Chapter Notes 28-31

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Chapter Notes 28-31

By Drew Sherwood

Chapter 28

"Little Brown Brothers" in the Philippines:

• Filipinos wanted independence, US refused, Filipino insurrection Feb. 1899 led by Emilio
• Filipinos used Guerilla warfare and US used very brutal tactics like "water cure" and
reconcentration camps. Aguinaldo was captured in 1901, but fighting continued for a while.
• 1899 President McKinley made the Philippine Commission to figure out how the Philippines
would be governed - headed by Filipino-loving (and quite hefty) William H. Taft.
• American money used to improve roads, sanitation, public health, education (made English a
second language), but Filipinos hated Americanization. They wanted independence!
• Read picture caption pg. 648
The Filipinos:
• With Chinese immigration banned, Hawaii and Pacific coast states turned to Filipinos for cheap
agricultural labor.
• They also came to the mainland like California
• White/Asian intermarriage banned
TR: Brandisher of the Big Stick:
• 1901, 6 months after serving in the new term, McKinley was murdered by a deranged anarchist
(gotta love those deranged anarchists! just kidding)
• Theodore Roosevelt became president, people were afraid because he was such a crazayy, but
he promised to carry out McKinley's policies.
• He was from a wealth NY family, Harvard grad, cowboy, Rough Rider. Energetic, athletic,
loved to fight, egoist, preached virtue, what a champ!
Colombia Blocks the Canal:
• Canal was needed across Central American isthmus - strengthen navy (increase mobility), make
easier defence of Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Philippines.
• Hay-Puancefote Treaty with Britain in 1901 gave US a free hand to build the canal and fortify
• 1902 Congress decided on the Panama route (they had a choice of Nicaragua too). Wrote up a
treaty with Colombia for that area for $10 million - Colombian Senate rejected - TR angry.
Uncle Sam Creates Puppet Panama:
• Engineer Philippe Bunau-Varilla (New Panama Canal Company) joined with revolutionaries -
Colombian troops came to stop uprising, but US blocked the isthmus.
• Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty signed (gave US a 10 mile zone for canal for $40 million)
Completing the Canal and Appeasing Colombia:
• US's "Rape of Panama" made Latin America fearful of US - "Big Brother" policy launched. TR
said he had to get involved and spur the uprising in Panama because Colombia had wronged
them (by refusing their treaty)...but technically he could have made the route through
• 1904 construction begin on the canal. Sanitation in that area was heavily improved. Canal
finished in 1914.
Roosevelt on the World Stage
• Japan went to war with Russia, they were owning, but ran short of men and yen. Asked TR to
help sponsor peace negotiations
• Both sides met at Portsmouth, New Hampshire 1905 - Japan wanted Russia to pay indemnities
and get island of Sakhalin - TR compromised that Japan get no indemnities and half of
• 1906, TR helped arrange conference in Spain to settle North African disputes => he won the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1906
• Relations with Russia and Japan soured.
Japanese Laborers in California:
• 1884 - Japan allowed temporary laborers to work in Hawaii - many came to Cali from there -
cheap labor
• San Fransisco school board ordered segregation of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean students from
whites - MUY CONTRAVERSIAL! - TR called SF school board to the white house =>
"Gentleman's Agreement" (1907-1908) - Californians repealed school order and Japanese
agreed to stop flow of laborers to the US.
• 1907 TR sent Great White Fleet - 16 battleships - went to Latin America, Hawaii, New Zealand,
Australia, Japan!! They were greeted really friendlily
• Root-Takahira agreement with Japan (1908) - respect each others territory and uphold Open
Door to China.

