Educational Managemen - Bab X

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GROUP MEMBER NAMES : 1. Riska Romayani Dalimunthe
2. Ribka Putri Oktaviani
3. Siti Anisah Pane

Task 1: Describe in detail how the direction process carried out by the leadership to teachers
and employees during teaching and learning activities at the school organization you chose.
Directing is one of the important management functions in running a school organization.
Here we explain the deployment carried out by school leaders to teachers and employees.
a. Initial Briefing: Defining Goals and Expectations
The school has conducted an initial briefing in which the school has held a meeting with
teachers and other staff by discussing the principal providing a deployment regarding the
vision, mis and goals that must be achieved during the period, and also teachers are obliged to
provide a learning implementation plan (RPP), and also the principal has prepared a schedule
that must be met regarding the implementation of the strategic curriculum, student strategies
and evaluations.
b. Daily Briefing
The principal of the school in Darul Qur'an has conducted random classroom walkthroughs to
monitor teaching activities in different classes. And also the principal often gives personal
words of appreciation to teachers based on their observations. And the vice principal for
curriculum always holds weekly evaluation meetings every week to assess student
development and provide direction to assess student development and provide direction
related to the adjustment of teaching strategies.
c. Team-Based Briefing
Darul Qu'an School is not good with the distribution of tem per team because usually all
filing problems are done by the staff alone and do not involve the teacher.
d. Briefing for professional development, training and workshops
Schools are also lacking in teacher development, which so far schools have not existed,
making teacher workshops and teachers have also not been certified, which is an obstacle for
teachers as processional teachers.
e. Deployment and Resolution of issues
The principal has implemented a briefing in which the principal and also the deputy principal
of the curriculum always invite discussions and also advise teachers and give directions so
that this teacher problem is solved.

Task 2: Analyze and criticize whether the process of moving and directing the leadership to
teachers and employees during the learning process at the school organization you choose has
met the correct management principles.
a. Clear and directed planning principles
The principal has made efforts to formulate the school target for that year but the planning
that has been carried out, not all teachers are able to implement the direction consistently, so
the principal needs to involve teachers more actively in the strategic planning process.
Principles of Effective Motivation
Analysis: Effective school leaders are able to mobilize teachers and employees through
motivational approaches, such as rewarding teachers' achievements and creating a supportive
work environment. In some high schools, principals give recognition and awards to teachers
who have successfully improved student learning outcomes or developed innovative teaching
methods. The provision of bonuses or additional training opportunities is also used to
motivate teachers.

Criticism: This mobilization process is sometimes uneven, where only teachers with high
academic achievement receive awards, while teachers who may work hard but face different
challenges (e.g., dealing with classes with students who have disciplinary problems) receive
less appreciation. As a result, motivation among teachers can be uneven, ultimately affecting
their productivity and performance.

Recommendation: School principals need to adopt a more comprehensive and inclusive

approach to motivation, by not only assessing performance based on students' academic
outcomes, but also paying attention to other factors such as classroom management skills,
innovation in teaching, as well as contribution to a conducive school environment.

3. Clear and Precise Directing Principles

Analysis: The principle of good direction requires school leaders to provide clear, direct, and
timely instructions. In some high schools, the principal conducts regular supervision of
teachers through classroom observation and provides constructive feedback. Briefings are
also carried out through coordination meetings that discuss teaching targets and strategies.

Criticism: Despite oversight and briefing, sometimes feedback is too general or corrective
without specific guidance on how to improve or improve performance. Teachers may feel that
the directions given are only to correct mistakes, not to provide concrete solutions. In
addition, some teachers feel that supervision is more of a formality and does not really help in
the development of their skills.

Recommendation: Briefing needs to be more focused on providing concrete solutions and

more intensive mentoring for teachers, especially those who face challenges in teaching.
School principals also need to be more proactive in providing support through coaching or
mentoring programs.

4. Principles of Democratic Leadership

Analysis: The ideal direction process is when school leaders apply democratic leadership
principles, where the principal listens to input from teachers and employees before making
decisions. In some schools, leaders have shown an effort to involve teachers in decision-
making, especially in matters related to classroom management and curriculum development.

Criticism: However, in practice, strategic decisions are often still dominated by school
management without the full participation of teachers. This can make teachers feel
disinvolved in the briefing process, which ultimately reduces their involvement in policy
implementation. An overly authoritarian approach to giving direction can also affect the
relationship between leaders and teachers.

Recommendation: Principals should have more open discussions with teachers before making
major decisions regarding teaching. This can be done through periodic meetings that provide
space for teachers to present their ideas and challenges.

5. Consistent Supervision Principle

Analysis: Supervision is part of the briefing process that ensures that teachers and employees
work according to the standards that have been set. Principals in several high schools have
implemented routine supervision through classroom observation and evaluation of student
learning outcomes. Supervision is also carried out by measuring teacher performance based
on indicators such as attendance, student academic achievement, and compliance with school

Criticism: One of the problems that often arises is the lack of consistency in the
implementation of supervision. Supervision is often only carried out at the beginning of the
semester or when certain problems occur, while systematic periodic supervision is not done
properly. This can make teachers feel less clear direction throughout the school year, thus
affecting the quality of teaching in the classroom.
Recommendation: Schools need to strengthen a more regular and sustainable supervision
system, by involving deputy principals or field coordinators to conduct periodic supervision.
This supervision must be accompanied by feedback that is constructive and directed to
teacher development.

6. Open and Transparent Communication Principles

Analysis: Open communication between school leaders and teachers and employees is key to
effective briefing. Some principals have sought to establish open communication through
weekly meetings and individual meetings. This communication is important so that teachers
feel heard and can convey their aspirations or problems they face in the teaching process.

Criticism: In some cases, communication that occurs in schools still tends to be one-way,
where school leaders give more instructions without listening to input from teachers. Lack of
transparency in communication, especially regarding school policies or sudden changes, can
create uncertainty and confusion among teachers.

Recommendation: School principals need to build a more open and transparent two-way
communication system. Teachers should be given the opportunity to express their views
directly, and any new policies should be delivered clearly and accompanied by adequate

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