate others
or to control them. Nor is a display of power evidence of the strength of the power
broker—for God’s authentic power is made perfect in our weakness.

Shifting Shadows of Power

Submission accepts the leadership of Christ and cooperation with the authority
of others who offer access to wisdom, guidance and encouragement in the develop-
ment of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that comes forth with power.

Freedom never uses power to control or exploit people in extreme situations.
Jesus freely healed and delivered and fed the masses who, in gratitude, would have
done whatever He wished—including storming the Jewish and Roman authorities
to make Christ an earthly king. He strove not to manipulate or control them, or co-
erce them into following Him, but empowered them to become themselves.

Habitations of the Spirit

We all run the risk of self-delusion and self-destruction. In the following
chapters, you will notice that failure to receive God’s love and enter into deep
relationship with the person of Jesus Christ, the source of authentic power,
will ultimately result in tainted displays of power that may lead to either
delusion or self-destruction. Failure to embrace the person and the authentic
power of the Holy Spirit may also result in self-delusion.
Mahesh Chavda, internationally known minister and forerunner of
today’s Charismatic healing movement, warns in his book, The Hidden Power
of the Blood of Jesus: “God intends for us to be habitations for His Spirit. If we
reject the Holy Spirit, nothing is left except the spirit of the enemy.” 9
The Second Great Awakening, led by Charles Finney, opened a dimen-
sional gateway of the spirit realm that led many into great encounters with
the Holy Spirit and salvation. Out of the revival emerged new ways of
preaching, a breaking of religious structures of thought and liturgy, and a re-
lease of social justice and the beginnings of racial and gender equality. It
paved the way for our modern Charismatic and Pentecostal movement.
However, the Second Great Awakening also paved the way for counter-
feit manifestations of the spirit world that led many into a growing interest in
spiritualism. Into the spiritual void left by the waning revival, the modern
spiritualist and occult revival was born. Those who rejected the Holy Spirit


eventually gave themselves over to either intellectualism, ardent Calvinism,

apathy, or demonic spirits enticing them into the shadows of spiritualism.
History reveals that those who press into the realm of the Kingdom of
God dare not stop but continue to go from glory to glory, expressing the au-
thentic power of the Holy Spirit until the end of this age…an age that will
eventually culminate in a great clash of powers. Christians must choose
whom they will serve, take their place in the plan of God for this present day,
and release Heaven on earth—or nothing will be left but one vast habitation
of the enemy.


1. Quotes and information about Patricia King cited in this chapter are
derived from a telephone interview. King is noted for her ministry of
“prophetic evangelism” and has written several books on the topic.
Originally based in Kelowna, Canada, her ministry base has moved
to Arizona. For more information see her Website at www.extreme-
2. The varieties of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are found in First
Corinthians, chapter 12. Although in our generation John Wimber
popularized the teachings that all the gifts of the Spirit can be ex-
pressed through one person according to the will of the Lord and the
need at hand, many churches and ministries have still emphasized
the dominance of one or another gifting being activated in a person’s
life for purposes of ministering to others. Current ministry schools
seem to be focusing on activation of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit
moving through an individual.
3. Quotes and information about Ian Clayton cited in this chapter are
derived from a telephone interview. Clayton may be contacted
through Steve Trullinger’s ministry. For more information see
Trullinger’s Website at
4. Exodus, chapters 7-10.

Shifting Shadows of Power

5. 1 Samuel 2.
6. 1 Kings 18.
7. Acts 8:9-25.
8. Richard J. Foster, The Challenge of the Disciplined Life. (New York:
HarperCollins Publishers, 1985), 201-207.
9. Mahesh Chavda, The Hidden Power of the Blood of Jesus. (Shippens-
burg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, 2004), 105. Mahesh and Bonnie
Chavda are prolific authors and power brokers of the Holy Spirit. For
more information see their Website at:

Chapter 3
Revelatory Power of
Psychics and Mediums

Occult beliefs and themes appear to be so imbedded in modern society

that it seems an impossible task to separate them. In fact, many naïve Chris-
tians also buy into those beliefs, consult the occasional psychic or Tarot card
reader, focus on astrology, and become confused, believing that all power is
God’s power. But is it? How can you tell whether psychic power comes from
God? Sometimes, you can’t. Where does their revelatory power come from?
That, too, is not simple to discern.
Why are so many people in every generation gravitating toward the occult?
The pressure to find some solace after heart-wrenching life events and the de-
sire to know what lies ahead propels many into the arms of psychic readers and
mediums. Eventually, they discover that they had either consulted charlatans
or gifted psychics who transmitted more than they bargained for.
According to Christian prophet John Paul Jackson in an article posted on
his Streams Ministries Website,
“Our culture today is obsessed with witchcraft, astrology, necromancy,
sorcery, and spiritism. We live in a time when the lost, often unwittingly, ‘ex-
change the truth of God for the lie’ (Romans 1:25 NKJV). Scripture foretold


of this time: ‘For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and
wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect’ (Mark 13:22 NKJV).
“Sadly, it is often people who are at their lowest point who are the most
vulnerable to this deception. As time marches on, the visibility of psychics
and occult practitioners will grow. As times crescendo toward instability,
there will be an increased demand to know what lies ahead. Consequently,
people will look to either the occult or to God for the answers.” 1
Kris Vallotton, associate pastor and prophetic minister of Bethel Church
in Redding California, has had many encounters with psychics who flock to
Northern California’s diverse New Age climate. He believes that many who
gravitated toward the occult were tormented or traumatized when they were
children and were open to any spiritual experience that offered them power.
As they enter deeper into occult-based revelation, they eventually realize that
the spirits that initially enticed them with love and peace transformed into
entities that were out to control and torment. “The goal of every demonic
spirit is to kill, steal, and destroy and they will get into someone’s life through
any means. Once they get in you can’t get them out unless you have Jesus,” he
said, and related the following story. 2
Flying home from a conference, Kris and his wife found themselves sit-
ting next to a woman who looked like an ordinary, everyday housewife. “She
was acting normal but I could feel this whole spiritual thing surrounding her
that felt like a suicidal entity on her.”
The woman picked up a book with Asian writing on the cover and Kris,
by this time convinced that the seating arrangements on this flight were a di-
vine appointment, asked her what the book was about. She replied that she
was a Buddhist; the book was about Buddhism. She also told him that she
was trained as a psychic by the psychic network.
“I leaned over to her and said, ‘So you’re a psychic huh? That spirit guide
you have is a demon and it’s trying to kill you.”
She tried to ignore him and held the book closer to her face pretending to
read. But Kris, gaining more prophetic insight into the woman’s life wouldn’t
let up and said, “Hey, you know why you let that demon in your life when

Revelatory Power of Psychics and Mediums

you were a little girl? Because you were molested when you were about 8
years old.”
The book lowered from her face and she replied, “You are freaking me out.”
Then Kris asked her who John was.
Her voice grew softer as she told him that John was her uncle, the man
who molested her.
“God told me to ask you about the car accident,” he continued.
“Which accident? I’ve been in three accidents in the last 18 months. When
the spirit guide talks to me, I rear end people.”
“It’s trying to kill you and you need to be delivered,” Kris replied.
After a bit more conversation, the woman tried ignoring Kris again and
resumed reading her book. She flipped through several pages and stopped.
Then, she flipped through some more pages and stopped to read, clearly
becoming anxious. Suddenly, she threw the book on the floor of the plane
saying, “This is freaking me out.” She then picked up the book and showed it
to Kris, randomly pointing out on various pages where the author stated in
various ways—“some people need to be delivered because they are tormented
by evil spirits.”
Kris gently asked if he could pray for her. After overcoming her reluc-
tance, he simply prayed, “Holy Spirit, show her that you’re real, that you love
her, and that she is being deceived.”
The woman appeared to fall asleep for about 20 minutes. Then she
opened her eyes looked at Kris and said, “It’s peaceful in here.” Tears pooled
in her eyes as she continued, “I haven’t had peace since I was a little girl.”
In the process of meeting the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) she discovered
that she had been leaning on the devourer (1 Peter 5:8).

The Origins of Psychic Popularity

Madame Helen Blavatsky, born in Russia in 1831, is known as the “mother
of the modern spiritualist movement,” popularizing mediumistic and psychic


powers and merging world religions into what is the foundation of the mod-
ern New Age movement in America.
She claimed to have been born with considerable psychic powers and had
childhood visions of a tall Hindu who eventually materialized in Hyde Park
and became her guru and advisor. She married at the age of 16 and soon after
left her 40-year-old husband, working a variety of odd jobs including a stint
as a bareback rider in the circus and séance assistant. Traveling throughout
the world, Blavatsky studied Eastern religious teachings and philosophies in
India and the Himalayas, eventually making her way back to the U.S. in
1873, at the height of the spiritualist fad sweeping the nation at that time.
While in Vermont, Blavatsky associated with the Eddy brothers who dis-
played brazen psychic powers complete with demonstrations of flying furni-
ture and musical spirits, manifestations that magician Harry Houdini would
later claim devoid of mystic power and mere magic. Blavatsky came up with
a few tricks of her own—channeling spirits and sending flowers and other-
worldly missives raining down on her audience. It was there she met Henry
Steel Olcott. Olcott, along with other newspaper correspondents eager to
please an audience hungry for bizarre supernatural tales, made her a frequent
subject for his articles. Together, they founded the Theosophical Society in
New York City in September 1875.
Oddly enough, the Theosophical Society was founded in the same area of
New York City where Christian revivalist Charles Finney lived from 1830
through 1831, the peak years of The Second Great Awakening. Prayer meet-
ings were crowded almost every night. Conversions and confessions of sin
were frequent. Demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit amazed those
who attended the meetings. Finney’s new approach to evangelism resulted in
the belief that “Heaven on earth” was possible; and the revival movement led
to many secular reform movements including abolition, temperance, public
education, philanthropic endeavors, and the liberation of women who were
encouraged to become missionaries and lay preachers.
The societal changes emerging from the Second Great Awakening unwit-
tingly set the stage for nations to be open to spiritual power, open to laity
rather than solo ministers preaching and ministering in power, and open to

Revelatory Power of Psychics and Mediums

something other than a staid, Calvinist belief and the structure of liturgical
church services.
By the 1850s, the Great Awakening religious fervor had died down. Many
Victorians began rejecting conventional religion and spiritualism flowed into
the spiritual void of America and Europe. The religious climate of America
had been primed to experience increasing spiritual power but lacked a cohe-
sive structure to sustain either a revival of Christianity or a revival of occult
By 1880, spiritist’s parlor tricks like table lifting, mysterious tapping,
channeling the voice of the dead, and levitation lost their entertainment
value. Blavatsky and Olcott moved to India and established a Theosophical
headquarters there until her psychic abilities and manifestations were dis-
credited by both the Indian “Masters” and the British Society for Psychical
Research. [The BSPS and its American counterpart (American Society for
Psychical Research) have attracted some brilliant leaders in arts and sciences
who “investigate” the paranormal usually from a point of view sympathetic
to Theosophical beliefs. Counted among the early leaders are 12 Nobel
prizewinners, Fellows of the Royal Society, psychologists William James,
Carl Jung, and Sigmund Freud, and writers such as Robert Louis Stevenson,
Mark Twain and Walt Whitman.]
However, Blavatsky was not deterred and merely moved to England and
launched into writing her voluminous works, upon which the foundation of
the Theosophical society still rests.
Blavatsky tried to disentangle herself from occult labels that connoted an
antichristian bias and a bent toward evil and developed a theoretical frame-
work borrowed from Hindu mysticism, the Jewish cabala, myths of Atlantis,
and European neoplatonism—all wrapped up in one Gnostic package. Her
writings offered the world a systematic, quasi-academic approach to the study
of paranormal phenomena and made spiritualism intellectually appealing. She
established the foundation upon which all occult mysticism and 20th-century
expressions of New Age practices have built their particular kingdoms.


The term “theosophy” is derived from the Greek words theos, meaning
God, and sophia, meaning wisdom. True Theosophists hold that the divine
higher self of every mortal man is of the same essence of the gods. Prove the
soul of man by its wondrous powers and you have proved God. In short, man
can not only be god but is god. Karma and reincarnation are part of their
foundational beliefs, but they believe we do not regress back into animals
after we die. Instead, they believe that people review their past and rest for
awhile before reincarnating into successive lives. Pagan religions and wor-
ship of the earth, the sun, solstices, and nature rites are also included in her
writings. To Theosophists, the religions of the world are branches on the tree
whose trunk is the one ancient—once universal—wisdom religion. Periodi-
cally, great teachers (Buddha, Jesus, Dali Lama, etc.) come among us to help
us on our evolutionary path. Each creating another branch on the tree.
The fundamental principles of Theosophy are: to form a universal broth-
erhood of humanity, encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy
and science, and to investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers la-
tent in humans. Much of the foundational belief system hinges on the survival
of consciousness after death, giving rise to the popularity of those psychics who
can contact the dead, psychics who can prove their theories.
Tapping into the higher self and reaching into other places of existence
seemed to attract those who sought to develop their paranormal faculties.
Suddenly the quest for power and control over life became accessible to those
who would be gods through exercising the “latent power” in all humans. It is
this Theosophical foundation that undergirds today’s New Age teachings,
Wiccan and pagan religions, and development of occult-related games, chil-
dren’s books, classic literature, and modern television programs.

How Psychics and Mediums Access Revelatory Power

Strangely, the teachings about all humans having a latent ability to mani-
fest signs and wonders, channel spirits from the dead, see visions, supernatu-
rally heal the sick, move objects telepathically, astral travel, and all the other
mystical manifestations, are not confined to psychics and modern expressions
of theosophy. What is the difference between the origins of psychic power

Revelatory Power of Psychics and Mediums

and how can you tell if someone is accessing the power of God, the power of
their soul, or demonic power?
Psychic researchers have long claimed that man is capable of training himself
to experience increasing abilities of clairvoyance (the ability to see distant or
hidden objects), telepathy (ability to transfer thoughts), precognition (ability to
see future events), and psychokinesis (ability to manipulate objects mentally).
Many Christians believe that Adam, original man, had unlimited cog-
nitive and paranormal abilities. Given his direct access to God and his ca-
pacity to manage a vast garden and name all of the animals, they reason
that he must have commanded an unlimited memory, be able to see remote
places and events mentally, and teleport himself to other places, among
other powers.
After the fall and Adam was booted out of the garden, many believe that
those mental powers were removed from humans or they lapsed into
dormancy. Fallen angels and creatures like demons, however, retained the
ability to counterfeit miracles and power.
Christian author Watchman Nee in his book The Latent Power of the
Soul, wrote that he believed that many of Adam’s original capabilities re-
main buried deep in our minds. As generations passed, Adam’s spiritual
and cognitive power became a latent force in our lives. Yet it is not a power
to be tapped into. According to Nee, “The work of the devil nowadays is to
stir up man’s soul [in order] to release this latent power within it as a decep-
tion for spiritual power.” 3
Nee believes that God invites us to call on the power of the Holy Spirit
rather than draw upon our own soul power. The enemy, satan, hopes to sub-
stitute realities that call for man to rely on soul power as a deceptive alterna-
tive to the power of the Holy Spirit.
The draw toward power then, is a draw toward one of two sources of
power—either God’s power or satan’s power. The mind of man is therefore
neutral until swayed into exercising and developing the power of one’s soul
through demonic influence or reaching out for the power of the Holy Spirit.


Modern brain imagery and research into the inner workings of the
brain suggest that we are capable of forming new neural pathways in
response to stimuli. In other words, we learn as we go forward rather than
tapping into ancient or latent neural paths. We become like the one we
behold. Demonic influence or Holy Spirit power encounters establish new
thought processes, memories, and ways of accessing spiritual power as we
are exposed to new stimuli.
Patricia King, a prophet whose ministry teaches people how to grow in
their revelatory insight and understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven, offers
an explanation of the difference between the power of the soul or mind, and
the difference between accessing the power of God and demonic.

“The big issue is source. A psychic is either trusting in their own

psyche or in demonic power. Their own minds can pick up energy
in the mindwave. They don’t necessarily have to have a demon
feeding them information. Business people get a read on others all
of the time. When I was nursing I could get an intuitive sense of
when people were in cardiac arrest.

“The demonic is another source…a false source. Anything to do

with spiritual activity [using their own psyche or demonic
power] is a forbidden practice in Scripture. In Genesis 1, God
gave man stewardship over the natural realm—not the endorse-
ment to start manipulating the spiritual realm. When you go
into unseen realms outside the operation of Christ you are oper-
ating in witchcraft. If the source is outside Jesus it is a forbidden
practice.” 4

The Marks of Demonic Revelation

Psychics want to come across as loving and as offering their gift for the
good of the world. In many cases however, their love actually projects manip-
ulation and control, preys on vulnerability and offers a different spiritual
message than offered by the God of authentic power and love.

Revelatory Power of Psychics and Mediums

Teachings common to psychic practitioners tend to confuse those with no

religious background, along with Christians who are unfamiliar with the
teachings of the Bible and the power inherent in the Trinity. Four common
teachings derived from theosophical roots include:
1. All spiritual power is the Holy Spirit;
2. All humans have latent psychic power;
3. There is no such thing as sin and guilt;
4. We are gods.
Psychics must reduce the biblical prophets to the role of psychics and deny
the deity of Jesus Christ in order to maintain their hold on their audience and
their position of power. They stand in direct opposition to the truths main-
tained by devout Christians and seek to demote the resident power of Jesus
Christ in all who align themselves with Him—to mere expressions of occult
power available to all. Those powers, many believe, are latent powers of the
mind that anyone can tap into.
Sin and guilt have no place in the writings of psychics because having
acknowledged sin and guilt, they must acknowledge a remedy for them.
Instead, they play on people’s emotions, unresolved guilt and grief, and the
confusion and pain resulting from tormented lifestyles steeped in sex, drugs,
and materialism—and they make a decent living doing so. They offer no
healing for grief, no lasting relief from their pain, and no direct God
Given the power psychics have access to—through their latent abilities and
through the occult—they really have no need for one God and traditional
rules and regulations associated with that God (namely, not to consult medi-
ums or practice indiscriminate sex). Instead, they believe that they are gods
with all of the power to rule themselves as they see fit, including power to ma-
nipulate the environment around them and the wills of others.

Why Not?
Why not consult psychics and mediums? After all, many reason, it’s only
entertainment. Mediums, spiritists, and occult practitioners are as ancient as


the dust we walk on. So why is the Bible so adamantly against consulting
them or getting involved with their beliefs and actions?
In Leviticus 19:31 God warns people not to turn to mediums or spirits. In
Isaiah 8:19, God admonishes His people not to consult the spirits of the dead.
And in Deuteronomy 18:10-12, we read, “…who consults the dead—is de-
testable to the Lord….” And when the Lord is angry, time is up, game over.
Saul received his death sentence as a result of seeking out the witch of Endor
(1 Sam. 28). King Ahaziah also received a death sentence for consulting an
idol (2 Kings 1,2). Obviously, God does not like competition.
According to German theologian Kurt Koch, “All magic and divinatory
practices are viewed in the Old Testament from the standpoint of the first
commandment. The Israelite is not, in the first place, dealing with asherah
images, or hobgoblins, or even with demons, but he is called with all of his
heathenish practices before the bar of God. He must choose whether Yahweh
is his Lord or not. He must occupy himself with the reality of God, not the
existence of spirits or demons. Magic in the Old Testament is therefore not a
matter of demons, but a matter which has to do with God.” 5
The Bible speaks of familiar spirits (which may be what mediums are seeing
and channeling rather than the actual dead relatives), demonic spirits that are
bent on deception and destruction, higher and lesser demons that have varying
degrees of power, and gives Christians authority over the demons—not the
other way around. God’s power, ultimately, is greater.
The Old Testament speaks of the dead as messengers of God while at the
same time, condoning the practice of consulting them. The witch of Endor
was surprised when she conjured up not just the familiar spirit of the prophet
Samuel but Samuel himself who rose up to speak to Saul. Perhaps she was
surprised because she discovered that God’s power was a power that could ac-
tually raise the dead while her power was limited to consulting familiar spir-
its—those spirits that had attached themselves to humans while they were
alive and could so mimic their voice and access their “memories.”
The New Testament also rejects the idea that the dead are to be sent as
messengers of God. The rich man in Luke 16 asked God to send the dead to

Revelatory Power of Psychics and Mediums

speak with his friends and relatives about the truth of salvation. He was met
with the answer in verse 29: “They have Moses and the prophets; let them listen
to them.” Koch believes that the underlying message is that those who are liv-
ing have access to the Word of God. That is where they can learn God’s will,
discover the deeper meaning to life’s questions, and draw closer to the hidden
secrets of the Kingdom of God.
Yet the New Testament is also full of mysteries, speaking frequently of ap-
pearances of dead people—those who may be referred to as the cloud of wit-
nesses surrounding us in Hebrews 12:1 whose faith is meant to inspire us to
persevere. On the mount of transfiguration Elijah and Moses come and talk
with Jesus (Matthew 17:1-3), and afterward Jesus talks about his impending
death and resurrection as if that was the topic of their conversation. Also, in
Matthew 27:51-53 we read of those who stepped forth from their graves in
the city immediately after Jesus’ death:
At that moment, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to
bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and
the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They
came out of the tombs, and after Jesus’ resurrection they went into the
holy city and appeared to many people.
The fact that they were holy people who appeared to many people can lead to
two blatant conclusions. The first is that they were famous believers who cur-
rently form the “great cloud of witnesses” and that they may appear to people.
The second is based on Old Testament Scriptures (such as the case of Saul ask-
ing the witch of Endor to summon the prophet Samuel) emphatically stating
that we are not to summon or seek those who are dead. Yet Jesus, having all au-
thority in Heaven and on earth, can release them to talk to us as He wills.
The Kingdom of God is manifest in healing and deliverance throughout
the New Testament. Occult and demonic power is seen as creating greater
psychological bondage and physical disease. Read through any of the stories
of the healings and miracles of Christ and you will see the connection
between the authentic power of love to set a person free and the clash of
power that seeks to keep a person crippled in body and mind. God reveals
through Jesus Christ that He is against demonic power yet seeks to save and


heal the lost who are caught in its grip. While God hates His people to consult
mediums or seek out occult power, the battle is not against us. The battle is
against that which seeks to destroy us—satan. To seek out occult power and
the demonic kingdom and join their beliefs is to choose against love, joy, and
authentic power.
After truly tasting the marks of power that come from God—love, joy,
healing, and freedom—why turn to a counterfeit that seeks to control and
manipulate, offers depression and personality fragmentation? Why would a
loving God allow it? To love the Lord with all of your heart and mind and
soul is to turn away from opposing power and seek the face of God alone.
Part of the strategy of the enemy is to call God’s love controlling and satan’s
love freeing. Those who have not tasted of God’s authentic love and power
cannot possibly know the difference.
Displays of power form both kingdoms…one offers false power, a coun-
terfeit to the true or authentic power of God. For every paranormal New Age
activity in this world there is a corresponding authentic activity found in the
Kingdom of God that makes satan’s power look like flashy magic tricks con-
ducted by a jealous adolescent. Until authentic power displayed through
God’s prophets, healers, and new creation power brokers infuses society, peo-
ple will continue to turn toward the only source of power they see—occult
and paranormal power displayed through television and in New Age circles.

A Word of Challenge
In our quest for the truth about who’s got authentic power you will find
three distinct paths open to you:
The first is to reject Christian beliefs and explore the path of the occult,
consult mediums and delve into New Age teachings to determine for your-
self the source of authentic power.
The second is to journey into darkness out of curiosity.
And the third, is to accept the fact that authentic power far surpasses
counterfeit power and is the inheritance of every believer.

Revelatory Power of Psychics and Mediums

Those who follow the first path—reject Christ and seek occult power—are
in grave danger and should heed the warning of Koch:
“Those involved in occult practices who do not come to a decision with
regard to the question of God and of Christ stand under judgment, fall
under the power of nothingness, of chaos, and end up in dependence on the
powers of darkness. The converse is also true: those who accept Christ as
Lord stand in the company of the Victor who came to destroy the works of
the devil (1 John 3:8). 6
Those who seek the second path—journeying into darkness out of curios-
ity—should heed the warning of prophet Jim Goll:
“Be careful with your curiosity. Is it the Holy Spirit who is leading you
into this new experience? Is it your soulish desires or is it divine initiative?
Are you being led by your passion for Jesus or is an enticing spirit leading you
toward darkness by pulling on your curiosity? Many people have found
themselves drawn toward the occult for the purpose of ‘learning the enemy’s
devices,’ and end up entangled in deception. The fruit is distinctly different.
With an enticing spirit you are left ‘beat up’ and discouraged. When God is
your guide on the journey of the supernatural, you are left enlightened and
empowered.” 7
Those who seek the third path—accept the fact that authentic power far
surpasses counterfeit power and is the inheritance of every believer—will
find great challenges ahead. It is this third path that many may find most dif-
ficult because great power releases great responsibility, calls for increasing ac-
countability, and demands an ability to hide oneself in the refuge of intimacy
with Jesus as the battle rages on toward the close of this age.
Why should we care about psychics and mediums, marks of authentic
power, and marks of the demonic? As we move toward the close of this age,
Scripture reveals that the shifting shadows of supernatural power will in-
creasingly clash. The darkness will grow darker. But will the light grow
brighter? You are the light of the world. The light of Jesus Christ should be
glowing ever brighter within you. As Cooke writes in the Foreword, as
prophetic people we live in the light, walk in the light, and bask in the light of all


that God is to His people. [We] live with upturned faces to a God who perpetually
lifts up the light of His countenance over His people. God smiles, and we look to
Him and our faces are radiant.
If we are not overwhelmed by the love of God, locked away in the heart of
God’s affection looking to Him with radiant faces, how can the light of the
world shine through us? How can we touch the blackness and invade it? We
cannot. And so we should care, very much, about not only who has the
power, but who has the light shining ever brighter, reflecting His glory to a
dark, dark world.
In this present and future spiritual battle where a plethora of gods, false
power brokers, and demonic power sources seeks to rule and reign, we are
faced with the central question the prophet Elijah called out—If God is God,
follow Him! Making God radiant to everyone you meet is part of the plan for
your life and the key strategy for defeating the dark lord operating through
the occult.


1. Excerpted from the article, “Are We Creating Christian Psy-

chics?” written by John Paul Jackson and posted on his Streams
Ministries Website at Jackson has
written many books on the prophetic ministry and focuses his
ministry on dream symbolism and use of dream interpretation in
prophetic evangelism.
2. Quotes and information about Kris Vallotton cited in this chapter
are derived from a telephone interview. For more information about
Vallotan see his church Website at
3. Watchman Nee, The Latent Power of the Soul. (New York: Christian
Fellowship Publications, 1972), 44, 19-20.
4. Quotes and information about Patricia King are derived from a tele-
phone interview.

Revelatory Power of Psychics and Mediums

5. Dr. Kurt E. Koch, Christian Counselling and Occultism. (Grand

Rapids, MI: Kregal Publications, 1972), 269.
6. Ibid., 273.
7. Jim and Michal Goll, Encounters with a Supernatural God. (Shippens-
burg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, Inc., 1998), 175. The Golls are
prolific authors and worldwide mentors in the prophetic gifts, inter-
cession, and intimacy with Christ. For more information about their
ministry see
* Information about Blavatsky was derived from Francine Horn-
berger’s book The World’s Greatest Psychics. (New York, New
York: Citadel Press, 2004), as well as the Theosophical Society’s
* Information about Blavatsky and Olcott was derived from the
Theosophical Society’s website
* For information about both the BSPR and ASPR societies, see the
online encyclopedia Wikipedia at

Chapter 4
Revelatory Power of
True and False Prophets

Seers peering into the visionary shadows and prophets gazing into the stars
divining the future, speaking of things to come have always titillated the public.
The three most publicized “prophets” who captured the attention of popular
culture in past decades claimed the capacity to peer into the future. They also all
claimed to be Christians: one professed to be a Christian Sunday School teacher;
and another claimed to be a prophet of God, doing the Lord’s work, empowered
by the same spirit that worked through Isaiah and John the Baptist. Many who
watched and listened to these prophets and seers believed their power to be au-
thentic. Over time, however, the true source of their power revealed itself.
Who is an authentic prophet? How can you tell if someone is operating
from a demonic power source? What is the source of their revelation? Let’s
look at a few of the most famous prophets and seers in history and contempo-
rary Christian prophets ministering today. The answers may surprise you.

