The Kadoka Press newspaper won several awards at the South Dakota Newspaper Association convention for their news articles and photography. Harriet Noteboom was named resident of the month at the Kadoka Nursing Home. The Jackson County Commissioners discussed tax assessments, approved bridge inspections, and will advertise for a clerk position in the assessor's office. A mock drunk driving crash was staged for freshman students to bring awareness to drug and alcohol risks.
The Kadoka Press newspaper won several awards at the South Dakota Newspaper Association convention for their news articles and photography. Harriet Noteboom was named resident of the month at the Kadoka Nursing Home. The Jackson County Commissioners discussed tax assessments, approved bridge inspections, and will advertise for a clerk position in the assessor's office. A mock drunk driving crash was staged for freshman students to bring awareness to drug and alcohol risks.
The Kadoka Press newspaper won several awards at the South Dakota Newspaper Association convention for their news articles and photography. Harriet Noteboom was named resident of the month at the Kadoka Nursing Home. The Jackson County Commissioners discussed tax assessments, approved bridge inspections, and will advertise for a clerk position in the assessor's office. A mock drunk driving crash was staged for freshman students to bring awareness to drug and alcohol risks.
The Kadoka Press newspaper won several awards at the South Dakota Newspaper Association convention for their news articles and photography. Harriet Noteboom was named resident of the month at the Kadoka Nursing Home. The Jackson County Commissioners discussed tax assessments, approved bridge inspections, and will advertise for a clerk position in the assessor's office. A mock drunk driving crash was staged for freshman students to bring awareness to drug and alcohol risks.
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The official newspaper of Jackson County, South Dakota
$1.00 includes tax Volume 105 Number 42 May 3, 2012 ~ by Robyn Jones ~ rial and column writing, photogra- phy, page design and advertising. In the weekly division (newspa- pers under 1,150 circulation) the Kadoka Press won first place in the Best News category for the article on when Thomas Petersen was ar- rested after a high-speed chase through Jackson County. The arti- cle was written by Ronda Dennis, Del Bartels and Nancy Haigh. Also from the Kadoka Press, Don Ravellette took second place for the arrest photo of Petersen. In New Underwood, Chris Allen won second place in the Best Head- line writing. In the weeklies (1,151 - 2,000) circulation), Nancy Haigh won third place in the Best News cate- gory on her article, Tragedy averted when baby awakens fam- ily. The article was about the fire at the home of Harrold Iwan, Jr. She also won second place in the combined weekly category: Best Freedom of Information Project. The article was about the impor- tance of open government. General excellence awards were won in various circulation cate- gories by the Chamberlain/Oacoma Sun, Custer County Chronicle, Mo- bridge Tribune, The Daily Republic at Mitchell and the Rapid City Journal. General excellence awards are given to the top news- papers in each circulation group, as determined by judges. Sweepstakes awards went to the Onida Watchman, Custer County Chronicle, Mobridge Tribune, Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan and Rapid City Journal. Sweep- stakes awards are based on the number of awards won in various categories within a newspaper's circulation group. The Outstanding Young Jour- nalist among daily newspapers was given to Chris Huber, a reporter at the The Daily Republic. Matt Hein- richs, editor of the Lake Preston Times, was named Outstanding Young Journalist, among all weekly newspapers. SDNA gives awards in the Bet- ter Newspapers Contest in con- junction with its annual convention. More than 70 newspa- pers entered this year's contest, which was judged by members of the Iowa Newspaper Association. South Dakota Newspaper Asso- ciation, founded in 1882 and based in Brookings, represents 130 weekly and daily newspapers with a total readership of more than 600,000. More than 160 first-place awards for excellence in news, edi- torial and advertising were an- nounced during the South Dakota Newspaper Association's 130th convention Friday and Saturday at Cedar Shore Resort, Oacoma. Awards were given in categories for news and sports writing, edito- Kadoka Press wins awards at SD Newspaper Association Convention Harriet Noteboom has been selected as the May Resident of the Month at the Kadoka Nursing Home. She was born to Henry and Cornelia Roghair in Sibley, Iowa, on No- vember 10, 1916. Harriet was raised in a family of 12 children -- six boys and six girls. She was the oldest of the girls and today, she has a sister and two brothers still living. The family moved to Okaton, SD, where she attended grade school and her first year of high school. I remember that I was always the only girl in my class, Harriet noted. In order for her younger sisters to attend school, she dropped out of school to help at home but continue her edu- cation through correspondence courses until she received her diploma. While her brothers worked in the field, she girls were busy cooking and sewing. My dad said, None of my girls are going to wear pants! Therefore they stayed busy sewing dresses for the girls. Well, that was until WWII when some of the boys went off to war and the girls helped out in the field. Then it was on to Chamberlain where she took nursing training and later worked as a practical nurse at the Chamberlain hospital. The hos- pital, she said, closed during the depression, but she continued to work for several years. Harriet married Dick Noteboom in Japan when he was in the service and they lived there for nine months. He retired from the service after 20 years and moved back to the family place in Okaton. The couple enjoyed traveling, which included trips to Mexico, Canada and all over the United States. Harriet cared for her husband when his heath started failing until he became a resident at the Kadoka Nursing Home. He passed away in 2008 and on June 29, 2010, Harriet became a resident at the home. She recalls her younger years, learning to crochet when she was only five years old and never being too fond of sweets. Id rather have a cracker than a cookie, she said. I never was a coffee drinker. She went on to say that food is the least of her worries, she would rather read. Kadoka Nursing Home Resident of the Month The Jackson County Commis- sioners met on Thur., April 26 and convened as the board of equaliza- tion. Commissioner Ronnie Twiss was absent from the meeting. County Assessor Brad Stone stated that 16 senior citizen, two disabled and 1 veteran tax freeze applications were received. The taxable value for 2012 taxes that are due in 2013 are .80 for non-agriculture, .85 for agriculture and all abstracts should be done by early May. Stone stated that he would like to attend the conferences in Sioux Falls on May 15-18, which was ap- proved. The board entered into executive session at 2:18 p.m. for personnel matters and returned to open ses- sion at 3:23 p.m., with no action taken. The board of equalization ad- journed and a special meeting of the Jackson County Commission- ers was called to order. An invoice was presented from Butler Machinery in the amount of $6,973.40 for the repairs done to the Cat dozer. The Highway Funding Swap Agreement was approved and signed to receive the federal fund- ing for the highway department in the amount of $145,742.07. Zane Pettyjohn is no longer em- ployed by the county and it was ap- proved to pay him $103.82 for his unused accrued vacation leave. An estimate was presented from Ken Barlett in the amount of $368 for repairs to the skylight at the In- terior shop, which was approved. The commissioners approved the work order for Brosz Engineer- ing to conduct bridge inspections. County Auditor Vicki Wilson present correspondence from the countys insurance company stat- ing that it was recommended that the county have mutual aid agree- ments with each of the area fire de- partments prior to assisting with them with a fire call. The mutual aid agreement would clarify that if the fire department is requesting the help of the county in fighting a fire, any damage or loss incurred by the county would be covered by the fire departments insurance. States Attorney Dan Van Gorp will draft the agreements for each fire department. The commissioners then entered into executive session for the pur- pose of personnel matters at 3:55 p.m. and returned to open session at 4:04 p.m. Commissioner Delores Bonen- berger gave a verbal resignation from the Community Action Pro- gram (CAP) board, effective imme- diately. A replacement for Bonenberger will be chosen at a later date. Wilson presented the semi-an- nual surplus analysis financial statement, along with bills for ap- proval. ~~~~~ The commissioners held another special meeting on Monday, April 30 at 9 a.m. In the absence of Chairman Jim Stilwell, Larry Denke presided over the meeting. Discussion was held on hiring a clerk to assist in the assessors of- fice. After reviewing sample adver- tisments for this position, motion carried to advertise the position with a starting wage of $9.00 per hour and with a 25 wage increase after the 60 day probationary pe- riod. Commissioners finalize board of equalization, advertise for clerk position at special meeting A deadly mock crash occurred behind the Wall Community Cen- ter on Wednesday, April 25. The crash was the result of a drunk driver hitting a suburban full of young people. The crash sent seven to the hospital, one to the mortuary and the driver to jail. Im so sorry, Im so sorry were the words uttered over and over by Wall senior Alexis Billings who was driving the jeep that had hit a sub- urban full of her friends. When the 911 call came in freshmen students from Wall, Philip and Kadoka lis- tened as Samra Trask, who was first upon the accident, described the scene to the dispatcher. 911 dis- patched the South Dakota High- way Patrol, local deputies from Wall, fire departments from Wall, Interior and Philip and the Wall and Rapid City ambulances along with Life Flight. The FRESHMAN IMPACT: Caught in the Moment drug and al- cohol awareness program consists of multiple learning stations for students ranging from a course simulating drunk driving to a pres- entation showing what happens in a rollover if you are not wearing your seatbelt and a mock accident. The National Guard Counter Drug Program from Rapid City brought a climbing wall and a OH 58 Kiowa helicopter for students to experience getting high on life, not on drugs. Game, Fish and Park personnel explained the importance of wear- ing a life jacket and protective gear and not drinking while out on the water. The Wall, Philip and Interior Fire departments gave mock demonstrations on how they extri- cate people from wreckages. The Wall ambulance then showed how a patient is strapped to a backboard and loaded into an ambulance. The Front Porch Coalition talked to the students about sui- cide prevention. Presentations were also given on texting while driving and synthetic drugs. These learning stations were taught by local law enforcement, fire and rescue personnel, and peo- ple that have been impacted by the effects of driving under the influ- ence of drugs and alcohol. South Dakota State Troopers showed students slides of fatal wrecks while Trooper Ross, who is a restorations officer of crash scenes, explained to students the importance of respecting vehicles and others and to be observant of road conditions. Trooper Ross em- phasized the reasons to pay atten- tion while traveling. Ross asked, Is there anything in this world you need to be an hour early for? He then went on to say this is why we are here today, all the slides are of people who killed themselves for stupid reasons. As students proceeded to the mock accident, screams of pain, crying and sirens in the back ground could be heard. EMTs, fire fighters, troopers and paramedics accessed the most crit- ical and the Life Flight helicopter and hearse were then called to the accident. After the last victim was loaded into the ambulance and the fatality placed in a body bag, students were asked to line up two-by-two and proceed through the Honor Guard, back into the community center. When the students entered into the grand hall they were met by a cas- ket with a senior graduation pic- ture placed on the closed lid. Next to the casket stood Brady Sudbeck from Kadoka, the young man who was to graduate from high school in May. He stood there with his head bowed because he was the one who was in the casket. Judge Bob Mandel from Rapid City presided over the vehicular homicide trial of Alexis Billings. Prosecutor Roxi Erickson argued that the maximum sentence should be handed down. Erickson said, She was the one who got behind the wheel after drinking. She was the one who drove too fast and ran a stop sign. She caused the death of a passenger and left one in critical condition. Your honor its not okay to drink and drive -- its criminal. Erickson ended her argument on that note. Dan Van Gorp argued on behalf of his client. Alexis is just a child herself, she is only 18 years old. If given a 30 year term in prison she will be 48 when she gets out. Van Gorp stated, She is sorry, she will do anything that the court orders, but take pity on her, she is sorry. Judge Mandel informed Billings that she intentionally and illegally became intoxicated and got behind the wheel. There are consequences for what you did and I sentence you to eight years behind bars. Actors for the mock accident were: Cheyenne Deering, Libbi Sykora, Alexis Billings, Kailey Rae Sawvell, Anna Kitterman, Kale Lytle, Ryder Wilson from the Wall High School and Tess Byrd, Sean Ireland and Brady Sudbeck with Kadoka Area High School. As the South Dakota State Troopers say, If this program keeps just one of our teens from making a wrong decision, it is worth all of the time and money in- vested. Brady Sudbeck, Sean Irelan- dand Tess Byrd volunteered to be in the skit and put in two practice sessions before the event. Sean was the main character in the skit, while Brady was Seans body dou- ble in the accident outside. Tess and Brady were made up to look as if they had just been an accident and laid out in the wrecked vehi- cles where ambulance and fire units were able to run through a practice response session. Tess Byrds character the passenger in the vehicle who was struck by the driver who was under the influ- enced was life-flighted. -- by Laurie Hindman Freshmen Impact: Caught in the Moment was held in Wall The consequences of a bad decision A mock alcohol related accident was presented to the students who attended the Tri- County Alcohol Awareness Program at Wall on Wednesday, April 25. Brady Sudbeck, laying on top of the jeep, was pronounced dead at the scene, while Alexis Billings from Wall, who was driving, and Anna Kitterman, sitting in the back of the jeep, were both injured. --photos by Laurie Hindman First responders During the mock alcohol related accident, Tess Byrd received life threatening injuries and was transported by Life Flight. Estate planning seminar set for Sunday, May 6 Western South Dakota Catholic Foundation will be sponsoring and estate planning seminar on Sun- day, May 6, 2012, at Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church in Kadoka. The event will follow the 11:00 a.m. Mass and lunch will be provided in the church hall. Western South Dakota Catholic Foundation is committed to pro- moting and strengthening the Catholic Church by providing op- portunities and expertise as one es- tablishes direction and protection of their personal wealth and aids individuals estate management plans. Make plans to attend. Kadoka Press USPS 289340 Telephone 605-837-2259 PO Box 309, Kadoka, South Dakota 57543-0309 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 605-837-2312 Ravellette Publications, Inc. PO Box 309 Kadoka, SD 57543-0309 Publisher: Don Ravellette News Writing/Photography: Ronda Dennis, Editor Graphic Design/Typesetting/Photography: Robyn Jones Published each Thursday and Periodicals postage paid at Kadoka, Jackson County, South Dakota 57543-0309 Official Newspaper for the City of Kadoka, the Town of Interior, the Town of Belvidere, the Town of Cottonwood, the County of Jackson and the Kadoka School District #35-2. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES All of Jackson, Haakon, Jones, Mellette and Bennett Counties and Quinn and Wall Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . .$35.00 Plus Tax All other areas in South Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$42.00 Plus Tax Out of state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$42.00 No Tax South Dakota Newspaper Association POSTMASTER: Send change of address to the Kadoka Press. PO Box 309, Kadoka, SD 57543 Church Page May 3, 2012 Kadoka Press Page 2 Email your news and photos to: [email protected] Ravellette Publications, Inc. Letters Policy Ravellette Publications is happy to receive letters concerning comments on any news story or personal feeling on any subject. We do reserve the right to edit any offensive material and also to edit to fill the allotted space. We also re- serve the right to reject any or all letters. Our deadline for insertion in the Thursday issue is the preceding Monday at 5:00 p.m. Letters intended for more than one Ravellette Publications newspaper should be mailed or hand delivered to each individual newspaper office. All letters must bear the original signature, address and telephone number of the author. POLITICAL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: No political letters are to run the two weeks prior to an election. The Letters column is intended to offer readers the opportunity to express their opinions. It is not meant to replace advertising as a means of reaching people. This publications goal is to protect the first amendment guarantee of free speech. Your comments are welcomed and encouraged. Kadoka Press, PO Box 309, Kadoka, SD 57543-0309 605-837-2259 NOTICE: Please remember to mail the entire pink card back to the Kadoka Press when renewing your subscription. For Sale: Newsprint End Rolls $5.00 each Great for craft projects, painting, drawing & more. Kadoka Press For $150, place your ad in 150 South Dakota daily & weekly papers through the STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS! Call 6058372259 HOGENS HARDWARE 837-2274 or shop by phone toll-free at 1-888-411-1657 Serving the community for more than 65 years. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interior 859-2310 Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. BELVIDERE COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor Gary McCubbin 344-2233 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Coffee & Donuts: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Sept. - May OUR LADY OF VICTORY CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Bryan Sorensen Kadoka 837-2219 Mass: Sunday - 11:00 a.m. Confession After Mass INTERIOR COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Church: 10:30 a.m. EAGLE NEST LIFE CENTER Gus Craven Wanblee 462-6002 Sunday Church: 11:00 a.m. PEOPLES MARKET WIC, Food Stamps & EBT Phone: 837-2232 Monday thru Saturday 8 AM - 6 PM CONCORDIA LUTHERAN Kadoka 837-2390 Pastor Art Weitschat Sunday Services: 10:00 a.m. LUTHERAN PARISH - ELCA OUR SAVIORS LUTHERAN Long Valley Pastor Frezil Westerlund Sunday Services: 5:00 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kadoka Pastor Gary McCubbin 837-2233 Worship Services: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: Sr. Adults - 9:45 a.m. Sunday School: All Ages - 9:45 a.m., Sept. - May Release Time: 2:15 p.m. Wednesdays. Sept. - May Church Calendar Read Ephesians 3:14-21 Have you ever wondered if you are a "whole person"? We all have struggles in life that could make us feel in- complete, but the apostle Paul says we can be "filled up to all the fullness of God" (v. 19). What does that look like? A "whole person" is generally satisfied with life. He feels loved and is able to love others in return. Dif- ficulties and hardships don't devastate him, because he is able to go through them with confidence in God. He isn't a complainer or someone who is quick to blame others. A positive attitude guards his mind since he knows that the Lord will work everything out for good (Rom. 8:28). Being a Christian doesn't automatically make us feel complete. Fullness comes only when we experi- ence God's love for us. For many years, I knew theologically that the Lord loved me. I even preached about it, but I didn't really feel it. Only after I took a deep look at my life and started dealing with events that had fractured my soul in childhood did I begin to experience His love in an intimate way. Once I felt the security of His love for me, I discovered great joy in walking in obedience to His will. The reason was that I knew I could trust Him to meet all my needs in His time and way. Do you feel God's love, or is it just a biblical fact to you? If you long for wholeness, the key is to expe- rience an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This is possible only when you're willing to open up and let the Lord search your heart. He'll reveal what's holding you back from accepting His love. The Fullness of God in You Inspiration Point Ingredients: 1 pkg.(10 oz) sliced mushroom 1 bag(16 ounces) frozen whole small white onion 1 sprig fresh rosemary leaves 2 lb.skinless, boneless chicken breast halves and/or thighs, cut into 1-inch strips 1/4 cup cornstarch 1 can(10 3/4 ounces) mushroom soup 1 cup Burgundy or other dry red wine Hot mashed or oven-roasted potato Directions: 1. Place the mushrooms, onions, rosemary and chicken into a 3 1/2-quart slow cooker. 2. Stir the cornstarch, soup and wine in a small bowl. Pour over the chicken and vegetables. 3. Cover and cook on LOW for 8 to 9 hours*. Remove and discard the rose- mary. Serve the chicken mixture with the mashed potatoes. 