Sub: English Covid-19 Situation: Lesson Plan For Class-1 Accelerated Remedial Learning

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Covid-19 Situation: Lesson Plan for Class-1 Accelerated Remedial Learning

Day Unit & lesson Page Home Attainable Teaching Assessment Remarks
no. work competencies learning
Day- শিক্ষক Alphabet Aa –Cc According to the According Formative নমুনা প্রশ্নঃ
1 Chain Drill ও Trace and Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
write Teachers’ through ১। ততামার নাম কী?
Number Chain following Edition checking home ২। তু শম কী A-Z পযন্ত

Drill এর মাধ্যমম textbook work and
শিক্ষার্থীর পূর্ ব instructions observing class সকল র্র্ ব তচমনা?
জ্ঞান যাচাই performance ৩। তু শম কী 1-10
করমর্ন। এমক্ষমে নম্বরগুমলা র্লমত
একজন শিক্ষার্থী A পামরা?
র্লমর্ তার পমরর ৪। P এর আমগর ও
জন B এর্ং তার পমরর র্র্টি

পমরর জন C, র্ল।
এভামর্ Z পযন্তব ৫। তকানটি Nine? 3/6/9
সম্পন্ন কমর 9
অপারগ / দূর্লব
শিক্ষার্থী শচশিত
একইভামর্ 1-10
ব Number
Drill করমত শদমে

সর্লতা / দূর্লতা

শচশিত করমর্ন।
এর্ং তরকর্ব
সংরক্ষর্ করমর্ন।

Unit-2, Lesson: 4-6

Unit-3, Lesson: 4-6
Unit-4, Lesson: 4-6

Day-2 Unit-5, Lesson: 4-6 11 Dd – Ee & According to the According Formative

Unit-6, Lesson: 4-6 13 Aa- Ee Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-7, Lesson: 4-6 15 Trace and Teachers’ through
write Edition checking home
following work and
textbook observing class
instructions performance
Day-3 Unit-8, Lesson: 4-6 17 Ff – Hh According to the According Formative
Unit-9, Lesson: 4-6 19 Trace and Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-10, Lesson: 4- 21 write Teachers’ through
6 following Edition checking home
textbook work and
instructions observing class
Day-4 Unit-11, Lesson: 4- 23 Ii –Jj & Aa- According to the According Formative
6 25 Jj Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-12, Lesson: 4- 27 Trace and Teachers’ through
6 write Edition checking home
Unit-13, Lesson: 4- following work and
6 textbook observing class
instructions performance

Day-5 Unit-14, Lesson: 4- 29 Kk –Mm According to the According Formative
6 31 Trace and Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-15, Lesson: 4- 33 write Teachers’ through
6 following Edition checking home
Unit-16, Lesson: 4- textbook work and
6 instructions observing class
Day-6 Unit-17, Lesson: 4- 35 Nn – Oo & According to the According Formative
6 37 Aa-Oo Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-18, Lesson: 4- 39 Trace and Teachers’ through
6 write Edition checking home
Unit-19, Lesson: 4- following work and
6 textbook observing class
instructions performance
Day-7 Unit-20, Lesson: 4- 41 Pp-Ss According to the According Formative
6 43 Trace and Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-21, Lesson: 4- 45 write Teachers’ through
6 following Edition checking home
Unit-22, Lesson: 4- textbook work and
6 instructions observing class
Day-8 Unit-23, Lesson: 4- 47 Tt-Vv According to the According Formative
6 51 Trace and Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-25, Lesson: 4- 53 write Teachers’ through
6 following Edition checking home
Unit-26, Lesson: 4- textbook work and
6 instructions observing class
Day-9 Unit-27, Lesson: 4- 55 Ww-Zz & According to the According Formative
6 57 Aa-Zz Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-28, Lesson: 4- 58 Trace and Teachers’ through
6 59 write Edition checking home
following work and

Unit-29, Lesson: 1- textbook observing class
3 instructions performance
Unit-29, Lesson: 4-

