329 Teacher Work Sample 4: Lesson Objectives Assessments Use of Formative Assessment Lesson Objective 1 Before Assessment

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Tracie Coyne
Long Cane Primary School
1st Grade: Ms. Donaldson
April 2017
329 Teacher Work Sample 4

My first showcase lesson is a math lesson about subtracting groups of
ten. The standard for this lesson is:
1.NSBT.6 Subtract a multiple of 10 from a larger multiple of 10, both in the
range 10 to 90, using concrete models, drawings, and strategies based on
place value.
The assessments for this math lesson are intended to build upon one
another to aid in students learning. My learning objective for this lesson is
After reviewing base ten blocks, skip counting and subtracting, and working
practice problems with the teacher, students will be able to subtract 10 from
multiples of 10 ranging between 10 and 90 with 100% accuracy. There are
no students in my class that have an IEP or 504 plans and therefore there are
no accommodations necessary for this lesson.

Lesson Objectives Assessments Use of formative assessment

Lesson Objective Before: Students will verbally review Before Assessment
1 base ten blocks by naming and The before/ pre-assessment is
After reviewing base stating what they equal, skip count used to let the teacher know
ten blocks, skip by ten from 10 to 90 and will that students know the names
counting and subtract groups of 10 going from 90 and value of the Base Ten
subtracting, and to 10. Blocks and how to skip count
working practice by ten as well as subtracting
problems with the During: Students will work as a class by ten. This assessment lets
teacher, students will subtracting groups of 10 on the the teacher know how much
be able to subtract 10 guided practice portion of the leaflet. the students know and if the
from multiples of 10 teacher should adjust the
ranging between 10 After: Students will work lesson before starting.
and 90 with 100% independently or in groups of 2 to
accuracy. complete the independent practice During Assessment
portion of the leaflet. This assessment is used to
teach the lesson to students
and assess their
understanding. The students
will complete the guided
practice portion along with
the teacher. The teacher
observes the students as they
use manipulatives to
complete the lesson and uses
popsicle sticks to call on
students to give an answer
and explain their reasoning
behind it.

After Assessment
The after/ post-assessment is
used to assess student
understanding through
performance. Students will
continue with the leaflet used
in the guided practice and
complete the next 4 questions
independently or in groups of
2. This independent work
assesses students
understanding of how to
subtract using groups of ten.

This assessment is completed by the whole class. During the first part of this
assessment the teacher holds up one of the Base Ten Blocks and asked students to
identify the name and value (i.e. Rod/ Long is has a value of 10). The students
identify the Base Ten Blocks because they used them as a math manipulative during
the lesson. The students should have no problem completing this assessment as
they have previously been taught and have worked with Base Ten Blocks before and
the teacher will provide guidance if necessary. The teacher would have the class
move onto the next Base Ten Block once students have identified the name and
value of the previous block.
The second part of this pre-assessment involves students skip counting and
subtracting by tens with teacher guidance. The students should have little to no
problems completing this assessment as they have previously learned how to skip
count and have teacher guidance by counting with the students.
The grading for both part one and part two of the pre-Assessment are based
on their verbal response.

1 2 3 4
Student verbally Student verbally Students verbally skip Student completed all
identified the Base identified the Base counted and of steps 1-3.
Ten Blocks. Ten Blocks value. subtracted using
groups of ten.

Student 1 4
Student 2 4
Student 3 4
Student 4 4
Student 5 4
Student 6 4
Student 7 4
Student 8 4
Student 9 4
Student 10 4
Student 11 4
Student 12 4
Student 13 4
Student 14 4
Student 15 4
Student 16 4
Student 17 4
Student 18 4


This assessment is completed individually or in groups of 2. After being

taught how to subtract groups of ten and completing several guided problems as a
whole class the students completed question 3-6 in the leaflet. The teacher uses
this assessment to see if the students understand how to subtract groups of ten.
The teacher used a scale of 1-4 to score students.
1 2 3 4
Student completed Student completed Students completed Students completed
one problem half of the problems three problems all problems correctly.
correctly. correctly. correctly.

Plan for Determining Student Progress During Lesson
The three assessments used in this lesson align with the learning objective
and build upon one another. The first assessment has students review previously
learned knowledge that they will apply to new information. Knowing the students
previous knowledge is key to this lesson because they reflect and build upon that
knowledge throughout. Students used the Base Ten Blocks during the guided and
individual/ groups of 2 portion of the leaflet to allow them to restate information in
their own words.
Teacher observation is key throughout the guided practice portion of the
lesson to assess which students are understanding the information as they work as
a class and which students seem frustrated with the lesson. The guided practice
portion allows the teacher to teach the students new information and give them
practice that they will complete along with the teacher. The teacher used popsicle
sticks for the during assessment to randomly select students to answer and assess
student understanding. Each student called upon answers the question and when
prompted they explain why and how they came to that answer.
The post-assessment is used to assess student understanding through
performance. Students are scored based on the 4 questions completed during the
individual/ groups of 2 portion of the lesson. The scores from the post-assessment
lets the teacher know if the students met the learning objective or if more
instruction is needed.

Post-Assessment Results

Student Scores
Student 1 2
Student 2 4
Student 3 3
Student 4 3
Student 5 4
Student 6 4
Student 7 4
Student 8 4
Student 9 4
Student 10 4
Student 11 4
Student 12 4
Student 13 4
Student 14 4
Student 15 4
Student 16 4
Student 17 4
Student 18 4
Class average is 3.77

This class average suggests that most the class completely understood the
skill being taught. Based on the learning objective and the class average, the
majority of the class met the learning objective and understand how to subtract
groups of ten.

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