4. *Or on HIGH for 4 to 5 hours. Slow cooker Coq Au Vin TRAFFIC/COURT REPORT Jackson County, SD SPEEDING ON INTERSTATE HWY: January 2012 Mary Artichoker, Rosebud $105 Devin Bergee, Moorhead, MN $105 Joshua Williams, Black Hawk $105 Candy Penrod, Lafayette, IN $125 Mason Kleinsasser, Sioux Falls $105 Matthew Nedved, Sioux Falls $105 Thomas Anderson, Harrisburg $105 Dusty Larson, LaCross, WI $105 Wade Schultz, Huron $105 James Ciarico, San Jose, CA $145 Sean Barloon, Rapid City $145 Loren Black, Nashville, TN $105 Aaron Velez, Spearfish $105 Maksim Adreyev, Edina, MN $145 Beth Poppen, Rapid City $105 Joshua Richard, Conroe, TX $145 Emily Weber, Pierre $125 SPEEDING OTHER ROADWAYS: January 2012 Mark Butterbrodt, Martin $125 FAIL TO USE CHILD PASSENGER RESTRAINT SYSTEM: January 2012 Roxanne Carter, Norris $25 COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PLATES: Janaury 2012 Robert Briggs, Kadoka $170 NO DRIVERS LICENSE: January 2012 Lucas Morrison, Kadoka $120 RENEWAL REGISTRATION DURING ASSIGNED MONTH: January 2012 Briar Eisenbraun, Wanblee $120 CARELESS DRIVING: January 2012 Lucas Morrison, Kadoka $120 SEAT BELT VIOLATION: January 2011 Lance Emery, Mission $25 Jennifer Reisser, Interior $25 PETTY THEFT 2ND DEGREE, $400 OF LESS: January 2011 Michelle Brenner, Rapid City $61.98 Over Driving Road Conditions & No Drivers License: 12-21-11: Isais Dominquezmarquez, Gillette, WY: Plea: Guilty; Plea date: 01-10-12; Fine and costs $240. Aggravated Assault: 12-08-11: Ronald Parker, Kadoka: Plea: Guilty; Plea date: 01-11-12; Fine and Costs $304; 360 days jail with 179 days suspended. Imposition of sentence is suspended based on the following conditions: unsuper- vised probation and no violations of any kind for 360 days; pay fine, costs and transcript costs and attorney fees; serve 360 days in jail, credit for 181 days served, 179 days suspended under terms of the order; no al- cohol, marijuana or drugs except prescription or enter establishments where alcohol beverages are primary item for sale; continue to take med- ications prescribed, and regular contact and counseling with physicians; submit to warrantless search and seizure of person, submit to random test of blood or bodily substances to ensure taking meds and no alcohol or illegal drugs; no contact with illegal drug users; interstate compact with California is authorized, otherwise this court reserves control and juris- diction. Burglary - 3rd Degree: No date listed: Cap Herber, Kadoka: Plea: Guilty; Plea date: 01-11-12; Fine and costs $404; 10 days jail. Imposition of sentence is suspended based on the following: 50 hours of community service within one year; two years supervised probation; no further violations; random warrantless searches and pay for testing; no alcohol, drugs or bars or restaurants that serve alcohol, repay court appointed attorney, restitution to be paid joint and several; report to jail to serve ten days no later than January 18, work release is authorized. Stay Safe & Buckle Up! The word chronic means long- term and unrelenting, not some- thing that goes away quickly. Add to this the descriptor pain, and you have chronic pain, which hap- pens to too many people in too many guises. There is chronic low back pain, recurrent migraine headaches, the post-herpetic pain following shin- gles, the neuropathic foot pain of diabetes, and the body-wide mus- cle pain and focal tenderness of fi- bromyalgia, to name a few. Recently I learned about another chronic pain diagnosis called re- gional sympathetic dystrophy, which can sometimes follow a com- plex orthopedic surgery. The bad news is that once a person has one of these chronic pain syn- dromes, it is very difficult to be rid of it, like an unwanted guest who never wants to leave. Surgery is too often no help and sometimes makes it worse. And too frequently our medicines are not enough help, even when accelerated up to nar- cotics, muscle relaxers, or anti- seizure drugs. Even injections of steroids are invasive, expensive, and if overused can be harmful. And in the end, too many people still suffer, the pain takes control, and shuts them down. Most helpful is to understand that the cause or at least the wors- ening of such chronic pain can be from not enough movement. If a joint or muscle is not used regu- larly, it barks and bites when called upon to moved, which in turn results in less movement, more pain, even less movement and so on. This cascade if un- stopped can result in severe dis- ability. Thus the reason they say, Use it, or lose it! Add to this more time to dwell on the pain, often a sense of hopelessness, the addic- tion potential of pain meds, and it becomes a viscious cycle. Paradoxically very often the most effective way to bring someone out of spiraling and progressive chronic pain is to get them moving. The answer is usually not more surgery or more pain medicines. Of course each case is different, and sometimes severe inflammation needs to be rested, but often care- fully moving through stiffness and causing some pain can be the an- swer. As they say, You sometimes have to pain to gain. One patient told me his best help was to accept the fact that he has to live with pain and get on with life. Studies show that return to function, although not easy, is the key to rehabilitation. This comes with physical/occupational therapy, rehab programs, and mostly an internal drive to get bet- ter and get moving. Chronic pain doesnt have to mean progressive immobility, disability, and hopelessness. We should re- member to accept the pain when we have to, and, when advised by the doctor, to move those muscles. Use it, or lose it. Rick Holm, M.D., Medical Editor Chronic pain means more movement Monday, May 7 Polish sausage with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, sliced carrots, corn bread and chunky apple- sauce. Tuesday, May 8 Oven crisp chicken, potato salad, mixed vegetables, bread and apricots. Wednesday, May 9 Beef stew with vegetables, cran- berry juice, bread and pineapple tidbits. Thursday, May 10 Cider braised pork with vegeta- bles (potatoes, carrots, onions), brocolli-cauliflower salad, bread and sherbet. Friday, May 11 Hamburger on a bun with let- tuce and onion, pasta salad, baked beans and mandarin oranges. Meals for the Elderly Verna Mae Sharp ________________ Verna Mae Sharp, 79, of Rapid City, died at her home on Sun., April 29, 2012. She is survived by three daugh- ters, Deb Collins, Robin Muir and Sheri Traupel, all of Rapid City; her son, Douglas Sharp of Forksville, Penn.; two sisters, Geraldine Allen of Kadoka and Velma Arment of Wanblee; three brothers, Tommy Terkildsen of Kadoka, Lavern Terkildsen of Wall, and Art Terkildsen of San Jose, Calif.; 17 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Visitation will be at Kirk Fu- neral Home in Rapid City on Thurs., May 3 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., and then for one hour before services at the church. Services are set for 10:00 a.m. Friday, May 4, 2012 at South Park United Church of Christ in Rapid City with the Rev. Bruce Herrboldt officiating. Interment will follow at Black Hills National Cemetery near Sturgis at 11:30 a.m. A recep- tion and luncheon will then be held back at the church. Friends may sign Verna Maes online guestbook at www.kirkfu- Alcohol and driving dont mix Students were able to ex- perience how alcohol affects their motor skills by wearing under-the- influence-simulating goggles and driving a jet ski and motor vehicle. A funeral for a friend Brady Sudbeck died from his injuries during the mock alcohol related accident. See the complete story on the front page. --photos by Laurie Hindman Mock accident photos News Briefs Reminder 4th grade Pio- neer Supper will be Wednesday, May 2, 6:00 p.m. at the Kadoka City Auditorium . Writers Group will be meeting at the Jackson County Library on Wednesday, May 2, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. KCBA will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, May 3, 12:00 noon at Jiggers Restaurant. Everyone is wel- come to attend. Art show on May 7 along with the high school band con- cert at the Kadoka Auditorium. The art show will open at 6:00 pm and close one half hour after the concert is over. The show will display art from stu- dents grades 6-12. Bel videre News May 3, 2012 Kadoka Press Page 3 Norris News Marjorie Anne Letellier 462-6228 Belvidere News Syd Iwan 344-2547 Email your news, photos and classified ads to: [email protected] Maxine Allard will celebrate her 89th birthday on May 1, 2012. Cards may be sent to her at P.O. Box 98, Norris, SD 57560 BELVIDERE BAR 344-2210 ATM Summer Hours Sun: 3 p.m. - 10 p.m. Closed Mondays Tues. - Thurs: 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Fri. - Sat: 5 p.m. to Mid- night STATE BIRTH RECORDS ACCESSIBLE THROUGH COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS Certified copies of birth records from across the state are avail- able in Jackson County, according to Mitzi Mitchell, register of deeds. The office has access to computerized birth records statewide and can issue a certified copy of any South Dakota birth. In the past, birth records were only available from the county where the birth occurred or from the South Dakota Department of Health, Vital Records Program. Birth records are available from 1905 on. As earlier years are entered in the computerized system, records from those years will also become available. The cost for a certified copy of a birth record is $15.00 as of January 1, 2000. Everyone has me all figured out. I think I have to become more unpredictable. Take the restau- rant Im in while writing this. When I came in, they said hi and, without asking what I wanted, brought me water, coffee, cream, and a stirring spoon. Neither did they bring me a menu. They knew I would probably take the special, and, if not that, I would still, ex- cept on very rare occasions, al- ready know what I felt like eating. Hows that for predictability? Tut, tut. Its the same down at the gro- cery store. If my brand of laundry detergent goes on sale, they just automatically order a case of it for me. They know Ill need it before long, and theyre nice enough to get it for me at a reduced price when possible. I cant really com- plain about that. Even the post office has my number. If I walk in and theres a package for me, theyll get it and hand it to me before I have time to open the box and find the little slip saying I have a package. My appearance doesnt change much either except maybe for the length of my hair since I seldom get haircuts in a timely manner. My dress code normally consists of jeans plus either a sweatshirt in the winter or a pocket T-shirt in the summer. Depending on the temperature, I might have on a brown leather jacket or a jean jacket. The shirts are generally gray, brown, blue or some other fairly dull color although I do have one maroon pocket T and a red sweatshirt. Those are, of course, for festive occasions or when Im in a particularly cheerful frame of mind. Maybe because I myself am so predictable (and/or dull,) I some- what enjoy those folks who arent. Theyre fun to watch although I dont usually try to emulate their behavior or be that way myself. Opposites attract and all that. For instance, there is a youngish local salesman who amuses me. You never know what hell be wearing next. It might be extremely pointed shoes, a jaunty hat, cut- offs, low-slung jeans, or anything else that strikes his fancy. When- ever Im in the vicinity of where he might be, I keep a lookout for him to see what hes up to that day. I have a young cousin, too, that I dont always immediately recog- nize since she changes her clothes and hairstyle at the drop of a hat. Im talking about a complete change in looks here from day to day, and not just a few simple mod- ifications. Its the same for a local rancher who sometimes is dressed as a cowboy, which he partly is, but also as a baseball player or a busi- nessman. Occasionally I have to look twice to recognize him. I call him a chameleon. There are some fairly wild cow- boys around as well that keep you guessing. We have employed some, and others are seen at brandings and other local affairs. Scott was one such character who worked on the place a while back. I have a picture of him calmly sitting on a tame roan cow in the middle of a pasture. Talk about being a cow boy. To the best of my recollection, that is not something I have ever done or, I guess, particularly wanted to do. It was fun to see him do it, however. We have similar such fellows around now although I will mention no names to some- what protect their lack of inno- cence. Come to think of it, though, in- stead of worrying about being too predictable, I should just redefine myself. I may be easy enough to figure out, but, on the other hand, Im fairly stable. Thats a good thing, isnt it? I mean, I havent ever really taken off at a moments notice to vacation in Tahiti as Ive always threatened to do, although I do have a valid passport in case I want to. I remember to pay the light bill and am not in the habit of reeling home at 3:00 a.m. There must be something halfway re- spectable about that. Not only that. This restaurant Im in hasnt completely figured me out yet anyway. They still, ex- cept for one server, always bring me an after-dinner mint which I never eat. The same server also re- members I certainly dont need a straw in my drinking water and will immediately remove it if its there. The other servers havent cottoned on to those things just yet so maybe Im not completely pre- dictable and boring to all of them. Im just stable. You can count on me. See. It all comes down to how you look at it. Predictability Lookin Around by Syd Iwan Lesa Perault graduated from the SDSU nursing program on Satur- day in Rapid City. Her whole fam- ily was able to attend the graduation. Parents Mike and Marlene were there, of course, as were grandparents, Bud and Va- lene Perault, plus brothers and sis- ters, John, Bert, Melissa, Coleen and Laney. After the ceremony, everyone went to the Golden Corral for dinner and visiting. John came all the way from Kansas with a couple of his children. Marlene told him it was a long way to come, but he said hed been to Berts gradua- tion in Sioux Falls a bit ago so he was coming to Lesas too. Johns wife, Jenny, couldnt come as her grandmother had had a stroke so she went there to see her the day before she passed away. Melissa came from Long Valley for the graduation but didnt go out to Mike and Marlenes that day. Everyone, though, was at the ranch and enjoyed dinner together on Sunday before most returned home, except Coleen and family of Brandon. Some birthdays were cel- ebrated on Sunday as well. On the way home from Rapid City, various family members stopped to visit Grandma Lillian Carlson in Kadoka. Lesa still has her state boards to take in June but then will be a RN. Marlene said they had a really good weekend and enjoyed it a lot. Jo Rodgers went to Huron last weekend for a postmasters conven- tion. She got to see a lot of old friends that she hadnt seen in a while and got a few days away from her normal routine. Son Jory is just starting the track season where he competes in shot put and discus. Jo said her mom, Carolyn Manke, was expanding her flock of chickens this week with an influx of about 250 pullet chicks. Ronda Dennis also attended a convention over the weekend. Ronda, along with her husband, Rick, traveled to Chamberlain on Friday to attend the South Dakota Newspaper Convention. They re- turned home Saturday afternoon. Andy Schofield said his eldest son, Don, is five now and enjoying preschool in Kadoka on Tuesday through Thursday. There is still no word when Kate DeVries is ex- pected back from Nevada. Cheryll Wells continues to help her parents in Hot Springs. She has been doing that all this year and has only really been home here for a couple of weeks. She hopes to return mid-May if things go well. Wally said hed batched before and is getting along okay taking care of himself and his dog. Jim Willert attended Mansfields branding on Sunday. He held his own branding earlier in the week and picked a good day that wasnt wet or too hot. At present he is get- ting critters sorted and worked for turning out to summer pasture. Jim said, now that his branding is over, he can relax and enjoy attend- ing everyone elses branding. Deb, meanwhile, continues to stay busy with the grocery store in Murdo. Son Jeff plans to be home most of May as the rodeo schedule is light that month. He is currently fourth in the saddle-bronc world stand- ings. This weekend he went to Can- ning near Blunt to be an instructor at the Korkow rodeo school which is held there each spring and with which he has helped before. He went on Friday and was expected back on Sunday. Next weekend he plans to attend a rodeo in Okla- homa. Bunny Green was planning a trip to Pierre this weekend to have her dog sheared, but the weather wasnt accommodating. Her cur- rent dog doesnt shed so it has to be clipped from time to time. This is in contrast to her last dog, a pug, which left hair everywhere al- though she was Bunnys favorite pooch of all time. Bunny did make it out to church and Sunday school, however. Dolores Obr returned home this week after spending two weeks in Rapid City having cataract surgery on her eyes. She had one eye done one week and the other the next. While in Rapid City, Dolores stayed with her daughter, Elaine Fuhrman, and family. On Sunday, Dolores said her vision is actually worse right now than it was before, but she hopes that will improve soon, especially when she gets some new glasses. She is quite glad to be back home. Mike Livermont and Amelia went to Ft. Pierre on Saturday and took in the horse races. He didnt win any money since he didnt bet, but he enjoyed watching the races which are held there for a couple of weeks every year. There will be an- other weekend of races before they move on to Aberdeen for a bit. Mikes roads are good now since they rebuilt them on a ridge and gave them a coat of gravel. He en- joys being able to get in and out more easily when it rains. Mike said he is just about done calving but hasnt scheduled his branding just yet. Kenny and Roxie Fox attended the bull sale in Philip on Tuesday and came home with a couple of new bulls. Kenny said they are get- ting ready to hit the branding trail since many of those are scheduled and will be held shortly. Charlene Ceniceros reports a new addition to her family. Her granddaughter, who lives with her and is also named Charlene, had a baby boy on April 16 in Rapid City. The new little guy was named Noah Alfred Thomas Romero and joins a sister who had her first birthday in February. Charlene said Noahs dad, Daryl Romero, has recently changed jobs and is now working at the detention center in Kyle. He had previously worked at Discount Fuel in Kadoka. Char- lenes Aunt Martha continues to live with her as well so they have several generations there under one roofsix people in all. If you really want to do something youll find a way; if you dont, you will find an excuse. Robert and Sharon Ring made a business trip to Rapid City on Mon- day. Last Tuesday, it was a beautiful still day so the Blackpipe commu- nity members held a huge commu- nity clean-up project. Folks were busy picking up the trash and even delivered unburnable junk to the dumpsite behind the Blackpipe community building for pickup. The Rosebud trucks hauled out several heaping truckloads of scrap metal, old appliances and junk and the Rosebud Tribe firemen came and burned and cleaned up the rest. Everyone worked hard and the town looks great! All your hard work and how much you care shows! I love to boast when there is something to boast about in our lit- tle town. We got a head start on summer this week, too. The new ball field is clean, mowed and ready for action. Sure enough, they are busy practic- ing, too. Perhaps, they have even had a game. People were parked on the little knoll across the road, earlier in the week to watch, maybe they were just rushing the season. Yes, we are all anxious for our baseball season to begin. Sharon Ring accompanied Torey and Linda Ring to the spring con- cert held at Long Valley School on Wednesday evening. It was a very enjoyable evening, complete with musical and the band numbers, in- cluding six instrumental solos. It also was a farewell for the eighth grade graduate. Thursday the James Letelliers made a trip to Kadoka for parts. Monday was the last of the bas- ketball games with White River. Tuesday, the kindergarten went to Reptile Gardens and the other grades, except for third, who went to the Outdoor Campus in Rapid City. The third grade will be taking a field trip with the White River third graders. Representing Norris School at the regional spelling bee in Murdo next Monday will be students: Jesus Barrera, Matraca White Hat, Gracie Charging Hawk and alter- nate Tahner Hart will go if one of the 5th graders is absent. The reports of rain accumulation over the week are saying we re- ceived about an a half an inch of moisture. It was mostly in the form of drizzle and intermittent showers during the week. Just enough to make the guys that wanted to brand wonder what to do. Local friends and neighbors helped brand at the Bertie Allard and Cliff and Pam Allard ranch on Saturday. Julie Letellier visited in the James Letellier home on Saturday. On Friday, Torey, Linda and Tyler Ring went to the music con- test in Philip. Jeremy Ring per- formed a trumpet solo at the contest. Ed, Carol, Jesse, Pete and Marla Ferguson all helped brand at Al- lards on Saturday. Sunday Ed and Carol went to Rapid City to cele- brate Carols birthday, which was really on Saturday. After conduct- ing business, they visited at the Cora and Scott Brickman home. Saturday, Sharon Allard of Spearfish arrived at the home of her mother, Maxine. Sharon came ladened with gifts of flowers and cards from her co-workers, and an orchid from her niece, etc. for Max- ines birthday. Sharon was busy mowing around the home place and getting ready for a birthday dinner held on Sunday. Congratulations, to Maxine on her 89th birthday May 1. Hope your day is very special. Helping Maxine Allard celebrate an early 89th birthday dinner were her friends and neighbors, Ray and Gail Berry, Harry and Jeanne Merchen, Evan and Dorothy Bligh, and James and Marjorie Anne Letellier. Later in the afternoon, Mark and Dawn Koch of Custer also visited the Allards. Sunday afternoon, guests at the Harry Merchen home for a short visit were their daughter, Dawn, and husband, Mark Koch, of Custer and grandchildren. The Kochs were on their way to Cham- berlain. Morgan Taft attended the Thursday night school dance in White River and was an overnight guest of some friends. Friday, Mor- gan took part in the music contest in Philip with a flute solo, vocal solo and also was a member of the mixed group called the Sunrise Singers from White River. Saturday, Susan and Morgan Taft helped the Allards brand. Get well wishes go out to Dan Taft who spent a few days in hospi- tal in Rapid City last week due to a horse accident. Dan is home and on the mend. Hope, you will be back to your old self again soon.