Nostradamus, Cayce, and Dixon

Michel Nostradamus was a 16th-century French physician, the first son of
a large and educated Jewish family that converted to Christianity when


Nostradamus was just a boy. During a plague that swept Europe, he gained a
reputation as a gifted healer. Ironically, it was a plague that took the lives of
his first wife and daughter. Devastated by the loss, he focused more on
astrology and began to see his first visions. Most of his visions were written in
poetic form of four-line verses in groups of 100. Many readers believe the
writing was deliberately obscure to allegedly prevent persecution. Those who
study his verses believe that Nostradamus predicted the rise of Hitler and
World War II, the fall of New York’s twin towers on September 11, 2001, and
numerous world events before and between. Tabloid newspapers continue to
reprint doctored translations of his poetic prophesies attributing his
predictions of specific events—usually after the fact. Many find the words of
Nostradamus so cryptic that they could mean almost anything. One thing all
readers can agree on—the revelatory poetics are all about doom and gloom.
The visions he wrote about and historic accounts of his personal life
(which I will not go into here), reflected not only the depressed state of the
prophet but a budding psychosis evidenced in his fractured relationships and
in the whisperings and mutterings of obscure speech.
Isaiah, the Old Testament prophet, speaks about this process of psycholog-
ical disintegration in prophets who draw on the darkness of occult power
rather than the authentic power of God—a power who speaks clearly to all,
with revelations based on the Word of God which imparts the light of dawn.
When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and
mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the
dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they
do not speak according to this word they have no light of dawn. Dis-
tressed and hungry, they will roam through the land; when they are
famished; they will become enraged and, looking upward, will curse
their king and their God. Then they will look toward the earth and see
only distress and darkness and fearful gloom, and they will be thrust
into utter darkness (Isaiah 8: 19-22).
Nicknamed “the sleeping prophet” in news articles, Edgar Cayce was
born in Hopkinsville, Kentucky in 1877, a time when religious revival meet-
ings swept through the area. Raised as a Christian with a deep interest in

Revelatory Power of True and False Prophets

reading the Bible, his dream as a child was to become a medical missionary.
By the age of 6 he told his parents he could see visions and occasionally talk to
relatives who had died. At the age of 13, he had a vision that transformed his
life. In the vision, a beautiful woman appeared before him and asked what he
wanted most in life. He replied that more than anything, he wanted to help
others—especially sick children.
Shortly after, Cayce received every struggling schoolboy’s dream: any
school book he placed under him while he slept caused a photographic mem-
ory of the entire contents of the book. He discovered that he could sleep on
any book, paper, or document and repeat every word no matter that the con-
tents were—even if beyond the scope of his limited education. The gift grad-
ually faded, though, as Cayce left school to assist his uncle on the family farm.
He continued attending church, married, fathered two children, worked
steadily as a photographer, and eventually became a popular Sunday school
teacher who could make the Bible come alive for his listeners.
Later in life, Cayce attended a hypnotist’s show and, after repeated
attempts to use hypnosis to cure his long struggle with laryngitis, he
discovered that while in a hypnotic state, he received information that would
cure him. After he regained his speech, he recognized a newfound ability to
enter a hypnotic state and give medical readings—diagnosing and giving
prescriptive cures for those with a variety of illnesses. For most of his adult life,
he was able to put himself into a sleep state and answer virtually any question
posed to him in what became initially known as “psychic readings.” Initially,
the information dealt with medical problems and solutions. Eventually, he
branched out into such topics as meditation, dream interpretation, and
predicting future events. He drifted from his Christian faith as his “life
readings” began to reflect many of the themes and terminology inherent in
theosophy such as past lives, the person’s potential and purpose in the present,
the lost continent of Atlantis and its influence on other cultures, and higher
levels of consciousness or latent power of the mind to tap into the “collective”
spiritual realm.
Both his healing gift and predictions stunned and amazed the nation. He
claimed to predict the beginning and end of both World War I and World


War II, the lifting of the Depression in 1933, and the coming holocaust in Eu-
rope. Even still, his other predictions are reflected in today’s world events as
distinct possibilities—namely, that China would become a cradle of Chris-
tianity, that Russia would be a leader in freedom and from Russia would
come “the hope of the world” (a type of the antichrist), and the possibility of
World War III arising in the Middle East.
In 1944, he collapsed from exhaustion and soon afterward he died.
To this day, many believe the source of his power was rooted in the
authentic power of Christ. A closer look at his childhood experiences reveal
otherwise. Early childhood experiences of visions, conversations with dead
relatives, and a beautiful spirit woman do not present a revelation of Jesus
Christ or a calling to glorify Jesus. Instead, the experiences reveal a
successful demonic attempt to seduce him into a spiritual realm that was
distinctly not in keeping with his Biblical upbringing, and sway him away
from the religious revival of his youth. Had someone taught him in church
that he was not to consult the dead; something about the difference between
angels, demons, and familiar spirits; that spirits are to be tested; and that
Jesus Christ is the only legal source of authentic power and vision; perhaps
Cayce could have been one of the most authentic Christian prophets of the
last century. The demonic had clearly intervened to make sure that Cayce
would not come into the fullness of his calling as a true prophet and become
their worst enemy.
Instead of releasing authentic gifts of healing—not through trances but in
full conscious awareness of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit—he
fell into deception and became controlled by occult power. The more Cayce
gave himself over to the dissociative trance state, the more he found himself
under the control of demonic spirits who sought to influence listeners into
new ways of thinking rooted in Eastern religions and theosophic founda-
tions. One of the marks of demonic power is to bind people into new ways of
thinking, taking away their freedom. Rather than being remembered as a
true prophet, Cayce may be remembered in history as the greatest false
prophet the U.S. has seen to date…a prophet operating from demonic spirits
whose mission was to shift the shadows of darkness over the light of the

Revelatory Power of True and False Prophets

power of Christ and establish revelation derived from occult sources into the
mainstream of the nation.
With the rise of tabloid journalism in the 1950s and ’60s, Jeane Dixon be-
came the media darling of her day. She claimed to be a prophet of God, doing
the Lord’s work, empowered by the same spirit that worked through Isaiah
and John the Baptist. Instead, she was an amateur astrologer with a strong
record of failed predictions that were blatantly ignored by media eager to en-
tertain readers with New Year psychic predictions. Some of her predictions
were accurate. The one she is most famous for is her alleged prediction of the
assassination of John F. Kennedy, a prediction that some believe was actually
a myth perpetuated by the media.
Her book, A Gift of Prophecy, published in 1952, reveals the distinctly occult
source of her revelation—a large and wise snake, its eyes looking toward the
East. She felt that this snake represented all wisdom and that it told her she
must look to the East for revelation. She also believed that this snake would
bring peace on earth, good will, and great knowledge. (Apparently, she had
never read about the snake in the Garden of Eden or she may have come into
a new interpretation of her vision.) Dixon’s fame as a prophet and her contri-
bution to American culture lay in popularizing astrology and firmly entrench-
ing it into mainstream society. She also shifted the shadows of darkness over
the biblical origins and gifts of true prophecy.
Many believe that those who operate in prophetic and visionary gifts in the
manner of Cayce and Nostradamas are people who have a genuine prophetic
gift but it is not accessed through Christ and, as a result, is not sanctified.
According to Christian prophet Paul Keith Davis, Nostradamas, Cayce,
and contemporary media psychic John Edward are among those who are ac-
cessing genuine supernatural revelation. “Nostradamus had real informa-
tion that could only have come from the supernatural realm; but he found a
way to access outside Christ,” Davis said. “In John 10, Jesus said He is the
gate for the sheep, that there are those who don’t come through Me, but
come over the fence or climb in through some other way. He is saying that
there is an access way into the spirit and He is the only legal access to that
realm. Those who do come over the fence, rather than through Jesus, are


robbers and thieves. They didn’t submit that gift to the Lord. Anyone who
doesn’t come through Him as gatekeeper to the source of revelation and
shepherd of the sheep is polluted.” 1 Davis believes that many others like
Cayce access that revelatory realm illegally and have true prophetic gifts that
are totally polluted by the occult.
Davis also believes that those who begin operating out of illegally gained
revelation can turn to the Lord and find themselves ministering out of au-
thentic power. “Lots of people are born with revelatory and spiritual gifts.
We have lost so many spiritual gifts to the world,” he said, citing musicians
like Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan in addition to contemporary psychics. “But
they were never sanctified and used to feed the people of God.
“Psalms 74:14 talks about sanctifying spiritual gifts. Only when the gift
is submitted to Jesus is the head, or demonic source, cut off. Once the head,
or demonic source, has been cut off from the gift, it then becomes food for
the people.”

Contemporary Christian Prophets and Seers

There would be no counterfeit prophets if there were not also true ones.
According to Scripture, true prophets are those who speak forth the mind of
God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament, God’s
people abdicated their desire to hear God for themselves and deferred to
Moses and the prophets. In the New Testament, all believers in Jesus Christ
may be indwelt with the Holy Spirit and have been given the ability to proph-
esy (1 Cor. 14:39). All contemporary, Holy Spirit filled believers are able to
prophesy by faith and can learn the ways that God speaks as well as increase
in the ability to prophesy. In a sense, this means everyone has the privilege
and the obligation to hear from God for themselves.
Unfortunately, both Christians and non-Christians find themselves either
apathetic about the gifts of the Holy Spirit or the role of prophets in society or
worse still, they find themselves confused by the interplay of shadows on the
true Light of God’s power.
Rick Joyner writes in his book The Prophetic Ministry:

Revelatory Power of True and False Prophets

One reason there is such an increase in demonic activity in the area

of supernatural experiences is to confuse the church so that she will
reject the real gifts and experiences which the Lord is restoring to
her. Satan knows that these are essential to the accomplishing of
God’s purposes in this last hour, and he can be expected to do all he
can to muddy these waters. The best way for us to help clear up the
mess he is making is to find the pure source of the stream. 2
So what is the true source of the stream and who in that stream is exhibit-
ing authentic power today?
A tall, respectable looking prophet named Paul Cain stands before the
crowd reciting names or addresses of various people then gives them a
prophetic word about their futures. Any skeptic would claim the “prophet”
just scanned the registration list and his prodigious memory enabled him to
recite what he saw. However, Cain called out one couple by their formal
names, not the nicknames given on the registration list. And the address of
another was not his current address—but rather a former address where
events had taken place known only to the man standing, weeping as he re-
ceived emotional healing and affirmation that there is a God who calls him
by name and notes every place where he had ever lived.
Another prophet, Bob Jones, sits nonchalantly in his modest home. He re-
ceives angelic visitors and experiences visions from God about people who are
going to cross paths and enter into ministry together; warnings about spiritual
and relational attacks about to occur in a pastor’s life, coming diseases that are
drug resistant, future terrorist attacks, earthquakes, and out-of-season snow
storms. The weather prophesies merely illustrate and give credence to the real
prophetic word—usually a word of warning. He claims his hands can tell a lot
about a person’s destiny, the feelings in his fingers note the specific ministry
calling in an individual’s life.
There appear to be as many types of Christian prophets in the world today
as there are personalities and purposes. Jill Austin, founder of Master Potter
Ministries, is attuned to seeing angels and releases prophetic words and the
presence of God to rooms full of people, encouraging a deeper level of


creativity to flow through the lives of audience members—many of whom

are artists and musicians.
Patricia King takes her prophetic gift and students from her prophetic
evangelism schools into the streets, reaching out to drug addicts, alcoholics,
street walkers, and the homeless. King and her students set up booths at fairs
and sit in coffee shops offering “spiritual readings.” They interpret dreams,
reveal a word of destiny or affirmation, and invite them to accept Jesus into
their lives in the process. Juanita Bynum leans heavily on prophetic preaching
and singing to get her message to national audiences of all races.
John Paul Jackson specifically focuses his prophetic gift in the area of
dream interpretation. During conferences, he either invites specific individu-
als to stand and receive a gentle prophetic word that unlocks the secrets of
their hearts, or he invites people to talk about specific dreams and interprets
them on the spot—giving the deeper meanings that reveal heart issues and
spiritual callings.
Kim Clement, a South African, prophesies while he plays the keyboards.
Packaging his gift this way captivates the ones he seeks to draw into deeper
relationship with Christ and passion for the Kingdom of God—those enam-
ored by Hollywood-style entertainment and today’s youth.
Graham Cooke, from England, focuses his public prophetic style on re-
leasing a deeper revelation of the nature of God into the hearts of his listeners;
and acts as a prophetic church consultant for pastors around the world.
Each expresses different styles for different audiences—trying to release
their gifts in every generation, in every nation of the world to unlock the des-
tinies and specific purposes for individuals, communities, and countries.
Where did they come from? And how can you tell the difference between a
true and false prophet who is tapped into the source of authentic power?
Prophets have hidden in the woods trying to blend into the ecclesiastic forest
or lived in inner caves, their gifting kept in the dark until called out by the Lord.
These solo voices have emerged during every generation only to find themselves
ultimately driven back into hiding for a variety of reasons—poor relational
skills, inability to interpret their wild visions in a way a church audience can

Revelatory Power of True and False Prophets

receive, criticism from churches whose biblical views excluded modern

prophets, false reports about their source of power being demonic, and jealousy,
among other problems. Most church movements simply did not know what to
do with them, until the 1970s. And even then, many decried the prophetic
movement in the modern Charismatic church as “Charismatic witchcraft.”
Others began treating prophets as “Christian psychics” and pushed toward
them in hopes of receiving a “word” that would enable them to rise above their
circumstances and change the course of either their life or their work.
While many African-American churches and Pentecostal churches have
embraced the role and title of prophets, the mainstream church has been slow
to accept this concept. Some authors, like John Sandford, began writing
about the prophetic movement long before it was popular. Sandford’s book,
The Elijah Task, provides a foundational framework for understanding the
revelatory gifts and the roles of prophets in the modern church. As a pastor
and forerunner in developing counseling models that have become integrated
into many churches, he was uniquely qualified to understand the psychologi-
cal and spiritual origins of revelatory experiences.
With the rising influence of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship and inter-
national church renewal movement led by the late John Wimber, many de-
nominational and Charismatic churches found themselves open to the gifts of
the Spirit and experienced power encounters that they never imagined. Sud-
denly, the church came to value prophetic ministry and its role in increasing
faith for healing and evangelism. The stage was set not only for signs and
wonders, power healing and evangelism, but for those with revelatory and
prophetic gifts to come out of hiding.
In the 1980s, two prophets, Paul Cain and Bob Jones, emerged from rela-
tive obscurity and were introduced to both John Wimber and Mike Bickle,
pastor of the Kansas City Fellowship in Missouri. Wimber and Bickle would
eventually extend their platforms of ministry to them, in effect, ushering in a
new prophetic movement on a larger scale than previously received by North
American churches.
During a Spiritual Warfare Conference held at the Anaheim Vineyard
Christian Fellowship in February 1989, Wimber turned the microphone over


to Paul Cain who espoused his beliefs about the last days ministries and a new
breed of believers who would go out in power as a nameless, faceless genera-
tion of healing evangelists giving the glory to God rather than drawing it
unto themselves. He then began to minister prophetically, calling out names
and addresses of individuals and giving what appeared to be accurate
prophetic words to many people.
Those of us listening felt a mixture of awe and shock. Those who were
open to the revelatory realms stated that they experienced a dramatic increase
in their ability to see visions, angels, and understand the secrets in people’s
hearts during conferences where Cain was present. In the months following,
many with prophetic and revelatory gifts expressed with various degrees of
maturity came out of the closet in their respective churches. Clearly a resur-
gence of interest in the revelatory and prophetic gifts, mixed with relief in the
newfound freedom to talk about spiritual experiences characterized the
mood of scores of believers in churches across the nation. Others varied in
their opinions; many were not so enamored.
The following summer, Wimber invited Cain to speak at the Vineyard pas-
tor’s conference held in Denver, Colorado. At that time, the Vineyard move-
ment included 240 churches, mainly in the U.S., and was at a pivotal point in its
development. Many of the leaders, including Wimber, longed for direction, co-
hesion, and a clear vision for the future. The emerging prophets offered much
for them to grasp.
Many pastors cite this conference as pivotal in releasing prophets into the
limelight—a release that detoured them from their original direction but re-
sulted in many pastors’ personal renewal. Bill Jackson, Vineyard pastor and
author, writes extensively about the introduction and aftermath of the
prophetic movement in his book, The Quest for the Radical Middle: A History
of the Vineyard. His personal experience reflects the sentiments of many dur-
ing this time, “The aftermath of the 1989 pastor’s conference was a general
renewal in the movement and in individual lives. I remember coming home
and pursuing God more ardently than at any other time in my life.” 3
Wimber began to share his international platform with Paul Cain and
Mike Bickle on a regular basis. Additional prophets then associated with the

Revelatory Power of True and False Prophets

Kansas City Fellowship—Jim Goll, John Paul Jackson, Bob Jones, and Larry
Randolph—were also given visibility opportunities. Others more loosely af-
filiated with the Kansas City clan, such as Wes and Stacey Campbell, Bobby
Conners, Francis Frangipane, and Rick Joyner, rose to the forefront of many
international platforms as well.
Eventually, a storm of controversy focusing on various individuals, disil-
lusionment about prophesies that didn’t come to pass in expected ways, con-
fusion on the interpretation of prophetic words and visions, questionable
theological foundations and agendas, and concerns regarding prophets’
methodology swirled them off center stage in the Vineyard movement. Once
embracing of the prophetic, Wimber sought to distance himself and return
to neglected values of the Vineyard movement—namely, church planting
through power evangelism and ministry to the poor.
However, the role of prophets and seers, words of knowledge and revelatory
spiritual experiences such as dreams, visions, out-of-body experiences, and
accessing the supernatural realm of Heaven became integrated into not only the
Vineyard movement but the lives of many worldwide through these prophets.
All but one of these prophets are still active in ministry today. Having suffered
through the early days of controversy they have emerged stronger, wiser, more
mature, and more secure in the expression of their particular prophetic and
revelatory gifts. In the process, they paved the way for many to embrace and
express their revelatory gifts in the church and in the world.
The renewed prophetic movement of the 1980s made many people
aware—for the first time—of the existence of prophets both old and new.
Prophets who had been in ministry long before the 1980s gained additional
visibility and a renewed respect, including Bill Hamon, Leanne Payne, and
John Sandford.
Since the 1980s, other prophets have gained visibility in North America
such as Jill Austin, Shawn Boltz, Juanita Bynum, Ian Clayton, Kim Clement,
Graham Cooke, Paul Keith Davis, Ana Mendez-Ferrell, Kingsley Fletcher,
Neville Johnson, Patricia King, Keith Miller, Veter Nichols, Chuck Pierce,
and Kris Vallotton. Today, there are many gifted prophets around the world


working in their spheres of influence who have attained local, regional, na-
tional, or international recognition.

Are There Christian Psychics?

Contemporary Christian prophets are quick to point out that they are not
psychics. John Sandford delineates between the two when he writes:
“What a relief it was to learn that the Lord’s servant is blind. The
Lord’s servant sees nothing occult. He actuates no psychological
sensitivities. He sees no vision or perceptions unless the Holy Spirit
reveals. This fact distinguishes the prophet from [occult-based or
counterfeit] seers. A seer, like Jeane Dixon, is not a prophet. The
seer sees by exertion of his own considerable psychic powers—and
possibly by the assistance of demonic spirits of divination. A
prophet sees only what and when the Lord opens his eyes to see. He
will not peep. A seer commits the first sin of forbidden knowledge.
The seer peers wherever he can and often publishes what ought to
be kept secret. Not so, God’s prophet.” 4
Even though Christian prophets are not psychics, many people pressure
them for words of knowledge, encouragement, and affirmation as if they
were. John Paul Jackson decries this trend that treat prophets as psychics:
“For some reason, the Church has begun to view revelatory people
in the same way as the world views psychics. They believe that
prophetic people should have an answer anytime to anything the
inquirer wants to know. They treat prophetic individuals as if they
were ‘Christian psychics.’

“On several occasions, I have experienced this type of feeding

frenzy. In my immaturity, I succumbed to the demand of hungry
inquirers who were a part of the Body of Christ or who sat in the
pew next to me. However, we do not need to be driven by this

“We as prophetic people are not in competition with occult practi-

tioners. Nor are we to take the place of God, who longs to speak

Revelatory Power of True and False Prophets

individually to each individual through His Holy Spirit. The Lord

gives all of us the assurance that if we call on Him, He will answer
us in ways that will astound us (Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 7:7).

“In the midst of the feeding frenzy for prophetic words, some rev-
elatory-gifted people may wonder how to respond to the demand
facing them. They may ask, ‘If I know the answer to someone’s
question, should I feign ignorance or lie?’…

“From God’s perspective, everything has a proper time or cycle

(Ecclesiastes 3:1). While God may reveal to a prophetic person fu-
ture events or the answer to a problem, it may not be the time to
reveal it. We must walk in the Spirit of Wisdom and discern the
proper times and seasons.

“God, who is all knowing, has granted to us as prophetic people a

sliver of revelation. Therefore, we do not need to appear as
‘prophetic know-it-alls.’ We do not always have to have ‘the’ an-
swer to a question or issue that is posed to us. In fact, one sign of
spiritual immaturity is when we try to answer everything that is
asked of us! Remember, ‘Even a fool is counted wise when he
holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive’
(Proverbs 17:28 NKJV). Usually, a person’s insecurity and need for
recognition causes a person with a prophetic gift to respond pre-
maturely and presumptively.” 5
How do we keep from turning prophets into psychics or becoming de-
ceived by what is spoken to us by a pseudo-prophet or one who is immature
in his or her gift? According to John Sandford, the answer is simple: “Do
your own listening. You may, like me, not understand at the moment what
He is really saying, but what He seeds into you will make sense later.” 6

Revelation Source Fueling Authentic Prophets and Seers

If we are to do our own listening, then we need to shift through the
shadows of deception and determine the source of power speaking to us.
There are spiritual realms and dynamics operating as surely as there are


natural laws of physics. Invisible to the naked eye, most of us can only ob-
serve their effects.
Many psychics and New Age teachings refer to this revelatory realm as
perhaps consisting of seven planes of existence, inhabited by angels, demons,
quantum waves, spirits of the dead, and even god (his and herself).
Many prophetic ministers such as John Paul Jackson and Paul Keith
Davis refer to the spiritual realm as the three heavens, identifying the biblical
references and significance of the heavens as follows:
The earth’s atmosphere is the first heaven.
The second heaven is the “heavenly places” referred to in Ephesians 6:12
as the abode of “spiritual forces of evil.” It is a spiritual domain where satan
resides—a heavenly place that is not as high as God’s dwelling place (Isaiah
14:12-13). Spirit entities in this second heaven have an authority taken from
Adam including deluding influences, and the ability to descend to earth’s at-
mosphere. As a result, some accurate revelation can come from demonic
sources. The key in discerning revelation or prophecy that comes from the
second heaven is determining the nature and the fruit of the revelation: Does
it have love, humility, and charity at its core—or does it come distinctly from
the enemy to prophesy his plans?
God’s abode is heaven itself—referred to as the third heaven in Second
Corinthians 12:1-4 when Paul notes his experience as being caught up into
the third heaven. Whether his experience took place in the body (translating
him into Heaven) or out of the body (as a form of vision), he didn’t know, but
he described it as paradise. God, having given all authority in Heaven and on
earth to Jesus Christ, can dispatch revelatory experiences and angels at will
throughout all of the heavens and earth. He may also catch up believers into
the third heaven and enable them to see and experience the throne room of
God and walk in His Kingdom in Heaven. Those who have authentic
“throne room” experiences undeniably come away with much greater revela-
tion of who Jesus really is and what He is saying to the Church at present. 7
In the words of the late Dr. John White, Christian psychiatrist, “When
you are open to the spiritual realm you are open to the whole shoot bang.” If

Revelatory Power of True and False Prophets

this is true, then it becomes imperative to shift through the shadows of the
second heaven’s revelation so that no one walks in confusion or deceit as to
the source of power behind authentic prophets and seers as opposed to those
who operate from occult or demonic dynamics.

The Holy Spirit and Revelation

The pure source of the stream of prophetic revelation lies within the
presence and power of the Holy Spirit. New Age psychics often refer to the
revelatory spirit realm as “spirit,” “holy spirit,” or “spirit guide” without dis-
tinction. This leads many in their audiences to believe that because the psy-
chic referred to the Holy Spirit, the psychic must be a Christian. Many
Christian ministers also claim the Holy Spirit as their source of revelation
and power but bear little of the nature of Christ when they minister.
How can you tell who has the authentic Holy Spirit-initiated revelation?
Those who refer to the Holy Spirit as a power that is “just another spirit” are
operating under the deceptive revelatory realm of the second heaven. Those
who refer to the Holy Spirit as a person will generally respect the fact that the
power wielded by the prophet is not his or her own but is, in fact, coming
from the Lord God over all spirits.
R.A. Torrey discerns the subtle differences between those who minister
authentically in relationship with the Holy Spirit when he writes:
“If the Holy Spirit is a power, we’ll want to get hold of it. If the
Holy Spirit is a person, we’ll want Him to get hold of us. If the
Holy Spirit is a power, we’ll want it to accomplish our will and
whim. If the Holy Spirit is a divine person, we’ll want to surren-
der more to Him in awe and wonder. If the Holy Spirit is a
power, we’ll be proud we have it and feel superior to those who
do not. If the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person, we’ll be humbled
that in His great love the very Third Person of the Trinity has
chosen to dwell within us.” 8
The fruit of the Holy Spirit can be clearly seen in a true prophet’s ministry
over time. One who knows the Holy Spirit as a Divine Person will receive
and express increasingly authentic power resulting in a personality and life


characterized by: love, humility, restraint, joy, vulnerability, submission, and

freedom from control. They are the same marks of power defined by Richard
Foster and referred to in Chapter 1.
The fruit of one who sees “holy spirit” as just another spirit source of
power exhibits the marks of power that proceed from the occult and demonic
realm resulting in a life characterized by: hate, pride, unbridled displays of
power, depression, jealousy, inability to relate to others or allow others to
speak into their lives, and a desire to control others. They will deny that Jesus
Christ has come in the flesh, died for our sins, was resurrected from the dead,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. They will not acknowledge
that the Holy Spirit of God resides in our midst as comforter, counselor and
one who reminds us of all Jesus says to us in His Word, releasing deeper reve-
lation of the nature of God and the power of God. The ones operating from an
occult power source may claim that it is a gift from God but they are funda-
mentally incapable of giving any glory to Jesus.
A prophet operating in authentic revelation and power knows the Holy
Spirit as a person and may refer to the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of the Lord,
the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Power,
the Spirit of Knowledge and the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:1-3).
The Holy Spirit is also referred to in the Bible as much more than “just
another spirit.” Some of the names, attributes, and capabilities of the Holy
Spirit include:
! Spirit of God who hovered over the face of the waters at creation
(Genesis 1:2)
! Spirit of God who caused Saul to prophecy (1 Samuel 10:10)
! Spirit of God who gave Ezekiel a vision (Ezekiel 11:5)
! Spirit who enabled Joseph and Daniel to interpret dreams and
visions (Genesis 41:12-13; Daniel 1:17)
! Spirit of God who enabled Jesus to cast out demons (Matthew
! Spirit of God who releases revelation and prophesy (Joel 2:28)
! Spirit of the Lord who releases power beyond the might of man
(Zechariah 4:6; Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8; 1 Thessalonians 1:4-5)

Revelatory Power of True and False Prophets

! Spirit who releases revelatory, healing and power gifts (Hebrews

2:4; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11)
! Spirit of guidance (Romans 8:14)
! Spirit who gives rest (Isaiah 63:14)
! Spirit who gives life (John 6:63)
! Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead and can live in you
(Romans 8:18)
! Spirit of the Lord who brings freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17)
! Spirit of God who is holiness (Romans 1:4)
! Spirit of the Living God who makes his Word come alive (2
Corinthians 3:3)
! Spirit of God who gives life through relationship with Him (2
Corinthians 3:1-3)
! Spirit of Adoption in the family of God who releases you from
the bondage of fear (Romans 8:14-15)
! Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the Father (John 15:26)
! Spirit of Jesus who leads us to cry out to the Father (Galatians 4:6)
! Spirit of the Father who descended on Jesus at baptism and
empowered him for ministry, signifying the Father’s approval
and authority (Luke 3:21-22)
! Spirit who inspired the Word of God (2 Peter 1:21)
! Spirit who reveals that Jesus is Lord and enables great revelation
(1 Corinthians 12:3)
! Spirit who reveals the face of God (Ezekiel 39:29)
! Spirit who is the comforter (John 14:16)
! and much, much more.
Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit are endued with power from on
high and have true, authentic gifts of prophesy. In Joel 2:28, the Father prom-
ises, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and your daughters will
prophesy….” And in Acts 1:4, Jesus tells his disciples to wait in Jerusalem
where they would receive on the day of Pentecost the gift the Father prom-
ised—the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is a gift that cannot be bought. Yet all


who operate in the gifts of the Spirit (see 1 Cor. 12) are not necessarily operat-
ing under the authority and anointing of the Holy Spirit.
The shifting shadows of revelation also involve satan masquerading as the
Holy Spirit within various churches and ministries. Derek Prince, Cambridge
Fellow in Ancient and Modern Philosophy and internationally known British
Bible teacher who is considered one of the greatest Christian thinkers of the 20th
Century, explains this phenomenon best as he urges Christians to discern the
difference and recognize who is ministering in the true anointing of God:

“In John 16:13-14 Jesus gives us a glimpse of the Holy Spirit’s min-
istry and activity:
“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you
into all truth: for He will not speak on His own authority [literally:
from Himself] but whatever He hears He will speak: and He will tell
you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is
Mine and declare it to you. (NKJV)

“So we see: the Holy Spirit does not speak from Himself; He has
no message of His own. Isn’t that remarkable? He only reports to
us what He is hearing from the Father and the Son. Secondly, His
aim is not to glorify Himself, nor to attract attention to Himself,
but always He glorifies and focuses attention on Jesus. That is the
second important way to identify the Holy Spirit.

“Now, I want you to listen to this carefully, because it is revolu-

tionary. Any spirit that focuses on the Holy Spirit and glorifies the
Holy Spirit is not the Holy Spirit. It is contrary to His whole na-
ture and purpose. Once you have grasped that, it will open your
eyes to many things which are going on in the church that are oth-
erwise difficult to understand….

“When you recognize the relationship of the Holy Spirit to God

the Father and God the Son, you understand that we never give
orders to the Holy Spirit. When we want the Holy Spirit to do
something, we address our request to the Father or to the Son. 9

Revelatory Power of True and False Prophets

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a gift that is not to be used to make
money, or to attract people into building up the ministries and businesses of
individual Christians, healers, ministers, or prophets. It is a gift that releases
the intimate, personal revelation of the Father and the Son. The gifts of the
Spirit are gifts of power that enable the receivers to be witnesses of Jesus
Christ, to glorify Jesus as Lord and make disciples of all nations (Acts 1:8).
Any other motivation for using the gifts of the Holy Spirit will expose the
Christian prophet or power broker as one who operates either out of an imma-
ture, soulish source of revelation or one given over to the release of demonic
spirits. Whoever treats the Holy Spirit as one responding to their command is
sadly misguided. The spirit that reveals itself in power upon request may not
be the Holy Spirit.

The Purpose of Prophets

Contemporary prophets issue wake-up calls to the Body of Christ, warn of
future events, challenge mediocrity, reveal the shifting shadows of loyalty,
and watch out for shadows of darkness that seek to invade people groups,
churches, and individuals. Their purpose is not to hear the voice of God for
others and issue political and spiritual edicts like Old Testament prophets.
Contemporary prophets are meant to release a desire to magnify and glorify
Jesus Christ, bring maturity in relationship to Him and understanding about
His ways. In fact, this is their main purpose as revealed in Ephesians 4:12-13:
To prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ
may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowl-
edge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole
measure of the fullness of Christ.
Since this is a never-ending task, it looks like God intended the role, or of-
fice, of the prophet to be present until the end of this age. Meanwhile, the
prophetic movement continues to find ways to do what they were called to
do. They are focusing less on point-and-shoot prophecies that make them
look like psychics, and more on training believers to hear the voice of God for
themselves through a proliferation of conferences, schools of the prophets,
and supernatural ministry. And throughout the past couple of decades, the


Charismatic church has been responding to those efforts. So much so, that a
fuller measure of Christ’s power is being manifested through many individu-
als in revelation direct from God through open visions, dreams, and other
ways. The efforts of contemporary prophets have been so successful that in-
stead of calling everyone they’ve trained “prophets” as they attain to a higher
level of faith and knowledge, they are being called simply “revelatory peo-
ple.” The supernatural is becoming super-Natural as individuals assume
their right and their obligation to hear God for themselves.
The need for authentic, seasoned prophets to take up higher positions as
watchmen and mentors will increase as the days get darker and many be-
come enamored with false prophets and miracle workers who try to deceive
even the elect…if that were possible (see Matthew 24:24).
As Christians attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ, many
will be defining and redefining what this fullness will look like. Many are
moving beyond the ability to prophesy, receive accurate revelation about a
person’s past, present, or future, or even heal the sick. They are entering
into a faith level and experience level where they can not only heal the sick
but work the greater works that Jesus said they would do in John 12:14.
Some are going beyond—walking on water, raising the dead, and being su-
pernaturally transported to another location or even Heaven. They are be-
coming not just prophets, not just healers, but new creation power brokers
operating in the fullness of God’s power demonstrated first through the
life of Jesus Christ and now through the lives of “ordinary believers.” And
as ordinary believers, we all have access to the supernatural, revelatory
power of God.


