G9 English - Q3
G9 English - Q3
G9 English - Q3
Thesis statement or Main Idea
What is an ESSAY? It is the most important point of your
An essay is a brief work of nonfiction that essay
discusses a focused topic and often tells us what the essay is all about
includes the writer’s personal Example
experiences and opinions. Bullying is no trivial matter.
PARTS OF AN ESSAY • The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th paragraphs make up
1.Introduction the body of the essay.
2.Body • The first sentence of every paragraph is the
3.Conclusion topic sentence and must be backed up with
pieces of evidences in the next
• Begins with a grabber (quotation,
definition, or facts). Topic Sentence
• End with a thesis statement, an affirmative “What is the paragraph all about?”
sentence that expresses the important point
of your essay. Example
• Begins with a Verbal attack is a very common type of
grabber - line or lines which the writer uses bullying.
to grab the reader’s attention
6. Personal experiences
- it was the first time I set foot on stage in
front of people. I felt the sweat running on
my back to my thighs. The clothes I wore
started to shrink that I couldn’t breathe…
Do not use first person or second person
pronouns (I, you, we, my, your, our, etc.).
Using third person pronouns (he, she, it,
they, their, etc.) make the essay impersonal
and rational.
• The 5TH paragraph is the conclusion. 1. NARRATIVE ESSAY
• It begins with a transition term It tells a story of actual events or the life
(To summarize, In summary, or To conclude) experiences of an individual.
• After the transition term, write a
Chronological order. (Time events)
GENERALIZATION In medias res. (start in the middle)
A generalization is a broad statement Plot elements (Introduction, rising action
about a subject based on provided with conflict, climax, falling incidents
information, observations, and (resolving conflict), exposition)
To conclude, we must know the forms and It was my second day on the job. I was sitting
targets of bullying as well as the ways on how in my seemingly gilded cubicle, overlooking
to stop bullying because bullying is a very Manhattan, and pinching my right arm to make
serious matter that needs immediate action. sure it was real. I landed an internship at
Condé Nast Traveler. Every aspiring writer I’ve
ever known secretly dreamt of an Anthony
Bourdain lifestyle. Travel the world and write
…..Which technique do you find useful in about its most colorful pockets. An hour before
your next masterpiece? my lunch break, my phone rang. It was Mom…
crying, telling me that Dad had a heart attack.
CALL TO ACTION He didn’t make it. I felt as though the perfectly
…We have been deaf long enough to ignore carpeted floors had dropped out from under
the call for help. With the reasons I discussed me. I asked my boss if I could take the time off
today, and he understood.
in this essay, I
believe it is now the right time to stand up for
what is right.
aims at helping you illustrate something
to your reader in a way that they can
see, feel, or hear what you are talking
…These things are only suggestions and it still
depends on how you use them in certain
situations. Again, always assess the problem
and choose what’s best for you.
- It builds an overall impression of a person, PERSUASIVE ESSAY EXAMPLE
an object, or an experience by describing it Animals are an important feature of this earth
and using images that appeal to the senses. and the past decades have witnessed the
extinction of a considerable number of animal
species. This is the consequence of human
SENSORY WORDS encroachment on wildlife habitats, for example
BORING WORDS deforestation to expand human cities. Some
Dry, Delicious, Sour, Hard, Cold, Beautiful may argue that such loss of species is natural
and has occurred throughout earth's history.
EXCITING WORDS However, the current rate of species loss far
Dehydrated, Mouth-watering, Tongue-curling exceeds normal levels, and is threatening to
sourness, Indestructible, Frosty, Her lips were as become a mass extinction event sooner or
red as the finest roses the world has ever seen. later.
3. Process essays - A process essay walks the Some believe he married her only to gain
reader through the steps involved in social status;however, their marriage
completing a task. A recipe has a lot in was a happy one.
common with a process essay. They parented 9 children. He died in
1861 and from that time on she dressed
Example: you could write an essay about the only in black. For the next 40 years until
process of cleaning a bicycle properly. her death, she ordered that a fresh suite
of clothing be laid out for him daily.
READ THE ESSAY She started the tradition of a bride
The invention of the printing press in 1440 wearing white at her wedding.
changed this situation dramatically. Johannes
Gutenberg, who had worked as a goldsmith, The Queen on the morning or her
used his knowledge of metals in the design of
the press. He made his type from an alloy of
coronation. After Albert’s death she
lead, tin, and antimony, whose durability wore widow’s black and a widow’s
allowed for the reliable production of high bonnet in public, never a crown.
quality books. This new technology allowed
texts to be reproduced and disseminated on a Positives
much larger scale than was previously possible. • Queen Victoria turned England into world’s
The Gutenberg Bible appeared in the 1450s,
leading military/economic power
and a large number of printing presses sprang
up across the continent in the following
• Period of intense change:
decades. Gutenberg’s invention rapidly • Railroads
transformed cultural production in Europe; • Postal system
among other things, it would lead to the • Improvements in medicine,sanitation
Protestant Reformation. • Gov’t-supported schools
• Political reforms (more could vote)
• Increase in industry
• Decrease in dependence on agriculture
• Increase in city populations
• Changes to traditional British society were
disturbing and frightening:
• Increased urban poverty
• Challenge to British Empire’s power
VICTORIAN PERIOD through foreign wars
• Workers fighting for power
Victorian England (1832-1901)
• Women entering work force Setting
Victorian Literature - are humanmade subterranean
The telegraph, telephone, photography passageways for religious practice.