Chapter 29

Progressive Roots:
• Mounting unrest at more and more power in fewer and fewer hands - laissez-faire wasn't
working anymore
• Read handout with all the authors and muckrakers. Know that Theodore Roosevelt didn't dislike
muckrakers, just got mad at their zeal and exaggeration
Political Progressivism:
• Progressivists = middle class - wanted to use state poiwer to curb trusts and restrain socialist
threat by improving quality of life for the common man - both Democrats and Republicans, men
and women, all regions
• Fought for initiative and referendum with state legislatures, limiting campaign budgests, secret
"Australian" ballot, direct election of US senators (17th amendment - 1913), woman suffrage
Progressivism in the Cities and States
• Cities => expert-staffed commissions, city-manager system: effieciency over democracy
• Governer of Wisconisn "Fight Bob" La Follete - militant progressive Republican leader - gave
power to poeple, scheme for regulating public utilities.
TR's Square Deal for Labor
• "Square deal" - control of corporations, consumer protection, and conservvation of natural
• 1902 miners; strike in PA -demanded 20% pay incrase and 9-hr workdays => copal supplies
• TR brought striking reps and mine owners to White House - TR threated to seize mines and
operate them with federal troops - compromise: 10% pay increase, 9-hr workday
• 1903 - Department of Commerce and Labor created by TR and Congress. Bureau of
Corporations probed about interstate commerce - helped break monopolies "trust-busting"
Caring for the Consumer:
• Unsanitary meat - Upton Sinclair's The Jungle - grossed people out
• 1906 Congress passed Meat Inspection Act -meat shipped over state lines was subject to
inspection, pure Food and Drug Act to prevent bastardization and mislabeling of food and
The "Roodsevelt Panic" of 1907
• TR reelected in 1904 - said he wouldn't run a 3rd term "power of the king wanes when they
know he'll be dead in 4 years"
• 1907 panic on Wall Street - blamed TR => fiscal reforms, shortage of currency so Congress
passed Aldrich-Vreeland Act of 1908 - authorized national banks to issue emergency currency
back by collateral (=>Federal Reserve Act 1913)
The Rough Rider Thunders Out:
• TR chose William Howard Taft (Secretary of War) - nominated by Republicans
• Democrats nominated twice-beaten Bryan
• Taft won. 3rd party socialists got 400,000 votes for Eugene V. Debs (Pullman strike)
• TR had tamed capitalism, keeping it alive and strengthening it for the future. Conservation
crusade was his most lasting achievment.
Taft: A Round Peg in a Square Hole
• Yale grad, lawyer, judge
• Mild progressive, but loved status quo
Taft the Trustbuster:
• Trust smasher. 90 suits against monopolies in 4 years.
• 1911 broke up Standard Oil Company. Filed suit against US Steel Corp. - pissed Roosevelt off.
The Taft-Roosevelt Rupture:
• 1911 National Progressive Republican League formed - La Follette leading candidate for
Republican nomination, but TR wanted to run a 3rd term so he took over the Progressive banner
• Taft won (because TRites refused to vote) at Republican convention -> TR on fire to lead 3rd
party crusade

Chapter 30

The "Bull Moose" Campaign:

• Democrats nominated Woodrow Wilson -1912 - "New Freedom" program - stronger antitrust
legislation, banking reform, tariff reductions
• Jane Addams nomiated Theodore Roosevelt for Progressive Republican party - 3rd party - "bull
• Roosevelt's "New Nationalism": Herbert Croly's The Promise of American Life 1910. ->
Consolidation of trusts and labor unions, growth of federal regulatory agencies, woman
suffrace, social welfare, minimum wage laws, "socialistic" social insurance
• Wilson's "New Freedom" - small enterprise, entrepreneurship, free functioning of unregulated
and unmonopolized markets, against social welfare. Fragmentation -not regulation - of big
industrial combines (antitrust laws)
Woodrow Wilson: A Minority President:
• Wilson won -> Roosevelt -> taft. Socialist Eugene V. Debs got 900,000+ votes.
• Taft grew old, became Supreme Court justice in 1921 (a job he was much better suited for)
Wilson: The Idealist in Politics:
• Wilson was from the South, he sympathized with the Confederacy
• Eloquent speaker, preached morals
• Intellectual, seemed stanoffish
• Strong moral principles, wrong was wrong and you shouldn't compromise with that
Wilson Tackles the Tariff:
• Plan to assault the "triple wall of privelege": tariff, banks, and trusts.
• Wilson directly spoke to Congress and House passed Underwood Tariff Bill 1913 - substantial
reduction of rates and import fees.
• Congress enacted graduated income tax with modest tax on incomes over $3000 (above
Wilson Battles the Bankers:
• Bank needed reform . Lous D. Brandeis -1914 - Other People's Money and How the Bankers
Use It
• 1913, Wiilson preached to Congress about developing a decentralized bank in government
• 1913, he signed Federal REserve Act - established 12 regional reserve districts, each with a
central bank - issued paper money "Federal Reserve Notes"
The President Tames the Trusts:
• Wiilson went for trusts -> Congress passed Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914: President-
appointed commission could search and crush monopolies engaged in interstate commerce that
were involved in unfair trade practices (adulteration, bribery, etc.)
• Clayton Anti-Trust act of 1914 - lengthened Sherman Act against price discriminateion, etc.
Clayton Act exempted labor unions and agricultural organizations from antitrust prosecution
(legalized strikes and picketing).
Thunder Across the Sea:
• World War I began in Europe. Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and
Bulgaria) vs. Allies (France, Briatin, Russia, Japan, and Italy).
A Precarious Neutrality:
• Wilson proclaimed neutrality.
• Ties with Britain naturally made Americans ally-ish
• Kaiser Wilhelm II and Germany's brutality further tarnished the image of the Central Powers in
American eyes