1. Quotes and information about Paul Keith Davis cited in this chapter
are derived from a telephone interview. For more information about
Davis, see his Website at

Revelatory Power of True and False Prophets

2. Rick Joyner, The Prophetic Ministry. (Charlotte, NC: MorningStar

Publications, 1997), 78. Joyner is a prolific author. For more informa-
tion, see his Website at
3. Bill Jackson, The Quest for the Radical Middle—A History of the Vine-
yard. (Cape Town, South Africa: Vineyard International Publishing,
1999), 210. This vastly underrated book contains not only a history of
the Vineyard movement but also includes aspects of the Jesus People
movement and history of the Calvary Chapel movement.
4. John Sandford, The Elijah Task. (Tulsa, OK: victory House, 1977), 87.
5. John Paul Jackson, “Are We Creating Christian Psychics?” See
6. John Sandford, Elijah Among Us. (Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen Books,
2002), 160. For more information about Sandford’s books and Elijah
House ministry see
7. Based on materials from Paul Keith Davis’ White Dove Ministries
Website and material from a tele-
phone interview.
8. R.A. Torrey, The Best of R.A. Torrey. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker,
1990), 23-24.
9. Based on a series of talks given by Derek Prince to his coworkers at
Derek Prince Ministries in March 1996. The original recording of
the series, “Protection from Deception”, is available through Derek
Prince ministries. For more information see
* While many books have been written about Nostradamas, this in-
formation was derived from the Nostradamas Society of America’s
* While many books have been written documenting Cayce’s life,
this information was derived from the online encyclopedia
Wikipedia at

Chapter 5
Supernatural Power of
Healers & Power Brokers

Many people believe that the next generation of Christians and occult
practitioners will find themselves releasing greater measures of power—not
just to prophesy or to heal the sick, but to raise the dead, walk on water, and
miraculously find themselves transported from one place to another instantly.
Their words will be so powerful that a curse will immediately destroy what
was intended. They will be surrounded by either divine or demonic force
fields of anointing. No one will know what to call them. They will likely defy
all descriptions of current ministers. Christians won’t be called merely
prophets, healers, evangelists, pastors, teachers, or anything else. Instead, they
will be Christians so radiant with the love of God that they will walk in an
unprecedented anointing.
As mentioned previously, until this move of God manifests more fully in
North America, people will continue to turn toward the only source of power
they see—occult and paranormal power displayed through television and in
New Age circles. In the meantime, the demonic realm is all too willing to im-
itate the techniques of Jesus, repackage it, and sell it to the masses as authen-
tic and lasting.


Despite the shadows of deception and unbelief lingering in North America,

some Christian leaders are paving the way for a greater light to shine through
believers; and this dawning light will shatter the darkness. They walk in power
overseas and challenge the faith of North American Christians with their sto-
ries and demonstrations of power at conferences. They have inspired a new
generation of believers to engage in showdowns against demonic powers that
seek to enslave the lost, armed with the Word of God and the power of the
Holy Spirit. They are also challenging North American Christians as never be-
fore to recognize that God is the God of unsurpassed power.
As demonstrations of power become more commonplace in North Amer-
ica believers worldwide will be called out of the shifting shadows of loyalty,
out of the grey areas of unbelief, to step into the increasing light of His glory.
We are being called to demonstrate what Graham Cooke describes as a bold-
ness that comes from the heart of God. A confidence so rich it makes anything else
seem like a poverty spirit. As we step out of the shadows of doubt and deception
to embrace the pure presence and power of Jesus Christ, the brilliance of His
light will close out the darkness.

Christian Power Brokers

Christian power brokers and healers, those who know the power of the
Cross to heal and save the lost and experience it first hand in their ministries,
are too numerous to list. Many work in such remote places that their names
are unknown to most of the Western world. In the past decade others have
risen to the forefront of various church arenas recognized for releasing their
anointing. Heidi and Roland Baker, Todd Bentley, Reinhard Bonnke, Ma-
hesh and Bonnie Chavda, Randy Clark, Leif Hetland, Benny Hinn, David
Hogan, and Henry Mandava are among those considered part of the mis-
sionary movement of healers and power brokers who carry not only the
Word of God but the power of God to people throughout the world. They
see prophetic and healing gifts emerging with such power that miracles
abound in their ministry. They acknowledge the full meaning of Jesus’ death
and resurrection and embrace the Cross—a cross that includes suffering and
sacrifice for the sake of releasing healing and reconciling the world to Jesus.

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

They know the secret to receiving more of the power of God, training others,
and imparting the charismatic gifts of healing.
David Hogan, the rugged son of a Southern Baptist pastor from
Louisiana, focuses his ministry among descendents of the Mayans deep in the
jungles of Mexico. He launched out into ministry as a young zealous man
with no ministry credentials or Bible college training. Along the way he dis-
covered the way to increase the anointing of the power of God in his life. He,
along with many other healers and power brokers, believes that the way to
obtain more power is to abide in the presence of God through prayer and fast-
ing and to remain childlike with a dependence on the Word of God. During
one conference Hogan said:
I went to the Bible and I began to find out from Genesis through
Revelation, all the prayers in the Bible. I took them all and studied
every one of them. I took them apart and studied them from every
angle using commentaries. I wanted to know why, when then men
of the Bible prayed, their words did not fall to the ground. Then I
studied fasting. Because the two things that move Heaven are
prayer and fasting. If you can submit your soul in prayer, and your
body in fasting, God hears you.

So I looked through the Bible, and this is my opinion that I am

about to share with you. In my opinion the hardest thing I could
come up with, the most difficult thing I could find in the Bible for
God to do was once a human being is dead, to bring that person
back to life again. So I decided that through the Old Covenant and
the New, that there was a thread of God’s power that was in both
covenants. And so I decided that I was going to seek Heaven until
the day came that I could walk up to a dead person and touch him
and watch him get up from the dead. That is what I decided to do.
I decided that it doesn’t matter if I have to fast until I turn into a
bone, I don’t care. If I have to pray 24 hours every day, I have to
have the great glory of God that it takes to change the world
around me while I’m still alive. I’m going to have it. So that is
what I did. I sought after that. 1


He and his family have learned to seek the presence of the Lord
consistently. And out of His presence, their hearts shape the prayers and
intercessions for the people groups they seek to reach. Hogan has become a
power broker—releasing the power of God to heal the sick and raise the dead,
just as all believers are commanded in Matthew 10:8. Out of fasting, great
power is released through Hogan and others. It is a power that captures the
attention of people bound by occult influences that have gained strength for
generation after generation, demonic powers that most people in North
America have never seen.
Over the years Hogan has prayed for many people who died physically
and saw the miraculous power of God restore them to life. He knows the
power of the Cross condemns him to victory and stands in the full confidence
of the Lord. He is, as Cooke wrote in the foreword, one who lives in the radi-
ance of God, his heart captivated by His brilliance. As a result, Hogan’s focus
is sharp, his perceptions in high definition. He is captured by the immensity
of the Father and lives in shock and awe at what He can do, experiencing first
hand that He really is far above all principalities and powers. What follows is
one of Hogan’s stories.
So I get inside the house and there are two or three candles burn-
ing. The first thing I see is a woman in the middle of the dirt
floor, holding something, rocking back and forth, and scream-
ing. Her 9-year-old son’s body is stretched out. He has been dead
for four hours. I looked over by her right side, and there were
two black-magic warlocks standing there. Standing next to them
were two spiritist healers. Two elders from the town were also
there. They hate Jesus—they are antichrists. There were many
demons there.

So what should you do? Pray, believe, receive, what? Scriptures

from the Old and New Testaments began to go through my mind
about how different people were raised from the dead. I didn’t
know what to do because no one had written a book about this,
except the Bible. I now know that the Bible is the only book I need
for this kind of situation. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have a

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

direct command from God. I did not have an angelic visitation, I

did not have a finger write on the wall. I didn’t even have a bird
chirping. I had two black-magic warlocks, two spiritist healers, two
antichrists, and all of them were chanting evil spells against me!

If I were a typical American, I would think the spiritual ‘airwaves’

are not clean, so I can’t pray. Praise the Lord. If I were to wait for the
“spiritual airwaves” to be clean, I would NEVER pray! I do “pio-
neer” work. No Christian has ever prayed there before. So all the
“airwaves” are polluted by the demon powers. Why do you think
we have the Holy Spirit? There is not a devil big enough to stop
Jesus! That is the truth. Your emotions do not have any authority in
the situation. Don’t listen to your emotions or you will always be in
trouble. What the devil says—whether it is in your mind, or spirit,
or what you are seeing or feeling or tasting or touching—has no au-
thority over what the Word of God says. What those warlocks were
saying had no power over the word of God. They cannot—can
NOT—stop Heaven.

I remembered what Jesus did. Scriptures began to run through my

mind. I thought to myself, “Jesus probably did it right.” The
mother had gone back into a corner and was whimpering. I have
my hand on the boy’s head, and my big hands usually cover up
their little heads. Then I decided to see if he was only half-dead.
Maybe I could find a faint heartbeat that would be easier! I looked
all over that boy for a faint heartbeat, a pulse, and there was noth-
ing. So I said, “He must be all the way dead.”

So I began praying for him. I prayed in English. That didn’t work.

I prayed in Spanish. Uh-oh, that didn’t work. I prayed in Indian.
Uh-oh, that didn’t work. I prayed in “tongues.” Uh-oh, that didn’t
work. That was all of the languages that I knew. What should I
do? I told you already, I can’t give the credit to anything but the
name of Jesus. I can feel God’s Spirit on me now and I feel like He
is carrying me away. I think I was so nervous that I was praying a


few words in one language and then in another. But in every lan-
guage, the name of Jesus was there, and that is what is important.
“How long?” I have no idea. I know that I began to sweat a lot, but
it was a hot night, around 38 degrees Celsius [100.4 Fahrenheit] at
11 o’clock at night. I was praying and sweating and holding onto
the little boy’s arm. He was stiff and sticky, and had lost all of his
color. He was whiter than I am and usually they are almost black.

Suddenly, while I was praying—the little boy was wearing a t-shirt—

the father and I saw the t-shirt bounce. I looked at the father and his
eyes were as big as mine, because he saw it also. But the devils are still
standing there chanting. They are still angry and cursing God and me
and everyone else. For some reason, that didn’t bother the Holy Spirit.
What do you think of that? The Holy Spirit came into the room,
thumped the heart of that little boy and made it work again. In a few
minutes, his little arm became limp. And then—listen—the color
came back into him. He became warm again. WOW! Some of you
may be thinking “David, you should calm down!” but you are wrong!
Maybe tomorrow, because today is the day of salvation, just like when
Jesus was raised from the dead. Today is the day of power and resur-
rection. Today is the day of glory! Today is the day of visitation.

I don’t know why God came into the room and through me, or
however He did it, to heal that boy. I don’t feel qualified or ade-
quate. I don’t feel like I have enough Bible knowledge. But that
doesn’t seem to bother the Holy Spirit if I feel that way, as long as
I call on the name of Jesus in faith. As long as I believe that “All
things whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.”
That is what I believe. That is what the Bible says. Listen to me. I
didn’t know what to do next, because his eyes opened and he
looked at me. Almost all of the children are afraid of me because I
am so big to them. But this little boy was in perfect peace. I picked
him up—this is wonderful—this little boy who is alive, who was
dead for a little over four and a half hours.

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

Heidi and Roland Baker focus their ministry in Mozambique, Africa,

among a Muslim population that has suffered through droughts, wars, and
disease for generations. The Bakers are power brokers who know that the
power of the Cross condemns them to victory and to walk in the confidence
of the Lord. They have seen blind eyes opened, the deaf suddenly hear, and
the dead raised to life as routine events in their ministry and through the
ministry of pastors they train throughout the world.
They, too, have discovered that the secret to releasing the power of God is
to dwell in the presence of God through prayer and fasting. They spend
countless hours soaking in the love of God and interceding for those to whom
they minister. Their intimacy with God provokes confidence that releases
faith to stand in God’s presence and see Him as big as He is. They live in a
place rife with the external evidence of demonic control—war, disease,
famine, and corruption. Yet their internal dwelling is what Cooke calls the
place of refuge, a fortress, a secret place of worship and communion. They access a
place of blinding, coruscating light. From that place they embark on their mission,
to magnify the Lord in the world of men.
Along the way, fasting has become a way of life for them as well. The ex-
plosive growth of their ministry is due to the miraculous power that God has
released through them in the past decade. The Gospel is advancing whole vil-
lages at a time as the Holy Spirit’s power is poured out.
How does this happen? Here is one example from the Bakers.

Felito Utuie, a 22-year-old evangelist we have nurtured in the

Lord, was trying to get a Muslim chief of a village to grant permis-
sion for an outreach. The chief repeatedly refused. Felito told him
that Jesus would heal the sick. Finally, the chief asked, “If you
come, will I see that happen?” “Yes!” Felito answered simply. So
the chief agreed to a meeting in his village.

On the night of the outreach, the meeting began with a very quiet,
open atmosphere, unlike some gatherings we have where at first
we face loud demonic disruptions. Felito preached the pure, simple
Gospel and asked, “Who recognizes their need of a Savior?” Voices


cried out in the dark, “I want forgiveness! I want forgiveness!” A

great noise arose as the people pleaded for salvation and streamed
forward to pray. Then Felito announced that he and his team
would pray for the sick. Healings occurred one after another. A
mother brought her 8-year-old boy who was deaf, and he was
instantly healed. Felito asked the chief, “Do you see?” Immediately
the chief asked for the microphone and told his own people, “This
is real! No man can do this! Only God can do this! Bring more of
the sick! Bring all the sick!”

One man brought his little 7-year-old daughter who was totally
blind. She received prayer, and her father urgently asked her, “Do
you see?” And then tears began streaming down his face as his
daughter looked and saw his face for the first time in her life! And
the healings continued that night….

All this last year our outreaches have been frequently bearing this
kind of fruit. We don’t preach long or get complicated. The people
respond in simple faith, and as soon as they see Jesus is real and
will touch them miraculously, they want Him! They want salva-
tion, they want a church, they want a pastor, now! Their chiefs beg
us, “Don’t leave us! You can’t leave us like this! We’ve never seen
miracles like this! You have to come back and teach us!”
Heidi especially has received a special anointing for the deaf, blind, and
lame, and sees them healed at nearly every outreach. Once she prayed late at
night for a crippled and blind man who was not healed right away. But she told
the village to send a runner to tell her as soon as he was healed. The following
day she was with a Muslim friend and leading businessman in town when a
runner ran breathlessly up to the window of the car they were in. “He is healed!
He can walk and see!” The runner had just run seven hours to tell her…. “In
tears and awe, our Muslim friend cried, “Pray for me! Pray for me now!” 2

Who Can Move in Power?

As forerunners like the Bakers and David Hogan speak of their stories,
many people are being inspired to move out in the presence and power of

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

God. Middle-aged couples are selling their homes and moving to the mission
field while an army of young power brokers is being raised up through
schools of supernatural ministry launched through various pastors and min-
istries around the world. Through the efforts of Randy Clark and others, a
new missionary movement of power brokers is being launched that is depen-
dant not on mission boards and programs to send them, but on the presence
and power of the Holy Spirit leading them into various arenas in the world
and in the workplace.
Randy Clark, a former Vineyard movement[see inserted footnote about
the Vineyard] pastor turned revivalist after God used him to spark world-
wide revival beginning in Toronto, has launched a series of healing schools
across the nation. Clark’s motive for launching the healing schools is to clear
away the debris of wrong theology and to equip the saints to heal. “I believe
that we are going to see another healing revival so I wanted to establish a
school where there could be a solid biblical basis for both the models and the
theology behind healing and power evangelism. People like the models I
learned in the Vineyard and the balance so I do expect that there will be a
multiplication of healing in churches, communities, and nations as a result of
our healing schools.” 3
Through his healing schools, conferences, and international ministry
trips, everyday ordinary believers are caught up in a new dimension of super-
natural healing and power. Many individuals receive not only a biblical un-
derstanding about the gift of healing, they also receive an impartation of faith
and power to lay hands on the sick and heal them. Ordinary believers become
extraordinarily transformed after experiencing ministry trips with Clark’s
Global Awakening ministry. Clark, in fact, has been used to impart greater
gifts of healing to Heidi and Roland Baker and Leif Hetland, a Norwegian
pastor, during critical points in their ministries.
According to Clark, not everyone can lay hands on another for imparta-
tion of healing gifts. “This [impartation ability] is a gift, and within Chris-
tianity it is done under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and accompanied
often with a prophetic word. This cannot even be done by the person when
he/she wants, but has to be initiated by the Holy Spirit.” And during those


Holy Spirit-initiated moments, Clark was moved to prophesy a great release

of anointing and impart, through the laying on his hands, an ability to heal
beyond what the recipients had ever experienced before.
As an unassuming young senior pastor of a small Baptist church in Sand-
nas, Norway, Lief Hetland had no idea that he would one day find himself
leading hundreds of thousands of Muslims to Christ during the most tense
decades of Mid-East and Western relations. Although he had some experience
with global mission work—primarily in Africa and Eastern Europe—he con-
sidered it more of an accident when miracles happened.
Struggling to understand the role of both Word and Spirit in evangelism
while burning out in ministry, he heard that Randy Clark was coming to Nor-
way and decided to attend the meeting. To his surprise, Clark prophesied over
him and released an impartation for increased miracles and anointing that
would become evident within the coming years. However, immediately after
the prophetic word, Hetland was in a serious car accident that left him flat on
his back for a year. During recovery God revealed His heart for Muslims and
a strategy for Hetland to minister in Muslim nations.
“I had to see that Muslims were a promise that can only be received, not a
problem. Second, to not live by fear but live by love. Love is a more powerful
language, the language that blind eyes will see and deaf ears will hear. The
people will not know how much you know until they know how much you
care,” Hetland explained.4
“After this impartation I had different glasses on and saw very clearly
what was the Father’s heart for unreached people and that miracles were key
tools to bring the Gospel. To proclaim the Gospel I had to have a demonstra-
tion of the Gospel in a lot of places,” Hetland continued. It was while minis-
tering in Pakistan that he noticed God sovereignly healing individuals who
were unknown to Lief but well known in their community. The demonstra-
tions of God’s power turned many hearts toward Jesus and the barrels of
many guns away from Leif.
Clark and other healers and power brokers believe that everyone can heal
the sick. In fact, the Lord specifically commands and commissions us to pray

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

for the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the lepers, and raise the dead as part of
the apostolic commission of the New Testament.
According to Clark, “We don’t expect the liberals who deny the supernat-
ural dimension of life to pray for the sick. Neither do we expect the Cessa-
tionists who believe that it’s no longer possible to pray with faith to heal the
sick. But we do expect those Charismatics and Pentecostals and third-wave
evangelicals who believe praying for the sick is still for today to pray for
them. Because if not you—who? Who is God going to use? More people will
find God’s power increasing in the Church when they are stepping out and
releasing God’s power.”
In the meanwhile, the power of the Holy Spirit to heal has been continu-
ously mocked and ignored by both professing Christians and unbelievers
throughout the world. Instead, many gravitate toward the counterfeit heal-
ing techniques of demonic power brokers and healers.

Shifting Shadows in the Healing Movement

Throughout the centuries, people have gravitated toward faith healers
seeking cures for physical and emotional problems that lie beyond the hope of
medical science. They gathered around Jesus seeking a healing touch. In our
world today, individuals gather around anyone who promises healing—witch
doctors, physicians, New Age practitioners, and Christian healers. If one tech-
nique fails, another promises hope. New Age and Christian healing centers
abound. We call them medical clinics and hospitals, naturopathic offices and
health food stores, and healing prayer rooms. People move easily from one to
the next. In North America, Christians move nonchalantly between Eastern
and Western medical practices, buy up the latest neutraceutical that promises
health or anti-ageing properties and head off to a Christian healing room only
as a last resort. In Brazil, many move between the Catholic rite for healing to
Macumba witchcraft, and finally head off to hear a healing evangelist in hopes
of a cure. In other countries residents seek out witch doctors between visits to
Western physicians—if they can find a physician.
According to both New Age and Christian healers, we will see an in-
creased interest in healing centers and healing evangelists in the future. As


medical science fails to find cures for the common cold, AIDS, new flu
strains, and a host of diseases and afflictions, people will become more des-
perate to find someone, anyone, who can offer them hope and relief from
Psychic Sylvia Brown also believes that a healing revival will take place in
the near future. Her version includes huge healing centers located in power
spots around the world like Sedona, Arizona, and structured so that crystal
pyramid energy can flow down through the roof to individuals below. Inside
the building, New Age healers will release the wonders of Reiki, Johrei, and
Qi Gong. Herbalists, acupuncturists, and massage therapists will ply their
trades. Some healers will simply lay hands on people and watch as their bodies
sway into a wave-like motion or go suddenly limp as if they are losing con-
sciousness for a split second. While the recipients of healing appear to manifest
in much the same away as those receiving healing from Christians, the source
of healing power is distinctly demonic. Some people report that the demonic
residue also impacts the recipients for years afterwards.
Deepak Chopra’s quasi-Eastern healing center appeals to the wealthy. Lo-
cated in Carlsbad, California, an affluent beach community in the San Diego
area, clients walk into his center devoid of life, materialism having robbed
them of any true joy and peace. They leave more radiant, having received, if
not a healing touch, at least some hope, compassion, and a temporary shot of
love. He appeals to their love-starved souls and offers help through a paid
therapeutic practitioner.
Other healing spas throughout the country incorporate a variety of heal-
ing techniques and philosophies, appealing to the masses with more limited
funds. Consumers flock to these centers in hopes of finding a cure for their
emotional and physical afflictions.
Consumers often look more to spas and retreats than individual clinics
and yet, only a few Christian healing centers are open in North America for
those who can afford to pay for in-patient care and intensive treatment with-
out medical insurance assistance. The Seventh Day Adventists have been on
the forefront of offering holistic healing—opening healing centers, hospitals,
and retreats focused on biblical principles of health through nutrition and

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

prayer and espousing vegetarianism. Other Christian centers and hospices

offer respite for cancer patients and assist them in bringing closure to their
lives. Most do not offer healing prayer for either emotional or physical heal-
ing. Only recently Charismatic believers are planning to open healing centers
focused on acute emotional and medical needs: centers that will address nu-
trition, inner healing, healing prayer, and spiritual growth alongside medical
and chiropractic techniques.
Meanwhile, Randy Clark believes another form of healing revival is under-
way and growing in power—a healing revival for the masses. This revival in-
cludes many leaders who are developing their healing gifts and faith and taking
it to the streets of developing countries and even the streets of U.S. cities.
But all that glitters is not gold. As Christians release God’s authentic heal-
ing power, a counterfeit movement continues to morph out of Eastern reli-
gions combining theosophy, quasi-scientific, and spiritual principals. It seeks
to capture a whole post-modern population struggling with the illnesses of
life, those who appear to be irreligious yet long for some spiritual connection
with the universe.

Counterfeit Laying On of Hands

Just as Christians receive an impartation and anointing to lay hands on in-
dividuals and heal the sick, counterfeit power and techniques cloak the world
in shadows today. The dark lord wants to deceive Christians, releasing doubt
as to the origins of God’s authentic power. The occult powers want to create
confusion and release doubts that cause Christians to ask: if unbelievers can
heal the sick through the laying on of hands, then what is the power of Jesus
Christ all about? Should Christians even reach out and touch someone or is it
all New Age and demonic?
Parallel dimensions of healing flow through the world. One is distinctly
Christ-centered, dependent on the gifts of the Holy Spirit to discern the emo-
tional or demonic origins of ill health and releasing healing through prayer.
The other ensnares unbelievers in the shadows that look like God’s power at
work but contain language and spiritual sources of healing that are distinctly
not from God.


The newer techniques emerging on the New Age market closely parallel
Christian healing techniques and include Matrix Energetics and The Recon-
nection. They both spring off from Reiki healing but the founders claim their
techniques are based on the laws and expression of subtle energy physics,
such as quantum physics and superstring theory. Practitioners claim that they
feel intense energy in their hands or heat in their hands as they heal. Their
practice of healing through Matrix Energetics or Eric Pearl’s Reconnection
technique, looks eerily similar to the Charismatic Christian practice of “lay-
ing on of hands” for healing. The results, too, look as if people are feeling
overwhelmed by God’s presence and that the “anointing” to heal others is
transferable…for a few thousand dollars.
Those who are touched by a Matrix Energetics practitioner often feel a
wave-like motion when Matrix Energetics is applied. The body seems to in-
stantly drop in a completely relaxed wave. The participants are taught specific
methods of using a powerful, focused intent, combined with application of a
light touch method for identifying the parts of the body where the Matrix En-
ergetics “wave” will yield optimum results. Practitioners believe that the wave
is a result of the unconsciousness and the biological physical fields interacting.
Videos of the healers in action look amazingly like Christians who lay their
hands on a person and see the power of God wash over them, causing many to
drop to the floor.
Eric Pearl, a chiropractor based in Hollywood, developed The Reconnec-
tion Seminar after his patients reported that they felt his hands on them—even
though he hadn’t physically touched them. During the first few of months op-
erating in this newfound power, Pearl’s palms blistered and bled. According to
The Reconnection Website, patients reported seeing angels and receiving
miraculous healings from cancers, AIDS-related diseases, cerebral palsy,
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, birth disfigurements, and other afflictions. The
healings occurred when Pearl simply held his hands near them. 5
Glancing at his seminar brochure it’s easy to misconstrue the brochure as
an advertisement for the latest Christian conference. A picture of Michelan-
gelo’s finger of God reaching out to touch man splashes across the page. The
“Reconnection” is easily misread as “The Resurrection” and the laying on of

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

hands for healing is acknowledged without using overt spiritual language.

Spirituality is deliberately removed from bold print to lure readers into a
more scientific-sounding approach to healing. Yet it is interesting to note that
New Age entities blatantly mimic terminology, techniques, and manifesta-
tions of the Holy Spirit.
But a closer look at the brochure reveals the true spiritual source of heal-
ing. They call this source “God,” “love,” or “universe.” Jesus is nowhere to be
found. However, they promise that as one progresses through seminar levels
they will establish a powerful connection with the source of healing—a de-
monic source that counterfeits what Christ has already released through the
gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Through three progressive seminars, participants in The Reconnection
learn how to access “frequencies of healing” that come to the hands as a “con-
tinuum of energy, light, and information.” As they practice laying hands on
each other for healing, the practioner-in-training will notice “involuntary
movements of the face, head, and body in those they work with as you guide
them into healing realms beyond those previously accessible.”
The second level seminar promises that participants will “permanently es-
tablish a powerful connection with the source of these healings.” To progress
to the next level trainees must schedule an appointment with a Level III prac-
titioner for $333—a fee designed to “maintain the integrity of the 333 vibra-
tion with which the Reconnection was and is brought in.” The Reconnection
is performed on two separate days.
The final level is designed to reconnect individuals with what they call the
larger universe of axiatonal lines—grid lines that encircle the planet and cross
at acknowledged power places such as Machu Picchu and Sedona. The
founders believe that these lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence,
a parallel-dimensional system that draws the basic energy for the renewal
functions of the human body.
According to the brochure, “This level teaches how to bring in and acti-
vate these new lines, allowing for the exchange, beyond energy, of light and


information, the reconnection of DNA ‘strands’ and the reintegration of

‘strings’ (simultaneously occurring parallel planes of existence).”
How will the world respond to these shadows of counterfeit supernatural
power? The audience these New Age healers seek include disenfranchised
Christians and those who have not gravitated toward any brand of spirituality
in the past…a group that is neither Christian nor New Age in its bent, but
rather enamored with quasi-rationalistic and sci-fi power. As a result of gravi-
tating toward these counterfeit healing techniques, they will be referring to the
Holy Spirit as “reconnection power” rather than a member of the Trinity. In
short, they are being inoculated against the truth and heeding the doctrines of
demons that contain a measure of truth. They will be slow to discern the source
behind the “healing power” they practice. Indeed, it may take a huge power en-
counter to cause the source of their power to rear its ugly head.
But who is up to the task of unmasking such subtle evil, much less the
more overt evil evidenced on overseas mission fields?

Hot Spots and International Healing Rooms

Psychic Sylvia Brown may be correct in her prophetic view of healing cen-
ters popping up around the world. But they look far different from what she
imagined. Various “hot spots” are emerging across the U.S. where individual
churches are gaining reputations for becoming healing centers. Places like
Bethel Church in Redding, California, have sought the presence and power
of God to fill the atmosphere of their church and community in hopes that it
will become a “cancer free zone.” Many who have sought healing for various
conditions, including terminal cancer, have received healing while attending
church services, conferences, or just spending time in their prayer house lo-
cated on the church property. Grace Center in Nashville, Tennessee; New
Life Church in Las Vegas; and both Life Center and Christ Community
Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, are finding that the presence of God is
resident to heal.
In addition to individual churches becoming healing centers, the success of
the International Healing Rooms movement is also fueling the current focus on
healing evangelism. Many people are gravitating toward a worldwide ministry,

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

which originated in Spokane, Washington, for more personal, intensive

prayer—and the results are frequently amazing.
The International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHR), led by Director
Cal Pierce, has sparked a healing movement that is sweeping across the na-
tion, focusing on training lay people to release the presence and power of God
to heal. The healing rooms movement encourages local churches to band to-
gether to open a healing room where trained volunteers spend hours praying
for those in need.
“In the past we’ve relied on healing evangelists to come into the commu-
nity, do a crusade, and leave, taking the anointing with them,” Pierce said.
“Now the healing anointing is coming into the Church. Our commission is to
see cities transformed. The work of the healing rooms is to heal the body (the
Church) so the body can evangelize the city by releasing the healing presence
of God.” 6
In 1996, Pierce experienced a dramatic encounter with God, and three
years later found himself reopening the healing rooms of Spokane that were
initially established by healing evangelist John G. Lake 80 years prior.
“We started with eight people praying for the sick on the very location
that John G. Lake had owned and people came from all over,” said Pierce
about Lake, a healing revivalist active in the early 1900s with a worldwide
ministry launched out of Spokane, Washington.
At present, 140 volunteers from a variety of churches—Baptist, Presbyter-
ian, Charismatic and Pentecostal—pray for upward of 1,000 people a month
who flock to the IAHR in need of physical and emotional healing. The min-
istry now owns a 15,000-square-foot building, operated by a staff of 35, that
serves as a world training facility, teaching individuals how to pray for the
sick as well as raising up regional directors to oversee other healing rooms.
Volunteer candidates are monitored to ensure they have the appropriate
skills for the healing ministry. In addition, they train in established healing
rooms before launching their own center.
As a result of Pierce’s ministry, 300 additional healing rooms affiliated
with his organization are now located in 20 nations, and countless others have


opened on their own or through local churches in the United States. Healing
rooms typically have set hours for prayer and do not charge for their services.
Most of the people who come to the healing rooms suffer from illnesses
that are not visible to the prayer team, such as cancer, arthritis, and diabetes.
Pierce said, “Some are healed instantly, others return frequently until they
have received a measure of healing or a complete healing. Because healing
can be so progressive, we never make the assumption that they were not
healed after being prayed for.”
Results are often noted days, weeks, or months after receiving prayer
when a person notices that their symptoms have abated or a physician docu-
ments the healing. Many healing rooms have physicians taking note and in
some instances verifying the healings. In Seattle’s Harborview Hospital
physicians were amazed to see symptoms quickly abate in terminally ill peo-
ple and other patients completely healed after a hospital social worker prayed
for them. As a result of her success, hospital administrators gave her space
and permission to open a healing room in the hospital.
“Some people come in expecting a miracle and they take hold of it right
away,” Pierce said. “But healing itself is a process.”
He told the story of one woman who was HIV-positive for 20 years and
for whom they prayed for more than five months. During that time, Pierce
said that as the prayer and Word was built up in her, the levels by which HIV
is measured dropped to undetectable levels.
“Not only did Jesus heal her body, she now has a ministry here,” he said.
“Had she come in and received an instant healing she would have missed her
destiny to minister to those who are on the street.”