Day- Unit-4, Lesson: 1-3 8 Number According to the According Formative

10 Unit-6, Lesson: 1-3 12 1-4 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-9, Lesson: 1-3 18 Trace and Teachers’ through
write Edition checking home
following work and
textbook observing class
instructions performance
Day- Unit-12, Lesson: 1- 24 Number According to the According Formative
11 3 30 5-7 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-15, Lesson: 1- 36 Trace and Teachers’ through
3 write Edition checking home
Unit-18, Lesson: 1- following work and
3 textbook observing class
instructions performance
Day- Unit-20, Lesson: 1- 40 Number According to the According Formative
12 3 48 8-10 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-24, Lesson: 1- 52 Trace and Teachers’ through
3 write Edition checking home
Unit-26, Lesson: 1- following work and
3 textbook observing class
instructions performance
Day- Unit-8, Lesson: 1- 16 Activity-B According to the According Formative
13 3 38 Activity-B,C Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-19, Lesson: 1- Following Teachers’ through
3 textbook Edition checking home
instructions work and

observing class
Day- Unit-22, Lesson: 1- 44 Activity-B,C According to the According Formative
14 3 46 Activity-B,C Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-23, Lesson: 1- Following Teachers’ through
3 textbook Edition checking home
instructions work and
observing class

Covid-19 Situation: Lesson Plan for Class-2 Accelerated Remedial Learning
Day Unit & lesson Page Home Attainable Teaching Assessment Remarks
no. work competencies learning
Day- শিক্ষক প্রমতযক Aa –Jj According to the According Formative
1 শিক্ষার্থীমক তার নাম Trace and Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment নমুনা প্রশ্নঃ
write Teachers’ through
ও তার র্ানান করমত
following Edition checking home ১। ততামার নাম কী?
তদোর মাধ্যমম textbook work and
শিক্ষার্থীর পূর্ ব জ্ঞান ২। ততামার নামমর
instructions observing class
র্ানামন কতটি র্র্ ব
যাচাই করমর্ন। performance
রমেমে ?
এভামর্ অপারগ /
৩। তু শম কী 1-10
দূর্লব শিক্ষার্থী শচশিত
নম্বরগুমলা শলখমত
করমর্ন। 1-10 পযন্ত ব 3
Number Drill করমত ৪। P শদমে একটি
শদমে শিক্ষার্থীমদর
িব্দ গঠন
ব কর।
শচশিত করমর্ন। এর্ং ৫। তকানটি 5 ? Fibe/
তরকর্ব সংরক্ষর্ five/ fipe

Unit-1, Lesson: 4-6

Unit-2, Lesson: 4-6

Day-2 Unit-3, Lesson: 4-6 7 Kk-Zz According to the According Formative
Unit-4, Lesson: 4-6 9 Trace and Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-5, Lesson: 4-6 11 write Teachers’ through
following Edition checking home
textbook work and
instructions observing class
Day-3 Unit-2, Lesson: 1-3 4 Numbers in According to the According Formative
Unit-4, Lesson: 1-3 8 figure & Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-6, Lesson: 1-3 12 word 1-10 Teachers’ through
Trace and Edition checking home
write work and
following observing class
textbook performance
Day-4 Unit-8, Lesson: 1-3 16 Numbers in According to the According Formative
Unit-10, Lesson: 1-3 20 figure 11- Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-12, Lesson: 1-3 24 19 Teachers’ through
Trace and Edition checking home
write work and
following observing class
textbook performance
Day-5 Unit-14, Lesson: 1-3 28 Numbers in According to the According Formative
Unit-16, Lesson: 1-3 32 figure 11- Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-18, Lesson: 1-3 36 19 Teachers’ through
Unit-20, Lesson: 1-3 40 Trace and Edition checking home
write work and
following observing class
textbook performance

Day-6 Unit-11, Lesson: 1, 22 Activity B According to the According Formative
Activity-A 23 Page-25 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-11, Lesson: 4, following Teachers’ through
Activity-A textbook Edition checking home
instructions work and
observing class
Day-7 Unit-13, Lesson: 1-3 26 Activity- According to the According Formative
Unit-13, Lesson: 4, 27 B,C Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Activity-B,C Page -27 Teachers’ through
following Edition checking home
textbook work and
instructions observing class
Day-8 Unit-16, Lesson: 4, 33 Activity-C According to the According Formative
Activity-A 37 page - 35 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-18, Lesson: 4-6 following Teachers’ through
textbook Edition checking home
instructions work and
observing class
Day-9 Unit-19, Lesson: 1-3 38 Activity-A According to the According Formative
Unit-21, Lesson: 4, 43 Page- 43 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Activity-A following Teachers’ through
textbook Edition checking home
instructions work and
observing class
Day- Unit-22, Lesson: 1-3, 44 Activity–A According to the According Formative
10 45 Page- 45 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment

