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Pertama – tama mari kita panjatkan Puji Syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena
tanpaNya kita tidak dapat menyelesaikan tugas Bahasa Inggris ini dengan baik dan tepat dengan

Tidak lupa kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada Bapak Adam Sugiarto selaku dosen Bahasa
Inggris yang membimbing kami . Kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada teman – teman
yang selalu setia dalam hal mengumpulkan data – data dalam tugas ini..

Dalam makalah ini kami akan sedikit menjelaskan Bab II tentang Travel . Mungkin dalam
pembuaan tugas ini terdapat kesalahan data, Bahasa atau dalam pengetikan dan lainnya yang
belum kami ketahui kesalahan tersebut murni dari kelompok kami yaitu kelompok 1 dan kami
mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya atas kesalahan kami dalam membuat makalah ini. Saran
maupun kritik dari teman – teman maupun selaku dosen akan kami jadikan pembelajran agar
dapat menyempurnakan makalah ini.


First of all let's pray to God Almighty, because without Him we can not finish this English duty well and

Do not forget to thank Mr. Adam Sugiarto as an English lecturer who guides us. We also thank our
friends who are always faithful in terms of collecting data in this task ..

In this paper we will briefly explain Chapter II on Travel. Perhaps in the course of this task there are data
errors, Languages or in typing and others that we have not known that the error is purely from our
group that is group 1 and we apologize profusely for our mistake in making this paper. Suggestions and
criticism from friends - friends as well as lecturers we will make learning in order to improve this paper.
1.1 Starting Up

1.2 Vocabulary

1.3 Reading

1.4 Language Review

A. Answer these questions individually. Then compare your answer with a partner.

1. How often do you travel by air, rail, road and sea?

 I sometimes travel by rail , because rail it so cheap ,fast and wasted no time.

2. What do you enjoy about travelling? What don’t you enjoy?

 I always enjoy my travelling , because I like travelling so much and I can relax.

3. Put the following in order of importance to you when you travel.

Comfort safety price reliability speed
 In my opinion the first is safety , the second is comfort , the third is price , the fourth is
speed, the fifth is reliability
Why the first is safety and the second is comfort ? because if not safe and comfort you will feel
disturbed in traveling . The third is price because , we can choose and search the another cheap
price . it so useless cheap price but not comfortable and safe. The fourth is speed because in my
opinion when traveling we have a lot of time so there is no need to hurry. And the last is

4. Does the order change for different types of travel?

B. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the following list of things which
irritate people when flying.

1) not enough leg trolley .

2) lost or delayed jet .
3) long queues at check-in .
4) poor quality food and drink .
5) no baggage room available .
6) overbooking of seats .
7) flight delays and cancellations -lag

Tujuan Pembelajaran 1.2 :

Vocabulary -> British and American English

A. Match the words and phrases below which have the same meaning. For each pair
decide which is British English and which is American English.
1. subway a) motorway

2. city centre b) lift

3. carry-on baggage c) public toilet

4. one way d) schedule

5. return e) economy class

6. freeway f) single

7. rest room g) parking lot

8. elevator h) underground

9. coach class i) hand luggage

10.timetable j) round trip

11.car park k) downtown

B -> Work in pairs. Use words or phrases in American English from Exercise A to complete the
text below.
My last overseas business trip was a nightmare from start to finish. First of all there was a delay on the
way to the airport as there was an accident on the ____________________ (1). When I got there I found
the lower level of the airport ____________________ (2) was flooded. Next my ___________________
(3) was too big and heavy so I had to check it in. when we arrived the ___________________ (4) was
closed and there were no cabs at all. After a long time trying to read the ____________________ (5) and
waiting for forty minutes, we finally got a bus __________________ (6) and found the hotel, but the
____________________ (7) wasn’t working and our rooms were on the fifth floor.

Tujuan Pembelajaran 1.3:

Reading -> Air rage

A -> Answer these questions before you read the article.

1. What was your worst experience when travelling by air?

2. Why do some people get angry when they are travelling on a plane?

B -> Now read the article. Which of these statements are true about the article? Correct the
false ones.
1. People in groups are more likely to behave badly on planes.