Skeptics of Divine Healing

Despite the interest and overwhelming need for divine healing, many
evangelicals are skeptical of faith healers and movements. Pastor and author
Joe McIntyre of Seattle, Washington, has researched the topic for years and
discovered that the late 1880s divine healing movement was actually spread
by such evangelical leaders such as Andrew Murry, A.D. Simpson (founder

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

of Christian Missionary Alliance), and A.J. Gordon, respected Baptist leader

in Boston who wrote a book on healing.
The current Charismatic Christian healing movement was fueled by the
ministries of John G. Lake and E.W. Kenyon during the early 1900s. Lake so-
lidified his reputation as a healing evangelist during several years in Africa
when thousands who attended his meetings received miraculous healings.
After Lake left Africa and settled in the Spokane, WA area, he opened the
first of many healing centers. Between 1913 and 1920, more than 100,000 peo-
ple were estimated to be healed at the famous “healing rooms” that were lo-
cated in downtown Spokane’s old Rookery Building.
During the 1920s, Kenyon, a Free Will Baptist preacher, gained a reputa-
tion as a healer for miraculous healings that reportedly accompanied his
preaching. His focus on understanding the Father-heart of God, who we are
in Christ, and the authority and privileges of the believer still echo through
many current ministries.
According to McIntyre, both Lake and Kenyon believed in Dominion
theology, which is also the basis of the current Healing Rooms ministry.
“It is an aggressive approach that believes we are supposed to demonstrate
the kingdom of God with power, not just words,” McIntyre explained.
“Much of the church passively waits on God’s sovereignty rather than taking
the kingdom. God wants to keep his promises, but we need to develop our
faith to receive and aggressively take them.” 7
McIntyre also believes that the criticism against faith healing stems from a
Greek and rational worldview of Scripture. “The reason we reject healing
and Christ’s work is because our view of Scripture is not Hebrew, it’s Greek,”
McIntyre said. “Cessationism, the idea that God doesn’t do miracles today, is
a Greek idea. In the Hebrew worldview all of life is holy and important and
to be lived with a thankful heart. As we return to the Hebrew worldview, the
scripture that says He bore our sickness and pains (Isaiah 53) is an argument
for Christ’s atonement providing healing as well as forgiveness.”
Cal Pierce, a fellow practitioner, agrees. “Dispensationalist teaching leads
us to believe we hope they are healed but you don’t pray for the lost and hope


they’re saved,” he said. “Why can we impart salvation by faith but not for
healing? They are not separate issues; they come from the same place—the
word of truth.”
Regardless of criticisms about the modern faith movement, McIntyre said
he believes that the greatest sin in the body of Christ is unbelief. “We haven’t
believed the Gospel,” he said. “A critic of the faith movement, Gordon Fee,
said that he was against the faith movement but if he were to measure the
level of faith existing in the evangelical church it would be a minus five. To
me that says we may not like everything coming out of the faith and healing
movement, but at least they’re seeking God to have more faith.”
Also fueling the criticisms over healing are controversial stories about
charlatans—Christians who launch themselves into a ministry of healing
while devoid of true anointing or solid character. As a result, they are often
exposed when someone draws the curtain back and instead of finding Jesus,
see a mere man, blowing his own horn and stage managing a charlatan’s
show. The marks of power that come from God—love, humility, restraint,
joy, vulnerability, submission, and freedom from control—have given way to
greed and narcissistic desires to be seen and worshiped.
According to Bill Johnson, author and senior pastor of Bethel Church,
who has an international teaching and healing ministry, too many people are
embarrassed over the abuses of power rather than the lack of power moving
through their own lives to build the Kingdom of God. He believes that critics
are often justifying their own lack of pursuing the gifts of the Spirit and obey-
ing Jesus’ command to heal the sick, raise the dead, and make disciples of all
nations in the process of speaking forth the Word of God with accompanying
signs of the power of God.
Johnson writes in his book, When Heaven Invades Earth: “When I see others
who have pursued great things in God but have failed, I get motivated to pick
up where they left off. The abuses of one person never justify the neglect of an-
other. Many of those who are embarrassed over the abuses of power, and the
subsequent blemishes on the Church, are seldom offended over the absence of
signs and wonders. The eyes of the critics quickly move to the ones who tried
and failed, overlooking the countless millions who confess salvation in Jesus,

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

but never pursue the gifts as commanded. But the eyes of Jesus quickly look to
see if there is faith on the earth—When I return will I find faith on the earth? For
every charlatan there are a thousand good citizens who accomplish little or
nothing for the Kingdom.” 8

Shifting Shadows of Complacency

As we move into the close of this age and a coming showdown between
counterfeit power brokers and God’s power brokers on a mass scale, compla-
cency endangers the outcome for many. Demonstrations of God’s authentic
power can only come from a heart that is wholly surrendered to Him, confi-
dent in His compassion and ability to heal.
Complacency is an erosion of faith, the remnants of a bonfire of passion
that dwindled to mere embers of desire. It is a controlled, passionless relation-
ship with the Father of Life. Complacency is the ultimate victory of satan’s
scheme against all Christians. It means that you have shifted your gaze off of
the Lord and pulled the shadows of past doubt and despair, woundings and
failures, like a blanket over your head. Rather than taking refuge in the pres-
ence of the King, you have colluded with the enemy’s desire to draw you into
his realm of passion—that of robbing you of the fullness of life, the abundant
life the Father of Life has promised.
Elijah’s task was to call the people of God out of their complacency. That
was part of the reason for the showdown at Mt. Carmel. And as soon as they
stepped out of that place of colluding with the dark powers of their age,
they turned and fought against the darkness. The prophets of Baal lay slain
on the battlefield at the hands of God’s people. The principalities and pow-
ers of this age have already been overcome by the death and resurrection of
Jesus Christ. We are condemned to victory. And each one has a specific in-
vitation to join in the work of the Father, to inherit the Kingdom, and to
slay the powers of darkness around us. But first, we must step out of the
shifting shadows of complacency and back toward the bonfire of God’s
love. Authentic marks of the power of God are rooted in His love. All other
counterfeit power pales in comparison.


The Price of Power

If the power of the Cross condemns us to victory, as Cooke says, then we
must become believers who have a passionate desire to win. No matter where
individuals carry the presence and power of God, they all have one thing in
common—the firsthand knowledge that there is a price to pay for the anoint-
ing to heal the sick, raise the dead, and perform miracles. A passionate desire
to win will overcome the temptation to succumb to discouragement and tem-
per the heartache involved with sharing in the suffering of Christ that comes
with becoming a power broker in the Kingdom of God. A passionate love for
Jesus and knowledge of His passionate love also sustains those who are pay-
ing the price of power.
According to Randy Clark:
If you are to prepare for an increase in power, you must under-
stand that walking in the power of the Holy Spirit involves suffer-
ing and a continual humbling process. Not everyone you pray for
will be healed. Your heart will ache over those who are desperate
for a touch from God and don’t receive the miracle they seek.

One night, I watched John Wimber pray for people gathered to-
gether in a Methodist church. Miraculously, almost everybody was
healed when he prayed for them. The power of God was definitely
present to heal. The next night, however, no one was healed.

I talked to John about it after the abysmal meeting ended and said,
“I don’t understand it.”

He replied, “You don’t get it do you? I don’t have any more sin in
my life than I did last night. I don’t have any less faith tonight than I
did last night. Last night I came here, put my fat hand out and said,
‘Come Holy Spirit.’ I just blessed what I saw God do. Last night
when everyone got healed I didn’t go to bed thinking I’d done any-
thing great or I was some great man of God. And tonight I’m not
going to be feeling like I am a great failure either. It wasn’t me either
time. And tomorrow I’m going to get up and do it again.”

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

That short conversation with John encouraged me to step into the

healing ministry. For the first time I saw the humanity and the
brokenness behind the man who wielded such power. When I re-
alized that the power was a result of the anointing and not John, I
said in my heart I can do this. I can embrace this ministry because
I learned his secret: Just show up, just put yourself in the place of
ministry. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn how to see what
the Father is doing and bless it.

In Luke 5:17 the Spirit of the Lord was present to heal. The impli-
cation is that it wasn’t always that way. But it is extremely difficult
when you’re in that place where the miracles aren’t coming to the
worst cases. I was ministering in Brazil recently and grieved after
I prayed for a little boy with a severe case of Cerebral Palsy. The
boy wasn’t healed. I also prayed for a girl who was deaf in both
ears. Despite the fact that I’ve seen a lot of deaf people healed, she
wasn’t healed. That night I didn’t go to bed thinking I was a great
failure and tomorrow, I am going to get up and do it again.

Despite heart-wrenching nights of ministry like that one, I take

encouragement in the fact that there are divine appointments.
Recognizing the divine appointments helps me separate from the
sense of obligation that I have to pray for every sick person that I
see. Jesus didn’t pray for every person he saw. Suffering is lessened
by understanding how to obey the spirit, recognizing who you are
supposed to pray for, and not feeling guilty because you passed
somebody else up.

Entering into the powerful ministry of Jesus is not all suffering.

There is an excitement about it as you look to the divine appoint-
ments where you know that you are to pray for someone and that
they will be healed or saved. You never know when God is going
to show up and release His power. You could be at work, at play,
or at home when God gives you a prophecy or a word of knowl-
edge for healing. As you act on that prompting of the Holy Spirit,


all Heaven breaks loose. No sweat. Our ministry is to be yoked to

Jesus. His burden is light. When we feel like it’s no longer light or
easy, we’re pulling too much.
Heidi and Roland Baker articulate the price they pay as they come
against the demonic strongholds—a price that includes theft of ministry re-
sources, sickness, malicious lies, and political backlash. They, along with
David Hogan, have faced guns and violence. In fact, Hogan has been shot
and beaten in his pursuit of the Kingdom, and even left for dead. Not one
New Creation Power Broker on the mission field today leads an easy life
coasting along in a bullet-proof bubble of the Holy Spirit, untouched by
human suffering and demonic backlash.
The Bakers share their mission field perspective:
Some who hear us in conferences may come away with the im-
pression that we lead a charmed, tribulation-free life of endless
miracles! We do prefer to give Jesus and His glorious power most
of the attention in our ministry, but it many encourage you to
know that, like Paul, we are jars of clay who glory also in our
weakness. When we are weak, then we are strong (2 Cor. 12:10).
We do encounter fierce, demonic opposition, and its intensity is al-
most incomprehensible. This Mozambican province where we live
has been a pagan, occultic stronghold for centuries, and the evil we
encounter shocks us over and over. Our time, energy, funds, and
resources are viciously attacked and drained as the devil aims to
turn our hearts away from this great revival in which God has gra-
ciously placed us.

Together with Paul, we understand that these things happen that

we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead (2
Cor. 1:9). We resist the devil by overcoming evil with good, and by
resting in Him with all the more faith and childlike joy. We can-
not lose while secure in His heart. We have no need to shield our-
selves, but we entrust our souls to a faithful Creator in doing what
is right (1 Peter 4:19). The God who has raised at least 53 people

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

from the dead among our churches in Africa will also renew and
refresh us with His incomparable power. He will not fail us; we
are His workmanship!

In North America, few Christians are willing to take to the streets

and speak the truth. Even fewer have developed their relationship
with Christ far enough to rise to a level of faith and anointing that
will shake others out of the shadows of deception. We can no longer
afford to be complacent as the shadows of the end of the age close in
around us. We must step out of the shadows of complacency and
stand in the brilliance of God’s amazing love. And having stood
soaking in His light, understanding His ways, we realize that the
power of the Cross condemns us to victory in whatever action He
calls us into, in whatever sphere of influence He gives us.

1. The information and stories cited in this chapter are based on a tran-
script of David Hogan’s message given in Spokane, Washington, and
a Website at
2. All quotes in this chapter are excerpted from newsletters posted on
Heidi and Roland Baker’s Iris Ministries Website at
3. Quotes and information about Randy Clark cited in this chapter are
based on a personal interview. For more information see www.glob-
4. Quotes and information about Leif Hetland cited in this chapter are
based on a personal interview and information from his Website at
5. Material derived from Eric Pearl’s Reconnection Website at and from 2005-2006 conference brochures.
6. Quotes and information about Cal Pierce cited in this chapter are based
on a telephone interview and his Website at


7. Quotes and information about Joe McIntyre cited in this chapter are
based on a telephone interview. McIntyre is the author of E.W. Keny-
on and His Message of Faith—The True Story, which is based on volu-
minous research of Kenyon’s unpublished materials. For more infor-
mation see
8. Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth. (Shippensburg, PA: Des-
tiny Image Publishers, Inc., 2003), 110. Johnson’s books shatter con-
ventional beliefs and build faith. For more information see
* The Vineyard Christian Fellowship movement is an offshoot of
the Calvary Chapel movement that originated during the 1960s
Jesus People revival in Southern California. John Wimber, for-
mer Quaker pastor and Fuller Seminary adjunct professor of
Church Growth, assumed leadership of the movement that cur-
rently boasts hundreds of churches around the world. For more
information about the Vineyard, see their Website, www.vine-
* This information was derived from Sylvia Brown’s book, Prophe-
cy: What the Future Holds For You (Dutton, Penguin Group, 375
Hudson St., New York, NY July 2004).
* According to the Reiki official Website,
FAQ/WhatIsReiki.html, “Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress
reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is adminis-
tered by ‘laying on hands’. The word Reiki is made of two Japan-
ese words—Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher
Power” and Ki which is “life force energy.” So Reiki is actually
“spiritually guided life force energy.”
* According to the Johrei official website,
Spiritual_healing.html, “Johrei is a manifestation of divine ener-
gy that can be transmitted through one individual to another for
spiritual healing. As the spiritual body is cleansed, the mind and
body are also uplifted, healed and attuned to spiritual truth.
Johrei has its roots in Japan, and is gaining recognition in the
West as a non-invasive energy healing practice. It is a universal
vibration that is available to all.”

Supernatural Power of Healers & Power Brokers

* Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia,

wiki/Qigong, defines Qigong as, “an increasingly popular aspect
of Chinese medicine involving the coordination of different
breathing patterns with various physical postures and motions of
the body. Qigong is mostly taught for health maintenance pur-
poses, but there are also some who teach it as a therapeutic inter-
* Information about John G. Lake is derived from the ministry
* Information about E. W. Kenyon is derived from the ministry
Website at For further information
about Kenyon, see Joe McIntyre’s book, E.W. Kenyon and His
Message of Faith—The True Story.

Chapter 6
Showdown With the Prophets
of Baal in the Church

In the days of the prophet Elijah, Israel’s kings had slowly succumbed to
the influences of the cultures around them, including forming alliances by
marrying prominent women of other nations and falling into the worship of
their gods. The people of God followed their kings’ example. One day they
worshiped Yahweh, the Hebrew word for redemptive God. The next day,
they would consult the gods of other cultures. As a result of their apostasy,
Elijah, under the guiding influence of Yahweh, called forth a drought and a
famine ensued. It was a dark time destined to draw the hearts of God’s people
back to Him.
Ahab and Jezebel ruled over Israel at the time. Ahab considered Elijah a
trouble-maker for calling forth the drought and his unwavering devotion to
God. Jezebel, a Phoenician, decided to take measures into her own hands and
determined that all of Israel should bow down to her Baal—the storm god,
the god of rain and sky. Her Baal was sure to release them from the drought.
After all, they often called him victorious god; mightiest of heroes; the pow-
erful, excellent one; lord of the fertile land; dispenser of dew, rain and snow;
god of the seasons of life; a warrior god. And Asherah, the great goddess,


queen of heaven who interceded for Baal, was also a god to be reckoned with.
Prophets of both gods could certainly evoke some response if only the people
would cooperate, Jezebel reasoned.
She brought 450 prophets of Baal along with 400 prophets of Asherah into
the country and placed them on the government payroll. Simultaneously, she
slaughtered everyone who was called one of Yahweh’s prophets, and perse-
cuted the people of God until they bowed their knees to Baal. Little did she
know that Obadiah, their chief of staff, had hidden 100 prophets of God in
caves deep within Mt. Carmel. An additional 7,000 people scattered through-
out the country had also refused to bow to Baal. A remnant of the people of
God was ready to burst onto the scene when it was safe.
For all Elijah knew, he was the only one left who remained loyal to God.
His name, in fact, means “my God is the Lord,” referring to his loyalty and
empowering for his mission—to call the hearts and minds of God’s people
back to Him. His mission weighed heavily upon him but when the time was
right, he gathered his courage and went out to challenge the prophets of Baal
to a showdown.
Thousands of people watched as Elijah built an altar and laid a slain bull
on top of the wood. He poured water from 12 huge jars onto the sacrifice. No
kindling. Wet wood. The challenge to the gods: the god who answers by fire
would be the winner, the all powerful one, the victorious god. Only one god
could light the match. The first one to do so was the victor.
The prophets of Baal danced their incantations and the prophets of
Asherah danced their intercessions. They cut themselves until their blood
flowed from their arms and sprayed into the faces of the bystanders as they
danced wildly, frantically, invoking their god to act. Elijah taunted them.
Perhaps their god was asleep. Or on vacation. Perhaps their god was dead.
All the things they had said about Yahweh, Elijah now hurled back in
their face.
After awhile, he grew tired of the show, turned toward the people of
God and cried out, How long will you waver between two opinions? If God is
God—follow Him!

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the Church

Then he turned to face the altar and prayed out loud so that the people
wouldn’t miss the purpose of the showdown. You are God. I am your ser-
vant. Answer me, O God, so these people will know you are turning their hearts
back again.
A bolt of fire from Heaven crackled through the sky, incinerated the bull,
the wood, the stones, the soil, and lapped up the water that had run off into a
trench. The people stood stunned for a moment, then fell on their faces be-
fore the true God—Yahweh. At the command of Elijah, the people seized the
prophets of Baal and took them to the valley, to their deaths. (See 1 Kings 18.)
The showdown was over for that day. In the process, Elijah earned respect
for the prophetic office and revelatory gifts of God. He stepped into the shift-
ing shadows of loyalty and turned the people’s hearts back to the Lord. He
symbolically revealed to all of God’s people that it isn’t enough to hide in a
cave or remain quiet about their spiritual beliefs. Total abandonment to the
Lord means laying one’s life down, on the altar, to be consumed as a living
sacrifice. The showdown paved the way for the doors of Heaven to be opened
and rain to shower down upon them.

Shifting Shadows of Loyalty Among Christians

The showdown has never ended. Elijah’s story depicts the battle for the
hearts of God’s people that continues today. The Baals of today are not so dif-
ferent—the idols of fertility come packaged in the guise of wealth and materi-
alism; sexual practices that include the use of pornographic images, prostitutes
and promotes the sex trade of women and children; and the idols of power
come thinly disguised as occult practices that include psychics, mediums, as-
trology, and divination of various sorts.
By bowing down to the Baals of today, many Christians have become
habitations for the enemy and the enemy not only oppresses their thoughts
and lives, it permeates the atmosphere in which they worship. This open door
to occult influence in the church has resulted in a massive outpouring of con-
fusion, depression, oppression, and anxiety that keeps individuals and
churches from reaching their destiny. A case in point follows.


Tom Hauser, pastor of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Wilmington,

North Carolina, found himself dealing with both Christians and unbelievers
who have dabbled in spiritualism and the occult. In the aftermath of their in-
volvement, many could not break free of old thoughts and habits, wrestled
with destructive and violent thoughts, and failed to enter into the fullness of
salvation. As a result of ministering to them, he developed a training manual
and method of bringing freedom to people.
In his manual, Breaking Free from Darkness: A Practical Guide to Deliverance
Ministry, he writes about Sally’s testimony as an example that even Christians
dabbling in the shadows of spiritual darkness open themselves to demonic op-
pression—and that freedom from that bondage doesn’t come easily.
A woman I will call “Sally,” a church intercessor, came to me ask-
ing for prayer. She also informed me that when she tried to pray
“in the Spirit” that she would curse violently and expressed that
she held great animosity toward her husband. I quickly set an ap-
pointment for her to receive ministry.

Sally had been a Christian for nearly 20 years. She was a mother of
three, married, and a university professor…she was not only a
brilliant individual but she also radiated a sunny personality…By
all outward appearances, she seemed perfectly fine.

Sally began by sharing her list of forgiveness items and began her
confession process. Soon the Holy Spirit brought forth a revelation
through an illustration by my ministry partner and a word-of-
knowledge through me. My partner saw a burlap bag full of black
seeds of a long-ago time in history; not a modern day image.
Simultaneously I heard in my spirit, “generational witchcraft.”
After sharing this knowledge with Sally, she agreed that she was
aware of previous ancestral witchcraft. She went on to inform us
that her mother had been a medium. She continued to explain that
even while she was a Christian, she had consulted psychics with her
mother. However, she indicated that it had occurred several years
prior and that she had already asked forgiveness for generational

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the Church

witchcraft and her involvement with psychics. I pressed ahead and

asked if she would be willing to renounce these things once again.
Even though she felt that she had previously confessed those
matters and considered them history and irrelevant, she consented
to renouncing her family and ancestor’s involvement in witchcraft.
As soon as Sally spoke the words, “I renounce genera…” she arose, glared
at me, and started to grab me. I was forced to restrain her to protect myself.
She began speaking in a deep, male voice, “She is mine, I am high level and
you can’t have her.”

I spoke back with authority, “I know someone higher than you,

His name is Jesus and I have authority over you. You can’t have
her. She has confessed and you are a trespasser!”

The demonic spirit began to whine, “Where will I go?”

I commanded, “Go to the dry places created by Jesus for you.”

The spirit then said, “Ok,” and left her.

Finally, Sally, deeply embarrassed, looked at me and began to

apologize profusely for what had just taken place…Today she no
longer suffers torment. 1
If the people of God are going to receive the fullness of their spiritual in-
heritance and experience a greater measure of the presence and power of the
Holy Spirit, those who profess to be Christians must choose whom they will
serve—God or Baal (the occult spirits and sexual spirits let loose in our world).
Elijah’s showdown illustrates that there is no room to waver between two
choices—God’s power is infinitely greater, His ability to guide and comfort
and encourage is full of peace and assurance, and His heart is for abundant
life. The enemy holds the opposite ability and heart. He maintains his grip on
a person’s spiritual life, restraining people in shadows and crippling them
from entering into the healing light of God’s loving presence. Once believers
renounce their involvement with the occult, deliverance is assured and they
are ready to receive a greater measure of God’s presence and power.


In order for the people of God to take their stand in His plan for these last
years and generations heralding the second coming of Christ, they must ir-
revocably renounce any involvement with the occult, be filled with the power
of the Holy Spirit, and follow Him. Once the shadows of loyalty no longer
darken their understanding, the light of His presence and power will shine
more brilliantly through them to the world.

Shifting Shadows of Respect for Prophetic Ministry and

Revelatory Gifts
Elijah’s prophetic act not only shifted the shadows of loyalty away from
the prophets of Baal, it created a newfound respect for the true prophets of
God. Elijah was a true prophet endued with the power that comes from true
intimacy with the Lord, a bond so close that Elijah received God’s authority
to single-handedly demolish the power of evil that gripped his people in that
place and time. The others who had hidden in caves, perhaps, were only
prophets in-training. Yet they no doubt enjoyed a newfound respect when
they finally stepped into the light of day.
Standing on a ministry platform is a humbling and often crumbling expe-
rience and certainly nothing to be jealous about or to covet. As the prophetic
move of God continues to sweep across nations and around the world, many
ministers reveal considerable accuracy in prophecy and revelation. Increas-
ingly expressed are the marks of power that come from God with great love,
humility, joy, and working in harmony and mutual submission with others
for the glory of God. The true prophets are standing the considerable pres-
sures of ministry through the character and grace of God working in them.
True prophets take years to develop.
Yet there are those who try to take the fast track to glory and draw atten-
tion to the “gifts” they wield. They are often unhealed and unaffirmed people
who leave the residue of their state of mind and heart on the lives of their lis-
teners while they attempt to draw glory unto themselves. They are not neces-
sarily false prophets but ones who receive revelation primarily from the
source of their own imagination, mind, and soul, and secondarily from the
Holy Spirit. Many of them are on their way to becoming true prophets.

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the Church

Unfortunately, people are not given to respect that process of maturity and
revelatory development in young prophets and so they rush to judgment.
Frustrated by their lack of recognition or wounded by the judgments leveled
against them, many of these young prophets have retreated to caves of spiri-
tual darkness of various sorts—either quitting the ministry, succumbing to
depression and emotional breakdowns, or retreating to intellectual rationali-
zations of why they should no longer pursue the Lord.
Even darker still are those who passed through the shadows blurring the
line between authentic revelation from the Holy Spirit and revelation gained
through spirits of divination. They either were or have become false prophets
who seek revelation from the father of lies for both their own glory and ulti-
mately, satan’s.
How do the people of God regain a respect for prophets when many
seem so foolish and false compared to ones like Elijah? Elijah’s showdown
reveals a new level of revelation and power that God wants to unleash
upon His people so we may all become revelatory people—enamored with
Christ. But first, the people of God need to recognize the differences be-
tween true and false prophets in the Church today who call themselves
Christian prophets. After all, everyone recognized Elijah as a true prophet.
But what about the others—the ones hiding or the ones who had been
killed? And where are we in the spectrum of our development as God’s
revelatory people, completely healed and fully surrendered to the presence
and purposes of God?
Regaining a respect for others’ ministries entails gaining a true perspective
of yourself, the limitations of your spiritual giftedness, and the awareness of
how much you depend on God’s grace and mercy every day of your life. We
all have the same Holy Spirit residing within. And we all have the same obli-
gation to hear from the Lord for ourselves and to act upon what we hear. The
marks of power that come from God are based upon the fruit of the Spirit
rather than on the judgment of others. The ones who judge the most tend to
operate in the least power. Regaining a respect for the prophetic also involves
increasing in discernment.


True and False Prophets in the Church

Over the years, powerful ministers have risen in popularity and discov-
ered national and international platforms routinely offered to them. Many
in the Church and in the world were captivated with the accurate prophetic
insights they shared, their expressions of power to heal and deliver, and
their charisma. Along the way, the overwhelming pressures of ministry—
personal and spiritual—revealed the fragmentation in some of their hearts
and they fell in sexual immorality, drug and alcohol abuse, and spouse
abuse. They continued to minister until God and man removed them from
public ministry. Because God’s gifts are given without repentance, they were
able to express the gifts of the Holy Spirit without any of the evidences of
God’s character or the marks of power that come from God in their lives.
Were they false prophets and power brokers or merely foolish ones? How
can we discern the difference?
We all come to Christ as broken, immature believers in need of a Savior.
Once we meet Him and taste His love, we desire to serve Him. Unfortunately,
there are those who taste His love then run with His power before they have
time to develop a deep relationship with God and understanding of His ways.
Infatuated more with the gifts of God than God Himself, they do not take
time to heal from the wounds that brought them to Christ in the first place. It
is those wounds and unhealed issues in their lives that undermine their min-
istry. They become foolish, darkened in their understanding, and many have
no one to turn to for help. They started out as authentic believers and prophets
interested in using the gifts for the glory of God and the building of His king-
dom. However, they ended up as fools.
Rick Joyner, prolific author and prophet, defines the difference between a
false prophet and a true one in his book, The Prophetic Ministry.

“There is a simple factor that distinguishes false prophets from the

genuine ones. False prophets use their gifts and use other people for
their own ends, in order to build up their own influence or ministry.
True prophets use their gifts in a self-sacrificing way, for the love of
Christ and the sake of His people. Self-seeking, self-promotion, and

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the Church

self-preservation are the most destructive forces in ministry. Like

King Saul, even if we have been anointed by God, we nevertheless
can fall into witchcraft if these forces gain control over us.” 2
False prophets who have launched their ministries outside the blessing of
God from the very beginning are easiest to spot. Their focus is not on glorify-
ing God or building His Kingdom. They are only interested in themselves.
To obtain spiritual power for the glorification of self is to align with the
demonic. Self-glorification is usually evidenced by an over-emphasis on
money, seduction, and self-importance. Apparently, foolish prophets may de-
scend in rank to become a false prophet if they fail to heed the warnings of
others and continue ministering out of their own unhealed, soulish motiva-
tions. Those who operate primarily from a soulish source of revelation are
often prone to immorality and using the gift of the Holy Spirit to seduce oth-
ers. As time goes by, they will opt out of working collaboratively with others.
Nor can they work in accountability to others, defer to another’s gifts and
counsel, and be genuinely glad when another increases in popularity while
taking a back seat.
False prophets (and false pastors for that matter) are usually narcissists.
For the narcissist doomed to gaze lovingly on his own face, there is no other
face than his. No one will be allowed to shine as brightly as he so long as he
is in the position of authority. He can only give glory to Jesus when it serves
his purposes—paying lip service to the words but displaying little evidence
of humility. False prophets or pastors will reach out for any power they can
to help them achieve their quest for glory or fulfill their own desires. And
spirits of divination are all too willing to respond. Once given over to one de-
monic power source, other spirits are sure to follow.
True prophets can become false as their brokenness leads them to glorify
self, promoting or preserving their ministries beyond the scope of God’s in-
tent. They end up using God’s power to further their own agendas.
According to Paul Keith Davis, only one question is needed to determine
the genuine from counterfeit—“Whose kingdom are they building? Theirs or
God’s? It’s not as hard to distinguish as you think. Just listen to them for a few


minutes. It’s pretty easy to pick up. If the Lord is really our friend we lay down
our life, agenda, ministry, all of our aspirations. Paul was a bondservant.”
During an interview, the late Dr. John White, prolific author, New Tribes
missionary, and psychiatrist, called this abuse of power a form of apostasy, cit-
ing John Owen’s exposition of Hebrews 6:4-6.
“Owen maintains that one may operate in all the power of the
Holy Spirit, without any of the inward graces of God’s character,
that is, without being ‘saved’ at all. You do not have to be a Christ-
ian to display spiritual gifts. Non-Christians can display them also,
since the Spirit falls on whom He will.