Unit-22, Lesson: 4, following Teachers’ through
Activity-A textbook Edition checking home
instructions work and
observing class
Day- Unit-23, Lesson: 4-6 47 Activity-B According to the According Formative
11 Unit-26, Lesson: 4-6 53 (writing) Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
page-53 Teachers’ through
following Edition checking home
textbook work and
instructions observing class
Day- Unit-25, Lesson: 1-3 50 Activity-c According to the According Formative
12 following Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
textbook Teachers’ through
instructions Edition checking home
work and
observing class
Day- Unit-25, Lesson: 4-6 51 Activity-c According to the According Formative
13 following Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
textbook Teachers’ through
instructions Edition checking home
work and
observing class
Day- Unit-26, Lesson: 1-3 52 Activity-c According to the According Formative
14 following Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
textbook Teachers’ through
instructions Edition checking home
work and
observing class

Covid-19 Situation : Lesson Plan for Class-3 Accelerated Remedial Learning
Day Unit & lesson Page Home Attainable Teaching Assessment Remarks
no. work competencies learning
Day- শিক্ষক প্রমতযক Activity- According to the According Formative
1 শিক্ষার্থীমক তার নাম A,B,C Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment নমুনা প্রশ্নঃ
Page-5 Teachers’ through
জজমজ্ঞস করমর্ন
following Edition checking home ১। ততামার নাম কী?
এর্ং প্রমতযমকর work and
নামমর প্রর্থম textbook observing class ২। ততামার নামমর
অক্ষর/র্র্ ব শদমে instructions performance প্রর্থম র্র্ ব শদমে
একটি কমর িব্দ একটি িব্দ
ততশর করমত শদমর্ন। গঠন কর?

এভামর্ শিক্ষার্থীর পূর্ ব ৩। তু শম 8 ইংমরজজমত

3 র্ানান কর।
জ্ঞান যাচাই করমর্ন
এর্ং অপারগ / দূর্লব ৪। H শদমে দুটি িব্দ
শিক্ষার্থী শচশিত র্ল।
করমর্ন। ৫। twenty one
1-30 পযন্ত ব Number সংখযাটি শলখ।
Drill করমত শদমে
শচশিত করমর্ন। এর্ং
তরকর্ব সংরক্ষর্

Unit-1, Lesson: 4-6

Unit-2, Lesson: 1-3

Day-2 Unit-4, Lesson: 2-3, 8 Activity- According to the According Formative

Activity-B,C B,C page-8 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-6, Lesson: 2-3, 12 Activity- Teachers’ through
Activity-B,C B,C Edition checking home
Page-12 work and

following observing class
textbook performance
Day-3 Unit-12, Lesson: 1-2 24 Activity-B According to the According Formative
Unit-14, Lesson: 1-2 28 31-60 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-16, Lesson: 1-2 32 Page- Teachers’ through
24,28,32 Edition checking home
following work and
textbook observing class
instructions performance
Day-4 Unit-18, Lesson: 1-2 36 Activity-B According to the According Formative
Unit-20, Lesson: 1-2 40 61-100 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-22, Lesson: 1-2 44 Page- Teachers’ through
Unit-24, Lesson: 1-2 48 36,40,44,48 Edition checking home
following work and
textbook observing class
instructions performance
Day-5 Unit-27, Lesson: 4-6 55 Activity- According to the According Formative
(page-55) 61 A,B,C Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-30, Lesson: 4-6 Page- 65 Teachers’ through
(page-61) following Edition checking home
textbook work and
instructions observing class
Day-6 Unit-15, Lesson: 4-5 31 Activity C According to the According Formative
Unit-17, Lesson: 1, 34 Page-30 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Activity-A 35 Activity Teachers’ through
Unit-17, Lesson: 4-6 B,C Edition checking home
Page-35 work and
following observing class
textbook performance