(Victoria was the first royal to have her
portrait “taken” rather than “painted”) The setting in this story has a special
the advent of the automobile and purpose: Fortunato is eventually trapped
electric lighting changed not only the in a space that represents the opposite
way people lived, but their view of the of freedom: he’s chained up and bricked
world in which they lived. inside a crypt with no air and no way out.
- All in all, Victorian literature is about change What Montresor wishes to do is tell this
and a culture’s reaction to change. story. Which means that the story has
him trapped. He can’t forget it, and he
The Cask of Amontillado has to talk about it. In his mind, he’s still
down there in the hole with Fortunato.
By Edgar Allan Poe
Unlocking Difficult Words! ·
The story is logical, Fortunato and
1. connoisseurship
Montresor have a history, and a painful
- expertise in a particular subject
one. Fortunato has insulted Montresor a
2. virtuoso
thousand times and he never complains.
- a person who is extremely skilled at
But one day, Fortunato goes too far, he
insults Montresor, and he vows revenge.
3. motley
- the particolored costume of a jester
Point of View
4. roquelaire
Montresor is the narrator. He is
- a knee-length cloak worn especially in the
dedicated to his own point of view,
18th and 19th centuries.
which is cold. He doesn’t mind telling us
5. flambeaux
about his torture to Fortunato; indeed,
- a flaming torch, especially one made of
he thinks what he did was the right way
several thick wicks dipped in wax.
to handle the situation. Montresor’s
point of view also involves poetry and
6. fettered
- restrained with chains
EA Poe wanted each story to be a little
What is a Cask of Amontillado?
puzzle, with hidden pieces
- is a very expensive dry, white wine.
Montresor describes the mounds of
- a barrel used to store wine.
bones and stench of human remains so
elegantly, it almost sounds beautiful.
Thesis Statement
An example:
Edgar Allan Poe develops, the theme that “We passed through a range of low arches,
loftiness is a destructive force by descended, passed on, and descending again,
showing the cruelties that Montresor will arrived at a deep crypt, in which the foulness of the
go to in order to exact revenge of air caused our flambeaux rather to glow than
Fortunato. flame.” The sound makes us believe that everything
is going to be okay.
Fortunato Conclusion
- a respected and feared man, an italian “The Cask of Amontillado” makes the
friend of Montresor’s, is a connoisseur of reader reflect upon the importance that
wine, and at least on the night of the story, when we stop to think about our actions,
he clouds his senses and judgment by as Montresor did not, we would realize
drinking too much of it. that violence is never a good way to
solve our problems.When we want to act
Montresor with violence, we must pause and reflect
- a cold, ruthless, and calculating man. on the cruelty of violence in the past and
in the present, and we should always
remind that there are better ways to
solve our conflicts.
In pace requiescat
During a Carnival in Italy, Montresor runs
into Fortunato, and offers to share a very
nice bottle of Amontillado wine with him.
However, this bottle is in his catacombs.
It is late at night and Forunato seems ill.
The narrator, Montresor, claims that
Fortunato has gravely insulted him, and
is plotting to get his revenge. Although,
he doesn’t tell the reader what
Fortunato has done, he makes it known
that it was unforgivable.
Montresor lures Fortunato down into the
dark and eerie wine vault. As suspense
builds, Montresor keeps asking if
Fortunato would like to turn back
because he seems ill. Fortunato
continues to drink wine to ease his cough
When they reach their destination, there
is no Amontillado, but there is a hole in
the wall. Montresor shackles Forunato
inside, and begins to seal up the wall
with bricks.
As the few bricks are laid, Forunato
screams for Montresor to stop, but it’s
too late. Montresor has enacted his
Montresor walks away with only the
sound of Fortunato’s jingling jester bells
echoing in the tomb. he replaces the
bones of the crypt. In the end, he claims
that no one has disturbed them for 50
years; he has gotten away with his plot. VERBALS
Is it a verb or a verbal?
Having explored
(Having + (past participle of explore) = Having
explored we can add more information to
this participle to form a “participial phrase.”)
B. Gerunds can be in the object position (can
be a direct object).
C. Gerunds can have objects of their own.
- FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).
A simple sentence has the most basic
elements that make it a sentence: a
subject, a verb, and a completed
Subject + Predicate
Many subjects + Many predicates
Many predicates + One subject/
Many subjects + one predicate
A compound sentence consists of two or
more independent clauses joined with a
semicolon and coordinating conjunction,
also known as the
- FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).
IC + IC + CC
They are made up of an independent and
dependent clause connected by a
subordinating conjunction.
IC + DC + SC