What John Owen says is that you can have the Holy Spirit and still
apostatize and you do that because you opt for power rather than
for the brightness of the glory of Christ himself. In other words
you are not pursuing Christ, you are pursuing power. So it means
that on both sides of the Charismatic and Evangelical curtain,
there are wheat and tares.

When I first began to understand this I thought, well, what about

me? My fear about this personally was countered when Jesus said
to me, He who comes to me I will never reject. And that filled me
with great relief.” 3

Foolish Prophets and Soulish Revelation

What are the marks of revelation that arise from the state of a prophet’s soul?
Soulish power—that which originates from a person’s state of mind and
heart—expresses itself with a variety of mixed markers. Unhealed, unaf-
firmed people tend to exercise their soulish power to manipulate people and
events to compensate for an overwhelming sense of their own powerlessness.
Because they have no strong sense of identity or core self rooted in a relation-
ship with Jesus Christ, they are attempting to acquire an external derivation
of significance. As a result, when they express the spiritual gifts, the recipients
may feel tainted by the residue of soulish imprints. They may be reading your
fears and desires, offering pat prophecies common to your demographics, and

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the Church

reflect them back to you as if they are “reading your mail.” However, their
words will rarely convey the testimony of Jesus to you—who Jesus wants to
be for you in this hour, a revelation of His heart toward you, His wisdom,
strength, and His counsel.
As Cooke wrote in the Foreword, true prophets live in the light: “When
we live in the radiance of God our hearts are captivated by His brilliance. Our
focus is sharp, our perceptions in high definition. We are captured by the im-
mensity of the Father.”
As for those who are not dwelling in the light, Ezekiel 13:3-6 is careful not
to call them false prophets. Instead, he calls them foolish for they prophesy
out of their own imaginations or own vanity. “Woe to the foolish prophets who
follow their own spirit and have seen nothing!…Their visions are false and their
divinations a lie. They say, ‘The Lord declares,’ when the Lord has not sent them;
yet they expect their words to be fulfilled.” In other words, foolish prophets are
not necessarily false prophets. One receiving a prophetic word originating in
another’s soul power may feel more like the word is mere manipulation or
flattery, a put down or a power trip.
As the prophetic movement continues encouraging all believers to become a
revelatory people—hearing from God for themselves, many people are moving
beyond the foolish stage of spiritual development and into great accuracy.
Discernment, rather than judgment, also needs to increase as we grow
into our spiritual inheritance. Many factions in the Charismatic church en-
courage seeking revelation in your “sanctified imagination” and entering into
“throne room experiences” at will. This has become a source of irritation for
many who can’t seem to access the imaginary realm and confusion for others
who just don’t know what to make of this teaching.
Much revelation is to be gained through the imagination. Your imagina-
tion, based on Scriptural word pictures, can intuit what is really there in the
throne room and other rooms and realms of Heaven. Then again, many re-
port actual visions of Heaven’s throne room and there are those who have
been caught up into Heaven in bodily form. There is a distinct difference.
Much of what arises in your imagination is for self-revelation—for healing,


encouragement, and creating vision. God is not speaking falsely—just per-

sonally. He is drawing out of you what needs to be blessed and affirmed or
healed and transformed. If “prophecies” that arise from your imagination are
shared as public prophecies, rather than personal insight, they will usually
come across as childish attempts to draw attention to self.
The problem with power that originates in the soul—tainted with un-
dealt-with emotions, memories, and traumas—is that it gets in the way of
hearing the true voice of the Lord. John Sandford speaks about this jamming
of our wavelengths in the Elijah Task: “God will never speak falsely but be-
cause of who we are we will hear wrongly…both flesh and satan attack one
who draws near to God. Few of us enjoy the honeymoon of God’s love long
before the flesh and the enemy begin to jam our wavelengths.” 4
Sandford knows from personal experience that no one will graduate from
the Lord’s school of listening with his pride intact. Most budding prophets and
revelatory people will end up looking like a fool but it does not make them a
false prophet. The pressures on Sandford as a young pastor at the beginning of
his prophetic ministry, coupled with exhaustion, resulted in a strong spiritual
delusion. During a progressive series of visions he became completely con-
vinced that God had revealed the exact time of the rapture. It was to occur the
afternoon of the day he was preaching at a ministry school involving Agnes
Sandford. Agnes, a true mother in the prophetic, promptly urged him to stop
talking and sent him to bed. He woke the next day feeling more refreshed and
more than a little bit embarrassed. He explained what happened:

“I became caught up in over-serious mysticism, confusing that

with true faith…I became overburdened, overtired, carried away
with visions and insights, and finally deluded. Satan’s delight is to
come to someone who is enjoying a true spiritual experience and
then help him go too far.

“I needed that strong spiritual delusion because my confidence

had been in my ability to hear God, not in God’s ability to over-
come my sinful heart to speak to me.

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the Church

“And as I saw my idolatry more clearly, I had to die to all such see-
ing, and be careful not to cherish insight more than the Lord.” 5
The psychological health of the prophet determines the impact of his or
her state of mind or soul about the gift. A true prophet will bear the marks of
the power of God, the nature of God, and the fruit of the Spirit over time.
They will work collaboratively and in accountability to others, learning from
their mistakes and growing in humility. Unhealed prophets will bear the
marks of their own brokenness. If the Church fails to reach out to them, leav-
ing them to smolder in despair, unrepentant sin, and brokenness, they may
succumb to the influence of occult power.

The Spirit of Divination

Many Christians dismiss prophet ministers stating that they are all operat-
ing in prophetic gifts that are empowered by a spirit of divination. Prophets
generally agree that the spirit of divination can impact both those who are not
Christians and those who are. Prophets, having a heightened sensitivity to the
spiritual realm and all that resides within it, are not immune to receiving rev-
elation from spirits of divination. Once recognizing their error, true prophets
will back away, listen to the Lord and continue to glorify Jesus in a spirit of
humility. False prophets, continuing to operate by demonic revelation, will
eventually become undone. God will mercifully expose the motives of their
hearts in hopes that they will take advantage of opportunities to heal and ma-
ture in their gifting. If they persist, having opened themselves to the influence
of the demonic, they will become undone by the one whose mission is to rob,
kill, and destroy…to deceive even the elect.
The spirit of divination referred to in Acts 16:16-18, is derived from the
Greek word “Puthon.” In Greek mythology, Puthon refers to the Pythian
serpent, or dragon, that was said to have guarded the oracle at Delphi. The
Greeks used this term to describe soothsayers and diviners. This python
spirit, or spirit of divination, inhabits a young slave girl. Under the influence
of this spirit, she was a walking psychic hotline and brought her masters
much profit. This spirit of divination impacts not only today’s psychics and
mediums, but slithers its way into the minds of many Christians, tempting


them to peer into where God has not invited and staunchly defend their
revelations as oracles of God irregardless of source and accuracy.
According to Mahesh Chavda, a pastor with an international reputation as
a miracle worker who has ministered extensively in third world countries:
People with a spirit of divination may say some things that are true and
demonstrate knowledge they could not otherwise know. The Holy Spirit will
give us discernment regarding whether such a spirit is present. One way to
tell the difference is that genuine prophecy, because it comes from the Holy
Spirit, will always glorify Jesus; a spirit of divination will not. 6
Kris Vallotton believes that once a spirit of divination is discerned and cast
out, the individual will no longer be able to prophesy. After preaching one
evening, a woman asked to see him. She was dressed in a three-piece business
suit—quite unusual for rural Redding, California. During their conversation
she claimed to be a psychic who worked with executives of corporations to
help guide them in their decision making processes. A friend referred her to
the church in hopes that she could find relief from her sleep disorder. For the
past year, the woman could not sleep, feeling spiritually tormented through-
out the night. Apparently, her friend had come to the church and received
healing for the same condition.
Not one to waste time, Kris said, “That spirit guide that speaks to you is a
demon. In fact you have two spirit guides. Your gift is from them but they
also want to kill you. In order to help your torment I have to ask the demons
to leave.”
She thought for a moment then replied, “If you make the spirit guides
leave will I be able to foretell the future?”
“No,” Kris said.
“So, if you make my spirit guides leave I won’t be able to guide those cor-
porations. Then I won’t have a business.”
“It’s really simple,” Kris replied. “You can be rich and tormented, or
peaceful and broke.”
She closed her eyes and thought about it for several minutes, then said,
“I’d rather be broke and peaceful.”

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the Church

“Here is the deal. I’ll ask the spirit guides to leave but you’ll have to ask
Jesus to come into your life in order for them to leave.” To Kris’ surprise, she
agreed and invited Jesus into her life, renounced a few things, asked forgive-
ness for obtaining guidance from wrong spirits. Then, she fell under the
power of God and lay on the floor for at least a half hour. Before she left, she
told Kris that she had never felt so much peace in her life. 7
Discerning the spirit of divination operating in a non-Christian’s life
seems to be fairly easy. Discerning the same spirit operating in a true
prophet’s life is a bit more difficult.
During the prophetic movement of the late 1980s, many prophets were ac-
cused of ministering from occult sources of divination. Their prophetic
words about people’s pasts, their current situations and future destinies drew
people hungry for affirmation and direction. In a sense, the needs of the peo-
ple caused many ministers to react like psychics.
According to John Sandford,
“Prophets were in demand and people came in rudely jostling
each other for seats hoping to get a word. I don’t know if the
prophets were as aware as they should have been but importunity
can defile your receptors. Importunity turned the prophets into di-
viners. People were pushing them that way.

“God may decide to reveal to a prophet what will happen in the

future or what has happened in the past. That is God’s revelation,
but satan copies all things and it’s a short distance from listening to
the Lord receptively and out of intimacy with him to striving to
hear. When we strive to hear we can give out what isn’t from God.
Divination is to peer where God has not invited.

“I don’t think they are aware when they are doing it but afterward
if their conscience bothered them, they became aware as the Holy
Spirit convicted them.” 8
The prophetic movement continues to mature. Most prophets take care
when addressing public prophecy to the corporate church. They also guard


their hearts a little better and don’t allow others’ needs to push them into at-
tempts to gain revelation through either soulish readings and intuitions of in-
dividuals or from a spirit of divination. As Sandford revealed, just because
someone with authentic revelatory gifts crosses the line into divination, it
does not necessarily mean they stay there and become false prophets.
As the prophetic movement grows, there seems to be less emphasis on
promoting solo practitioners who only see and hear in part, and more upon
corporate hearing and accountability structures. Those accountability
structures include C. Peter Wagner’s Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders;
regional and national prophetic roundtables; and other efforts to increase
collaboration, mutual deference to one another’s giftings, and discernment in
local churches.
For pastors worldwide called to shepherd all the budding revelatory peo-
ple in their midst, discernment and wisdom will be increasingly necessary in
the days to come. They will need to recognize that a suspected false prophet
may be merely a fool who can be redeemed. A foolish prophet may yet be-
come a great prophet. And the truly false prophets and those operating from
occult power sources need to be dealt with before they cause confusion or di-
vision and harm the Church.

Shifting Shadows of Greed in the Church

When Elijah’s showdown put an end to the prophets of Baal and
Asthoreth, the people of God were forced to take a look at how those false
gods had infiltrated not only their hearts, but their culture as well. In fact,
Elijah was so concerned about it that the Lord had to speak to him specifi-
cally, telling him that 7,000 people remained loyal and refused to kiss Baal.
(See 1 Kings 19:18.) Although this can be interpreted in many ways, the con-
fusing kiss of worship, laced with betrayal, was revealed through one key
character in Jesus’ day. Fertility gods promised increasing harvest, wealth,
and prestige. Their shadows linger in the communities of today’s Christians
in the form of the Judas kiss.

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the Church

According to Paul Keith Davis, during this season heralding the close of
this age, greed in the form of the Judas kiss will be confronted as more Chris-
tians allow light to penetrate the shadows that have crept into the Church.
“In Isaiah 14:14, the great “I will” of satan—I will make myself like the
most high—is the most dangerous spirit of all. This spirit will manifest itself
in people almost like the genuine thing, but the heart of it is darkness. A type
of that is Judas. He was one of the 12 apostles, casting out demons and heal-
ing the sick, but not one person discerned who he was until the very end.
Judas was the son of perdition—a type of the most dangerous spirit of
all—darkness at his source.
Judas always had the money bag, always slipped his hand into the money
bag, and would sell out his friends for more money. I’m not against the
Church having prosperity, but the ones who have money as their motivation
for ministry are not going to be advancing God’s Kingdom.
Jesus said satan would deceive the very elect if possible. Satan currently
functions in the Church and many people don’t recognize it. Psychics don’t
even pretend to give God the glory or acknowledge the Holy Spirit. But
Christians should. Judas was among the believers, gifted and anointed along-
side them up to the point of being filled with the Holy Spirit. But he couldn’t
be filled with the Holy Spirit. Many people among us cannot be filled with the
Holy Spirit because they are filled with the spirit of antichrist. The Lord says,
The spirit of antichrist has crept in among you—clouds without rain—but there is
no rain (Jude 1:12).
The appearance of those given over to this spirit is so close to that of real
spirit-filled believers, that it will take true spiritual discernment to separate
the two. I don’t know yet that there are enough people functioning in
prophetic maturity to discern and confront those spirits. 9
How many ministries have flourished by twisting Scriptures into prosper-
ity get rich by sending me your money messages? How many prophets have
prophesied for money? Elijah remained in the desert during the famine, eat-
ing the same meal over and over, utterly dependant on the God of miracles
and the grace extended by a lowly widow…just one widow…not hundreds.


In the process, he demonstrated a level of faith and purity that is also demon-
strated by true prophets and ministers who live in famine-ravished lands. It is
a level of dependency on the Lord that may also be required of those who live
in more prosperous countries in the days to come. We may all be called to step
into the firestorm of total surrender and dependency.

Embracing the Firestorm of Total Surrender

Everyone watching Elijah knew the significance of his altar. They knew
that the fire from Heaven consumed not only a bull, but themselves; not only
the wood, but everything they had built their lives upon and all their carnal
reasoning. Not only stones, but every corporate, tribal, and church affiliation
supporting their identity; not only soil, but all the withered seed of weeds,
doubt, and unbelief, hidden in the ground that might spring to life in the
coming rains. Even the water of past moves of the Holy Spirit was being con-
sumed; every lingering drop evaporated in the fire. It was a firestorm result-
ing in the complete annihilation of who they thought themselves to be. It
burned so hot that there were no ashes. The only thing left to see was the
stunning glory of God shining in all His brilliance, driving back the shadows
from the land.
The meaning of the sacrifice, simply put, was all about the purification of
His beloved people. Fire not only purifies but transforms individuals into
anointed people of God, faces reflect His light, hearts focus solely on Him,
destinies are fulfilled in His power. The God who answers by fire—He is
God…we are not.
Elijah’s invitation to embrace the firestorm of total surrender confronts us
today. The showdown between the influences of Baal in our lives and the in-
fluences of the Holy Spirit are coming to a point when we must irrevocably
cease wavering between two opinions that create shifting shadows of loyalty
within us. If God is God, we must follow Him. In the words of apostle Paul:
Therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your
bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiri-
tual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this
world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the Church

will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing
and perfect will (Romans 12:1-2).
Paul urges us to become like the one you behold—Jesus—in whom there
is no shadow of turning from intimacy with the Father and fulfillment of His
purpose. We cannot separate the shadows of society until we have separated
them within ourselves. We cannot release the fullness of the light of the
world until that light shines more purely within us. We must all renounce
past occult involvement, operating from soulish sources of revelation, and
bowing down to kiss the Baals of this age. We are being called to die as a
beloved child of God on the altar of total surrender.
As we offer ourselves upon the altar receive healing and step into our in-
heritance as the beloved of God, a firestorm is sure to be loosed in the days to
come. Many prophets believe that the past moves of the Holy Spirit will pale
in comparison to the sense of His presence and power that God is preparing
to reveal. Indeed, we are already seeing signs of that increase all over the
world, small tokens of what is to come. During this time we find a hint in Eli-
jah’s story that those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be
theirs. 10 Those who submit to the purifying power of His outrageous love
now—will leap into this coming move with joy.

1. Tom Hauser, Breaking Free from Darkness—A Practical Guide to De-
liverance. (Wilmington, NC: Vineyard Community Church), 5-6.
2. Joyner, Prophetic Ministry, 98.
3. Quotes derived from a personal interview with the late Dr. John
White, prolific author, psychiatrist, and missionary, a few years prior
to his death. Previously published in the article, “Supernatural min-
istry,” by Julia Loren, Renewal Journal #10 (97:2): Evangelism, at
4. Sandford, Elijah Task, 155-56.


5. Ibid., 202.
6. Chavda, Power of the Blood, 146.
7. Quotes and information about Kris Vallotton cited in this chapter
are derived from a telephone interview.
8. Quotes and information about John Sandford cited in this chapter
are derived from a personal interview. More of this interview was
published in Charisma magazine, September 2005.
9. Based on a telephone interview with Paul Keith Davis.
10. Jonah 2:8.

Chapter 7
Showdown With the Prophets
of Baal in the World

Elijah’s fiery showdown destroyed the prophets of Baal in residence but it

did not eradicate the worship of Baal or destroy the temple of Baal and
idolatry throughout the land. Elijah ascended into Heaven knowing that his
burden had passed to another generation. Years later, his prophetic successor
Elisha named Jehu king over Israel, a pronouncement that launched Jehu on
a little road trip in his chariot. Jehu’s first stop confronted Ahab’s lineage with
the words, “How can there be peace as long as all the idolatry and witchcraft
of your mother Jezebel abound?” He then killed the kings of Israel and
Judah who had arisen after Ahab died. His second stop pitched Jezebel to her
death. Then he finished off Ahab’s 70 sons, in a sense, fulfilling all of the
prophesies Elijah had spoken against the house of Ahab for their idol
worship. Yet Jehu had one more task to fulfill before sitting down to his
kingdom-building duties. He created a plan that deceptively invited the
prophets of Baal to a great feast, a barbecue, a sacrifice—and they were the
ultimate guests of honor. (See 2 Kings 9-10.)
While the prophets of Baal attended to their sacrifices and burnt offerings,
Jehu ordered the guards to kill them.


So they cut them down with the sword. The guards and officers threw
the bodies out and then entered the inner shrine of the temple of Baal.
They brought the sacred stone out of the temple of Baal and burned it.
They demolished the sacred stone of Baal and tore down the temple of
Baal, and the people have used it as a latrine to this day. So Jehu de-
stroyed Baal worship in Israel (2 Kings 10:25-28).
Fast forward to today and we see another showdown emerging—a
showdown against the same principalities, the archetypes of power, that
emerged so strongly during the reign of Ahab and Jezebel. God has been
raising up many prophetic leaders to train others to participate in the show-
down. Jehu’s “guards and officers” of today go into the streets armed with
the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and the power of the
Spirit to love and redeem the lost prophets of today’s Baal worship…those
caught up in the occult.
George Otis, author of a comprehensive study of why darkness and evil
resides in specific places of the world more than others, has much to say about
spiritual power. He believes some people are afraid and unprepared to deal
with the mysteries of power and writes, “Having little firsthand experience
with the supernatural, they are inclined to shy away from its mysteries.” 1 He
also encourages Christians to become more aware of what surrounds us and
become better prepared to deal with it.
“The modern appetite for spiritual power, whatever its source, is no less
ravenous. We have only to look at the unprecedented popularity of paranor-
mal television programming, the proliferation of New Age teaching, and the
revitalization of various indigenous religions. People want power, and the
enemy is very willing to oblige.
“Since demonic signs and wonders will increase as we edge closer to the
Second Coming of Christ, we face some critical questions: Are we prepared?
Do we have the necessary battlefield experience to stand up to this expanding
competition? For many believers, including some in positions of ministry
leadership, the answer is a resounding, ‘No.’” 2

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the World

Last Days’ Showdown Between the Powers

Many prophets agree that we are nearing the close of this age and that a
cataclysmic clash of power is on the horizon. Indeed, we are already seeing
signs of it. No one speaks to this coming battle as eloquently as Dr. Bill
Hamon, founder of Christian International Ministries Network based in
Florida and contemporary prophet:
It is God’s pleasure and purpose to demonstrate His power and
glory in these last days. The Church is entering its time to demon-
strate God’s Kingdom on Earth. It is time for the Church to start
praying and fulfilling Jesus’ directive prayer for His Will to be
done on earth as it is in Heaven.

The conflicts of the ages are upon us now. The battle between the
Body of Christ and the antichrist is being engaged to the extent that
it will be demonstrated on international television and the Internet.

We are entering the days of Moses and Elijah. Just as Moses

demonstrated God’s power against Pharaoh and all of his false
gods, even so today God wants to demonstrate His power again.
In Romans 9:17 and Exodus 9:16 God declares of Pharaoh, “For
this very purpose I have raised you up that I may show My power in
you, and that My name may be declared in ALL THE EARTH.”
(NKJV) In Exodus 10:12 God said He wanted to show His signs
and demonstrate His power against Pharaoh so that all Israel and
their descendants would know that Jehovah is the One and only
true and Almighty God.

Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel. He

demonstrated that Jehovah was the only true God with power that
no man or demon power could match. The magicians of Pharaoh
could duplicate Moses’ rod turning into a snake, water into blood,
and brought frogs up. However they could not make dust into lice
or match any of the remaining demonstrations of God’s power.
When Elijah, the true prophet of God, challenged the false
prophets of Baal they could do no great signs and wonders.


Demonic power demonstrations are reduced to almost nothing

when facing a true and powerful prophet of God.

My daughter had a dream a few years ago. She saw some true
prophets of God on a television show challenging some occultist
representative. There will be demonstrations and contests be-
tween God’s true prophets and the false occultic and antichrist
prophets. One of my pastors, who is a prophet, set up a booth at
a New Age/psychic fair. Everyone else was charging a fee for
psychic readings but he put up a sign the read “free spiritual
readings.” He and his team gave accurate prophecies with spe-
cific words of knowledge. Several witch doctors, satanists, and
psychic leaders got saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. They
experienced the superiority of God’s power and insight over their
own powers.

It is time for the Church, especially the prophets and apostles, to

demonstrate that Jesus Christ is the only true and loving God. 3
Prophet Jim Goll, founder of Encounters Network, also believes that an
army of prophets of God are being called and trained to stand up to the de-
monic spirits driving our modern day Baal worshipers and bring the presence
and power of God into the battle for their souls. According to Goll:

“There is coming upon the scene of time a great conflict of para-

mount proportions. It is the Battle of the Prophets—those who are
true soldiers of the cross of Jesus Christ and those who flaunt the
boastful pride of man mixed with New Age false Spiritism and
who wag big egos.

“The end result is clear to those who truly know the Word of God
and the God of the Word. Humble yet bold prophets of the One
True God shall prevail in the Last Days by their testimony of the
power of the blood of Him who saves even against atheist, secular,
and demonic humanism in the last days.” 4

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the World

As this showdown occurs the shifting shadows of confusion will give way
to increasing darkness. Light always pierces the darkness and chases away
the shadows. According to Mahesh Chavda, “The dark will get darker but
glory will get thicker. If we will look to Jesus, He is going to anoint his
Church as never before. And we will arise and shine.” 5
John Sandford also believes a greater revelation of God’s light and power
are going to be seen in the coming days. “I believe a revelation of God is com-
ing that is beyond our realities, not His reality, our reality outside the bounds
of what we think. It will call for flexibility, willingness to die to ourselves, and
at the same time it, will call for stability. The Church will not look like what
we’ve seen in past years. It is going to change rapidly.” 6
Part of that changing face of the Church includes an increased understand-
ing of a revelation of God’s love and power that we have never seen before.
Rather than just knowing the healing and prophetic power and feeling glimpses
of the tangible presence of God, the Church may discover who God really is—a
reality outside the bounds of our limited imagination and understanding of
Scripture. Once captivated by that intimate revelation of the face of God, we
will all be transformed. Then, we will all be called to embrace the supernatural
more fully—the revelation of Heaven and earthly matters that comes through
increasing spiritual experiences and signs and wonders breaking through the
heavens that defies all scientific rationalizations and explanations.
Rick Joyner speaks to both the coming increase in supernatural power
and the coming responsibility to definitively answer the question that Eli-
jah presented to the people of His day: How long will you waver between two
As we proceed toward the conclusion of this age, the conflict between
light and darkness will become increasingly supernatural. The day when it
was possible to take a neutral stance toward the supernatural is over. If we do
not know the true power of God’s Spirit, we will become increasingly subject
to the power of the evil one. Those whose fears or doctrines have led them to
avoid even the Lord’s supernatural power will soon find themselves and their
children easy prey for evil supernatural powers. 7


Following the Leaders

Patricia King and Stacey Campbell of Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada,
are among the prophets who take the prophetic power and love of God to the
streets—confronting the effects of the occult influences in North American
cultures. They call it Extreme Prophetic. They also take teams of ordinary
Christians-turned-prophets—students, housewives, and businessmen—into
the streets of major cities, where the light of Christ invades the darkness
around them. Some of their work is documented on King’s Extreme Prophetic
television show.
In one episode, the camera reveals the eyes of a man hardened by anger,
vestiges of prison life still marking his face, as he listens to Extreme Prophetic
team members on the streets of Las Vegas. The man in this segment had
walked out of prison just hours before team members stopped him on the
sidewalk outside a casino and told him that God loved him and had a plan for
his life. Tears ran down the man’s face when pastor and prophetic minister
Stacey Campbell, co-founder with her husband Wesley Campbell of Revival
Now ministry and Be a Hero ministry, shared prophetic insights about child-
hood events that had filled the man with anger—events she could not have
known about. He accepted Christ there on the street, virtually unconscious of
the cameras that would spread his testimony around the world.
King, the woman behind Extreme Prophetic, is a hip and extroverted 50-
something grandmother who lives with her husband in Kelowna, about a
three-hour drive from Vancouver. Saved in the 1970s after practicing the oc-
cult, then serving as a missionary with Youth With A Mission, King has be-
come known as a Bible teacher who emphasizes prayer, evangelism, and the
gifts of the Holy Spirit.
She credits a 1994 visit to the Toronto Blessing renewal with spawning
both a storm of questions and some “amazing” spiritual experiences that mo-
tivated her to dig deeper in prayer and Bible study. The result was a teaching
series about biblical encounters with a supernatural God. She later founded a
“glory school” and wrote a few books including, Third Heaven, Angels and
Other Stuff.

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the World

King believes supernatural encounters should be taken to the streets.

“[People] are not hungry for institutionalized religion; they are hungry for
true encounters with God,” King said. “The whole idea behind the Extreme
Prophetic School is to take God’s prophetic gift with extreme love into ex-
treme places—anywhere and everywhere the unsaved congregate.” 8
While Patricia King naturally gravitated toward ministry to those in the
occult, Stacey Campbell, a pastor’s wife, had to push past her own judgments
of those who had been involved in the occult before she moved outside the
walls of the church to venture into the streets. A brief conversation with a
man in Brisbane, Australia, challenged her thinking and set her on a new
course of ministry. The man told Campbell that he had become a Christian at
a psychic fair, a fair he attended because he knew he was looking for God.
According to Campbell, “I never thought people were looking for God at
psychic fairs. The general opinion of the church is that these people are de-
monized so we create an unknown judgment about them with our beliefs.
They are hungry for spirituality and they want the real thing. So I asked this
man to tell me about what happened at the fair.” 9
The pastor of the Australian church had heard about a psychic fair coming
to town and the church thought they would be proactive in outreach rather
than judgment. Eight months prior to the scheduled fair, they sent
intercessors to the site and prayed. In the meanwhile, the pastors trained
people in the art of listening to God and releasing prophecy and they rented a
booth so they could have a presence onsite. During the psychic fair,
intercessors surrounded the area and their booth and prayed. As a result, they
noticed the line at psychics’ booths got shorter and shorter. The line at
prophet’s booth grew longer. Participants at the fair, both curious and already
given over to the dark lord’s counterfeit powers, gravitated toward the light,
love, and purity of power emanating form the church’s prophetic booth. This
new Christian was one of those who stood in line at the booth and received not
only a word of love and destiny, he received Christ as his Savior, renouncing
his infatuation with the idols of power in his culture.
As Stacey listened, the Lord opened her heart to minister beyond the
confines of the church sanctuary. “Suddenly the Lord said, ‘I want you to do


that.’ Now, I’m a pastor’s wife—I’ve never been outside the church. The
more I tried to argue against stepping out to prophesy to people involved
with the occult and on the streets, the worst it sounded. Finally, I read in
First Corinthians that prophecy is for the unbeliever—not necessarily for
the believer.”
She talked to her friend Patricia King about launching a prophet’s booth of
some sort in their community of Kelowna. She suggested a “Spiritual Read-
ings” booth and the two women led several Extreme Prophetic students to the
local Booster Juice where they hung a sign outside the door stating “FREE
spiritual readings.” According to Campbell, the experience changed her mind
about how pervasive the draw of the occult is in North America and the need
for Christians to meet people on the streets and interrupt that draw toward the
dark powers that roam about freely looking for ones to devour.
“I had two fears about this Booster Juice set up: that no one would
show up, and that someone would show up and we would have to
prophesy. I discovered that it was the most effective form of evan-
gelism I have ever done in my life. I’ve been through a variety of
techniques including Campus Crusade, door-to-door, survey
evangelism, and preaching on the streets. Setting up the draw to-
ward Spiritual Readings was so much more effective because the
hungry and the lost come searching for you.

“The lost lined up at the door from the very first day. Within the
first half hour of opening, people stood in line for about 30 min-
utes until they could sit down with one of the teams of two—one
who would sit quietly and intercede while the other one prophe-
sied. We would start by explaining that we were Christians and we
believed God would speak to them.

“As we began to prophesy in their life and address the wounds in

their life, many were visibly moved. Several were saved and several
later came to church.”
Despite the spiritual openness, Campbell also sees opposition to their work
on the streets coming from both secular and from churched individuals.

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the World

“Wherever the power of God goes it clashes with kingdom of

darkness. In cultures where the awareness of the spiritual is
heightened there seems to be more of a kingdom clash. Here, we
do see various degrees of hostility or harassment against what we
are doing. We see that the clash is sometimes more demonstrable
and sometimes lighter…meaning there is not a full-on manifesta-
tion of a demon in the one harassing us.

“Also, a lot of churches may have a fear-based reaction, not under-

standing the power of prophetic and healing evangelism. Really the
biblical paradigm reveals this form of evangelism as normal Chris-
tianity wherever you go. Our current cultural understanding is that
most of Christianity takes place in buildings rather than outside. So,
many Christians see what we’re doing as an occultist practice rather
than as normal Christianity. We all actually have a biblical mandate
to go out in the power of the Holy Spirit, preaching the word with
signs following and bringing light into the darkness.

