Self-Study 1

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Self-study № 1

Тема: Revision (Module 1)

Мета: засвоєння студентами мовного матеріалу з тем "Brand

Management" i "Travelling and travel experience" та оволодіння різними
видами мовленнєвої діяльності (комунікативними вміннями у читанні,
аудіюванні, нормованого відтворення усного та писемного мовлення, а
також перекладу неспеціалізованих і професійно орієнтованих текстів;
розширення словникового запасу студентів за рахунок
загальновживаної, загальнонаукової, загально професійної та
спеціальної лексики; формування сталих умінь розпізнавання,
розуміння та відтворення фонетичних, граматичних і стилістичних
форм, характерних для майбутньої спеціальності "Менеджмент".

Методичні рекомендації: Студенти знайомляться з теоретичним

матеріалом за темою, виконують завдання 4 видів мовленнєвої
діяльності письмово.

Список завдань для самостійного опрацювання:

1. Read the text “Passengers behaving badly”, translate and analyze it in


1. Two examples of passengers behaving badly:

 A businessman stormed onto the runway and shot out the aircraft’s front
tire after being told his luggage was lost.
 A septuagenarian hit a steward after being informed there was no more
steak available.

2. Reasons given for passengers behaving badly:

o Flights don’t leave on time

o Some terminals are too crowded

o Passengers feel worried and nervous

o Some passengers get drunk

o Passengers don’t respect authorities

3. Countable and uncountable nouns:

Countable nouns:
 steward
 passenger
 crew
 staff

Uncountable nouns:

 luggage
 alcohol
 stress
 travel
 work

2. Vocabulary training in writing.

1. Which bus will take me downtown? - e) At a railway station.

2. Could I have the bill/check please? - d) In a restaurant.
3. How long will you be staying? - c) At a reception in a hotel.
4. What did you have from the mini-bar? - c) At a reception in a
5. Is this self-service? - d) In a restaurant.
6. I’d like an aisle seat at the back. - a) At an airline check-in
7. Did you pack the case yourself? - a) At an airline check-in counter.
8. When does the express to Montreal leave? - e) At a railway
9. Your baggage is 5 kilos overweight. You have to pay excess. - a)
At an airline check-in counter.
10. It’s € 1000 for three days. Unlimited mileage. - f) At car hire
11. Is it automatic or manual? - f) At car hire service.
12. On the left, you can see the Adriatic coast. - b) On a plane.
13. There may be turbulence over the Himalayas. - b) On a
14. I’d like a round trip to Chicago. - a) At an airline check-in
15. Here’s your boarding pass. - a) At an airline check-in
16. We’ll be landing in 25 minutes. - b) On a plane.
17. Is this your hand luggage? - a) At an airline check-in counter.
18. This dish is quite spicy. - d) In a restaurant.
19. Please return to your seats and fasten your safety belts. - b)
On a plane.
20. Smoking is forbidden in the toilets. - b) On a plane.
2. Complete the following table with appropriate forms
of the words:

Verb Noun Noun

(thing) (person)
commut commuting commuter
immigra immigratio immigrant
te n
travel travel traveler
tour tour tourist
visit visit visitor

3. Put the words in the box under the appropriate


Land Sea Air

platform sleepe check-in
rush runwa turbulen
hour y ce
tailback disemba
traffic- gate
surcharg upgrad
e e

3. Language review: complete the text choosing the most appropriate


Airport A) will be packed (1) to capacity next year. If you are not delayed
at check-in, air-traffic control B) will get (2) you. In the next three years
alone, the number of people passing through airport terminals B) will rise
(3) by 270 million. Airport terminals B) will become (4) more commercial.
Airports B) will be speeded up (5). Increased use of smart cards and
electronic tickets are easing the pressure on terminals by cutting queues.
More airlines A) will follow (6) Cathay Pacific in creating downtown check-in
facilities. Before long, luggage deliveries C) will be improved (7) by the
incorporation of microchips in suitcases.

4. Make a dialogue on the following situation.

Customer Relations Manager:

Good afternoon, this is [Name], the Customer Relations Manager at Alpha

Airlines. May I speak with the Sports Director, please?

Sports Director:

Hello, this is [Name]. How can I help you today?

Customer Relations Manager:

Thank you for taking my call. I wanted to discuss a concerning issue regarding
the behavior of some of your sports teams on our flights.

Sports Director:

Oh? I’m not sure what you mean. The students are young and full of energy.
They enjoy celebrating their victories.

Customer Relations Manager:

I understand that, and I appreciate their enthusiasm. However, during the last
flight from Moscow, their behavior crossed the line. They were throwing drinks
and food, which upset other passengers and made it difficult for our flight
attendants to provide service.

Sports Director:

I see your point, but they are just having a good time. It’s not unusual for young
people to make some noise and enjoy themselves after a game.

Customer Relations Manager:

While I agree that a certain level of excitement is expected, we must also ensure
the safety and comfort of all our passengers. The incidents are harming the
image of Alpha Airlines. We value your university as a customer and want to
maintain a positive relationship.

Sports Director:

I understand that. I do appreciate Alpha Airlines' support of our teams. I’ll have a
talk with the students and remind them about appropriate behavior while

Customer Relations Manager:

That would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps you could also consider

implementing a code of conduct for your teams when flying with us. It would go
a long way in ensuring a positive experience for everyone involved.
Sports Director:

That’s a fair suggestion. I’ll discuss it with the coaches and ensure we set clear
expectations moving forward. I want to make sure we maintain our good
relationship with Alpha Airlines.

Customer Relations Manager:

Thank you for your understanding. We appreciate your cooperation in addressing

this issue. I’m confident that together we can ensure a more pleasant travel
experience for everyone.

Sports Director:

Absolutely! Thank you for bringing this to my attention. We’ll work on it right

Customer Relations Manager:

Thank you, and have a great day!

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