APUSH Ch. 17-20 Study Guide
APUSH Ch. 17-20 Study Guide
APUSH Ch. 17-20 Study Guide
Important Terms/Individuals:
Gilded Age: 1870s - 1890s
time period looked good on the outside, despite the corrupt politics & growing
gap between the rich & poor
economic growth, lots of immigrants, contained two depressions
(Panic of 1873 and 1893)
term coined by Mark Twain in The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today
presidents: Rutherford B. Hayes, Andrew Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Grover
Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, and William McKinley.
Plessy v. Ferguson:
Supreme Court justices upheld Louisiana law requiring segregated railroad cars.
constitutional b/c separate but equal
led to segregation of the Southern public school system, but ignored the equal
whites had nicer buildings, teachers and curriculum.
Helen Hunt Jackson:
author of A Century of Dishonor (1881)
written to rally public opinion against the U.S. governments
broken treaty obligations
advocated Indian boarding schools because their native culture were halting
to americanize them and eliminate their cultural identity
American Federation of Labor:
formed by craft unions who left the Knights of Labor
replaced Knights grand visions with practical tactics aimed at simple issues
(raising wages and reducing hours).
Samuel Gompers- head of AFL in 1886-1924 - trade unionism, pure and simple
argued that in order to stand up to big corporations, labor needed to
harness bargaining power of skilled workers
power in organization of labor forces
Reasons for agrarian discontent - late 1800s:
inadequate money supply
declining prices of goods decreasing purchasing power
monopolistic practices with money lenders, RR corporations and others
Vertical Integration:
the control of all aspects of manufacturing (raw materials selling finished
practiced by Andrew Carnegie
in his case, all stages of production
Omaha Platform:
Political agenda adopted by the populist party in 1892 at their Omaha, Nebraska
Called for unlimited coinage of silver (bimetallism), government
regulation of railroads and industry, graduated income tax, and a number of
election reforms
wanted 8 hour work day, restriction of immigration, abolition of
Pinkerton Agency
Social Gospel:
movement led by Washington Gladden in the 1870s
Gladden insisted that Christianity commits men and women to
fight against social injustice wherever it exists
wave of violent strikes in 1877 urged church leaders to mediate
the conflict between business and labor unsuccessful
Frederick Jackson Turner:
delivered lecture called The Significance of the Frontier in American History
inaccurate statement that the frontier was closed
linkage of economic opportunity with the transformation of the
trans-mississippi West caught popular imagination and launched a new school of
historical inquiry into the effects of the Frontier on US history
argued the frontier shaped America establishing individualism, nationalism &
Alfred T. Mahan:
wrote The Influence of Sea Power upon History (1890)
equated sea power with national greatness and urged US naval
supported movement to acquire new territories
Settlement Houses:
a welfare agency for needy families, combated juvenile delinquency, and assisted
recent immigrants in learning the English language and in becoming citizens.
Jane Addams of the Hull House Settlement in Chicago
Political Boss - role:
Politician who listened to the members of the urban society and tried to influence
the decisions of officials based on society.
also in authority over the machine, meaning he tried to keep a certain party in
Munn v. Illinois:
When the railroads appealed to the Supreme court to declare Granger Laws
unconstitutional. The court rejected the appeal and upheld an Illinois Law setting a
maximum rate for the storage of grain.
The regulation of grain elevators was legitimate because of the right of states to
exercise police powers.