APUSH Unit 7
APUSH Unit 7
APUSH Unit 7
◆ Cause: sugar
-Opposition to Imperialism
● Self-determination
○ People should govern themselves
● Racial justice
● Isolationism
● Expense
-Latin America
● The U.S. sees a role in protecting the Western Hemisphere
● Pan-American Conference (1889)
● Venezuela Boundary Dispute
◆ Settled by arbitration -> friendship between the U.S. and
Topic 7.3: The Spanish-American War and U.S. Foreign Policy to 1917
-Spanish-American War
● Jingoism
○ Intense form of nationalism
● Causes of the War
○ Cuban Revolt (to overthrow Spanish colonial rule)
○ De Lôme Letter (1898)
◆ Leaked letter that insulted President McKinley
○ Sinking of the Maine (ship)
○ Teller Amendment
◆ The Cuban people control their own government
● Fighting the War
○ U.S. won against Spain
● Annexation of Hawaii (1900)
● Controversy over the Treaty of Peace
○ Peace Treaty
◆ Cuban independence
◆ U.S. control of the Philippines in return for a $20 million
payment to Spain
○ The Philippine Question
◆ Imperialists V.S. Anti-imperialists
● Other Results of the War
○ Insular Cases
◆ Residents of newly gained territories do not have the same
○ Election of 1900
◆ McKinley won again
○ Recognition of U.S. Power
-> Compromise
● Great White Fleet
○ Roosevelt sent battleships to Japan to display U.S’s might
● Peace Efforts
● Harsh, critical writers who used the press to expose corruption
(against temperance)
○ Social Welfare
○ Child and Women Labor
◆ Lochner v. New York (1905) and Muller v. Oregon (1908)
◇ Protect children and women
Context: The causes of the Civil War are MAIN and the assassination of
Archduke Ferdinand
● The sinking of the Lusitania and Germans attacking US ships spurred
sentiment to join the war, but neutrality was maintained
Big Question: Explain the causes and effects of international and internal
migration patterns over time.
● The United States tried to mobilize its vast economic resources
● Industry and Labor
-Public Opinion
● Patriotic persuasion and legal intimidation for public support of war
-Civil Liberties
● Limits on Immigration
○ Barred Zone Act (the Immigration Act of 1917) Literacy test
● Espionage and Sedition Acts
○ Responses to obstructing the war policy
● Schenck v. United States (1919)
○ Upheld the constitutionality of the Espionage Act
-Armed Forces
● More young men enlisted for military service
● Selective Service Act (1917)
○ Men crafted through the lottery
● African Americans
○ Soldiers with limited options
-Postwar Problems
● 1918 Pandemic: Spanish Flu
● Demobilization: Economic recession
● The Red Scare 1st round
● Labor Conflict
● Strikes in 1919
● Racial Violence
○ Ku Klux Klan
● Confederate monuments
○ Southerners defended White supremacy and slavery
● Decline of the Progressives
-Farm Problems
● 1916-1918 V.S. After WWI
○ Prosperity v.s. surplus of products and debts
and religion
Topic 7.8: 1920s: Cultural and Political Controversies
Context: Social and political issues of the 1920s expressed sharp divisions in
U.S. society
◆ Aftermath: Scopes convicted but later overturned
● Prohibition
○ 18th Amendment (1919): prohibited the selling of alcohol
◆ Repealed by the 21st Amendment: repeal of prohibition
○ Some resistance for the law
-Opposition to immigration
● 1919-1921: Immigrants were mainly Catholics and Jews from Europe
○ Nativist prejudices because of competition for jobs
● Quota Laws
○ Limit immigrants
-Republican Majority
● Context
○ Through the 1920s, three Republican presidents controlled the
executive branch
◆ U.S. business boomed The roaring twenties
○ Death of Theodore Roosevelt (a progressive) -> return to
conservative Republicans
○ Limited government regulation in the economy
○ Business > general public
● Warren Halding, Calvin Coolidge
● Hoover became president in 1928
○ Start of the Great Depression
-Changing Directions
● Franklin D. Roosevelt won the Election of 1932
economic institutions
○ Brain Trust
◆ Sought support from Univerisity Professors
● The First Hundred Days
○ Restored citizens’ confidence in banks
○ Relief for the Unemployed
◆ Public Works Administration (PWA) and Civilian Conservation
Corps (CCC)
◇ Created public works projects
○ Financial Recovery and Reform Programs
◆ Emergency Banking Act
◇ Shut down all banks and slowly reopened them with the
● Liberalism: human rights
-Recession, 1937-1938
● This occurred because FDR tried to balance the federal budget by
removing funds that supported the New Deal federal agencies
● Washington Conference (1921)
○ Five Power Treaty
○ Four Power Treaty
○ Nine Power Treaty
● Kellogg-Briand Pact
○ Decrease of armaments on all sides
-Arsenal of Democracy
● Germany’s threat during WWII -> Roosevelt end the appearance of
● Four freedoms
○ 1941: lending money to Britain for the purchase of U.S. war
○ Justification: The U.S. will help other nations obtain freedom of
good condition)
● Atlantic Charter Conference
○ Allies and the US meet up to discuss the Allies’ aims in the war
-Fighting Germany
● Defense at sea, attacks by air
● From North Africa to Italy
● From D-Day to Victory in Europe
○ Normandy coast retreat
● German Surrender and Discovery of the Holocaust
○ Genocide against Jews
-Fighting Japan
● Turning Point, 1942
○ Battle of Midway
● Island Hopping
● Atomic bombs
● Japan Surrenders
-American Leadership
● 1945: FDR died of a stroke
● Truman succeeded FDR
-Wartime Conferences
● The Big Three
○ U.S. President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Churchill, and
○ Soviet will fight Japan
○ Formation of the United Nations