Browerville Blade - 01/12/2012 - Page 01

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Volume 95; Number 30

A community newspaper serving Browerville, MN and surrounding areas. USPS 067-560

Commissioners appoint Chair/review committees

Burtrum womans cause of death is unknown

Maryann Leona Biskey. On the afternoon of January 4, the Todd County Sheriff s Office was notified that Maryann Leona Biskey, 57, was missing from her rural residence on 309th St, Section 132, Bruce Township, rural Burtrum. Her husband, Gary Biskey, had noticed she was missing when he awoke in the morning. Her purse and cell phone were at the residence, and no vehicles were missing. Family members reported they had not heard from her since the evening of January 3. On Thursday afternoon,

Commissioner Gerald Ruda, right, was appointed Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for 2012. Commissioner Randy Neumann, left, has accepted the position of Vice Chair. By Tim King Gerald Ruda was chosen as Chairman of the Board of the Todd County Commissioners for 2012 at the Tuesday January 3 meeting. Ruda had been vice chair during 2011. He takes the chairmans gavel from Commissioner Mark Blessing. I would like to thank Commissioner Mark Blessing for a year of outstanding leadership in 2011, Ruda said. Commissioner Randy Neumann was chosen as vice chair for 2012. OFFICIAL TODD COUNTY NEWSPAPER Commissioners once again selected the unified bid of the Staples World to be the official newspaper for Todd County. The countys official newspaper publishes the official proceedings of the board of commissioners, including the minutes of meetings. The official publication also publishes the countys financial statement and list of

delinquent property taxes. Although the Staples World was chosen as the official newspaper, the Eagle Bend News Herald, Browerville Blade, and Long Prairie Leader will publish the same material. The Staples World has contracted with those publications to publish the official material. The bid of the Staples World was $9.30 per column inch. That is the same rate as the Worlds successful bid to be the countys official newspaper last year. Legal printing for the county was budgeted at $11,000 in 2011. According to County Administrator Nathan Burkett the actual cost for legal printing in 2011 was $13,313.41. The county has budgeted $11,000 for legal printing again for 2012. In separate action commissioners accepted the bid of the Long Prairie Leader to distribute the county financial

January 5, the body of Maryann Biskey was located within a half mile of her residence. Deputies said they found no signs of foul play, but could not determine any cause of death. Her body was sent to the Anoka County medical examiner's office for an autopsy, which was completed Friday, January 6. No cause of death has been released. Anyone with information about her death is asked to contact the Todd County Sheriff's Office at (320) 732-2157 The Todd County Sheriff s Posse, Long Prairie Fire Dept., and MN State Trooper helicopter assisted in search efforts. The MN Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is also assisting in the investigation.

statement to the parts of Todd County not covered by the distribution of the official newspaper. The Leaders successful bid was $7.30 per inch and was made jointly on behalf of the other three weekly newspapers. The Leaders bid has been the same since 2008. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Commissioners approved their roster of committee assignments for 2012. Committee assignments for the Continued on page 16.

Sauk Centre girls quick thinking may have saved mans life
Reprinted from the Todd County Sheriffs Newsletter It usually goes without saying, when Law Enforcement has news to report, it is almost always negative. On T h u r s - d a y, Decem-ber 29, 2011, an ATV driven by Travis Ritter, of rural Sauk Centre, went through the ice on Fairy Lake in Kandota

Mercedes Eke and Kali Arnzens quick thinking on December 29th may have helped savedthe life of Sauk Centres Travis Ritter. Sauk Centre Herald photo.

Twp. Ritters three year old son was a passenger on the ATV. Ritter was able to hoist his son out of the freezing water, but was not able to get out of the water himself. This is where the good news come in. Two 17year old girls, Mercedes Eke and Kali Arnzen, were enjoying the unseasonably war weather and were skating on the lake when they saw the ATV plunge through the ice. Eke immediately skated to her cell phone and called 911. Arnzen skated to the location and took off her ice skates and threw them to Ritter, to use as ice picks to pull himself from the freezing water. He was still unable to climb out of the freezing water, so Arnzen retrieved one of her skates from Ritter,

removed her jacket, tossed Ritter a sleeve of the jacket, anchored herself with the skate and assisted Ritter by helping pull him out of the water. Ritter and his son were taken to the hospital in Sauk Centre, where they were treated and released. The quick thinking of the two young ladies was amazing. Without their help, emergency personnel would most likely have been reporting bad news and would have been involved in the recovery of a body. Im sure neither of these girls planned on being heroes. Since the incident I have spoken with Ritter and he said he didnt know what he would have done without their assistance. Ive also spoken with the parents of

both girls. The girls are very humble about this experience. A formal commendation is being planned for the girls. The lakes in Todd County are still very unpredictable and no vehicle traffic is suggested on our lakes. Use extreme caution when on the ice and if you are not familiar with a particular lake, its best to talk to a local bait shop or area fisherman about possible ice hazards typical of local lakes. Todd County Sheriff Pete Mikkelson.


Wed. Jan. 11 Snow/Wind 28/-2 Thur. Jan. 12 Clouds/Wind 5/0 Fri. Jan. 13 Partly Cloudy 17/10 Sat. Jan. 14 Partly Cloudy 23/6 Sun. Jan. 15 Partly Cloudy 19/11 Mon. Jan. 16 Partly Cloudy 26/12

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