Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Understands the nature and prevention of common communicable diseases
A. Content Standards
• Preliminaries:
1. Opening Prayer by the teacher
2. Greetings and attendance
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or 3. Introduce Classroom rules and scoreboard
presenting the new lesson
The teacher will Ask students if they know what a communicable disease is.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
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Questions: Expected answers
1. Have you ever had a cold or Yes!
the flu?
2. How do you think you got From my friend at school
3. What do you do to feel better when you’re sick? I drink some medicine and
get enough sleep.
4. What are some things you do to stay healthy? I eat healthy food, exercise,
and get enough sleep.
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The Teacher will play a short video about how germs spread. Afterward, they’ll discuss
what they learned.
"(Video plays)”
C. Presenting
instances of
the new
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4) Touching an infected person.
1. Illness caused by ___ spread from person to person, animal to person, or through
Developing the environment.
mastery (Leads
to Formative
2. Touching an ____ person.
Assessment 3) 3. When an infected person ___ or ___.
4. Touching ___ or surface that have germs.
Role-Playing Scenarios
practical Divide students into 3l groups.
application of Assign each group a scenario where germs could spread (e.g., sharing toys,
concepts and coughing in class, etc.).
skills in daily
Each group creates a short role-play showing how to prevent the spread of germs
in their scenario.
Groups present their role-plays to the class.
Discuss the prevention and control measures shown in each scenario.
H 3,2,1 Charts
generalizations The learners will list down the 3 things they learned , 2 things they found interested, and 1
of concepts and question they still have.
skills in daily
Multiple choice: choose the correct answer and write in a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. What is a communicable disease?
A) A disease that cannot spread from person to person.
B) A disease that can spread from person to person.
C) A disease that only animals can get.
2. Name two ways diseases can spread.
A) Through food and water.
B) Through air and direct contact.
C) Through magic.
Evaluating 3. How can we prevent the spread of diseases?
learning A) By not washing hands.
B) By sharing food.
C) By washing hands and staying away from sick people.
4. How can germs be spread through direct contact?
A) By touching an infected person.
B) By breathing clean air.
C) By washing hands.
5. What should you do to stop the spread of germs after sneezing?
A) Ignore it.
B) Wash your hands with soap and water.
C) Share your food with others.
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J. Poster making
activities for Directions: Draw a poster showing how to prevent the spread of a common communicable disease.
application or
K Reflection
Prepared by:
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