“From the beginning of time God has been after the whole wide
world. It is purposed in God’s heart that every gift, whether mercy
or hospitality or any other, is not supposed to be used only to the
church but also taken out to continue to expand the kingdom.
Take every gift, a service gift, to serve the bride and the world.
This mercy movement of prophetic evangelism is the natural out-
come of the prophetic movement.”
Doug Addison, founder of InLight Connection and a prophetic evangelist
whose ministry is based in the Los Angeles area of California has regularly
taken Christians to New Age events, infiltrated the notorious Burning Man
desert gatherings by setting up spiritual readings and dream interpretation
booths, and generally showed up where few Christians dare to tread. Burning
Man is an annual experiment in temporary community dedicated to radical
self-expression and self-reliance, i.e., people wear all manner of costumes or
nothing at all, consume drugs or not. Although it is a commercial-free event, a
variety of people offer their own spiritual insights and smorgasbord of occultic
information to one another. While it started as a private beach party in San


Francisco where a couple of men decided to build a wooden man and burn him
on the beach as a form of self-expression, it has grown to include thousands of
people who camp in the sweltering heat of Nevada’s Black Rock desert over
Labor Day weekend. The event culminates in the burning of a giant human ef-
figy. Participants call it an experiment in survival, due to having to camp in
such extreme heat, completely dependent on what supplies they bring and
share. Between the heat and the burning of the giant wooden man, it seems al-
most as if the demonic realm taunts participants into unconsciously living out a
version of surviving a mild hell—perhaps a trial run for many.
Addison believes, like Campbell and King, that the logical outflow of the
contemporary Christian prophetic movement is destined for the streets. And
as prophetic believers move out, the Holy Spirit will move in and release even
greater measures of accuracy and power encounters. According to Addison:
“I think that one of the next powerful moves of God will occur
among those caught up in the New Age. I think it will be on the
level of the early Book of Acts where they met everyday and no
one dared join them because they were operating in such a high
level of power. Someone will stand against us and we will actually
be able to do greater things than they are doing. Witches can cur-
rently pin people against the wall. I think we will be able to do
greater things. When we walk by their booths at New Age shows,
they lose their power. We don’t pray for them to shut down, we
pray that their gifts would be pointed in the right direction and
answer the call of God on their life. When we go around blessing
people, their power shuts down. One group thought we were psy-
chic vampires because every time we walked by they would lose
their power. Another group liked our light and energy and that
good things began to happen when we were in the area.

“The pagan burning man groups are more the radical raw end of
the New Age [movement]. This year, Burning Man was the best
ever. Our spiritual readings and dream interpretation tent resulted
in a couple dozen salvations. There was a 30-minute line to get
into the dream tent. Lots of people who came in would say they

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the World

didn’t want to be a Christian because they had been so wounded

by the church but admitted that they loved Jesus.

“At Burning Man our booth was voted the camp with the best
‘Karma.’ They actually gave a spirituality award to Christians!

“We don’t advertise that we’re Christians. We go in and are sensi-

tive to them, telling them more about themselves, giving them
prophesies, and releasing deliverance prayers. We actually ask
them, ‘Would you mind if we ask the Creator to remove anything
that might hinder you from reaching your destiny?’

“At Burning Man we also ask the person if he or she would like a
spiritual cleansing or dream interpretation. We just gather as a
group and the Holy Spirit touches them to the point of tears. Some
demons leave. I see power encounters all the time.

“Second Corinthians 4:4 states that the god of this age has blinded
the minds of unbelievers. They lack discernment. Our job is to
open their eyes to new experiences in God. Acts 26:17-18 reads I
am sending you to them to open their eyes…that eye-opening experi-
ence is required to release many from the demonic through
demonstrations of God’s love and power.” 10
Addison is quick to reveal that not every encounter is a God en-
counter—meaning that he doesn’t presume to minister to everyone who
comes along his path—either at New Age fairs or on the street. As light in-
filtrates the darkness, the shadows of confusion harass demonized people
and propel them toward Addison and others who minister on the street.
“If someone walks up to me on the street and they engage me—they are
probably sent by the demonic spirit harassing them. I won’t engage on the de-
fense. If I did engage and God hadn’t called me to, God would have mercy.
But as you mature, you don’t presume that you have to unleash God to every-
one who walks in front of you; if you do, what happens is backlash, not a
good encounter. When I see someone coming I ask the Holy Spirit immedi-
ately, ‘Is this something you want me to do?’


Dark Lord Defeat Through Agape Revolution

What if God moved sovereignly in the New Age movement, calling indi-
viduals to Himself in the way that He did during the Jesus People movement
when thousands of hippies in the 1960s and 1970s came to Jesus out of a purple
haze of billowing marijuana smoke and drugs, free love, and naked meander-
ings through rock concerts and forest glens?
What if God released an army of angels to point their swords at the hearts
of those who have rejected Jesus as just another teacher, and pierce them with
the truth? Would we have eyes to see who Jesus is raising up at this hour in
history? Will we accept those who step out of the shadows from the kingdom
of darkness into the Kingdom of light? Will we be prepared to answer their
questions about the difference between occult power and the power of the
blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Or will judge them and encourage them
to leave our presence?
And if these individuals step away from occult power, then start express-
ing the gifts of the spirit with greater power than we have seen in our minds,
will we bless them or seek to shut them down? God is releasing the fullness of
His Holy Spirit and the Spirit will fall on whomever He wills it. Will we bless
their accelerated process of discipleship and keep our hands off their zeal and
anointing as the love of God consumes them and sends them out into the
world? If we do, the world will gravitate toward the burning man or woman
in their midst. If we don’t, our religion will kill their zeal and all that will re-
main is a habitation for the enemy.
Not only did Doug Addison hear the stories of many caught up in the
New Age and occult who had been wounded and rejected by the church, he
also felt rejected by church members because of his giftedness. Yet he perse-
vered in his spiritual growth and in the process of healing the wounds that
drove him toward the occult. Despite the rejection of Christians, he is now
one of satan’s greatest enemies, and ministers in churches around the nation,
training others in the ways of prophetic evangelism.
Some, like a television psychic who attended Addison’s church meetings
for a year before deciding not to accept Christ because she would lose her

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the World

television show, are blatantly involved with occult activity. Yet, because of
Addison’s acceptance of her, this same psychic inadvertently led several
people to the Lord when she encouraged them to attend Addison’s meetings.
Others are more naive about the origins and differences between God’s
power and psychic power. But one of the most interesting facts about many
people caught up in New Age teachings is that those seeking answers from
the occult are also drawn to the light of Christ and the power that flows from
Spirit-filled believers. Sometimes, it takes patience rather than power
encounters to reveal the fullness of God’s love.
One of Randy Clark’s Global Awakening ministry team members attend-
ing a meeting in Brazil met a tall, young woman who appeared more refined
than the average Brazilian attending the meetings held in a huge Assembly of
God church building in Imperatriz. She was an English teacher who had come
to help as an interpreter. At the end of the meeting on the first night the min-
istry team member sensed that she was not a Christian and asked her what
church she attended. “Oh, I am Catholic but I attend other meetings,” she
replied. “How do you say spiritualisme? It is more a philosophy. It is Christian.
Do you know the teachings of Allan Kardac, a French philosopher? His teach-
ings are sweeping through Brazil, becoming very popular.” 11
Allan Kardac, a French educator and philosopher, started investigating the
paranormal manifestations of spiritualism occurring in America and Europe
in 1854. He is to Europe what Blavatsky was to America spiritualism—the
first to write down extensive volumes of teachings that serve as the foundation
for the New Age movement in Europe and South America. Through exten-
sive interviews with spirits channeled through mediums, Kardac codified spir-
itualist teaching for all of Europe. His influence is most felt in Brazil today,
where the uneducated masses gravitate toward Macumba witchcraft—a com-
bination of Catholicism, African witchcraft, and spiritism—for healing and
spirituality, and the more educated masses are shifting away from Catholicism
and into Kardac’s brand of spiritism.
Kardac’s followers believe spiritism is a philosophy that is Christian
because it has the moral transformation of mankind as its finality. It advocates a
return to the teachings of Jesus Christ in our daily lives but denies Jesus’


atonement. Instead, successive lives lived out through reincarnation provide

our own means of atonement for our sins. It attempts to show Christianity in
its “true expression of love and charity” yet it also believes that heaven and
hell are absurd concepts and that in channeling spirits we receive a fuller
picture of the meaning of life. Kardac’s teachings also embrace scientific
reasoning—which appeals to many intellectuals—and the laying on of hands
for healing. His teachings are no different from many teachings of
spiritualists in North America.
The ministry team member encouraged the English teacher to test the
spirits next time she attended a spiritualist meeting and talked with her about
the difference between Kardac’s Christianity and true Christianity. The next
night, the ministry team member could tell that she was moved by the will-
ingness of the North American team to pray for the Brazilians, and even
more amazed by the power of God lovingly touching and healing many who
came forward for prayer. So, at the end of the evening, the team member
prayed for her and watched as she too encountered the love and peace she
was looking for. By the end of their time together, the team member had
written down several Scriptures and gave them to her—knowing that as a
true seeker of the truth, the Truth would set her free. She received not only a
sense of the true power of God but a sense of the meaning of Agape love. She
had been drawn to Clark’s Charismatic meetings because her spiritualist
meetings could not meet the deep needs in her heart. The next time she at-
tended a spiritualist meeting, she promised that she would test the spirits in
accordance with 1 John 4:1-6:
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see
whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out
into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: every
spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from
God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God.
This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and
even now is already in the world. You, dear children, are from God and
have already overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater
than the one who is in the world. They are from the world and

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the World

therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens
to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but
whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize
the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.
She also agreed that she didn’t want to be deceived and would ask if Kar-
dac’s teaching includes Jesus as the Christ, our Savior, who made atonement
for our sins and is the only way to the Father and Heaven in accordance with
1 John 2:22:
Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such
a man is the antichrist—he denies the father and the son.
In her search for authentic spirituality, she knew her heart longed for
peace and love more than intellectual reasoning. Before she could surrender
to Jesus, she needed an experience of His love and peace as well as insight into
what the Bible really teaches about the person of Jesus Christ, rather than the
philosophy behind Jesus’ teachings. She wasn’t ready to receive Christ and
become born again. In fact, she may have needed deliverance before she
could go on with her spiritual search. Not all power encounters result in dra-
matic salvations and deliverances. Usually, the hearts of others open more
fully in response to Agape love expressed rather than to power released.

You Can Prepare for the Showdown

There are several prophets preparing Christians to move into the enemy’s
camp and release the presence and power of God in their midst. In a sense,
they are raising up an army of young prophets (of varying chronologic ages).
Doug Addison, Stacey Campbell, John Paul Jackson, and Patricia King have
been forerunners in this move of God’s heart to reach out to those engaged in
occult activities. Many Charismatics and Pentecostals, who have experienced
the empowering of the Holy Spirit to stand against the enemy of our souls,
are being prepared to understand how to minister effectively and what it
takes to infiltrate the ranks of modern-day Baal worshipers.
John Paul Jackson offers several keys to preparation for the coming


Every prophetic voice—from Moses to Daniel, from the apostle

Paul to the church in Pergamos—has had to wrestle against the
powers of darkness.

In a time when spiritual wickedness is accepted as the “norm,” all

aspects of the media are filled with the glamorization of demons,
and witchcraft is being touted as funny and compassionate, the
people of God need to shrewdly arise.

I have gone into and sent teams into the enemy’s camp for years
now. We have infiltrated New Age fairs; Burning Man; Mardi
Gras; Haunted Happenings in Salem, Massachusetts; various film
festivals; and other national and international gatherings too nu-
merous to mention. As a result, we have seen salvation happen
even in the darkest environments.

One day, we may well have a “showdown at the OK Coral” with

the enemy, but today there are very few people of God who would
dare step into the quagmire of this face-off. Simply put, most do
not believe God would back them up. There are two encompass-
ing reasons for this fear.

First, we have to ask ourselves how well we know God’s ways. I

have found that being gifted does not guarantee we actually know
God’s ways—the when, where, and why He does what He does.
To walk in God’s ways when confronting the dark powers in oth-
ers, we need to start with five simple keys:
1. We must be spiritually clean before we can walk in God’s
power. To the degree we are not clean, the enemy has
access to us.
2. We must be absolutely convinced that our God is God. To
the degree we doubt the omnipotence, omniscience, and
omnipresence of our God over their god, we give the
enemy access to our lives.
3. We are to set the rules of engagement, not them. God’s
prophets never allowed the enemy to define the boundaries.

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the World

4. When we walk in His ways, God will move Heaven and

earth on our behalf. Expect miracles to happen!
5. Last but not least, we must love others with the love that
made Jesus known as the friend of sinners. Love is the
match that kindles the flame, and people are quickly
drawn to it.

The second reason for our fear of the enemy is that current church
culture often programs Christians to stay away from those in the
New Age, witchcraft, or any other cult such as Buddhism or Hin-
duism—they believe we will be contaminated or demonized sim-
ply by being among them. Sadly, this is tacit agreement that the
one who is in them is greater than He who is in us. Scripture tells
us the opposite, but do we really believe it? When the world of
darkness and the world of light collide, there are five simple ways
of knowing how ready we are for God’s Spirit to flow through us.
1. We must know the authority of the power we have in God.
Our God created all beings, even those that subsequently
fell. By definition, the created can never be greater than
that which created it.
2. We must understand that it is the Holy Spirit who has all
the Father’s power at His disposal. The Holy Spirit flowing
through us changes those around us.
3. We must cultivate and live in the atmosphere of God’s pres-
ence. Others will feel it when they are near us, and their spir-
its will long for it.
4. We must know the limitations of the powers of darkness,
which are revealed in the ten plagues of Egypt.
5. We need to realize that to the degree the Spirit of God
flows through us, others’ abilities to use their demonically
empowered gifts are impaired.

In conclusion, when interacting with those who do not know

Jesus as their Savior, we need to remember that Jesus said, “It is
kindness that leads to repentance.” No one truly comes to the


Lord through obnoxious and aggressive behavior, but we have

seen hundreds come to salvation through the expression of love,
especially when it is mixed with the demonstration of God’s
power. 12

Moving from Fear to Faith

Zephaniah 1 and the Book of Revelation speak of a time of darkness com-
ing on the world, characterized by spiritual apostasy, natural and technologi-
cal disasters, and increasing fear. Luke 11:33-36 also speaks of the light of
God increasing in this darkness as the people of God become carriers of His
light and presence into the world. Many prophets, as we have seen in this
chapter, believe that those days are upon us now and will increase in intensity
as we approach the close of the age.
If that is so, it becomes imperative that we as Christians draw so close to the
Lord that we walk as carriers of His presence—releasing prophetic words,
healing, encouragement, destiny, and miracles to those who are hungry to ex-
perience the incredible love and power of God in our day. It is equally imper-
ative that we increase in faith and decrease in fear. Fear-based theology has
nothing to offer the world.
We already know the end of the story of Elijah’s and Jehu’s confronta-
tions with the prophets of Baal. Scripture also reveals the end of the story
marking the close of this age. As Cooke wrote in the Foreword, we contend
with the shadows of the world from a place of victory, not defeat:
“The showdown was over before it began. Elijah was not fighting to get vic-
tory. He was contending from the place of overcoming: the Presence of God.
What God’s people were witnessing was the power of God being expressed
through the heart of a man who knew that His anointing came from his intimate
relationship with the Lord.
Elijah couldn’t lose. That’s the significance of Mount Carmel.”
And neither can we.

Showdown With the Prophets of Baal in the World

1. George Otis, The Twilight Labyrinth, (Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen
Books, 1997), 258.
2. Ibid., 258.
3. This excerpt was written and contributed by Dr. Bill Hamon specif-
ically for inclusion in this book. He is the author of several books in-
cluding Apostles, Prophets, and the Coming Moves of God.
4. This excerpt was written and contributed by Jim Goll specifically for
inclusion in this book.
5. Quotes and information about Mahesh Chavda cited in this chapter
were derived from a telephone interview.
6. Based on a personal interview with John Sandford.
7. Joyner, Prophetic Ministry, 79.
8. Based on a telephone interview with Patricia King.
9. Based on a telephone interview with Stacey Campbell. For more in-
formation see
10. Based on a telephone interview with Doug Addison. For more infor-
mation about his ministry see
11. The team member was referred to me.
12. This excerpt was written and contributed by John Paul Jackson
specifically for inclusion in this book.

Chapter 8
The Sound of Abundant Rain

The shadows of the day shifted into night as Elijah fought for the hearts
of God’s people. Finally, the occult powers defeated, it was time for the
drought to break and Elijah listened intently, for the sound of the coming
rain. Not long after the prophets of Baal lay dead on the battlefield, Elijah
saw a cloud on the horizon, a tiny cloud the shape of a man’s hand. But it was
enough for him to hear the sound of the abundance of rain in that tiny cloud.
The glory of God and the power of His Kingdom would soon turn from a
scattering of raindrops to a downpour. The showdown with the prophets of
Baal wasn’t just a battle for the hearts of God’s people. It was about the sound
of the abundance of rain coming to shower down upon us all.
The downpour of Heaven’s rain consumed the people. It was a shower of
love that broke the drought and released them from the famine and dryness,
as much a condition of the soil of their hearts as the soil of the earth they
walked on.
The showdown captured the attention of God’s people, now they faced
the ultimate decision to follow God, to learn to hear His voice for themselves,
and to usher in the coming King. Seven times Elijah sent his servant to stand


at the edge of the mountain and peer out to sea, looking for the clouds herald-
ing rain. The cloud would become a token of the heavens opening. (See 1
Kings 18:44-46.)
In a sense, the Charismatic church has stood on the mountaintops of past
moves of God wondering if the clouds they see, the tokens of revival and re-
newal, are the final rains spoken of in the Scriptures—the rains heralding the
return of Christ and the close of this age. Every generation looks for open
heavens, doors opening in Heaven, showers of blessings upon the people of
God worldwide—not just isolated showers. And every generation sees them.
However, during our present generation, tokens of miracles depicting open
heavens are occurring throughout the world as never before. They are signs
that make everyone wonder.
According to Bobby Conner, Baptist Pastor turned prophet and founder
of Demonstration of God’s Power ministry, “The biblical pattern is for the
Church of Jesus Christ to be a powerful prophetic force in the world, not a
puny, pathetic one. The Lord has sent us to do the same things with the same
power that He did, as it says in Mark 16:20: And they went forth, and preached
every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs fol-
We are in for some manifestations of the Holy Spirit that will seem for-
eign to many in the church. As a result, many will be tempted to speak
against the manifest sense of God’s presence. Many Christians reject what
they do not understand or become jealous of others’ experiences—especially
when they see great power released through new Christians who have just
walked in from the shadows and been hit with the light. Some will say that
those manifestations came about as a result of occult power, or prophetic
words as a result of divination. Others will reject them outright.
Still the fact remains, signs and wonders are breaking out all over the
world. In the process, miracles of healing and power encounters are happen-
ing not just to a select few in meetings, but overtaking the hundreds and
thousands in attendance—en masse! Clouds of rain and glory, gold dust
sparkling on people’s hands and faces, angelic visitations, throne room expe-
riences, and fourth dimension miracles—they are all signs appearing on the

The Sound of Abundant Rain

earth in the lives of individuals across the world. They are signs to make you
wonder and listen for the sound of the abundance of rain, the heavens open-
ing and a worldwide downpour of revelation and power that has not been
seen ever before. It is a downpour that God is inviting you to experience.

The Abundance of Rain

In Imparatriz, Brazil, on September 8, 2005, former Vineyard pastor and
Global Awakening Associate Minister Gary Oates stood preaching before a
crowd of more than 3,000 people in the large Assemblies of God church. The
church looked like a miniature football stadium with giant openings in the
walls on several levels of the building to allow air flow. Not a cloud hovered
in the starry night sky when we arrived at the church. Only the sliver of a
new moon blinked its greeting from heaven giving no hint of what was in
store. It was the dry season. Dust blew through the streets at will, piling up
alongside the road and walls in houses topped with broken glass and barbed
wire to keep out intruders. The city and the people were hot, thirsty, and
afraid of each other.
Gary preached about Elijah, the sound of the abundance of rain, and about
praying persistently for the rain of God’s healing presence. Elijah, Gary ex-
plained, prayed seven times for rain, each time looking up to see if a cloud the
size of a man’s hand would sweep in and shower down an abundance of rain
upon the people, breaking the drought. At the end of his story we heard the
sound of the abundance of rain carried on the wind. Suddenly, a squall blew in
through the windows, circulating rapidly counter-clockwise within the vast
building. Palm trees bent and swayed ecstatically, dancing with the wind out-
side. The tangible presence of God swept through the church and the people
rose to their feet cheering. Gary stood on the platform; his arms raised high
overhead for about 10 minutes, as long as the rain and wind lasted.
God had completely suspended the laws of nature. Not only did rain come
out of season and on a night of a new moon rather than a full moon as they
had traditionally seen in the area, His Spirit Wind blew in as well. A woman
stepped out from the pastor’s office where a group of intercessors had
gathered to pray. She and her family had been missionaries with New Tribes


mission in the area for more than 21 years. Just before dropping to her knees
she said, “This never happens. This is a genuine miracle.”
The rain continued pummeling the street but the palm trees finally
stilled. Only a light wind blew outside. Eventually, it died down and the au-
dience grew quiet, wondering. Oates invited people to receive the healing
presence of the Lord, saying the Lord was present to heal. Indeed, He had
just illustrated His message with signs and wonders. Hundreds of people
received instant healings. Hundreds more received Jesus and entered into
salvation that night. 2

Signs To Make you Wonder—Glory Clouds and Gold

Mahesh Chavda stood before his congregation in Fort Mill, North Carolina,
his Bible open to Second Corinthians 3:10 and read, “For what was glorious has
no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory.” 3
Nearly 1,000 people sat listening in the tent that serves as his sanctuary
when something unusual drew their attention. Something was forming in
the middle of the tent, emerging out of the empty air, taking shape, hovering
just above the heads of several people. People started nudging one another,
pointing to the unusual manifestation, wondering what it was. Within a few
moments, Mahesh realized that he was losing his audience and looked up
from the Word to see what drew their attention away.
A cloud had manifested in the middle of the tent shimmering with particles,
feathers, dust that looked like gold. Hundreds of people started shouting out
about the glory cloud. Others stood in total awe. It manifested stronger, beam-
ing with light and glittery gold-like particles. The cloud stayed almost half an
hour while Mahesh wagged his head with childlike delight, smiled, and started
singing a simple chorus, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.”
According to Mahesh, “It was quite inspiring and way beyond anything
we had seen up to this point in our congregation or conferences. Other pas-
tors who witnessed the glory cloud said it was the first time they had seen a
manifestation of the presence of God like that. As it manifested, it released a
great sense of love and honor for the Lord Jesus in our midst. We were so

The Sound of Abundant Rain

Out-of-season squalls and clouds of glory appearing in churches seem

strange enough to those who know they are witnessing something beyond
their regional realm of experience. Another worldwide phenomenon has also
captured the attention of thousands who have witnessed it. No one seems to
know when and where the first reports of gold dust appearing on peoples’
faces and hands during prayer and worship gatherings first started happen-
ing. There have been reports from all over the world for the past several
years. The gold dust accounts are not confined to any one group, conference,
or congregation of any particular size, nor are they attached to any one min-
istry or man. It seems as if the appearance of gold manifests on whomever the
glory of God desires.
In 1997 Daryl Nicolet, pastor of Faith Worship Center in Pepperall,
Massachusetts, and John Schweigert, pastor of Pilgrim Covenant Church at
that time, were leading a small renewal service when manifestations of a
glittery gold substance appeared on the people gathered. Nicolet had just
read a few testimonies from the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship about
people suddenly and miraculously receiving gold fillings in their teeth and
others seeing gold dust appear on hands and faces. Throughout the meeting,
the presence of God grew stronger and many people were lying on the floor
enjoying His presence. Around 11 P.M., Daryl looked at his fingers and
noticed a glittery substance on his skin. “I am standing there looking at my
fingers, just amazed because we had just read the testimonies. The glittery
substance didn’t seem to fall from the sky; it just seemed to come out of my
pores and appear.” 4
He called his wife over and she too noticed the glitter of gold on his hands.
Then she held up her own hands and realized that gold had appeared on her
as well. Because of the late hour, many people had left the meeting to go
home. About 44 people still remained. According to Nicolet, every single per-
son remaining in the meeting had the substance on them. “No one prayed for
them. There was no impartation prayer for this. It just was showing up on
faces, arms, and elbows. Kids were running around smiling. They had it all
over them. And it wasn’t the make-up rage to wear glitter at the time. What
was so amazing to me was that they all had it on them at the same time.”


This appearance of gold dust, or “glory dust” as the Chavdas call it, has
been sighted in South America, North America, Indonesia, Europe, and
Africa during small meetings and large gatherings. In fact, some overseas re-
ports indicate that small jewels, colored gem stones, have appeared in the
hands of people while they were outstretched in worship. Believers speculate
that the gold and jewels are signs of Heaven’s opening, of God adorning His
Bride (the Church), that occurs during moments of intimate individual and
corporate worship.

Angelic Visitations and Feathers from Heaven

Over the past decade or so, reports of individuals seeing angels, talking
with angels, and emphasizing that everyone can see them have dominated
some segments of the Charismatic church. Individual and corporate encoun-
ters with unusual feathers falling in unusual times and places have also been
reported. Manifestations of angels and feathers that materialize out of
nowhere seem to be common occurrences, and are quite possibly authentic
manifestations that are God-made rather than man-made. Some ministers
stand in awe and wonder, refusing to let the manifestations detract from the
focus on other aspects of the Kingdom, including the King. Other leaders feel
a compulsion to interpret the meaning according to their own grid of under-
standing. The manifestation may be authentic; however, the interpretation
may or may not. Still others, more immature ministers, use the manifestations
to call attention to their ministries as if the manifestations are heavenly en-
dorsements. These types of responses to manifestations both repel and attract
people who want to know what is of God and what is not.
In a report written by Fresh Fire staff members, the ministry of young
Canadian evangelist Todd Bentley, a number of manifestations of God were
apparently seen by many during a conference held in British Columbia in
2005. With this current focus on the supernatural sweeping through
Charismatic church circles, it provides a typical example of what people are
reporting seeing in meetings worldwide—no matter who the main speaker
or the size of the group. Bentley also explains why more manifestations
show up in some places rather than others. His focus on supernatural power
and manifestations has led many Christians to embrace increasing

The Sound of Abundant Rain

revelation and openness to greater dimensions of the Holy Spirit. Portions

of the report follow:
Feathers supernaturally appeared in the air and gently fell to the
floor, as if God was opening up the Fresh Fire Ministries prophetic
conference with a special divine sign of an open heaven over the
place. This sign caught the attention of the capacity crowd at the
Living in the Supernatural conference listening to the opening
prophetic message of Revivalist and FFM founder Todd Bentley in
Abbotsford, B.C., Canada. About 36 feathers seemed to appear in
mid air, a few at a time, throughout the meeting—they started ten
feet below the ceiling, before drifting to earth, as heaven invaded the

In his opening message Todd referred to the appearance of feath-

ers and an angel called Promise that had visited him just days be-
fore. He announced that God was releasing a new season in which
promises given over the past 20 years would begin to come to pass.
“There is something supernatural about this; I sense real divine
destiny,” he said. “There are actually angels in heaven that oversee
answered prayer. They oversee what God has promised to be sure
that it is released in your life, city and nation.”

In another session, Todd described some of the supernatural mani-

festations we can expect to see if we faithfully nurture our spiritual
life by embracing kingdom thinking. He said that when we start to
talk about “the stuff”—gold, angels, feathers, deliverance and heal-
ing—they show up! “Whatever you can expect to see in heaven
eternally, should be what I can expect to see now in the spirit.” Todd
said that because there are so few supernatural experiences in the
Church today, most believers do not expect them. “We settle for no
supernatural experience because we want to play safe!” he said.

“However, God has invited us to come boldly to His throne (a

place of supernatural encounter). God has promised that He will
pour out His Spirit on all flesh,” continued Todd. “But you can’t


speak the heart and mind of God if you aren’t living in the super-
natural and listening to His voice.” Such a supernatural life in-
volves trances, visions, dreams, angelic visitations, and being taken
up into the third heaven. Todd examined Hebrews 6 in which
Paul encourages believers to go on from the elementary principles
(repentance, baptisms, laying on of hands, and basic doctrines) to
the place of having “tasted the good word of God and the powers of
the age to come” (v.5 NKJV). After we see into this realm of “the
powers of the age to come,” he said, we can decree what we see in
order to bring them out of that realm into the natural realm.

Referring to Isaiah 2, 1 Corinthians 2, and Job 29, Todd noted that

God wants to entrust His true friends with the kinds of revelation
that Jesus experienced. He said we can have this revelatory wis-
dom 24 hours a day. Then, just like Jesus, we will do nothing but
what we see the Father doing. 5

Third Heaven Experiences and Fourth Dimension Miracles

Scripture talks not only about doing what we see the Father doing, but of
going beyond the works that Jesus did and doing “greater things.” Ian Clay-
ton, a prophet in New Zealand, believes these “greater things” include per-
sonally experiencing the domain of the third heaven, which is the domain of
God and fourth dimension miracles such as teleportations, walking through
walls, and dematerializing in order to pass unharmed through a murderous
crowd, walking on water, raising the dead, and performing miraculous
works that transcend our natural laws of physics. Clayton is no stranger to
the supernatural as revealed in Chapter 2. He has experienced many of the
fourth-dimension miracles listed above, as have others, and regularly seeks to
commune with God, not so much on earth, but in Heaven.
He believes that as sons and daughters of the King, we have a right to ex-
plore the realm of Heaven and to walk back into the realms of earth bearing
His presence, revelation and power. The realms of Heaven Clayton walks in
include glimpses of the Garden in Eden, the throne room of God and areas of
His Kingdom that few have seen and even fewer have words to describe.