Making sure the fire is out During a clean up day at the Blackpipe Community, trash throughout the area was picked up and burned. The Rosebud Fire Department watched over the fire and made sure there was no chance of it spreading. --photo by Marjorie Anne Letellier A new horse racing exhibit At the Drop of a Hat has opened at the Casey Tibbs SD Rodeo Center. The proverbial At the Drop of a Hat title represents how horse races were originally started. The Rodeo Center displays writ- ten recollections of racing available from the late 1800s to the present. With the rich history of horse rac- ing in South Dakota, early rodeos included races of all types as either rodeo events or part of the celebra- tion. Early races included horse re- lays, free for alls, hides, chariots and ponies. Volunteer Researcher Diana Melvin states, As far back as there were people and horses, there was a spirit of competition fueling humans enjoyment of things that go fast. The Rodeo Center was the bene- factor of some of local horse breeder Clarence Bearrys personal tro- phies, photos and papers upon his death. Gathering the items prompted the creation of this tem- porary exhibit at the Rodeo Center Museum. The display consists of many articles, newspapers and photos. Visitors will probably recognize many of our locals in the photos, Melvin states. We received quite a collection of photos from families involved in horse racing over the decades. One of which is Casey Tibbs grandfather, who was a horseman and race horse trainer. Casey Tibbs owners jockey silks are part of the display. The temporary exhibit will be available for viewing until Septem- ber when a new temporary exhibit will be unveiled. Contact the Rodeo Center for museum hours. Several volunteers supported the research effort and exhibit preparation. Butch Tinant who trained race horses for Clarence Bearry provided pedigree research that traces the early breeding pro- gram of Bearry to Jeanne Ander- sons National Finals Rodeo (NFR) Barrel Horse (2010 and 2011). An- derson a resident of Kansas has campaigned a barrel racing horse that is a direct descendant of Bearrys horses. This is just one ex- ample of the many breeding pro- grams in South Dakota that included world famous SD racing to the rodeo arena stories. While Bearrys gift was the im- petus for the display the breeders, trainers and owners stories go deep in South Dakotas history. Casey and Dee Hannum loaned Bearrys refurbished chariot- a main stay in early chariot races to the museum. Local horsewoman Mary Comp- ton Puckett provided research on several local youth who have be- come successful jockeys and train- ers nationally and internationally. Her sons Bobby, Perry and Jimmy Compton, Terry and Turner, Fred Ecoffey and others. Nearby Agar, South Dakota was home to the Asmussen racing fam- ily. Keith and sons, Cash and Steve, have influenced the sport of kings worldwide. The photos, stories and artifacts make this truly an exciting and en- joyable display filling the tempo- rary exhibit space at the museum. You will want to return more than once as several great racing to rodeo stories are being added. The race horse history and the influ- ence on rodeo runs so deep and wide in the lives of South Dakotans that it is planned to expand the ex- hibit each spring to coincide with the annual horse racing in Fort Pierre. You will be delighted to find where early races were held, when pari-mutuel betting and regulation began and who bought a two mil- lion dollar simulcast ticket in South Dakota. At the Drop of a Hat Horse racing exhibit opens at the Rodeo Center Locals May 3, 2012 Kadoka Press Page 4 Kadoka Nursing Home Kenton & Angela McKeehan 837-2270 Local News Sydne Lenox Robyn Jones Tag Board Envelopes Rubber & Self-inking Stamps Stamp Pads & Ink Paper Check with us first Let us give you all your price quotes Ravellette Publications does ALL types of printing jobs! Call the Kadoka Press for more info at 837-2259 or 859-2516 3rd Annual Mothers Day Open House Incredible Metal Art Gallery Sun., May 13 1 to 4 p.m. Sign our guest book & win a door prize. Refreshments & Goodies Featuring amazing water color artists: Kathy Sigle & Marion Toillion Air Brush Make-up & Galvanic Spa by Lonnie Doney Guest: Tom DeVries with his team & carriage rides for the ladies Located: 14 mi. South of Kadoka, Hwy 73, 3 mi. East on Swift Horse Rd. Several of the residents took a field trip to our local Petrified Gar- dens on Monday afternoon. We found the rocks and fossils fasci- nating. We sure appreciate the Fu- gate family for allowing us to spend time with you. Family and friends of Joyce Handcock frequently visited this week: Jim and Kathy Rock; Kaun Gibson; Kassidy, Kwincy, Owenand Bonnie Ferguson; Audrey Neiffer; Maurice and Cathie Handcock; Colten and Abbi McDaniel and Mayzie; Brandon, Sanna, Dawson and Madalyn Rock; Tanner, Kim, Dawson and Hallie Handcock; Bert, Curly and JaneAnn Mans- field; Joshua Ferguson; Tayta and Cappie West; Virginia Coller; Ben Handcock; Les and Thelma Hand- cock; Brice, Makenna and Hayden Rock; Preston, Bailey and Paisley Patterson; Pastor Frezil Wester- lund; and Pastor Art Weitschat. Betty VanderMay went to church with her daughter, Suzanne Hoon, on Sunday. Tel, Steve and Todd VanderMay came to see Betty on Friday. Winona Carson enjoyed a visit from great granddaughter, Amanda Frink, on Sunday. Renate Carson spent time with her mother-in-law, Winona, on Sunday. Polly Kujawa welcomed a house full on Sunday. Those visiting were daughter, Joanne Berheim, and son-in-law, Tom. Grandchildren, Chad and Steph Beynon, with their children, Carter and Zach, as well as, Matt and Katie Berheim and son, Noah, were also here to see Polly. Jim Kujawa was in several times to chat with Polly and he took her to church on Sunday. Chelsea Kujawa, Mallery M., An- gela Healy and Arlene Kujawa spent time with Polly on Saturday. Polly was the bowling champion in our friendly residential bowling game held Saturday. Dwight Louder had a good after- noon with his family, Darin and Dorothy, on Sunday. Mary Ellen Herbaugh enjoyed the company of Starla, Tiffany and Letoy Brown on Sunday. Mary Bull Bear's daughter, Sonia, and E. Marie, Mary's grand- daughter, frequently visited. Her son, Richard Pierce, and grand- daughter, Neveah Pierce, came in on Thursday. Payton Garrett dropped in on Saturday to see Mary. Ruth Klundt enjoyed seeing her husband, Lyle, throughout the week. Lois Pettyjohn played the piano and led singing for the residents on Monday morning. Shirley Josserand came in on Monday to see her friends, Alice Wilmarth, Winona Carson, Sylvan Kruse and Betty VanderMay. Patty Patterson had a nice visit with her daughter, Tammy Carl- son. Harriet Noteboom spent some time with Elaine Roghair on Wednesday. Mary Petras visited with Linda Petras on Thursday. Shorty Ireland received a visit from Hal and Edie Ireland on Fri- day. Alice Wilmarth had a pleasant chat with Paulette Wilmarth on Saturday. Lova Bushnell came in to see several friends on Saturday. Mike Kinsley and Gen Liffen- gren lead worship on Sunday after- noon for the residents, which they all enjoyed. Pat and Jackie Heathershaw of Wall are pleased to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Kristy Heathershaw, to Landon Stout, son of Jerry and Annie Stout of Kadoka. Kristy is a 2000 graduate of Wall High School and a 2004 graduate of Northern State University with a Bachelor of Science in Education. She is employed at the Kadoka Area School District at the Interior School. Landon is a 2000 graduate of Kadoka High School and a 2003 graduate of Mitchell Technical Institute with an electrical maintenance and con- struction degree and a powerline degree. He is employed at Lacreek Elec- tric in Martin. A May 11, 2012, wedding is being planned in Wall, SD, and the couple will reside in Martin. Heathershaw, Stout to wed X T TX, X Love, Grandma Sutfin Pat Brown of Aurora, CO, spent several days recently at the home of Kenny and Cindy Wilmarth. He and Kenny spent time wild turkey hunting. He returned to his home on Saturday, April 21. The family of Joyce Handcock, a resident of the Kadoka Nursing Home, has been spending time with her this past week. On Wednesday Ben and Patsy Hand- cock of Pierre visited her. Joyce is in failing health as of late Monday. Ruby and Hank Kosters of Pierre visited with Deb and Marv Moor on Wednesday of last week. They helped Deb celebrate her birthday and all enjoyed lunch at Jiggers that day. Debs birthday was Saturday, April 28. Lola Joyce Riggins accompanied Linda and Bonnie Riggins to Mar- tin for a supper and meeting. A large group of relatives and friends greeted Russ Hicks on Sun- day to help him celebrate his 90th birthday. An open house was held at the community room of the Gate- way Apartments. His three sons and their families were present, as well as his sister, Mildred Young, of Rapid City. Carol Nielsen brought her mom, Mildred, down for the oc- casion. Mildred resides at the Som- erset Assisted Living Facility in Rapid City. On Monday several of the Hicks relatives went to the Black Hills National Cemetery near Sturgis to attend the graveside rites for Ethel Woodruff of Huron. Ethel was a sis- ter of Eunice Hicks, Russ late wife. Pat Stout of Sioux Falls spent a few days in the Kadoka and Philip area last week. He kept doctor ap- pointments and returned home by bus on Friday morning. The Kadoka area was blessed with much needed rain this past week. Both Friday and Saturday brought rain showers, which was great for the crops, but not so much for outdoor track events and local brandings. The former District 9 of the American Legion and Auxiliary will hold its Boys and Girls State Orientation in Kadoka next Sun- day, May 6. The event will be held at the community room of the Gate- way Apartments at 2:00 p.m. that day. Boys and Girls Staters from Draper, Murdo, Philip, Martin, White River, Midland and Kadoka will meet for information on the 2012 Girls and Boys State events to be held in Aberdeen and Vermil- lion. Jeff Willert spent the weekend at the annual Korkow Rodeo School at the Anchor K Ranch near Canning as an instructor for the saddle bronc riders. The Korkow Rodeo School attracts about thirty young rodeo athletes from a five state area and Jeff has attended for several years. He is planning to ride saddle bronc in Guymon, OK, in the Guymon Pioneer Days Rodeo which will be held May 4 through the 6. His appearance will depend on which horse he draws. A chinchilla Karson Eisenbraun pets Dagwood, the chinchilla, at the Zoo Mobile presentation. Dagwoods fur is one of the softest animals in the world. A rock turtle Judah Huber, Ashlynn Carlson and Madison Stil- well take turns touching Rocky, the turtle. A skunk? Sylvan Kruse and Ruby Sanftner took a chance to pet Luna, the skunk, thankfully her stinkers were removed. The Zoo Mobile made a visit to Kadoka on Monday, April 23. Megan from the Great Plains Zoo in Sioux Falls brought Shooter, the par- rot, and other animals for all to enjoy. Shooter entertained the crowd by throwing kisses, spreading his wings wide open, and talking. Shooter is three years-old and has a life span of approximately 80 years. The Zoo Mo- bile was sponsored by the Jackson County 4-H Extension Program. --photo by Robyn Jones | lat | 1aas kaat| SAV004 TraveIer 4412 (40} Two-year-o|d Angus bu||s for sa|e! 8ons & grandsons of: 8 A V 004 Trave|er 4412 & N ar Pr|me T|me 080 - 3erer Tesled & 3crola| Veasured - Ca|v|rg Ease & Valerra||y 8red - 3e|||rg Pr|vale Trealy ob Fortune: (05} 488-1003 6huck Fortune: (05} 891-8197 Please join us for a bridal shower honoring May 12, 2012 4-6 p.m. Antonsen Residence 410 Main St. Kadoka Whitney Antonsen WELCOME RODEO FANS! Kadoka, SD 837-2241 Friday & Saturday Specials Prime Rib & Salad Bar Club 27 Join us after the Friday rodeo for supper & dance to Westbound May 4 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The Zoo Mobile This & That May 3, 2012 Kadoka Press Page 5 Snacks Food Coffee Ice Beer Pop Groceries DISCOUNT FUEL Kadoka Oil Co. Kadoka, SD 605-837-2271 For fuel & propane delivery: 1-800-742-0041 (Toll-free) Mark & Tammy Carlson Jackson County Title Co., Inc. PO Box 544 Kadoka, SD 57543 u u u u u Open Tuesday & Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (605) 837-2286 Midwest Cooperative Kadoka South Dakota Grain Feed Salt Fuel Twine Phone: 837-2235 Check our prices first! 837-2690 Ditching & Trenching of ALL types! Craig cell 605-390-8087 Sauntee cell 605-390-8604 Ask about our solar wells. Keep the focus on your business! Call us for a spot on our B&P. 837-2259 Business & Professional Directory for Kadoka & Surrounding Area B.L. PORCH Veterinarian Phone 837-2697 Kadoka SD Divisions of Ravellette Publications, Inc.: Kadoka Press: 837-2259 Pioneer Review: 859-2516 The Profit: 859-2516 Pennington County Courant: 279-2565 New Underwood Post: 754-6466 Faith Independent: 967-2161 Bison Courier: 244-7199 Murdo Coyote: 669-2271 Kadoka Clinic & Lab 601 Chestnut Kadoka, SD 57543-0640 Fax: 837-2061 Ph: 837-2257 MONDAY Dave Webb, PA-C TUESDAY Dave Webb, PA-C Wednesday - CLOSED Please call Philip Clinic 800-439-8047 THURSDAY Dr. David Holman FRIDAY Dr. Coen Klopper Clinic Hours: 8:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:00 Lab Hours: 8:15 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:00 Kadoka, SD 605-837-2431 Philip, SD 605-859-2610 Complete line of veterinary services & products. MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. to noon by appointment Check out our website! The Lab & X-ray departments accept orders from any provider. Kadoka Clinic is a Medicare provider & accepts assignments on Medicare bills. Sonya Addison Independent Scentsy Consultant 605-837-2077 home 605-488-0846 cell Do you want to see full color photos in the Kadoka Press? Go to: American Legion Auxiliary poem winners Pictured (L-R): Anna Stone, Kianna Badure, Kaylee ODaniel, Kaylee Eisenbraun, Eve Patterson and Tory Lurz. --courtesy photos American Legion Auxiliary essay winners Pictured (L-R): Jarred Hicks, Jacob Young, Alyssa Civitak & Gabrielle Sitting Up. Giving Our Loyalty to all Veterans Men went to war for me, So I give my thanks to thee. They shot their guns and pulled their sword. Before that they prayed to the Lord. Men saw things they didnt want to see. But maybe that was how God intended it to be. Men lost the beating of their heart, Some families had theirs broken apart. Men had friends they didnt want to lose. They went home to tell their families the bad news. So I give my thanks to thee, To the men that died for me. Eve Patterson 1st place Class II - Grade 4 - Poem How can I Show my Patriotism in my Community Do you know how to show patriotism in your community? Every time I hear the Star Spangled Banner I stop, take off my hat, and respect the flag, but it takes a lot more work to show how much we care about our country and its veterans. The first thing I would do is start picking up trash around my commu- nity. Picking up trask can be a massive job. If you dont pick up trash, your whole town will look like a junk yard and nobody is going to want to visit your cluttered, dirty city. When your town is spotlessly clean, tourists, businessmen, and veterans are going to want to become part of it. The second thing I would do is thank those veterans who served their country or aggressively fought for all Americans. It doesnt matter where you are, if you see a man or woman who has served our great country, thank them for what they have done. They leave their families to fight and put their lives at risk to keep our country safe. Finally, I would help people in need. I would go to the nursing home to see if anybody needs help reading the newspaper or writing a letter. In the summer I would help people mow lawns. During the winter, I would help scoop snow. Showing patriotism takes a lot of work. I can do it in my community, please join me and honor our country. Jarred Hicks 1st place Class I - Grade 3 & 4 - Essay How can I Show my Patriotism in my Community To show patriotism means to show respect to the flag and the veterans of the U.S.A. The veterans have fought for peoples lives and their country. Thank them for the freedoms we have. Past veterans have saved our coun- try from Iraq, Great Britain, and Spanish soldiers. The U.S.A. has been though a lot. Most people ask, Why should they save us, we are a free country? We werent always a free country. Patriots like Paul Revere saved us by doing something most people wouldnt do like ring the bell to warn of the enemy soldiers approaching. Who would be brave enough to lead soldiers against a regular army of British soldiers? General George Washington led the men into war and helped them fight against the British. To show respect to the veterans is to show them that you care. In your community when you see a veteran needing help (if they are retired), you stop what you are doing and go help. Show respect to veterans in your area and dont ignore them. The thing to do is to help veterans mow their lawns or help them walk around to other destinations. If you see a veterans struggling with gro- ceries, just stop what you are doing and go help them carry the groceries. Veterans arent just people, they are our brave Saviors. Some veterans tragically lost their lives and other made it out barely alive. Do your part in your community, show them the respect they deserve and help them whenever you can. Jacob Young 1st place Class II - Grade 5 & 6 - Essay Giving Our Loyalty to all Veterans Thankful is what we should be Past and present Veterans have courageously fought for me Every bloody footstep they did take Will not be a tragic mistake Veterans we give our undying trust They disappear into the everlasting dust Countless families have lost Veterans paying the ultimate cost Veterans we do fondly adore While they have fearlessly fought in tremendous wars We tenderly treat them like royalty Respect all Veterans and give them your eternal loyalty Kaylee Eisenbraun 1st place Class III - Grade 5 - Poem Our Veterans Always be loyal to our veterans as they give it to use. Show them we care. They are the ones who fought for us and for our country. Show loyalty to our veterans. Show trust-worthiness and people will trust us more. Show trust-worthiness by helping people. Help clean up the community. Help rake an elderly persons yard for them. Respect our veterans and they will respect you the same way. I respect my veterans, so I will get the same respect back. Be nice. Be generous. Help our veterans. Tory Lurz Class V - poem Lincoln Hagedorn Katy ODaniel Celebrating Arbor Day This group of fourth and fifth graders were honored for their entries in the Arbor Day