Day-7 Unit-19, Lesson: 1-2 38 Activity-B According to the According Formative
Unit-19, Lesson: 3-4 39 Page -38,39 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
following Teachers’ through
textbook Edition checking home
instructions work and
observing class
Day-8 Unit-23, Lesson: 1-3 46 Activity-C According to the According Formative
Unit-23, Lesson: 4-6 47 page - 46 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Activity- Teachers’ through
B,C Edition checking home
Page- 47 work and
following observing class
textbook performance
Day-9 Unit-28, Lesson: 1-2 56 Activity- According to the According Formative
Unit-28, Lesson: 3-4 57 B,C Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Page- 57 Teachers’ through
following Edition checking home
textbook work and
instructions observing class
Day- Unit-29, Lesson: 1-2 58 Activity–C According to the According Formative
10 Unit-29, Lesson: 3-4 59 Page- 58 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
following Teachers’ through
textbook Edition checking home
instructions work and
observing class
Day- Unit-30, Lesson: 1-3 60 Activity-C According to the According Formative
11 page-62,63 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
following Teachers’ through
Edition checking home

textbook work and
instructions observing class
Day- Unit-34, Lesson: 1-3 68 Activity- According to the According Formative
12 B,C Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Page-68 Teachers’ through
following Edition checking home
textbook work and
instructions observing class
Day- Unit-35, Lesson: 1-3 70 Activity- According to the According Formative
13 B,C Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Page-70 Teachers’ through
following Edition checking home
textbook work and
instructions observing class
Day- Unit-38, Lesson: 1-2 76 Activity-B According to the According Formative
14 Page-76 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
following Teachers’ through
textbook Edition checking home
instructions work and
observing class

Covid-19 Situation: Lesson Plan for Class-4 Accelerated Remedial Learning
Day Unit & lesson Page Home Attainable Teaching Assessment Remarks
no. work competencies learning
Day- শিক্ষক 3ে তেশর্র Activity- C According to the According Formative
1 Page-2 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment নমুনা প্রশ্নঃ
মামনর একটি text following Teachers’ through
প্রমতযক শিক্ষার্থীমক textbook Edition checking home ১। what is your name?
শনশদবস্ট অংি পড়মত instructions work and ২। what class are
শদমে তার পূর্ ব জ্ঞান observing class
performance you in?
যাচাই করমর্ন এর্ং
৩। what is your roll
অপারগ / দূর্লব
শিক্ষার্থী শচশিত
2 spell it ?

One- Thirty পযন্ত
ব ৪। ততামার র্ার্ার
Cardinal Number সম্পমকব একটি
Drill করমত শদমে sentence র্ল।
৫। 39 সংখযাটির র্ানান
শচশিত করমর্ন।
এর্ং তরকর্ব সংরক্ষর্

Unit-1, Lesson: 1-3

Day-2 Unit-3, Lesson: 1-2 6 Activity- According to the According Formative

Unit-3, Lesson: 3-5 7 B,C page-7 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
following Teachers’ through
textbook Edition checking home
instructions work and
observing class
Day-3 Unit-6, Lesson: 3 13 Activity- A According to the According Formative
Unit-8, Lesson: 3-4, 17 Page-17 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
following Teachers’ through
textbook Edition checking home
instructions work and
observing class
Day-4 Unit-10, Lesson: 1-2 20 Activity-B According to the According Formative
Page-20 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
following Teachers’ through
textbook Edition checking home
instructions work and

observing class
Day-5 Unit-13, Lesson: 1-2, 26 Activity-B According to the According Formative
Unit-13, Lesson: 3-4, 27 Page- 26 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Activity-C Teachers’ through
Page- 27 Edition checking home
work and
following observing class
textbook performance
Day-6 Unit-14, Lesson: 1-2, 28 Activity – According to the According Formative
Unit-14, Lesson: 3-4, 29 A,B,C Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Page-29 Teachers’ through
following Edition checking home
textbook work and
instructions observing class
Day-7 Unit-15, Lesson: 1-3, 30 Activity- According to the According Formative
Unit-15, Lesson: 4-5, 31 B,C Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Page -30 Teachers’ through
Activity-B Edition checking home
Page -31 work and
following observing class
textbook performance
Day-8 Unit-16, Lesson: 1-2 32 Activity- According to the According Formative
Unit-16, Lesson: 3-5, 33 B,C page - Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
32 Teachers’ through
Activity- Edition checking home
A,C work and
Page- 33 observing class
following performance

Day-9 Unit-17, Lesson: 1-2, 34 Activity-C According to the According Formative
Unit-17, Lesson: 3-4, 35 Page- 34 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Activity- Teachers’ through
B,C Edition checking home
Page- 35 work and
following observing class
textbook performance