The Sound of Abundant Rain

Much of his ministry today focuses on revealing the inheritance Christians

have as sons and daughters. He also brings people into the mystery of the super-
natural, mentoring them along until people access the realms of Heaven for
themselves and visionary experiences become super-Natural. Clayton believes
anyone can be taught to access greater intimacy with Christ—literally on earth
as it is in Heaven. And he stands in good company. Prophets Shawn Boltz and
Patricia King have written about their experiences walking in the throne room
of Heaven along with other revelatory ministers. John Sandford talks about his
experiences involving accessing Heaven, the throne room, and entering into the
council chambers of God. Clayton demystifies the experience by explaining that
accessing Heaven can be a learned experience:

Entering the realm of the Kingdom is a learned experience. The

spirit-man can go with Jesus and walk with God because the Holy
Spirit resides in your body. I surrender to the glory of God and then
I walk with Him. He initiates it. I follow by my desire to be with the
Father in His kingdom. As children we have a right to be with God
the Father in Heaven. As a son He gives me a right to discover the
realm of Heaven. My single desire is to encounter and know Him as
a friend, to know all that He does and all that He is about. Every
time I walk into the realms of Heaven, it always leads to a deeper
love and encounter with God. 6

Shifting Shadows of Supernatural Manifestations

While some believe the manifestations are authentic, others view the
manifestations as metaphors—the gold and jewels as signs of financial pro-
vision coming, purity increasing, and the resources of Heaven being released
for global evangelism. The glory clouds, rain squalls, and increasing angelic
encounters are often interpreted as signs that Heaven is breaking forth into
the earth today. Still others react in unbelief, considering the manifestations
simply spiritualists’ parlor tricks, concocted by charlatans to expand their
reputations. A few believe that the signs that make people wonder are de-
ceptions of the enemy—manifestations that are not from God.


John R.W. Stott, a British theologian, urges caution when trying to inter-
pret the signs of the times and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Accord-
ing to Stott, “We all need, in these days in which the Holy Spirit seems to be
stirring, to be sensitive to what he may be saying or doing among us. We must
be very careful neither to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit by attributing his
work to the devil, nor to quench the Holy Spirit by resolving to contain him
within our own safe, traditional patterns.” 7
Pastor Bill Johnson, author of several books that catapult people into
higher levels of faith resulting in an increase in supernatural signs and won-
ders, is a man stirring the nation to tap into their spiritual DNA and walk
into the purposes of God for this generation. Yet he knows that spiritual
manifestations frighten some people, others reject it for a variety of reasons.
According to Johnson, people reject what they don’t understand. They
feel uncomfortable and emphatically state it must not be from God. He
speaks about the spirit of the antichrist at work attempting to reject anything
that has to do with the Holy Spirit’s anointing.
“Church leaders and individuals attempt to reject what they cannot control,
to reduce the Gospel to an intellectual message rather than a supernatural God
encounter, and fail to expect that God’s power is available to everyone—right
here and right now. The attitude of control erodes our faith until God’s power is
reduced to man’s ability to reason.
“Every believer has written into his or her spiritual DNA the desire for
the supernatural. It is our predetermined sense of destiny. This God-born
passion dissipates when it has been taught or reasoned away, when it’s not
been exercised, or when it’s been buried under disappointment.” 8
Many of those who have noticed their passion for God wane have also re-
ceived a fresh surge of faith that dispels their unbelief during meetings where
the presence of God manifests in unusual ways. Yet those who display an-
tichrist attitudes that reject the Holy Spirit, a significant member of the
Trinitarian God-head, are wide open to the commentators who seek to prey
upon fear and release a measure of control. Calling themselves watchdogs

The Sound of Abundant Rain

over wrong theology, these commentators often turn the faith of many into
fear—in direct violation of the very Scriptures they profess to protect.
As supernatural manifestations increase in the years to come we must take
care to discern the shifting shadows of attitudes, soulish desires, and fears
within us; leading us to interpret signs according to our own understanding.
We must take care not to interpret the manifestations as Heaven’s endorse-
ments of any one minister or meeting. We must take care not to call evil
“good” or good “evil.” Finally, we must take care to stand in awe of God, not
in awe of signs and wonders, and move in the nature of Christ expressing the
marks of true power—namely, love and humility.

Watchdogs or Fear Mongrels

During Jonathan Edwards’ times, the crowds were no different in their as-
sessment of Charismatic phenomena. Edwards, a Congregational preacher
and theologian, is known for launching the First Great Awakening, a revival
that occurred in New England in the 1740s. He held meetings marked by
tears and loud intercessions along with fainting and other “bodily effects”,
physical manifestations of the presence of God, as people came into an aware-
ness of the state of their souls and their need of a Savior. After people left his
meetings some reacted in faith, believing the conversions and manifestations
of God’s presence they witnessed were from God, while others reacted in fear
and disbelief. Edwards’ words of warning echo throughout the ages and serve
to warn us still. “Let all to whom this work is a cloud and darkness…take
heed that it not be their destruction while it gives light to God’s Israel,” Ed-
wards said, referring to Acts 13:41 and scoffers who refuse to receive and
speak contemptuously of the revival of God. 9
He admonishes us not to confuse the shifting shadows of darkness and
light and call good “evil” and evil “good.” In Edwards’ day, people aired their
views in conversation and in print.
Today, self-appointed watchdogs proliferate and pontificate on the Internet,
television, radio, and in books creating needless fears of deception. To be a cult
watcher and keep tabs on demonic activity in the world is one thing. But
Edwards, an ardent Calvinist and dispensationalist in the early days of his


ministry, admonished Christians that it was quite another to sit in judgment

over brothers and sisters in Christ and to presume to sit in judgment over God.
One of the marks of God’s true power and authority is the ability to move
in love—not to be motivated by their own over-inflated egos and call atten-
tion to their “wisdom.”
Another mark of God’s power is humility—not arrogance but a willing-
ness to learn from others rather than stand apart and judge others. Perhaps
most importantly, one of the greatest marks of God’s power and authority is
to stir up a passion to enter into the fullness of God—knowing God’s love,
His power, and His purpose, drawing others into deeper relationship with
God and greater commitment to fulfilling their destinies.
According to these characteristics of one who moves in the true power of
God, watchdogs, apparently, do not fit the description of true power brokers of
the Word. In fact, M. Scott Peck, a noted psychiatrist, points out the pathology
and error driving the personalities of these watchdogs and scoffers—drawing a
connection between the person and spirit whispering in their ears. He writes,
“Evil people and spirits are both characterized by a kind of excessive pride or
narcissism that causes them to believe they are without fault. Satan is renowned
for speaking the truth in one sentence while lying in the next.” 10
Those who feel like they need to maintain a grip on their ministry or their
seat of authority by seeking to discredit the ministries of others should heed
the words of a wise man:
“…let them alone; for if this plan or this undertaking is of men, it will
fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You
might even be found opposing God!” 11
We have no need to fear deception.
Why do people listen to fear mongers? Counselors have a saying that “the
issue isn’t really the issue.” Fear of deception isn’t really the issue for many
people; fear of change is a greater issue on their hearts.
Fear of change is one of the biggest hindrances to personal growth. Stretch-
ing your belief system, changing the way you think requires a corresponding

The Sound of Abundant Rain

shift in behavior and action. Behavioral change follows cognitive change. When
people are confronted with new ideas about God, they must either incorporate
those ideas into their belief system or reject them. Once accepted, a whole chain
reaction occurs that continually nudges people out of their comfort zones.
For instance, if a person doesn’t believe that God speaks personally then
encounters God in a personal way—through a dream or through someone
giving them a prophetic word—they must make a decision to accept or reject
this new idea about the nature of God. If accepted, then they are responsible
to seek a deeper relationship with God. Once open to greater revelation from
God, they are then confronted with the possibility that God may say some-
thing they don’t like and they will be called to take some action that was not
in their game plan. That action may be something like repent, change your
actions, forgive, or learn to let go of your anger toward another. Or it may be
something more dramatic such as a calling to ministry or to another place.
However, if the person rejects the dream or the prophetic word, then
there seems to be no reason to take personal responsibility to stretch your
thinking or respond to whatever God says about what may follow. Repeated
clashes of beliefs may only result in anger and frustration rather than open-
ness to a deeper, personal relationship with a loving God.
For those who are impacted by the words of these watchdogs it is time to
step out of the shadows of fear and into the light of God’s presence. As John-
son says, “What do I trust most, my ability to be deceived or His ability to
keep me? And why do you think He gave us the Comforter? He knew His
ways would make us uncomfortable first.” 12

The Power and the Presence

According to Bobby Conner, the manifestations of God’s presence and in-
creasing signs of open heavens are bringing the Church to the point of discover-
ing the real issue at stake—that of yielding our life completely to the purposes of
the Holy Spirit. Conner explains:
The real issue is not whether or not we want the power of God,
but do we really want the presence of God in our lives? God is
seeking to build character in us, the character of His Son! This is


not instead of His power, but because of His power. The anointing
of the Holy Spirit is not just a one time touch; it is a transformed
life, a life that is yielded daily to the Holy Spirit’s control. As the
apostle said in Galatians 2:20:
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ
liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith
of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (KJV)
This is our calling, that we not live only for ourselves, but that the
Lord might live His life through us. Moses knew the only thing
that would make us different and unique from anyone else in the
world would be the manifest presence of God revealed in our
midst, as he stated in Exodus 33:14-16:
And He said, “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.”
And he (Moses) said unto Him, “If Thy presence go not with me, carry
us not up hence. For wherein shall it be known here that I and Thy
people have found grace in thy sight? Is it not in that thou goest with
us? So shall we be separated, I and Thy people, from all the people that
are upon the face of the earth.” (KJV)
It is not just knowing about Jesus, but having Him present with us
that is essential. The presence of the Lord is not an occasional touch
from Him, with which so many Christians become satisfied. It is the
presence and power of Almighty God in our daily lives—it is a con-
tinual filling of the Holy Spirit so that we abide in Him each day.
This is the only way that true Christians can be distinguished from
all of the other religions on the face of the earth. Christianity is not
just knowing or trying to live by certain doctrines—it is becoming
the temple of the Holy Spirit.
This reality is revealed again in the example of Peter and John
standing before the council in Acts 4:13:
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that
they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took
knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

The Sound of Abundant Rain

It was not Peter’s and John’s intellectual ability that caught the at-
tention of these men—it was the fact that they had been with
Jesus. There is a noticeable quality in those who have been in fel-
lowship with the Lord. 13
In addition to tangible signs of God’s world breaking into ours—through
dreams, visions, angelic appearances, glory clouds, nature miracles, gold dust
and gems suddenly appearing, and others—there is one manifestation that
seems timeless and undeniable to all who feel it. It is the manifestation of the
presence of God, overwhelming in love, peace, joy, that comes like a smother-
ing kiss causing the beloved to swoon and fall or laugh and dance with joy. It
is this sign and wonder that inflames the passion for Christ and His Kingdom
come, more than any other.
Matt Sorger, a prophetic minister based in New York, wrote about this
phenomenon of presence experienced during a conference held in Long Is-
land, New York in 2005. It is a phenomenon that has been experienced all
over the world in decades past as well as in our day. Sorger writes:

What a powerful weekend we had during our 3rd regional Heal-

ing in His Wings Signs and Wonders Conference in Long Island,
NY. There was a great sense of unity, expectation and spiritual
hunger as over 21 churches gathered together from across the
New York region and beyond to experience a fresh touch from the
Holy Spirit. Many were filled, refreshed, healed, delivered, and
empowered to live in a place of overcoming victory in their walk
with God. Each night God moved in a unique and powerful way
as His Glory swept over His people.

As I entered the sanctuary Saturday night a man came running up

to me with tears in his eyes proclaiming how wonderful God’s
presence was in the church. The air was electrified with God’s
glory and everyone could feel Him there. It wasn’t just another
meeting. It was a night of holy encounter. As we lifted up our
hearts in worship to God people could be seen weeping as their


hearts were touched in a profound and unusual way by the Holy

Spirit, some for the very first time.

On Sunday night during our anointing service the glory of God swept
into the room in a corporate way. There are those times when the en-
tire room becomes filled with the manifest glory of God, which is
what we pray and long for in our meetings. It wasn’t church as usual.
A true revival spirit was released among us. Many began to burn with
the tangible fire of God. As God’s glory broke in people were “blown
back” by the power all around the room. A wave of “holy laughter”
broke out as people were filled and refreshed by the glory of God.
The atmosphere of heaven invaded the lives of those present. 14
When the church experiences the manifest presence of God, the power is
undeniable. The shifting shadows of doubt and unbelief are blown away by
the kiss of God. Healing and deliverance comes as a natural byproduct during
meetings such as the one Sorger described. The presence releases a revelatory
atmosphere of Heaven that often imparts to individuals a sense of calling and
personal destiny, visions of things to come, angelic visitations, and experiences
of the revelatory realms of Heaven. It is this sense of God’s presence that de-
lights the senses more than external manifestations of gold, glory clouds, and
others signs that make people wonder.
No one who has experienced such intimacy of encounter with the tangi-
ble, sensory awareness of the presence of God can deny that He exists and
that He is the God who is love. All other gods pale in comparison to Him. All
other shadows flee. When His presence manifests more fully, no one will be
lost in darkness.

1. Excerpted from the article, “The Power of God,” by Bobby Conner
and posted on his Website at Bobby Connor

The Sound of Abundant Rain

has a ministry called A Demonstration of God’s Power, in Moravian

Falls, North Carolina.
2. Based on personal observation. I was the team member who wit-
nessed the nature miracle and talked with the missionary. Gary
Oates, former pastor currently working as an itinerant minister and
associate of Randy Clark’s ministry, is the author of Open My Eyes,
Lord—A Practical Guide to Angelic Visitations and Heavenly Experi-
ences (Dallas, GA: Open Heaven Publications, 2004). See
3. Based on a telephone interview with Mahesh Chavda.
4. Quotes and information about Daryl Nicolet cited in this chapter are
based on a personal interview.
5. Excerpted from the article, “Supernatural Signs Appear at Prophetic
Conference,” a Fresh Fire Ministries Conference Report written by
staff members. Posted April 28, 2005, at
6. Based on a telephone interview with Ian Clayton.
7. John R.W. Stott, The Baptism and Fullness of the Holy Spirit. (Lon-
don: Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1964), 57-60.
8. Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth, 81.
9. Randy Clark, Lighting Fires. (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House,
1998), 111.
10. M. Scott Peck, Glimpses of the Devil: A Psychiatrist’s Personal Accounts
of Possession, Exorcism and Redemption. (New York: Free Press,
Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2005), 180.
11. Acts 5:38-39 ESV.
12. Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth, 83.
13. Conner, “The Power of God.”
14. Excerpted from original posting on Matt Sorger’s Website at

Chapter 9
You Can Access
Supernatural Power

In this present world of spiritual darkness and shifting shadows of su-

pernatural power, Christians everywhere are being confronted with several
important questions. They are questions that you must answer for yourself
before you seek to access greater authority, revelatory visions, prophetic in-
sights, and supernatural power:
Why do I want to experience an increase of supernatural power in my life?
Are there shifting shadows of loyalty in my heart evidenced through my
behaviors and actions?
Am I experiencing God’s manifest presence and so captivated by God’s
love that my life overflows with the radiant presence of God?
How willing am I to embrace the cross of Christ?
What must I do to prepare for an increase in power and authority to take
victory over the shifting shadows of darkness in my given sphere of influence
at work and at home?
Why Do You Want More Power?
Signs, miraculous healings, revelatory and prophetic insights are amazing
gifts that testify of Jesus. They do not endorse an individual’s ministry.


Neither do they validate an individual or a movement as being blessed or

favored by the Father. Signs and wonders do not validate truth and they will
not validate who you are. So why do you want the power of God moving
through your life?
During a series of talks with his staff members, the late Derek Prince, a
man who moved in revelatory power, signs and wonders, expressed his con-
cern about today’s emphasis on Christians moving in power.
Through his decades of ministry he had seen the excesses and abuses of
power. He had also watched how people could move under the anointing of
two different spirits—the Holy Spirit’s anointing and the anointing of a de-
monic spirit. In various works, Prince cites the biblical example of King Saul
and the case of William Branham’s healing ministry as examples of men who
operated in two different spirits. Prince’s caution is both sobering and en-
I find today in our contemporary church, if you preach about
power, everybody gets excited—and if you appeal for people who
want to receive power, many will come forward. Personally, I be-
lieve this emphasis on power can be extremely dangerous. I have
observed over a good many years that people who focus on power
end in trouble. They often end in error.

Power is something that appeals to the natural man. Some psy-

chologists have said that the desire for power is the number one
desire of the human personality. Paul said, “I want power, but I
want it on a different basis from that which the world under-
stands. I want to forget all my wisdom, all my knowledge, all my
theological qualifications and I want to focus on only one thing:
Jesus Christ crucified.” [See 1 Corinthians 2:1-5.] And then he
said, in effect, “When I do that, I can be sure that the Holy Spirit
will come in power.” 1
Prince encourages believers to know the Word of God, embrace the cross
of Christ, and dwell in His glory—not seeking our own. Having a love for
the truth, knowing the Word of God, and seeking to remain in His presence,

You Can Access Supernatural Power

will keep many from being deceived by spirits that imitate the power of the
Holy Spirit.
Now, the Bible speaks about signs and wonders. It says some
things about them that are good, and some that are very frighten-
ing. I want to turn to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and read a few
verses there, beginning at verse 9.

The coming of the lawless one [that is the title of the antichrist] is
according to the working of satan, with all power, signs, and lying
wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who
perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they
might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong
delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be con-
demned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unright-
eousness (2 Thess. 2:9-12).

So, Paul says here there are such things as lying signs and wonders.
There are true signs and there are lying signs. True signs attest the
truth. Lying signs attest lies. Satan is fully capable of supernatural
signs and wonders. Unfortunately, many in the Charismatic
movement have the attitude that if something is supernatural, it
must be from God. There is no scriptural basis for that assump-
tion. Satan is perfectly capable of producing powerful signs and
wonders to attest his lies, and the reason such people are deceived
is because they did not receive the love of the truth. On such people
God will send strong delusion.

That is one of the most frightening statements in the Bible. If God

sends you strong delusion, you will be deluded. I think that is one of
the most severe judgments of God recorded in Scripture, sending
these people strong delusion. They will be condemned, these people,
because they did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Therefore, signs and wonders are not a guarantee that something

is the truth. There is only one sure way to know the truth. It is in
the Word of God. Jesus said in John 8:32, “You shall know the truth,


and the truth shall make you free.” (NKJV) There is no other way to
be sure that we can escape deception in these days except that we
know and apply the truth of God’s Word, the Scripture.

Are There Shifting Shadows of Loyalty in Your Heart?

Are you living in a house of shifting shadows? If so, are you willing to let the
light of God penetrate your heart, releasing healing and deliverance to you?
In the opening chapter of this book, the shifting shadows of the house that
the family had moved into brought them all into contact with great power and
richly tragic spiritual experiences. Their dabbling in the occult—reading about
spiritualism, taking mind-expanding drugs, contact with mediums and tarot
cards, flirting with the devil, playing with white magic and casting spells, at-
tempting astral travel, and willingly praying for spirit guides to come in and
take them on spiritual adventures—lead to oppression in every area of their
lives. Even today, many Christians are straddling both sides of the fence—seek-
ing personal prophesies from Christian prophets, astrological forecasts, and
psychics. The resulting oppression leads to spiritual destruction.
If you are dabbling in the occult, you need to renounce your reliance on
demonic revelation and invite the Lord to release you from the resulting op-
pression. If you are seeking others to hear the voice of God for yourself, stop.
The Lord loves you, too. And He wants to speak with you directly. Open the
Word of God and start reading until His voice leaps off the page and releases
the revelation of the Word into your ear and heart.
Even if you are not in overt rebellion or seeking demonic power, how
much of God’s light and love do you allow into your heart, mind, and soul?
Of the two girls who walked out of the dark lord’s shadow lands at the
beginning of the book, Tami stopped at the edge of intimacy with Jesus. She
received a measure of the Lord’s healing embrace but shied away from the
radiance of His ongoing presence of love and light. She built her house in a
grey place, the realm that Graham Cooke, in the foreword of this book, calls
“the shifting shadows of loyalty which people can inhabit when they do not
reside in the light, close to the beacon of faithfulness.” Ann, however, chose
to live in the center of light captivated by the radiance of God’s smile, her

You Can Access Supernatural Power

reality shaped by intimacy with Christ, her life a testimony of the power of
the Holy Spirit.
There is no shadow of turning in Christ Jesus. If you are not basking in
His light, you are being impacted by the shadows. If you are not abandoning
yourself to Christ daily, who are you giving yourself to?

Does Your Life Overflow With the Radiant Presence of God?

The more the light of God’s love consumes us the more effortlessly we ex-
tend that light, that atmosphere of Heaven, to the dark lord’s kingdom. Do
you bask in the light of God’s presence? Do you adore intimacy with God?
Do you only hear the commands of God or can you see His smile? Does the
radiance of God shine through your life? There is so much more of His pres-
ence to experience, as well as His power.
The challenge of increasing in supernatural power is not to seek to move
in power but to move in the presence of God. Rather than praying, “More
Power!” cry out, “More of you, Lord!” That prayer enlarges your spirit and
increases your spiritual sensitivity to hear the voice of God and act on the rev-
elation that He releases to you. The overflow of His presence is supernatural
power. The overflow of your presence is merely an expression of soulish
power that is most likely tapping into second heaven revelation…the realm
of demonic revelation. Do you want God’s power or do you want Him? You
can release the gifts of the Spirit; however, God cannot and will not be used.
God desires intimate relationship with you, not overt manipulation.
The more we abandon ourselves to Him, the less we stumble around in the
shifting shadows of loyalty and the more we release the manifest presence of
God wherever we go. Then, what the world will witness is the power of God
being expressed through the hearts of men and women who know their
anointing comes from a deep, intimate relationship with the Lord. As more
individuals and groups of believers grow in faith, we will see a convergence of
supernatural power and intimacy. Believers will release not only a sense of
God’s presence in their homes, workplaces and in the world, but will discover
that they have become super-Natural power brokers as well, imbued with
gifts of healing, prophetic and revelatory insights, and miracles.


Are You Willing to Embrace the Cross of Christ?

Christ’s death and resurrection is central to Christianity. It is the founda-
tion of our love for others and our love for God. That resurrection power is
available to all of us today—for salvation, healing, deliverance, and empow-
erment for ministry. The power of the Cross, the power of the redemptive
blood of Jesus, is the greatest recurring sign and wonder in the earth today.
According to Prince, understanding and focusing on the Cross, on Christ
crucified, will release a purity of revelation and power:
In Matthew 16:24-25 Jesus says: If anyone desires to come after Me,
let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For who-
ever desires to save his life [literally, soul] will lose it, but whoever
loses his life [literally, soul] for My sake will find it. (NKJV)

Here is the divine paradox: to save (protect) our soul we must lose it.
Before we can follow Jesus, there are two preliminary steps. First,
we must deny ourselves; we must say a resolute and final “No!” to
our demanding, self-seeking ego. Second, we must take up our
cross. We must accept the sentence of death which the cross imposes
on us. Taking up our cross is a voluntary decision that each of us
must make. God does not forcefully impose the cross upon us.

If we do not apply the cross personally in our own life, we leave a

door open to demonic influence. There is always the danger that
our uncrucified ego will respond to the seductive flatteries of de-
ceiving demons. Pride is the main area in our character which
satan targets and flattery is the main lever he uses to gain entrance.

We must each apply the Cross personally to ourselves. In Galatians

2:20 Paul says, I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who
live…(NKJV). We each need to ask: Is that true of me? Have I re-
ally been crucified with Christ? Or am I still motivated by my
soulish ego?

I believe one of our greatest needs is to focus on the Cross. I have

seen people become very ambitious, striving for success, wanting

You Can Access Supernatural Power

to build a large church or ministry. Sometimes they succeed, but

unless the whole message is focused on the Cross, they have only
wood, hay, and straw.

Embracing the Cross involves a willingness to die to selfish ambi-

tion, to wield the power of God for the sake of others and for the
glory of the Lord. Embracing the Cross also means embracing the
willingness to suffer for the sake of the Gospel. If your desire is to
minister in power for your sake, to glorify self, that pride will lead
to destruction. If your desire is to walk more intimately with God,
doing what you see the Father doing, glorifying Him, then you
will be able to endure the Cross—discovering victory in suffering
that comes with ministering in power and enduring the agony of
temporal defeat.

Part of the reason people shy away from moving in miraculous

power and divine healing is because of the agony of defeat many
Christians suffer after praying for individuals to be healed and see-
ing them carried away unchanged. The grief causes many people
to be turned off by the healing movement and walk away from
praying bold prayers for healing. Defeat, facing the suffering of
others and suffering the heartache of ministering to others is part
of embracing the cross of Christ who endured all things and tri-
umphed over them.
According to Randy Clark, most people who believe that Jesus heals today
but don’t pray for healing fail to pray because they won’t embrace suffering.
“Following the Lord involves a willingness to join in His suffer-
ing. Taking up your cross involves suffering. At the very least
there is an emotional price tag that involves disappointment when
people are not healed and personal challenges in family life and fi-
nances as you rearrange your life to follow the Lord.

If you are to prepare for an increase in power, you must under-

stand that walking in the power of the Holy Spirit involves suffer-
ing and a continual humbling process. Not everyone you pray for


will be healed. Your heart will ache over those who are desperate
for a touch from God and don’t receive the miracle they seek.” 2

How Can You Prepare for an Increase in Power and Authority?

This last question can best be answered by those international ministry vet-
erans who have witnessed signs and wonders accompanying their ministries.
Making a conscious choice to learn from those whose ministries are character-
ized by Richard Foster’s seven marks of power that come from God (referred
to in the first chapter) will launch you into greater measures of faith and
anointing. Here is how you can recognize those who can help you increase in
power and authority. They may or may not have national or international
recognition; yet their lives and ministries are characterized by:
! Power motivated by love and compassion to release salvation,
deliverance, and healing;
! Power expressed with humility, deferring to one another’s gifts,
willing to learn from others, aware that the gifts flow from God
as He wills;
! Power expressed with restraint, not under compulsion to the
needs and distractions of men or the desire to express flashy rev-
elation or miracles that draw attention to them;
! Power expressed with joy, operating from a basis of rest rather
than exhaustion which can lead to delusion, filled with the
presence of the Lord;
! Power that does not dominate or control but is revealed in vul-
nerability rather than bravado;
! Power that is submitted in right relationship to the Lord Jesus
Christ and to others;
! Power that freely gives and sets people free rather than binding
them in some obligation (financial or emotional) to the minister or
Healing evangelist Randy Clark is one of the international ministry veter-
ans whose ministry expresses the seven marks of power that come from God.
According to Clark:
You sustain the move of God in your life and in the Church the
same way you prepare for it—by simply praying, God I want your

You Can Access Supernatural Power

power. But you don’t just pray for power. You must also pray, God I
want your heart, your love for the poor, the broken and sick. I want to be
able to stand in line for hours and pray and enjoy it. Ministry is not
about a power kick. It’s about entering into the heart of God and
feeling His love for the people. That’s what sustains you for hours
and hours of ministry. It’s the love of God and obedience to the call.
Two other internationally known ministers, whose ministries express the
seven marks of power that come from God—Mahesh Chavda and Bill John-
son—offer their wisdom in the final chapters of this book. Let them encour-
age you to embrace your spiritual destiny and inheritance and increase in
super-Natural revelation and power. Read on and let their wisdom motivate
you to embrace the Cross and increase in both power and authority for the
glory of God.
I leave you with this final question: In the coming days, when the show-
down between the “prophets of Baal” and the true prophets of God emerges
more dramatically in the Church and the world, whose power will be seen as
greater—God’s or satan’s? The answer lies within you.

1. All quotes in this chapter are based on a series of talks given by
Derek Prince to his coworkers. The original recording of the series,
“Protection from Deception,” is available through Derek Prince
ministries in March 1996. See
2. All quotes in this chapter are based on a September 2005 interview
with Randy Clark.

Chapter 10
Preparing for an Increase of Power

Jesus had no supernatural capabilities in Himself. Everything He did, He

did as a man, completely dependant on the Holy Spirit. He emphasized this
point by saying, “The Son can do nothing of Himself.” 1
While He is 100 percent God, He chose to live with the same limitations
and restrictions that man would face once he was redeemed. He made that
point over and over again. If He performed miracles as God, I am still im-
pressed, but not compelled to follow. His example would be admirable, but
unattainable. Yet it is obvious that He intended His disciples to do all that
He did, and more. 2 Realizing that He did all the miracles as a man, I am re-
sponsible to follow the example He established, and pursue the spiritual
realms He said were available to me. 3 By doing it this way He became a
model for all who would become His disciples, thus embracing the invita-
tion to invade the impossible in His name. He performed miracles, signs,
and wonders, as a man in right relationship to God…not as God. Recaptur-
ing this simple truth changes everything…and makes possible a full
restoration of the ministry of Jesus Christ in His Church.


Mission Impossible
To fulfill His mission, Jesus needed the Holy Spirit; and that mission, with
all its objectives, was to finish the Father’s work. If the Son of God was that
reliant upon the anointing of the Holy Spirit, His behavior should clarify our
need for the Holy Spirit’s power upon us to do what the Father has assigned.
We must be clothed with the Holy Spirit for supernatural ministry.
Part of our problem is this: we are accustomed to do only the things that
are not impossible. If God does not show up and help us with most of our en-
deavors, we can still succeed. There must be an aspect of the Christian life
that is impossible without divine intervention. That keeps us on the edge and
puts us in contact with our true calling. It is our privilege to declare who He
is by our obedient invasion into that which cannot be done without God’s
power being displayed.
Such a display of power was a core value of the early church. So great
was the disciple’s need for power to become witnesses that they were not al-
lowed to leave Jerusalem until they had experienced what the Father had
promised.4 This power came to ordinary people who walked in intimacy
with Jesus—through an experience with God called the Baptism in the
Holy Spirit.5 That encounter was not to be a one-time event, but was sup-
posed to be an ongoing priority in the Christian life.6

The Importance of Experience

One of the tragedies we experience in this day is that great truths have
been reduced to doctrines, and are avoided as experiences.7 Near the top of
the list is the wonderful declaration that we are seated “in heavenly places in
Christ.” 8 It has come to be a comforting promise for those who have prob-
lems, instead of a revelation of something that is available in Christ to all who
believe. It is to be a third heaven experience that gives us a perspective on re-
ality that no doctrine can accomplish by itself. This is very instrumental in
learning to see things from God’s perspective. Out of that place of intimacy
we are uniquely positioned for purpose. And all who taste of this reality begin
living from Heaven toward earth.

Preparing for an Increase of Power

If the Holy Spirit is free to move more powerfully in our lives, we will
constantly be involved in the invasion of impossibilities. The supernatural is
His natural realm. The more important the Holy Spirit becomes to us, the
less we will quench 9 and grieve 10 Him. Our desire will be to move in the su-
pernatural to accomplish the purposes that God has created for us.
To prepare ourselves for an increase of power, we must answer this central
question: How dependent on the Holy Spirit are we willing to be?