awards program in the Great Hall on Wednesday, April 25. All of the students entering were given a Ponderosa tree seedling and the two winners received a larger Bur Oak tree. Pictured back row (L-R): Teacher Arlene Hicks, Lin- coln Hagedorn, Alyssa Civitak, Kianna Badure, Kaylee Eisenbraun, Mar- cus Herber, Katy ODaniel and Savannah Solon. Front row: Marcella Baldwin, Anna Stone and Emily Rosebud. --photos by Ronda Dennis The poster contest, open to all fifth grade students, was won by Lincoln Hagedorn. This years theme was Trees are Terrific from Acorn to Oak. Others entering the contest were Kianna Badure, Marcella Baldwin, Alyssa Civitak, Kaylee Eisenbraun, Marcus Herber, Katy ODaniel, Savannah Solon and Anna Stone. In the essay contest, which was open to all fifth and sixth graders, Katy ODaniel won at the local level. In the state contest she took third place. The theme was centered around the importance of Arbor Day and the importance of trees. In addition to her Bur Oak tree she was pre- sented with a plaque and a check in the amount of $50. Others in the essay contest were Kianna Badure, Marcella Baldwin, Kaylee Eisenbraun, Lincoln Hage- dorn, Emily Rosebud, Savannah Solon and Anna Stone. Those writing essays received a treat card certificate from McDon- alds and a pack of two Honey Lo- cust seeds to start their own trees. The contests were sponsored by South Dakota Conservation Dis- tricts. Poem, poster winners recognized for Arbor Day American Legion Auxiliary poem, essay winners 100 Meter Hurdles 2nd Marti Herber 18.35 3rd Myla Pierce 19.35 300 Hurdles 6th Marti Herber 58:04 200 Meter Run 6th Gusti Terkildsen 30.72 400 Meter Run 6th Victoria Letellier 1:07.8 800 Meter Run 1st Tia Carlson 2:29.6 1600 Meter Run 1st Tia Carlson 5:40.4 3200 Meter Run 1st Tia Carlson 12:02.7 4x200 Relay 3rd Kadoka 1:59.3 Marti Herber, Tess Byrd, Destiny Dale & Victoria Letellier 4x100 Relay 3rd Kadoka 57.42 Taylor Merchen, Destiny Dale, Gusti Terkildsen & Kwincy Ferguson Medley Relay 2nd Kadoka 4:25.6 Kwincy Ferguson, Victoria Letellier, Shaley Herber & Tess Byrd 3200 Relay 4th Kadoka 11:12.5 Tess Byrd, Scout Sudbeck, Misti Anderson & Shaley Herber On Saturday, April 21 the Kadoka Area track team competed at Chamberlain. Tia Carlson was named female MVP of the track meet and the Kadoka girls were the team champion. Boys Events 4x200 Relay 4th Kadoka 1:42.7 Chandlier Sudbeck, Sam Pretty Bear, Brady Sudbeck & Sean Ireland 1600 Meter Run 3rd Clint Stout 5:02.3 Medley Relay 2nd Kadoka 4:05.0 4x400 Relay 2nd Kadoka 3:49.9 Sam Pretty Bear, Chandlier Sudbeck, Clint Sout & Sean Ireland 3200 Relay 1st Kadoka 9:12.1 Sam Pretty Bear, Sean Ireland, Brady Sudbeck & Clint Stout Girls Events Long Jump 2nd Kate Rasmussen 15 3.25 Triple Jump 2nd Kate Rasmussen 32 2.25 6th Gusti Terkildsen 280 4x800 Relay 3rd Kadoka 11:17 Tia Carlson claims 1st in three events, named MVP at Chamberlain High Jump 4th Raven Jorgensen 45 4x800 Relay 1st Kadoka 10:34 100 Meter Hurdles 3rd Marti Herber 18.9 100 Meter Dash 6th Taylor Merchen 14.1 4x200 Relay 3rd Kadoka 2:02 1600 Meter Run 1st Tia Carlson 5:40 4th Scout Sudbeck 6:08 4x100 Relay 1st Kadoka 57.8 400 Meter Dash 6th Shaley Herber 1:08 Medley Relay 2nd Kadoka 4:56 200 Meter Dash 6th Gusti Terkildsen 30 3200 Meter Run 1st Tia Carlson 13.30 2nd Scout Sudbeck 14.19 4th Rebekkah Kary 16.34 4x400 2nd Kadoka 4.36 800 Meter Run 1st Tia Carlson 2.31 5th Scout Sudbeck 2.49 The track team traveled to Presho on Saturday, April 28 to compete in the Cecil Johnson Invi- tational Meet. Boys Events 4x800 Relay 1st Kadoka 9:00 110 Meter Hurdles 2nd Chandlier Sudbeck 18.8 100 Meter Dash 5th Kenar VanderMay 12.0 4x200 Relay 6th Kadoka 1:45 1600 Meter Run 4th Clint Stout 5:11 400 Meter Dash 2nd Sam Pretty Bear 56.2 300 Meter Hurdles 4th Chandlier Sudbeck 45.0 Medley 2nd Kadoka 4:05 Girls Events Long Jump 2nd Kate Rasmussen 149 4th Gusti Terkildsen 136 Triple Jump 5th Gusti Terkildsen 291 6th Raven Jorgensen 2710 Pole Vault 3rd Jerica Coller 60 Cecil Johnson Invitational at Presho Public Notices May 3, 2012 Kadoka Press Page 6 Notice to our Kadoka Press Subscribers: When sending subscription payments PLEASE return the entire pink postcard with the payment. Thank You! Public Notice Deadline for Publication is Friday at noon! N O T I C E NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OUTSIDE OF MUNICIPALITIES FOR SPECIAL EVENT AS PER SDCL 35 4 124 Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Jackson in the City of Kadoka, South Dakota, on the 14th day of May, 2012 at the hour of 11:00 a.m. at the Jackson County Courthouse in the Com- missioners Room, will meet in regular session to consider the following applica- tion for Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage Special Event to operate outside of a mu- nicipality for July 4, 5 and 6, 2012 licens- ing period, which has been presented to the Board of Jackson County Commis- sioners and filed in the County Auditors Office. Interior Roping Club, Inc., Inte- rior, SD Tract N, S2SE4, Section 5, T 4 S, R 18 E
Notice is further given that any person, persons or their attorney may appear and be heard at said scheduled public hearing who are interested in the ap- proval or rejection of any such applica- tion. Vicki D. Wilson Jackson County Auditor [Published April 26 & May 3, 2012 at the total approximate cost of $33.94] FINANCIAL REPORT KADOKA AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING MARCH 1, 2012 ENDING MARCH 31, 2012 GENERAL FUND: Checking account balance, beginning: 1,264.14; Transfer into account: (from MMDA account) 260,000.00; Receipts: Jackson Co. Treasurer, taxes 10,258.69; Jones Co.Treasurer, taxes 0.03; Haakon Co. Treasurer, taxes 4,362.14; County appor- tionment 3,095.71; BankWest, interest 96.24; First National Midland, int. 161.07; State of SD, state aid 96,833.00; Student Activities 400.56; Student Partic- ipation fees 50.00; Sale of supplies & other 14.10; U.S. Dept of Ed, Indian Ed 2,688.32; State of SD, medicaid admin less fee 2,278.00; State of SD, Title I 58,804.00; State of SD, REAP 8,173.00; Haakon & Jones Co, Bank Franchise 6,216.50; State of SD, FFV 2,057.23; Smee School, Share NAFIS travel 547.32; Total receipts: 196,035.91; Transfers out: (to MMDA) 171,090.57; Disbursements: 283,105.00; Ending bal- ance, checking: 3,104.48; Money Market Deposit Account:(BW) 358,862.10; Money Market Deposit Account:(MB) 157,511.99; Petty Cash: 130.00; Total Balance of Account: 519,608.57
CAPITOL OUTLAY FUND: Checking ac- count balance, beginning: 2,955.76; Transfer in: 8,500.00; Receipts: Jackson Co. Treasurer, taxes 5,447.87; Jones Co. Treasurer, taxes 0.02; Haakon Co. Treasurer 2,298.12; First National, Inter- est 175.71; BankWest, interest 139.56; Transfers out: 315.27; Disbursements: 18,585.66; Ending balance, checking: 616.11; Money Market Deposit Account: 233,563.03; Money Market Deposit Ac- count:(MB) 160,074.65; Total Balance of Account: 394,253.79
SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND: Checking account balance, beginning: 1,304.97; Transfer into account: from savings 27,000.00; Receipts: Jackson Co. Treas- urer, taxes 5,017.81; Jones Co. Treas- urer, taxes 0.02; Haakon Co. Treasurer, taxes 2,141.88; State of SD, medicaid admin 250.00; First National, interest 58.57; BankWest, interest 34.88; IDEA 12,351.00; Transfers out: 12,694.45; Dis- bursements: 35,154.19; Ending balance, checking: 310.49; Money Market Deposit Account: (BW) 60,082.01; Money Market Deposit Account: (MB) 49,054.35; Total Balance of Account: 109,446.85
IMPACT AID FUND: Beginning balance, checking, Receipts: Interest 1,339.30; U.S. Dept of Ed, FY 2012 0.00; Transfers out: 0.00; Money Market Deposit Account 864,297.34; C.M.A. Account 1,005,220.69; Balance of account: 1,869,518.03
CAPITOL PROJECTS FUND: Beginning balance, checking, Receipts: Interest BankWest, interest 331.45; Transfer to MMDA 331.45; Disbursements 9,450.00; Money Market Deposit Account 612,373.25; Balance of account: 612,373.25
FOOD SERVICE FUND: Beginning Bal- ance: 3,599.21; Tranfer in (from Impact Aid) 0.00; Receipts: Sales 6,912.75; State of SD, reimbursement 9,192.21; Disbursements 16,291.46; Total balance checking account: 3,412.71; Cash change 40.00; Total balance accounts: 3,452.71
FOOD SERVICE: BLOCK, AIMEE, MID- LAND LUNCHES 1,298.15; CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING, FOOD & SUPPLIES 1,772.94; CHEMICAL SANITIZING SYS- TEMS, DISHWASHER CHEMICALS 91.09; CHILD & ADULT NUTRITION SERVICE, COMMODITY PROCESSING 54.50; DEAN FOODS, DAIRY PROD- UCTS 1,282.26; EARTHGRAINS CO, K&I-BREAD PRODUCTS 233.65; FARMER BROTHERS COMPANY, K- FOODS 77.40; HOGEN'S HARDWARE, SUPPLIES/ MATERIALS/REPAIRS 12.88.00; MILLER'S GARBAGE, GARBAGE SERVICE 156.00; PEO- PLE'S MARKET, SUPPLIES 357.19; US FOODSERVICE, FOOD & SUPPLIES 3,072.23; REGULAR SALARIES 4,279.78 SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT: Supt. Hermann reported that the Title I School Improvement Plan has been completed and submitted. The Dakota Step testing is near completion. We are still waiting to see if the States AYP waiver has been approved by the U.S. Department of Ed- ucation. The Indian Education grant ap- plication is in process with part II of the application. A small increase in this fund- ing is projected and will be used to in- clude video surveillance on two buses and to possibly assist with seconds lunch charges. We are working on next years budget. Impact Aid is an important part of the dis- tricts finances and if the district qualifies for heavily impacted status it would mean a large increase in that funding. There are several criteria for heavily impacted status one of which is local taxing effort with comparable districts in the state. General fund, special education and pen- sion funds are included in the computa- tion. Although most districts levy for pension fund (which is used for retire- ment costs), Kadoka has not had that levy. The 2012-2013 budget proposal will include the thirty cents per thousand levy for the pension fund. The capitol outlay request amount will be reduced by the amount of the pension levy. PRINCIPALS REPORTS: Mr. Jensen re- ported that staff evaluations and budget requisitions for the elementary have been completed. South Dakota Assess- ment portal training was attended. He said that Dakota Step testing will begin on April 2 and that the Badlands Artist in Residence will be doing a project at the Interior School. Mr. Jensen reviewed scheduled end of year activities. He also reported that Mr. Shuck has been provid- ing music instruction at the Interior and Long Valley Schools one day per week. Teachers are being encouraged to attend the RtI conference and state sponsored Common Core Training will be available for professional development. Ken Lensegrav expressed appreciation for the music instruction being provided at the outlying schools. Mr. Hagedorn reported that there have been two track meets and the conces- sions are going well. He reviewed sched- uled events including the Tri County Awareness event to be held in Wall and Youth Range Days for all seventh graders in the district. The student hand- book is being reviewed and will be pre- sented for first reading at the May meeting. Work on next years class schedule is also being done in readiness for pre-registration. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS: Buildings and grounds: Mr. Hermann re- ported that the project manual for the in- terior portion of the great hall project has been received from the architect. He asked if mandatory site visits for contrac- tors should be included in the bid notice. Negotiations Committee: Mark DeVries reported that negotiations with certified staff have been completed. The commit- tee also met with the support staff. Policy Committee: Mr. Herman reported that the policy committee met. The cor- poral punishment section of the hand- book was reviewed. First reading of a new policy was presented. The policy will be included under the Board of Educa- tion section of the handbook and will be item c) stating: In the event that a board member(s) must recuse themselves from voting due to conflict of interest, board action may be taken by the majority of the remaining members. Audit Review: Dawn Rasmussen re- ported on the audit review meeting with auditor for recently completed audit. Lack of segregation of duties due to district size and number of personnel is the only comment. CITIZENS INPUT: Arla Patterson re- ported that track concessions have gone well. Dan VanderMay was present at this time. At 7:40 Ross Block moved to go into ex- ecutive session for student matters. Mo- tion was seconded by D.J. Addison and carried. The board came out of executive session at 8:40. KAEA NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT: Dawn Rasmussen moved to approve the 2012-2013 negotiated agreement and to authorize the board presidents signa- ture. Motion was seconded by Dale Christensen and carried. The agreement was signed by Mark DeVries and Colby Shuck, KAEA. POLICY SECOND READING: Weather or Emergency Calendar Make Up policy was presented for second reading. Ross Block moved to adopt the policy. Motion was seconded by D.J. Addison and car- ried. The School Sponsored Extra Curricular policy (gymnastics and wrestling sup- port) was presented for second reading. Ross Block moved to adopt the policy. Motion was seconded by Dale Chris- tensen and carried. ELECTION results were canvassed by the board. D.J. Addison moved to certify election results as follows: Mark Williams, 238; Jim Brown, 187; Ross Block, 245; Mark DeVries, 98. Motion was seconded by Ken Lensegrav and carried. At 9:00 Dawn Rasmussen moved to go into executive session for personnel mat- ters. Motion was seconded by Ken Lensegrav and carried. The board came out of executive session at 9:40. Ross Block moved to offer a contract to Roger Jensen, elementary principal. Mo- tion was seconded by Dawn Ras- mussen. There were no yes votes and motion failed. Ross Block moved to offer a contract to Tim Hagedorn, high school principal. Mo- tion was seconded by Dawn Ras- mussen. Roll call vote as follows: D.J. Addison, yes; Ross Block, yes; Dale Christensen, yes; Ken Lensegrav, no; Dawn Rasmussen, yes; Dan VanderMay, yes; Mark DeVries, no; motion carried. D.J. Addison moved to offer contracts to support staff as recommended by the ne- gotiations committee. Motion was sec- onded by Ken Lensegrav and carried. Dan VanderMay moved to advertise for lunch services for Midland lunch program for the 2012-2013 school year. Motion was seconded by Dawn Rasmussen and carried. At 9:40 Ken Lensegrav moved to go into executive session for administrative staff contract negotiations. Motion was sec- onded by D.J. Addison and carried. The board came out of executive session at 11:15. There being no further business, Dan VanderMay moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Ken Lensegrav and carried. Mark DeVries, President Eileen C. Stolley, Business Manager [Published May 3, 2012, at the total ap- proximate cost of $189.43] NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR VOTER REGISTRATION Voter registration for the Primary Election to be held on June 5, 2012, will close on May 21, 2012. Failure to register by this date will cause forfeiture of voting rights for this election. If you are in doubt about whether you are registered, check the Voter Information Portal at HYPERLINK "" or call the county auditor at 605 837 2422. Registration may be completed during regular business hours at the county au- ditors office, municipal finance office, secretary of states office and those loca- tions which provide drivers licenses, food stamps, TANF, WIC, military recruit- ment, and assistance to the disabled as provided by the Department of Human Services. You may contact the county auditor to request a mail-in registration form or access a mail-in form at HY- PERLINK " " . Voters with disabilities may contact the county auditor for information and special assistance in voter registration, absentee voting or polling place accessibility. Vicki D. Wilson, Jackson County Auditor Jackson County, SD [Published May 3 & 10, 2012, at the total approximate cost of $26.00] UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE KADOKA AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING COMMITTEE MEETING HELD MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012 AT THE KADOKA SCHOOL AT 1:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dale Chris- tensen, Ross Block, Dan VanderMay, Dawn Rasmussen Also present: Jamie Hermann, superin- tendent; Eileen Stolley, business man- ager. The meeting was called to order by Dan VanderMay. Ross Block moved to adopt the agenda. Motion was seconded by Dale Chris- tensen and carried. Mr. Hermann presented information on the bid specifications received for adver- tising for bids for interior work of the great hall project. Discussion was held regarding the exte- rior portion of the project. Specifications for the exterior have not been received from the architect but the advertisement for bids will be done following review of the specifications when received. The desired external look of the building was discussed and will be reported to the ar- chitect for design drawings to be re- viewed by the building committee. A contractor site visit was scheduled for April 27 at 2:00 p.m. Summer projects for each of the school district attendance centers were re- viewed, discussed and prioritized. There being no further business, Ross Block moved that the meeting be ad- journed. Motion was seconded by Dale Christensen and carried. Dan VanderMay Vice President ATTEST: Eileen C. Stolley Business Manager [Published May 3, 2012, at the total ap- proximate cost of $20.16] KADOKA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 19, 2012 5:30 P. M. Mayor Weller called the special meeting of the Kadoka City Council to order at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Micki Word, Colby Shuck, Kieth Prang, and Dick Stolley. Councilmem- bers Brad Jorgensen and Ryan Willert were not present, but were available, if needed, by telephone. Others present: Patty Ulmen, Finance Officer; Jackie Stil- well; Ruby Sanftner and Robyn Jones. An invoice from Complete Concrete in the amount of $40,896.00 was presented for approval. This invoice is part of the Fire Sprinkler Installation project being completed for the Kadoka Care Center, with funds coming from the previously approved Community Development Block Grant. After review, Stolley made Motion 12-04-19:47 to approve payment for this invoice. The motion was sec- onded by Word. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 4-0. The check for payment of this invoice will not be made until funds are received from the Grant. Ruby Sanftner left the meeting at this time. Micki Word excused herself from the meeting. Ryan Willert was contacted by telephone and participated for the re- mainder of the meeting via telephone. Swimming Pool Employees: On Friday, April 13, 2012, a committee consisting of Mayor Weller and Councilmembers Willert and Stolley interviewed the appli- cants for the swimming pool positions. Mayor Weller stated that he was advised by the South Dakota Municipal League that if any current full time city employee was to be hired for a summer position, all total hours worked by the employee over 40 hours per week would be subject to overtime pay. Stolley and Willert had no additional comments. Stolley made Motion 12-04-19:48 to hire the following individuals for positions at the swimming pool: Emmy Antonsen (Co-Manager) at $8.75/hour; Kayla Her- ren (Co-Manager) at $8.75/hour; Tess Byrd (Lifeguard) at $7.50/hour; Tia Carl- son (Lifeguard) at $7.25/hour; Emily Schlabach (Lifeguard) at $7.25/hour; and Aubrey Schnee (Lifeguard) at $7.25/hour. The motion was seconded by Willert. Shuck questioned the criteria used by the committee to support their recommendation and stated that he would like additional information about other applicants. A roll call vote was taken: Willert-yes; Shuck-no; Prang-yes; Stolley-yes. The motion failed 3-1 Shuck made Motion 12-04-19:49 to hire Emmy Antonsen (Co-Manager) at $8.75/hour; Kayla Herren (Co-Manager) at $8.75/hour; and Tess Byrd (Lifeguard) at $7.50/hour; with all other lifeguard po- sitions hired at a later date. The motion was seconded by Prang. A roll call vote was taken: Willert-no; Shuck-yes; Prang- yes; Stolley-no. The motion failed 2-2. After further discussion, Shuck made Motion 12-04-19:50 to hold a special meeting at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 21, 2012. The motion was seconded by Prang, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 4-0. Shuck made Motion 12-04-19:51 to ad- journ. The motion was seconded by Prang, with all members voting yes and the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. Harry Weller, Mayor ATTEST: Patty Ulmen, Finance Officer City of Kadoka [Published May 3, 2013, at the total ap- proximate cost of $34.77] KADOKA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 21, 2012 8:00 A.M. Mayor Weller called the special meeting of the Kadoka City Council to order at 8:00 a.m. with the following members present: Colby Shuck, Kieth Prang, Dick Stolley, Ryan Willert and Brad Jor- gensen. Members absent: Micki Word. Others present: Jackie Stilwell, Assistant Finance Officer. Swimming Pool Applicants: Discussion was held in previous meetings in regards to hiring swimming pool employees. Shuck provided information he had re- searched after the special meeting held on April 20, 2012. The idea of having a Swimming Pool Liason was also dis- cussed. Information will be obtained and presented at the next council meeting. After further discussion, Shuck made Motion 12-04-20:52 to hire the following individuals for employment at the swim- ming pool. Emmy Antonsen (Co-Man- ager) - $8.75/hour; Kayla Herren (Co-Manager) - $8.75/hour; Tess Byrd (Lifeguard) - $7.50/hour; Brianna Stone (Lifeguard) - $7.50/hour; Emily Schlabach (Lifeguard) - $7.25/hour; and Aubrey Schnee (Lifeguard) - $7.25/hour with Emily and Aubrey obtaining lifeguard certification this summer. The motion was seconded by Jorgensen. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 5-0. Overtime Pay/Summer Positions: Dis- cussion was held on current full time em- ployees being hired by the City for part-time summer jobs. Mayor Weller and Councilmember Shuck will do further checking on the matter and it will be ad- dressed at the May 14th meeting if nec- essary. Shuck made Motion 12-04-20:53 to ad- journ. The motion was seconded by Willert, with all members voting yes and the meeting was adjourned at 8:28 a.m. Harry Weller, Mayor ATTEST: Jackie Stilwell, Assistant Finance Officer City of Kadoka [Published May 3, 2012, at the total ap- proximate cost of $24.05] Public Notices May 3, 2012 Kadoka Press Page 7 THREE RIVERS SPECIAL SERVICES COOPERATIVE REGULAR BOARD MEETING April 24, 2012 The Three Rivers Special Services Coop- erative regular board meeting was held, Tuesday, April 24, 2012 at 6:00 AM MT (7:00 Am CT) via teleconference call. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Diane Weber with members present answering roll call. Present were: Diane Weber, Bill Hutchinson, Jamie Grif- fith, Dawn Rasmussen, and Carrie Lolley. Absent: None. Also present Kathy Arthur- Business Manager. 3130-12 Motion by Rasmussen, sec- onded by Griffith, to approve the agenda as presented. Roll Call Vote: Yes: Lolley, Rasmussen, Griffith, Weber, Hutchinson. No: None. 3131-12 Motion by Hutchinson, sec- onded by Rasmussen, to approve the fol- lowing FY12 Budget Supplements: Expenditures: 10-1200 Special Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,738.90 Revenue: 10-1900 Other Local Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,738.90 Roll Call Vote: Yes: Lolley, Rasmussen, Griffith, Weber, Hutchinson. No: None. 3132-12 Motion by Griffith, seconded by Lolley, to approve March 20, 2012 min- utes as presented. Roll Call Vote: Yes: Lolley, Rasmussen, Griffith, Weber, Hutchinson. No: None. 3133-12 Motion by Hutchinson, sec- onded by Rasmussen, to approve the April bills as presented. Roll Call Vote: Yes: Lolley, Rasmussen, Griffith, Weber, Hutchinson. No: None. APRIL 2012 PAYABLES PAYROLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,321.00 ADMINISTRATIVE PAYROLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34,674.36 PROFESSIONAL PAYROLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,367.61 SUPPORT FICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13,832.91 IRS RETIREMENT . . . . . . . . . . . .4,622.84 SDRS ANNUITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,208.86 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 95% GROUP INC . . . . . . . . . .6,202.00 PROGRAM SUPPLIES ADEL, THERESA . . . . . . . . . . . .42.92 TRAINING EXPENSE AMBUR, BRIDGET . . . . . . . . . .849.52 SPEECH TRAVEL ARTHUR, KATHY . . . . . . . . . . . .75.48 ADMIN TRAVEL AT&T MOBILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . .69.69 PHONE SERVICE ATWOOD, LUCY . . . . . . . . . . . .256.00 PROGRAM EXPENSES BELLE FOURCHE SCHOOL DISTRICT . . . . . . .140.00 CSH SUB PAY BENNETT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT . . . . . . . .43.66 PROGRAM TRAVEL BEST BUSINESS . . . . . . . . . . .222.36 COPIER LEASE BISON SCHOOL DISTRICT . . .140.00 CSH SUB PAY BLACK HILLS COOPERATIVE . . . . . . . . .2,733.11 OCCUPANCY BLAKE, COLLEEN . . . . . . . . . .149.66 PROGRAM EXPENSES BROWN, DONNA . . . . . . . . . . .726.45 PROGRAM EXPENSE BUTLER, MICHELLE . . . . . . . . .147.80 PROGRAM EXPENSE BW BLACK HILLS LODGE . . . .291.00 PROGRAM TRAVEL COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS INC . . . . . . . . .6.82 PROGRAM EXPENSE COYLE'S STANDARD STATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84.95 VEHICHLE MAINTENANCE CROSSROADS INN . . . . . . . . .186.00 PROGRAM TRAVEL DEAN FOODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265.60 BC CCLC SUPPLIES DEISS, ROSE MARY . . . . . . .1,483.68 PART C/RST EXPENSES DELTA DENTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . .350.80 DENTAL PREMIUM DIDIER, MONICA . . . . . . . . . . .660.00 PART C EXPENSES DISCOUNT FUEL . . . . . . . . . . . .30.70 KADOKA CCLC TRAVEL DIVISION OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43.25 BACKGROUND CHECK EHRENFRIED, KARLEEN . . . . .159.58 CSH TRAINING TRAVEL FOLEY, CORINNE . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00 RAISING THE STANDARDS TRAINING FOSTER, LAUREL . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00 RAISING THE STANDARDS TRAINING GOLDEN WEST COMMUNICATIONS INC . . .209.21 PHONE SERVICE GRANDESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14.73 PROGRAM SUPPLIES GRIFFITH, JAMIE . . . . . . . . . . . .56.98 MEETING MILEAGE HEDSTROM, LOLA . . . . . . . . . .147.00 CSH TRAINING TRAVEL HOGEN'S HARDWARE . . . . . . . .94.95 PROGRAM SUPPLIES HOMETOWN COMPUTER SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45.00 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE HUTCHINSON, BILL . . . . . . . . . .48.10 MEETING MILEAGE IROQUOIS SCHOOL DISTRICT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140.00 CSH SUB PAY KADOKA PRESS . . . . . . . . . . . .208.91 PROCEEDINGS KAESER BLAIR INCORPORATED . . . . . . . . .236.04 PROGRAM SUPPLIES KENNEBEC TELEPHONE COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .260.00 OFFICE RENT KINGS INN HOTEL . . . . . . . . . . .46.50 PROGRAM TRAVEL KIRBY, SEPTEMBER . . . . . . . . .36.00 CSH TRAINING TRAVEL LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16.80 LIFE PREMIUM LINTVEDT, MICHELLE . . . . . . .136.53 LYMAN CO CCLC EXP LOLLEY, CARRIE . . . . . . . . . . . .32.19 MEETING MILEAGE LYMAN COUNTY HERALD . . . . .25.00 PROGRAM EXPENSE LYNN'S DAKOTAMART . . . . . . .105.33 CCLC SUPPLIES MARCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .518.10 COPIES MERTENS, BETTY JEAN . . . . .195.22 LYMAN CO CCLC EXP MIDCONTINENT COMMMUNICATIONS . . . . . .55.00 BROADBAND SERVICES MIDWEST SPECIAL INSTRUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . .474.22 PROGRAM EXPENSE MORRIS, RANDY . . . . . . . . . . . .95.46 ADM TRAVEL NELSON, TRACY . . . . . . . . . . . .36.00 CSH TRAINING TRAVEL NFP NATIONAL ACCOUNT SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86.10 SUPPLEMENTAL LIFE NIOBRARA LODGE . . . . . . . . . .232.50 PROGRAM TRAVEL OFFICE PRODUCTS CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157.03 PROGRAM SUPPLIES OLIVER, DEVIN . . . . . . . . . . . . .233.94 PROGRAM EXPENSE PEOPLE'S MARKET . . . . . . . . .519.99 CCLC SUPPLIES PETTY CASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65.66 OFFICE EXPENSE PHILIP AMBULANCE SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425.00 OFFICE RENT POPHAM, JULIE A . . . . . . . . . .212.17 PROGRAM EXPENSES QUILL CORPORATION . . . . . . .168.20 SUPPLIES RAPID CITY AREA SCHOOL . .910.00 CSH SUB PAY RATHBUN, ANNE . . . . . . . . . . . .73.00 PROGRAM EXPENSE RELIAMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .908.00 WORK COMP PREMIUM ROUNDS, JESSE . . . . . . . . . . .282.05 CSH TRAINING TRAVEL ROWE, DIONE . . . . . . . . . . . . .233.47 PROGRAM TRAVEL ROWE, DIONE . . . . . . . . . . . . .500.00 PROGRAM EXPENSE SASD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .522.61 SASD MEMBERSHIP SAYLER, KATHERINE M . . . . . .22.20 PROGRAM EXPENSE SCHINDLER, JANET . . . . . . . . . .84.68 LYMAN CCLC TRAVEL SHANNON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT . . . . . .3,046.67 ICN COORDINATION SPEER, SARA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218.58 PROGRAM TRAVEL ST JOSEPH ELEMENTARY . . . .70.00 CSH SUB PAY STANLEY, MARY . . . . . . . . . . . .101.01 PROGRAM EXPENSE THREE RIVERS SPECIAL SERVICES . . . . .5,427.71 PROGRAMMATIC OVERSIGHT TIE OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . .13,970.00 DOE CONTRACT TRIPLE H RESTAURANT . . . . . .70.16 MEETING EXPENSE TRSSC BENFIT GROUP . . . .3,218.10 HEALTH PREMIUM UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE DIV . . . . . . . . .928.51 QUARTERLY UNEMPLOYMENT PREMIUM UNITED STATES POST OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . .44.00 POSTAGE VANDERMAY, ANNETTE . . . . . .62.16 PROGRAM TRAVEL WANBLEE CAP OFFICE . . . . . .150.00 OFFICE RENT WEBER, DIANE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44.40 MEETING MILEAGE WEST RIVER FOUNDATION . . . . . . . . . .1,700.00 VEHICLE LEASES WILLERT, DEBRA . . . . . . . . .1,863.45 TCLP SERVICES WRIGHT EXPRESS FSC . . . .1,063.80 PROGRAM TRAVEL 3134-12 Motion by Lolley, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the March Finan- cial Reports as presented. Roll Call Vote: Yes: Lolley, Rasmussen, Griffith, Weber, Hutchinson. No: None. 3135-12 Motion by Griffith, seconded by Lolley, to approve the FY13 Health Insur- ance Renewal as presented. Roll Call Vote: Yes: Lolley, Rasmussen, Griffith, Weber, Hutchinson. No: None. 3136-12 Motion by Lolley, seconded by Griffith, to set the next meeting of the Three Rivers Special Services Coopera- tive for May 24, 2012, 6:00 pm MT (7:00 pm CT) at the Buffalo Bar, Murdo, SD. Roll Call Vote: Yes: Lolley, Rasmussen, Griffith, Weber, Hutchinson. No: None. 3137-12 Motion by, Griffith seconded by Rasmussen, to adjourn. Roll Call Vote: Yes: Lolley, Rasmussen, Griffith, Weber, Hutchinson. No: None. Diane Weber, Chairperson Kathy Arthur, Business Manager [Published May 3, 2012, at the total ap- proximate cost of $95.85] CITY OF KADOKA 2011 Drinking Water Report Its your tap water! EPA ID: 0181 COPIES AVAILABLE AT THE CITY OFFICE Water Quality Last year, the City of Kadoka monitored your drinking water for possible contam- inants. This brochure is a snapshot of the quality of the water that we provided last year. Included are details about where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state stan- dards. We are committed to providing you with information because informed customers are our best allies. WATER SOURCE We serve more than 654 customers an average of 97,000 gallons of water per day. Our water is surface water that we purchase from another water system. The state has performed an assessment of our source water and they have deter- mined that the relative susceptibility rat- ing for the Kadoka public water supply system is low. For more information about your water and information on opportunities to par- ticipate in public meetings, call (605)837- 2200 and ask for Patty Ulmen. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals, and can pick up substances re- sulting from the presence of animals or from human activity. Contaminants that may be present in source water include: Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic sys- tems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife. Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally-oc- curring or result from urban stormwater runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, min- ing, or farming. Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban stormwater runoff, and residential uses. Organic chemical contaminants, includ- ing synthetic and volatile organic chemi- cals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from gas stations, urban stormwater runoff, and septic sys- tems. Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally-occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain contam- inants in water provided by public water systems. FDA regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contam- inants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the En- vironmental Protection Agencys Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compro- mised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, per- sons who have undergone organ trans- plants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryp- tosporidium and other microbial contam- inants can be obtained by calling the Environment Protection Agencys Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, espe- cially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is prima- rily from materials and components as- sociated with service lines and home plumbing. The City of Kadoka public water supply system is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are con- cerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Informa- tion on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to min- imize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at DECTED CONTAMINANTS The attached table lists all the drinking water contaminants that we detected during the 2011 calendar year. The pres- ence of these contaminants in the water does not necessarily indicate that the water poses a health risk. Unless other- wise noted, the data presented in this table is from testing done January 1 December 31, 2011. The state requires us to monitor for certain contaminants less than once per year because the con- centrations of these contaminants are not expected to vary significantly from year to year. Some of the data, though representative of the water quality, is more than one year old. Infants and young children are typically more vulnerable to lead in drinking water than the general population. It is possible that lead levels at your home may be higher than at other homes in the com- munity as a result of materials used in your home's plumbing. If you are con- cerned about elevated lead levels in your home's water, you may wish to have your water tested and flush your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using tap water. Additional information is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). [Published May 3, 2012, at the total ap- proximate cost of $64.98] The City of Kadoka public water system purchases water from WR/LJ - Mni Wiconi (2223). 2011 Table of Detected Contaminants for Kadoka (EPA ID 0181) Terms and abbreviations used in this table: *Maximum Contaminant Level Goal(MCLG): the level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. *Maximum Contaminant Level(MCL): the highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology. *Action Level(AL): the concentration of a contaminant which, when exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must follow. *Treatment Technique(TT): A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water. For turbidity, 95% of samples must be less than 0.3 NTU UNITS: *MFL: million fibers per liter *pCi/l: picocuries per liter(a measure of radioactivity) *ppt: parts per trillion, or nanograms per liter *mrem/year: millirems per year(a measure of radiation absorbed by the body) *ppm: parts per million, or milligrams per liter(mg/l) *ppq: parts per quadrillion, or picograms per liter *NTU: Nephelometric Turbidity Units *ppb: parts per billion, or micrograms per liter(ug/l) *pspm: positive samples per month Test Sites Highest Lev. 90% > Action Date Allowed Ideal Substance Level Level Tested (AL) Goal Units Major Source of Contaminant Copper 0.1 0 8/31/11 AL=1.3 0 ppm Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits; leaching from wood preservatives. Lead 2 1 8/25/11 AL=15 0 ppb Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits. Highest Highest Lev. Ideal Level Date Allowed Goal Substance Detected Range Tested (MCL) (MCLG) Units Flouride 0.91 0.73-.091 7/11/11 4 4 ppm Erosion of natural deposits; water additive which promotes strong teeth; discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories.