Day- Unit-28, Lesson: 1-3, 56 Activity– According to the According Formative

10 Unit-28, Lesson: 4-6, 57 B,C Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Page- 56 Teachers’ through
Activity– Edition checking home
B,C work and
Page- 57 observing class
following performance
Day- Unit-38, Lesson: 1-3, 76 Activity– According to the According Formative
11 Unit-38, Lesson: 4-6, 77 B,C Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Page- 76 Teachers’ through
Activity– Edition checking home
A,B,C work and
Page- 77 observing class
following performance
Day- Unit-40, Lesson: 1-2, 80 Activity-B According to the According Formative
12 Unit-40, Lesson: 3, 81 Page-81 Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
following Teachers’ through
Edition checking home

textbook work and
instructions observing class
Day- Unit-41, Lesson: 1-3 82 Activity- According to the According Formative
13 A,B Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Page-83 Teachers’ through
following Edition checking home
textbook work and
instructions observing class
Day- Unit-42, Lesson: 1-2, 84 Activity- According to the According Formative
14 Unit-42, Lesson: 3-4, 85 B,C,D,E Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
Unit-42, Lesson: 5-7, 86 Page-86 Teachers’ through
following Edition checking home
textbook work and
instructions observing class

Covid-19 Situation : Lesson Plan for Class-5 Accelerated Remedial Learning
Day Unit & lesson Page Home Attainable Teaching Assessment Remarks
no. work competencies learning
Day- শিক্ষক 3ে তেশর্র Provide According to the According Formative
1 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment নমুনা প্রশ্নঃ
মামনর একটি text from Teachers’ through
প্রমতযক শিক্ষার্থীমক Assessment Edition checking home ১। what is your name?
শনশদবস্ট অংি পড়মত part of work and ২। who is your class
শদমে তার পূর্ ব জ্ঞান teachers’ observing class
Edition. performance
যাচাই করমর্ন এর্ং ৩। ততামার পশরর্ার
অপারগ / দূর্লব সম্পমকব একটি
শিক্ষার্থী শচশিত 2 sentence র্ল।
করমর্ন। ৪। ততামার শিক্ষক
One- Thirty পযন্ত
ব সম্পমকব একটি
Cardinal Number Drill sentence র্ল।
করমত শদমে ৫। 39 সংখযাটির
শিক্ষার্থীমদর র্ানান শলখ।
শচশিত করমর্ন। এর্ং
তরকর্ব সংরক্ষর্

Unit-1, Lesson: 1

Day-2 Unit-1, Lesson: 2-3 3 Provide According to the According Formative
homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day-3 Unit-3, Lesson: 1-2, 10 Provide According to the According Formative
homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day-4 Unit-3, Lesson: 3-4, 11 Provide According to the According Formative
homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day-5 Unit-3, Lesson: 5-6, 12 Provide According to the According Formative
homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day-6 Unit-6, Lesson: 1, 22 Provide According to the According Formative
(page-22) homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and

teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day-7 Unit-6, Lesson: 2-3, 23 Provide According to the According Formative
(page-23) homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day-8 Unit-6, Lesson: 4-5, 24 Provide According to the According Formative
(page-24) homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day-9 Unit-6, Lesson: 6-7, 25 Provide According to the According Formative
(page-25) homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-8, Lesson: 1-2, 30 Provide According to the According Formative
10 (page-30) homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-8, Lesson: 3-4, 31 Provide According to the According Formative
11 (page-31) homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from through

Assessment Teachers’ checking home
part of Edition work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-8, Lesson: 5-6, 32 Provide According to the According Formative
12 (page-32) homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-8, Lesson: 7-8, 33 Provide According to the According Formative
13 (page-33) homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-9, Lesson: 1-2, 34 Provide According to the According Formative
14 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-9, Lesson: 3-4, 35 Provide According to the According Formative
15 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance

Day- Unit-9, Lesson: 5-6, 36 Provide According to the According Formative
16 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-13, Lesson: 4-5 52 Provide According to the According Formative
17 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-15, Lesson: 1, 58 Provide According to the According Formative
18 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-15, Lesson: 2, 59 Provide According to the According Formative
19 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-15, Lesson: 3-4, 60 Provide According to the According Formative
20 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and

teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-15, Lesson: 5-6, 61 Provide According to the According Formative
21 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-19, Lesson: 1-2, 74 Provide According to the According Formative
22 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-19, Lesson: 3-4, 75 Provide According to the According Formative
23 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-22, Lesson: 1-2, 86 Provide According to the According Formative
24 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-22, Lesson: 3-4, 87 Provide According to the According Formative
25 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from through

