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Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad

Allahabad-211004 [India]

Mechanical Engineering Department

Mid-Semester (Even) Examination 2022-23

Computer Aided Manufacturing

Programme Name: B. Tech SemesterI
Branch: Mechanical Engineering Course Code: ME16101
Exam Date: 27/02/2023 Exam Time: 9.30 am to 11.00am
Duration: 90 Minutes Max. Marks: 20

StudentReg. No.: 2oo3s2

Answer all the questions

S.No. Question MarksCOs

la How automation in the production system is classified. Brief any one
1b Brief automation migration strategy in production system 3

2a State and brief any four NC application characteristics 3 2

26 Brief the numerical control of interpolation methods in continuous path 3 2


2c The positioning table for a component insertion machine uses a stepping motor 2
and lead screw mechanism. The design specifications require a table speed of
0.4 m/s and an accuracy = 0.02 mm. The pitch ofthe lead screw 5.0 mm, and
the gear ratio = 2:1 (2 turns of the motor for each turm of the lead screw). The
mechanical errors in the motor, gear box, lead screw, and table connection are
characterized by a normal distribution with standard deviation = 0.0025 mm.

Determine (a) the minimum number of step angles in the stepping motor and (b)
frequency of the pulse train required to drive the table at the desired maximum


3a What are the different types of encoders are used in the CNC. With a neat
sketch brief any one encoder

3b Why recirculating ball screw universally used in the actuation system in CNC
machine tools

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