Total Coliform 1 positive 1 0 pspm Naturally present in the environment. Bacteria samples Please direct questions regarding this information to Mr Nathan Riggins with the Kadoka public water system at (605)837-2200. * WR/LJ - Mni Wiconi (2223) test result. [Published May 3, 2012, at the total approximate cost of $108.75] ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BIDDING Sealed bids for the Exterior Repairs for the Kadoka Area School District, Kadoka, South Dakota, will be received by the Kadoka School District no later than 2:00 p.m. MST May 16, 2012. Bids will be opened at this time. Bids will be received at the school district offices located 800 Bayberry Street, Kadoka, SD 57543. The Board of Education will act on the bids at a special meeting on Wednesday, May 18, 2012, at 2:00 p.m., at the school district offices in Kadoka, SD. The project consists of the addition of ex- terior metal studs, rigid insulation, weather barrier, plaster and finish to the exterior areas as designated at the Kadoka Schools, SD. Refer to the docu- ments for the extent of the renovations. The work will be completed per the "Summary of the Work," as is listed in the project specifications. It is suggested that the bidder review the "Contract Docu- ments" consisting of the project specifi- cations and contract drawings completely in addition to visiting the ac- tual site. Bids will be received for a single prime contract on a lump sum basis for all the required work. All construction will conform to the latest Standards of the In- ternational Building Code. INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS All bids shall be in accordance with forms and specifications attached to and made a part of the contract documents. Con- tract documents including plans and specifications may be examined at the following locations: Baldridge & Nelson Architects and Engineers, Inc., Sioux Falls, SD Plains Builders Exchange, Sioux Falls, SD Sioux Falls Builders Exchange, Sioux Falls, SD Construction Industry Center, Rapid City, SD COPIES OF THE DOCUMENTS Bidders may obtain copies of the con- tract documents at the office of the Archi- tect Baldridge & Nelson Architects and Engineers, Inc., 408 W. Lotta Street, Suite 2, Sioux Falls, SD 57105, 605-334- 7179, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. No partial sets will be issued. Only one set will be issued to bidders. Bidders must provide a 24 HR notice prior to picking up contract documents. RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS This Advertisement for Bids does not commit the Owner to award a contract, nor to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of bid(s) or to procure sup- plies. The Owner reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids, to waive any informalities or irregularities and to re-ad- vertise when it is in the best interest of the Kadoka School District. BID SECURITY Each bid shall be accompanied by a cer- tified check, cashiers check or draft in the amount of 5% of the base bid and all add alternates and drawn on a State or National Bank or a 10% bid bond issued by a Surety authorized to do business in the State of South Dakota and made payable to the Kadoka School District 35-2. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT SE- CURITY The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory perform- ance and payment bonds in the amount of 100% of the amount of the Contract Award. Bids received which do not fully comply with the above provisions and any defi- cient bids submitted may be resealed and returned to the bidder. No bids shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the opening of the bids without the consent of the Owner. Eileen Stolley Business Manager Kadoka Area School District 35-2 [Published May 3, 2012, at the total ap- proximate cost of $48.74] News May 3, 2012 Kadoka Press Page 8 E-mail news, stories or photos to: [email protected] 605-837-2259 Kadoka Press Wheat Walks May 14 & 15 SDSU Extension will host a se- ries of Wheat Walks in the Hayes and Presho areas May 14 and the Onida and Mitchell areas May 15. Three or more SDSU Extension Agronomy Field Specialists and State Specialists will be on hand at each location, representing the specialty areas of Plant Pathology, Weeds, Entomology, Soil Fertility and Cropping Systems. Each spe- cialist will give a brief presenta- tion, followed by time for discussion and answering ques- tions. Those attending are encour- aged to bring samples from their fields for the agronomists to as- sess. CCA credits have been ap- plied for. Registration for the walks is $25 and $15 for each additional person attending from the same farming operation. To pre-register, send checks payable to SDSU Ex- tension to SDSU Extension Cen- ter, Box 270, Winner, SD 57580. Registrations will also be ac- cepted at each site. Each $25 reg- istrant will receive several Extension wheat publications, in- cluding the newly printed iGrow Wheat Best Management Prac- tices for Wheat Production in South Dakota, a $59 value. Wheat Walk Locations: May 14 at 9 a.m. CDT Inter- section of SD Highways 34 and 14, 40 miles west of Ft. Pierre, SD or 3 miles west of Hayes, SD. May 14 at 3 p.m. CDT One mile south of I-90 exit 226, at the east edge of Presho, SD. May 15 at 9 a.m. CDT 4.5 miles north of the intersection of SD Highways 14 and 83 (15 miles NE of Pierre, SD), then 0.5 miles west. May 15 at 3 p.m. CDT - From the intersection of SD Hwy 37 and 252nd Ave (Cemetery Rd) at the north end of Mitchell, SD, 4 miles west to 405th St and 3 miles north. Or from I-90 exit 325 (Betts Rd), 2.5 miles north, 2 miles east, 3 miles north. For more information, visit and check the cal- endar and upcoming events or call 842-1267. Foliar Fungicides for Wheat Foliar fungicides are typically applied at three different times to wheat; tillering, flag leaf and flow- ering, and the final two stages are rapidly approaching in many South Dakota fields. The recommended indicators for making foliar fungicide applica- tions at the flag leaf stage are; dis- eases (typically tanspot and/or sep- toria leaf blotch) appearing on flag minus 1 and/or flag minus 2 (the two leaves directly below the flag leaf), the variety is susceptible (rust and other leaf spotting dis- eases), and there is good yield po- tential (45 Bu/A or more). Other factors which may favor a fungi- cide application are; rust reports building in states to the south, wet weather in the forecast, market price for wheat, and the cost of fungicide applications. Warm temperatures can cause stripe rust to shut down and may make fungicide applications un- necessary if that is the primary disease of concern. Avoid applica- tion of strobilurin fungicides after the emergence of awns as they can raise the DON levels should the crop become infected with scab (Fusarium Head Blight (FHB)). As of April 26, the USDA Cereal Disease Laboratory reported leaf rust as far north as south-central Kansas in fields, and northeast Kansas in nurseries. Stripe rust has been found throughout south- east Nebraska. The primary target for fungicide applications made at flowering is scab or FHB. Timing is very impor- tant and applications should be made at the onset of flowering in the heads of the main stems. Such applications will also provide pro- tection from late season rust infec- tions. Use the wheat scab risk assessment tool to make fungicide application decisions: kTool_2011.html. For information on resistance of wheat varieties to various dis- eases, access the yield trial reports for winter wheat and spring wheat: omy/wheat/. Additional resources include: Managing Crop Diseases with Fungicides, South Dakota Wheat Fungicide Recommenda- tions, and Identifying Rust Dis- eases of Wheat and Barley: sion/plant-path/ext-plant-path- pubs.cfm. Calendar 5/1-2/2012: Growing SD Confer- ence, Brookings, SD 5/14/2012: Wheat Walks, 9:00 a.m., Hayes, SD area; 3:00 p.m., Presho, SD area 5/15/2012 Wheat Walks, 9:00 a.m., Onida, SD area; 3:00 p.m., Mitchell, SD area Winner Regional Extension Center Bob Fanning, Plant Pathology Field Specialist 605-842-1267 In observance of Arbor Day the Kountry Kousins 4-H Club (pictured at left) planted two trees on the west edge of Kadoka near the welcome sign and the other trees that the club planted last year. The trees were purchased by the Horizons Committee. Back row (L-R) Zan Hagedorn, Wyatt Enders, Paul Smiley, Gage Weller, Mackenzie Stilwell and Dusty Enders. Middle row: Lexi Hamar, TJ Hamar, Tagg Weller, Lincoln Hage- dorn, and Hudson Johnson. Front row: Madison Stilwell and Mason Stilwell. --photo by Robyn Jones Plant a tree today for all the world to share. The Power of Protein Protein is one of the MyPlate food groups, in addition to grains, vegetables, fruits, and dairy. Pro- tein is primarily used in the body for muscle, bone, skin, hair and many other tissues. Next to water, protein is the most plentiful sub- stance in your body. Unlike fat and carbohydrates, the body does not generally store protein therefore it is essential in the diet. A complete protein con- tains all eight essential amino acids. Amino acids serve as the building blocks of protein. An in- complete protein is missing one or more of the essential amino acids. Complete proteins often come from animal sources such as beef, poul- try, fish, and eggs. Incomplete pro- teins usually include fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. The average adult needs to con- sume about 2,000 calories a day. According to the aver- age person needs 5-1/2 ounces of protein foods daily. One ounce of protein foods is equal to 1 egg or 1/3 cup egg substitute; 1 Table- spoon of peanut butter; 1/4 cup of cooked dry beans; 1/2 ounce of nuts or seeds; or 1 ounce fish, poultry or meat. Look at the Nutrition Facts Food Label to tell how much pro- tein is in a serving of a packaged food. Some types of protein foods are higher in fat or contain saturated fat which is bad for your heart if you eat them in large amounts. When you choose animal protein foods, choose those that are lower in fat like lean meat and low-fat or non-fat milk. Choose lean cuts of meat and consume in moderation. Consider alternating lean red and white meats. Soy protein is another source of protein that has health benefits in- cluding the reduction of cholesterol levels. Research is ongoing to study soy proteins long-term ef- fects on human health. Build a healthy plate by going lean with protein, make half your plate fruits and vegetables, make half your grains whole, and drink water instead of sugary drinks. Enjoy your food, but eat less! Ann Schwader, Nutrition Field Specialist SDSU Extension-Winner Regional Extension Center Kadokas Tessa Stout receives scholarship at state in Resource Conservation Speech Contest The 51st annual State Finals of the Resource Conservation Speech Contest took place Saturday, April 14, at the State Capitol in Pierre. Winning first place and a $1,100 scholarship was Amanda Wage- mann. Amanda was sponsored by the South Brown Conservation Dis- trict and is a junior at Aberdeen Central High School. She is the daughter of Wade and Jennifer Wagemann of Aberdeen. Receiving second place and a $750 scholarship was Kay Marrs, Kay was sponsored by the Elk Creek Conservation District and is a junior at Spearfish Classical Christian High School. She is the daughter of Paul and Linda Marrs of Whitewood. Receiving third place and a $450 scholarship was Tessa Stout. Tessa was sponsored by the Jackson County Conservation District and is a junior at Kadoka High School. She is the daughter of Thad and Penny Stout of Kadoka. Scholarships totaling $2,300 for the winners are provided by Touch- stone Energy Cooperatives of South Dakota. The contest is co- sponsored by the South Dakota De- partment of Agriculture, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the South Dakota Association of Con- servation Districts. The theme of this years contest was 75 Years of Conservation: Whats Next? South Dakota high school stu- dents first participated in a local contest sponsored by their conser- vation district. Two students from each district were then eligible to participate in an area contest. From there, the top two winners from each of the designated areas were eligible to advance to the State Finals. This year there were seven that competed in the state fi- nals. The theme for next years con- test is The Economic Impact of Conservation on America. For more information, contact a local conservation district office or the South Dakota Department of Agriculture at 773-3623. shared elk unit. In other commission action, the Custer State Park Deer Season was finalized with 10 "any white- tail" and two "any deer" tags avail- able. The Bighorn Sheep Hunting season will have two "any bighorn sheep" licenses available, a reduc- tion of one tag from 2011. The South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Commission has voted to reduce the number of "antlerless elk" tags available to hunters. The Black Hills Firearms Elk Season will have 570 total tags available, with 175 being antler- less. The Black Hills Archery Elk Season will have 97 total tags available, with 15 antlerless. Custer State Park will have four resident "any elk" tags available, and the Late Archery Season in the park will be closed for 2012. The commission reduced the proposed number of antlerless tags after considering public input at a meeting in Rapid City. While the elk population is low in some parts of the Black Hills, the Department of Game, Fish and Parks is still re- ceiving depredation complaints from landowners in the Hills where the elk population is still good. The commission also set the 2012 Prairie Elk Season. The sea- son will offer 47 "any elk" and 53 "antlerless elk" licenses, compared to 49 "any elk" and 79 "antlerless elk" licenses in 2011. A new Prairie Elk Unit was added in the portion of Fall River County, south of the Cheyenne River and west of Highway 385. That unit, 27A, will have a season from Sept 1 Oct 31. Unit 09A, which includes por- tions of Butte and Lawrence County, will now have a split sea- son for elk. The new season dates are Sept 15 Oct 31 and Dec 1- 15. Unit 30A, which includes por- tions of Gregory and Boyd County, Nebraska, will have a split season running from Sept 29- Oct 28 and Dec. 1- 31 to coincide with the changes made by Nebraska for that South Dakota GFP Commission finalizes elk seasons Bull 0ay 2012 at Phlllp Llvestock Auctlon Tho MnIn Ivonf nf IhIII !Ivo- sfock AucfIon, IhIII, wns onco ngnIn n vory woII nffondod ovonf ns cnffIo- mon nnd fnmIIIos hnd fho chnnco fo nrnIso ovor 360 cnfnIogod buIIs fhIs nsf Tuosdny, Mny lsf. Thor !osofh nnd crow woro gronf hosfs nnd movo fhrough n Inrgo nmounf of cnffIo In vory good fImo. Iofh soodsfock buIIs nnd woIgh-u buIIs nnd cows soId on n vory ncfIvo mnrkof. ThIs yonr`s ovonf nIso fon- furod four rnnch goIdIngs. Tho Horoford buIIs woro fho fo soIIIng brood wIfh fhoIr nvorngo of $3,555, foIIowod by fho ChnroInIs - $2,?85, !ImousIn $2,633, IInck Angus $2,292, SImmonfnI $2,000, nnd !od Angus $l,886. Tho IInck Angus hnd fho mnjorIfy of fho buIIs fhnf woro of- forod for snIo. Tho ovornII nvorngo for nII broods of soodsfock buIIs wns $2,462. Tho four rnnch goIdIngs soId for nn nvorngo of $3,650. ToIng fho snIo wns n IInck Angus buII soId by Youngorborg Angus of SrIngfIoId, MInn., for $8,?50. ThIs Iobrunry 25, 20ll, cnIvIng onso son of S A V IIsmnrck 5682 hnd n bIrfh wf. of ?8 Ibs. nnd nn ndj. yonrIIng wf. of l,364. Thorson Horofords, QuInn, S.., nv- orngod $3,6ll on fhoIr fofnI roducfIon snIo of Horoford buIIs nnd soId n Mny 5, 20l0, son of CO !l omIno 84? for $6,000. Anofhor son of CO !l omIno 84? soId for $5,250. MIIIIgnn Horofords of !ochoIIo, III., soId n KI !l omIno ll24 sIrod fwo-yonr- oId Horoford buII for $5,250. HovInnd Horo- fords, MIIosvIIIo, S, soId n !IS oon ?028 sIrod yonrIIng Horoford buII for $5,250. MohIhnf Angus, Iroo- mnn, S.., soId n yonrIIng son of S A V IIsmnrck 5682 for $4,600. Tho fo soII- Ing rnnch goId- Ing, n nIno-yonr- oId InIomIno, soId for $4,?00 nnd wns consIgnod by WoIIor !nnch, Kndokn, S.. 1im Bob and Kayla Lymer, Milesvile, purohased Red Angus bulls. A great orowd of oattlemen filled the seats at Philip Live- stook Auotion May 1st. Lot 237, a son of 3 A v Bismarok, sold for $4,200. 1hor Roseth, Uan Piroutek and Lynn weishaar on the blook during 1he Main Lvent." 1his top selling nine-year-old ranoh gelding sold for $4,700. Uean wink, owes, paid $8,750 to own Lot 207, A l Bismarok 135. 1im Komes, 3turgis, pur- ohased a yearling ereford bull from 1horson ere- fords. Local & Statewide Classified Advertising May 3, 2012 Kadoka Press Page 9 Kadoka Press CLASSIFIED AD POLICY Please read your classified ad the first week it runs. If you see an error, we will gladly rerun your ad correctly. We accept responsibility for the first incorrect insertion only. Ravellette Publications, Inc. requests that all classifieds and cards of thanks be paid for when ordered. A $2.00 billing charge will be added if ad is not paid at the time the order is place. Payment by cash, check or credit card is accepted. AUCTIONS BLACK HILLS TIMBERED 6.47 acre building site sells at Absolute Auction near Hermosa/Custer State Park May 21. Attractive contract financing offered. See onwww.bradeenauc- EDUCATION MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES needed! Train to become a Medical Office Assistant! No experience needed! Local job training. Place- ment available. HS diploma or GED and PC needed! 