2. Drink is often the cause of problems on board.

3. Airlines can do little to improve air quality.

4. Travelers are using new technology to express their dissatisfaction with airlines.

5. Airlines have taken no action to address travelers’ concerns.

C -> Which of the following reasons are given for air rage in the article?
1. poor service 6. people drinking alcohol

2. flights not leaving on time 7. poor air quality

3. poor quality of food 8. noisy passengers

4. too many passengers on a plane 9. not being able to smoke

5. not feeling safe 10. not enough cabin crew

D -> Which of the following words from the article have a negative meaning? Use a good
dictionary to help you.
Rage misbehavior quality frustration concern
harm optimum valuable irritability disorientation
complaints criticize disruptive dangerous dissatisfaction
Road ragers in the sky

By Derek Brown

Airlines and their long-suffering customers are reporting a steep climb in air rage incidents.
Some incidents are apparently caused by problems which are familiar to many regular travelers. One
case reported from America stemmed from an interminable delay in takeoff, when passengers were
cooped up in their aircraft on the tarmac for four hours, without food, drink or information. Mass unrest
is less common than individual misbehavior, as in the case of the convict who recently went crazy on a
flight, attacked the crew and tried to open a door in mid-flight.

The psychology of air rage is a new area of study, and there are almost as many explanations as
examples. Most analysts of the phenomenon blame alcohol, but many people now think that the airlines
are at fault. To cut costs, they are cramming ever more passengers into their aircraft, while reducing
cabin crew, training and quality of service, all of which increase passenger frustration. In addition, there
is increasing concern in the US about another cost-cutting exercise, which could seriously harm
passengers’ health: cabin ventilation.

Modern aircraft are equipped with sophisticated air conditioning devices-but running them at
optimum capacity burns up valuable aviation fuel. Many airlines routinely instruct their flight crews to
run the systems on minimum settings. Campaigners for improved air quality claim that this can lead to
irritability and disorientation.

In the US, the soaring number of passenger complaints across a wide range of issues is reflected
in a number of new Internet sites which criticize the airlines and demand better service. One of the sites
is demanding an air passengers’ Bill of Rights.

Cabin and flight crews, who are in the front line of the battle against disruptive and dangerous
in-flight behavior, have called for stiffer penalties against the offenders. Management have also called
for legislation-while denying that its cost-cutting practices have contributed to the problem. But there
are some signs, in the US at least, that the airlines are at last attempting to respond to customer
dissatisfaction. Some major lines have announced concessions to the most frequent complaint of all,
and are removing seats to make more room for their customers.

From The Guardian

Tujuan Pembelajaran 1.4 :
Language Review -> Talking About The Future
We can use different language forms to talk about the future.

1. We use going to talk about what intend to do and have already decided to do.
We’re going to attend the seminar in France next week. Are you going to book the tickets
for the flight?
2. We use will or ‘ll to talk something we have decided to do at the time of speaking :
The flight’s late. I’ll call the office to cancel the meeting
3. We use the present continuous to talk about a fixed arrangement. I’m travelling to Germany
next week.
Are you flying on the same flight as your boss?
4. We use the present simple to talk about a timetable or programme.
The train leaves Rome at 2 p.m. tomorrow. It doesn’t stop at Milan.

A. Complete each dialogue with the correct form of going to or will.
1. A: I’m really sorry, I can’t take you to the station. Something has just come up.
B: Oh, don’t worry. I_____take) a taxi.

2. A: we’ve chosen a name for our new low-cost airline.

B: really. What_____(you/call) it?

3. A: have you decided how to increase the number of passengers?

B: Yes, we_____(offer) a family discount at weekends.

4. A: I can’t send an email to the travel agent; my computer’s just crashed.

B: write down your details and I_____(Fax) them over for you.

5. A: how’s your daughter?

B: she’s fine. She_____ (learn) to be a pilot for the flying doctor service next year!

B. Use the present continuous or the present simple to complete the sentences
1. His flight arrives / is arriving at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.

2. We’re staying / stay at the Hilton Hotel for the next month’s sales conference.

3. The next seminar is beginning / begins at 3 p.m.

4. I travel / am travelling by train from Paris to London next time.

5. The boat is departing/ departs at midday so you have the whole morning to get ready.

6. The delegation from China are seeing/ see the Chairman the following Monday.

C. Work in pairs. Take turns to complete the sentences below. Use going to, will, the
present continuous or the present simple.

1. I’m sorry, I can’t attend the sales meeting tomorrow. _____

2. The marketing department have decided on their travel plans for the next month. _____
3. The trains are delayed because of bad weather, so_____
4. Don’t worry if you can’t drive me to the airport, _____
5. I’ve got the details of your flight to Turkey. _____
6. Oh no! There’s been an accident and the traffic is very heavy on the motorway. _____
7. Did I give you the departure time? It _____
8. I’ve made up my mind, _____

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