Assessment Teachers’ checking home
part of Edition work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-22, Lesson: 5-6, 88 Provide According to the According Formative
26 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-22, Lesson: 7-8, 89 Provide According to the According Formative
27 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-24, Lesson: 1, 94 Provide According to the According Formative
28 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-24, Lesson: 2-3, 95 Provide According to the According Formative
29 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance

Day- Unit-24, Lesson: 4-5, 96 Provide According to the According Formative
30 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-24, Lesson: 6-7, 97 Provide According to the According Formative
31 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-5, Lesson: 5-7, 20 Provide According to the According Formative
32 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-7, Lesson: 2-3, 28 Provide According to the According Formative
33 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-11, Lesson: 4-5, 44 Provide According to the According Formative
34 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and

teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-14, Lesson: 5-6, 57 Provide According to the According Formative
35 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-18, Lesson: 1-2, 70 Provide According to the According Formative
36 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-18, Lesson: 3-4, 71 Provide According to the According Formative
37 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-2, Lesson: 1-2 6 Provide According to the According Formative
38 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-2, Lesson: 3-4, 7 Provide According to the According Formative
39 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from through

Assessment Teachers’ checking home
part of Edition work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-2, Lesson: 5-6, 8 Provide According to the According Formative
40 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-4, Lesson: 1-2, 14 Provide According to the According Formative
41 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-4, Lesson: 3-4, 15 Provide According to the According Formative
42 , homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-4, Lesson: 5, 16 Provide According to the According Formative
43 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance

Day- Unit-7, Lesson: 1-2, 26 Provide According to the According Formative
44 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-7, Lesson: 3-5 27 Provide According to the According Formative
45 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-10, Lesson: 1-2, 38 Provide According to the According Formative
46 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-10, Lesson: 3-5, 39 Provide According to the According Formative
47 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-10, Lesson: 6-7, 40 Provide According to the According Formative
48 Activity-D,E homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and

teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-10, Lesson: 8-9, 41 Provide According to the According Formative
49 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-12, Lesson: 1, 46 Provide According to the According Formative
50 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-12, Lesson: 2-4, 47 Provide According to the According Formative
51 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-12, Lesson: 5-6, 48 Provide According to the According Formative
52 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-13, Lesson: 6-7, 53 Provide According to the According Formative
53 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from through

Assessment Teachers’ checking home
part of Edition work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-19, Lesson: 5-6, 76 Provide According to the According Formative
54 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-19, Lesson: 7-8, 77 Provide According to the According Formative
55 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-20, Lesson: 1-2, 78 Provide According to the According Formative
56 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-20, Lesson: 3-4, 79 Provide According to the According Formative
57 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance

Day- Unit-20, Lesson: 5-6, 80 Provide According to the According Formative
58 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-20, Lesson: 7-8, 81 Provide According to the According Formative
59 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-21, Lesson: 1-2, 82 Provide According to the According Formative
60 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-21, Lesson: 3-4, 83 Provide According to the According Formative
61 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-21, Lesson: 5, 84 Provide According to the According Formative
62 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and

teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-21, Lesson: 6-7 85 Provide According to the According Formative
63 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-17, Lesson: 1-2, 66 Provide According to the According Formative
64 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-17, Lesson: 3-4, 67 Provide According to the According Formative
65 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-17, Lesson: 5-6, 68 Provide According to the According Formative
66 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-17, Lesson: 7-8, 69 Provide According to the According Formative
67 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from through

Assessment Teachers’ checking home
part of Edition work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-23, Lesson: 1, 90 Provide According to the According Formative
68 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-23, Lesson: 2-3, 91 Provide According to the According Formative
69 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-23, Lesson: 4-5, 92 Provide According to the According Formative
70 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance
Day- Unit-23, Lesson: 6-7, 93 Provide According to the According Formative
71 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance

Day- Unit-13, Lesson: 1, 50 Provide According to the According Formative
72 homework Teachers’ Edition to the Assessment
from Teachers’ through
Assessment Edition checking home
part of work and
teachers’ observing class
Edition performance


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