1-888-926-7884. EMPLOYMENT CENEX AT BOWMAN, ND, is seek- ing a qualified General Manager. A energy / agronomy cooperative with sales of $25 million. Successful agri- cultural business management expe- rience desired. Send or fax (866-653-5527) resume ASAP to: Larry Fuller, 5213 Shoal Drive, Bis- marck ND 58503, Email [email protected]. ROSHOLT, A PROGESSIVE, SAFE community in NE SD is seeking an EMT or Nurse to serve as manager of its Ambulance Service. Rosholt has an excellent school system, eco- nomical housing, a dedicated com- munity and more ( Forward re- sume by May 15th to CSI, 208 Prairie Ave, Rosholt SD 57260. EOE. GREAT PAYING JOBS! Statewide construction jobs, $12.00 - $15.00 OR MORE hourly + benefits. Sum- mer or permanent. No experience necessary. Hit Pay Dirt! Apply Online FULL TIME LUMBERYARD estima- tor and salesperson with benefits. Send resume to Dan, Johnson Lum- ber, 22 W. 5th Ave., Webster, SD 57274 or call 605-345-6000. INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY/ARTS and MATH INSTRUCTOR: Plankin- ton School is accepting applications for a 7-12 Industrial Technology/Arts Instructor and a 7-12 Math Instructor with/without coaching. Send applica- tions to: James Jones, Superintend- ent, Plankinton School District 01-1, P.O. Box 190, Plankinton, SD 57368. (605) 942-7743. [email protected]. Classified Advertising & Thank You Rates: $5.00 minimum/20 words plus 10 for each word thereafter. POLICE CHIEF: MOBRIDGE, SD. Ten years experience or post-sec- ondary education in law enforcement preferred. Minimum 5 years supervi- sory. Salary DOE. Call 605-845-3555 or email [email protected]. SEEKING BUSINESS MANAGER for the Mobridge-Pollock School Dis- trict #62-6. Resume and Application to be sent to Tim Frederick at the Mo- bridge-Pollock School District #62-6 at 1107 1st Avenue East in Mobridge SD 57601. Certified application is available online at mobridge-pol- under employment opportunities. For more information contact Tim at 605-845-9204. Open until filled. EOE. GREAT PAYING JOBS! Statewide construction jobs, $12.00 - $15.00 OR MORE hourly + benefits. Sum- mer or permanent. No experience necessary. Hit Pay Dirt! Apply Online CUSTER REGIONAL SENIOR CARE is searching for dedicated, caring nurses to join our team. We have full and part time LPN and RN positions available. We offer excel- lent benefits and competitive wages. For more information please contact TerryAnn Scott at (605) 673-2237 ext. 29 or log onto www.regional- to apply. EEOC/AA. SISSETON SCHOOL DISTRICT: FACS (Family Consumer Science) opening for the 2012-13 school year. Contact Mr. Jim Frederick at 605- 698-7613, ext. 147. Open until filled. WANTED: SERVICE TECHNICIANS at a stable dealership with three lo- cations in South Dakota and four lo- cations in Nebraska. Excellent benefit package. A/C service depart- ments. Wages DOE. For locations and phone numbers check our web- site: GREAT PAYING JOBS! Statewide construction jobs, $12.00 - $15.00 OR MORE hourly + benefits. Sum- mer or permanent. No experience necessary. Hit Pay Dirt! Apply Online ENTERTAINMENT/SPORTING EVENTS ANTE UP PRODUCTIONS Saddle Roping, May 13 in Wall, SD. Guar- anteed cash and prizes. Details at or call (605) 515-3066. Like us on Face- book. FINANCIAL TURNING 65? Its possible to in- crease your lifetime Social Security income by over $100,000! Free call tells you how to get the information. 1-888-959-8303. FOR SALE STEAKHOUSE/LOUNGE with on/off sale in Delmont, SD. About 35 min- utes south of Mitchell. Well-main- tained 140x50-ft. building with new kitchen equipment, inventory in place, turn-key operation. Priced to sell. 605-779-3431 or 680-9928. HEALTH/BEAUTY PELVIC/TRANSVAGINAL MESH? Did you undergo transvaginal place- ment of mesh for pelvic organ pro- lapse or stress urinary incontinence between 2005 and present time? If the patch required removal due to complications, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Johnson Law and speak with female staff mem- bers 1-800-535-5727. LOG HOMES DAKOTA LOG HOME Builders rep- resenting Golden Eagle Log Homes, building in eastern, central, north- western South & North Dakota. Scott Connell, 605-530-2672, Craig Con- nell, 605-264-5650, www.goldenea- NOTICES ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS statewide for only $150.00. Put the South Dakota Statewide Classifieds Network to work for you today! (25 words for $150. Each additional word $5.) Call this newspaper 605-837- 2259 or 800-658-3697 for details. RECREATION/VACATION HART RANCH MEMBERSHIP. Very good buy. Call (605) 342-2586 or (605) 431-7827. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - FACTORY DI- RECT: 40x80, 50x100, 62x120, 70x150, 80x200, Must liquidate Spring deliveries. Limited supply. Call Trever 1-888-782-7040. Buy Rent Sell Trade Giveaway In the Classifieds 605-837-2259 May 4-5-6-7: 21 Jump Street (R) Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m. Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m. Gem Theare SS9-2000 - PbIIIp May 11-12-13-14: The Three Stooges (PG) May 18-19-20-21: American Reunion (R) May 25-26-27-28: The Pirates: Band of Misfits (PG) Brakes Fuel Pumps Alternators Starters Timken Seals & Bearings Were Open Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - Noon 1 - 5 p.m. Phone 837-2214 Tim home 837-2087 Dave cell 488-0326 Oien Auto Parts Hwy 248 Kadoka, SD For all your automotive supplies -- give us call! Four generation branding (L-R) Dylan, Kelly, Tuffy and Christopher Riggins. This picture as taken in the spring of 2011. --courtsey photo Home: (605) 837-2945 Cell: (605) 381-5568 Excavation work of ALL types! Brent Peters WBackhoe WTrenching WDirectional Boring WTire Tanks Located in Kadoka, SD KADOKA CITY-WIDE RUMMAGE SALE: Saturday, June 2. Call the Kadoka Press to list your sale! tfn FOR SALE: LP Smartboard 6 primed siding. 74 pieces. Will deliver 100 miles from Kadoka. $500 call 605-680-4199. KP42-1tp FOR RENT: 8 ft. folding picnic ta- bles. Get to use for brandings, grad- uation or family gathering. $5 per table. Contact Belinda at 837-2281 or Robyn at 837-2259 to rent. K42-2tc POSITION OPEN: Jackson County is accepting applications for full time Director of Equalization Clerk. Must work well with the public, and have clerical and computer skills. Jackson County benefits include health insur- ance, life insurance, S.D. Retire- ment, paid holidays, vacation and sick leave. Position open until filled. Beginning wage $9.00 per hour. Ap- plications are available at the Jack- son County Auditors office or send resume to Jackson County, PO Box 280, Kadoka, SD 57543. Ph: 605- 837-2422. K42-2tc POSISTIONS OPEN: The Kadoka Area School District is seeking ap- plications for the following positions: HS science teacher, P-12 counselor; HS English teacher and a speech language facilitator. Applications can be found on the Kadoka Area School District website. Applications must include cover letter, resume, and ref- erences, and submitted either elec- tronically to [email protected] or mail to Kadoka Area School District, Attn: Jamie Hermann, 800 Bayberry St., PO Box 99, Kadoka, SD 57543. Kadoka Area School District is an EOE. KP42-2tc POSITION OPEN: Kadoka Area School District is seeking applica- tions for an Elementary Principal. Applications can be found on the Kadoka Area School District web- site. Applications must include cover letter, resume, and references, and submitted either electronically to [email protected] or mail to Kadoka Area School District, Attn: Jamie Hermann, 800 Bayberry St., PO Box 99, Kadoka, SD 57543. Kadoka Area School District is an EOE. KP40-3tc HOUSEKEEPERS WANTED: Full or part-time positions available. Ap- plicants must be prompt and have attention to detail. Positions avail- able at Budget Host Sundowner and Americas Best Value Inn. Apply at ABVI or call Joe at 808-284-1865. KP38-tfn HILDEBRAND STEEL & CON- CRETE: ALL types of concrete work. Rich, Colleen and Haven Hilde- brand. Toll-free: 1-877-867-4185; Office, 837-2621; Rich, cell 431- 2226; Haven, cell 490-2926; Jerry, cell 488-0291. KP5-tfc WEST RIVER EXCAVATION: will do all types of trenching, ditching and directional boring work. See Craig, Diana, Sauntee or Heidi Coller, Kadoka, SD, or call 605/837- 2690. Craig cell 390-8087, Sauntee cell 390-8604, email [email protected]. 27-tfc APARTMENTS: Spacious one-bed- room units, all utilities included. Young or old. Need rental assis- tance or not, we can house you. Just call 1-800-481-6904 or stop in the lobby and pick up an application. Gateway Apartments, Kadoka. 36-tfc BACKHOE AND TRENCHING: Pe- ters Excavation, Inc. Excavation work of all types. Call Brent Peters, 837-2945 or 381-5568 (cell). KP24-tfc SEPTIC TANK PUMPING: Call 837- 2243 or contact Wendell Buxcel, Kadoka, SD. 10-tfc POSTER BOARD: White and col- ored. At the Kadoka Press. tfc COPIES: 8-1/2x11 - 20 each; 8- 1/2x14 - 25 each; 11x14 - 35 each. At the Kadoka Press. tfc RUBBER STAMPS: Can be or- dered at the Kadoka Press. Regular or self-inking styles. tfc STATEWIDE CLASSIFIED: South Dakota's best advertising buy! A 25- word classified ad in each of the states 150 daily and weekly news- papers. Your message reaches 375,000 households for just $150.00! This newspaper can give you the complete details. Call (605) 837-2259. tfc SCRATCH PADS: 50 cents each at the Kadoka Press. tfc A special thank you to family and friends for the calls, visits, cards and well wishes. Id like to thank everyone for all the beautiful flowers. The bouquets not only brought a brightness to the hospital room, but my spirits as well. You all are a kind and thoughtful group of friends. Your generosity and friendship are unequaled. A special thank you goes to Dr. Klopper and Dr. Holman, the nurses, aides, and staff, of the Philip hospital for the care you showed to me and the family during my hospital stay. JoAnn Letellier Thank Yous Agricul ture May 3, 2012 Kadoka Press Page WEBSITE ADDRESS: EmaiI: [email protected] TO CONSIGN CATTLE OR HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE LOOK AT YOUR CATTLE, GIVE US A CALL: THOR ROSETH, Owner (605} 685.5826 BILLY MARKWED, FIeIdman Midland (605} 567.3385 JEFF LONG, FIeIdmanJAuctIoneer Fcd Owl (605} 985.5486 Ccll. (605} 515.0186 LYNN WEISHAAR, AuctIoneer Fcva (605} 866.4670 DAN PIROUTEK, AuctIoneer Milcsvillc (605} 544.3316 STEVEN STEWART Yard Foreman (605} 441.1984 BOB ANDERSON, FIeIdman Siurgis (605} 347.0151 BAXTER ANDERS, FIeIdman Wasia (605} 685.4862 PHILIP LIVESTOCK AUCTION (60S) SS9:2S?? lkllll ll\lI|K 1||IlK lkllll, |Ik 01KI1 Upoom1ng Co111e So1es: TUESDAY, MAY S: SPECIAL PAIF & FEEDEF CATTLE SALE, & FECULAF CATTLE SALE. WEIGH-UPS: 10 A.M. BRED CATTLE: 12.00 P.M. HORSE SALE TO FOLLOW. EARLY CONSIGNMENTS: PAIRS: KNUTSON & BRYAN - 150 DLK, DWF & A FEW FED 4 YF OLD TO DFK MOUTH COWS W/DLK & CHAF X CLVS AT SIDE TY HOTCHKISS - 35 DLK & FED DFK MOUTH COWS W/ DLK & FED CLVS ROD STEELE - 30 FED ANC HFFS W/2 MON. OLD FED CLVS AT SIDE; 8 FANCY 1ST X DWF HFFS W/DLK CLVS AT SIDE JASON SAMPSON - 28 DLK 5 TO 6 YF OLD COWS W/ DLK CLVS AT SIDE CREW CATTLE CO - 25 DLK DFK MOUTH COWS W/CHAF X CLVS AT SIDE RICK SCOTT - 8 DWF 1ST X & HEFF HFFS W/DWF, DLK & HEFF CLVS JERRY WILLERT - 8 DLK YOUNC COWS; DFED. CHAF BRED COWS: LARRY & JEFF GABRIEL - 30 DLK & DWF 3 & 4 YF OLD FALL DFED TUESDAY, MAY 22: SPECIAL FEEDEF CATTLE SALE & FECULAF CAT- TLE SALE TUESDAY, MAY 29: NO SALE TUESDAY, JUNE S: SPECIAL PAIF SALE & FECULAF CATTLE SALE TUESDAY, JUNE 12: SPECIAL FEEDEF CATTLE SALE & FECULAF CAT- TLE SALE TUESDAY, JUNE 19: FECULAF CATTLE SALE TUESDAY, JUNE 26: DFY COW SPECIAL & SPECIAL FEEDEF CATTLE SALE TUESDAY, JULY 3: NO SALE TUESDAY, JULY 10: FECULAF CATTLE SALE TUESDAY, JULY 1?: FECULAF CATTLE SALE TUESDAY, JULY 24: FECULAF CATTLE SALE TUESDAY, JULY 31: SPECIAL ANNIVEFSAFY YEAFLINC & FALL CALF SALE & FECULAF CATTLE SALE & ANNIVEFSAFY DDQ 2DJ2 Horse So1es: TUESDAY, JUNE 19: OPEN CONSICNMENT HOFSE SALE FOLLOWINC THE CATTLE SALE. COWS; DFED. DLK; CLV. 9-1 LARRY & SCOT EISENBRAUN - 30 DLK FALL DFED COWS; DFED. DLK SPRINGVIEW RANCH - 28 DLK & DWF 3 & 4 YF OLD FALL DFED COWS; DFED. DLK; CLV. 8-1 FEEDER CATTLE: BRUCH - 250 DLK STFS; FS, NI ..................................................575-600= TRASK - 180 DLK STFS & DV HFFS; FS, NI................................600-650= KILNESS RANCH - 48 DLK & FED MOSTLY STFS; FS ...........................................................................................500-700= EISENBRAUN & EISENBRAUN - 30 DLK CLVS; FS.............................700= PFEIFER - 4 DLK HFFS; FS ........................................................550-600= MOR CONS1GNMNTS BY SAL DAY. CALL THOR ROSTH AT tDS- SS9-2S?? OR tSS-SS2t FOR MOR 1NFORMAT1ON. TUESDAY, MAY 1S: SPECIAL PAIF, STOCK COW & DFED HEIFEF SALE & FECULAF CATTLE SALE VIEW SALES LIVE ON THE INTERNET! Go to: UpcomIng saIes & consIgnments can be vIewed on tbe Internet at, or on tbe DTN: CIIck on SALE BARNS NORTH CENTRAL PLA is now quaIified to handIe third party verified NHTC cattIe (Non-HormonaI Treated CattIe). Reep suppor11ng R-CALF USA! R-CALF USA 1s our vo1oe 1n governmen1 1o represen1 U.S. oo111e produoers 1n 1rode morKe11ng 1ssues. ]o1n 1odog & e1p moKe o d1]]erenoe! PhiIip Livestock Auction, in conjunction with Superior Livestock Auction, wiII be offering video saIe as an additionaI service to our consignors, with questions about the video pIease caII, Jerry Roseth at 605:685:5820. **NOW TAKING CONSIGNMENTS** Machinery & MisceIIaneous Auction at PhiIip Livestock Auction, Saturday, May 19th PIease caII 605-859-2577 to consign. CATTLE REPORT: TUES., MAY 1, 2012 A b1g run o] bu11s ]or our onnuo1 "Bu11 Dog". Quo111g uos verg good, espeo1o11g on 1e 1op o1] o] 1e so1e. We1g-up morKe1 uos s1eodg. Po1rs ond ]eeder oo111e ne1 ueeK. AVERAGES BY BREEDS: HEREFORD ....................................................$3SSS.00 CHAROLAIS ....................................................$2?SS.00 LIMOUSIN ......................................................$2633.00 BLACK ANGUS ................................................$2292.00 SIMMENTAL....................................................$2000.00 RED ANGUS ...................................................$1SS6.00 OVERALL....................................................$2462.00 YOUNGERBERG ANUGUS - SPRINGFIELD, MN TOTAL PRODUCTION AVEFACE ............................................... ..........$2,708.00 LOT 207...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$8,750.00 LOT 237...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$4,200.00 LOT 227...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$3,750.00 LOT 228...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$3,300.00 LOT 210...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$3,000.00 LOT 213...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,900.00 LOT 212...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,700.00 LOT 229...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,500.00 LOT 236...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,500.00 LOT 215...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,500.00 LOT 223...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,500.00 THORSON HEREFORDS - QUINN ~ TOTAL PRODUCTION AVEFACE ............................................... ...........$3611.00 LOT 38 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$6,000.00 LOT 40 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$5,250.00 LOT 42 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$4,250.00 LOT 41 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$4,250.00 LOT 52.............HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$4,250.00 LOT 36 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$4,000.00 LOT 44 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$3,750.00 LOT 45.............HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,500.00 LOT 43 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$3,500.00 LOT 46.............HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,500.00 LOT 37 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$3,400.00 LOT 39 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$3,000.00 LOT 47.............HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,000.00 LOT 50.............HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,750.00 LOT 56.............HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,600.00 LOT 53.............HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 LOT 51.............HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 MILLIGAN HEREFORDS - ROCHELLE, IL LOT 58 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$5,250.00 LOT 62 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$4,900.00 LOT 61 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$4,750.00 LOT 59 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$4,500.00 LOT 63 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$4,500.00 LOT 68 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$4,500.00 LOT 57 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$3,750.00 LOT 60 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$3,750.00 LOT 65 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$3,250.00 LOT 69 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$3,250.00 LOT 64 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$3,000.00 LOT 66 .............HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$2,750.00 HOVLAND HEREFORDS - MILESVILLE LOT 81.............HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$5,250.00 LOT 79.............HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,250.00 LOT 80.............HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,000.00 MEHLHAF ANGUS - FREEMAN ~ TOTAL PRODUCTION AVEFACE ............................................... ...........$2510.00 LOT 171...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$4,600.00 LOT 175...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$4,000.00 LOT 174...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$3,900.00 LOT 184...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$3,400.00 LOT 148...