The Power and the Purpose

We believe it’s our commission to change the world and alter the course of
human history. Jesus said, “…he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will
do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my Father” (John
14:12). Jesus’ prophecy of us doing greater works than He did has stirred the
Church to look for some other meaning to this very simple statement. Many
theologians seek to honor the works of Jesus as unattainable, which is reli-
gion 11 fathered by unbelief. Jesus showed us what one person could do who
has the Spirit without measure. What could millions do? That was His point,
and it became His prophecy.
Someone’s got to catch His dream. Someone’s got to hear what is possible
through those dreams. We’ve got to think in terms of nations coming to God,
and a nation coming in a day. God has been prophesying of a generation com-
ing into the works of God where the weakest among us will be like David
and the strongest like God. 12 Our assignment is to invade the impossible all
over the world.
The purpose of Kingdom power is to invade society at its greatest places of
need. Jesus said the Gospel of the Kingdom would be preached all over the
world before the end comes. Most every time He uses the word kingdom, it is
to display power. When power is demonstrated, people are released from tor-
ment, healed from their diseases, and are exposed to miracles of all sorts. If
we carry that message with those results we know we are doing the same
thing as Jesus.
Kingdom thinking knows that anything is possible at any time. It’s acti-
vated when you and I with tender hearts surrender to the thought patterns of


God. It’s when we receive His imaginations and say “yes” that we are
changed. The Bible calls this the renewed mind. We know our minds are re-
newed when the impossible looks logical. We want our minds to be full of the
leaven of the Kingdom 13—living under Kingdom influence. We want mira-
cles to have their full effect in us, changing the way we see and behave.
This is not just for those whose ministry is primarily within the confines
of a church building or organization. Kingdom thinking impacts every realm
of society—the businessman, the educator, and the politician alike. The King
then influences how things should be done, revealing new ways of impacting
people in our given spheres of influence. It is time to take the realms of influ-
ence back and impact secular society with the good news of God’s Kingdom.
Remember, the world only has a voice where the Church is silent. And with-
out His message of the Kingdom, we have little to say.
Jesus is the “desire of all nations.” 14 They just don’t know it. Everyone
seems to be seeking for a city whose builder and maker is God15, they just
don’t realize they’re crying out for the King and His rule. That’s where we
step into the picture. And that’s where we come in displaying His love and
power, re-presenting Him accurately.

Receiving and Releasing Our Inheritance

Because the concept of spiritual inheritance has been lost or ignored for
decades, we have been working without the spiritual wealth previous gener-
ations have stored up for our use in these last days. Learning how to receive
our inheritance and live from the accomplishments of prior generations will
be key for us to succeed in our purpose in this hour.
The last 2,000 years of history show us that a revival will typically come
and last two to four years, then fade out. Because of this pattern, an entire
branch of theology has developed that says revival is supposed to arrive peri-
odically to give the Church a shot in the arm—new enthusiasm, new
hunger, new energy. But by saying that revival is an exception, normal
Christianity is dumbed down to its lowest level. Revival is not an exception.
Revival is the norm. Signs, wonders, and miracles are as normal to the
Gospel as it is normal for you to get up in the morning and breathe. Revival

Preparing for an Increase of Power

is the Christian life. You cannot separate the two. We were never intended to
live a season of life outside the outpouring of the Spirit of God. He always
takes us from “glory to glory.” 16 He is progressive in every move He makes.
The nature of His kingdom is this: “of the increase of His government and
peace there will be no end.” 17
The tragedy of human history is that revival comes and goes without
continuous advancement. Subsequent generations build monuments around
the achievements of the previous generation, but do not completely receive and
occupy their inherited spiritual territory. We’ve never seen it increase in
momentum from one generation to the next. Perhaps they don’t want to pay the
same price their forefathers paid. Or it’s possible that some get distracted by
forming organizations around the accomplishments of past movements. But
preservation is not revival. Revival is a fire that either advances or dies. In either
case, we inherit territory for free, but do not pay the price for expansion. In the
Kingdom, inherited territory must be advanced or we lose it. Ask the man who
received one talent. He thought that it was okay to preserve what he was given
by his master. But He ended up losing the very thing he preserved. 18 This
Kingdom only knows expansion!
Let me illustrate this point. Show me a church or a family whose forefathers
broke into significant signs and wonders in the realm of healing, and I can
show you descendents who were heavily afflicted with disease if they didn’t
maintain and expand their area of inherited breakthrough. The enemy waits
for the opportunity to move into unoccupied territory once possessed by our
forefathers. When the victories of past generations go unoccupied, they become
the platform from which the enemy mocks the victories of the past generation.
Worse yet, that unoccupied territory becomes the military encampment from
which the enemy launches an assault against the people of God to erase from
their memories their inherited victories. When we back off of the standard that
God has set, we literally invite the devourer to destroy.
Instead of building on the foundations laid by the likes of John Lake,
Smith Wigglesworth, and Aimee Semple McPherson, we build memorials to
their accomplishments, and forget what we should have inherited. And once
again, we have to re-dig a well, remove the humanistic, rationalistic approach


to life that denies the Creator Himself and His purpose in creating man as
delegated authority over a planet. These elementary principles must be fully
embraced and built upon for the generations ahead to experience things we
never thought possible.

Fatherless Revivalists
Every generation of revivalists has been fatherless as it pertains to a move
of the Spirit. Every generation has had to learn from scratch how to recog-
nize the presence, how to move with Him, and how to pay a price. The an-
swer to this dilemma is found in recovering our spiritual inheritance.
An inheritance is receiving something that someone else paid a price for.
And if we’re going to leave something to those who follow us, we’ll have to
pay a price to expand what we got for free.
God is serious about returning for a glorious church. He’s serious about
nations serving Him—not just a token representation from every tribe and
tongue, but entire nations, entire people groups apprehended by God Him-
self. We were never intended to start over from scratch every two or three
generations. God wants to put each generation at a higher level than the pre-
vious. We dishonor our forefathers and the great price they paid to get their
breakthrough by not showing genuine honor for what they accomplished by
giving ourselves to expansion and increase.
How do we receive this spiritual inheritance? Honor. When children
honor their parents, they are promised long life. Life is released in honor.
When we honor a prophet in the name of a prophet, we receive the prophet’s
reward. Prophets pay a tremendous price to walk in their gift. But honor is
valued so highly in Heaven that you step into their reward simply through
honor. This wonderful tool gives us access to the lost mantles of the past.
Through honor we can tap into the grace that our heroes of former days lived
in. What we receive in our inheritance will be equal to the honor we give.
We must ask the Lord for an increase in wisdom to understand what that
inheritance looks like in us as individuals and as a corporate body of believers.
His anointing will lead us to receive all that He has for us and more—leading
us into new territories. This is how we move into new territory, by building on

Preparing for an Increase of Power

precept after precept. Truth is progressive and multi-dimensional. It constantly

evolves as we grow, though it never evolves into something that contradicts its
foundations. There are measures and levels of anointing that cause the reality
of the Scripture to change for us.
A generation is forming now that will walk in an anointing that has never
been known by mankind, including the original 12 disciples. This generation
won’t need natural illustrations to help them understand what their spiritual
task is. They will move into spiritual territory that defies the natural order.
God wants to give us revelations and experiences of Heaven that have no
earthly parallel. Jesus told Nicodemus, “If I have told you earthly things and
you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12)
He longed to talk about things that His disciples were not ready to receive.

Beyond Measure
Jesus walked in an anointing of the Spirit beyond measure. He constantly
illustrated superior truths by stepping outside the boundaries of nature. The
more you and I become empowered and directed by the Spirit of God, the
more our lives should defy natural principles, and release the spiritual reali-
ties God intended for us to enjoy.
We are in the beginning stages of the season of accelerated growth. I be-
lieve it is possible, under the mercy of God, to make up for several hundred
years of failure in these areas. It’s possible to lay the groundwork for another
generation to come and use our ceiling as their floor, to build upon it, and go
where no one has ever gone.
First Corinthians 12-14 contains wonderful teaching on the operation of
the gifts of the Spirit. But beyond that it is a revelation of the body of believers
who live in the realm of the Spirit that is essential for an authentic gospel.
These manifestations of the Holy Spirit are being taken to the streets where
they belong. It is there that they reach their full potential. Our ambition is to
increasingly take that atmosphere of Heaven wherever we go, whether it’s
into our homes, businesses, the streets, or the even the mall. This is the normal
Christian life.


In the city where I live, community members are recognizing the impact
believers are having as they take the power of God to the streets. People are
accepting Christ into their lives, being instantly healed and delivered. The
Kingdom of God is advancing through signs, wonders, healings, and power
encounters. Hundreds of people have been healed in public places through
believers that believe God is good.
We are living in desperate times. Genuine hunger accelerates the process
of maturity. And truly desperate people can pull into this hour what was re-
served for another hour.

A New Day of Power

This generation has the opportunity to fulfill the cry of Moses for all of
God’s people to be prophets. We are to carry the Elijah anointing in prepar-
ing for the return of the Lord in the same way that John the Baptist carried
the Elijah anointing and prepared the people for the coming of the Lord.
So how do we prepare for an increase of power in our lives?
By having our minds renewed to a Kingdom mind-set. This helps us to
take the risks necessary for God’s promised invasion.
By asking for more of the Holy Spirit. Divine encounters given to hungry
people have always been the most important part of a person’s transforma-
tion. Wise men still travel. Go wherever you need to go to receive what others
can contribute to this need.
By giving honor to the gifts of Christ 19—past and present. Recognizing
the grace of God on leaders outside of your immediate “stream” is beneficial
in becoming the whole person He has designed. I have made it a practice to
even honor the descendents of revivalists, asking them for the prayer of bless-
ing and impartation for me to fulfill my assignment.
Put yourself in places where you can encounter the presence of God and
allow the power of the Holy Spirit to transform your thoughts until you find
yourself dreaming with God of the possibilities and potential realities in
bringing Heaven to earth. Out of that encounter a lifestyle develops that

Preparing for an Increase of Power

sustains revival in our own lives. Once in place, we help to create a culture
that sustains revival. It looks somewhat like this:
A culture that sustains revival is a culture captivated by the Lord Jesus
Christ, delighting in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
It is a culture of humility—recognizing that we can do nothing except
what we see the Father doing and only that insofar as we receive the empow-
erment of the Holy Spirit.
This culture releases the power of God. To not walk in power is to with-
hold from man the very encounter that would bring God praise.
This culture releases the report of God’s glory, nature, and covenant:
keeping continuously on our lips the testimony of what God is doing…not
just what He has done in the past.
It is a culture of honor that recognizes people’s gifts and works hard to call
out people’s destiny. As destinies are released, we ensure that the revival con-
tinues growing from glory to glory in subsequent generations.
It seeks to defer to others rather than compete, bless rather than destroy
through petty jealousies, and seeks not to criticize but to aspire to have the
mind of Christ and the heart of compassion for those in our midst and outside
the church walls.
It is a culture that extends the blessings of God outward rather than
hoarding them for ourselves.
It is a culture where corporate gatherings open us up to greater encoun-
ters with the living God. Where the glory 20 brings unity and divine en-
counters release us to fulfill our destiny—to release Heaven on earth
wherever we go.
This is the assignment of the hour. And I joyfully welcome an increased
manifestation of the Holy Spirit that enabled Jesus to pursue and display an
authentic Gospel. It is that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead that re-
sides within us. But He’s not in us as a lake. He’s in us as a river that must be
released. 21 It is that River that will change the landscape of the world around


Concluding Prayer
When Mary, the mother of Jesus, was confronted with the angel, she was
astonished. When she heard the promise of her giving birth to the Messiah,
she was even more shocked. Yet she prayed a prayer that has become a stan-
dard for all who are required to embrace a promise that goes beyond our
comprehension: “Let it be to me according to your word.” 22 In light of His
promises for this day, that has, out of necessity, become my prayer.


BILL JOHNSON pastors Bethel Church in Redding, California, and has a

growing international reputation as a man who challenges the faith of all
who hear him or read his books—in particular, When Heaven Invades Earth
and The Supernatural Power of the Transformed Mind. The School of Super-
natural Ministry, housed at Bethel Church, is one of the fastest growing and
more provocative schools in the nation. Bill and his staff are forerunners in
developing New Creation Power Brokers of the Holy Spirit, calling out their
God-ordained destinies and sending them out into their particular spheres of
influence. His focus on helping others develop a culture that sustains revival
has been embraced by pastors around the world.


All Scripture references in this chapter are from the New King James
1. John 5:19.
2. John 14:12.
3. 1 Corinthians 14:1.
4. Acts 1:4,5.
5. Acts 2:4.

Preparing for an Increase of Power

6. Ephesians 5:18, “be filled with the Spirit.”

7. Exalting knowledge above experience is one of the Western
Church’s greatest areas of deception.
8. Ephesians 1:3.
9. 1 Thessalonians 5:19.
10. Ephesians 4:30.
11. I define religion as “form without power.”
12. Zechariah 12:8.
13. Matthew 13:33.
14. Haggai 2:7.
15. Hebrews 11:10.
16. 2 Corinthians 3:18.
17. Isaiah 9:7.
18. Matthew 25:25.
19. Ephesians 4:7-13.
20. John 17:22.
21. John 7:38,39.
22. Luke 1:38.

Chapter 11
Preparing for an Increase in Authority

God is calling you to a new level of authority, new level of anointing, new
level of boldness, and a new level of confidence. Know that you serve a living
God and He is the One who is giving you power and authority. We have seen
this authority bring deliverance and healing to countless people in the course of
our ministry. I believe that we are going to see a dramatic increase in supernat-
ural power—going from Mach 1 to Mach 10, from breaking the sound barrier
to ten times the speed of sound. Yet some of the victories we seek will not come
until we learn to fast and pray—individually and corporately, as a church.
One of the most outstanding miracles I have seen was in Milwaukee, Wis-
consin. A Hispanic gentleman, who had heard about our ministry and the
miracles that happened, brought his 5-year-old child to the hotel ballroom
where I was holding a miracle service. This child had epileptic seizures all his
life. I was just surprised that the child had not been bedridden and unable to
function because he had seizures about every 2 to 5 minutes. I sensed a demon
peering out of the eyes of the child and knew that I was confronting a major
demonic stronghold.


“Lord,” I prayed silently, “I didn’t have a chance to prepare for this con-
Yet the Lord replied, “You’ve already prepared yourself by prayer and
Heartened by His reply, I confronted that thing and said, “In the name of
Jesus, you have tormented this child long enough. His father, who has the
authority over him, has brought him to the servants of Jesus, and I tell you
this is the last day that you’re going to be here. Your time is over. You go
where Jesus sends you, but you will no longer stay in this child; in the name
of Jesus, leave!”
Something snapped in the heavenlies. The smell of burning sulfur and
rotting eggs filled the ballroom like the most horrible smell of rotting flesh
you can imagine. Everyone smelled it. It filled the room then slowly filtered
out. The boy was instantly made whole, totally delivered. I was so grateful
watching the father’s face, tears streaming down, holding his son with joy
knowing that the boy’s seizures had stopped just as in the scripture in
Matthew 17:18: Jesus rebuked, the demon, and it came out of the him, and the
child was cured from that very hour. (NKJV)
This was just one of thousands upon thousands of miracles I have seen
God work through our ministry. I credit them to His loving presence and
power, yet my years spent with Him during long seasons of prayer and fast-
ing birthed within me an intimacy that enabled me to carry His authority
into many situations and bring deliverance.
How does fasting really work? I don’t know all the answers because this is
one of God’s great mysteries, but I can share what I have learned up to this
point. For one thing, demons get very uncomfortable when Christians begin
fasting. We know from the Scriptures that many of the diseases, ailments,
mental problems, and chronic behavioral problems afflicting mankind are
instigated or perpetuated by demonic forces who want to hinder God’s people
and generally torment God’s highest creation.
Fasting shows a desperation and determination to “touch the Lord,” who
alone is the source of all healing. Demons cannot stay around too long when

Preparing for an Increase in Authority

a person fasts, because fasting unto God creates a totally different atmosphere
that welcomes the Holy and repels the unholy. That is why demonic spirits
get very uncomfortable around a person who fasts.
Anyone who is in a healing and deliverance ministry of any kind should
make fasting part of his or her regular lifestyle. It is the spiritual equivalent of
an athlete working out at a gym. As you fast and seek God’s face, He will
begin to plant an authority in you born out of intimacy with Him that
demons will recognize and fear. In addition, Isaiah 58 lists 12 specific benefits
of the fast “the Lord has chosen:”
! Revelation
! Healing and wholeness
! Righteousness
! The presence of the shekinah glory of God
! Answered prayers
! Continual guidance
! Contentment
! Refreshing
! Strength
! Work that endures
! Raising up of future generations
! Restoration
He has called us to fast and pray, and then to obey. At that point, He can
release apostolic anointing into our lives, our churches, and our ministry in
the world. With this anointing, our ministry will not be apologetic, half-
hearted, or apathetic. It will not be laced with fear, doubt, or unbelief. It
will be prophetic and apostolic, fitted with a double-edged sharpness that
comes only through the Holy Spirit. We will be gently confrontational
without even thinking about it, much as the Lord led me to pray a simple
prayer of command through which God literally destroyed the seat of
satan in a town in Zaire.
I was conducting a mass evangelism campaign in the city of Kananga,
Zaire, an area gripped by sorcery. This crusade conducted by our ministry


was the first ever held in that area by those filled with the power of the Holy
Spirit and things were going well. This was despite the aggressive opposition
of powerful witch doctors who had dominated the area for many years. Right
from the start they came to publicly pronounce curses on us. Most of the peo-
ple feared these servants of satan. I was told by the people there, “These witch
doctors have the power to tell someone, ‘You will die in seven days,’ and the
person will drop dead on the seventh day.”
Our meetings made these witch doctors so angry that they called in every
witch doctor in the whole region for a meeting to figure out how to stop us
from proclaiming Christ. These witch doctors gathered together beneath the
branches of a towering tree used by sorcerers for many generations. They be-
lieved that spiritual power for evil emanated from this “sorcerer’s tree” and it
was here that the witch doctors conducted evil ceremonies and ate human
flesh as they cast spells on our crusade being held some miles away.
On the final night of the crusade, the sorcerers again gathered beneath the
“magic” sorcerer’s tree to conduct demonic worship and rituals, cursing
Christians, eating human flesh, and discussing plans on how to stop the cru-
sade (since nothing they had already tried was working).
At the end of my message that night, the Lord told me to break the yoke
of witchcraft over that region and loose the people from its power. While the
sorcerers raged beneath their tree, I declared before thousands of people
gathered there, “Satan, I bind you. I take authority over the spirit of witch-
craft, and I break the curse of sorcery over this area!”
In that moment, according to the reports of several eye-witnesses from the
area where the witch doctors were gathered, flames of fire streaked across the
sky, spanning the approximately 7-to-8 mile distance from the crusade to fall
upon the sorcerer’s tree. The fire instantly set the tree ablaze. The branches,
which were spread 34 feet across, were consumed from the top down! It did
not split the trunk or branches as would normally happen to a tree struck by
lightning. The tree trunk burned for three days until it was consumed down
to the height of a man’s head. It still stands today like a burnt matchstick, a
mute reminder of the power of the name of Jesus!

Preparing for an Increase in Authority

We learned the details of this miracle from some of the witch doctors
themselves. They said that when the fire came down and ignited the tree
some of the witch doctors were blinded, some were burned, and some of
them repented when they saw the overwhelming power of God. They came
to us with the story and asked us how to be saved.
When I visited the site of the tree and stood before the charred trunk mark-
ing all that remained of satan’s evil grip on that area, I was reminded of Elijah’s
confrontation with the prophets of Baal in First Kings 18. My spirit leapt within
me, and I cried out as did Elisha of old when the mantle of anointing fell on
him, “Where is the Lord God of Elijah?” (2 Kings 2:14 NKJV).
Elisha was thirsty. He was hungry to see the manifested power of the liv-
ing God pass to his generation as Elijah was taken into Heaven. He con-
fronted the demonic powers of his day and the people stood on Mount
Carmel watching in awe. Centuries later, Jesus confronted the powers of
His generation once and forever. And the people stood on the mountains
listening to Him in awe. Even today, the Church stands, as it were, gazing
into Heaven, expecting Jesus to do from Heaven what He has empowered
us to do through the Holy Spirit on earth. The magnitude of God’s move in
our generation demands that we step down from the mount of spiritual
paralysis, take up the mantle of anointing and power Jesus gave us, and
begin to obey His commands.
He has called us to fast and pray, and then to obey. He wants us to learn
the lessons of prayer and fasting so well that He can send us out to our gener-
ation in the power of the Spirit. If prayer is the booster capsule containing our
gifts and requests to God, then fasting is the booster rocket that propels us
from Mach 1 to Mach 10, which lifts our prayers beyond the boundaries of
earth and into the heavenlies.
I see the Church poised in virtually the same place the prophet Elijah was
when he prayed for rain on Mount Carmel after he had prophesied to the evil
King Ahab that rain was coming to end a three-year drought. At first there
wasn’t a cloud in the sky, but he kept praying. After a long drought in the
Church, we have prophesied that that the rains are coming, and like Elijah,
we are perched on a high place with our faces between our knees. And the


Church is beginning to hear the sound of the abundance of rain! We have

seen the first raindrops of God’s glory descend in such places as Argentina;
Brazil; Toronto, Ontario; and Pensacola, Florida. It is like Elijah’s cloud,
small as a man’s hand, starting to rise out of the sea. But it is not enough. The
abundance of rain is coming.
By praying and fasting together, we can overcome every hindrance,
obstruction, and mountain that blocks the way between us and our corporate
destiny and calling in Christ! Victory is only found in the realm of the Spirit,
and that is why the devil takes every opportunity to divert us from the mode
of prayer and fasting back into the natural mode…a mode of spiritual
paralysis as we watch others move in the anointing. Many leaders have called
the Church to pray and fast in the past. But it is a calling that is now and
forever…while the bridegroom is away. Fasting reveals to Heaven the love-
hunger that resides in our hearts for the Lord. And it is this love-hunger that
moves Heaven to respond.
I believe that God wants the Church to get into the mode of fasting and
praying now because He knows that it will be necessary if we are going to
come into the fullness of our apostolic anointing for miracles, signs, and
wonders. The Lord is asking us today, “Will you be a people who will see
the vision—My vision—and be willing to pay the price through prayer and
Now let me bring it closer to home: Local revival and global harvest
will never happen unless we become personally involved in the purposes of
God through prayer and fasting—not just as individuals, but as corporate
At All Nations Church, the church Bonnie and I have pastored for
more than a decade, we have incorporated set times of prayer through our
Friday night Watch of the Lord and annual corporate fasts of 21 and 40
days as a church body. The results are amazing to watch as people become
personally involved and committed to God’s vision for individuals to be
completely set free from demonic spirits and healed of life-challenging and
life-threatening illnesses.

Preparing for an Increase in Authority

In recent years, during our corporate fasts for individuals who specifi-
cally attend our church, we have seen medically-documented healings of a
teenager who was healed of severe Tourette’s Syndrome, which included
healing of many obsessive-compulsive disorder traits, and another boy
healed of severe autism, which included healing many of his physical
problems, among other miracles. What the world sees as incurable is en-
tirely in the realm of possibility for a praying and fasting church. Nothing
is impossible with God.
The community is being trained to love and welcome the anointing and
honor the King of Glory. I feel like God is moving us toward another level of
anointing which is more corporate. That is where the commanded blessing of
the Lord comes upon us and we learn to dwell together in unity. As a church
given to prayer and fasting, we are seeing a shift in the apostolic anointing
that heralds the sound of the coming of rain—the glory of God fills our house
in tangible ways.
During one conference held in our church building (a tent at that time), a
glory cloud appeared.
I was preaching to nearly 1,000 people gathered in the tent when I shifted
into singing Second Corinthians 3, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is
liberty.” Suddenly the cloud of His presence manifested in the middle of the
tent. Hundreds of people started shouting out about the glory cloud. Others
stood in total awe. At first I didn’t realize what was happening until people
started pointing. The cloud floated above us, beaming with light and glittery
gold-like particles. It stayed almost half an hour.
It was quite inspiring and way beyond anything we had actually seen.
Other pastors said it was the first time they had seen a manifestation of the
presence. The moment released a great sense of love and honor for the Lord
Jesus in our midst. We were so humbled. That was one of the marks of the
next level that I believe we are going toward.
The Lord said He would take us from glory to glory as individuals. But
His grace is more fully revealed to us as we recognize ourselves as parts of the
corporate body. I believe that this release of God’s glory to the Church results


in a corporate anointing that will reside in many churches. In the months and
years to come, the world will recognize that there are places where God is
manifest and that those places are where miracles happen. Will you be a part
of that? Will you and your church pay the price of prayer and fasting for
The key to defeating dark strongholds that imprison children and adults
in medical and emotional despair, the key to taking authority over powers of
the occult, calming the winds and the sea, walking on water, and releasing di-
vine healing and restoration, is twofold.
First we must tap the power of the Spirit through the combination of prayer
and fasting; and second, we will overcome the largest battles in this generation
only when we pray and fast together and unleash the incredible power of the
Body of Christ on its knees. Doing the works of Jesus begins with prayer and
fasting (as He did throughout His ministry on earth) because these were the
first works of Jesus in His mission to destroy the works of the enemy.


MAHESH CHAVDA is the founder and senior pastor of All Nations Church
in Charlotte, North Carolina. An international evangelist, Mahesh and his
wife, Bonnie, have led more than 700,000 people to the Lord worldwide. They
are New Creation Power Brokers of the Holy Spirit with a ministry character-
ized by signs and wonders, miracles, healing, and deliverance. The ministry
school housed at All Nations Church, focuses on mentoring others to become
ones who make God radiant to all they meet and take the power of God into
their spheres of influence—whether at home, at work, in the mission field, or
in their churches. They are prolific authors of such classics as, The Hidden
Power of Prayer and Fasting and The Hidden Power of the Blood of Christ.


Addison, Doug. Prophesy, Dreams & Evangelism. N. Sutton, New Hamp-

shire: Streams Publishing House, 2005.
Chavda, Mahesh. The Hidden Power of the Blood of Jesus. Shippensburg,
PA: Destiny Image Publishers, 2004.
Chavda, Mahesh. Only Love Can Make a Miracle. Shippensburg, PA: Des-
tiny Image Publishers, 2002.
Clark, Randy. Lighting Fires. Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 1998.
Clark, Randy. There is More! Harrisburg, PA: Global Awakening, 2006.
Cooke, Graham. A Divine Confrontation: Birth Pangs of the New Church.
Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, 1999.
Cooke, Graham. Approaching the Heart of Prophecy, A Journey into Encour-
agement, Blessing and Prophetic Gifting. Winston-Salem, NC: Punch
Press, 2006.
Davis, Paul Keith. Engaging the Revelatory Realms of Heaven. N. Sutton,
New Hampshire: Streams Publishing House, 2003.
Foster, Richard J. The Challenge of the Disciplined Life. New York: Harper-
Collins Publishers, 1985.


Goll, Jim and Michal Ann. Encounters with a Supernatural God. Shippens-
burg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, Inc., 1998.
Hamon, Bill. Apostles, Prophets, and the Coming Moves of God. Shippens-
burg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, Inc., 1997.
Hamon, Bill. The Day of the Saints. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image Pub-
lishers, Inc., 2002.
Hauser, Tom. Breaking Free from Darkness—A Practical Guide to Deliver-
ance. Wilmington, NC: Vineyard Community Church, 2005.
Hornberger, Francine. The World’s Greatest Psychics. New York: Citadel
Press, 2004.
Jackson, Bill. The Quest for the Radical Middle—A History of the Vineyard.
Cape Town, South Africa: Vineyard International Publishing, 1999.
Johnson, Bill. When Heaven Invades Earth. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny
Image Publishers, Inc., 2003.
Joyner, Rick. The Prophetic Ministry. Charlotte, NC: MorningStar Publica-
tions, 1997.
King, Patricia. Spiritual Revolution. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image
Publishers, Inc., 2006.
Koch, Dr. Kurt E. Christian Counseling and Occultism. Grand Rapids, MI:
Kregal Publications, 1972.
McIntyre, Joe. E.W. Kenyon and his Message of Faith. Lake Mary, FL:
Charisma House, 1997.
Nee, Watchman. The Latent Power of the Soul. New York: Christian Fel-
lowship Publications, 1972.
Otis, George. The Twilight Labyrinth. Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen Books,
Peck, M. Scott. Glimpses of the Devil: A Psychiatrist’s Personal Accounts of
Possession, Exorcism and Redemption. New York: Free Press/Simon &
Schuster, Inc., 2005.
Pierce, Cal. Preparing the Way: The Reopening of the John G. Lake Healing
Rooms. Hagerstown, MD: McDougal Publishing, 2001.
Sandford, John. Elijah Among Us. Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen Books, 2002.
Sandford, John. The Elijah Task. Tulsa, OK: Victory House, 1977.


Stott, John R.W. The Baptism and Fullness of the Holy Spirit. London: Inter-
Varsity Fellowship, 1964.
Torrey, R.A. The Best of R.A. Torrey. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1990.
Vallotton, Kris and Bill Johnson. The Supernatural Ways of Royalty. Ship-
pensburg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, Inc., 2006.

About the Author

JULIA LOREN earned degrees in both journalism (B.A., University of Wash-

ington) and counseling psychology (M.S., Seattle Pacific University) which, ac-
cording to her, means that she is a doubly-trained skeptic. Through the years,
however, the manifest presence of God and His love opened her heart and mind
to receive a much higher education in things pertaining to the Holy Spirit.
She is the author of The Note on the Mirror (Zondervan, 1990), Engle v. Vitale:
The End of School Prayer (Greenhaven, 2000), Healing the Wounds of Open Adop-
tion (Adoption Counsel Press, 2000), Healing the Wounds of Closed Adoption
(Adoption Counsel Press, 2000), and the Glimpses of Jesus series – Breaking the
Spirit of Despair and Dancing in the Fullness of Joy (Tharseo Publishing, 2006).
She is also a frequent contributor to Charisma magazine and other Christian
Shifting Shadows of Supernatural Power and its sequel, Shifting Shadows
of Spiritual Experiences, focus on increasing awareness of this current
move of God, bringing both discernment and balance to readers, and mo-
tivating all believers to take their place in the plan unfolding during this
generation of time.

Author Contact Information

You can learn more about Julia Loren and her books by viewing her Website:
Interested in having Julia come to your church or conference?
Please contact her at:
[email protected].
Coming Soon

Shifting Shadows of Spiritual Experiences

by James Goll and Julia Loren
(Destiny Image Publishers, Inc.)

This second book in the Shifting Shadows series examines the most
common spiritual experiences reported by individuals around the world—
visions, angel sightings, out-of-body-experiences, teleportation, near death
experiences, encounters with “ghosts,” and other supernatural encounters.
How can you tell if a spiritual experience is from God, satan, or one that
originates in your own soul? This book will launch you into a greater
measure of discernment and catapult your faith into new encounters with
the spiritual realms of God.
Glimpses of Jesus Series
by Julia Loren

Breaking the Spirit of Despair

Dancing in the Fullness of Joy
Receiving the Crown of Courage

This series of short, interactive journals include testimonies of healing, pow-

erful scriptures, and visions of Christ’s healing presence. The greatest demon-
ic onslaught against the Church is the spirit of despair – paralyzing many
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