Wilson Wins Reelection in 1916:

• Progressives renominated TR, refused to run, death of Progressive party.
• Republicans nominated Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes (condemned Wilson's
tariff, trust-busting, and pussy Mexico German relations)
• TR was a war hawk (scoffed at Wilson AND Hughes)
• Democrats nominate Wilson - "He kept us out of the war"
• Hughes won the east, but Wilson won the election with the votes from the West and Midwest

Chapter 31

Wilson's 14 Points:
• Read handout w/ 14 points
• Wilson = moral leader of Allied cause
• Stressed self-determination for minority groups
• 14th point foreshadowed League of Nations
Creel Manipulates Minds:
• Committee of Public Information created - headed by George Creel -> Sell America on the war
and the world on Wilsonian war aims
• Propaganda: pep speeches, posters, pamphlets, anti-kaiser movies, songs "Over There"
• Raised expectations too much
Enforcing Loyalty and Stifling Dissent:
• Fear of German spies and hatred of Germans throughout US
• Espionage Act of 1917, Sedition Act of 1918 - antiwar Socialists (Eugene V. Debs) and
Industrial Workers of the World (William D. Haywood) were convicted
• Schenck vs. US - 1919 - Supreme court ruled Espionage and Sedition acts legal - freedom of
speech could be revoked when they posed "clear and present danger"
The Nation's Factories Go to War:
• Wilson had created Council of National Defense in 1915. Launched shipbuilding program.
• Laissez-faire loving Americans were against federal economic control - even durhing war.
• War Industries Board (Bernard Baruch) created -weak.
Making Plowboys into Doughboys:
• America helped Allies with navy in seas and supplied $10 billion in loans, but they needed
• Contraversial (and reluctant by Wilson) draft bill went through Congress -> required
registration of all males 18-45 - no buy your way out (although shipbuilders and such were
• About 337,000 "slackers" escaped draft. Women were admitted to armed forces. Blacks had
segregated units and usually did grunt work.
Fighting in France:
• Now Communist Russia dropped out - Germans headed from Russia to France.
• About 1 year after Congress declared war, US soldiers "trainees" started coming to France.
• Small US detachments also sent to Belgium, Italy, Russia (Archangel N. Russia and Siberia to
protect from Japs and such)
The Fourteen Points Disarm Germany:
• Germany turned to Wilson in 1918, seeking peace based on 14 points. Kaiser go the boot.
• Germans laid down guns 11/11/1918. Americans rejoiced.
• US had mainly contributed foodstuffs, munitions, credits, oil, and manpower - not battlefield
victories. The prospect of US troops is what demoralized Germans.
Wilson Steps Down from Olympus:
• Wilson had beomce a moral leader of the world
• 1918 Congressional elections put Republican majority in Congress.
• Wilson's decision to go to Paris himself for peace negociations infuriated Republicans.
• The most logical choice to bring with him would be Senator Henry Cabot Lodge - a republican
scholar in politics, but Wilson loathed him, and the feeling was mutual.
An Idealist Battles the Imperialists in Paris:
• Paris Conference = "Big Four" - Wilson, Premier Vittorio Orlando (Italy), Prime Minister David
Lloyd George (Britain), Premier Georges Clemenceau (France)
• Wilson forced through a compromise between naked imperialism and Wilsonian idealism -
victors would recieve conquered territories as 'trustees' of the League of Nations (Syria-
>France) (Iraq->Britain)
• Wilson's brainchild: League of Nations - assembly with seats for all nations. February 1919 Old
World Diplomats agreed to make the League Covenant.
Hammering Out the Treaty:
• Back in US, Republican Senators (Lodge, William Borah, Hiram Johnson) against League of
Nations. Republican majority refused to sign LoN bill until it was perfect -> put US at the
mercy of France.
• French Clemenceau wanted German Rhineland and Saar Valley - Wilson opposed this violation
of self-determination, but compromised: Saar basin would remain under LoN for 15 years, and
then popular vote would determine its fate.
(forced to sign)

The Betrayal of Great Expectations:

• The Treaty of Versailles was the only one of the four peace treaties not to succeed.
After the war, America did not embrace the role of global leader. In the interests of its own
security, the United States should have used its enormous strength to shape world-shaking
events. It instead permitted the world to drift towards yet another war.

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