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$3,400.00 LOT 178...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,900.00 LOT 166...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,900.00 LOT 164...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,800.00 LOT 150...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,600.00 LOT 155...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,600.00 LOT 158...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,600.00 LOT 163...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,600.00 MDL FARMS - JOY, IL LOT 15.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$4,500.00 LOT 16.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$4,500.00 LOT 17.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,750.00 LOT 18.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 MILLER ANGUS FARMS - ESTELLINE LOT 195...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$3,750.00 LOT 190...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$3,500.00 LOT 189...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$3,250.00 LOT 201...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,900.00 LOT 194...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,700.00 LOT 187...............DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC ..........$2,500.00 HELBLING HEREFORDS - MANDAN, ND LOT 78X ...........HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,500.00 LOT 73.............HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,250.00 LOT 76X ...........HEFEFOFD YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,000.00 C BAR B CHAROLAIS - MONTPELIER, ND LOT 23.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,250.00 LOT 24.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,100.00 LOT 21.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,700.00 LOT 20X...........CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 LOT 22.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 LOT 25.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 LOT 27.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,400.00 LOT 28.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,300.00 LOT 26.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,250.00 RAFTER R S CATTLE - LOT 350...........CHAFOLIAS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,100.00 LOT 351...........CHAFOLIAS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,400.00 LOT 352..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,300.00 THOMAS RANCH - HARROLD LOT 241.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,900.00 LOT 194.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,900.00 LOT 87 ...........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$3,750.00 LOT 10.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,700.00 LOT 11.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 LOT 12.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 LOT 13.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,400.00 LOT 14.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,400.00 NELSON RED ANGUS - BENSON, MN 95..................FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,800.00 113................FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,600.00 LOT 112..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,600.00 LOT 100..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 LOT 92 ...........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,300.00 LOT 107..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,300.00 LOT 101..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,300.00 CHESTNUT ANGUS - PIPESTONE LOT 259.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,900.00 LOT 263.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,000.00 RANSOM ANGUS - RUTLAND, ND LOT 237.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,800.00 LOT 266.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$1,900.00 BRUNER LIMOUSIN - WINFRED 1 ......................LIMOUSIN 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$2,700.00 S & S LAND & CATTLE - LAMAR, CO LOT 6.................LIMOUSIN YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,700.00 LOT 4.................LIMOUSIN YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 LOT 33.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,600.00 LOT 32.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 LOT 35.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 ONE PENNY RANCH - FOLEY, MN LOT 19.............CHAFOLAIS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,500.00 LOT 83 ............SIMMENTAL YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,000.00 HAUGE VALLEY RED ANGUS - PHILIP LOT 141..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,300.00 LOT 139..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,000.00 K & B HEREFORD & ANGUS - ONIDA LOT 243..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,300.00 LOT 250..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,300.00 LOT 251..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,300.00 LOT 244..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,200.00 NEMEC RED ANGUS - MIDLAND LOT 127..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,100.00 LOT 132..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,100.00 LOT 130..........FED ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,000.00 HOMESTAKE RANCH - WOLSEY LOT 119.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,100.00 LOT 123.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,100.00 LOT 125.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,100.00 LOT 118.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,000.00 LOT 122.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$2,000.00 FRANK BRAND - LAKE CITY, MN 82 ..................HEFEFOFD 2 YF OLD DULL ..........$2,000.00 BUNKER CATTLE CO - ARLINGTON LOT 288.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$1,900.00 LOT 287.......DLACK ANCUS YEAFLINC DULL ..........$1,800.00 SADDLE HORSES: WILLIAM WELLER - KADOKA PALOMINO 9 YF OLD CELDINC...............................$4,700.00 LUKE VANDERMAY - KADOKA FOAN 8 YF OLD CELDINC.....................................$3,700.00 WILLIAM WELLER - KADOKA CFAY 12 YF OLD CELDINC....................................$3,200.00 JERRY SAMPSON - INTERIOR DLACK 10 YF OLD CELDINC..................................$3,000.00 WEIGH-UPS: JOHN NACHTIGALL - OWANKA 1 ...................................DLK HFFT 820=...........$125.00 1....................................DLK COW 1360=...........$85.00 MARK HANRAHAN - MILESVILLE 1 ...................................DLK HFFT 805=...........$122.00 1..............................DLK COWETTE 1170=.........$106.00 1..............................DLK COWETTE 1295=...........$94.00 WANDA VANDERMAY - KADOKA 1..............................DLK COWETTE 1050=.........$109.00 GOLDEN WILLOW SEEDS - MIDLAND 2 ............................DLK COWETTES 1060=.........$107.50 BONENBERGER RANCH - BELVIDERE 1....................................DLK DULL 2090=.........$114.00 1 ...................................DWF COW 1200=...........$86.00 LARRY & SCOT EISENBRAUN - WALL 1 ...................................DLK HFFT 765=...........$124.00 2..................................DLK HFFTS 850=...........$120.00 SEVEN BLACKFOOT RANCH - MILESVILLE 1....................................DLK COW 1130=...........$95.00 1....................................DLK COW 1260=...........$92.50 1....................................DLK COW 1365=...........$86.00 1 ...................................DLK HFFT 1070=.........$110.00 1..............................DLK COWETTE 1085=.........$108.00 1..............................DLK COWETTE 1190=...........$97.00 CARL & JUDY KNUPPE - NEW UNDERWOOD 1 ...................................DWF COW 1340=...........$92.50 1 ...................................DWF COW 1190=...........$90.00 1....................................DLK COW 1260=...........$89.00 SANDERS RANCH PART - RAPID CITY 1..................................CHAF COW 1235=...........$92.50 1..................................CHAF COW 1215=...........$90.50 1....................................DLK COW 1345=...........$89.00 1 ...................................DLK HFFT 990=...........$117.00 LARRY VOLMER - OWANKA 1....................................DLK DULL 1890=.........$112.50 BRUCE JENSEN - OWANKA 1....................................DLK COW 1160=...........$91.00 WILLIAM WELLER - KADOKA 1....................................DLK COW 1220=...........$90.50 CHARLES & JANET VANDERMAY - KADOKA 1....................................DLK DULL 2315=.........$111.00 CREW CATTLE CO - PHILIP 1....................................DLK COW 1135=...........$89.50 JERRY SAMPSON - INTERIOR 2...................................DLK COWS 1330=...........$89.00 LAVERNE KOCH - NEW UNDERWOOD 1....................................DLK COW 1465=...........$88.50 2...................................DLK COWS 1503=...........$87.00 BOB CERNEY - PHILIP 1....................................DLK COW 1570=...........$88.00 KEVIN VANDERMAY - NORRIS 1....................................DLK COW 1295=...........$89.50 1....................................DLK COW 1355=...........$87.50 1....................................DLK COW 1400=...........$87.00 1....................................DLK COW 1375=...........$85.50 CHAD HANRAHAN - MILESVILLE 1 ...................................DWF COW 1295=...........$87.50 1..............................DLK COWETTE 1215=.........$103.00 KIETH SMITH - QUINN 1....................................DLK COW 1375=...........$87.00 2 ............................DLK COWETTES 975=...........$107.00 2............................FED COWETTES 1070=...........$96.50 DON KELLY - QUINN 1..................................CHAF DULL 1900=.........$109.50 TUCKER SMITH - QUINN 1 ...................................FWF COW 1400=...........$85.00 2............................FED COWETTES 1090=.........$100.50 DAN PIROUTEK - MILESVILLE 1....................................DLK COW 1295=...........$85.00 1 .............................DWF COWETTE 1185=...........$99.00 1....................................DLK DULL 1955=.........$112.50 KELLY RIGGINS - PHILIP 1....................................DLK COW 1510=...........$84.50 RANDY & MARY ELLEN CAMMACK - STURGIS 1 ...................................FWF COW 1515=...........$84.00 1 .............................DWF COWETTE 1040=.........$102.00 3 ..........................HEFF COWETTES 1025=.........$100.00 BRANDON ROCK - LONG VALLEY 1....................................DLK COW 1325=...........$84.00 3 ............................DLK COWETTES 1098=.........$107.50 GLENN JONES - WHITE OWL 1 ...................................FED DULL 1635=.........$112.00 CLEVE PRICHARD - KADOKA 1....................................DLK DULL 1785=.........$106.50 TJ GABRIEL - MIDLAND 1....................................DLK COW 1595=...........$82.50 BABY CALVES.........................................190.00-300.00 Email us at: press@ For $150, place your ad in 150 South Dakota daily & weekly papers through the STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS! Call 6058372259 To Report A Fire Call: Kadoka . . . .837-2228 Belvidere . .344-2500 Interior . . . . . . . . .911 Long Valley . . . . .911 Green Valley . . . .911 Please, Help Prevent Fires Low-stress livestock handling workshop June 8 during Tri-County Ag Day SDSU Extension hosts Tri- County Ag Day June 8 at the SDSU Cottonwood Research Station. The event is being planned by SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialists who are partnering with local communities to bring an annual event that will focus on a different important topic to farm- ing and ranching each year, as well as showing appreciation to local farmers and ranchers for all they do to keep small communities thriving. Local businesses are sponsoring the event and taking part in a trade show throughout the day. The featured presenter is Dr. Tom Noffsinger, DVM from Benkel- man, Nebraska. Dr. Noffsinger is well-known as an expert on low- stress livestock handling. He is an owner and member of Production Animal Consultation, which is a group of professionals who provide information on stockmanship and animal welfare. Registration begins at 10 a.m. The program runs from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a tradeshow running all day and an Ag Appreciation din- ner at 6 p.m. The dinner is spon- sored by local businesses. There is a registration fee to attend the Dr. Tom Noffsinger presentation. To register for the dinner and Dr. Noffsinger's presentation, please contact Paulette Morse at 605-394- 1722 by June 1. Specialist says breed heifers two to four weeks before cows Even though calving season is not yet done for most producers, it's not too soon to begin planning for breeding of open heifers, says George Perry, South Dakota State University associate professor and SDSU Extension Beef Reproduc- tion Specialist during a recent iGrow Radio Network interview. Perry says it's a good idea to breed heifers to calve two to four weeks ahead of the main cow herd, to give the heifers' time to recover before cycling back for the second breed- ing season. "We really need to think about getting heifers bred, before we fin- ish calving or think about breeding our cows," Perry said. He says there are several estrus synchronization programs to help get the heifers bred in a timely manner. He lists the three main es- trus synchronization programs rec- ommended for beef heifers including; simple estrus detection, estrus detection with timed AI and fixed-timed AI protocols. Perry says producers can locate an Online es- trus planner by visiting and clicking on 'Links' under the Re- source Library. Perry encourages livestock growers to choose a protocol that fits their time, facilities and expe- rience. "By using any of these protocols you can better manage your time in that you know you want to detect estrus for this three to five day pe- riod or you're going to go out and do a fixed-time AI on them," Perry said. "Synchronization really be- comes a management tool that ben- efits you in managing your labor also." For more information on this topic, visit The iGrow Radio Network and SDSU Exten- sion bring listeners an informative show each day. For more informa- tion on the iGrow Radio Network, or to listen to archived shows, visit SDSU Extension hosts a four- week course focused on strategic planning, financial statements and production topics as part of the Ag CEO program. The Ag CEO pro- gram concentrates on understand- ing how production factors, along with fulfilling a leadership role, is critical to today's active producers understanding risk management and ability to transition their oper- ation for success. Like the Chief Executive Officer of any corporation, an Ag CEO is a manager and visionary for their ag enterprise. SDSU Extension will work with farmers and ranchers on their way to becoming an Ag CEO, by focusing on a "systems ap- proach" to farm and ranch business planning. General topics will in- clude: Ranch/Farm vision Resource inventory (Family, Land, Crops & Livestock) Production topics (personalized to each group) Financial records/budgets The Ag CEO program is open to any crop or livestock producer. The program dates are May 17, 24, 31 and June 7. This program qualifies as FSA Borrower Training with an additional session on June 14. It will be held at Bad River Sen- ior Citizens Center from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The meal is provided. Registration cost is $250 per oper- ation for Ag CEO only and $350 to include FSA Borrower Training. A $100 refund is given when the class is successfully completed. To regis- ter, contact Paulette Morse at 605- 394-1722. To learn more about the Ag CEO program, visit or call your nearest SDSU Regional Extension Center. Ag CEO program to be held in Philip While breeding season may still be a ways off, bull nutrition now can have an impact on semen pro- duction, says Adele Harty, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Special- ist. "It's critical that we have nutri- tion where we need it to be, well in advance of breeding season," Harty said during a recent iGrow Radio Network interview. She says cattlemen should strive for a body condition of 6 as most bulls will lose about 100 pounds during the breeding season. So what does a body score of 6 look like? "They are going to have some spongy fat over their ribs, hooks and pins, and you'll be able to see some of the shoulder muscle move- ment, and they'll have fat deposits in their brisket," she said. To get there, many bulls may need a higher plain of nutrition than simply hay - with higher en- ergy and protein requirements based on the age of the bull. Harty says many purchased bulls may carry plenty of condition, and she encourages slowly bringing them down to a maintenance diet combined with increased exercise. "If you can turn them into a pas- ture or a bigger area where they can exercise, it will help them stay sound longer and actually have better libido during the breeding season," Harty said. For more information on this topic, visit The iGrow Radio Network and SDSU Exten- sion bring listeners an informative show each day. For more informa- tion on the iGrow Radio Network, or to listen to archived shows, visit Bull nutrition will impact semen production TIRE & SERVICE WORK - CALL 837-2376 HOURS: Mon - Fri: 7:30 to 5:30 Saturday: 8 to Noon Were here for all your vehicle maintenance! Give us a call today! NOW BUYING! Cars for salvage, call today! We make hydraulic hoses & On-the-farm tire service! Full Service Mechanic Shop! J&S ReStore Kadoka, South Dakota USED VEHICLES!